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Short answers
Lesson 62 11. Is the weather rainy today?
12. Aren’t you Brazilian?
1. to do / I do / I did / he / we
2. to pay / I pay / I paid / she / he Lesson 63
3. I didn’t put / she / they Verbs
4. Are you going to? / he / we 1. I didn’t learn / he / we
Vocabulary 2. to sing / I sing / they / he
5. My friend is very beautiful / forgetful / 3. to wait / I waited for you / they / he
smart 4. Did you wait for them? / her / him
6. I’m going to a newsstand / concert / play Vocabulary
Expressions 5. What songs did you sing? / they / she
7. They finally finished the tests / translation / 6. My shirts are in the drawer / receipts /
lessons books

Grammar Expressions
8. How is the weather today? / this morning / 7. I have to go, have a nice day / evening /
this afternoon afternoon
9. It’s going to snow tomorrow / rain / to be Grammar
8. How old are you? / she / he
10. When are you going to visit your relatives?
9. He opened the store in 1985 / 1990 / 1975
/ parents / American friends
10. They’re waiting for you in front of the
school / airport / hospital
Lesson 62
Practice Lesson 64
1. I’m going to make some pasta / food /
1. We’re going to learn English at Wizard /
2. Are you going to do the dishes? / the
Chinese / Spanish
cleaning / the homework
2. He is waiting in front of the café / the
3. She’s not going to put it on the floor / on
cafeteria / our house
the table / on the nightstand
Change into - or +
Change into - or +
3. She didn’t have a pencil holder.
4. They are American.
4. We need a new desk.
5. He didn’t read the paper this morning.
5. My pencil fell under the desk / behind the
6. I can’t access the internet here / you / we
table / on the floor
7. It’s snowy this week / sunny / rainy
6. She’s 26 years old / 35 / 43
Change into interrogative 7. The choir didn’t sing well / last night /
8. You went to bed early. yesterday
9. You are a forgetful person. Change into interrogative
10. It’s going to be a sunny day.

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8. They go to the club every other day. 7. What time are you going to take off? / to
9. He is going to wait behind the cafeteria. start / to finish
10. She doesn’t like to sing Christmas carols. Change into interrogative
Short answers 8. They are going to use it tomorrow.
11. Do you know how to sing? 9. He was upset about it.
12. Is the café behind the school? 10. He wasn’t ready to go.
Short answers
Lesson 65 11. Is blue your favorite color?
12. Did you do the dishes today?
1. to take / I take / she / we
2. Didn’t you take it? / they / he Review 1
3. I didn’t clean / we / she Part 1
4. Did you use it? / they / he 1. How was the weather yesterday? / on
Vocabulary Sunday / on Saturday
5. Does that gentleman study with you at the 2. How much are you going to pay for the
university? / college car? / house / apartment
3. They’re waiting for us in front of the
Expressions supermarket / behind
6. I’m late for class. Hurry up / the game 4. I don’t know where I put the receipt / bills
Grammar / glue
7. She was 22 when she lived here / he / I 5. I work with two other women / men /
8. Who was here? / at the office / in college
6. Mr. Johnson is waiting for you / Miss / Mrs.
9. Mrs. Johnson is very intelligent / Miss / Mr.
10. How many people work with you? / women Part 2
/ men 7. When was the last time you cleaned your
8. How much is a ticket from here to New
Lesson 66 York?
Practice 9. What university would you like to go to?
1. The garden party wasn’t that good / bad / 10. Are you in a hurry to do anything today?
nice 11. Where are you going on your next
2. Was it different? / cold / expensive vacation?
12. How old is your English teacher?
Change into - or +
3. We didn’t go to the university.
4. She isn’t going to use the internet. Lesson 67
Practice Verbs
5. As you know, I take her kids to school / her 1. to think / I thought / she / they
daughter / her son 2. to bring / I brought / she / they
6. She is going to clean the garden / the 3. to leave / I left / they / she
house / the room 4. Didn’t you leave? / he / they

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Vocabulary 1. I didn’t look / we / he
5. He left a message for you / the notebooks / 2. to see / I saw / he / we
laptop 3. to give / I gave / he
Expressions 4. Didn’t you give? / they / she
6. It suddenly started raining / snowing Vocabulary
Grammar 5. Did you already pay the electricity bill? /
7. Wasn’t he interested in buying another car? water / phone
/ house / apartment Expressions
8. I was thinking about leaving now / she / he 6. I’m afraid he’s not here now / she / they
9. They weren’t living in England / Belgium /
Asia Grammar
10. Where were they going yesterday? / last 7. Don’t you like green clothes? / white /
night / last weekend purple
8. It was her first day in the States / second /
Lesson 68 9. He gave me a ring on my birthday / car /
Practice new shoes
1. I think she is a great friend / teacher / 10. Did you give the flowers to your mother? /
person grandmother / sister
2. Did you bring your laptop? / notebook /
computer Lesson 70
Change into - or + Practice
3. We aren’t interested in buying the car. 1. The house wasn’t empty / clean / dirty
4. She doesn’t have a wonderful life. 2. I’m afraid of dogs / cats / insects
5. It was another warm day. 3. Why are you looking at her? / him / them
Practice Change into - or +
6. She was going away that night / with him / 4. He looked at her at the party.
yesterday 5. She wasn’t afraid to go with us.
7. Does he buy flowers for his wife? / candy /
chocolate Practice
6. The towel is inside the drawer / closet /
Change into interrogative behind the door
8. You are going to travel to the United States. 7. They had some crackers for breakfast / for a
9. You sent her the message. snack / in the afternoon
10. He could bring the food.
Change into interrogative
Short answers 8. They’re going to look at the stars.
11. Are you thinking of going to Canada? 9. You didn’t pay the electricity bill.
12. Did he access the internet? 10. She is an intelligent teenager.
Short answers
Lesson 69 11. Did she give you a hug?
Verbs 12. Was it a nice and clean hotel?

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Short answers
Lesson 71 11. Do you always remember to do your
Verbs 12. Did you arrive home late last night?
1. She didn’t arrive / he / they
2. to forget / I forgot / she / they
Review 2
3. Didn’t they forget? / he / she
4. Did you remember? / he / they Part 1
1. I’m thinking about staying home / going
jogging / going to the movies
5. We forgot our passports / wallets / purses
2. What are you bringing to the party? /
Expressions garden party / meeting
6. Forget it! I don’t have money now / time 3. They were staying here last night / studying
/ working
4. What’s the second month of the year? /
7. His birthday is in May / July / August seventh / tenth
8. The meeting is going to be on November 5. My birthday is on March 2nd / 10th / 15th
15th / 5th / 26th
6. Did you remember to bring your passport? /
9. Don’t you remember bringing the food? / wallet / purse
passport / receipt
10. We never forget to come to the park on Part 2
Saturdays / they / I 7. Are you thinking about going out next
8. Are you a patient or an impatient person?
Lesson 72 9. What time do you usually arrive home
Practice every day?
1. I don’t remember which wallet you want / 10. Would you be interested in living in
purse / car Switzerland?
2. He arrived before it was dark / left / came 11. Do you think reading the paper is boring?
3. I forgot my passport / lost / got 12. Why do women have so many purses?

Change into - or +
4. My birthday isn’t tomorrow. Lesson 73
5. I don’t remember what I studied. Verbs
Practice 1. I didn’t walk / they / we
6. She is a very stubborn person / impatient / 2. Did you invite? / he / we
kind 3. Didn’t you call? / she / they
7. I took that test on February 2nd / in May / 4. Will you come? / they / she
in November
8. He always forgets to give the dog a bath /
I / she 5. We forgot to put the ad in the newspaper /
Change into interrogative
9. He was born in 2006.
6. Put your shirt on, please / shoes / boots
10. You forgot to bring your homework to

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Grammar 3. to answer / I answered / they / he
7. Whose book is this? / car / motorcycle 4. I didn’t stand up / he / they
8. This is Paul and Mary’s house / car / office Vocabulary
9. Will you invite them for lunch? / he / she 5. She’ll wait for us at gate number 4 / he /
10. They won’t go for a ride with us / walk / they
take a walk
6. Unfortunately, they won’t come for
Lesson 74 Christmas / Easter / Thanksgiving
Practice Grammar
1. She called me from a pay phone / home / 7. There’s nothing to do here / buy / see
school 8. There isn’t anything in the refrigerator /
2. This is a private building / public / drawer
government 9. Was there anything to do at the beach? /
Change into - or + on the farm / in the park
3. We won’t finish the project by tonight. 10. Weren’t there any messages for me? /
emails / letters
4. You should invite your mother-in-law to
Practice Lesson 76
5. He usually invites his friends for Christmas Practice
/ I / they 1. I have to ask our teacher a question /
6. She walks through this building every day / manager / supervisor
park / store 2. Please don’t stand up during the movie /
Change into interrogative test / presentation
7. She needs to find a pay phone. Change into - or +
8. He will drive through Las Vegas on his 3. She didn’t have time to answer the email.
vacation. 4. We need to buy a padlock for the gate.
Practice Practice
9. She forgot to invite the teacher / president 5. I didn’t want to go out last night / we / they
/ children
6. There are many people who speak English /
10. We can’t call from our cell phone here / he German / Chinese
Change into interrogative
Short answers
7. He bought a keychain on his vacation.
11. Will you go for a ride downtown
tomorrow? 8. You stood up first.
12. Will he call her this weekend? Practice
9. The briefcase is locked / heavy / open
10. There is a test in May / January / September
Lesson 75
Verbs Short answers
1. Didn’t you ask? / she / they 11. Was there anybody at your house last
2. to lock / I locked / we / he
12. Is there a test today?

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Lesson 77 9. She is going to send the shirt back / camera
/ wallet
Verbs 10. There were many things to do on our trip /
1. Did you love? / she / they see / buy
2. I didn’t dance / he / we Short answers
3. to send / I sent / they / he 11. Do you like to watch TV?
4. I watched / they / she 12. Are we going to dance at the wedding?
5. Is there any aspirin in the medicine cabinet?
Review 3
/ dental floss / shaving cream
Part 1
1. Wasn’t it Anne’s birthday yesterday? /
6. Watch out! His kids are playing here / son /
Jane’s / John’s
2. He’ll invite everybody to the party / we /
Grammar they
7. Are there many people who speak English 3. There is someone waiting for you / a lady /
at your work? / German / Chinese a gentleman
8. There were many nice stores there / 4. There aren’t many people watching the
restaurants / hotels play / movie / concert
9. You’re as intelligent as she is / young / 5. There were a lot of people at the mall /
smart concert / play
10. She can dance as well as I can / speak 6. He can speak English as well as I can / she
English / French
Part 2
7. When is your teacher’s birthday?
Lesson 78 8. When was the last time you used a pay
Practice phone?
1. We watch TV programs every week / he / 9. How many teachers are there at the Wizard
you school you study at?
2. Her mother doesn’t know how to dance / 10. Will you speak only English after class
cook / swim today?
11. Would you like to have a dishwasher at
Change into - or + home?
3. They didn’t watch the concert live. 12. Are there any good movies to see this
4. She forgot to send the letter. week?
5. She fell in love with him / danced / worked Lesson 79
6. Her kids only watch cartoons on Saturdays /
Sundays / weekends
1. to run / I ran / they / he
Change into interrogative 2. to stop / I stopped / we / she
7. They danced all night long. 3. Did you save? / we / she
8. That jar of peanut butter was expensive.

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4. I’m going to buy a new sink / light bulb /
Lesson 81
5. How many bells are there in that church? /
this Verbs
Expressions 1. Could / I could / she / we
6. Isn’t there a pizza place near here? / an ice 2. Could you help me? / her / him
cream 3. She couldn’t finish it / I / we

Grammar Vocabulary
7. Those sunglasses are mine / hers / his 4. Your shirts are in the closet / dresser /
8. This car is my friend’s / aunt’s / sister’s wardrobe
9. I stopped eating french fries / chocolate / 5. Could you put the glasses in the cupboard?
candy / cups / napkins
10. They stopped playing to have a snack / she Expressions
/ he 6. Did you have fun at the amusement park? /
movies / mall
7. Do you guys have a dial up connection? /
Lesson 80
1. She stopped in front of the school / the
8. They could stay with us on Christmas /
house / the mall
Easter / Thanksgiving
2. They were running because of the rain / the
9. I couldn’t do that to her / him / them
dog / the time
10. Could I talk to you for a minute? / after
Change into - or + lunch / tomorrow
3. They didn’t save money last year.
4. The pizza place was closed.
Lesson 82
5. We are going to stop at the movie theater /
the mall / the bakery 1. The hanger is on the floor / tray / rug
6. The wallet is mine / yours / his 2. I don’t have a wardrobe in my bedroom /
closet / dresser
Change into interrogative
Change into - or +
7. She stopped eating candy.
3. I could understand that class.
8. He wasn’t saving for the trip.
4. You couldn’t remember her name.
9. The ring isn’t hers / his / yours
5. The kids had a lot of fun / boys / students
10. This is going to be my seat / my house / my
new job 6. Clowns are funny / jokes / comedies

Short answers Change into interrogative

11. Did you run last night? 7. She could make her bed.
12. Is he saving money this year? 8. You could go to the mall with us.

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9. I could make some pasta / a salad dressing 6. The clerk gave him money / a check / a
/ a cake document
10. Could you call me tomorrow? / tonight / on Change into interrogative
7. We should travel to Mexico this time.
Short answers 8. You shouldn’t read that file.
11. Could you wait for me?
12. Could you give me a ride?
9. She shouldn’t say bad words / he / they
10. We should call a typist / clerk / receptionist
Lesson 83
Short answers
Verbs 11. Should you tell lies?
1. You should come early / she / we 12. Should I look for a new job?
2. You shouldn’t arrive late / they / he
3. Should I bring my books? / they / she
Review 4
Part 1
4. You should send your résumé to Wizard /
she / he 1. Aren’t these sunglasses yours? / his / hers
5. Is there any truth in that report? / this 2. I have to stop eating candy / red meat /
Expressions 3. I stopped working to study a little / playing
6. Kids shouldn’t say bad words / swear / talking
words 4. We couldn’t save any more money / she / I
Grammar 5. You should take more pictures on your trips
7. Everybody should study English / Chinese / / I / she
Spanish 6. Could you take us to school today? / them
8. She shouldn’t stop saving money / you / we / her
9. What do you think she should do? / I / he Part 2
10. Who should we invite to the party? / 7. How often do you go to a movie theater?
convention / meeting 8. Do people usually save money? Why or
why not?
9. Do you know anybody who still has dial up
Lesson 84
Practice 10. What do you usually put on your salad?
1. You should never write a lie on your 11. Why don’t we do our homework at school
résumé / report / emails after class?
2. You should be a clerk / typist / secretary 12. Could you walk when you were one year
Change into - or +
3. She shouldn’t study Chinese.
4. We shouldn’t work harder. Lesson 85
Practice Verbs
5. Besides working out, you need to eat more 1. Must / I must / she must
/ exercise / sleep 2. You must not drink and drive / we / he

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3. Why must we do it? / I / she
4. It must be good / bad / nice Lesson 87
Vocabulary Verbs
5. How much did you pay for the benches? / 1. would / I would / he / they
stools / faucets
2. He would like to live in New York / we / I
Expressions 3. We wouldn’t watch this movie again / they
6. The lawyer’s office is on the ground floor / /I
dentist’s / doctor’s 4. Would you like to buy a new car? / they /
7. You must send it back by 3 p.m. / we / he Vocabulary
8. It must be on the bookcase / shelf / floor 5. Her sister-in-law was working as a bank
9. You must not give him any money / change teller / her fiancé / his fiancée
/ tip Expressions
10. Where must we leave the tray? / briefcase / 6. Although it was raining, we went to the
suitcase beach / park
Lesson 86 7. I’d like to study in Germany next year / the
Practice USA / England
1. We need to clean the attic / basement / 8. I wouldn’t go downtown at night / alone /
cellar after 11 p.m.
2. Look at the airplane in the sky / rocket / star 9. Wouldn’t you like to go out? / go dancing /
go jogging
Change into - or + 10. Who would answer this question? / ask
3. You must not do your homework.
4. We must not travel tomorrow.
Lesson 88
5. She needs more time to study / silence /
comfort 1. They are talking to the clerk / manager /
bank teller
6. Her dream is to have a beach house / big
apartment / two-story house 2. We are planning a birthday party /
Christmas / engagement
Change into interrogative
Change into - or +
7. I must leave now.
3. They would like to see a movie.
8. He must play basketball.
4. You wouldn’t like that dish.
9. This couch is very comfortable / armchair /
bed 5. She has a date tonight / tomorrow / on
10. He bought more stools yesterday / last
week / this morning 6. She started dating / he / they

Short answers Change into interrogative

11. Must you buy medicine every month? 7. They would go to the mall.
12. Must she take dancing lessons? 8. It wouldn’t be nice to go camping.

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Practice 5. The car has a problem with the door / tires
9. They got engaged last month / week / / wheels
weekend 6. She reads novels at home / at school / over
10. His fiancée is from Mexico / Brazil / the USA the internet

Short answers Change into interrogative

11. Would she travel by ship? 7. She should buy a flat.
12. Would they come for Christmas? 8. You would be happy there.
Lesson 89 9. Are you sure you want that? / need / like
10. She bought new cups / saucers / mugs
1. I must not / he / we / you Short answers
2. Should I? / he / we 11. Must she take the medicine now?
3. could / I could / he / they 12. Would he go to China?
4. would / I would / they / she
Vocabulary Review 5
5. You should check your brakes / tires / Part 1
accelerator / clutch 1. It must be really comfortable / good / cool
Expressions 2. We would like to stay here until Saturday /
6. I’m sure they won’t come to the party / Friday / Sunday
meeting 3. She got engaged last month / we / they
Grammar 4. I don’t have any more time / money / ideas
7. She must be working today / he / they 5. Couldn’t you set the table for dinner? /
lunch / breakfast
8. We shouldn’t speak in Portuguese / Spanish
/ Italian 6. You shouldn’t go for a walk at night / she /
9. Could you come over to my house? /
Jordan’s / Emily’s Part 2
10. I wouldn’t date anybody over the internet / 7. Wouldn’t you travel by ship?
she / he 8. How often do you put money in your
savings account?
9. Are there a lot of outlet stores in your city?
Lesson 90
10. Would you prefer to live in a flat or in a
Practice house?
1. She chose beautiful flowers / silverware / 11. Should everybody eat fruits and
tablecloths vegetables?
2. They gave me a new teapot / radio / coffee 12. Do you have a good spare tire in your car?
Change into - or +
Lesson 91
3. I must write a book.
4. He couldn’t pay the bill. Verbs
1. to marry / you married / she / they married
Practice 2. Did you try? / he / they

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3. I didn’t believe / she / we 11. Was she late last night?
4. to begin / I began / it / we 12. Did you try the new dress?
5. Among other things, you should study Lesson 93
more / save / work
Expressions 1. to teach / I taught / she / we
6. What’s your nickname? / full name / middle 2. I didn’t explain / we / he
name / last name
3. Did you bother? / she/ we
Grammar 4. Didn’t I fill it? / we / he
7. It’s going to rain a lot today / snow
8. We are not going to China in September /
5. Because of gravity, the moon goes around
the USA / Mexico
the Earth / the Earth moves around the Sun
9. Wasn’t he going to take a look at the
computer? / brakes / accelerator Expressions
10. They were going to live in Europe for a year 6. That’s right, I’ll talk about it next time /
/ she / he week
Lesson 92 7. Weren’t you enjoying the trip? / they / he
8. She stopped teaching last year / 2 years
Practice ago / 3 years ago
1. The pen fell between the table and the 9. I’ll start working here tomorrow / on
chair / TV - sofa Tuesday / next week
2. She cancelled the meeting / appointment / 10. Would you mind explaining it one more
party time? / saying / teaching
Change into past according to the model
3. I am working at home.
Lesson 94
4. It is going to be fun.
1. She was a math teacher originally / English
5. His nickname is Billy / my father’s / my / biology
2. Is there gravity on the moon? / in space /
6. She didn’t see the middle of the movie / on that planet
beginning / end
Change into past according to the model
Change into past according to the model
3. She is my co-worker.
7. He tries to study at night.
4. They are going to study about the universe.
8. He begins his lunch hour at noon.
5. What a pity she can’t come today / play /
9. He really wants to travel / sleep / play go out
6. I don’t mind driving you there / her / him
10. It’s too bad you are sick / busy / tired
Change into past according to the model
Answer the question according to the
7. She explains the exercises to the kids.

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8. They fill three bottles with water. 7. I met her by chance at the store / bank /
9. First of all, we need to talk / study / work Change into past according to the model
10. That’s right, he will be here / come / live 8. Things happen very fast.
9. The teacher corrects the texts with a red
Answer the question according to the pen.
11. Were you working for that company? Practice
12. Did they think it was terrible? 10. She teaches Chemistry, doesn’t she? / he /
11. They don’t know her name, do they? / last
Lesson 95 name / nickname
Verbs Answer the question according to the
1. It didn’t happen to them / us / me model
2. to meet / I met him / she / we 12. Did she meet the new supervisor?
3. to become / I became / we / he 13. Are they applying for a new job?
4. Did you correct it? / they / she
Vocabulary Review 6
5. Everybody liked the President’s statement / Part 1
teacher’s / supervisor’s
1. I’m going to have a medical check-up this
Expressions month / he / she
6. Are you going to apply for college here? / 2. Weren’t you going to travel this Christmas?
in Europe / in the States / he / they
Grammar 3. Wasn’t it going to start at 7 p.m.? / 8 p.m.
/ 10 p.m.
7. She speaks English, doesn’t she? / you / he
4. She doesn’t work out every day, does she?
8. They don’t save any money, do they? / we / he / you
/ she
5. You watched that movie, didn’t you? / he /
9. He became the supervisor, didn’t he? / she she
10. You didn’t answer everything, did you? / 6. You didn’t arrive late again, did you? / they
she / he / she
Part 2
Lesson 96 7. Did you believe in Santa Claus when you
Practice were little?
1. Her reaction was good / funny / interesting 8. What medicine do you take when you have
a headache?
2. This fabric is very expensive / wool / plastic
9. What’s your mother’s maiden name?
3. Change into past according to the model
10. What should people do to get a promotion?
4. She is pleased to work here.
11. Are you glad to be studying English?
5. We are happy with his work.
12. When are you getting married?
6. His statement was correct / true / false

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Lesson 97 10. I like pizza. However, I shouldn’t eat it / hot
dog / barbecue
Verbs 11. In the meantime, you can buy some fruit /
1. to find / I found / he / they water / bread
2. to lose / I lost / they / he Answer the question according to the
3. to wake up / I woke up / he / they model
4. Did you prepare? / they / he 12. Was she upset because of the fight?
Vocabulary 13. Did he prepare the speech?
5. There are several wild animals near my
house / in the zoo / in the park
Lesson 99
6. By the way, weren’t they studying in
1. I didn’t listen / they / she
California? / New Jersey / New York
2. Did you hear? / he / we
Grammar 3. Didn’t you hope? / she / they
7. You are looking for a new job, aren’t you? / 4. to turn / I turned / we / he
he / she
8. She is not sure about the trip, is she? / you Vocabulary
/ he 5. They were looking for a bilingual secretary
9. You were thinking about buying a car, weren’t they? / trilingual
weren’t you? / he / they Expressions
10. Her wedding wasn’t last month, was it? / 6. Could you turn the radio off, please? / on /
his / their down
Lesson 98 7. Wasn’t she able to finish that job? / do /
Practice start
1. We like to watch movies / soap operas / the 8. There were toys everywhere / machines /
news paper clips
2. I need to wash those sheets / pillowcases / 9. You could go anywhere you like / visit / stay
blankets 10. You should listen to your mother, shouldn’t
3. Change into past according to the model you? / I / she
4. The hotel reservation is ready.
5. Your credit card is not working. Lesson 100
Practice Practice
6. We are out of water, aren’t we? / eggs / 1. They want a raise for next year / month /
apples semester
7. She was sad with the situation, wasn’t she? 2. We are anxiously waiting for that / were /
/ news / story will be
Change into past according to the model Change into past according to the model
8. They wake up early for work. 3. She is hoping she can come.
9. We prepare several classes together. 4. They are living in New Zealand.

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5. I’m sure we can find this address / road / Lesson 102
6. Basically, we have to change everything / Practice
study / read 1. She will laugh at anything / they / he
Change into past according to the model 2. You shouldn’t worry about it / we / she
7. He has a lot of trouble. Change into past according to the model
8. You have to turn right on the first corner. 3. He’s going to laugh at us.
Practice 4. We’re going back home.
9. They turned out to be great singers / artists Practice
/ teachers 5. She loves to listen to the radio / I / he
10. I could live somewhere near a beach / lake 6. He’s very pleased with your classes / she /
/ forest we
Answer the question according to the Change into past according to the model
model 7. She wakes up at 7 a.m.
11. Were they hoping for a raise? 8. We meet them at the party.
12. Did you come back after the party?
9. Why was he so aggressive? / proud /
Lesson 101 naughty
Verbs 10. Her purse must be somewhere here / credit
1. to smile / I smiled / she / they
2. I didn’t laugh / they / you Answer the question according to the
3. Did you worry? / he / she model
4. Didn’t you declare? / he / they 11. Was he worried about the test?
12. Did you apply for college in the States?
5. She shouldn’t be so aggressive / naughty /
proud Review 7
Expressions Part 1
6. What time will the plane land? / take off / 1. He’ll be our new president / governor /
board mayor
Grammar 2. Could you turn the radio on, please? / lights
/ TV
7. Let’s go somewhere nice tonight /
tomorrow / for the holiday 3. Let’s go now / start / finish
8. Shall we open the store on Sunday? / close 4. It was raining a lot this morning, wasn’t it?
/ go to / snowing
9. After working all day, she went home / 5. We shouldn’t worry about it now, should
jogging / to the mall we? / I / he
10. Didn’t you have breakfast before coming? / 6. She’s able to speak three languages / four
dinner / lunch / two
Part 2
7. Why is it good to be bilingual?

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8. What makes you upset? 7. You made the reservation, didn’t you? /
9. What kind of music do you like to listen to? they / she
10. Were you naughty when you were a child? Change into past according to the model
11. Aren’t you afraid when a plane is taking 8. I don’t mind talking to him.
off? 9. They have a lot of fun at the park.
12. Do you get nervous when you give a
speech? Practice
10. I told you it was going to rain / her / them
11. She was a little mad, wasn’t she? / they /
Lesson 103 he
Verbs Answer the question according to the
1. to say / I said / they / he model
2. to tell / I told / he / they 12. Did you already tell her about that
3. I didn’t notice / we / he campaign?
4. to feel / I felt / they / she 13. Were you angry with the mayor’s
5. What’s the probability it will rain today? /
tomorrow / tonight Lesson 105
Expressions Verbs
6. Instead of buying the car you should save 1. Did it cost a lot? / a little
money / apartment / laptop 2. I didn’t trust / he / we
Grammar 3. to cough / I coughed / they / he
7. He said he was coming here today / she / 4. Didn’t you sneeze? / he / she
they Vocabulary
8. They told me they will get married this year 5. Jane is a very trustworthy employee /
/ next / in May Michael / Ben
9. Her mom told her she should prepare
herself / them / him Expressions
10. He told me he wanted to talk to you / she / 6. The house was big, therefore more
my teacher expensive / comfortable
Lesson 104 7. How long does it take you to get to work? /
him / her
Practice 8. It will take me an hour to arrive there /
1. She said you were from China / he / they three / five
2. I noticed she was nervous / they / he 9. You have to believe in yourself / she / he
3. Change into past according to the model 10. I think they prepared themselves some food
4. She’s telling me she loves to dance. / she / he
5. There aren’t many students here.
Practice Lesson 106
6. They left for London this morning / she / he Practice
1. You should trust her / must / have to

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2. She was coughing a lot / sneezing / eating
Change into past according to the model Lesson 108
3. He is sneezing a lot. Practice
4. It takes an hour to read it. 1. I hid the gifts in the basement / we / they
Practice 2. Will you sign the papers today? / she / they
5. You must believe in yourself / he / she Change into past according to the model
6. She said it was too late / they / he 3. We are leaving for our Chinese class.
Change into past according to the model 4. She’s looking for a new maid.
7. It takes me an hour to get to work. Practice
8. It costs ten bucks. 5. He’s the tallest in the family / shortest /
Practice oldest
9. I made a long distance call / collect call 6. It was the slowest thing / fastest / worst
10. I had a terrible headache today / toothache Change into past according to the model
/ stomachache 7. I sit by her at church.
Answer the question according to the 8. She invites everybody to her parties.
11. Are you going on a date on Friday?
9. She should stop eating meat, shouldn’t
12. Could you take a picture for us? she? / they / he
10. You’re going to prepare some food, aren’t
Lesson 107 you? / they / she

Verbs Answer the question according to the

1. Did you attend? / they / she
11. Are you the tallest in class?
2. to hide / I hid / they / she
12. Are there any foreigners in your class?
3. to sit / I sat / they / he
4. I didn’t sign / we / she
Vocabulary Review 8
5. Whose signature is this? / was – that Part 1
1. How much will it cost? / did / does
2. Did you notice how happy they were? / she
6. We invited all of them / none of them /
/ he
both of them
3. You should prepare yourself for this
Grammar conference / he / they
7. It’s the hottest day of the year / coldest / 4. It was the cheapest computer I could find /
longest expensive / smallest
8. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class / street 5. It was the best movie I saw last year /
/ building worst / longest
9. The worst thing to do is to go there now / 6. It took me two days to finish the reports /
best / smartest three / one
10. Who is the most intelligent person in your
Part 2
class? / school

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7. Who is the most intelligent person you 3. We’re going to learn another language.
know? 4. He’s going to take the kids to school.
8. Do cars cost a lot in your country?
Change into past according to the model
9. Who is the youngest person in your class?
5. I want to order it.
10. What makes you feel nervous?
6. We decide to buy it.
11. Do you take any kind of medicine?
12. Did you get any speeding tickets this year? Practice
7. (So)
8. I’ll attend college next semester.
Lesson 109
9. I must help them.
1. I didn’t receive / we / he
10. (Neither)
2. Did you order? / she / they
11. I wasn’t that late for class.
3. Didn’t you mail? / we / he
12. I wouldn’t bother her again.
Answer the question according to the
4. It was the most unusual gift I received / we model
/ he
13. Did you receive my message?
5. The movie was about ordinary people /
book 14. Isn’t your birthday in December?

6. They arrived right before the meeting / Lesson 111
right after Verbs
Grammar 1. I didn’t exercise / he / we
7. (So) 2. Did you jump? / she / they
8. I ordered some books today / I went to the 3. to fish / I fished / they / she
mall yesterday 4. to fall / I fell / we / he
9. I should only speak English here / I must Vocabulary
finish it by 3 p.m.
5. I don’t think he’s underweight / overweight
10. (Neither)
11. I didn’t fill out these forms / I don’t check Expressions
my emails on weekends 6. They fell from the bike all of a sudden / he
12. I won’t be at the office tomorrow / I / she
wouldn’t call him again Grammar
7. What are you talking about? / thinking
Lesson 110 8. What type of car are you looking for? / they
/ he
9. I can’t remember what her name is / his /
1. I received your order this morning / email / your
10. She doesn’t know who she’s speaking with
2. They decided to get married / get engaged / you / he
/ buy a house
Change into past according to the model

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8. Was the van cheaper than the sedan? /
bigger / better
Lesson 112
9. This situation is getting worse and worse /
Practice better / bigger
1. These kids won’t stop jumping / girls / boys 10. Everything is getting more and more
2. All the books fell from my hands / pillows / expensive / food / clothes
Change into past according to the model Lesson 114
3. She is exercising at the gym.
4. They are playing outdoors.
1. We didn’t spend too much money / they / I
Practice 2. She died last year / they / he
5. What do you like to talk about? / they / he
Change into past according to the model
6. I don’t know what time it is / we / they
3. We are very busy today.
Change into past according to the model 4. It’s very important for our company.
7. We give him tips.
8. He believes in what you say.
5. Your car is better than hers / job / insurance
Practice 6. You should buy a cheaper laptop / smaller
9. You should exercise more / we / he / better
10. He can’t help you right now / her / them Change into past according to the model
Answer the question according to the 7. They rent a big apartment.
model 8. He crosses that street.
11. Would you like to go camping?
12. Is she looking for him?
9. It’s getting better and better / worse /
Lesson 113 10. The tests are getting more and more boring
/ complicated / difficult
1. to spend / I spent / he / they Answer the question according to the
2. Did you rent? / he / they
11. Are prices getting cheaper and cheaper?
3. I didn’t cross / we / she
12. Is it colder than yesterday?
4. Didn’t she die? / he
Review 9
5. I think he’s overweight / underweight / still
alive Part 1
Expressions 1. I’m going to rent an apartment downtown.
6. This solution is not that good, but let’s try 2. I won’t go fishing anymore.
it anyway / idea 3. I’m not going to order all the books over
the internet.
4. I don’t know what he’s talking about / they
7. I think your car is better than mine / smaller / she
/ bigger
5. I think he’s younger than you / older / taller

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6. It was getting better and better / worse / 3. They’re going to board.
higher 4. He’s available to meet us.
Part 2 Practice
7. Do you know anybody who is 5. If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the flight
underweight? / you / they
8. Is it dangerous to order things over the 6. If she invites me, I’ll go to the party / he /
internet? they
9. Do you think you are a curious person?
Change into past according to the model
10. Do you know what time it is now?
7. She is selling all she has.
11. Are things cheaper in the USA than in your
country? 8. They make a lot of money.
12. What do men like to talk about? Practice
9. If you work hard, you’ll make more money
/ he / we
Lesson 115
10. You will have a problem if you don’t listen
Verbs to us / her / me
1. to follow / I followed / he / we Answer the question according to the
2. to fly / I flew / they / he model
3. I didn’t cancel / she / we 11. Did you fly coach?
4. Did you shout? / they / he 12. Will you go to the park if it’s raining?
5. Why was the flight canceled? / wasn’t Lesson 117
Expressions Verbs
6. He received the first aid before arriving at 1. I didn’t belong / it / he
the hospital / she 2. Did you erase? / they / she
Grammar 3. to hold / I held / they / she
7. If I arrive home early, I’ll call you / send an Vocabulary
4. How much is the cab fare in New York? /
8. We won’t go to the beach if it starts raining taxi
/ park
5. I always get a suntan at the beach /
9. Will you come if we go to a pizza place? / sunburn / headache
10. If you study more you’ll have better grades Expressions
/ they / he 6. Let me see if he’s available / she / they
Lesson 116 7. If I were you, I would speak only in English
here / her / them
8. What would you do, if you were me? / her
1. You should follow the rules / she / they / him
2. The meeting was canceled again / 9. If it weren’t raining, I would go to the
conference / flight beach / park / for a walk
Change into past according to the model

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10. I would visit the USA if I were on vacation / Grammar
China / France 7. He wishes he had a car / apartment / house
8. We wish you were here with us / he / they
Lesson 118 9. Do you wish you had more time to study? /
go out / play sports
Practice 10. I wish they were available next weekend /
1. It was built in 2005 / 2009 / 1997 holiday / Friday
2. Could you erase the board, please? / lesson
/ exercise
Lesson 120
Change into past according to the model
3. They’re going to take a cab. Practice
4. I’m feeling so happy. 1. He installed the system today / I / they
2. You didn’t care about our situation / he /
Practice they
5. I would buy a private jet if I had money /
bigger house / sedan Change into past according to the model
6. What would you do if you were me? / her 3. There are some people at the court.
/ him 4. I’m going to get my driver’s license.

Change into past according to the model Practice

7. He holds the door for me. 5. I wish I didn’t have any homework / she /
8. She erases all the answers. he
6. I wish I could visit her / them / you
9. If I were you, I wouldn’t do it / her / him Change into past according to the model
10. I would travel if I had a passport / she / he 7. He cares about his security.
8. The private jet belongs to the millionaire.
Answer the question according to the
model Practice
11. Would you live abroad if you had the 9. Do you wish you were on vacation? / at
chance? home / traveling
12. You took French classes, didn’t you? 10. I wish it wasn’t raining so much / snowing
Answer the question according to the
Lesson 119
11. Were you at home yesterday?
Verbs 12. Was there anything good on TV?
1. I didn’t care / she / we
2. Did you install? / we / he
3. to steal / they stole / he Review 10
4. Didn’t they rob? / he / she Part 1
Vocabulary 1. When will it be built? / was / going to
5. Who installed the security system? / firewall 2. They really don’t care about our situation,
do they? / he / you
Expressions 3. If the flight is cancelled, we won’t go to NY
6. She should care more about him / her / he / they
health / her career

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4. If I were you, I would look for a detective /
maid / private teacher
5. Would you live abroad if you could? / work
/ study
6. Do you wish you were traveling now? /
studying / working
Part 2
7. Aren’t you afraid of flying?
8. What would you do if you became a
9. Who is the most famous movie director you
10. If you could be an animal, what animal
would you be?
11. Do you listen to music while you do the
12. Do you know anybody who doesn’t like

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