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Formula Sheet

Current Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents
 Trading securities, at fair value
 Accounts receivable, net of allowance.
 Notes receivable.
 Inventory Income Statement and Balance Sheet
 Prepaid expenses
Chapter 1
Module 2
 Available for sale securities, at fair value
 Held to maturity securities.
 Investments in affiliates

Property, Plant, and Equipment

 Land
 Building
 Equipment
 Less: Accumulated Depreciation

Intangible Assets
 Goodwill
 Patents, net of amortization

Other Assets
 Pension and other postretirement benefit assets
 Deferred income tax asset

Current liabilities
 Current portion of long-term debt
 Accounts payable
 Notes payable
 Interest payable
 Salaries payable
 Unearned revenue

Long Term Liabilities

 Bonds payable
 Deferred income tax liability
 Pension and other postretirement benefit liabilities

Stockholders Equity
 Capital Stock
 Preferred Stock
 Common stock
 Paid-in capital
 Retained Earnings
 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
 Treasury stock at cost
Gross profit or loss is recognized in each period by the following steps:
Step 1  Compute gross profit Contract price
of completed contract: < Estimated total cost >
Gross profit Revenue Recognition: Part 2
Step 2  Compute percentage Total cost to date
Chapter 1
of completion: Total estimated cost of contract
Step 3  Compute gross profit Step 1 * Step 2 = PTD Module 4
earned (profit to date)
Step 4  Compute gross profit PTD at current FYE
earned for current year
<PTD at beginning of period>
Current year-to-date GP

Accounting for the Completed Contract Method

 Gross profit or loss = Contract price – Total costs
Statement of Comprehensive
Net Income + Other Comprehensive Income = Comprehensive Income Income

Segment Profit or Loss Calculated as follows: Chapter 1

Revenues Module 7
Less: directly traceable costs
Less: reasonably allocated costs
= Operating profit or loss Segment Reporting

Converting Cash Basis Revenue to Accrual Basis Revenue: Chapter 2

Cash basis revenue Module 5
+ Ending AR
- Beginning AR
- Ending unearned revenue
+ Beginning unearned revenue
= Accrual basis revenue

Converting Cash Paid for Purchases to Cost of Goods Sold: Special Purpose Frameworks
Cash paid for purchases Chapter 2
+ Ending AP
- Beginning AP Module 7
- Ending inventory
+ Beginning inventory
= Cost of goods sold
Converting Cash Paid for Operating Expenses to Accrual Basis
Cash paid for operating expenses
+ Ending accrued liabilities
Special Purpose Frameworks
- Beginning accrued liabilities
- Ending prepaid expenses Chapter 2
+ Beginning prepaid expenses
Module 7
= Accrual basis operating expenses

Liquidity Ratios
 Current Ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities
 Quick Ratio = Cash and Cash Equivalents + Short Term Marketable Securities +
Receivable (net) / Current liabilities

Activity Ratios
 Accounts receivable turnover = Sales (net) / Average accounts receivable (net)
 Days sales in accounts receivable = Ending accounts receivable (net) / Sales (net) / 365
 Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold / Average inventory
 Days in Inventory = Ending Inventory / Cost of Goods Sold / 365
 Accounts Payable Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold / Average accounts payable
 Days of Payable Outstanding = Ending accounts payable / Cost of goods sold / 365
 Cash Conversion Cycle = Days sales in accounts receivable + Days in inventory – Days
of payables outstanding
 Asset Turnover = Sales (net) / Average total assets

Profitability Ratios Ratio Analysis

 Profit Margin = Net Income / Sales (net)
Chapter 2
 Return on Assets = Net income / Average total assets
 DuPont return on assets = Profit margin * Asset turnover Module 8
o Profit Margin  Net Income / Sales (net)
o Asset turnover  Sales (net) / Average total assets
 Return on equity = Net income / Average total equity
 Return on sales = Income before interest income, interest expense, and taxes / Sales
 Gross Profit Margin = Sales (net) – Cost of goods sold / Sales (net)
 Operating Cash Flow = Cash flow from operations / Current liabilities
Ratio Analysis

Chapter 2
Coverage Ratios
 Debt to Equity Ratio = Total liabilities / total equity Module 8
 Total Debt Ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets
 Equity multiplier = Total assets / Total equity
 Times Interest Earned = Income before interest expense and taxes / Interest expense
o Earnings before interest and taxes / interest expense
 Earnings per share = Income available to common shareholders / Weighted average
common shareholders outstanding
 Price Earnings Ratio = Price per share / Basic earnings per share
 Dividend Payout = Cash dividends / Net Income Inventory

Market Ceiling = Selling Price – Cost Chapter 3

Market Floor = Net Realizable Value – Profit Module 3

Periodic Inventory System – COGS is calculated

Beginning inventory PP&E: Cost Basis
+ Purchases Chapter 3
= Cost of Goods Available for Sale
- Ending inventory (physical count) Module 4
= Cost of goods sold

Price Index = Ending inventory at current year cost / Ending inventory at base year cost

Cost Model Formula

 Cost model carrying value = Historical cost – Accumulated Depreciation – Impairment

Revaluation Model
 Revaluation model carrying value = Fair value at revaluation date – Subsequent
accumulated depreciation – Subsequent impairment

Straight Line Depreciation

 Cost – Salvage value / Estimated useful life.

Depreciation expense = Cost – Salvage Value * Remaining life of asset / Sum of the year’s

Calculating the Sum of the Years Digits

 S = N * (N + 1) / 2
 N = Estimated useful life
PP&E: Depreciation and Disposal

Chapter 3

Module 4
Units of Production Depreciation
 Step 1: Cost – Salvage value / Estimated units of hours = Rate per unit or hour
 Step 2: Rate per unit (or hour) * Number of units produced (or hours worked) =
Depreciation Expense
Declining Balance Depreciation (Double Declining Depreciation)
Depreciation and
 Depreciation expense = 2 * 1/n * (Cost – Accumulated Depreciation)

Depletion Calculation Chapter 3

 Total depletion = Unit depletion rate * Number of units extracted”

Unit Depletion Rate (Depletion per Unit)

 Unit depletion rate = Depletion base / Estimated recoverable units

Depletion Base Calculated Intangibles

Cost to purchase property.
+ Development costs to prepare the land for extraction. Chapter 3
+ Any estimated restoration costs. Module 7
- Residual value of land after the resources are extracted

Amortization of Capitalized Software Costs

 Annual amortization (on a product-by-product basis) is the greater of:
a. Percentage of revenue = Total capitalized amount * Current gross revenue for period /
Total projected gross revenue for project
b. Straight line = Total capitalized amount * 1 / Estimate of economic life Impairment

Chapter 3
Impairment Test
 Negative Module 8
o Impairment
 Assets held for use = Fair value – Net carrying value = Impairment loss
 Asset held for disposal:
Fair value
- Net carrying value.
= Impairment Loss
+ Cost of disposal
= Total impairment loss
 Fair value – Net carrying value = Positive (no impairment) or Negative (impairment)
Undiscounted future net cash flows
 Negative
o Impairment
 Assets held for use = FV or PV future cash flows – Net carrying value =
Impairment loss
 Assets held for disposal:
FV or PV future net cash flows
- Net carrying value.
= Impairment Loss Chapter 3
+ Cost of disposal
Module 8
= Total impairment loss

Disclosures for Investments in Equity Securities

Net gains and losses recognized during the period on equity securities.
- Net gains and losses recognized during the period on equity securities sold during the period.
= Unrealized gains and losses recognized during the reporting period on equity securities
still held at the reporting date Financial Instrument

Chapter 4
Equity method – Bank account and use your BASE account analysis:
Module 1
 Beginning Balance
 Add: Investor’s share of investee’s earning (like bank interest; it is income when earned,
not when taken out).
 Subtract: Investor’s share of investee’s dividends (like bank withdrawals; and it is not
 Ending balance Equity method

Asset Adjustment (Equity Method) Chapter 4

 FV of net assets acquired – BV of net assets acquired = Asset adjustment Module 2

Goodwill (Equity Method)

 Purchase price – Fair value = Goodwill
Acquisition Method: Part 1
CAR Formula (Acquisition Method)
 Assets – liabilities = Equity Chapter 4
 Assets – liabilities = Net book value Module 4
 Assets – liabilities = CAR

Acquisition Date Calculation (of CAR)

 Acquisition
o Beginning retained earnings + Income – Dividends = Ending retained earnings
Acquisition Date Computation
 Fair value of subsidiary * Noncontrolling interest % = Noncontrolling Interest

Noncontrolling Interest After the Acquisition Date Acquisition Method: Part 2

Beginning noncontrolling interest
+ NCI share of subsidiary net income Chapter 4
- NCI share of subsidiary dividends Module 5
= Ending noncontrolling interest

Computation of Net Income Attributable to the Noncontrolling Interest

Subsidiary’s Income
- Subsidiary’s expenses
Subsidiary’s net income
* Noncontrolling interest %
= Net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest

Full goodwill method (U.S. GAAP)

 NCI = Fair value of subsidiary * Noncontrolling interest %

Partial goodwill method (IFRS)

 NCI = Fair value of subsidiary’s net identifiable assets * Noncontrolling interest %

Fair Value of Subsidiary

 Fair value subsidiary = Acquisition cost + NCI at FV

Full goodwill method (U.S. GAAP)

 Goodwill = Fair value of subsidiary – Fair value of subsidiary’s net assets

Partial goodwill method (IFRS)

 Goodwill = Acquisition cost – Fair value of subsidiary’s net assets acquired

Cumulative Accretion Expense + Cumulative Depreciation Expense = Asset retirement


Payables and Accrued liabilities

Chapter 5

Module 1

Present Value = FV / (1 + r)N Long Term Liabilities

PV * (1 + r)N = FV Chapter 5

Module 3
Present Value of $1 Long Term Liabilities
 PV = FV * 1 / (1 + r)N
Chapter 5
 PV = Future value / (1 + r)N
Module 3
Future Value of $1
 Future value = Present value * (1+r)N

Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity

 PV of OA = Annuity payment * Present value of ordinary annuity of $1 for appropriate n
and r

Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity

 Periodic payment * Future value of an ordinary annuity of $1 for appropriate n and r

Bonds: Part 1
FACE + Unamortized Premium = Carrying Value
Chapter 5
FACE – Unamortized Discount = Carrying Value Module 4

(Straight Line) Interest Expense is calculated as follows:

 Premium/Discount and Bond Issuance Cost / Number of Periods Bonds is Outstanding =
Period Amortization

 $ paid – Interest Expense = Amortization

Interest expense = Face value * Stated interest rate – Premium amortization

+ Discount and bond issuance cost amortization

Effective Interest Method (Interest Expense)

 Interest expense = Carrying value at the beginning of the period * Effective (market)
interest rate

Discount/Premium Amortization Bonds: Part 2

 Amortization of the discount = Interest expense – Interest payment
o Interest Expense > Coupon  Loss Chapter 5
 Amortization of the premium = Interest payment – Interest expense Module 5
o Interest Expense < Coupon  Gain

 Net carrying value * Effective interest rate = Interest expense

 Bond face * Coupon rate = Interest payment
 Interest expense – interest payment = Amortization
Bonds: Part 2
Carrying value of the bond = Face value + Unamortized premium
Chapter 5
Carrying value of the bond = Face value – Unamortized discount
Module 5

Transfer of Assets
Troubled Debt
 Recognize Gain/Loss Restructuring and
o FV asset transferred – NBV asset transferred = Gain/loss Extinguishment
 Recognize Gain
o Carrying amount of the payable – FV asset transferred = Gain Chapter 5
 Recognize Gain Module 6
o Carrying amount of the payable – FV equity transferred = Gain

 Receivable – FV asset / Equity received = Shortfall (Loss)

 (Gain) or loss = Reacquisition price – Net carrying amount

Reacquisition price = Face * % paid

- Unamortized discount; or
< carrying value > + Unamortized premium; and
<Gain> Loss - Unamortized issuance cost

Tax Return Temporary Financial

Difference Statement
* Current tax rate * Future (enacted)
tax rate
Current liability + Deferred liability =
- Deferred asset Total tax expense

Thus, total income tax expense/benefit can be depicted as follows:

Current income tax payable +/- Change in the deferred = Total income tax expense
or refundable as determined income tax asset or liability or benefit
on the corporate tax return from the beginning to the end
of the reporting period
Balance sheet Balance sheet Income statement

Income Taxes:
Part 1

Chapter 6

Module 5
Projected Benefit Obligation: Pension Benefits:
Beginning projected benefit obligation Part 1
+ Service cost
+ Interest cost Chapter 7
+ Prior service cost from current period plan amendments Module 1
+ Actuarial losses incurred in the current period
- Actuarial gains incurred in the current period
- Benefits paid to retirees
= Ending projected benefit obligation

Calculate the ending fair value of plan assets or to solve for the actual return on plan
Beginning fair value of plan asset
+ Contributions
+ Actual return on plan assets
- Benefits paid to retirees
= Ending fair value of plan assets

Net periodic Pension Cost Calculation:

Current Service Cost
+ Interest Cost
- Return on Plan Assets
+ Amortization of Prior Service Cost
+/- (Gains) and Losses
+ Amortization of Existing Net Obligation or Net Asset
= Net Periodic Pension Cost

Beginning of Period PBO * Discount Rate = Interest Cost

Beginning FV of plan assets * Expected rate of return on plan assets = Expected return on plan

Beginning unrecognized prior service cost / Average remaining service life = Amortization of
prior service cost

The Corridor Approach Pension Benefits:

Unrecognized gain or loss Part 1
< 10% of PBO or Market related value (greater)>
Excess Chapter 7
/ Average remaining service life Module 1
Amortization of unrecognized gain or loss
Amortization of Existing Net Obligation or Net Asset at Implementation Pension Benefits:
Projected benefit obligation Part 1
< Fair value plan assets>
Initial unfunded obligation Chapter 7
/ 15 years or average employee job life (greater) Module 1
Minimum amortization

Fair value of plan assets

< PBO>
Funded status

Defined Benefit Pension Plan Calculation:

Pension Benefits:
Beginning funded status (pension benefit asset/liability)
Part 2
+ Contributions
v- Service cost Chapter 7
- Interest cost
Module 2
+ Expected return on plan assets
- Prior service cost incurred in the current period due to plan amendment
+ Net gains incurred.
- Net losses incurred during the current period
= Ending funded status (pension benefit asset/liability)

Funded status calculation:

+ Contributions
- Net loss
- Service cost/interest cost/return on assets
= Funded status

Income Statement Formula: Financial

Current Service Cost Statements of
+ Interest Cost on (APBO) Employee Benefit
- Return on Plan Assets Plans
+ Amortization of Prior Service Cost
<Gains> and Losses Chapter 7
Amortization/Expense Transition Amount (Net Obligation) Module 4
= Net Postretirement Benefit Cost
Amortization or Expense of the Transition Obligation
Statements of
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation at adoption of SFAS 106 (ASC 740) Employee Benefit
- Fair value of plan assets Plans
Initial unfunded obligation
/ 20 years or average remaining service period (greater of) Chapter 7
Minimum amortization Module 4
Expense full amount

Book value per common share = Common shareholders equity / Common shares outstanding

Common Stockholder’s Equity Formula:

Total Shareholder’s Equity Stockholder’s
- Preferred stock outstanding (at greater of call price or par value) Equity: Part 1
- Cumulative preferred dividends in arrears
Chapter 7
= Common shareholder’s equity
Module 5
Retained Earnings Calculation:
Net income/loss
- Dividends (cash, property, and stock) declared
+/- Prior period adjustments
+/- Accounting changes reported retrospectively.
= Change in Retained Earnings

Basic EPS = Income available to common shareholders (Net Income – Preferred Dividends) /
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding
Earnings per
Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding: share
Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period
+ Shares sold during the period (on a time-weighted basis) Chapter 8
- Shares reacquired during the period (on a time-weighted basis) Module 1
+ Stock dividends and stock splits (retroactively adjusted)
- Reverse stock splits (retroactively adjusted)
= Weighted average number of common shares outstanding

Diluted EPS Formula

Diluted EPS = Income available to the common stock shareholders + Interest on dilutive
securities / Weighted average number of common shares (assuming all dilutive securities are
converted to common stock)

Additional shares outstanding = Number of shares – (number of shares * exercise price / average
market price)
Indirect Method
Net Income
+ Noncash expenses/losses
- Noncash income/gains
+ Increases (decreases) in operating liabilities/(assets)
- Increases (decreases) in operating assets/(liabilities)

Direct Method
Revenues Statement of
- Increase in receivables Cash Flows
+ Decrease in receivables.
+ Increase in unearned revenue. Chapter 8
- Decrease in unearned revenue Module 3
= Cash received from customers

Cost of Goods Sold

+ Increase in inventory.
- Decrease in inventory
- Increase in accounts payable
+ Decrease in accounts payable.
= Cash paid to suppliers

Salaries and wages expense

- Increase in wages payable
+ Decrease in wages payable.
= Cash paid to employees

Other operating expenses

- Decrease in prepaid expenses
+ Increase in prepaid expenses.
+ Decrease in accrued liabilities.
- Increase in accrued liabilities
= Cash paid for other expenses

Indirect Method
Net Income OA (add  decrease)
+ Depreciation/Amortization OL (subtract  increase)
- Gain/Amortization Bonds Premium
- Equity earnings
- (+/-) Change in OA
+ (+/-) Change in OL
Statement of Cash Not for Profit
Flows Revenue
= CFO Recognition
Selling Price – NBV = Gain or Loss Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Module 3
Module 5

Total Contribution Received – Fair value of premiums = Contribution revenue (net)

Assessed student tuition and fees – Canceled classes = Gross revenue from tuition and fees

Gross patient service revenue – Charitable services = Patient service revenue (net)

Balance Sheet
Current assets + Deferred outflows
+ Current liabilities + Deferred inflows of resources + Fund balance
= Total current liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance

- Expenditures
+ Other financing sources <uses> Fund Structure and
= Net change in fund balance Fund Accounting

Statement of Net Position Chapter 9

All assets + Deferred outflows of resources Module 2
<All liabilities + Deferred inflows of resources>
= Net position

Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position

Operating Revenue
- Operating expenses
+ Nonoperating revenue <expenses>
= Change in net position

Statement of Fiduciary Net Position

All assets + Deferred outflows of resources
<All liabilities + Deferred inflows of resources>
Financial Statement
= Net position
Chapter 10
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
Module 4
 Additions – Deductions = Change in net position
Assets and deferred outflows of resources – liabilities and deferred outflows of resources = Net
Total governmental fund balance
+ Capital assets (existing and current)
- Accumulated depreciation
- Non-current liabilities (existing)  LTD
+ Eliminate/reverse deferred inflows (add the reduction of deferred inflows associated with
revenue recognized and closed to net position as an addition to net position
- Accrued interest payable
+ Internal service fund net position Deriving
= Net position from governmental activities Government-wide
Net change in fund balance – total governmental funds Statements and
+ Capital outlay Reconciliation
+ Principal payments on non-current debt Requirements
- Asset disposals (net book value)
- Sources (other financing sources – debt proceeds) Chapter 10
+ Revenue (measurable but unavailable) Module 6
- Interest expense (accrued)
- Depreciation expense
+ Internal service fund net revenue
= Change in net position of governmental activities

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