Issue 5, Switching To Guns

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Issue V

Continuing last issue, I hope to have some material made up for a new Labyrinth Lord game Im going to run over Chat. Heres an adventure that is all ready to go!

Bandits of High Bridge Road

As I mentioned last issue, one of the possible hooks was that bandits have been appearing on the High Bridge Road in the Ashford Valley. This has many concerned, as Tradetown is a vital hamlet that provides metals and precious stones to the valesmen. Dwarves mine iron, silver and copper in the Rolling Hils and bring their goods to Tradetown, where merchants and metalworkers buy it. For the past several months, bandits have been reported along High Bridge Road. While there have been few deaths, the loss of material goods have many merchants concerned. What would bring these dangerous men to these foolish acts? Will none stop them?

The Truth under the surface

There are actually two different bandit groups operating along the High Bridge Road. One group is actually a bunch of bandits, while the other is a group of elves seeking something. Both keep missing each other. The Really, Really Bad Bandits There are 14 bandits in this band. Their leader is a wizard named Bartleby, the remaining are 12 normal men and a charmed captive. Brigands (12 Normal Men); No. Encountered: 2d6 (if less than 12, the remainder are at base); Alignment: Chaotic; Armor Class: 6 (leather armor & shield) or 4 (chain & shield); Hit Dice: 1d8, Hit Points: 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1; Attacks: short sword (1d6) or longsword (1d8), short bow (1d6). Half the bandits have leather armor, shields and short swords and the other half have chain mail, shields and longswords. The bandits that have chain mail also have horses. Aicasse, a charmed Elf Elf; Alignment: Lawful (charmed). Armor Class: 6 (leather armor & shield); Hit Dice: 1d8, Hit Points: 6. Attacks: longsword (1d8), longbow (1d8); Special Abilities: +1 initiative, elf magic (Magic Missile spell). Aicasse (literally pine tree) was captured by the bandits and charmed by Bartleby. Every few days, as the charm wears off, Bartleby casts it again. Even under the charm spell, Aicasse tries not to kill, but will if pressed. He will not attack another elf, even if ordered to by Bartleby. Bartleby the Wizard Human; Magic-User, Level 2; Alignment: Chaotic; Abilities: Strength 9, Dexterity 13, Constitution 10, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 11, Charisma 12. Armor Class: 8 (-1 Dex); Hit Dice: 2d4, Hit Points: 6. Attacks: dagger (1d4). Languages: Common, Elvish; Special Abilities: Spells (Magic Missile, Charm prepared), Scroll with Sleep (which he will use to escape!).

The High Bridge Road

The High Bridge Road stretches from High Bridge, across the river Ash, down to the town of Ashford. Along the road there are many places for ambush. Currently, two different bandit groups are roaming the road, one looking for the other. The human bandits lead by Bartleby the Wizard usually ambush folk at location A, while the elves usually use location B.

Issue: V

The bandits base is located in an old tower and the elves live in a camp in the nearby woods. There is a burrow near the woods, but what could be in there? The Elves Elf; Alignment: Lawful. Armor Class: 6 (leather armor & shield); Hit Dice: 1d8, Hit Points: 6, 5, 5, 4, 4. Attacks: longsword (1d8), longbow (1d8); Special Abilities: +1 initiative, elf magic (1 spell each, GMs choice). The elves, named Lalme (elm tree), Neldor (beech tree), Norno (oak tree), Ercasse (holly tree) and Fine (larch tree), are looking for their kidnapped brother Aicasse. They stop people on the road but have so far avoided killing anyone. They only speak Elvish.

campaign notes:

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