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Zero Tolerance Case Analysis and Rationale Template

Part 1: Case Analysis

1. Brief summary of the case:

A number of students from outside Carterville attend the Carterville Unified

School District, which is located in the heart of the city. Students come from diverse

ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds at the school. Most downtown parents

consider Rancho Elementary School the best elementary school in Littletown and

Carterville. Rancho Elementary School's superintendent was required to give each parent

a copy of the zero-tolerance policy. The school plan was developed by fifth-grade teacher

Ms. Idleman. Sadly, he wasn't present when Ms. Idleman delivered the school plan to the

principal's office. When the assistant principal approved the plan, Ms. Boxer sent it home

to parents for review. As Becky Skutter was presenting her report on historic structures,

her father discovered a handgun in the attic. She returned the gun to her after she took it

from her. A parent contacted the principal the following day to demand the student be

disciplined. She plans to contact the parents of Ms. Idleman's class and the local

newspaper regarding the incident. According to her statement, her daughter had

nightmares after seeing the gun.

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2. Identify the issues to be resolved:

The incident involved a student bringing a gun to class as part of a presentation.

The Carterville Unified School District prohibits weapons of any kind.

3. Stakeholders involved in the issues:

Stakeholders include Rancho Elementary's superintendent, the local newspaper,

parents who have children there, and Ms. Idleman, the principal.

4. One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues:

"Carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon as defined in R.S. 14:2, by a student or

nonstudent on school property, at a school-sponsored function, or in a firearm-free zone

is unlawful and shall be defined as possession of any firearm or dangerous weapon, on

one's person, at any time while on a school campus, on school transportation, or at any

school-sponsored function in a specifically designated area including but not limited to

athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities.”

5. District policies that relate to the issues:

The Bogalusa City School Board automatically suspends and recommends

expulsion for any student who is found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon on

campus. This is the case with restricted exemptions, as permitted by state regulation, on

school grounds, on school buses, or on school-sponsored events during or after regular

school hours. Students may be detained on school property, on school buses, or at school

functions when a principal or his or her designee confiscates or seizes firearms or

concealed dangerous weapons. If a student is detained or a firearm or weapon is seized,

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school officials and principals must notify the school's police department or sheriff's

office immediately. (CAPS / CAPS, 2020): "Any firearm or weapon seized shall be

delivered to that agency."

6. Possible solutions to the issues:

Weapons policies need to be explained to students who carry weapons to school.

One solution to this is to instruct them regarding weapons and school safety. Once the

superintendent is informed, the principal will speak to the superintendent regarding the

next steps as soon as the weapon has been removed from the school grounds and the

parent has threatened to contact the local newspaper and parents in her child's class. The

next steps are determined by the superintendent and the school administration. Students

who bring weapons to school run the risk of being kicked out or sent to a different school

for a year. Alternatively, the principal could contact the angry parent to explain to him or

her that the student brought the weapon for academic purposes and not for other reasons.

7. The solutions you are choosing to resolve the issues:

Since the weapon is no longer on school grounds, law enforcement cannot seize

it. However, another student was furious after seeing the weapon due to the zero-

tolerance policy of the school. Although it was used for a historical report, it could have

been loaded and injured someone. The superintendent must handle this situation now that

the media has become involved since the accused student's family and friends were in a

state of panic at the sight of a weapon.

8. Action steps (2-5) for implementing your solution, including a timeline for each step:

It would be best for me to speak to my superintendent right away. Since the

weapon is no longer on school grounds and can't be confiscated by law enforcement,

another student within the class saw it and complained about the zero-tolerance policy of
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the school district. Although the gun was being used for a historical report, it could have

been loaded and resulted in injury if it had been loaded. Additionally, the situation could

have still resulted in injury due to those around the accused student panicking at the

presence of a weapon. The press involvement has to be handled by my superintendent.

9. Potential moral and legal consequences of the solutions:

Regardless of the way that the firearm was utilized for a verifiable report, one

student inside the class communicated worry about the zero-resilience strategy since the

weapon is presently not on school grounds. Despite the fact that it was being used for a

historical report, the gun could have been loaded and injured someone. The accused

student may still have been injured if those around her became alarmed by the presence

of a weapon. There is the possibility of media involvement in this situation, which my

superintendent must handle.

Students who bring weapons to school may be suspended or expelled because

they violated the policy. Principals and superintendents who ignore the presence of

weapons on campus and allow a gun on campus are in violation of the zero-tolerance

policy. If the accused student had a gun, what would have happened? If the school district

does not act in accordance with its policies and in the best interest of the staff and

students, it may be sued. If the gun accidentally went off and someone got hurt, what

would have happened? What would happen if a different student stole the gun before the

teacher? It is right and moral to prioritize the safety of all students. It is essential for each

student on campus to feel physically and emotionally secure. Students who have guns on

campus may experience emotional or physical harm.

Part 2: Rationale
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The Bogalusa City School District states that our mission is to "be a district of excellence

preparing all students to live and compete successfully in the 21st century (Vision Statement /

Vision Statement, 2021a)." My desire to ensure that all of my students are physically and

emotionally safe to live their lives and focus on their future endeavors drives my decision to

follow the zero-tolerance policy and either place the accused student in an alternative school for

one school year or expel them for one school year. It is the right, everything being equal, to have

a good sense of security when they stroll onto school grounds, no matter what their identity and

financial foundation.

In order to safeguard their children and the other students at the school, parents, staff,

and students must agree to adhere to the district's zero-tolerance policy. "We will all learn and

grow together" is the mission statement of the Bogalusa City School District. Students are able to

ensure a secure learning environment in which they are free from the threat of being assaulted

with an illegal weapon by adhering to the district policy.

By creating a non-threatening learning environment for my faculty and students, my

decision will promote social justice. Both parents and students will gain an understanding of the

fact that every action has repercussions both in and out of the classroom.

By adhering to and enforcing my school district policy, I am earning the trust of my

employees and students as a district officer. I will enforce the zero-tolerance policy and

encourage staff cooperation to report any actual or potential threats and safeguard them. In

serious situations, I will adhere to protocol. I will set high standards for my staff and students by

upholding the safety of the students by not bringing weapons to school and by informing their

teachers and administrators of actual or potential threats.

It is a learning opportunity for other students to follow my lead and take disciplinary

action for the policy violation because they will learn that they should think things through
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before doing something. Each activity, whether positive or negative, could fundamentally

influence their lives.


Caps / caps. CAPS / CAPS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

Hanson, K. L., & Hanson, K. L. (2009). A casebook for school leaders: Linking the Isllc

standards to effective practice. Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.

Louisiana laws - Louisiana state legislature. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from

Mission statement / mission statement. Mission Statement / Mission Statement. (n.d.).

Retrieved November 14, 2022, from

Vision statement / vision statement. Vision Statement / Vision Statement. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 14, 2022, from

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