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To Err Is Human, to Forgive Is Divine

Everyone errs and sins at some point in their lives. Humans are prone to making

errors. It is difficult to forgive someone for those errors though. It is not a natural

occurrence like making a mistake. When someone forgives, they are acting in a

heavenly manner. To forgive someone, one nearly needs to be in a truly heavenly

state of mind.

It is only natural for people to make errors. As humans, we often believe that we can

forgive but find it difficult to forget, which is a bigger part of forgiving. Furthermore,

"to forgive is divine" shows how challenging it is for a human to forgive. It is only

natural for people to make mistakes, so man should constantly be forgiving. Our

ancestors were Adam and Eve, who defied God by eating the forbidden fruit. When

God learned about it, he forced them out of the Garden of Eden. Man loses his wits

and makes errors occasionally when he is angry. But once he makes the error, it

cannot be undone. That cannot be changed. Recognizing and accepting the error is the

only way to make it right.

Humans tend to harbour resentment toward individuals who have caused them harm

when they recall the bad deeds done by others that had an impact on them.

Although it is a virtue, forgiveness is viewed differently by different people. While

some behaviours are understandable to a select few, others don't feel the same way.

Some people think that forgiving someone who has done something wrong may

motivate them to continue doing that terrible thing. Since forgiveness is a personal

experience, it can signify many different things. Forgiveness may come from

accepting an apology for some, while for others, it may come from aiding the person

who injured you in breaking their pattern of maltreatment.

Because forgiveness is a gift provided by God, and since we are all sinners at some

point, it will be desirable that we forgive our enemies. Even in his final moments on

the crucifixion, Jesus was able to address the people who had executed him by saying,

"Father, pardon them for they know not what they are doing."

We are all human beings. Each of us has strengths and limitations. Nobody is

flawless. So why can't we forgive someone when they wrong us? That person's holy

nature emerges when you forgive them. Although it is difficult to do, if we sincerely

pardon someone for their faults, we feel an inner peace.

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