The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 137. Brassica Rapa

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The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 137.

Brassica napus L. and B. rapa L.

Robert H. Gulden1, Suzanne I. Warwick2, and A. Gordon Thomas3
Department of Plant Science, 222 Agriculture Building, 66 Dafoe Road, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2 (e-mail:; 2Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Bldg., Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A
0C6; and 3Saskatoon Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X2. Received 10 December 2007, accepted 21 April 2008.
Gulden, R. H., Warwick, S. I. and Thomas, A. G. 2008. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 137. Brassica napus L. and
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

B. rapa. Can. J. Plan Sci. 88: 951996. Brassica napus and B. rapa are native to Eurasia. In Canada, these species are
commonly referred to as volunteer canola, while feral populations of B. rapa are referred to as birdrape. Brassica napus and
B. rapa have been grown commercially for their seed oil content in western Canada since the middle of the last century and
volunteer populations are common in fields. Escaped populations of both species are also found along roadways, railways
and in waste areas; however, only B. rapa is known to have naturalized, self-sustaining feral populations in these habitats
in eastern Canada. Despite these escaped and feral populations, B. napus and B. rapa are mainly a concern in agricultural
fields where their combined relative abundance has increased over the past few decades. In the mid 1990s, herbicide-
resistant genotypes of B. napus were released for commercial production. Herbicide-resistance and the stacking of genes in
volunteer populations conferring resistance to multiple herbicides have contributed to increased difficulties in controlling
volunteer B. napus in some crops. However, yield loss resulting from volunteer populations is not well documented in

Key words: Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, herbicide resistance, transgene escape, volunteer canola, weed biology
For personal use only.

Gulden, R. H., Warwick, S. I. et Thomas, A. G. 2008. La biologie des mauvaises herbes au Canada. 137. Brassica napus L. et
B. rapa L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 951996. Brassica napus et B. rapa sont des plantes originaires d’Eurasie. Au Canada, on
les désigne souvent sous l’expression « canola spontané », tandis que les peuplements sauvages de B. rapa sont appelés
« navette ». Dans l’Ouest canadien, Brassica napus et B. rapa sont cultivés commercialement pour l’huile que renferment
leurs graines depuis le milieu du siècle dernier et les repousses spontanées sont devenues monnaie courante dans les
champs. On observe des peuplements des deux espèces le long des routes et des voies ferrées ainsi que dans les terrains
vagues, cependant on sait que seule B. rapa s’est acclimatée pour donner des populations sauvages et stables dans les
mêmes habitats, dans l’est du pays. Malgré cela, B. napus et B. rapa demeurent surtout préoccupants dans les cultures, où
leur abondance relative, une fois combinés, s’est accrue au cours des dernières décennies. Au milieu des année 1990, des
génotypes de B. napus résistants aux herbicides ont été homologués pour la culture commerciale. Cette résistance
et l’accumulation des gènes qui la codent dans les peuplements spontanés ont concouru à compliquer la lutte contre les
repousses de B. napus dans certaines cultures. Quoi qu’il en soit, les pertes de rendement qui en résultent sont mal étayées
au Canada.

Mots clés: Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, résistance aux herbicides, fuite transgénique, canola spontané,
biologie des mauvaises herbes

1. Name
Brassica napus L.  Argentine canola, canola, rapeseed, chourave, chou-rave, colza, colza-navette, moutarde,
oilseed rape, canola colza [not listed as a weed in moutarde champêtre, moutarde d’Allemagne, moutarde
Crompton et al. (1988) and Darbyshire et al. (2000); des champs, moutarde sauvage, navet sauvage, navette,
volunteer listed as a weed in Darbyshire 2003]. BAYER navette d’Allemagne, navette des oiseaux, navette d’été,
code for B. napus BRSNN. navette fourragère, navette oléagineuse, navette sau-
Brassica rapa L. (syn. B. campestris L.), bird rape vage, rave, sénevé à feuilles lisses (Crompton et al. 1988;
(Darbyshire et al. 2000), bird’s rape, bird-rape, field Darbyshire 2003), navet blanc (Darbyshire 2003).
mustard, field-mustard, wild turnip, rutabaga (Cromp- BAYER code for B. rapa BRSRA. Brassicaceae or
ton et al. 1988; Darbyshire 2003), common turnip, Cruciferae, mustard family, Brassicacées or Crucifères.
birdsrape mustard (US) (Darbyshire 2003); moutarde Brassica rapa (AA genome, 2n 20 chromosomes)
des oiseaux (Darbyshire et al. 2000), chou champêtre, and B. oleracea L. (CC genome, 2n 18 chromosomes)


are the progenitor species of B. napus (AACC genome, the radicle in the seed). Cotyledons in the seedlings are
2n 38 chromosomes) (U 1935; Palmer et al. 1983; broadly kidney-shaped, 612 mm wide, with a charac-
Parkin et al. 1995). Both Brassica rapa and B. napus teristic deep, wide rounded notch at the end. (Frankton
have been developed as oilseed crop species. Brassica and Mulligan 1987; Alex 1992; Sabourin 1992; Rollins
rapa was first grown in Canada as an industrial oilseed 1993; S. I. Warwick and I. Al-Shehbaz unpublished
crop and developed in the late 1970s as the first canola- data).
quality (low glucosinolate and low erucic acid) crop The chromosome number for Brassica rapa is n10,
(Polish canola, canola navette) cultivated in Canada. It 2n 20 and for B. napus is n 19, 2n 38 (reviewed in
has also been cultivated as a European and Asian Warwick et al. 2000; Warwick and Al-Shehbaz 2006).
vegetable (turnip, Chinese cabbage etc.) and Indian There are no counts reported for weedy B. napus in
oilseed (reviewed in Specht and Diederichsen 2001) and Canada (reviewed in Mulligan 2002a). Canadian counts
grows as a recent crop escape (volunteer) or naturalized for B. rapa include: n 10 from British Columbia
weed (self-sustaining populations) in many parts of the (Taylor and Mulligan 1968), 2n 20 from New Bruns-
world. Canola-quality B. napus (Argentine canola, wick (Mulligan 1959) and Quebec (Gervais 1979).
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canola colza) was developed in Canada in the late 1970s.

(b) Distinguishing Features * Brassica rapa and B.
2. Description and Account of Variation napus can be easily recognized by a combination of
(a) Species Description * Annual, winter annual or characters: broad kidney-shaped cotyledons, having a
biennial; taproot slender, although cultivated forms of deep, wide, rounded notch at the end; lower leaves
B. rapa (turnip) and B. napus (rutabaga) have swollen petiolate and toothed, entire to lobed, but upper ones
roots. Stems erect, 0.51.3 m high, simple to freely sessile, with enlarged bases clasping the stem; yellow
branched above, glabrous (B. napus) or with coarse four-petalled flowers, ca. 1.2 cm across, with erect-
trichomes (B. rapa, rarely in B. napus). Basal rosette spreading sepals; fruit pods are usually hairless, stalked,
leaves are not persisting, short-petiolate, 520 cm long, valves are strongly one-nerved and split lengthwise at
ovate to elongated, lobed to deeply divided; glaucous maturity, pod is terminated by a seedless beak, and
(blue-green), hairless (B. napus) or having numerous seeds are brown-black. Brassica rapa and B. napus may
For personal use only.

distinct hairs with a slightly bulbous base, and giving the be confused with a number of other annual yellow-
appearance of dots on the leaves when viewed from flowered crucifers: Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (black
above (B. rapa); upper stem or cauline leaves are mustard), Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. (Indian mustard),
reduced, often entire (B. napus) or simply toothed (B. Sinapis alba L. (white mustard), Sinapis arvensis L. (wild
rapa) with enlarged bases that clasp the stem, completely mustard), and Raphanus raphanistrum L. (wild radish).
in B. rapa and often partially clasping in B. napus. Wild mustard differs from all of these mustards by
Flowers arranged in terminal many-flowered branched having a seed in the beak of the fruit in addition to those
raceme, clustering at the end of the stem and branches, within the valves. Both wild mustard and white mustard
and conspicuously elongating in fruit. Open flowers of have stiff downward directed hairs on the stem, but
the raceme overtopping the buds (B. rapa), below the distinctly different fruit pods (see key below). Bird rape
buds (B. napus), or at same level as buds (both species). and canola are distinguished by the absence of down-
Fruiting pedicels ascending to spreading, 12.5 cm long. ward-directed hairs on the stems (B. rapa), or the
Flowers with 4 sepals, spreading; 4 petals arranged in a absence of hairs and a bluish-green or glaucous tinge
cross, yellow (bright yellow to yellow in B. rapa and pale (B. napus), clasping upper leaves, smooth pods with a
yellow in B. napus); obovate to broadly obovate; single vein and a long thin seedless beak. Wild radish is
611 (B. rapa) and 1016 (B. napus) mm across; stamens similar to bird rape in general habit, but differs in
6 (4 long and 2 short, tetradynamous arrangement); having more deeply divided lower leaves, flower petals
ovules 112, style narrow and persistent. Fruit is a linear with conspicuous dark veins that are usually yellow, but
nearly cylindrical silique, with distinct valve (lower) and may be white or purple; and distinctive fruit pods as
beak (upper) segments; valves dehiscent, many-seeded, indicated in the key below. Indian mustard is glabrous,
4.57.5 (10) cm long, 25 mm thick (narrower 24 mm in with little or no hair, has paler yellow flowers, upper
B. rapa and 3.55 mm in B. napus), smooth or slightly leaves are smooth and narrow, fruit pods have a slender
torulose (i.e., cylindrical with slight constrictions at9 long stalk (1.2 cm), and a slender seedless beak, and
regular intervals), with one central vein; beak portion brownish-red seeds. Black mustard resembles wild
usually seedless, ca. 1=41u3 the length of the fruit or mustard when young, but grows much taller (up to
916 mm (B. napus) and 1/31/2 fruit length or 822 mm 2.5 m); the lower leaves have coarser lobed divisions,
in B. rapa). Seeds are arranged in one row in the fruit, upper leaves are narrow without teeth; flowers are
nearly spherical to round, reddish brown, brown, or smaller and the inflorescence is widely branched; seed
black, 1.12 mm (B. rapa) and 1.82.7 mm (B. napus), pods are shorter (12 cm), erect and pressed to the stem,
surface appearing finely net-veined (i.e. reticulate alveo- and the seedless beak is needle-like. Mature plants with
late) at high magnification, not mucilagenous when wet. fruit can be identified with the following key in Warwick
Cotyledons conduplicate (folded longitudinally around et al. (2000) adapted from Mulligan and Bailey (1975),

A. Fruit pods with numerous ribs and strongly con- coat pattern of B. napus is intermediate between that of
stricted, breaking off at the constrictions with one B. oleracea and B. rapa. Andrew et al. (1987) suggested
seed in each pod segment ........................Raphanus that B. napus and S. arvensis could be distinguished
raphanistrum. based on the primary seed surface wax, with B. napus
A. Fruit pods, either 1- or 35 veined, not strongly featuring nonacosane (C29H60) and S. arvensis featuring
constricted, valves splitting lengthwise. hentriacontane (C31H64).
B. Fruit pods each with 3 to 5 conspicuous
parallel veins, beak one-seeded or strongly (c) Intraspecific Variation * Numerous intraspecific
flattened; stem with short stiff downward- taxa (subspecifc and varietal taxonomic rank) have been
directed hairs. described for both B. rapa and B. napus, corresponding
C. Fruit pods and at least base of beak with to various crop types (reviewed in Specht and Dieder-
white bristly hairs; beak flattened, curved, ichsen 2001). The wild or weedy type of B. rapa has been
equalling to or exceeding length of valves, referred to as subsp. sylvestris, although Specht and
beak seedless.............................. Sinapis alba.
Diederichsen treat this as a synonym of subsp. oleifera.
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C. Fruit pods glabrous or rarely with bristly

Molecular-based phylogenetic studies (Song et al. 1988a;
hairs; beak glabrous, long conical, straight,
slightly winged, usually one-seeded, beak Warwick and Black 1991) have indicated that B. rapa
considerably shorter than length of the val- and B. oleracea, genomes A and C, respectively con-
ves........................................ Sinapis arvensis. stitute a separate lineage from that containing B. nigra
B. Fruit pods each 1-veined, i.e. with a conspicuous (genome B) and S. arvensis. Genetic maps developed for
midrib and much weaker lateral veins; beak neither both the A and C genomes have indicated a high percent
one-seeded nor strongly flattened; stem lacking of similarity (Parkin et al. 1995).
short stiff downward-directed hairs. A number of genetic or phylogenetic relationships
D. Upper stem leaves stalked or narrowed into a have been proposed for taxa within B. rapa, based on
stalk-like base, not clasping; beak less than morphology, geographical distribution, isozymes and
6.0 mm, not gradually tapering. nuclear RFLP data (reviewed in Song et al. 1988b;
For personal use only.

E. Leaves green, pods appressed to Specht and Diederichsen 2001). Various data have
stem, 1.02.0 cm, with mature pods indicated a division of B. rapa into two main groups, a
more or less four-sided, beak 1.53.0 Western and an Eastern group, perhaps corresponding
mm, needle-like, fruiting pedicels to two independent centres of origin (Denford and
short (1.53.0 mm), appressed to Vaughan 1977; Prakash and Hinata 1980; Song et al.
stem ..........................Brassica nigra. 1988b; McGrath and Quiros 1992). The western or
E. Leaves glaucous, pods ascending, European group includes turnip and turnip rape from
3.05.0 cm, with mature pods which India-Asian oilseed types are putatively derived.
slightly flattened, perpendicular to The eastern or Asian group contains the various Asian
partition, beak 5.010.0 mm long, vegetables indicated above.
fruiting pedicels 8.014.0 mm, sprea- Molecular markers have been extensively utilized as
ding......................... Brassica juncea. tools for assessing genetic diversity and genetic relation-
D. Upper stem leaves half to completely clasping stem, ships in Brassica crop species, restriction fragment
broadened at base; beak longer than 6.0 mm, length polymorphisms (RFLPs) (Song et al. 1988b),
gradually tapering. random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers
F. Open flowers overtopping or equal to the
were used to discriminate among cultivars within B.
buds; petals bright yellow, 6.011 mm; beak
rapa (Ren et al. 1995; Zhang et al. 2000; He et al. 2002,
or terminal fruit segment 822 mm, 1/3 to ½
2003; Wang et al. 2002) and several studies have used
length of the valves .................Brassica rapa.
F. Flower buds overtopping or rarely at the amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) mar-
same level of open flowers; petals pale yellow, kers to assess genetic variation in Brassica crop species,
1016 mm; beak or terminal fruit segment including B. rapa (Das et al. 1999; Guo et al. 2002; Zhao
usually 916 mm, 1/4 to 1/3 length of the et al. 2005) and B. napus (e.g., Xu et al. 2001; Liu et al.
valves ..................................... Brassica napus. 2005).

Seeds of B. napus and B. rapa may be difficult to (d) Illustrations * Brassica napus and B. rapa are
distinguish from those of other Brassicaceae crops illustrated in Fig. 1. Several web-based illustrations of
(mustard species) and weeds (S. arvensis). However, seedlings, mature plants, inflorescences, fruit and seed
under magnification, all Brassica crop species, B. rapa, are also available, e.g., or http://
B. oleracea, B. nigra, B. napus, B. juncea, and S. alba and Photographs of seedlings and
S. arvensis can be easily distinguished on the basis of mature plants of B. rapa are available in Bouchard and
seed coat surfaces (Mulligan and Bailey 1976). The seed Néron (1999).
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Fig. 1. Brassica rapa a: habit 1/8, c. flower 3, d. fruit1, and e. seed 10; b.upper part of plant of B. napus1/6 (adapted from
Mohlenbrock 1980). Brassica napus lower stem, root, flower, fruit, and seed morphology similar to B. rapa except for increased size,
see description in Section 2a.

3. Economic Importance relative uniformity, and relative density of a species

(a) Detrimental * Brassica napus and B. rapa are (Thomas et al. 1996). In volunteer canola, all three
grown as oilseed crops in Canada. Despite the ubiqui- parameters have increased substantially over the past
tous presence of volunteer B. napus and B. rapa in two decades (Thomas 1991; Thomas and Donaghy
areas where they are grown as a crop, reports of their 1991; Thomas et al. 1997). However, the relationship
ability to interfere with crops are limited in Canada. between volunteer canola frequency observed in sur-
Volunteer canola (B. napus and B. rapa) has increased veys and the canola acreage grown in the previous year
in abundance during the past three decades from 31st was tenuous over this period (Table 1), suggesting that
and 34th in the mid- to late 1970s to a rank of 22th in factors such as environment, tillage practices (Gray
the mid-1980s to 12th in the mid-1990s in post-weed et al. 1996) and increased acreages of crops in
control surveys in western Canada (Thomas and Wise which volunteer canola is more difficult to control
1983c; Thomas 1991; Thomas and Donaghy 1991; (e.g., pulse crops) (Thomas and Wise 1983c; Thomas
Thomas et al. 1996). The relative abundance of a et al. 1996) also contributed to the occurrence of
weed species is calculated from the relative frequency, volunteer canola.

Table 1. The infestation index for Brassica napus and/or B. rapa (volunteer canola) in annual field crops in the prairie provinces based on weed surveys
conducted since 1976

Survey Area of canola as percentage of total crop area in Frequency of volunteer canola in Canola infestation index
Province year year previous to surveyz (%) non-canola fieldsy (%) (frequency/area)x

Manitoba 1978 6.1 2.3 0.38

1979 12.3 6.5 0.53
1981 8.6 2.9 0.34
1986 9.9 5.0 0.50
1997 16.3 13.7 0.84
2002 21.0 19.2 0.91
Saskatchewan 1976 7.7 6.4 0.83
1977 3.2 5.8 1.81
1978 6.0 3.5 0.58
1979 11.1 3.9 0.35
1986 9.8 5.1 0.52
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1995 20.5 15.7 0.76

2003 12.1 8.0 0.66
Alberta 19871989 17.4 17.9 1.03
1997 16.9 10.7 0.63
2001 20.4 15.2 0.74

Crop acreage data for each year were obtained from Statistics Canada, Field Crop Reporting Series, November Estimates of Principal Field Crops,
Catalogue No. 22002-XIE.
Unpublished data derived from the various Weed Survey Series Publications listed in Table 3.
The canola infestation index is the ratio of the frequency (%) of volunteer canola in surveyed fields of other annual crops and the relative area of
canola grown the year previous to the survey. The value of the index would be constant if the incidence of volunteer canola in fields did not change.

In the United Kingdom, Lutman et al. (1996) et al. 1986; Moyer and Huang 1997) and elsewhere
For personal use only.

summarized data from a number of field studies that (Vaughn and Boydston 1997; Peterson et al. 2001)
investigated competition of several crops with oats have found that water soluble and volatile compounds
(Avena fatua L.). A relative damage coefficient based were responsible for allelopathic effects caused by fresh
on dry weights was about equal in domesticated winter tissue of B. napus and B. rapa. However, leachates from
B. napus (domesticated B. napus that is planted in the B. napus and B. rapa residues had the least potent
autumn and grown as a winter-annual crop) and oats. allelopathic potential among the Brassica species studied
The same index was greater ( less competitive) in (Mason-Sedun et al. 1986). Leachates from domesti-
barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), flax (Linum usitatissimum cated spring B. napus residue were more potent to
L.), and field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and was lower stinkweed (Thlaspi arvense L.), flixweed (Descurainia
( more competitive) in faba beans (Vicia faba L.), sophia L.), and downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) than
which were more competitive than oats. In Chile, yield to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), suggesting the
loss in field pea of 2.3% was observed at a volunteer B. possibility of selective management of these weeds in no-
napus density of 1 plant m 2 and the economic thresh- till, direct-seeded farming systems in Alberta (Moyer
old for using herbicides to control volunteer B. napus and Huang 1997). Water soluble and volatile isothio-
was estimated at 2 plants m 2 (Diaz et al. 1994). In cyanates have been identified as allelopathic compounds
fields in western Canada, densities greater than this are (Vaughn and Boydston 1997; Petersen et al. 2001).
often observed several years after the last canola crop Potency of isothiosyanates is dependent on form at
has been grown (see Section 5c), although economic each phase. For example, in aqueous extracts, aryl-
thresholds for Canadian conditions have not been isothiocyanate from domesticated winter B. rapa was
estimated. the most potent inhibitors of germination in several
Brassica napus and B. rapa produce allelopathic species [T. aestivum L., Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, Matri-
compounds with detrimental effects of Brassica crop caria inodora L., Amaranthus hybridus L., Echinochloa
herbage or residue on germination of other crops. Vera crus-galli (L.) Beauv., Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.]
et al. (1987) compared the growth of barley, oats, wheat (Petersen et al. 2001), while allyl-isothiocyanate and
(Triticum aestivum L.), flax and B. rapa following soil methyl-isothiocyanate were the most active allelopathic
incorporation of B. rapa, B. napus, and B. juncea compounds in the volatile phase and consistently
herbage (244 kg ha1) and found consistent reductions provided I50 values (the concentration at which 50%
in seedling counts and final yield in all crops, while the of germination is inhibited) for germination of soybean
incorporation of 5000 kg ha1 of Brassica crop residue [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], corn (Zea mays L.), canola,
had no impact on seedling counts and final crop yield. alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), dandelion (Taraxacum
The allelopathic effect was the same for B. napus and officinalis Weber), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), and
B. rapa. A number of studies in Canada (Mason-Sedun wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at concentrations below

1 ppm. In soil, the persistence of isothiocyanates from is considered small (Warwick et al. 2003). However,
B. rapa was short (48 h) (Petersen et al. 2001). successful transfer and introgression of such novel genes
Pollen produced by Brassica sp. may elicit allergic to B. rapa may result in populations that may be more
reactions, such as bronchial asthma, in humans (Bucur difficult to control (Section 9).
and Arner 1978; Welch et al. 2000). The proportion of Volunteer B. napus and B. rapa can serve as reservoir
the population that is sensitive to airborne Brassica or alternate hosts to insect, nematode, fungal, viral, and
allergens is relatively small with 9% of people reporting bacterial pests. These pests cause damage to these
allergic symptoms during flowering season of B. napus species when grown as crops or may cause damage to
in Scotland (Soutar et al. 1995); however, allergy skin other cruciferous vegetable crops (Section 13).
tests suggested that 23 to 43% of the population have
sensitivity to Brassica pollen (Bucur and Arner 1978; (b) Beneficial * The annual acreage seeded to canola
Soutar et al. 1995). It has also been suggested that the (B. napus and B. rapa) in Canada has ranged between
condition of some horses with chronic obtrusive lung 3.6 and 5.2 million ha in recent years (20012005), with
may be exacerbated by exposure to B. napus during the vast majority grown in western Canada (Canola
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flowering (Soutar et al. 1995). Allergens may not be Council of Canada 2006). Although that acreage was at
contained in pollen only. Butcher et al. (1994) identified one point equally divided between the two species,
22 volatile organic compounds released from B. napus cultivar improvements in the past two decades have
during flowering. The bulk of these comprised alpha- resulted in B. napus genotypes being planted almost
farnesene, beta-myrcene, linalool, and (E)-3-hexen-1-ol exclusively. Today, both species are grown principally
acetate and it is thought that some of these compounds for their seed oil content in Canada with total annual
were suspected of eliciting allergic reactions. In the seed production ranging from 4.5 to 9.7 million tonnes
United Kingdom, chronic exposure to canola flour, per year (20012005) (Canola Council of Canada 2006).
which is used for animal fodder, has been implicated in Brassica napus and B. rapa were domesticated initially
causing occupational asthma in farmers (Alvarez et al. for medicinal purposes (Kimber and McGregor 1995).
2001). In Finland, Poikonen et al. (2006) recently In some countries, B. napus and B. rapa greens continue
reported increased incidence of allergic reactions in to form part of the human diet. Recently, the feasibility
For personal use only.

small children with atopic dermatitis who were tested of forage B. napus greens as an alternative vegetable to
for food allergies using the skin prick test. In a follow up rutagaba or swede turnip greens (B. napus var. rapifera
study (Puumalainen et al. 2006), 9.5 to 14.5 kD napin L.) was investigated in Newfoundland (Spaner and Lee
seed storage proteins in B. napus and B. rapa were 2001). Forage B. napus was visually more appealing
identified as the causal compounds. than the traditional turnip tops, however, a taste panel
The meal and foliage of domesticated Brassica is ranked B. napus last. The nutritional qualities of
used as animal fodder. Breeding efforts have reduced B. napus and B. rapa greens in Virginia compared well
erucic acid and glucosinolate levels in the meal to levels with those obtained from a national data base for turnip
that have eliminated the anti-nutritive effects when fed (B. rapa subsp. rapa) and mustard (B. juncea) (Bhardwaj
to livestock. However, Broadway (1989) examined et al. 2003).
trypsin proteinase inhibitors, which are thought to be In some countries, the long-time use of B. napus and
antigrazing compounds, in foliage and storage organs B. rapa for grazing or silage continues (Bell 1995).
of seven species of Brassicaceae, including B. napus and Domesticated B. napus has high in vitro digestibility
B. rapa. In general, greater levels (up to 13 times) of with digestible protein levels comparable to alfalfa
trypsin inhibitors were found in foliage of cultivated (Wilman et al. 1996) and lambs grazed on forage
Brassica spp. than in the foliage of wild Brassica spp. B. napus in Australia had higher rates of gain than
Trypsin inhibition in B. napus subsp. oleifera was lambs grazed on irrigated perennial pasture (Hopkins et
652 mg mg1 protein and that of B. rapa ranged al. 1995). In cattle, however, high levels of B. rapa forage
from 322 (subsp. rapifera) to 1220 mg mg 1 protein may influence products derived from milk. Milk thio-
(subsp. chinensis). cyanate content may increase to undesirable levels and
Genes from herbicide-resistant (HR) volunteers of B. cause problems with the manufacture of Cheddar cheese
napus and B. rapa may directly be transferred to non- (Moate et al. 1996).
HR genotypes grown as crops in the same or neighbour- In the Middle Ages, the use of domesticated B. napus
ing fields (Hall et al. 2000; Rieger et al. 2002; Beckie and B. rapa broadened when oil extracted from the seeds
et al. 2003). Currently, more than 150 spring B. napus (approximately 45% of seed dry weight) was used as
genotypes with diverse traits are licensed for commercial lamp oil, for making soap and in rare cases, as a cooking
production in Canada (Canadian Food Inspection oil (Kimber and McGregor 1995). Seed oil use was
Agency 2008). Future planned releases include geno- further expanded upon arrival of the steam engine where
types with an even more diverse range of properties. it was used as a lubricating oil on water-washed parts.
A risk of these traits crossing the species barrier to more Brassica napus and B. rapa were first grown commer-
distantly-related wild relatives, S. arvensis, Erucastrum cially in Canada in the early 1940s for industrial oil
gallicum Willd., and Raphanus raphanistrum, exists, but (National Research Council of Canada 1992). To solve

the rape oil supply problem caused by the war, leaf glucosinolate levels in these species (Cipollini et al.
domesticated B. napus and B. rapa seed were sourced 2003). In soil, glucosinolate metabolites from B. napus
from Argentina and Poland, respectively. Intensive meal, such as isothiocyanate and thiocyanate, appear to
breeding efforts undertaken in Canada in the 1970s have greater biological activity than glucosinolates as
resulted in modified seed oil quality, which reduced shown by a wireworm (Limonius infuscatus Mots.)
potential health risks to humans and removed anti- bioassay (Brown et al. 1991). Siemens et al. (2002)
nutritional compounds in the seed meal allowing its safe investigated the cost of defence against herbivory (i.e.,
use as a protein supplement in animal rations (see glucosinolate production) in weedy B. rapa during
Section 7c). Although dark seeded genotypes are grown interference with Lolium perenne L., a generalist compe-
almost exclusively in Canada at this time, yellow seeded titor, after developing divergent lines from a natural
B. napus is higher in seed oil and lower in chlorophyll population through artificial selection. Under competi-
content (Rakow and Raney 1993) than dark seeded tion with L. perenne, growth rates were the same in high
genotypes. Meal from yellow seeded B. napus and and low glucosinolate lines, indicating little cost to
B. rapa also tended to have greater seed protein (0.6 defence against herbivory under competition. In the
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

to 3.7%) and seed sucrose (1.4 to 2.8%) (Simbaya et al. absence of interference, however, herbivore exposure
1995). Dietary fibre was correlated negatively to protein decreased growth rates most prominently in low gluco-
content, while most other nutritional parameters were sinolate lines (20%), while the growth rate of high
not different between seed coat colour classes in the glucosinolate lines decreased by only 8% in the same
latter study. treatment. Furthermore, L. perenne root expansion was
Brassica napus and B. rapa are valuable nectar and inhibited most strongly by glucosinolate metabolites.
pollen sources for honey production. In Saskatchewan, The importance of tissue glucosinolate content to
the frequency of pollen from Brassicaceae (B. napus and resistance to pests of B. napus and B. rapa is less clear
B. rapa) in honey samples was only second to that of (Giamoustaris and Mithen 1997; Stowe 1998; Sexton
Melilotus sp. (Feller-Demalsy et al. 1987). Pollen from et al. 1999). The relationship between glucosinolates and
Brassicaeae was absent in only 1 of 42 honey samples pest and disease resistance was reviewed in Mithen
and was the major source of pollen in many samples. (1992). A correlation between the type of glucosinolate
For personal use only.

The relative proportion of Brassicaceae pollen in honey compound and maturity class in vegetable B. rapa has
samples in Saskatchewan was lower in a previous study been reported (Kim et al. 2003) where, in the early-
(Louveaux 1966) which may be reflective of the lower maturing class, the relative proportion of gluconapin
annual acreage seeded to domesticated B. napus and was greater than that of glucobrassicanapin. The
B. rapa at the time (Canola Council of Canada 2008). In opposite was true for medium- and late-maturing types.
a recent study, the steroid fraction of B. rapa bee pollen (c) Legislation * Bird rape (as B. campestris) is
was shown to induce apotosis in human prostrate cancer classified as a noxious weed in Quebec weed legislation
cells (Wu and Lou 2007). (Anonymous 1977) and in Saskatchewan (Anonymous
In the Netherlands, forage B. napus genotypes 1999). However, B. napus is not listed in the noxious
have been used in soil reclamation and to prevent weeds acts in any province or territory in Canada.
out-of-season nitrogen (N) leaching (Vos and van der
Putten 1997; Vos et al. 1998). Forage B. napus has also 4. Geographical Distribution
been grown effectively for phytoremediation of selenium Bird rape*Bird rape has been reported from every
(Se) (Ba_uelos and Mayland 2000) and molybdenum province and territory in Canada (NT YK NF NS PE
(Mo) (McBride et al. 2000). Brassica napus grown for Se NB QC ON MB SK AB BC) (Fig. 2 upper map;
phytoremediation may be used in animal rations as long Warwick et al. 2000; Darbyshire 2003), but is only
as the Se content is known and the forage B. napus established as a naturalized weed in the Maritime
content of the ration is adjusted to not exceed recom- Provinces, the Eastern Townships of Quebec, and the
mended threshold levels. Selenium uptake by B. napus is Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island of British Colum-
much greater when Se is available as inorganic selenate bia (Mulligan 2002b; Simard et al. 2007). In Eastern
rather than seleniforous organic material (Ajwa et al. Canada, bird rape is most common in Quebec, notably
1998). Similarly, B. napus grown for Mo phytoremedia- weedy in the Estrie region (Sabourin et al. 1992;
tion may be used as animal fodder as long as the Cu:Mo Simard et al. 2007), where it was reported in 15.6
ratio is not below 2:1 (McDowell 1985). and 11.3% of the cereal fields in the Nicolet and La
After oil extraction, B. napus seed meal may be used Pocatière Regions, respectively (Doyon et al. 1982),
as a natural pesticide (Bhardwaj et al. 1996); however, and in some parts of the east supplanted wild mustard
only if the meal is high in glucosinolates. Glucosinolates over large areas (Frankton and Mulligan 1987). Bird
are sulphur-containing organic anions containing b-d- rape is less frequent in Ontario, reported as occurring
thioglucose groups that are present in leaf tissue and in a few grain fields and waste areas in southern
seed in several different forms (Mithen 1992). These Ontario (Alex 1992), but was not found in recent
compounds are thought to be grazing deterrents, and surveys conducted in 20002005 in this region
herbivore damage has been shown to induce elevated (P. Mason, personal communication). It is scattered
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22
For personal use only.

Fig. 2. Distribution of Brassica rapa (upper map) and B. napus (lower map) in Canada from 218 and 47 herbarium specimens,
respectively, examined by the senior author in CAN, DAO, GH, NFLD, QFA, and VPI. Herbarium abbreviations as in Holmgren
et al. (1990).

throughout temperate North America, and has been northern hemisphere with temperate climates, several
reported from almost every US state, including Alaska, Asian countries, through the Andean zone of South
Greenland, and highland areas of Mexico and Central America and Argentina and Brazil, and in Australia and
America (Rollins 1981, 1993; Warwick et al. 2000; New Zealand (Holm et al. 1997, p. 117).
Darbyshire 2003). Maps of B. rapa distribution are Staniforth and Scott (1990) compared the abundance
available for eastern Canada (Sabourin et al. 1992; and distribution of 106 introduced species around the
Simard et al. 2007), Europe (see Jalas et al. 1996) and northern port of Churchill, Manitoba, based on floral
the world (Hultén and Fries 1986; Holm et al. 1997). surveys conducted in 1959 and 1989, and categorized
Brassica rapa occurs as a weed in nearly every country B. rapa as a persistent introduction requiring a contin-
(i.e., more than 20 crops in over 50 countries) in the uous supply of introduced seed, and not established

Table 2. Frequency, density and relative abundance rank of Brassica napus and/or B. rapa in non-canola crops in the major ecoregions in the Prairie
Provinces based on the most recent weed surveys conducted in Alberta in 2001, Manitoba in 2002 and Saskatchewan in 2003 (Leeson et al. 2005). Weed
populations were assessed in July and August, after the time of in-crop herbicide application and before harvest

Ecoregionz Predominant soil type Number Frequencyy Densityx Relative Rank

of fields (%) (no. m 2) abundancew

Peace Lowland Grey Luvisol 127 26.7 4.6 9.4 12

Boreal Transition Grey Luvisol, Dark Grey Chernozem 372 23.6 4.9 10.2 12
Interlake Plain Dark Grey Chernozem 48 14.2 0.9 4.4 15
Lake Manitoba Plain Black Chernozem 167 16.0 5.4 8.3 9
Aspen Parkland Black Chernozem 1058 14.6 4.7 7.0 8
Fescue Grassland Black Chernozem 73 11.0 1.5 6.4 14
Moist Mixed Grassland Dark Brown Chernozem 701 6.4 4.2 4.6 12
Mixed Grassland Brown Chernozem 586 1.5 3.1 1.2 22

Prairie ecoregions are described and mapped in Ecological Stratification Working Group (1995).
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

Percentage of surveyed fields in which the species was present.
Mean number of plants in fields in which the species was present.
Relative abundance is a synthetic index based on frequency, field uniformity and density and is used to rank species abundance. A low number
indicates a high rank relative to other species (Thomas 1985).

(i.e., able to set viable seeds and maintain their popula- Canada. Brassica rapa requires approximately 10%
tions) in the area. fewer growing degree-days to reach maturity.
Brassica napus (rapeseed, canola) was also introduced
from Eurasia. The species has been collected as a (b) Substratum * Volunteer canola is not restricted to
sporadic weedy escape from cultivation in cultivated any particular soil type and has been found on Brown,
and abandoned fields, roadsides, railways and waste Dark Brown, Black and Dark Grey Chernozemic and on
places in all provinces and territories (NT NF NS PE Grey Luvisol soils in the Prairie Provinces (Table 2). Soil
For personal use only.

NB PQ ON MB SK AB BC), except the Yukon and characteristics most suitable for the production of
almost every US state (Fig. 2 lower map; Rollins 1981, domesticated canola are described in the Canola Growers
1993; Warwick et al. 2000; Mulligan 2002b). Volunteer Manual (Thomas 2003). Medium-textured soils on
B. napus is particularly common in canola-growing the prairies are considered best because of good moisture
areas of western Canada, which is not reflected in the infiltration and water-holding capacity and adequate
lower map of Fig. 2. drainage. Fine-textured soils have a good water-holding
capacity, but can become waterlogged and tend to remain
5. Habitat wet and cold in the spring. Sandy soils are usually not
(a) Climatic Requirements * Volunteer B. napus and/or suitable for canola production because of low moisture-
B. rapa have been found in most of the annual field holding capacity. Yields of domesticated canola are
crops grown in the major ecoregions of Manitoba,
reduced on acid soils with a pH of less than 5.5, on alkali
Saskatchewan and Alberta (Table 2). The continental
soils with a pH of more than 8.3, on saline soils with
climate of this region has long, cold winters and short,
electrical conductivity values greater than 6 dS m2, and
warm to hot, summers (Ecological Stratification Work-
ing Group 1995). Mean summer temperatures range on waterlogged soils after 3 d.
from 13.08C in the Peace Lowland ecoregion to 16.08C
in the Lake Manitoba Plain ecoregion. Mean winter (c) Communities in Which the Species Occurs * Alex
temperatures range from 14.58C in the Interlake Plain (1966) conducted a survey of 45 weeds of cultivated land
ecoregion and to 8.08C in the Fescue Grassland in the three Prairie Provinces from 1963 to 1965.
ecoregion. Mean annual precipitation ranging from Although B. napus and B. rapa were not included among
250 mm in the Mixed Grassland ecoregion to 700 mm the selected weeds, about 1.0% of the survey respondents
in the Lake Manitoba Plain ecoregion. Volunteer canola added domesticated rapeseed as a weed of concern. Since
is least frequent in the Moist Mixed and Mixed Grass- then, volunteer canola has been found more frequently in
land ecoregions, where moisture deficits in late summer weed surveys of annual and perennial crops conducted
are caused by low precipitation and high evapotran- during the past 30 yr in the prairie region (Table 3).
spiration. Domesticated B. napus requires an average of Unfortunately, the two species were not differentiated in
1560 growing degree-days (ranging from 1380 to 1718), these surveys but it is very likely that almost all of the
with a 08C base temperature, to reach maturity based on volunteers recorded in the 2000s surveys were B. napus
5 yr of trials across western Canada (Thomas 2003). because this species accounts for 95% of the seeded crop.
Longer daylight hours partially compensate for lower Based on relative abundance, volunteer canola ranked as
temperatures in northern production areas of western high as second place in spring wheat and barley fields
Table 3. Frequency, density, relative abundance and rank of Brassica napus and/or B. rapa in annual field crops and perennial grasses and legumes in the Prairie Provinces based on weed surveys
conducted since 1973. Weed populations were assessed in July and August, after the time of in-crop herbicide application and before harvest

Province/cropz Year Number of fields Frequencyy (%) Densityx (no. m 2) Relative abundancew Rank Source

British Columbia (Peace River Region)

Barley 19781980 420 38.6 9.2 12.2 9 Thomas and Wise (1983a)
Spring wheat 19781980 157 43.3 15.7 15.0 8 Thomas and Wise (1983a)
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Oats 19781980 151 26.5 7.0 6.5 12 Thomas and Wise (1983a)
Forage 19781980 372 14.0 7.3 3.7 18 Thomas and Wise (1983b)
Alberta (Fort Vermilion Area)
Barley 1985 55 70.8 7.3 37.0 2 Thomas et al. (1986)
Spring wheat 1985 24 74.5 6.0 40.1 2 Thomas et al. (1986)
Barley 19871989 383 23.0 3.7 6.0 15 Maurice et al. (1990)
Barley 1997 220 10.5 9.6 5.7 19 Thomas et al. (1998a)
Barley 2001 349 12.9 4.5 6.1 15 Leeson et al. (2002b)
Cereals/oilseeds 19731977 3109 10.4 46.6 4.7 12 Thomas and Wise (1985)
Oats 19871989 125 12.8 4.8 2.5 27 Maurice et al. (1990)
Oats 1997 36 16.7 18.2 8.5 11 Thomas et al. (1998a)
Oats 2001 86 14.0 7.0 6.4 14 Leeson et al. (2002b)
Peas (dry) 2001 40 50.0 3.4 15.0 7 Leeson et al. (2002b)
For personal use only.

Wheat (spring/durum) 19871989 411 15.6 5.8 5.3 14 Maurice et al. (1990)
Wheat (spring) 1997 220 11.8 2.9 5.0 20 Thomas et al. (1998a)
Wheat (spring) 2001 418 16.0 5.2 10.0 10 Leeson et al. (2002b)
Wheat (durum) 1997 29 (species not recorded) Thomas et al. (1998a)
Wheat (durum) 2001 71 1.4 0.4 0.8 20 Leeson et al. (2002b)
Wheat (winter) 19871989 22 4.3 0.4 1.7 26 Maurice et al. (1990)
Alfalfa (seed) 1989 42 11.9 1.0 2.5 24 Malik et al. (1991)
Alfalfa (seed) 1997 120 7.5 1.5 1.5 28 Myhre et al. (2002)
Barley 19761979 600 9.0 4.0 3.1 22 Thomas and Wise (1983c)
Barley 1986 119 10.1 3.3 4.0 17 Thomas and Wise (1987)
Barley 1995 161 17.4 3.1 6.7 11 Thomas et al. (1996)
Barley 2003 355 11.8 11.2 9.9 6 Leeson et al. (2003)
Canary seed 2003 46 15.2 0.8 6.9 11 Leeson et al. (2003)
Cereals (organic) 2002 73 (species not recorded) Buhler (2005)
Flax 19761979 75 8.0 1.9 2.1 24 Thomas and Wise (1983c)
Flax 1986 27 18.5 8.3 13.7 9 Thomas and Wise (1987)
Flax 1995 53 17.0 1.4 4.3 17 Thomas et al. (1996)
Flax 2003 93 5.4 0.6 1.9 26 Leeson et al. (2003)
Lentils 1985 83 3.6 1.4 1.2 20 Douglas and Thomas (1986)
Lentils 1995 34 14.7 1.5 5.2 14 Thomas et al. (1996)
Lentils 2003 73 5.5 0.6 2.3 21 Leeson et al. (2003)
Mustard 1985 107 0.9 0.2 0.1 65 Douglas and Thomas (1986)
Mustard 1995 25 (species not recorded) Thomas et al. (1996)
Mustard 2003 45 2.2 0.6 0.8 35 Leeson et al. (2003)
Oats 19761979 233 8.2 5.2 2.2 23 Thomas and Wise (1983c)
Oats 1986 24 4.2 0.2 0.8 35 Thomas and Wise (1987)
Oats 1995 47 12.8 9.0 6.0 13 Thomas et al. (1996)
Oats 2003 119 10.9 3.4 3.8 21 Leeson et al. (2003)
Peas (dry) 1985 30 30.0 1.5 5.7 16 Douglas and Thomas (1986)
Peas (dry) 1995 60 40.0 7.2 24.3 4 Thomas et al. (1996)
Peas (dry 2003 104 14.4 2.6 6.3 11 Leeson et al. (2003)
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Table 3 (Continued)
Province/cropz Year Number of fields Frequencyy (%) Densityx (no. m 2) Relative abundancew Rank Source

Rye (spring/fall) 19761979 38 (species not recorded) Thomas and Wise (1983c)
Sunflowers 1985 50 2.0 2.4 1.3 26 Thomas and Wise (1986)
Wheat (spring/durum) 19761979 3164 4.0 2.7 1.2 28 Thomas and Wise (1983c)
Wheat (spring/durum) 1986 876 4.1 6.2 2.4 21 Thomas and Wise (1987)
Wheat (spring) 1995 407 17.0 5.4 9.0 8 Thomas et al. (1996)
Wheat (spring) 2003 581 7.4 3.2 4.3 14 Leeson et al. (2003)
Wheat (durum) 1995 164 5.5 8.2 4.7 14 Thomas et al. (1996)
Wheat (durum) 2003 274 2.2 3.1 1.9 18 Leeson et al. (2003)
Wheat (winter) 19851988 1050 3.9 3.9 2.1 27 Thomas and Wise (1989)
For personal use only.

Alfalfa (seed) 1983 77 (species not recorded) Goodwin et al. (1985)

Barley 19781979, 1981 355 2.5 5.2 0.8 32 Thomas and Wise (1984)


Barley 1986 114 3.5 0.9 0.8 30 Thomas and Wise (1988)
Barley 1997 71 7.0 0.8 1.6 24 Thomas et al. (1998b)
Barley 2002 79 15.2 3.2 7.4 10 Leeson et al. (2002a)
Flax 19781979, 1981 160 8.1 2.0 1.9 19 Thomas and Wise (1984)
Flax 1986 60 1.7 2.4 0.6 30 Thomas and Wise (1988)
Flax 1997 33 24.2 2.9 8.5 9 Thomas et al. (1998b)
Flax 2002 37 10.8 4.0 5.3 14 Leeson et al. (2002a)
Oats 19781979, 1981 92 1.1 1.0 0.2 55 Thomas and Wise (1984)
Oats 1986 25 (species not recorded) Thomas and Wise (1988)
Oats 1997 71 3.6 2.8 1.2 21 Thomas et al. (1998b)
Oats 2002 112 15.2 2.2 4.9 13 Leeson et al. (2002a)
Wheat (spring) 19781979, 1981 629 3.8 4.9 1.0 28 Thomas and Wise (1984)
Wheat (spring) 1986 262 6.9 2.5 2.0 20 Thomas and Wise (1988)
Wheat (spring) 1997 211 15.6 4.2 5.0 16 Thomas et al. (1998b)
Wheat (spring) 2002 248 23.8 2.9 9.8 7 Leeson et al. (2002a)

Data are provided for province and crop combinations with more than 20 surveyed fields.
Percentage of surveyed fields in which the species was present.
Mean number of plants in fields in which the species was present.
Relative abundance is a synthetic index based on frequency, field uniformity and density and is used to rank species abundance. A low number indicates a high rank relative to other
species (Thomas 1985).


surveyed in 1985 in the Fort Vermilion area of Alberta, as species and chickweed [Stellaria media (L.) Vill.]
low as 55th in oat fields in the late 1970s surveys in had the highest density at 19.6 plants m 2. In the
Manitoba, and absent in some crops in some years. The United Kingdom, weedy B. napus has been reported in
frequency of occurrence was generally B20% of the woodland communities (Dixon et al. 2006).
surveyed fields and densities were B10 plants m 2, but
frequencies were as high as 70% and densities were as 6. History
high as 18.2 plants m 2 in some surveys. Densities were Brassica napus and B. rapa are native of Eurasia and
much higher (46.6 plants m 2) when the surveys were introduced into North America as either a seed con-
conducted prior to the application of in-crop herbicides taminant or crop escape (Rousseau 1968; Rollins 1981;
from 19731977 in Alberta. Frankton and Mulligan 1987; Crompton et al. 1988;
A series of surveys in various regions and crops of Rollins 1993; Mulligan 2002b; Darbyshire 2003). Bras-
southern Ontario between 1960 and 1990 did not record sica rapa was reported in Nova Scotia as early as 1829
any occurrences of B. napus or B. rapa (Alex 1964; and first present in Quebec in 1908 (Rousseau 1968),
Richards 1979; Hamill et al. 1983; Hamill and Thomas whereas B. napus was first collected in New Brunswick
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

1985; Frick et al. 1990). Brassica rapa was found during in 1874 (Mulligan 2002b). Neither species is listed in
extensive surveys of 4854 fields throughout Quebec in early North American floras (Torrey and Gray 1838;
19801984. The species was present in 27% of the cereal Gray 1848), but both are listed in later floras (Britton
(wheat, barley and oats), 7% of the corn, 6% of the and Brown 1897; Robinson and Fernald 1908). Eur-
strawberry, 2% of the hay and pasture, and 2% of the opean origins for both species were suggested in the
fruit and vegetable fields (Doyon et al. 1986a, b, c, d, e; latter two floras. Britton and Brown (1897) reported
Lemieux et al. 1988a, b, c). Only B. campestris (B. rapa) B. rapa as occurring on cultivated ground, sometimes
was found in 0.5% of the spring cereal (187) fields in persisting for a year or two and occasionally in waste
New Brunswick in 19861987 (Thomas et al. 1994). places eastward in the northern United States and
Brassica campestris (B. rapa) was found in 4.1% of the Canada and that B. napus is sometimes found in waste
cereal fields in Prince Edward Island in 1978, but neither places. Robinson and Fernald (1908) stated that both
species was recorded during a survey of the same crops species tended to escape from or persist after cultivation
For personal use only.

in 1979 (Ivany 1980; Ivany and Thomas 1983). Weeds and are often noxious weeds.
were counted during June, July and August so that a In contrast, Arnason et al. (1981) suggested an earlier
portion of the observations was made before in-crop introduction and described the extensive use of various
herbicide applications. Neither species was recorded Brassica and Sinapis spp. for food and medicine by
during a Nova Scotia survey of corn and barley in native peoples of eastern Canada. Brassica napus bark
July and August and strawberries in October in 1999 was used to treat colds, cough, grippe and small pox by
(R. Hoeg and A. G. Thomas, unpublished data). the Micmac and used for chilbains by the Rappahan-
In annual cereal, oilseed and pulse crops in the Prairie nock. Brassica rapa was used as medicine by the Bois
Provinces, 93 weed species occurred in fields with Fort Chippewa.
volunteer canola. Twenty-nine of these species were
present in greater than 4% of the fields (Table 4). These 7. Growth and Development
29 species along with volunteer canola account for 94% (a) Morphology * Brassica napus and B. rapa have an
of the total relative abundance in these fields. All of indeterminate growth habit. Winter B. rapa crops
these species commonly occur in surveyed fields exhibit greater frost tolerance than domesticated winter
throughout the prairies and the weed community is B. napus. This is thought to be the result of increased
typical of that found in the ecoregions where canola protection of the growing points in winter B. rapa by
is grown as a crop (Leeson et al. 2005). Three of the the more compact arrangement of the foliage of the
species associated with volunteer canola were annual surrounding rosette [Trossell (1959) cited by Mendham
grasses that ranked second (wild oats, Avena fatua L.), and Salisbury (1995)]. Both species produce seeds in
fourth [green foxtail, Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.] and siliques (pods) that shatter easily at maturity. In general,
twentieth [barnyard grass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) seed shatter potential is higher in B. napus than in
P. Beauv.] in terms of relative abundance. Two addi- B. rapa, B. juncea and S. alba; however, differences
tional grasses were the volunteer wheat and volunteer among genotypes within species also exist (Morgan et al.
barley, ranking 21st and 28th, respectively. Six species 2000; Squires et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2007). In part, the
were perennial, with Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense (L.) difference in shatter susceptibility between these species
Scop.] ranking fifth and occurring in 59.2% of the fields may be due to differences in the pattern of water loss
with volunteer canola. Five species were facultative from the pericarp and surrounding tissues (Squires et al.
winter annuals with stinkweed (Thlaspi arvense L.) being 2003). Water loss occurs from the inside of the pericarp
the most frequent among these (29.8%). The remaining in B. napus and from the outside of the pericarp
species were spring-germinating annuals with wild in B. rapa. In B. napus pods, the dehiscent zone
buckwheat (Polygonum convolvulus L.) being the most is composed of simple cells without further wall
frequently occurring (68.5%) of all the associated thickening (Meaking and Roberts 1990). Genes from

Table 4. Frequency, density, relative abundance and rank of species occurring in the 377 fields with volunteer canola (Brassica napus and/or B. rapa) in
the Prairie Provinces. Unpublished data derived from the most recent weed surveys conducted in Alberta in 2001, Manitoba in 2002 and Saskatchewan in
2003 (Leeson et al. 2005). Weed populations were assessed in July and August, after the time of in-crop herbicide application and before harvest

Species Lifez cycle Frequencyy (%) Densityx (no. m 2) Relative abundancew Rank

Brassica napus L. and B. rapa L. Sa 100.0 4.5 34.8 1

Avena fatua L. Ag 57.9 12.0 32.6 2
Polygonum convolvulus L. Sa 68.5 4.5 27.3 3
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. Ag 36.2 19.2 27.1 4
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. P 59.2 2.5 17.5 5
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Sa 20.8 19.6 16.0 6
Thlaspi arvense L. Wa 29.8 8.2 13.7 7
Galium aparine L. and G. spurium L. Sa 23.7 8.2 11.2 8
Chenopodium album L. Sa 33.3 3.1 10.3 9
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill Sa 20.1 7.9 8.8 10
Taraxacum officinale Weber in F. H. Wigg. P 31.3 1.7 8.0 11
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Galeopsis tetrahit L. Sa 19.1 6.8 8.0 12

Equisetum arvense L. P 18.7 4.4 6.5 13
Sonchus arvensis L. P 24.3 2.1 6.3 14
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Wa 16.1 5.6 6.2 15
Crepis tectorum L. Wa 18.7 3.2 5.6 16
Polygonum lapathifolium L. Sa 20.6 2.2 5.5 17
Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex B. D. Jacks P 15.2 4.7 5.0 18
Amaranthus retroflexus L. Sa 13.5 6.2 5.0 19
Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. Ag 7.8 13.7 4.3 20
Triticum aestivum L. Ag 10.3 4.9 3.7 21
Matricaria discoidea D. C. Sa 6.9 10.4 3.1 22
Sinapis arvensis L. Sa 12.6 1.7 3.0 23
Silene noctiflora L. Wa 7.9 1.9 2.1 24
Senecio vulgaris L. Sa 6.3 3.6 2.0 25
Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. Sa 7.4 1.8 1.9 26
For personal use only.

Malva pusilla Sm. Sa 6.5 2.2 1.8 27

Hordeum vulgare L. Ag 5.0 2.9 1.6 28
Trifolium spp. P 4.3 2.6 1.3 29
Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort. Wa 4.8 2.3 1.3 30

Life cycles codes: Agannual grass, P perennial, Sa spring-germinating annual broadleaf, Wafall-germinating annual broadleaf.
Percentage of surveyed fields in which the species was present.
Mean number of plants in fields in which the species was present.
Relative abundance is a synthetic index based on frequency, field uniformity and density and is used to rank species abundance (Thomas 1985).

more shatter-resistant Brassicaceae, including B. rapa, ciated with domesticated B. napus genotypes using fatty
are being incorporated into the domesticated B. napus acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis in a field experiment
genome (Morgan et al. 2000, Wang et al. 2007). These in Saskatchewan. Significant differences were found
genes acted recessively, showed high heritability, and did between and within transgenic (GM) glufosinate- and
not appear to be linked to agronomically important glyphosate-resistant and non-GM genotypes indicating
traits (Morgan et al. 2000). Reduced seed shatter would genotype specific differences in the structure of the
likely result in decreased volunteer B. napus populations. microbial communities associated with B. napus. Similar
In undisturbed populations, seeds from shattered results were reported by Gyamfi et al. (2002) in GM
pods are dropped near the parent plant. When grown B. napus resistant to glufosinate and metazachlor in
as a crop, large numbers of seeds may be added to the Germany. Further study is required as inferences about
seed bank at the time of harvest (Section 8), while functional differences among the microbial communities
combine harvesters also may substantially increase the cannot be made from data generated by these techniques.
distance of seed dispersal within and between fields.
In a laboratory study, domesticated B. napus and (b) Perennation * Brassica napus and B. rapa are annual
B. rapa formed nodule-like structures when inoculated species with one generation per year under Canadian
with broad host-range Rhizobium strains isolated from conditions. In Quebec, rootstocks of B. napus may remain
Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet and Phaseolus vulgaris L. alive after harvest, overwinter, and regrow as volunteers
(Trinick and Hadobas 1995). Bacteria were found on the the following year (Simard et al. 2002). Similar observa-
root epidermis, but could not be detected inside root tions have not been reported in B. rapa.
tissue which when ground was toxic to the bacteria.
Dunfield and Germida (2001) investigated the rhizo- (c) Physiological Data * The physiology of volunteer
sphere and root interior microbial communities asso- B. napus and B. rapa and weedy B. rapa (i.e., known self-

sustaining populations of B. rapa) has not been described. B. napus growth in a greenhouse study did not affect
However, physiological data for domesticated genotypes seed fatty acid saturation (Champolivier and Merrien
of both species are well established. The oil content of 1996). Weselake (2000) recently reviewed lipid biosynth-
domesticated spring B. napus and B. rapa seed tends to be esis in domesticated B. napus seed. The effects of
similar and ranges from 40 to 45% in western Canada environment and soil fertility on domesticated B. napus
(Kimber and McGregor 1995) and for spring and winter and B. rapa fatty acid composition are reviewed in
B. napus in the United States (Shafii et al. 1992; Butruille Mendham and Salisbury (1995).
et al. 1999). In domesticated B. napus, maximum seed oil Domesticated B. napus and B. rapa seeds contain
levels were reached at physiological maturity (Fowler and about 22 to 26% crude protein (Bell 1995). In both
Downey 1970; Rakow and McGregor 1975). Seed oil species, seed protein was primarily located in the
content and seed yield tend to be greater in western cotyledons (76%), with 17% in the remainder of
Canada (Canvin 1965; Kirkland and Johnson 2000) and the embryo and the remaining 7% in the seed coat (King
Australia (Mailer and Cornish 1987) in B. napus and et al. 1977). In B. napus, seed protein accumulates
B. rapa crops when planted in the autumn or early spring mainly during the cell expansion phase of seed forma-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

compared with the traditional time of seeding (mid- to tion (Finlayson and Christ 1971), while the maximum
late spring) while waterlogging decreased the seed oil period of fatty acid deposition occurs during seed
content in domesticated winter B. napus in the United maturation (Fowler and Downey 1970).
Kingdom (Cannell and Bedford 1980). For a review of In India, Uprety et al. (1995) examined photosynth-
the environmental effects on seed oil content in domes- esis in 43 domesticated Brassicaceae and allied genera.
ticated B. napus and B. rapa, readers are directed to In domesticated B. napus, net photosynthesis was
Mendham and Salisbury (1995). 14.0 mmol m 2 s 1 (SE 0.51) with a stomatal resistance
In domesticated B. napus and B. rapa, fatty acids are of 1.9 s cm 1 (SE 0.36). In domesticated B. rapa, net
present primarily in the form of triacylglycerides. Fatty photosynthesis was 13.0 mmol m 2 s1 (SE 0.36) with a
acid composition determines the use of the oil and stomatal resistance of 2.2 s cm 1 (SE 0.07). Similar
breeding has resulted in four broad categories including values of stomatal conductance were reported in six
low erucic acid (LEAR), high erucic acid (HEAR) B. napus and four B. rapa genotypes by Kumar and
For personal use only.

(Kimber and McGregor 1995), low linolenic acid (high Singh (1998) with lower stomatal conductance on
stability varieties) (Anonymous 2008a), and canola oil. average in B. rapa. Uprety et al. (1995) found greater
To qualify as canola, seed oil content must be less than chlorophyll content in B. napus (1.5 mg g1 FW, SE
2% erucic acid while the aliphatic glucosinolate content 0.04) than in B. rapa (1.1 mg g1 FW, SE 0.02). This
of seed meal must be below 30 mmol g 1 (Canola difference was due to greater chlorophyll a content in
Council of Canada 1990). Currently, much effort is B. napus, as chlorophyll b levels were similar in both
directed at generating genotypes with specific fatty acid species (0.23 and 0.25 mg g1 FW). Transpiration rates
composition for specialty oil markets including indus- were similar between B. napus and B. rapa (10.4 mg
trial uses and fish food (Opsahl-Ferstad et al. 2003). cm 2 s1, SE 0.35 and 12.2 mg cm2 s 1, SE 0.27,
This elevates concerns of potential contamination respectively).
caused by volunteer populations of B. napus and Mid-season tissue osmotic concentrations in well-
B. rapa when genotypes of different quality character- watered domesticated plants of B. napus and B. rapa
istics are grown without adequate separation in time and tend to be similar, and ranged from 0.8 to 1.1 MPa
space. Seed fatty acid composition of 1475 entries from (Clarke and McGaig 1982; Good and Maclagan 1993).
21 Brassica species, including B. napus and B. rapa was Brassica napus possesses only a limited ability for
characterized by Velasco et al. (1998). On average, osmotic adjustment under extended moisture stress
B. napus seed contained more C18:1 and less C22:1 ( 0.3 to 0.4 MPa) (Good and Maclagan 1993;
than B. rapa, even though a wide range of fatty acids Jensen et al. 1996). Brassica rapa, in contrast, showed
was observed in both species. Mandal et al. (2002) also increased cell solute concentration in response to
compared seed oil content and fatty acid profiles in nine moisture stress (Clark and McCaig 1982) reaching
Brassicaceae species and found no correlation between osmotic potentials as low as 3.0 MPa (Good and
seed oil content and fatty acid profiles in B. napus and Maclagan 1993).
B. rapa. No information is available on rooting depths and
Similar to seed oil content, fatty acid composition in moisture extraction of volunteer canola and weedy
domesticated B. napus and B. rapa is influenced by populations in Canada. In domesticated B. rapa grown
environmental conditions. In western Canada (Deng in the United States, Merrill et al. (2002) reported a
and Scarth 1998) and France (Bouchereau et al. 1996), maximum rooting depth of 1.17 m with greater total
an increase in saturated and monounsaturated fatty root length in dryer seasons. In general, rooting depth
acids and a concomitant decrease in polyunsaturated and total root dry matter production were greater in
fatty acids was observed in B. napus when exposed to B. napus than in B. rapa, and Richards and Thurling
high temperatures during seed production. However, a (1979) suggested that this may be due to differences in
10-d moisture stress period applied at various stages of time to maturity between these species. In India,

maximum soil moisture extraction was 1 to 3 cm H2O (d) Phenology * In western Canada, seedling recruit-
per 30 cm depth between 30 and 150 cm soil depth, while ment of volunteer B. napus and B. rapa may occur in the
soil moisture extraction between 150 and 180 cm autumn after crop harvest (R. H. Gulden, personal
declined sharply in two B. napus and two B. rapa observations). However, volunteer canola seedlings
genotypes (Kumar and Singh 1998). In contrast, Kumar from spring genotypes generally do not survive the
et al. (1987) reported lower total moisture extraction in winter and therefore fail to reproduce. Lawson et al.
five domesticated B. napus genotypes (175 to 184 mm (2006) described the recruitment periodicity of glypho-
H2O) than in three domesticated B. rapa genotypes (186 sate-resistant volunteer B. napus in Manitoba fields
to 215 mm H2O). under three tillage systems (conventional tillage, low
Brassica napus and B. rapa are species with prominent disturbance direct seeding and high disturbance direct
tap roots and predictably the majority of root dry seeding) 1 yr after a canola crop. Maximum seedling
matter (80 to 85%) (Kjellstrom 1991; Kjellstrom and recruitment was reached between early May and the end
Kirchmann 1994) and root number distribution (41 to of June [100 and 450 growing degree days (GDD) (base
78%) (Almond et al. 1984) in domesticated winter temperature58C)] over the 2 yr of the study. Seedling
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

B. napus in Sweden were in the top 20 cm of the soil recruitment of volunteer B. napus was the same among
profile. Maximum root growth was observed during the tillage systems. In a 3 yr study in Saskatchewan, the
stem elongation phase, while maximum root dry matter seedling recruitment periodicity for B. napus and B. rapa
(200 g m 2), length (mean2 km m 2, but as large as was similar and ranged from early May until the middle
4.9 km m 2) and surface area (5 m2 m 2) were found at of June (Gulden et al. 2003b). In that study, consecutive
the time of flowering (Kjellstrom 1991; Kjelstrom and flushes of volunteer canola seedling recruitment coin-
Kirchmann 1994). The root:shoot ratios in winter cided with spring rainfalls, whereas uncharacteristically
B. napus tended to be lower (0.16 to 0.64) in a cool, dry conditions during the remainder of the growing
wet season than during a warmer, drier year (up to 0.72) seasons may have precluded seedling recruitment at
(Kjellstrom and Kirchmann 1994). In Australia, Ri- other times. In these Canadian studies, volunteer canola
chards and Thurling (1979) found a lower root:shoot seedling recruitment tended to be early-season, which
ratio in drought-stressed B. rapa (0.199) than in contrasts with reports from Europe where seedling
For personal use only.

drought-stressed B. napus (0.216). Under drought stress, recruitment of volunteer B. napus occurred throughout
B. napus may produce short, tuberized roots [Potfer et the entire growing season (Lutman 1993). It is not clear
al. (1988) cited by Mendham and Salisbury (1995)]. whether this is related to the spring genotypes grown in
Domesticated B. napus and B. rapa are sensitive to Canada compared with the primarily winter genotypes
low sulphur (S) availability in soil. When grown as a grown in Europe or whether this is due to differences in
crop in the Parkland ecoregion of western Canada, environment between these regions.
supplemental S often increases yield (Malhi and Gill In a field study in Manitoba, growth rates of B. napus
2002). In a comparative greenhouse study in Australia, were 1.21 g g1 d1 at the cotyledon stage (8 to 12 d
Mailer (1989) found that supplemental S, up to 100 mg after planting) and 1.47 g g1 d1 at the first true leaf
g1, substantially increased seed glucosinolate concen- stage (17 to 23 d after planting) and growth rates of
trations in B. napus (from 1 to 32 mmoles g1) and B. rapa were 0.78 and 0.82 g g1 d1, respectively
B. rapa (from 7 to 79 mmoles g1). Moreover, seed yield, (Brandt and Lamb 1994). In a greenhouse component of
1000-seed-weight and seed oil content increased 15, 1.7, the same study, differences in growth rates between
and 1.5 times, respectively, in B. napus, whereas in these species were less pronounced and ranged from 0.43
B. rapa, seed yield doubled, while 1000-seed-weight and to 0.87 g g1 d1 at the same growth stages. Linder and
seed oil content remained unaffected. Higher levels of Schmitt (1995) reported growth rates to the four-leaf
supplemental S were toxic to both species. stage ranging between 0.10 and 0.18 g g1 d 1 in
Phosphorus (P) limiting conditions in soils have been several B. napus lines and one B. rapa line in a field
shown to induce the release of organic acids into the study conducted in California and Georgia. No sig-
rhizosphere in domesticated B. napus (Hedley et al. nificant differences in growth rates were found between
1982). The resulting reduction of the soil pH in the B. rapa and B. rapa B. napus hybrids.
rhizosphere solubilizes P. The efficiency of this mechan- In the field in western Canada, domesticated spring
ism for enhancing plant P uptake depends largely on the B. napus produces approximately 7 leaves, each taking
availability of acid desorbable P in the rhizosphere about 46 GDD to develop (Morrison and McVetty
(Hedley et al. 1994). Shi et al. (2004) observed greater P 1991) and in a growth chamber study, B. napus leaf area
depletion (up to 13%) between a distance of 3 and expansion and leaf area duration was stable over a range
15 mm from the root surface in domesticated B. napus of temperatures when expressed based on GDD (Mor-
than in domesticated B. rapa. The opposite effect was rison et al. 1989). In India, the rate of leaf appearance in
observed for depletion of potassium (K) between 3 and domesticated B. rapa was consistently more rapid than
20 mm from the root surface. No differences in tissue P in domesticated B. napus over a range of 5 sowing dates
and K concentrations and root biomass were observed, (Oct. 19 to Dec. 09), particularly in the later emerging
but shoot biomass was about 67% greater in B. rapa. leaves (leaves 8 to 14) (Nanda et al. 1995). Final leaf

number was consistently lower in B. rapa (13 to 21 (e) Mycorrhiza * There are no known associations
leaves) compared with B. napus (19 to 27 leaves) and between mycorrhiza and B. rapa and B. napus (Medve
decreased similarly as the crop was planted later. In B. 1983).
napus, not all initiated leaf primordia expand. Smith and
Scarisbrick (1990) reported a total of 23 to 28 initiated 8. Reproduction
leaf primordia in winter B. napus in the United King- (a) Floral Biology * Brassica napus is a predominantly
dom, while only 9 or 10 of these expanded. (on average 70%) self-pollinating species, while B. rapa,
In domesticated B. napus, flowering was reached at with the exception of the Indian subsp. trilocularis
about 576 GDD (about 47 d), pod fill was reached at (Roxb.) Hanelt, yellow sarson (Specht and Diederichsen
about 860 GDD (about 66 d) and maturity was reached 2001), is considered an obligate outcrossing species. Self-
at about 1157 GDD (about 87 d) in western Canada incompatibility in B. rapa is due to a sporophytic
(Morrison et al. 1989; Kimber and McGregor 1995) incompatibility system and involves three genes. Two
with similar thermal time requirements in eastern genes at the S locus, the S locus glycoprotein (SLG) and
Canada (Morrison and Stewart 2002). Domesticated the S receptor kinase (SRK), are expressed in the stigma
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

B. rapa required about 60 d to reach maturity in western (Nasrallah et al. 1994) and the third, a cysteine-rich
Canada (Kimber and McGregor 1995). Days to flower- polypeptide named SCR (Schopfer et al. 1999) and SP11
ing and days to maturity were greater (1.3 and 1.1 d, (Takayama et al. 2000), is expressed in pollen. In the
respectively) in a group of domesticated hybrid B. napus stigma, the gene product of SRK alone can confer self-
genotypes compared with a group of domesticated incompatibility, whereas the gene product of SLG alone
open-pollinated B. napus genotypes in western Canada was unable to confer complete self-incompatibility,
(Van Deynze et al. 1992). Despite an indeterminate suggesting a complimentary rather than a unique role
growth habit, the period of flowering of individual for SLG (Takasaki et al. 2000). Self-incompatibility
plants was confined to 20 to 25 d in both B. napus and occurs when the product of these genes is identical in the
B. rapa when grown as a crop in western Canada and stigma and pollen, causing failure in pollen tube
time of emergence appeared to have little influence on initiation (Zuberi and Lewis 1988; Takasaki et al.
the length of duration of flowering of individual plants 2000). Several comprehensive reviews on self-incompat-
For personal use only.

(McGregor 1981). On any one plant, individual inflor- ibility in the Brassicaceae have been published (Cock
escences may flower for as many as 15 d or fewer than et al. 2000; Watanabe et al. 2000; Kemp and Doughty
5 d, depending on the time of anthesis relative to other 2003; Takayama and Isogai 2003). Recently, self-in-
flowers on that plant (McGregor 1981). Although not compatibility from B. oleracea was introgressed into the
obligatory, many domesticated spring B. napus geno- domesticated B. napus genome in Canada to facilitate
types continue to respond to vernalization treatment the generation of hybrid cultivars (Ripley and Bevers-
which reduces the time for flowering (Salisbury and dorf 2003a). In B. napus, differences in S-allele dom-
Green 1991; Robertson et al. 2002). inance (Ripley and Beversdorf 2003b) and differences in
Periodicity of flowering is important for inter- and S-allele expression (Ripley and Beversdorf 2003c) com-
intra-specific outcrossing to occur. In Canada, little is pared with B. oleracea were observed. The significance
known about the flowering periodicity of volunteer of these breeding systems for volunteer B. napus
canola. One experiment examining the overlap of populations remains unknown.
flowering periodicity between volunteer spring B. napus In weedy B. rapa (bird rape), a comparison by
and R. raphanistrum in wheat in eastern Canada showed Warwick and Black (1993) of observed levels of allelic
substantial overlap of flowering in these species (up to heterozygosity with expected levels under random mat-
88% of the total flowering time) (Simard and Légère ing provided evidence for significant departures from
2004). In Europe, contradicting results have been random mating, as lower mean values than expected
reported. In one study, Gruber et al. (2004a) reported were observed for both triazine-resistant populations
some overlap of flowering periodicity between cropped (0.133 vs. 0.153 mean observed versus mean expected
and volunteer winter B. napus, while in a different study heterzygosity per locus) and susceptible populations
(Gruber et al. 2005), volunteers flowered one month (0.159 and 0. 184 mean observed versus mean expected
later than a winter canola crop sown at the typical time. heterzygosity per locus) in Quebec. In China, variation
The flowering phenology of weedy B. rapa popula- in outcrossing rates (54 to 100%) has been reported
tions along a cline in California was evaluated over 3 yr among natural populations of B. rapa (Liu 1985, cited in
(Franke et al. 2006). The mean flowering date varied by Bing et al. 1991).
up to 3 wk among successive years, which included the Despite being a primarily self-pollinated species, out-
influence of an El Niño event. Moreover, populations at crossing rates in B. napus can be as high as 47% (Becker
a drier site consistently flowered earlier than those at et al. 1992; reviewed in Beckie et al. 2003). In western
wetter locations and greenhouse evaluations confirmed Canada, average outcrossing rates to adjacent plants
a strong genetic component to flowering time within greater than 20% have been reported in domesticated
these populations. B. napus (Rakow and Woods 1987; Cuthbert and
McVetty 2001) with rates of outcrossing decreasing as

the distance between plants increases (Staniland et al. behaviour was observed. In France, Pierre et al. (1996)
2000). In B. napus, the rate of outcrossing is influenced compared honeybee visitation between B. napus lines
by the position of the flowers on the plant (Rakow and with and without petals. Pollinator visitation was high
Woods 1987). Flowers located near the bottom of the in both flower types, but individual honeybees prefer-
plant are up to 3.5 times more likely to be cross- entially visited only one flower type and therefore cross-
pollinated than flowers located near the top of the plant pollination between petalous and apetalous B. napus
(Becker et al. 1992). In domesticated winter B. napus in was limited. Visitation by honeybees, bumblebees,
the United Kingdom, the rate of outcrossing does not solitary bees and Diptera was the same between domes-
appear to influence total seed production (Williams ticated conventional and transgenic glufosinate-resistant
et al. 1986). winter B. napus (Pierre et al. 2003).
Within B. napus and B. rapa, outcrossing can occur by In Manitoba, total sugar content of nectar of
wind and insect pollinators. In a study in western domesticated B. napus ranged from 600 to 800 mg per
Canada, Beckie et al. (2003) used herbicide-resistance flower in 21 different genotypes (Pernal and Currie
as a marker and reported mean outcrossing rates of 1998). Total sugar, composed of about equal quantities
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

1.4% between adjacent B. napus fields at the common of fructose and glucose, was highest during early
margin and 0.04% at a distance of 400 m in western flowering and displayed a diurnal pattern with max-
Canada. Some pollen movement was detected at the imum total sugar content per flower observed in the
study margin (800 m). Studies in Europe have measured afternoon. No differences in nectar production were
long-distance movement of domesticated B. napus observed among the three different breeding systems
pollen by wind. At a distance of 360 m from the field, (open-pollinated, cytoplasmic male-sterile, and domi-
airborne pollen density declined to 10% of that found at nant self-incompatible) present in this selection of
the field margin (Timmons et al. 1995). Nevertheless, up genotypes. In a comparative study conducted in Poland,
to 22 airborne pollen grains m 3 were measured 1.5 km domesticated spring B. napus genotypes produced up to
from the source field, with pollination of emasculated 50% more pollen and up to 50% less nectar than
bait plants reported at this distance. In male-sterile domesticated winter B. napus genotypes (Kotowski
B. napus, 23 to 29% of seed production within 6 m from 2001). Seed fatty acid profile did not affect pollen or
For personal use only.

the pollen source was attributed to wind pollination, nectar production. In contrast, Pierre et al. (1999) found
while at a distance greater than 24 m, seed production that among 71 domesticated winter B. napus genotypes,
from wind pollination was negligible relative to insect- nectar production tended to be greatest in low erucic
assisted pollination (Mesquida and Renard 1982). Out- acid and low glucosinolate lines compared with low
crossing percentage was influenced by wind direction in erucic acid and double high lines. The presence of the
this study. However, even with insect-assisted pollina- glufosinate-resistant transgene did not affect nectar and
tion, long distance outcrossing appears to be a relatively pollen production in domesticated winter B. napus
rare event in domesticated B. napus in the United grown in France (Pierre et al. 2003).
Kingdom (0.016% at 200 m, 0.004% at 400 m) Apomixis or agamospermy is a common phenomenon
(Scheffler et al. 1995). In a similar study conducted at in the Brassicaceae, especially when a generally self-
a smaller scale, Scheffler et al. (1993) reported even incompatible species, such as B. rapa, is the pollen
lower rates of outcrossing, indicating that the rate of recipient of pollen from another Brassica species
outcrossing also is influenced by the magnitude of the (reviewed in Heyn 1977). Such matroclinous or matro-
pollen source. morphic plants (resulting through the formation of
In the United Kingdom, honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) diploid gametes), have been reported repeatedly in
and bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.) are among the inter-specific crossings in Brassica (e.g., Kakizaki 1925;
most prominent outcrossing vectors of domesticated Olsson 1954, 1960; MacKay 1968, 1972; Heyn 1977).
B. napus (Scheffler et al. 1993). The duration of B. napus Fukushima (1931), Chèvre et al. (2000) and Warwick
flower visitation by bumblebees was directly correlated et al. (2003) have shown the presence of unredu-
to the amount of nectar present, but was independent of ced gametes. Pseudogamy has also been reported
the quantity of pollen present (Cresswell 1999). In in Brassica species (Noguchi 1928; Mohammud and
Germany, the red mason bee (Osmia rufa L.), a solitary Sikka 1940). Production of unreduced gametes is also
species, was also identified as an efficient pollination reported for several inter-generic crosses in the Brassi-
vector for B. napus (Steffan-Dewenter 2003). Mason bee caceae (Salisbury 1989), Sinapis arvensis B. napus
species also occur in Canada, although their role in (Moyes et al. 2002) and R. raphanistrum B. napus
pollinating Brassicaceae has not been evaluated. In a (Warwick et al. 2003). Lelivelt (1993) studied the
study in the United States, exposure to increased UV-B fertilization process and seed set in intraspecific
radiation did not affect flower visitation behaviour of and intergeneric crosses involving B. napus, B. napus 
A. mellifera in rapid cycling B. rapa and B. nigra (Collins Brassicoraphanus (raparadish), and S. alba. The occur-
et al. 1997). In this study, UV-B radiation treatments rence of matromorphic individuals in crosses where the
were applied in growth chambers daily and plants were female plant was B. napus suggested that relatively high
taken outside near a bee colony, where bee foraging rates of matromorphy/parthenogenesis occur in this

species. This, however, was not confirmed experimen- 2002). No information on seed production in volunteer
tally. A low frequency (B1%) of matromorphy was also B. napus in western Canada was found in the literature.
suspected in weedy B. rapa in New Zealand when However, in a recent 2-yr study that included one dry
fertilized with domesticated B. napus pollen (Jenkins et growing season in Saskatchewan, seed production of
al. 2005). B. napus grown in monoculture at different population
Domesticated B. napus and B. rapa are particularly densities ranged from 16 to 25.8 seeds pod1 (Angadi
sensitive to heat stress during early flowering. In a et al. 2003). The number of seeds pod 1 was not
greenhouse study in western Canada, domesticated influenced by plant density (5 to 80 plants m2);
B. rapa was more sensitive to heat stress treatment (35/ however, pod number was strongly influenced by plant
15oC) than domesticated B. napus (Angadi et al. 2000), yet density and ranged from 44 to 582 pods plant 1,
the optimum temperature for successful flowering was indicating high phenotypic plasticity in this species.
lower in B. napus than in B. rapa. Both species recovered Thousand-seed weight ranged from 2.70 to 3.58 g with
quickly from the 7-d heat stress that was imposed early no effect of plant density on this parameter. Similar seed
during flowering. Plants compensated for aborted main yield component values were reported by Morrison et al.
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stem flowers by initiating more lateral flowers once the (1990) in a field study on domesticated B. napus in
heat stress was removed. High temperature stress in B. monoculture in Manitoba. In Saskatchewan, Kirkland
napus caused the expression of heat shock proteins in and Johnson (2000) found a negative relationship
both, the micro- and the megagametophyte (Young et al. between time of emergence and seed size of progeny in
2004); however, the detrimental effects of heat stress were domesticated B. napus where the size of individual seeds
greater on the microgametophyte. In domesticated B. decreased substantially (up to 25% smaller) when the
napus in western Canada, heat stress can result in seed pod crop was planted in mid-May compared with late-April
deformation during development which may lead to or the previous fall.
deformed seed (Morrison 1993; Angadi et al. 2000), which There also is a paucity of information on seed
has not been observed in B. rapa (Angadi et al. 2000). production of volunteer or weedy B. rapa in Canada.
In the United States, a series of studies examining the In the United States, fruit production ranged from 19 to
effects of increased ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on 187 pods plant 1 in a naturalized B. rapa population in
For personal use only.

rapid cycling B. rapa genotypes were conducted. In the California (Agren and Schemke 1994); seed production
greenhouse study, growth and flowering period were was not reported. As a crop in Turkey, B. rapa had 217
decreased, while fitness was increased in B. rapa in and 404 pods plant1 with 10 to 11 seeds pod1,
treatments where supplemented UV-B radiation levels resulting in stable seed production over planting den-
were two- to threefold greater (Feldheim and Conner sities ranging from 50 to 800 seeds m 2 (Bilgili et al.
1996). In an outdoor experiment, B. rapa plants were 2003). Seed production in domesticated B. rapa tends to
artificially supplemented with UV-B from light racks be lower than in domesticated B. napus (Miller et al.
placed in the field. Visitation by pollinators doubled in 2003).
the supplemented UV-B treatments; however, fitness In Australia, Richards (1978) found that post-anthesis
was not affected by this treatment (Conner and Zangori growth was an important factor in determining
1997). Variable ambient light levels precluded an final seed production in domesticated B. rapa. In
accurate estimation of the supplemental UV-B radiation contrast, pre-flowering biomass accumulation was
in this experiment. In a greenhouse study, water and more important in determining final seed production
nutrient-stressed B. rapa plants were exposed to ambient in B. napus (Richards and Thurling 1978). Brassica
and three-times ambient UV-B levels. Fitness traits napus and B. rapa are susceptible to a number of
showed no significant interaction among the imposed diseases and pests which may reduce final seed produc-
moisture and nutrient stresses and supplemental UV-B tion (Section 13).
radiation, suggesting a high degree of independence
between these stresses in B. rapa (Conner and Zangori Seed dispersal*Brassica napus and B. rapa produce
1998). seeds in pods which shatter at maturity. This enables
Bell and Cresswell (1998) described the function of an seed dispersal over a limited distance. Neither species
inflorescence as primarily female for the first hour after possesses other specialized dispersal mechanisms. In
opening, followed by a primarily male role for the Australia, where sheep (Ovis aries L.) are often allowed
remainder of anthesis in domesticated B. napus in the to graze stubble of canola crops, viable B. napus seed
United Kingdom. Pollen removal dictated flower senes- was recovered from sheep excrement as many as 5 d
cence, with high levels of pollen removal, reducing by after ingestion (Stanton et al. 2003). This could promote
half the period of anthesis of individual flowers. seed dispersal.
Human-assisted dispersal at the time of harvest can
(b) Seed Production and Dispersal * In eastern Canada, play an important role in seed dispersal. Success of
domesticated B. napus that overwintered as a rootstock breeding efforts to increase resistance to seed shattering
after harvest produced more than 3000 seeds plant 1 as has been limited, particularly in domesticated B. napus,
a volunteer during the following season (Simard et al. although incorporation of genes from other Brassica

crop species has shown some promise (Morgan et al. moisture was associated with decreased seed bank
2000; Wang et al. 2007) (Section 7). Increasing shatter- persistence in B. napus in western Canada (Gulden
ing resistance in these species which may increase et al. 2004b). Testimonials (no data available) suggest
difficulty of seed separation during mechanical harvest that longer periods of seed bank persistence may be
could increase volunteerism (Bruce et al. 2001). Long- possible in western Canada, particularly in B. rapa. In
distance dispersal of volunteer B. napus to non-agricul- Europe, winter B. napus seed can persist for 10 or more
tural habitats such as roadsides and railroad lines is years in the seed bank (Lutman et al. 2003; Jørgensen
thought to have occurred through commercial seed et al. 2007).
movement with trucks in Canada (Yoshimura et al. Seed burial increases seed bank persistence in B. napus
2006) and the United Kingdom (Crawley and Brown and B. rapa. In western Canada, all B. napus seeds
1995) and trains in Canada (Yoshimura et al. 2006). buried at a depth of 1 cm lost viability by June in the
year following entry into the seed bank (Gulden et al.
Seed Bank Inputs * Addition of canola seed to the soil 2004b). At the same time, 20 to 30% of the seed bank of
seed bank at harvest varies according to many factors the most persistent B. napus genotype remained viable in
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

and can be quite large. A survey of 35 fields over 2 yr in seed buried at a depth of 10 cm during the previous
western Canada revealed large variability in the number autumn. Burial of domesticated B. rapa (cv. Tobin) up
of B. napus seeds added to the soil seed bank among to depths of 12 cm increased the proportion of persisting
fields from different producers at the time of harvest seed over one winter in Alaska where seed survival was
(Gulden et al. 2003a). On average, 3000 viable seeds enhanced significantly when covered with snow (62%
m 2 (5.8% of the yield) were added to the seed survival) compared with without snow cover (39%
seed bank; however, seed bank additions ranged from seed survival) (Sparrow et al. 1990). The highest levels of
1500 to 7100 seed m 2 with one exception where almost seed bank mortality occurred between March and April.
14 000 seeds m 2 were added to the seed bank. In this Most studies on volunteer winter B. napus seed bank
study, most fields were windrowed (i.e., rows of crop left persistence in the United Kingdom (Pekrun and Lutman
to dry in the field) prior to harvest and the majority of 1998) and Germany (Schlink 1995) also have reported
the lost seeds appeared to be located where the windrow increased seed bank persistence with increased depth of
For personal use only.

had lain (visual observations). One year after a canola seed burial, although the opposite was reported in one
crop, greater volunteer B. napus populations (up to instance in France (Chadoeuf et al. 1998). Lack of
sixfold) were found where the windrow from the crop disturbance following seed burial tends to increase
had lain before harvest in untilled fields in Saskatch- persistence of the seed bank in B. napus (Schlink 1995;
ewan (Beckie et al. 2003). In a study conducted in the Lutman et al. 2003; Gulden et al. 2003b; Gulden et al.
1970s in Saskatchewan, canola (type not provided) 2004b). Seed bank persistence of volunteer B. napus and
harvest losses of 9 kg ha 1 and 14.5 kg ha1 were B. rapa tends to be greater in fine-textured soils in
reported when the crop was windrowed at 37 and 12% western Canada (Gulden et al. 2003b) and the United
seed moisture content, respectively (Bowren and Pitt- Kingdom (Lutman et al. 2003). Herbicide-resistance
man 1975). Nevertheless, the relatively small seed size of traits did not affect seed bank persistence of volunteer
B. napus (1000 kernel weightB4 g based on dry matter) B. napus in farm fields in western Canada (Gulden et al.
contributes to large seed bank numbers. 2003b) and Germany (Gruber et al. 2004b), and natural
In the United States, spring B. napus harvest seed habitats in the United Kingdom (Crawley et al. 1993;
losses of 350 kg ha 1 or approximately 15% of the Hails et al. 1997).
attainable yield have been reported in the Pacific The maximum depth of seedling recruitment of
Northwest (Brown et al. 1995); however, delayed wind- volunteer B. napus was less than 10 cm in western
rowing increased harvest losses to as high as 28.5%. In Canada (Gulden et al. 2004b) and the United Kingdom
the southeastern United States, average harvest seed (Lutman 1993), and was different among the three
losses of 34.5% were reported in winter B. napus genotypes examined in the latter study. In the United
(Thomas et al. 1991). In the United Kingdom, mean States, Linder and Schmitt (1995) reported seedling
harvest seed losses of winter B. napus during direct recruitment between 7 and 60% from a depth of 4 cm
harvest range from 2 to 5% under ideal conditions, but among one B. rapa and several B. napus lines. In a long-
may be as high as 50% under unfavourable harvest term seed burial experiment in Virginia, germination
conditions (Price et al. 1996). In another British study, percentages of seed of B. rapa following exhumation
harvest losses between 200 and 300 kg ha1 or 5000 to after burial at depths of 20, 56, and 107 cm were 0, 0,
7000 seeds m 2 were reported in winter B. napus 1% after 1 yr; 0, 0, 2% after 3 yr; 0, 1, 1% after 6 yr; 0,
(Pekrun et al. 1998b). 0, 3% after 10 yr; and none after 20, 30 and 40 yr (Toole
and Brown 1946). In the United Kingdom, Walker et al.
(c) Seed Banks, Seed Viability and Germination * In (2004) conducted a seed burial experiment to determine
arable soil seed banks, seed persistence has been the seed bank persistence of winter B. napus lines with
observed for at least 3 yr in both B. napus and B. rapa different seed oil quality characteristics. Seed bank
(Gulden et al. 2003b) and increased autumn soil persistence tended to be lower in the high stearate and

high laurate transgenic and parental lines compared the seeds (Sugiyama 1949, cited by Takahashi and
with conventional oil quality genotypes after 18 mo of Suzuki 1980) or by treatment with either thiourea or
seed burial. urea (Hori and Sugiyama 1954, cited by Takahashi and
In fields, the seed bank and population density of Suzuki 1980).
volunteer B. napus and B. rapa decreases rapidly with In Germany, a seasonal response of germination to
increasing time since the last canola crop in Canada light exposure was observed in domesticated winter
(Simard et al. 2002; Gulden et al. 2003b; Gulden et al. B. napus where, when exposed to light, the germinable
2004b) and Europe (Pekrun and Lutman 1998; Lutman proportion of the viable seed bank was lower from seed
et al. 2003). In Saskatchewan, the seed bank population exhumed during summer compared with any other time
was 23 to 40%, B2%, and negligible in the first, second, of the year (Schlink 1995). Such a seasonal response in
and third spring after seed bank establishment, in a germinability was not observed in seeds exposed to
study where seed bank replenishment was not allowed darkness after exhumation. In a laboratory study in
(Gulden et al. 2003b). In the United Kingdom, the Poland, germination of domesticated winter B. napus
volunteer winter B. napus seed bank declined to 5% was inhibited by the continuous exposure to white light
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

within 15 and 39 months after seed bank establishment in combination with moisture stress (Bazanska and
(Lutman et al. 2003). However, long-term studies also Lewak 1986). Further experimentation led the authors
indicated that after 3 to 4 yr, seed mortality in to suggest the presence of a water-soluble germination
undisturbed, buried seeds becomes negligible and a inhibitor.
small fraction of volunteer winter B. napus seed readily Secondary seed dormancy potential varies among
persisted for up to one decade (Lutman et al. 2003). domesticated B. napus genotypes (Pekrun et al. 1997c;
When compared with other common weed species in the Momoh et al. 2002; Gulden et al. 2004a). Among a
United Kingdom, the initial seed bank decline rates of group of 16 Canadian spring genotypes, secondary seed
volunteer winter B. napus were among the most rapid dormancy potential ranged from B20 to90% (Gulden
(Lutman et al. 2002; Lutman et al. 2005). et al. 2004a) with a high potential in most genotypes
(80%). Among several factors investigated in this
Dormancy * Neither domesticated B. napus nor domes- study, genotype contributed most prominently to sec-
For personal use only.

ticated B. rapa exhibit primary seed dormancy at ondary seed dormancy potential (69% of total varia-
maturity (Pekrun et al. 1998b; Gulden et al. 2004a). In tion) and seed size was the second most important factor
contrast, weedy B. rapa does exhibit some primary seed (21%), with large seeds showing a greater ability to
dormancy (Hauser et al. 1998a, b). Domesticated develop dormancy. Despite a large variation in environ-
B. napus seed can develop secondary seed dormancy mental conditions during the 4 yr of this study, the
when exposed to darkness and conditions inhibitory to contribution of year and location to the total variation
germination, such as moisture stress (Pekrun et al. in secondary seed dormancy potential was negligible
1997a), hypoxia (i.e., low oxygen concentrations) (Pek- (B5%). In Canadian spring B. napus (Gulden et al.
run et al. 1997a; Momoh et al. 2002), or high tempera- 2003b, b) and European winter B. napus genotypes
tures (Zhang and Hampton 1999; Gulden et al. 2004a). (Gruber et al. 2004b), secondary seed dormancy poten-
In the laboratory, moisture stress (1.5 to 2 MPa) in tial has been linked to seed bank persistence in the field.
combination with darkness effectively induce secondary Conventional and transgenic herbicide-resistant
seed dormancy in B. napus over a period of 4 wk, while (glyphosate and glufosinate) genotypes behaved simi-
hypoxic conditions (3% O2) for the same duration were larly in both studies.
less effective (Pekrun et al. 1997a; Momoh et al. 2002). Genotype also influenced seed bank persistence in
Alternating temperatures reduced secondary seed dor- domesticated B. rapa where, after 3 yr, seed bank
mancy induction in B. napus (Pekrun et al. 1997b). persistence of one B. rapa genotype was approximately
Secondary seed dormancy in B. napus was released by one order of magnitude greater than that of a second
gibberellic acid (0.2 mg L 1) (Pekrun et al. 1998a), a B. rapa genotype in western Canada (Gulden et al.
0.002 s flash of white light (Schlink 1994 cited in Pekrun 2003b). However, seed dormancy induction in domes-
et al. 1998a), and a short stratification treatment (3 to ticated B. rapa could not be achieved using the
5 d at 2 to 48C) (Pekrun et al. 1998a; Gulden et al. combination of moisture stress, darkness, and tempera-
2004a). Germination of dormant domesticated winter B. ture that efficiently induced secondary seed dormancy in
napus seed was double that of the water control (48%) B. napus (Gulden et al. 2003b).
when solutions of gibberellic acid (0.44 kg ai ha 1 GA3) Germination and dormancy characteristics of hybrids
or 1-(3-chlorophthalimido) cyclohexanecarboxamide between domesticated B. napus and weedy B. rapa were
(AC94377) (2 kg ai ha1) were applied to the soil investigated to assess the effects of possible transgene
surface in a greenhouse study in the United Kingdom escape through hybridization between these species
(Thornton et al. 1998). Research in the 1950s on B. (Landbo and Jørgensen 1997). Levels of primary
napus (type unknown) in Japan found that seed dor- dormancy were high for the parental weedy B. rapa
mancy (presumably primary) was released by low populations, but low for B. napus and the reciprocal
temperatures in conjunction with washing and pricking B. napus weedy B. rapa hybrids.

Germination * Little information on germination of of water due to adsorption to hydrophilic surfaces) and
volunteer and weedy populations of B. napus and osmotic potentials (the reduction of free energy due to
B. rapa is available; however, the requirements for solutes in solution water) during germination of domes-
germination of domesticated genotypes of these species ticated B. napus. At osmotic potentials of 1.2 MPa,
are well documented. In Canadian spring B. napus the germination rate of B. napus was lower in soils with
genotypes, base temperatures (i.e., the lowest tempera- higher matric potential (0.02 MPa) than soils with
tures at which germination occurs) ranged between 0.44 lower matric potential (0.2 MPa) indicating an
and 28C (Kondra et al. 1983; Vigil et al. 1997), while in interaction between soil salinity and total soil water
European spring and winter B. napus genotypes, base potential. High levels of sodium (Na) decreased the rate
temperatures were 38C or lower (Marshall and Squire and percentage of germination in domesticated Cana-
1996; Squire 1999). Breeding for lower base tempera- dian B. rapa (Zheng et al. 1998) and domesticated
tures in B. napus has been attempted with limited success Canadian B. napus (Huang and Redmann 1995a, b) in
(Acharya et al. 1983; King et al. 1986). the laboratory and caused deformation in seedlings
In laboratory and greenhouse experiments, final (Zheng et al. 1998). The presence of sulphate appeared
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

germination percentage and seedling vigour were re- to alleviate these symptoms to some extent (Zheng et al.
duced by up to 98% and about 80%, respectively, in 1998), while supplemental calcium (Ca) alleviated some
domesticated Canadian B. napus and B. rapa genotypes of the symptoms caused by high NaCl (Huang and
at low temperatures (258C compared with 158C) Redmann 1995a, b).
(Acharya et al. 1983). Similar reductions in vigour also
have been observed in the United States and Denmark (d) Vegetative Reproduction * There is no evidence of
(Elias and Copeland 1997; Larsen et al. 1998). In a vegetative reproduction in these species.
different laboratory study, the mean increase in time to
germination at low temperatures (28C) was greater 9. Hybrids
(1.7-fold) in 12 domesticated Canadian B. rapa lines Extensive hybridization studies have been conducted on
than in 11 domesticated Canadian B. napus lines B. napus and B. rapa. Interspecific studies which
compared with time to germination at ambient tem- successfully used conventional sexual crosses to produce
For personal use only.

peratures (King et al. 1986). In the field, germination F1 hybrids are summarized in Table 5 and recently
and emergence of domesticated winter B. napus may summarized and evaluated with regards to potential for
take up to 18 d at 58C in western Canada (Blackshaw transgene escape in an extensive review by Fitzjohn et al.
1991). In a greenhouse study conducted in the United (2007). Many other hybridizations with more distant
States, emergence of winter B. napus genotypes was relatives have been accomplished using embryo, ovary
slower than that of spring genotypes (Vigil et al. 1997). or ovule rescue techniques (reviewed in Warwick et al.
At low temperatures, differences in field emergence 2000). Various studies (Olsson 1954; McGrath and
percentage were observed among genotypes of forage Quiros 1991) have examined fertility levels between the
B. napus and B. rapa in Nevada, United States (Wilson various subspecies and members of the B. rapa AA
et al. 1992) and Scotland (Marshall and Squire 1996). genome.
Freezing temperatures may not kill seeds that have
completed germination (i.e., the protrusion of the Gene Flow to Other Brassica Crops
radicle from the seed). Domesticated European B. napus There are two other Brassica crops grown in Canada,
with radicles protruding by up to 1.5 mm survived both of which are sexually compatible with B. napus.
storage at 208C for at least 336 d with only a minor Ongoing pollen flow studies from transgenic glyphosate-
loss of viability (4%) when air dried to a water content resistant B. napus to B. juncea (oriental mustard) and
of 11% prior to exposure to freezing temperatures B. rapa (Polish canola) have documented gene flow to
(Finch-Savage and McKee 1989). Storage at 1 and both crops at distances up to 200 m (Séguin-Swartz,
158C increased the loss of viability substantially. Never- Beckie, and Warwick, unpublished data in Warwick
theless, temperatures as low as 208C are within the 2006) (Section 8a). The consequence of gene flow to
range that may be experienced in fields throughout the domesticated B. rapa, which occupies approximately 5%
winter in western Canada. of the total Canadian canola acreage, is considered to be
In Petri dishes, Schopfer and Plachy (1984) demon- negligible. However, at present there are no established
strated that below -0.6 MPa, the germination rate and thresholds for transgene presence in the oriental mus-
total germination of European winter B. napus dimin- tard crop.
ished rapidly. Similarly, germination of domesticated
forage B. napus and B. rapa decreased at soil water Gene Flow to Related Wild/weedy Species in Canada
potentials of 0.25 and 0.50 MPa at 7.5 oC (Rao and In Canada, there are four wild relatives that have the
Dao 1987). Livingston and de Jong (1990) observed an potential to cross with B. napus, including three out-
interaction between matric (the reduction of free energy crossing (i.e. self-incompatible) species: Sinapis arvensis

Table 5. Interspecific hybridization studies with Brassica napus (Bn) and Brassica rapa (Br). All were conventional sexual crosses that produced F1 first
generation hybrids. F1 and BC backcross hybrid generation production are indicated in square brackets

Female parentmale parent Citation

Brassica napus (n19)

BnBrassica carinata A. Braun (n 17) Alam et al. (1992), Gupta (1997)
BnBrassica juncea (L.) Czern. (n18) Alam et al. (1992), Bing et al. (1991, 1996b), Gupta (1997),
Choudhary and Joshi (2001a), Zhao et al. (2003), Heenan et al. (2007)
[BnBrassica juncea F1]B. juncea Kirti et al. (1995)
BnBrassica maurorum Durieu (n8) Bijral et al. (1995)
BnBrassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch (n 8) Bing et al. (1991)
BnBrassica oleracea L. (n 9) Gupta (1997)
BnBr Bing et al. (1991, 1996b), Jorgensen and Andersen (1994), Vijayakumar et al. (1994), Brown and
Brown (1996), Mikkelsen et al. (1996a), Gupta (1997), Landbo and Jørgensen (1997), Lewis et al.
(2001), Lu and Kato (2001), Liu et al. (2002), Zhang et al. (2002), Leflon et al. (2006)
BnDiplotaxis catholica (L.) DC. (n9) Bijral and Sharma (1998)
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

BnDiplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. (n21) Bijral and Sharma (1996a)

BnEruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. subsp. sativa Bijral and Sharma (1996b)
(Mill.) Thell. (n11)
BnErucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O.E. Schulz Lefol et al. (1997)
BnHirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Foss. Chadoeuf et al. (1998), Lefol et al. (1995, 1996b), Chèvre et al. (1998b)
BnOrychophragmus violaceus (L.) O.E. Cheng et al. (2002)
Schulz (n 12)
BnRaphanus raphanistrum L. (n9) Eber et al. (1994), Baranger et al. (1995), Chadoeuf et al. (1998), Chèvre et al. (1998a), Darmency
et al. (1998), Lefol et al. (1997), Rieger et al. (2001), Guéritaine et al. (2003a, b), Chèvre et al.
(2003, 2007)
[BnRaphanus raphanistrum F1] Chèvre et al. (1997, 1998a)
R. raphanistrum
BnRaphanus sativus L. (n9) Gupta (1997)
For personal use only.

BnSinapis alba L. (n 12) Bijral et al. (1993, 1994), Chèvre et al. (1994)
BnSinapis arvensis L. (n9) Moyes et al. (2002)
[BnSinapis arvensis F1]Bn Inomata (1997)
Brassica carinata A. Braun (n17)Bn Getinet et al. (1997)
Brassica junceaBn Bing et al. (1991, 1996b), Alam et al. (1992), Sharma and Singh (1992), Vijayakumar et al. (1994),
Frello et al. (1995), Rao and Shivanna (1997), Gupta (1997), Sandhu and Gupta (2000),
Choudhary and Joshi (2001a), Zhao et al. (2003), Heenan et al. (2007)
Brassica nigraBn Bing et al. (1991)
Brassica oleraceaBn Gupta (1997)
Br Bn (see below)
Brassica tournefortii Gouan (n 10)Bn Gupta (1997)
Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. (n 7)Bn Ringdahl et al. (1987)
Diplotaxis muralisBn Fan et al. (1985), Ringdahl et al. (1987), Salisbury (1989), Gupta (1997)
Diplotaxis siifolia Kunze (n10)Bn Gupta (1997)
Hirschfeldia incanaBn Lefol et al. (1996b), Darmency and Fleury (2000)
Raphanus raphanistrumBn Eber et al. (1994), Baranger et al. (1995), Darmency et al. (1998), Chèvre et al. (1997, 1998a, 2000),
Guéritaine and Darmency (2001), Rieger et al. (2001), Guéritaine et al. (2002, 2003a, b),
Benabdelmouna et al. (2003), Warwick et al. (2003)
Sinapis arvensisBn Moyes et al. (2002)
Brassica rapa (n10)
BrBrassica barrelieri (L.) Janka (n10) Mattsson (1988)
BrBrassica carinata Rahman (2002), Li et al. (2005)
BrBrassica juncea Prasad et al. (1997), Rhee et al. (1997)
BrBn Bing et al. (1991), Leckie et al. (1993): Jorgensen and Andersen (1994), Bing et al. (1996b), Brown
and Brown (1996), Landbo et al. (1996), Mikkelsen et al. (1996b), Landbo and Jørgensen (1997),
Hauser et al. (1998a, b), Hansen et al. (2001), Halfhill et al. (2001, 2002, 2004), Wilkinson et al.
(2000, 2003), Warwick et al. (2003), Zhu et al. (2004), Ammitzbøll et al. (2005), Jenkins et al.
(2005), Simard et al. (2007), Yoshimura et al. (2006)
[BrBn F1]Br Mikkelsen et al. (1996b), Metz et al. (1997), Hansen et al. (2001), Halfhill et al. (2003)
BrBrassica nigra Mattsson (1988), Bing et al. (1991), Prasad et al. (1997)
BrBrassica oleracea Wojciechowski (1985), Mattsson (1988), Akbar (1989), Cheng et al. (1994)
BrErucastrum gallicum Lefol et al. (1997)
BrRaphanus sativus Ellerström (1978), Gupta (1997), Rhee et al. (1997)
Brassica barrelieriBr Takahata and Hinata (1983)
Brassica carinataBr Choudhary et al. (2000), Li et al. (2005)
Brassica fruticulosa Cirillo (n8)Br Takahata and Hinata (1983)
Table 5 (Continued)
Female parentmale parent Citation

Brassica junceaBr Sharma and Singh (1992), Gupta (1997), Katiyar and Chamola (1995, 1998), Rhee et al. (1997),
Choudhary and Joshi (2001a), Choudhary et al. (2002)
Brassica maurorum Durieu (n8)Br Takahata and Hinata (1983)
BnBr (see above)
Brassica oleraceaBr Ellerström (1978), Wojciechowski (1985), Gupta (1997), Lu and Kato (2001)
Brassica oxyrrhina (Coss.) Willk. (n9)Br Mattsson (1988)
Brassica tournefortii Br Choudhary and Joshi (2001b)
Diplotaxis muralisBr Salisbury (1989)
Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. (n11)Br Salisbury (1989)
Diplotaxis virgata (Cav.) DC. (n9)Br Takahata and Hinata (1983)
Raphanus sativusBr Ellerström (1978); Rhee et al. (1997)
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

(wild mustard), Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish), detected in numerous field experiments in France when
and weedy B. rapa L. (bird rape), and one predomi- R. raphanistrum served as the maternal parent (Eber
nantly selfing species, Erucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O.E. et al. 1994; Baranger et al. 1995; Darmency et al. 1998;
Schulz (dog mustard). Chèvre et al. 2000). The hybridization rate was esti-
mated at between 10 7 and 10 5 (Chèvre et al. 2000).
Sinapis arvensis. Gene flow from B. napus to S. arvensis In Australia, gene flow studies between R. raphanistrum
has a low probability of occurrence. Moyes et al. (2002) and imidazolinone-resistant B. napus growing in experi-
is the only study to date to report fertile hybrids when S. mental field plots (Rieger et al. 2001) indicated even
arvensis was the maternal parent, under greenhouse lower hybridization rates (B4108), with no hybrids
conditions. In the field, studies have not detected gene found when R. raphanistrum was the maternal parent. In
transfer from B. napus to S. arvensis in experiments Canada, R. raphanistrum co-exists with B. napus only in
conducted in Saskatchewan (Bing et al. 1995; 1996b), Quebec and Alberta. Canadian studies (Warwick et al.
For personal use only.

France (Lefol et al. 1996a), and the United Kingdom 2003) confirm that gene flow between R. raphanistrum
(Moyes et al. 2002). In Canada, S. arvensis is the most and B. napus is also rare. A single R. raphanistrum B.
common of the four weeds listed above. In recent studies napus F1 hybrid was obtained in an HR B. napus field
(Warwick et al. 2003), the absence of gene flow was plot experiment in ON, where R. raphanistrum plants
inferred by screening seed collected from S. arvensis were grown at a density of one plant m 2 with HR B.
populations for the presence of the herbicide resistance napus. This hybrid had an unstable genomic structure
(HR) trait found in adjacent commercial HR B. napus consistent with the fusion of an unreduced gamete of R.
fields in Saskatchewan. No S. arvensis HR B. napus raphanistrum and a reduced gamete of B. napus
hybrids were detected in 42 828 seedlings, suggesting (RrRrAC, 2n 37 chromosomes) and B1% pollen via-
that the probability of inter-specific gene flow from bility. No hybrids were detected in commercial HR B.
B. napus to S. arvensis is very low (B5 10 5) under napus fields in Quebec and Alberta (22 114 seedlings
commercial field conditions. screened, probability of B2105).

Weedy B. rapa. Numerous studies have indicated a high

Erucastrum gallicum. Gene flow from B. napus to E. potential for hybridization between weedy B. rapa and
gallicum has not been extensively studied. In one report, B. napus. This is not surprising, as B. rapa (AA genome,
a single B. napus E. gallicum hybrid was obtained 2n 20 chromosomes) is one of the progenitor species of
under greenhouse conditions, but no hybrids were B. napus (AACC genome, 2n 38 chromosomes).
detected when E. gallicum served as the maternal parent Spontaneous hybridization and introgression between
(Lefol et al. 1997). Erucastrum gallicum occurrence in weedy B. rapa and B. napus was reported in Danish
B. napus growing areas of Canada is limited and found studies (Jørgensen and Andersen 1994; Jørgensen et al.
primarily in Saskatchewan. In the same Canadian field 1996; Landbo et al. 1996; Hansen et al. 2001, 2003),Uni-
study described above for S. arvensis (Warwick et al. ted States field studies (Halfhill et al. 2002, 2004),
2003), no E. gallicum B. napus hybrids were detected and United Kingdom studies (Wilkinson et al. 2003);
in 21 841 E. gallicum seedlings from commercial HR and between cultivated lines of B. rapa and B. napus in
B. napus fields in Saskatchewan. These results again field experiments in Canada (Bing et al. 1996b). Based
indicate a very low probability of inter-specific gene flow on the distribution of herbarium specimens, weedy
(B2105). B. rapa has a limited distribution as an agricultural
and/or ruderal weed in B. napus growing areas in
Raphanus raphanistrum. Studies in France and Australia Quebec (Simard et al. 2007). Domesticated B. rapa can
have indicated that hybridization between R. raphanis- also be a weedy volunteer in western Canada. In recent
trum and B. napus is very rare. Only three hybrids were Canadian studies (Warwick et al. 2003), which include

data from experimental field trials and commercial HR populations under competitive field conditions (with
B. napus fields, hybridization between weedy B. rapa vs. without wheat; weedy vs. weed-free) suggested that
and B. napus occurred at a frequency of ca. 7% in two the hybrid is less fit than the parental weed population,
field experiments where weedy B. rapa plants were regardless of the presence of the transgene (Warwick
grown at a density of one plant m 2 with HR 2006).
B. napus. Brassica rapa B. napus F1 hybrids were Weedy B. rapa B. napus hybrids with the insect
also detected in two weedy B. rapa populations growing resistance trangene Bt-GFP [Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-
in or near commercial HR B. napus fields in Quebec. green fluorescent protein (GFP)] also showed reduced
This represented the first reported case globally of fitness/competitiveness (Halfhill et al. 2005). In a non-
transgene escape into a natural weed population. A competitive greenhouse experiment, both transgenic and
high frequency of hybridization (13.6%) was observed non-transgenic hybrids showed reduced vegetative
in one of the weedy B. rapa populations and was likely growth and seed production. In a field experiment
due to greater distance between B. rapa plants (i.e., a conducted under two herbivory levels and high intra-
thin stand). All F1 hybrids were morphologically similar specific competition, transgenic hybrids also produced
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

to weedy B. rapa, but hybrids were confirmed by the less vegetative dry weight and fewer seeds than weedy
presence of the herbicide resistance trait, the presence of B. rapa. In competition experiments with wheat, the
species-specific AFLP molecular markers from both hybrids were the least competitive as compared with
parental species, and a triploid ploidy level (AAC, parental Brassica competitors. Again, reduced hybrid
2n 29 chromosomes). The F1 hybrids had reduced fitness appeared to be independent of transgene pre-
pollen viability (ca. 55%) and segregated for both self- sence.
incompatible and self-compatible individuals, the latter
being a B. napus trait. Other researchers have also 10. Population Dynamics
shown that F1 hybrids produced from the hybridization Volunteer B. napus and B. rapa population densities in
of weedy B. rapa and B. napus were triploid (Metz et al. fields declined quickly after the last canola crop, from
1997; Halfhill et al. 2002). Recent studies have docu- the first (100 to 210 plants m 2), to the second year (0 to
mented the occurrence of F1 hybrids in an additional 3 plants m 2), to the third year (B1 plant m 2) after
For personal use only.

9 sites in Quebec (Simard et al. 2007). Follow-up studies seed bank establishment when seed bank replenishment
have documented the persistence and stable introgres- was not allowed (Gulden et al. 2003b). The same was
sion of the HR trait in a weedy Brassica rapa population found in field suveys in Saskatchewan (Thomas and
at one of the two original 2001 commercial field Leeson 1999) and Quebec (Simard et al. 2002) where
hybridization sites (Warwick et al. 2007). Persistence seed bank replenishment could occur and residual (after
occurred over a 6-yr period, in the absence of herbicide in-crop weed control) densities of volunteer canola (B.
selection pressure (with the exception of possible ex- napus and B. rapa) were typically less than 1 plant m 2 4
posure to glyphosate in 2002) and in spite of the fitness to 5 yr after a canola crop. These data suggest that seed
cost associated with hybridization (see below). bank replenishment in volunteer populations in fields is
limited. During the growing season, volunteer B. napus
and B. rapa densities are often variable, but tend to be
Hybrid Fitness (B. rapa B. napus hybrids) greatest in the spring. In a pre-weed control spring
Previous studies of transgenic glufosinate-resistant F1 survey where volunteer canola was the most abundant
weedy B. rapa B. napus hybrids (Snow et al. 1999) weed, fewer than one and as many as 812 volunteer
indicated no fitness effect in the F1 hybrid. In similar canola plants m2 were counted in fields in Manitoba in
studies, Hauser et al. (1998a) found that F1 hybrids had 1994 (Thomas et al. 1997). In the 85 fields where
intermediate fitness between the two parental species volunteer canola was present, the mean density of 85.7
based on several combined characteristics, and they volunteer canola plants m 2 in the spring decreased to
concluded that F1 hybrids were significantly more fit 13.7 plants m 2 by autumn. Similar observations were
than weedy B. rapa. In a subsequent study, Hauser et al. made by Harker et al. (2006) in a 4-yr study across
(1998b), found that a fitness penalty occurred in F2 and western Canada, which showed highly variable seedling
backcrossed individuals, although a small percentage of densities among the locations (0 to 179 plants m 2),
hybrids were as fit as the weedy parent. The fitness of F1 despite identical initial seed bank populations. Volun-
hybrids may also be frequency dependent (based on teer B. napus densities declined to B5 plants m 2 after
hybrid versus parent ratio), and the experimental design the first year of the study. At some locations, increased
in future research may need to include the appropriate levels of soil disturbance and continuous cropping
ratio of hybrid to parental weedy B. rapa plants to promoted volunteer B. napus persistence, while the
simulate selection for the hybrids with the highest fitness effect of seeding date of the wheat crop was negligible
(Pertl et al. 2002; Hauser et al. 2003). Preliminary results on seedling recruitment and persistence in volunteer B.
from an experimental field study conducted in Ottawa, napus.
ON, in 2005 on two Canadian glyphosate resistant Other factors are also known to affect populations
weedy B. rapa B. napus BC2F2 backcross hybrid densities of volunteer canola. In a long-term rotation

study in Saskatchewan, volunteer B. napus seedling (2004) documented Brassicaceae outside agricultural
densities in the first spring after a canola crop were fields. Naturalized B. napus populations tended to be
between one and two orders of magnitude greater after rare and small with the largest along a roadside
an uncharacteristically dry autumn (Légère et al. 2001). composed of about 100 plants. Weedy B. rapa var.
Volunteer B. napus populations were influenced by oleifera also was rare in rural areas and was found to be
landscape slope position in Saskatchewan with a 22- most abundant at the periphery of urban areas.
fold difference in average pre-spraying volunteer Although naturalized populations of B. rapa are self-
B. napus populations between the upper slope (34 plants sustaining outside arable fields, feral B. napus popula-
m 2) and lower slope positions (740 plants m 2) 1 yr tions tend to go extinct after 3 to 8 yr in Europe
after a canola crop (Beckie et al. 2003). Self-thinning has (Crawley and Brown 1995; Scott and Wilkinson 1999;
been observed in B. napus crops in western Canada with Pessel et al. 2001).
consistent behaviour among genotypes. In an agronomic Blackshaw and Dekker (1988) investigated the rela-
performance experiment, van Deynze et al. (1992) tive competitiveness of domesticated Canadian B. napus
reported mean survival at maturity of 73% when the to two common weeds using a replacement study.
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seedling recruitment density was 49 plants m 2, whereas Brassica napus was less tolerant to interference than
mean survival at maturity was only 55% when seedling S. arvensis, but more tolerant to interference than
recruitment was 127 plants m 2. Other studies reported lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.). The ability to
similar results (Morrison et al. 1990). withstand drought conditions was directly proportional
A number of different models describing the popula- to the interference potential of each species. Leaf area
tion dynamics of volunteer B. napus have been devel- development and light interception were closely linked
oped in Europe. Two independent models based on data to the competitive ability of these species (Blackshaw
primarily collected in the United Kingdom describe the et al. 1989), while competition for soil nutrients did not
seed bank dynamics of volunteer B. napus in cropping appear to play a role (Blackshaw and Dekker 1988).
systems (Squire et al. 1997; Pekrun et al. 2005). Two In laboratory studies, intra- and interspecific compe-
further models developed in the United Kingdom tition have been shown to influence reproductive traits
describe the population dynamics of winter B. napus. in subsequent generations in rapid-cycling B. rapa
For personal use only.

The first examines the persistence of transgenic volun- differently, with flower number increasing more
teer B. napus populations in fields (Begg et al. 2006), under intraspecific competition than under interspecific
while the second describes the spatial population competition after two generations (Miller 1995). High
dynamics of feral B. napus outside agricultural fields genetic variation was observed in rapid-cycling
(Crawley and Brown 2004). A fifth model, developed in B. rapa, but environmental factors also strongly influ-
France, simulates the effect of cropping system on enced the phenotype of progeny (Karoly and Conner
transgene escape through pollen flow in B. napus crops 2000).
from volunteer and cropped plants (Colbach et al. 2000)
and a sixth model developed in Germany describes 11. Response to Herbicides and Other Chemicals
reproduction in volunteer winter B. napus (Gruber and The occurrence of stacking of herbicide resistance genes
Claupein 2007). in volunteer B. napus in western Canada (next section)
Little is known about the population dynamics of provided the impetus for research on alternative herbi-
volunteer and weedy (naturalized) canola (B. napus and cide control options for volunteer canola in fields.
B. rapa) in non-agricultural areas in Canada. In a recent Beckie et al. (2004) examined the susceptibility of one
survey of railroad beds and roadsides in Saskatchewan conventional non-herbicide tolerant canola cultivar,
and British Columbia, the primary source and port four single herbicide-resistant cultivars (glyphosate,
destination of canola crops in Canada, Yoshimura et al. glufosinate, imidazolinone, and bromoxynil), and seven
(2006) found that feral populations (i.e., populations double- or triple-resistant lines to 2,4-D (amine and
outside arable fields) of B. napus tended to be greater ester), MCPA ester and metribuzin. The susceptibility
along roadsides in Saskatchewan and along railroads in (90% mortality) to 2,4-D amine and ester, MCPA
British Columbia, both reflecting the major means of ester and metribuzin applied at the two- to three-leaf
transportation of commercial canola seed at each stage to all, but the bromoxynil resistant B. napus
location. Individual plants resistant to glyphosate or genotypes, did not differ, although the sensitivity of
glufosinate comprised a large proportion of the feral B. napus to 2,4-D amine was much lower when applied
populations which was a reflection of the large acreage at the later stage (five- to six-leaf). In Saskatchewan,
of HR B. napus canola that is currently grown in Kirkland (1997) reported a residual effect of spring 2,4-
Canada. In Manitoba, 16 escaped populations of B. D applications that consistently reduced seedling re-
napus growing along verges of fields and roadways were cruitment in B. napus and B. rapa crops seeded shortly
monitored from 2004 to 2006 (Knispel et al. 2008). In after application of this herbicide. In response to
these populations, stacking of herbicide-resistance genes testimonials of failed control of volunteer B. napus by
through intraspecific gene flow was observed. In a phenoxy herbicides in spring in Canada, Légère et al.
survey in Canterbury, New Zealand, Heenan et al. (2006) examined the influence of cold acclimation on

herbicide efficacy on volunteer B. napus seedlings in Herbicide Resistance

greenhouse and field studies in Saskatchewan and Currently, B. napus genotypes resistant to herbicides
Quebec. Greenhouse studies showed no appreciable with three different modes of action are available for
difference in herbicide efficacy of 2,4-D or MCPA in commercial production in Canada. Two of these are
cold-acclimated compared with unacclimated B. napus transgenic genotypes (glyphosate- and glufosinate-resis-
seedlings. The same was observed in the field trials tant), while resistance to imidazolinones was generated
where herbicide efficacy was influenced more by growth through mutagenesis. Brassica napus cultivars resistant
stage of volunteer B. napus than by the degree of cold to bromoxynil, the fourth chemistry of herbicide resis-
acclimation. There are many (2530) registered herbi- tance in this species, are no longer available commer-
cide options to control volunteer canola in the major cially. Herbicide resistant genotypes comprise greater
cereal crops in western Canada (Anonymous 2008b). than 80% of the annual acreage of B. napus currently
However, in crops such as sunflower (Helianthus annuus grown in Canada with genotypes resistant to glyphosate
L.), lentil (Lens culinaris L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum comprising approximately 50% of that acreage (Canola
L.), and field pea (Pisum sativum L.), there are few in- Council of Canada 2001). Due to outcrossing in
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

crop herbicide options for controlling volunteer canola B. napus (Sections 8 and 9), volunteer B. napus popula-
(Anonymous 2008b). Carfentrazone, a triazolinone tions with multiple herbicide resistance have been
herbicide recently registered for use in Canada, may be documented. Two years after the commercial introduc-
useful for control of volunteer B. napus in these tion of HR genotypes, Hall et al. (2000) found multiple
phenoxy-sensitive crops (Légère et al. 2006). Imazamox, resistant volunteer B. napus plants in an Alberta field
a post-emergence applied imidazolinone herbicide, pro- resulting from inadequate spatial and temporal separa-
vided adequate control of domesticated B. rapa at rates tion of three different HR B. napus crops. Two plants
that did not injure field pea in Alberta (Blackshaw were resistant to all three herbicides with many more
1998). In common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum double resistant volunteers. In a study in Saskatchewan,
Moench), volunteer B. napus and B. rapa may be Beckie et al. (2003) documented the location of all
controlled with desmedipham, a phenyl-carbamate her- double HR B. napus volunteers generated via pollen
bicide commonly used in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) flow between 11 paired fields 1 yr after a glyphosate-
For personal use only.

(Wall and Smith 1999). Buckwheat tolerance to this resistant cultivar was grown in one field and a glufosi-
herbicide is approximately five times greater than that of nate-resistant cultivar was grown in the adjacent field.
domesticated B. napus and B. rapa; however, the high Large numbers of double-resistant plants were found,
cost of this herbicide at the required rate may be indicating that gene stacking via outcrossing was
prohibitive for this use. In western Canada, pre-harvest common in B. napus. The spatial pattern of the
applications of glyphosate are becoming more common distribution of double resistant individuals was not
in some crops. The intent is to speed and harmonize consistent among and within paired fields. Similar
maturation of the crop throughout a field, while also experiments showing similar results, albeit on a smaller
controlling weeds. Pre-harvest application of glyphosate scale, have been conducted in Europe (Dietz-Pfeilsetter
in a B. napus crop after the pods were formed did not and Zwerger 2004).
influence the rate of maturation or seed characteristics Simard et al. (2005) generated double resistant
(Darwent et al. 2000). B. napus lines (imidazolinone/glufosinate, glyphosate/
In Quebec, Maltais and Bouchard (1978) reported glufosinate, imidazolinone/glyphosate) using Canadian
that 2,4-D, linuron, and amino-triazole effectively con- spring B. napus genotypes and evaluated the fitness of
trolled triazine-resistant weedy B. rapa (see below) in these lines. No significant fitness penalty was detected in
greenhouse studies. In B. rapa, triazine-resistance is a the double resistant lines compared with the single
maternally inherited trait (Souza Machado et al. 1978; resistant lines. The glyphosate/glufosinate double resis-
Souza Machado and Bandeen 1982) and this trait has tant plants produced the greatest biomass. Kumar et al.
been tranferred from these weedy B. rapa (bird rape) (1998) generated transgenic Canadian spring B. napus
populations to domesticated B. rapa and B. napus lines containing the Pat transgene for glufosinate-
(Beversdorf et al. 1980). resistance and evaluated these lines in field trials in
In the Pacific Northwest, Rainbolt et al. (2004) found Saskatchewan. Comparisons of the 19 transgenic lines
that aside from glyphosate, paraquat plus diuron was with their isogenic susceptible counterparts showed that
the most effective herbicide combination for controlling in 11 instances, presence of this transgene affected
herbicide-resistant volunteer B. napus. Glyphosate plus agronomic attributes (i.e., total biomass, yield, time to
glufosinate and glyphosate plus paraquat were less flowering and maturity, oil content, protein content)
effective. In the United Kingdom, none of the pre- negatively and this effect became more pronounced in
emergence herbicides registered for use in woodlands lines with more copies of the transgene. These findings
provided effective control of volunteer B. napus in these indicated that transgene location in the genome and
areas; however, atrazine in combination with cyanazine accumulation of transgenes may affect fitness in volun-
did result in substantial growth reductions of B. napus in teer populations of B. napus. In the United States,
woodlands (Dixon et al. 2006). Stewart et al. (1996) produced a series of transgenic

B. napus lines containing the insecticidal Bt transgene crop (Simard and Légère 2003). In all treatments,
and evaluated these in the laboratory and the field however, volunteer B. napus seedling density was quite
(Stewart et al. 1997). Under insect selection pressure in low. In a study in western Canada, tillage did not affect
the field, transgenic plants had increased fitness due to total volunteer B. napus and B. rapa seedling recruit-
reduced defoliation compared with their non-transgenic ment, although the main flush of seedling recruitment in
counterparts when allowed to naturalize following zero-tillage was delayed until after the first substantial
cultivation. In a Danish study, no fitness penalty was spring rain (Gulden et al. 2003b). Other reasons for
found when a single glufosinate-resistance transgene was these apparent regional differences include much lower
introgressed from domesticated transgenic B. napus into tillage intensities in conventional tillage in western
weedy B. rapa (Snow et al. 1999). Canada compared with eastern Canada and inherent
In weedy B. rapa in Canada and elsewhere, acquired differences in climate between these regions. In a
resistance to triazines is clearly associated with a fitness synthesis of results from 10 tillage studies on the
penalty (Mapplebeck et al. 1982; Plowman et al. 1999). Canadian prairies, Thomas et al. (2004) concluded that
In natural habitats, triazine-resistant weedy B. rapa volunteer canola was associated with reduced- and zero-
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germinated slower (Mapplebeck et al. 1982), the max- tillage systems and not with conventional-tillage sys-
imum depth of seedling recruitment was less (Mapple- tems. Significant associations were only found in 21% of
beck et al. 1982), and the frequency of triazine-resistant the site-years, but the trend in the remaining site-years
plants rapidly decreased in a weedy population in provided support for an association with reduced and
natural habitats (Plowman et al. 1999). Carbon ex- zero tillage. Crop rotation was not considered in the
change rates were lower (up to 28%) in triazine-resistant analysis. In Europe, Bowerman (1993) reported as early
domesticated B. napus and B. rapa genotypes compared as 1993 that management practices influence volunteer
with triazine-susceptible genotypes, despite similar B. napus seedling recruitment after a canola crop.
chlorophyll a and b contents (Hobbs 1987). Burke Burning the residue and/or shallow incorporation of
et al. (1982) observed differences in chlorophyll a:b the residue of the canola crop resulted in fewer volunteer
ratios and chloroplast fatty acid composition among seedlings (46 and 33 plants m 2, respectively) than
triazine-resistant and triazine-susceptible biotypes of ploughing (223 plants m 2) 1 yr after seed bank
For personal use only.

weedy B. rapa in the United States. An interaction initiation. Studies on volunteer winter B. napus have
between temperature and light levels in the competitive demonstrated greater seed bank persistence when seeds
outcome between triazine-tolerant and triazine-suscep- were buried immediately after seed shed compared with
tible rapid-cycling domesticated B. rapa was observed. delayed or no tillage (Pekrun and Lutman 1998). Even
At low light and high temperatures, the resistant biotype delayed ploughing resulted in a significantly lower
was a better competitor than the susceptible biotype winter B. napus seed bank the following spring com-
(Plowman and Richards 1997). pared with ploughing immediately after seed shed
Friesen et al. (2003) examined 27 commercially (Pekrun and Lutman 1998), indicating increased seed
available certified seedlots of conventional B. napus for mortality or predation when seeds were left on the soil
contamination with herbicide-resistant seed. Some level surface. A Swiss study examined the combined effects of
of glyphosate-resistance presence (up to 4%) was found preceding crop, tillage system and time of herbicide
in almost all seedlots and 14 seedlots exceeded the application on weed populations using a winter wheat-
0.25% impurity threshold set for certified seedlots. oilseed rape-winter wheat-maize rotation (Streit et al.
2003). Volunteer B. napus was one of the dominant
12. Response to Other Human Manipulations species in the weed community in winter wheat follow-
Volunteer canola is associated with crop management ing oilseed rape and was significantly related to the no-
systems in western Canada. Leeson et al. (2000) tillage treatment.
investigated the distribution of residual weeds in fields Kirkland (1993) investigated the influence of barley
classified into one of seven management systems in (Hordeum vulgare L.) competition on biomass produc-
Saskatchewan. The management systems were categor- tion of domesticated volunteer B. rapa in Saskatchewan
ized according to crop rotation (fallow, diversified- and showed biomass reductions of 95% or more when
annual grain, diversified-grain-forage) and intensity of barley was planted at 220 kg ha1 in 11-cm rows
external inputs (organic, moderate, high). Over the 3-yr compared with when barley was planted at 50 kg ha1
study, volunteer canola (B. napus and B. rapa) was most in 46-cm rows. In an interference study between
prevalent in high-input fallow and moderate input domesticated B. rapa and tartary buckwheat (Fago-
diversified-annual grain management systems. These pyrum tataricum L.) where B. rapa was grown as the
systems also are those in which canola is most likely crop, O’Donovan (1994) found that B. rapa reproduc-
grown as a crop. tive output was least affected at high B. rapa densities
In eastern Canada, volunteer B. napus seedling (200 plants m 2) compared with lower densities (50 and
recruitment was greater under zero-tillage (4 plants 100 plants m 2).
m 2) compared with using a chisel or a moldboard plow Blackshaw et al. (2003) compared shoot and root
(B2 plants m 2) in the first spring following a canola growth of 23 agricultural weeds and the crop B. napus to

a range of N fertilizer rates from 0 to 240 mg kg1 soil resistant crops. Volunteer canola densities were signifi-
in a controlled environment study. Shoot biomass cantly higher in the conventional tillage systems at two
production of B. napus and of 10 other species [e.g. sites in some of the five rotations and in early-seeded
wild mustard, redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus treatments at one site. Rotations including glyphosate-
L.) and lambsquarters] responded to increasing amounts resistant crops did not increase the risk from volunteer
of N. Root biomass production of B. napus was less canola. Harker et al. (2006) compared the density of
responsive than shoot biomass. Brassica napus and six canola volunteers in a wheat-field pea-barley rotation
other species had greater than 90% uptake of available and a fallow-field pea-fallow rotation with five different
N. The responses of the same species to P fertilizer levels seeding system combinations comprised of seeding date
from 0 up to 60 mg kg1 soil were studied in a similar and soil disturbance level at seven sites across western
controlled environment study (Blackshaw et al. 2004). Canada. Treatment effects were not consistent among
Brassica napus, along with wild mustard, kochia [Kochia sites and only one comparison was significant in 1 yr
scoparia (L.) Roth] and Russian thistle (Salsola pestifer where greater volunteer canola densities tended to be
A. Nels.), exhibited the least response in shoot biomass associated with increasing soil disturbance in the con-
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to added P. Root biomass in B. napus was more tinuous cropping rotation.

responsive than shoot biomass. Brassica napus, redroot
pigweed and wild mustard were in the top group of
species that took up greater than 40% of the available 13. Responses to Herbivory, Disease and Higher
P. Similar controlled environmental studies have not Plant Parasites
been conducted on S and K, but S is the most limiting
plant nutrient after N and P as Brassica napus has a high (a) Herbivory
S requirement. Application of sulphate at about (i) Mammals * Deer graze on canola plants in Canada.
1530 kg S ha 1 is usually sufficient for a B. napus Canola was tested in Nova Scotia as a lure crop to
crop on S-deficient soils (Malhi et al. 2005). The balance protect carrots from grazing by white-tailed deer
between S and N is also important. Although it is (Odocoileus virginianus). Staggered plantings of canola,
recommended to fertilize with N and S in a 7:1 ratio which continuously produced flowers, was the most
effective crop that attracted deer away from carrots
For personal use only.

(Thomas 2003) to achieve optimum yield and seed

quality, this may not be appropriate for the production (Schwab et al. 2001). The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance
of new high-yielding canola hybrids. Karamanos et al. program expanded the crop establishment benefit to
(2005) found that the N requirement for optimum yield include damage from Richardson’s ground squirrels
of hybrid canola cultivars were higher than those of (Spermophilus richardsonii) in 2007. Under the 2007
conventional cultivars and that once S deficiency was pilot program, 176 producers in southwestern Saskatch-
corrected there was little need to balance N and S at any ewan filed claims and were paid damages totalling
particular ratio. Potassium is required in large amounts $200 000 in canola (D. Wotherspoon, personal commu-
by canola but fertilization trials in western Canada have nication).
rarely shown a response to the addition of K even when (ii) Birds and/or Other Vertebrates * There is no
grown on soils with very low extractable K levels (Doyle published evidence of birds feeding in canola fields in
and Cowell 1993). The lack of response is due to ample Canada; however, in 2006 the Saskatchewan Crop
soil K reserves in western Canada and the crops ability Insurance Corporation paid out $86 000 in damages
to absorb K from the soil (Thomas 2003). The growth, caused by migratory waterfowl in canola (P. Screpnek,
competitive ability and reproductive potential of volun- personal communication). The use of canola fields by
teer canola plants in subsequent crops will be influenced sandhill crane, Grus canadensis (L.), in Saskatchewan
by fertility levels, but this subject has not been was too low to be included in an analysis of foraging
researched. preferences during their southward migration in the
Harker et al. (2005) investigated the effects of varying autumn (Sugden et al. 1988). Hall (2007) indicates that
frequencies of glyphosate-resistant wheat and B. napus canola in Ontario may be grazed by wild turkeys.
canola in a wheat-canola-wheat-field pea rotation (five American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis L.) fed so
different rotations) on weed populations at six sites in intensively on mature canola plants in experimental
western Canada. Crops were grown under either a plots in St-Davi-de-Lévis that nets were required to
conventional tillage or a low soil-disturbance system salvage crop yields (M.-J. Simard, personal communica-
with early or late seeding dates. Weed populations were tion). In the United Kingdom, yield losses in autumn-
assessed in the non-resistant pea crop in the final year of sown oilseed rape due to mute swans (Cygnus olor L.)
the study. The response of volunteer canola was were as high as 33.7% at high grazing intensity (Parrott
inconsistent; populations were not significantly asso- and McKay 2001), to brent geese (Branta bernicla
ciated with any rotation at three of the sites, were bernicla L.) as high as 27.5% (McKay et al. 1993), and
associated with the rotation using no glyphosate-resis- to woodpigeon (Palumba columbus L.) averaged 9%
tant crops at two of the sites and, at the sixth site, were (Inglis et al. 1989). These birds overwinter in the United
associated with the rotation using both glyphosate- Kingdom and feed from December to April.

(iii) Insects * A number of insect pests attack the insect populations and their relationship with arthropod
cotyledons, leaves, stems, apical and flower buds, communities in adjacent crops and other habitats (Lamb
flowers, pods, seeds and roots of canola and rape plants 1989).
(Thomas 2003). Pests in the order Lepidoptera include It is not known if volunteer canola plants contribute
alfalfa looper (Autographa californica Speyer), beet to the diversity and structure of insect populations in
webworm (Loxostege sticticalis L.), bertha armyworm agricultural habitats, but a recent study has shown that
(Mamestra configurata Walker), cabbageworms (Pieris maintaining small populations of weeds in the canola
species), clover cutworms (Dicestra trifolii Hufnagel), crop has the potential to reduce root maggot infesta-
diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.), painted lady tions (Dosdall et al. 2003). The incidence and damage of
butterfly (Vanessa cardui L.) pale western cutworm the crucifer and striped flea beetles, cabbage seedpod
(Agrotis orthogonia Morrison), and redbacked cutworm weevil and lygus plant bugs were similar among
(Euxoa ochrogaster Guenée). Insect pests in the order herbicide-tolerant and conventional cultivars of canola
Coleoptera include cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutor- (Cárcamo and Blackshaw 2007).
hynchus obstrictus Marsham), crucifer flea beetle (Phyl-
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

lotreta cruciferae Goeze), striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta (iv) Nematodes and/or Other Invertebrates * Nematodes
striolata Fabricius), red turnip beetle (Entomoscelis are not known to cause yield loss in B. napus and B. rapa
americana Brown); in the order Homoptera: aphids crops grown in Canada, although under greenhouse
(Brevicoryne brassicae L. and other species); in the order conditions in Quebec B. napus (cv. HL99) was a good
Hemiptera: plant bugs (Lygus species); and in the order host for the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus pene-
Diptera: cabbage root maggot (Delia radicum L.) and trans (Cobb) Filipjev and Schuurmans Stekhoven,
turnip root maggot (Delia floralis Fallén). increasing nematode numbers 9.3 times (Bélair et al.
The cabbage seedpod weevil (C. obstrictus), first 2002). Nielsen et al. (2003) tested many B. napus (both
reported in Alberta in 1995, is predicted to become a spring and winter types) and B. rapa (winter) cultivars
major pest throughout the entire canola production area grown in the north-central region of the United States
in western Canada (Dosdall et al. 2002). The lesser and found that none had any resistance to sugar beet
migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes Fabri- cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt). They
For personal use only.

cius) has been shown in controlled experiments to concluded that if canola is grown in rotation with sugar
reduce the yield of both B. napus and B. rapa (Olfert beet, the nematode problem may increase. The cabbage
and Weiss 2002). The bronzed or rape blossom beetle cyst nematode, Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, and
(Meligethes viridescens Fabricius) is a common pest of root-lesion nematodes, Pratylenchus spp., have been
spring-seeded B. napus and B. rapa in Europe that is shown to cause damage to oilseed rape crops in the
known to be present in eastern Canada and has the United Kingdom (Evans and Webb 1989). Damage to
potential to spread westward to the prairies (Mason B. napus seedlings by the oat race of stem nematode,
et al. 2003). Recently swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev, has been observed
Kieffer), a pest of cruciferous species including canola, in a few fields in South Australia (Taylor and Szot
was accidentally introduced into North America and is 2000). Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei have been
now found in a few areas in Ontario and Quebec (Olfert found to infect B. napus in Iran (Fatemy et al. 2006).
et al. 2006) and in Saskatchewan in 2007 (J. Soroka: Brassica napus was found to be susceptible to P.
personal communication). Bioclimatic models indicated neglectus (Taylor et al. 2000) and moderately resistant
that this pest could potentially become established in all to P. thornei (Hollaway et al. 2000) in field trials in
provinces of Canada but the greatest risk would be in southeastern Australia.
southern Ontario and southern Quebec. Slugs and snails have not caused damage to canola
Burgess and Weegar (1988) surveyed insects in the crops in western Canada, but slugs (specific species not
order Thysanoptera in domesticated canola fields in mentioned) have been a problem recently in winter canola
Saskatchewan and Alberta. They found flower thrips production in Ontario (Hall 2007). In recent years slugs
(Frankliniella tritici (Fitch)), onion thrips (Thrips tabaci have been responsible for significant yield reductions in
Lindeman), and white flower thrips (T. vulgatissimus canola in western Europe (Moens and Glen 2002). The
Haliday) in these fields, however, the extent of the increase in slug damage was attributed to greater use of
damage to seed production caused by these species is not reduced tillage systems, more crop residue left on fields,
known. planting of winter canola and use of more susceptible
Kaminski (2002) compiled a comprehensive list of varieties. Seedlings up to the four-leaf stage are very
pest and beneficial insects found during extensive sensitive to slug grazing. The number of canola seedlings
surveys of canola fields in the prairie provinces but attacked and the amount of leaf area destroyed by the
over 50% of the taxa were identified only to the genus grey garden slug, Deroceras reticulatum Müller, is in-
level. At least 30 insects have been identified feeding on versely proportional to the concentration of glucosino-
canola plants in Australia but only a few are considered lates in the cotyledons of seedlings. According to the 2004
major pests (Gu et al. 2007). Although the species pesticide use survey in Great Britain, 25% of the canola
diversity is high, little is known about many of these area was treated with a molluscicides in 2004, down from

56% in 2002 (Garthwaite et al. 2005). The feeding not occur on canola crops in Canada but are important
preferences of another abundant slug in Europe, Arion in other countries are verticillium wilt caused by
lusitanicus Mabille, were tested in a laboratory study Verticillium dahliae Kleb., light leaf spot caused by the
(Briner and Frank 1998) and B. napus was the most Pyrenopeziza brassicae Sutton & Rawlinson and white
palatable species of the 78 plant species tested. The grey leaf spot caused by Mycosphaerella capsellae A. J.
garden slug is also a serious pest of canola in the high- Inman & Sivanesan (Rimmer and Buchwaldt 1995).
rainfall cropping areas in Australia (Nash et al. 2007). Other fungi that have been found on B. napus and B.
rapa are listed in Ginns (1986).
Clubroot and fusarium wilt are two relatively new
(b) Diseases diseases in prairie canola crops. Clubroot is caused by
(i) Fungi * Canola is susceptible to several diseases the soil-borne fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae Woro-
caused by fungi, as catalogued by Rimmer et al. (2003). nin. The disease was not found on canola in Canada
Damping-off and seedling blight are major diseases until 2003 when it was reported for the first time in fields
across the prairies that are caused by soil-borne fungi in an area north of Edmonton (Tewari et al. 2005).
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 11/15/22

(Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Fusarium and Pythium spp.) A survey in 2006 indicated that the disease was more
that survive mainly on crop residue. Rhizoctonia solani widely distributed in the area surrounding Edmonton
and Fusarium are also the cause of brown girdling root (Strelkov et al. 2007). Clubroot was added as a declared
rot and foot rot. Brown girdling root rot is the major pest to the Agricultural Pests Act of Alberta in April
disease of canola in the Peace River region of Alberta 2007 (Government of Alberta 2007) in an attempt to
and British Columbia and is mainly caused by a strain of minimize the spread and build-up of this disease. Two
R. solani (Anastomosis Group 2). Brassica rapa cultivars fungi, Fusarium avenaceum Sacc. and F. oxysporum
are highly susceptible while B. napus cultivars have Schlechtend, are associated with fusarium wilt that
greater tolerance. Foot rot is a disease of minor was first reported in the Peace River area of Alberta
importance in the northern parkland zone of the prairies
in 1999 (Rimmer et al. 2003). Subsequent surveys
and is usually caused by a different strain of R. solani
in 2000 and 2001 reported that the disease was common
(Anastomosis Group 4). Alternaria black spot or grey
in east central Alberta and present in a few fields in
For personal use only.

leaf spot is a common disease that occurs every year

Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In the 2002 survey for
with varying severity. The disease is caused mostly by
diseases in Manitoba the incidence of fusarium wilt
Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. and A. raphani Groves
was B2% of the B. napus fields (Lange and McLaren
& Skolko but A. alternata Keissl. is also associated with
2002) but increased to 21 and 18% in 2005 and 2006,
the disease. Brassica rapa is more susceptible than
respectively, and was restricted to the southwest region
B. napus. Although a weakly aggressive type of blackleg
of Manitoba (McLaren et al. 2007). Fusarium wilt was
caused by Leptosphaeria biglobosa R. A. Shoemaker &
not found in the 2006 survey of B. napus fields in
H. Brun has been known to infect rape/canola in
Saskatchewan (Pearse et al. 2007).
western Canada for many years, an aggressive type of
the disease caused by L. maculans (Desmaz.) Ces. and (ii) Bacteria * Bacterial leaf spot caused by Pseudomo-
De Not was first found in Saskatchewan in 1975 and is nas syringae pv. maculicola (McCulloch) Young, Dye &
now present across the prairies. Most B. napus cultivars Wilkie can cause a leaf blight on B. rapa (Rimmer
are now at least moderately resistant but almost all et al. 2007). Other bacterial diseases are known to be
B. rapa cultivars are susceptible. Sclerotinia stem rot associated with canola worldwide (APSnet 2001), but
caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de these diseases are either not present or are of little
Bary occurs in canola crops throughout Canada and is concern in Canada. Aster yellows is a phytoplasmal
most prevalent in higher rainfall areas. Most canola disease spread by leafhoppers that is rarely a disease of
cultivars are susceptible to the disease; however, apeta- concern in Canadian canola crops (Pearse et al. 2007).
lous cultivars are much less susceptible. Surveys in B. napus and B. rapa fields in Saskatchewan
Diseases of lesser importance include grey stem and between 2001 and 2005 indicated that aster yellows
white leaf spot that is caused by the fungus Pseudocer- phytoplasma were found in asymptomatic plants
osporella capsellae (Ellis & Everh.) Deighton. This throughout the province and the leafhopper Macrosteles
disease is widespread across northern areas of the quadrilineatus Forbes was the most commonly found
prairies but rarely affects crop yields because it develops vector (Olivier et al. 2007). The specific strains of
late in the growing season. Brassica rapa is more phytoplasma associated with aster yellows in B. rapa
susceptible than B. napus. White rust or staghead is in Saskatchewan have been identified as belonging to
caused by Albugo candida (Pers.) Kunze and is a the 16SrI-A and 16SrI-B subgroups (Olivier et al. 2006).
common disease of B. rapa, since most cultivars are
susceptible and B. napus cultivars are highly resistant. (iii) Viruses * Viral diseases of canola are of minor
Downy mildew is caused by the fungus Peronospera concern in Canada but seed yield losses in canola of 10
parasitica [(Pers.:Fr.) Fr.) and is nearly always asso- 15% have been reported from beet western yellows
ciated with white rust. Three additional diseases that do virus (BWYV) in the United Kingdom, Germany and

Australia (Rimmer et al. 2007). A survey over 2 yr of B. Ajwa, H. A., Ba_uelos, G. S. and Mayland, H. F. 1998.
napus (canola) fields in Australia (Coutts and Jones 2000) Selenium uptake by plants from soils amended with inorganic
indicated that BWYV was the most commonly occurring and organic materials. J. Environ. Qual. 27: 12181227.
Akbar, M. A. 1989. Resynthesis of Brassica napus aiming for
virus (61% of fields), cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)
improved earliness and carried out by different approaches.
was found less frequently (22%), and turnip mosaic virus Hereditas (Lund) 111: 239246.
(TuMV) was infrequent (4%). All three viruses were Alam, M., Ahmad, H., Quazi, M. H. and Khawaja, H. I. T.
detected in 2% of the fields. The incidence of infected 1992. Cross compatability studies within the genus Brassica 1.
plants within a field was generally low with no virus Amphidiplpoid combinations. Sci. Khyber 5: 8992.
detected in 31% of fields. BWYV was found to infest Alex, J. F. 1964. Weeds of tomato and corn fields in two
volunteer canola (B. napus) growing in roadside verges at regions of Ontario. Weed Res. 4: 308318.
very low levels in Australia and the aphid vectors for the Alex, J. F. 1966. Survey of weeds of cultivated land in the
disease were also present on volunteer canola (Coutts et Prairie Provinces. Canada Agriculture, Regina Research
al. 2006). Combined damage from BMYV and Myzus Farm, Regina, SK. 68 pp.
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by up to 50% and altered seed quality in B. napus crops in Almond, J. A., Dawkins, T. C. K., Done, C. J. and Ivins, J. D.
Australia (Jones et al. 2007). Nearly all of the Australian 1984. Cultivations for winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.).
canola cultivars of B. napus tested were found to be Asp. Appl. Biol. 6: 6779.
resistant to TuMV (Coutts et al. 2007). Alvarez, M. J., Estrada, J. L., Gozalo, F., Fernandez-Rojo, F.
In the United States, weedy B. rapa was a host species and Barber, D. 2001. Oilseed rape flour: another allergen
of BWYV in vegetable-sugar beet seed production causing occupational asthma among farmers. Allergy 56: 185
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the tobacco streak virus (TSV) in tomato fields in Ammitzbøll, H., Mikkelsen, T. N. and Jørgensen, R. B. 2005.
Transgene expression and fitness of hybrids between GM
California (Cupertino et al. 1984). In the northwestern
oilseed rape and Brassica rapa. Environ. Biosafety Res. 4: 3
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rapeseed) served as overwintering hosts of BWYV but Andrew, M., Hamilton, R. J. and Rossell, J. B. 1987. The
not for potato leafroll virus (PLRV), the two viruses
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(winter rapeseed), were found to be susceptible to the G., Entz, M. H., Brandt, S. A. and Volkmar, K. M. 2000.
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