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Advanced Unit Test 5A: Units 9–10

1 Complete the sentences with a suitable future form of the verb in brackets.
Simon will almost certainly be late again this afternoon. (be)
1 Based on the latest reports, we                                        quite a lot of problems. (have)
2 What                                        at university next year? (you / study)
3 I                                        the post-meeting report this afternoon if you need to see me. (write
4                                        the situation as it currently stands? (we / review)
5 Please give me your number in case I                                        to get hold of you. (need)
6                                        to organise everything by the end of today? (you / manage)
7                                        golf this weekend? (you / play)
8 What time                                        tomorrow? (the conference / start)
9 Things                                        over the next year but I’m not convinced. (modal + improve)
10 I can’t believe I                                        for ten years at the end of this term. (teach)


2 Choose the correct answers.

You are / will to report to me at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
1 Lucy was on the verge of / about to bursting into tears.
2 It’s about / bound to rain on my birthday. It always does.
3 Peter is likely / unlikely to turn up as he’s very unreliable.
4 What time is the meeting due / about to start?
5 I was supposed / bound to call John but I completely forgot.
6 Who’d have thought that the Beatles were / are to become one of the most successful
bands of all time?
7 The local council is on the point of / set to introduce new car parking charges.
8 I was supposed to / on the point of signing the contract when I realised something was
9 House prices are likely / about to continue rising for the foreseeable future.
10 I was about / set to call you when you knocked on the door.


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Advanced Unit Test 5A: Units 9–10
3 Ellipsis and substitution: complete the sentences with a suitable word.
I know you’re not interested but I’m sure Jack is.
1 That cake looks delicious. Can I try                 ?
2 ‘We aren’t happy about the situation.’ ‘                am I.’
3 ‘There’s someone at the door.’ ‘What do                 want?’
4 Please help                 to whatever you want. You’re my guests after all.
5                 nice to meet you.
6 I’d like to buy a new computer. Which                 would you recommend?
7 Steve doesn’t enjoy watching sport, but I                 .
8 ‘I’m hoping to have a holiday this winter.’ ‘                are we.’
9 ‘Can you take pictures on your phone?’ ‘I think                 .’
10 Sorry about                 . Now, let’s start again. Where were we?


Patterns to notice
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. You do not
need all the words.
become get deteriorate increase improve develop change
Online shopping is becoming a mainstream activity.
1 Advances in medical research                                        our quality of life.
2 The standard of living in many of the world’s poorer countries                                       
3 The situation                                        rapidly as people are being forced to flee.
4 Would you say your neighbourhood                                        for the better?
5 Plans for a new shopping complex                                        nicely though there has been
much local opposition.

5 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

I’ll give you as much time as you want.
1 John ran away as                         as he could.
2 We’ll call you as                         as we hear anything. Don’t worry.
3 There are snow-capped mountains as                         as the eye can see.
4 I’ll be here as                         as you need me. I’ve got plenty of time.
5 You can use the gym facilities as                         as you want with your membership deal.
6 There were loads of apples on the ground so Maria took as                         as she could
7 I’ve made lots of pasta so please eat as                         as you can.
8 As                         as I heard the news, I rushed to the hospital.
9 I only use the swimming pool once a week, so please feel free to use it as                         as
you want.
10 As                         as I know, the meeting will be going ahead as planned.


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Advanced Unit Test 5A: Units 9–10
6 Match 1–11 with a–k to form collocations.
1 fulfil   d   a industry
2 take        b demand
3 pave        c resistance
4 economic        d potential
5 change        e an impact
6 service        f growth
7 massive        g forces
8 consumer        h off
9 have        i the face
10 market        j boom
11 meet with        k the way


7 Complete the sentences with a phrase containing way.

The best way to learn a language is to go and live in the country.
1 Clare usually starts screaming when she doesn’t have                                                 so
she’s used to getting what she wants.
2 Come on, move! Get                                                                 !
3 David’s                                                                 at the moment but the doctors don’t know
what’s wrong with him.
4                                 am I going to let you use my car. You’ve only just passed your test.
5 Admit it we’re lost. We need to ask someone                                 .


8 Match 1–6 with a–f to form collocations.

1 tell   c   a perjury
2 make        b a hoax
3 commit        c a lie
4 home        d somebody
5 carry out        e an excuse
6 cheat on        f truth

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education

Advanced Unit Test 5A: Units 9–10
9 Correct the underlined words.
After many months Steve finally had his conviction returned. overturned
1 The charges against the two men were thrown due to lack
of evidence.                        
2 You know it’s wrong to say fibs, don’t you?                        
3 It’s a crime to lie when you testify in oath.                        
4 How could Susan have cheated to her husband?                        
5 Laura passed the essay on as her own work but was found out
by one of her college lecturers.                        
6 It’s not nice to tell stories about people we know. It makes me
wonder what you say about me.                        
7 Dan was set to by his colleagues and ended up going to
prison for their crime.                        
8 You’ll never get off with your plan. Someone is bound to find out
what you’ve done.                        
9 Maria was completely taken out by the two salesmen because
they were very convincing.                        
10 Well, at least the burglars didn’t find your jewellery so no real
harm was made.                        


10 Rewrite the sentences putting well in the correct place.

Tom is a known writer.
Tom is a well-known writer.
1 Did you sleep?
2 You may be right, but personally I’m not so sure.
3 Dan has a really paid job.
4 Don’t speak to me like that. I’m aware of what needs to be done.
5 Maybe you’ve got a point.
6 We got home before midnight as there was no traffic on the roads.
7 I don’t think this is a particularly thought-out plan.
8 I must say that exercise was worth doing.
9 It’s important to have a balanced diet.
10 Ken is really informed about the current situation.

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Advanced Unit Test 5A: Units 9–10
Functional language
11 Match 1–11 with a–k to form collocations.
1 cut and   e   a programs
2 run        b software
3 back up        c ‘delete’
4 close down        d the internet
5 scroll        e paste
6 make        f all files
7 install        g down
8 create        h a signal
9 press        i the system scan
10 find        j a password
11 connect to        k calls

12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
close jam reset plug freeze back
You need to make sure that all open programs are closed down.
1 Is the router                 in?
2 I’m ashamed to say that most of my files aren’t                 up.
3 I can’t open the drawer. It must be                 .
4 Your phone should work now if it’s been                 .
5 My screen’s                 . I can’t do anything.

Total: 100

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