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Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

The Normalization of Using Colloquial and Slang Words and its Effect on the
Bisaya Language

A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of Bp. Pueblos Senior High School
Father Saturnino Urios University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 1

Alingasa, Ashley A.
Anggong, Carmel Francine V.
Aringue, Clay M.
Aringue, Clyde Chester M.
Galendez, Keziah M.
Monton, Gwezza Lou A.
Ocmen, Charmgne C.
Sembrano, Jan Peter Luiz L.
Tagoloan, John Denver C.
Verona, Eloisa Grace G.
Cadiz, Josh Erul B.
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City



A recent study conducted by Quentin D. Atkinson, a biologist at the University of

Auckland in New Zealand, suggested that the origins of spoken language can be traced
back to the Twenty-sixth dynasty in Egypt and the first known language experiment
undertaken by a Pharaoh named Psammetichus I and has baffled linguists since then.
Language is essentially a term for any complicated human communication system
comprised of words and sentences that, when combined, may produce infinitely different
utterances. In present society, Linguists are still exploring how humans first evolved
language, which is not entirely known. Most people learn at least one language as
children. Because of the way the human brain develops, if a person is not exposed to
language as a kid, they will never be able to acquire a language fluently as an adult.

There was no common language spoken in the Philippines until the 16th century,
when Spanish became the country's official language. After the Spanish colonists arrived
in the Philippines in 1565, Spanish was the country's official language for nearly three
centuries. During the Seven Years' War in 1762, the British stormed Manila, exposing the
Filipinos to the English language for the first time. However, it gained more influence
later, during the American rule, which lasted from 1898 to 1946. The Commonwealth
administration determined in the 1930s that the Philippines should have a national
language. This occurrence marked the beginning of Philippine linguistic history. Various
languages and dialects were spoken throughout the nation during the time.

As one of our country's native languages, the Bisaya language plays an important part
in developing our identity especially for the Filipinos born in the surrounding islands of
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

the Visayas and Mindanao. Language entails both history and culture. Understanding our
native language entails learning the same history and culture as your parents, family, and
even previous and subsequent generations. The knowledge that you are a native of your
nation instills confidence and stability to your identity. Surprisingly, the Republic of the
Philippines boasts the world's fourth-largest number of English speakers. According to, almost 90 million Filipinos (or 88% of the population) speak English
as a second language, adding the various colloquial and slang words that has been
developed due to the different languages that Filipinos have been exposed to. Because of
the country's large population of English speakers, the Philippines has become a major
outsourcing and IT services hub, particularly for the United States.

In today's world, globalization is rapidly rising. This increased globalization has

numerous beneficial and negative implications on language. These influences on
language have a wide-ranging impact on both language and culture. While globalization
allows for the growth and dominance of languages and cultures on a worldwide scale, it
also contributes to the extinction of other languages and cultures. As well as contributing
to the normalization of using colloquial and slang words in every conversation. Our
study aims to provide insights to the effects of using colloquial and slang words to the
Bisaya language. Given that power differentials across ethnic groups in interaction are to
be expected, cross-cultural contact is frequently considered as a potential source of
uncontrollable, or at least undesirable, culture change and language shift. Promoting and
preserving native languages seems to be a hard thing to achieve when more than half of
the population in today’s society, has known nothing but globalization and
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City


The objective of this research is to determine the effects of using colloquial and
slang words on the Bisaya language, especially in Agusan National High School located
in A.D. Curato St., Butuan City, 8600 Agusan del Norte. This study aims to provide
answers to the following questions:

1. How often do students of Agusan National High School use colloquial and slang
words in their daily conversations?
2. What is the effect of using colloquial and slang words to the Bisaya language?
3. What are the ways to promote the Bisaya language in a modernized society?


This study will benefit the following:

 The citizens of A.D. Curato St., Butuan City, 8600 Agusan del Norte. This
study will help enlighten people of what colloquial and slang words are and its
effects towards the native languages in our country most particularly the Bisaya
 Students. This study will benefit the students of Agusan National High School
and Father Saturnino Urios University by educating them on the effects of
modernization and globalization to the native languages of our country, as well as
help them analyze how they can help promote Bisaya language to the community
as young members of the society.
 Government. This research shall provide and produce concrete and reliable data
that will not only help the community and the citizens within it, but to also help
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

the government create alternative solutions to the promotion and preservation of

the Bisaya language as society faces modernization and globalization.
Acknowledging that local governments and leaders holds great power to its
citizens, we shall help them by proposing solutions and plans to the current
problems that the Bisaya language and its speakers are facing.
 For Future Researchers. The results that will be gathered at the end of this study
will help the local government as well as the citizens create policies to assist for
further developments. And to promote solutions that will have a lasting positive
effect to the protection and preservation of the Bisaya language. This study will
further assists future researchers especially for future Humanities students.


The scope of this study is to document the normalization of using colloquial and slang
words in people’s communication skills and its effect on the Bisaya language. The study's
participants will be selected students of Agusan National High School. The researchers
will choose selected students for the reason that most people of this age (16-19 years old)
uses colloquial and slang words frequently. They are most likely the most effective
population for determining the effects of using slang phrases and its effect on one's
communication skills. The study will use a set of questionnaires to collect the data
needed to complete the research. The researchers will limit this study to selected students
of Agusan National High School, and the collection data process will take place entirely
within the area. If the population target is not met, other levels will be asked to finish the
research by answering the same questions. Any information that does not meet any of
these standards will be considered irrelevant and unnecessary.
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City


Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City


This research is accommodated with The Whorfian Time Wrap by Emanuel Bylund
and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2017) on how different languages affect the structure of
each spoken discourse. Groups of Spanish and Swedish speakers were subjected to a
variety of psychosocial exercises for the study to be conducted. A computer depicting one
of two conditions was shown to a group of 40 Spanish speakers and a group of 40
Swedish speakers.

Bylund and his colleagues provided growing lines in each screens to record the
amount of time taken by each participants. These participants were asked to estimate how
long it took for the lines to grow in their respective native tongues. Swedish speakers
favored to think that more time had elapsed when the line was longer at the end of it,
whereas Spanish speakers knew that three seconds had passed regardless of how quickly
the line extended. The stimulus length for Swedish speakers was indicated to be longer
than of the Spanish speakers, showing how language context depends on time
interference. The linguistic relativity hypothesis, on the other hand, asserts that speakers
of various languages represent duration in various ways.

Pertaining to our study, colloquialism has produced shorter abbreviations by the

means of time and progress of which is a definite concern when it comes to the native
languages, namely, the Bisaya language. On another note, modernism is becoming this
century’s pivotal component in terms of progressing with effective and informal
discourse that delivers immediate messages. However, time by time, people have been
constantly perpetuating on slang words and terminologies and it is greatly threatening
ethnic languages into distinction – though not entirely at the moment.
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

For second language learners who are interested to obtain native knowledge and
fluency, learning the local colloquial speech is essential. The majority of research in this
field has concentrated on how native speakers are different from non-native speakers,
particularly when using slang and colloquial speech. As the informal language’s
dominance is progressing, phrases formed through the Bisaya language are becoming
shorter and shorter, affecting the regular duration of speech. Although some new
vocabulary responses do appear to be briefer and conveniently swift to deliver, the
essence of the native language still serves a sense of completeness, exemplary ethics, and


As this study deals with the effects of using colloquial and slang words to the Bisaya
language, the researchers will make it their main goal to provide and seek answers to
questions such as to how frequent the students of Agusan National High School uses
colloquial and slang words into their daily conversations, the effects of using colloquial
and slang words into the Bisaya language, which the researchers will make certain to
weigh equally both positive and negative responses that they will receive from the
selected respondents. Lastly, to provide enough ways and recommendation on how to
promote the Bisaya language in a modernized society.

After that the theories from the source were used to analyze the data. Finally, the
collected data will identify the effect of culture in the process of translation slang word
into Bisaya. The last step was describing the result of analysis descriptively in strings of
word. Based on the problems and the theories used in this research, a diagram can be
drawn to show the way of the problem and the procedure applied in this research.
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City


Colloquial. a type of speech that uses incorrect literary and or vulgar words.

Slang. an informal language.

Bisaya. an Austronesian language spoken in the southern Philippines.

Effects. a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Frequent. occurring or done on many occasions, in many cases, or in quick succession.

Weigh. assess the nature or importance of, especially with a view to a decision or action.

Language. the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a

structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.

Respondents. a person who replies to something, especially one supplying information

for a survey or questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

Modernized. adapt (something) to modern needs or habits, typically by installing modern

equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods.

Theories. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially

one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

Data. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Culture. all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are
passed down from generation to generation.

Process. a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

Translation. the process of translating words or text from one language into another.

Analysis. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.

Diagram. a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of

something; a schematic representation.



I. The Bisaya Language

The Philippine language situation

In an article written by McFarland (2004) entitled “The Philippine Language

Situation”, there are more than 100 different languages spoken in the Philippines.
Languages can be categorized into language families, which include a northern group
(including Ilokano, Pangasinan, and Kapampangan), and a central group. Linguists point
out that there are significant differences between the languages (including Tagalog,
Bikol, Hiligaynon, and Cebuano). The Philippines' linguistic diversity results from a
variety of natural processes, including language change, the divergence of linguistic
communities brought on by poor communication, and the inverse convergence brought
on by rapid intercommunity communication. The Philippines' population is going through
a phase of linguistic convergence, which is characterized by extensive borrowing from
key regional and world languages as well as from huge languages like English and

On the other hand, a societal process known as "globalization" is defined as "the

existence of global economic, political, cultural, linguistic, and environmental
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

interconnections and fluxes that render the numerous already existing borders and limits
meaningless." Globalization: A Very Short Introduction by Steger, published by Oxford
University Press (2003). Although it has clearly advanced quicker and in more
complicated ways since the late 1980s, globalization is not a phenomena that has only
recently emerged as economists have often led us to believe.

Today's world is rapidly becoming more globalized. The growing globalization has
various language-related implications, both positive and negative. However,
globalization has made it possible for languages and their cultures to proliferate and take
over on a worldwide scale, but it also causes the extinction of other languages and
cultures to such extent.

Language influences society through terminology, salutations, and humor. In some

ways, language is the foundation of civilization. Languages are significant markers of
group identity that help various people and groups identify the ethnic groupings to which
they belong and the shared ancestries they have. People would lose their sense of cultural
identity without a language.

Languages is the key tool for developing cross-cultural communication skills. Our
ability to comprehend new horizons, think internationally, and better understand
ourselves and our neighbors is made possible by our knowledge of one or more

We may claim that language is now employed practically everywhere as a means of

identifying in order to be a member of the "global system," and any system that brings
people together benefits its designers. Indigenous cultures will be displaced by imported
ones. It is obvious that English is becoming increasingly vital as a result of globalization,
not just at colleges but in fields like computers, diplomacy, medicine, shipping, and
entertainment. There may soon be 2 billion individuals actively learning a language, and
the urge to learn it indicates a desire to be connected to a sort of "global brain." No
language is now being learned by more people. Therefore, the proliferation of English is
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

viewed favorably by many people as a sign of employment, education, modernity, and

technology. "Thus, contemplating the oneness of the many and the multiplicity of the
unity is the major challenge. Others who observe the diversity of civilizations frequently
ignore the unification of humanity, while people who see the diversity of cultures
frequently discount it.” - Edgar Morin, “Human Identity.”

The civilizations that lose their identity as a result of the endangered languages may
suffer severely. Dismay at learning that one's native tongue has been lost, antisocial
behavior as a minority tries valiantly to preserve their language, and loss of self-esteem
are possible effects of language loss on cultures. As a result, it is crucial for cultures to
maintain their language. This is achieved in various ways, including language lessons,
encouraging the original language in households, schools, and the arts, and fostering a
strong national identity, despite the rise of globalization.

The biggest challenge is figuring out how to reconcile these two seemingly
incompatible facts: the persistence of the linguistic diversity that humanity has cultivated
through its global diaspora and the requirement for intercultural communication in the
new, "global," era of the species' successful reunification. Actions, representations, and
discourses on intercultural communication, integration, and linguistic variety are
therefore essential for advancing the search for new theories and perspectives on
language encounter situations.

II. Colloquial and Slang Words

The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural Communication

In today’s modern society, globalization and modernization has played a huge role in
the changes we experience on a daily basis. When it comes to language acquisition,
people have created colloquial and slang words as a result of cross-cultural
communication which influences the way people communicate today.
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

However, research on the development of colloquial speech is exceedingly restricted.

Brannon (2010) The bulk of publications in this domain are dictionaries or thesauruses
that contain instances of colloquial speech and slang in a given language but frequently
do not explain the exact terms of colloquial speech and slang, much alone remark on the
acquisition of this form of speech. Other studies have concentrated on native speakers'
views toward the teaching of colloquialism in a language classroom context, or on native
speakers' attitudes regarding non-native speakers' use of colloquial speech and slang.
Researchers predict that the lack of knowledge towards colloquial speech will result of
the learner's difficulties in gaining group validation as an outsider.

According to Fishman (1965), physiological and sociological characteristics such as

race, gender, age, and religion influence the sort of language an individual use and with
whom they communicate. According to this hypothesis, a speaker who is not a member
of a given group will not employ language associated with that group. Researchers have
frequently suggested that learners avoid colloquial speech and slang because they do not
feel legitimately part of the language group or culture that utilizes a culturally unique
vocabulary. 2008 (McAlpine and Xu)

III. Technological Influence on Society

Mickeel Allen (2019) has said in his article entitled “Technological Influence on
Society” “Technology has an impact on how people communicate, learn, and think. It
benefits society and impacts how people relate to one another on a regular basis.” Today's
civilization is significantly influenced by technology. It affects people's daily lives and
has both positive and harmful consequences on society. Modern times are characterized
by frequent technological advancements. Examples include the internet and mobile
phones. There is a drawback to technological advancements, though. The way that
technology influences education is one area where it has had a significant impact on
society. Learning has become more interactive and collaborative, which has improved
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

how well people interact with the content they are studying and finding difficult.
Additionally, it gives you improved access to resources. Since the invention of the
internet, we have had constant access to information, and you can find nearly anything
online. Furthermore, it makes it simpler for students to do their task. Quizzes and exams
can be taken by students more easily, and teachers may hold productive classes online.
Additionally, it broadens the confines of the classroom and promotes self-paced learning.
YouTube and social media are two places where people can access education. Compared
to attending lectures and reading from textbooks, this aids students in learning more
effectively. Learning has become more convenient and enjoyable thanks to technology
improvements. The way we converse and communicate with one another globally has
been changed by technology in society in another way. There are many new ways to
communicate electronically thanks to technology. Emails, social networking, facetime
with someone on the other side of the planet, and video conferencing, where you may
hold conferences online, are a few examples. Last but not least, technical developments
in the health sector have contributed to people's continued safety and health. Numerous
cutting-edge mobile applications allow users to monitor their weight, caloric
consumption, heart rate, and other health indicators at any moment of the day. There are
more therapy options that are more easily accessible, changes in healthcare that favor the
elderly, and hospitals that use cutting-edge technology in their operating rooms.
However, research indicates that when it comes to social interaction and face-to-face
contact, mobile communication has a detrimental impact on people. Mobile technology
may hinder interpersonal interactions and communication. There is less personal time
because you are constantly in communication with someone, and you discover that you
don't have enough time even for your own self. In conclusion, these factors have an
influence on how people behave nowadays. The complexity of our way of life would not
exist without technical breakthroughs. The way modern humans behave is shaped by
technological factors, from the way they perceive the world from the blatant unrealistic
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

display of expectations on social media, to the way it influences us individuals in the way
we speak to the people around us.

IV. Culture and Heritage Preservation in an Era of Globalization and


Language is still the only means by which education is implemented and customs and
traditions are passed down from generation to generation. Furthermore, languages,
according to Kiplangat (2003), serve as important symbols of belonging, allowing
different groups of people to know which ethnic groups they belong and what common
heritages they share. Without an indigenous language, people would lose their cultural
identity and, most likely, their origin. Language can also be viewed as one of the many
societal inputs into the school system. Instruction is given in a language that everyone
understands. As a result, in any educational program, the language of instruction must be
taught first. Language can also be defined as a general communication phenomenon,
particularly in the context of instruction description. Language facilitates learning by
allowing children to interact with adults and collaborate with their peers; children learn
things they could not do on their own, especially in a language. The teacher teaches, asks
questions, leads discussions, and assigns homework in a language, and the students learn
to read and speak that language as a result.

A common language strengthens national and regional unity. A common language is

usually native to the people, as found in advanced countries and regional entities in other
parts of the world, particularly in Africa. However, language may be foreign to a nation
depending on its historical ancestors, particularly in Africa. Meanwhile, depriving a
society of its native language is tantamount to depriving it of its culture and heritage.
Although this is not to say that learning a foreign language interferes with education,
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

research has shown that learning to read and write in one's native language provides a
useful foundation for students learning to read and write in other languages. That is,
education is more effective when the mother tongue is used as the medium.



3.1 Research Design

This study will distill the results of the qualitative method conducted by the
researchers who have set the goal to determine the ways on how to promote the Bisaya
language. Through supervising brief interviews with the participants, the results will lead
us to provide effective and efficient recommendations and or practices in regards to the
promotion of the Bisaya language. By utilizing the in-depth interview method,
researchers will provide a series of questions that the selected students from Agusan
National High School will be answering.

3.2 Setting of the Study

The study will take place at Agusan National High School. Located in A.D.
Curato St., Butuan City, 8600 Agusan del Norte.

Agusan National High School is a public high school in Butuan City. It has
around 9000 enrolled students, and the researchers will interview some of them at
random. The researchers will be conducting this study using the in-depth interview
method, with the purpose of investigating a respondent's point of view, feelings, and
perspectives. The students' participation is vital for their perspective will be helpful in
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

answering the researcher's questions, which we focus specifically on studying the effects
of colloquial and slang words on the Bisaya language and to create solutions and ways on
how to promote and preserve the Bisaya language.

3.3 Participants of the Study

The researchers will use the purposive sampling procedure so that gathering data
is more efficient and easier to get. Moreover, using this sampling procedure will help
maximize the researcher’s satisfaction of gathering information and converting it into
data. Also, this type of sampling fits the researcher’s study and results to a purposeful

The researchers will choose 50 students from ages 16-19 years old of Agusan National
High School at random no matter their gender identity, political beliefs, and social status.
Then, the researchers will question the participants a series of questions that will help
further develop the course of this study.

3.4 Research Instrument

The researchers will use the in-depth interview method to ensure that the
interview can provide accurate information and produce more detailed data, and the
researchers shall collect different responses from the different participants using the same
question. There will be five (5) questions in total and the questions created by the
researchers prior to the interview will be asked to all participants individually. The
interviewer is/are unbiased and will act casual or friendly but should not voice out his or
her opinion or shortly he or she should be neutral. The scoring is be based on the data
obtained by the researchers. The researchers also should be honest in decoding the
results. Validity of the result is through providing documentations of the interviews that
are conducted and the accuracy of the data that will be gathered.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

Prior to the day of the interview, the researchers will prepare a letter to ask for
permission to the office of the principal in order to move on to the next part of the study.
When the approval from the principal is obtained, the researchers will then make a full
informed consent to make sure that both the researchers and selected participants is not
being held against their will.

Using a purposive sampling technique, the researchers will carefully choose 50

students from Agusan National High School. Each student will be chosen attentively
according to their gender identity, political beliefs, and social status to balance the
perspectives that the researchers will receive at the end of the interview. Then, the 50
students will be divided into two (25) where the researchers will divide themselves
accordingly and equally in order to facilitate the selected participants of the study. Lastly,
the researchers will begin the in-depth interview and will ask five (5) questions to each
participants, all participants will receive and answer the same five (5) questions.

After each interview the researchers will collect the information gathered and will
convert it into data providing that each data from each person is already scored and
judged by the researchers, they can now distinguish their comments into positive,
negative and neutral. The researchers will now compile all of those data processed to
complete their research. The result of the said interview will be interpreted, accumulated
and will be studied by the researchers.

3.6 Data Analysis

This study's participants will be students from Agusan National High School
located in A.D. Curato St., Butuan City, 8600 Agusan del Norte. The researchers will use
a purposive sampling technique to select participants and will collect responses from
students towards their perspective and opinion about colloquial, slang words, and the
Bisaya language. Approximately 50 participants will be interviewed using the in-depth
interview method, researchers will also be observing the participants in how they respond
to the given questions during interview. Thoughts and perspectives on colloquial and
Father Saturnino Urios University

Bp. Pueblos Senior High School

Butuan City

Bisaya language, and so on. The findings will then be analyzed in order to determine the
positive and negative effects of colloquial and slang words on the Bisaya language. Ways
to promote the Bisaya language will then be imposed on the participants as one of the
study's main objectives.

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