VHV Rules and Regulations - For Signature

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Verdant Hills Villas Rules and Regulations

1. Cleanliness

1.1 Burning or incineration of trash, garbage, garden cuttings, or other rubbish on any lot is

1.2 Owners/occupants must avoid littering within the VHV. They shall keep and maintain
their premises and common areas clean and sanitary, free from all obnoxious or
unpleasant odors.

1.3 Garbage containers should be kept inside the lot and brought out only during garbage
pick-up hours.

1.4 Proper segregation & garbage disposal should be strictly observed.

1.5 Dumping of trash, litter and discarded materials of any kind (including but not limited to
broken furniture; packaging materials and debris, tools, and equipment) on vacant and
neighboring lots are strictly prohibited.

1.6 Vandalism, spitting, and urinating of anyone inside VHV premises and streets are strictly

2. Streets/Vehicles/Drivers

2.1 Vehicles of VHV residents/ homeowners should have the approved stickers
permanently located on the windshield for entrance purposes.

2.2 Unnecessary/excessive car horn blowing is not allowed within the subdivision,
especially at night.

2.3 For visitors who have surrendered their IDs at the gate, the numbered vehicle card
(given by the gate guard) must be prominently displayed on the dashboard, seen
through the windshield of their vehicles.

2.4 Whether parked or in transit, the volume of car stereos should be limited so as not to
disturb the peace and quiet of the residents.

2.5 The maximum speed limit of 20 kph must be observed at all times.

3. Car Stickers / Visitor’s Pass

3.1 Only vehicles with VHV (orange) car stickers can park within the VHV premises.

3.2 Only paying homeowners are allowed to purchase car stickers.

3.3 Car stickers shall be renewable yearly.

Verdant Hills Villas Rules and Regulations

3.4 Visitor’s Pass/Car Pass shall be issued to walk-in guests of the homeowners. A valid ID
shall be given to the main gate guard in exchange for the visitor's Pass.

4. Parking

4.1 Double parking in any part of the subdivision thoroughfares shall not be allowed.

4.2 Parking should be parallel with the streets, otherwise shall be considered an obstruction
to the flow of traffic.

4.3 No parking is allowed in a blind curve of the subdivision.

4.4 Short-term parking at the entrance of VHV is allowed for VHV homeowners and visitors

4.5 Street parking is allowed only for paying VHVHO and their guests.

4.6 Driveways should be free from parked vehicles or any other form of obstructions at all

5. Rental and Transient Houses

5.1 A business permit must be obtained before a homeowner may rent out their unit.

5.2 Guests shall strictly follow the silent night ordinance in Baguio City.

5.3 It is the homeowner's responsibility to inform the security guards of the name and the
arrival date of their visitors.

5.4 Guests must arrive before 2200.

6. Peace and Order

6.1 Noise that disturbs peace and tranquility are discouraged and should be strictly avoided.
i.e playing loud music, shouting in public places, using offensive words in a public place
likely to incite violence, etc.

6.2 Minimize party noise between 2200-0500 so as not to disturb sleep patterns. For
late-night activities, the consent of the neighbors within the area should be mandatorily
sought. Please refer to the silent night ordinance of Baguio City.

6.3 Acceptance of visitors after 2200 is strongly discouraged.

Verdant Hills Villas Rules and Regulations

7. Monthly Dues

7.1 Monthly dues shall be due and demandable on the 1st of each month, however, the
same may be paid within the same month. At the beginning of the next month, all
unpaid dues will incur a 2% interest per month in arrears.

8. Construction Works

8.1 Construction works must not start before 0800 in the morning and must end at 1700.
For extension of working hours after 1700, HOs or contractors must get approval from
VHV officers.

8.2 For repairs and construction, power tools must be avoided on weekends, especially
Sundays and Holidays.

8.3 Use of compressors for paint/ varnish spray must also be avoided on weekends,
especially Sundays and Holidays.

9. Pets

9.1 Residents shall be allowed to keep the following pets on their premises: dogs, cats,
birds, and aquarium or pond fish.

9.2 Each owner or tenant must have their pets vaccinated against rabies and other required
vaccinations valid for the period within which the dogs/cats are on the premises.

9.3 Pets, especially dogs, must be leashed outside the homeowner’s premises.

9.4 Cage areas must be within the owner’s premises. Dogs kept on a leash must also be
situated within the premises. No dog cage or leashed dogs may be located on the front
lawn of the house or garages in residences without a front fence.

9.5 Owners must ensure that their pets do not disturb nearby neighbors with excessive

9.6 Each house or residence is allowed no more than three (3) adult dogs. For the purpose
of these rules, a dog that is more than six (6) months old shall be considered an adult.

9.7 Commercial breeding of any animal is prohibited.

9.8 Pet owners and individuals with permission to walk the animals must always have poop
bags on them to collect pet waste.

9.9 Pet owners are responsible for keeping their premises clean to prevent pet odors (i.e
balconies, terraces, backyards, garages, patios).

Verdant Hills Villas Rules and Regulations

Table for Penalties for General Offenses

Category Violation 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense

Dues Delinquent in monthly Verbal warning 2% of the total

dues monthly dues

Garbage Burning of garbage Verbal warning Php 200.00


Garbage Garbage in neighboring Verbal warning Php 200.00

property lot or use of thereafter
the neighboring
property as garbage

Garbage Garbage storage on the Verbal warning Php 200.00

sidewalk/ hanging thereafter
garbage on the fence

Garbage Garbage bin outside Verbal warning Php 200.00

the property thereafter

Cleanliness Littering/ vandalism/ Verbal warning Php 200.00 Php 500.00

urinating, etc

Pets Stray pets Verbal warning Php 500.00 Php 1000.00

Pets Dog’s waste that is not Php 200.00 Php 200.00

picked up by its walker thereafter

Security/ Safety Overnight parking of Verbal warning Php 500.00 Php 1000.00
non VHV resident thereafter
/unregistered guests
inside VHV premises

Security/ Safety Nuisance Verbal warning Verbal warning Php 500.00

Security/ Safety Use of streets for Verbal warning Php 100.00

stalled or defective per day

Verdant Hills Villas Rules and Regulations

Silent Night Ordinance

The ordinance prohibits excessive loud noise coming from any audio and musical instruments such as
radio, CD player, television set, amplifier, drums, loudspeaker, karaoke or videoke within residential areas,
subdivisions, public streets and 200 meters within schools, hospitals and places of worship.

Violators of the ordinance will be given an initial verbal warning to remind them to tone down the noise.
However, failure to heed the warning and if the violation is deemed excessive, a fine of P1,000 or
imprisonment of up to six months shall be imposed for the first offense; P3,000 for the second offense,
and P5,000 for the third offense.

Approved by:

Hyna Marie Pardo Jane Mallari

Interim President Interim Board of Director

Grace Yumul-Abu Lehyeh Atty. Bong Artazo

Interim Vice President Interim Board of Director

Tess Martinez Larry Santos

Interim Secretary Interim Board of Director

Precy Sumbillo Naneth Tolentino

Interim Treasurer Interim Board of Director

Janine Biton Cynthia Erum

Interim Auditor Interim Board of Director

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