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STEEL DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN = recoxze'sa MANUKAU CITY NEW ZEALAND F cen TEL 0-9-262 2885, From the HERA Structural Engineering Division FAX 0-9-262 2856 Introduction No, 32 May 1997 After the blockbuster size of the previous issue, this issue is smaller and in a lighter vein. It deals, weather capability for on-site, through deck shear with the following: stud welding now available (see Bulletin Issue 7 Nos. 22 and 29). () Good practice in composite steeV/concrete floor system design and construction With the increasing popularity of composite construction, itis an opportune time to cover these (i) Publication on fatigue tests of riveted bridge points briefly, in order to advise on what is good girders. practice in each ofthe following areas, (il) Bending moment in a pin. * design issues (le. issues which are under the control ofthe designer and which do not impact (v) UK structural stee! grades. directly on the constructabilty) * design/construction issues (le. Issues which Good Practice in Composite ae under the control of the designer and which es also impact on the constructabilly of the floor Steel/Concrete Floor System system) Design and Construction * on-site issues. . To assist with cross-referencing, these three Introduction: sections carry section numbers. Composite steel/concrete. floor system 1. Design Issues construction comprises insitu concrete placed onto a profiled steel sheet deck, which is supported by 44 When designing for unpropped beams a network of secondary and primary steel beams. ‘The concrete acts compositely with the profiled steel deck and the resulting floor slab typically is designed to act compositely with the supporting steel beams. The latter is achieved through the use of headed, welded shear studs, which rigidly bind the floor stab and steel beam together into a ‘composite unit (which is advantageous, a5 outlined in section 2.1), unless these beams are to be precambered upwards to compensate for the calculated downwards wet concrete deflection, the additional weight associated with ponding of the conerete must be included in the design. The magnitude of ponding load is given in segfion of HERA Design Guides Volume 2 [i Deflection limitations for the floor support beams under concrete wet load are stipulated in Fig. 2.1 of HERA Limit State Design Guides Volume 1 [2]. Further Composite steel/concrete floor system construction is becoming increasingly common for use in commercial and residential buildings of two or more storeys in height. Some reasons for this are fs: guidance on slab surface and beam soffit Bric deflection will be given in the next issue of — I the Bulletin. + speed of construction fiexibllty to efficiently accommodate irregular 4.4.4 Consideration should be given to shaped buildings in plan ability to accommodate building services ‘+ ease of alteration over the lifetime of the building, 42 precambering the beams in any unpropped floor system. All composite floors must be checked for satisfactory suppression of in-service floor vibration. Appendix B13 of [1] contains a suitable design procedure, which incorporates @ detailed commentary. This ‘These advantages are being assisted by technological developments, such as the all HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin 1 No, 32, May 1997 13 2, 24 2.2 procedure covers typical composite floor system arrangements. A new procedure [3] is available which has a wider scope of application but does not contain the same degree of commentary guidance. This is looking slighty into the future, however there is going to be considerable use made of composite floor systems with the floor support beams unprotected against fire, mobilising the inelastic reserve of strength available from these floor systems under fully developed fire conditions. This requires use of a deformable mesh and some additional detailing requirements; details are proposed in section 6.4 of HERA Report R4-91 [4]. This inelastic floor response design model will be used in sprinklered buildings. Designers wanting more details immediately should read [4] then contact the HERA Structural Engineer. Design/Construction Issues Disadvantages of propped beam construction. While propped beam construction allows lighter weight and shallower floor support beams to be used, on balance it has more disadvantages than this advantage. The disadvantages are: ‘+ the need to prop during construction and its associated labour and material costs, and reduction in construction efficiency + the need to design for prop placement and removal and the effect of this on supporting floors * greater long-term deflections of the floor system +. increased susceptibility to in-service floor vibration problems due to the shallower floor support bears. If unpropped floor support beams are to be used, then the design engineer must consider what form of screeding is required and specify this clearly in the design documents. The options that can be chosen are soreeding to level screeding to thickness screeding to tamping line Each of the above options have design and construction implications, = Screeding to level requires the concrete placers first to level off the prescribed floor thickness adjacent to the columns HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin 23 2.3.4 (ie. where the floor system defection under wet concrete will be negligible) and then to ensure that the final top of concrete at all locations is screeded level with these positions. ‘This generally will give the best and fittest floor surface. However, the designer must ensure that full allowance for concrete ponding has been made in the design (see section 1.1 above). Beam sofft deflections up to L/180 are acceptable if they are hidden by a suspended ceiling. (L= béam span.) - Soreeding to thickness requires the concrete piacers to place to the prescribed floor thickness over the whole floor. This minimises the conerete placed but requires the designer to ensure that deflections of the steel beams alone under the wet concrete will give an adequate finished floor surface profi. (See item 4 in Fig. 2.1 of 2}.) = Soreeding to tamping line is a hybrid of the previous two options. Tamping lines are identified along which the concrete placers must level the concrete to the specified thickness. Concrete is then placed to match the relative levels along the adjacent tamping lines. Typically the tamping lines would be located on primary beam lines and on spandrel beams The profiled steel decking used in these floor systems is an engineered product, which is optimised to span over multiple secondary floor support beams. It should be placed so that each length is supported on four secondary beams - je. is continuous over three spans. Designing for the decking to span simply supported between adjacent secondary beams is inefficient and results in cost penalties which will increase the in-place ost of the overall floor system by as much as $8/m? of floor area (or 8% of the completed cost). It should not be considered unless there is no option; see for example section 2.5.1 below. This increase arises from: Decking deflection under the concrete wet load is increased and decking design capacity is decreased. This will reduce the length that the decking can span unpropped No. 82, May 1997 2.3.2 2.3.3 24 25 2.6.1 and/or require 2 heavier thickness of decking to be used. With both decking profiles currently available (H-bond and Tray-dec), the decking must be fastened to the beam in every pan for simply supported sheets, but only in altemative pans for multiple span lengths of decking, ‘The labour cost/m? of decking laid increases considerably with ..laying.. three simply. supported spans compared with the same overall length laid as a single piece. of decking. The time involved also increases. ‘Most composite floor systems involve laying and fixing the decking to the steel beams, then welding the shear studs through the decking onto the beam. For this weld to be successful, a through- deck arc shield must be used. Refer to page 1, Issue No. 4 of the Bulletin, for the reasons why. Designs involving through-deck shear stud welding must therefore use stud sizes for which through-deck are shields are available. There are only three such sizes, these are 19mm diameter, 16mm diameter and 12mm diameter (see details in Bulletin Issue. 8). If through-deck: shear stud’ welding: is required, the top flange of the steel beam onto which the stud Is to be welded must not be galvanised and must not be painted with anything other than a weldable primer. Even this option should be avoided unless there is no practicable alternative The only class of buildings where the resulting corrosion of the beam top flange under the ribs of the decking is a design issue Is open air car parking buildings. How to allow for this, leaving at least the central strip of the beam top flange unpainted, is ‘covered in Bullatin Issue No. 20. If the composite beam is exposed to an ‘aggressive internal corrosion environment, such as some industrial wet process operations, then this is one rare example where the decking should be spanned simply supported between beams, so that the shear studs can be welded direct to the beam top flange and any corrosion protection system then applied. HERA Stee! Design & Construction Bulltin 2.6 20 28 34 32 33 Clause of NZS 3404 requires the diameter of the stud not to exceed 2.5 times the beam flange thickness, . For a 19mm stud, t,= 8mm is required. The lighter rolled beams up to 200UB designation fail this requirement. Floor support beams at the edges of floor slabs should have a flange width, b,2 130mm. This allows the required 50mm of bearing for the decking, plus 50mm of bearing for the stop edge, plus room to place the stud and to allow some leeway in bearing of the deck and stop edge. Channel members have too narrow flanges (b, = 100mm) and should not be used as perimeter floor support bears. Moment-resisting beam splices require splice plates and bolts through the beam top flange. This means that the steel decking must be cut to fit around the splice. To provide support to the cut edges of the metal decking, a thin plate should be sandwiched into the splice. A suitable detail is shown as Item 35 in HERA Report R4-58 [5]. On-Site Issues Decking must be fixed to the supporting beams prior to through-deck welding of shear studs or concrete placement. This is a requirement of NZS 3404; see Clause, It is also a practical requirement for the safety of personnel working on the deck and is required to provide lateral restraint to the top flange of the secondary beams under concrete placement when the slab is not made composite with the supporting beams. Fasteners must be connectors specifically designed for this purpose, such as Hili- pins, or puddle welds. Ramset pins designed for fastening timber to structural steel are not suitable and liable to pose a serious danger to the operator and other on-site personnel if used for this purpose ‘The ends of decking sheets must have bearing length not less than 50mm on to the supporting steel beam, This is a requirement of BS 5950.4, the standard to Which both profiles available in New Zealand have been designed, No, 32, May 1997 3.4 Ifthe studs are to be through-deck welded onto the perimeter floor support beams, the decking and the stop edge must not overiap each other. If this occurs, the stud will require to be welded through two thicknesses of decking material and the weld will not be satisfactory. The easiest way of preventing this overlap is to make the flange width of the perimeter floor support beam sufficiently wide; hence the recommendation in section 2.7 above. 3,5. f the floor support beams.are-unproppediva screeding specification: for: placing the concrete is required. See section 2.2 above The construction reviewer should ensure that this is.clear prior to the first concrete pour! Useful Reference ‘The Steel Construction Institute have published a very useful reference booklet on this topic. Entited Good’ Practice in Composite Floor Construction {6}, it should be read by all design engineers and construction reviewers involved in composite floor system design and supervision, as well as by those carrying out the work. Fatigue Tests of Riveted Bridge Girders HERA has, available.on.loanca, detailed. reports{7] by Adamson and Kulak, from the University of Alberta, Canada, on the fatigue testing of riveted bridge girders. This type of bridge construction was the preferred method for building up steel members and for connecting one member to another during the period when most of the Canadian railway bridges were built. This was during the tate nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. ‘Many of these bridges are stil in service and have undergone significant changes in the nature of applied loading over their 100 years of life. Their age and changing imposed loadings have made accurate evaluation of their remaining fatigue life of critical concern. The report [7] discusses the partial fatigue evaluation of a bridge located on the main trunk line of the Canadian National Railway. The objectives of the investigation were: HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin sand-out of the pi 1. To evaluate bridge strain measurements taken on site with results from theoretical analysis. 2. To supplement the existing data base of fatigue resistance for riveted details in the low stress range region. 3. To calculate the remaining fatigue life of the bridge under examination using theoretical methods. ‘There are quite a number of bridges of similar construction. and age in New Zealand. This report will:be of direct interest to engineers involved in evaluation of those bridges and of general interest to all bridge designers. Bending Moment in a Pin The design of a pin is covered by NZS 3404 Clause 9.5, for pins in shear, bearing and bending. The standard does not give direct guidance on how to calculate the design bending moment in the pin itself, however. Guidance on this has been presented in the June 1995 issue of New Steel Construction, the Journal of the Stee! Construction Institute, This guidance is reproduced below and in Fig. 32.1. Puzzlement is sometimes caused when trying to calculate the bending moment in the pin of a pin bearing, as shown in Fig. 32.1(a). The force to be resisted can be assumed to be transmitted into in the-form of distributed loads and, as far as the bending moment in the pin Is ‘concerned, it is conservative to assume that these loads are distributed uniformly, as indicated in Fig, 32.1(b). ‘The problem arises if @ designer thinks in terms of a simply supported beam and tries to identify the supports as a first step to determining the span. If the support reactions are taken at the ends of the beam, as indicated in Fig. 32.1(c), their value is (disconcertingly) found to be zero, If instead the centrelines of the outer plates are adopted as the supports, as in Fig. 32.1(d), and the support reactions are taken as uniformly distributed, this implies. (again rather disconcertingly) that the half of each support reaction lying beyond the centreline of the support is acting on a cantilever, and the support reactions are stil zero. No. 32, May 1997 A simple solution that avoids such problems is to go back to first principles and take moments about, the mid-point in the length of the pin, using Fig. 32.1(b), The maximum moment is found to ‘occur at this point and its value is given by: M3 E(B o+a)_Fb 2 24 or M Fzasb+4o) Washer >) Assumed wllormyy dtibotedlosde on pla Ee £2 eo baaspize mo ©) Beam with suppene at onde ee ea eo Reo 4) Beam wih «upp at contro of outer plates Fig. 32.1 Bending Moment in the Pin of a Pin Bearing UK Structural Steel Supply Standards A reasonable tonnage of structural steel is now procured from British Steel. There has been a major change of material supply standards governing steels of British origin over the 1990's, as Britain aligned with the European standards. HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin ‘The changes as of end-1994 were identified in an article in Issue No. § of the Bulletin. The principal change affecting New Zealand specifiers was the withdrawal of BS 4360 in June 1994 and its replacement with a range of BS EN standards. ‘An update on the UK steels material supply situation was published in the August/September 1996 Issue of New Steel Construction. This one age is available on request; see the attached order form for details References 4. HERA; New Zealand Structural Steelwork Design Guides Volume 2; HERA, Manukau City, 1989, HERA Report R4-49, 2. Clifton, G C; New Zealand Structural Steelwork Limit State Design Guides Volume 1; HERA, Manukau City, 1994, HERA Report R4-80. 3. Allen, DE and Murray, T M; Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking; Engineering JournaV/American Institute of ‘Steel Construction, Fourth Quarter, 1993, pp 117-129, 4, Clifton, G C and Forrest, E; Notes Prepared for a Seminar on the Design of Steel Buildings For Fire Emergency Conditions; HERA, Manukau City, 1996, HERA Report R491 5. HERA; Manual of Standard Connection Details, Second Edition; HERA, Manukau City, 1990, HERA Report R4-58. 6 Lawson, R_M etal; Good Practice in Composite Floor Construction; The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, England, 41980, SCI Publication 090. 7. Adamson, D E and Kulak, G L; Fatigue Tests of Riveted Bridge Girders; University of Alberta, Department of Civil Engineering, 1995, Structural Engineering’ Report No. 210. No. 82, May 1987 ORDER FORM FOR REFERENCE ITEMS ‘SDCB No.32, May 1997 Name: Compan Postal Address: Telephone: _ Fax: HERA Membership Number: Order No: Please specify method of payment by ticking appropriate box : | Paymentenclosed [_] Please send invoice Visa Mastercard (Please make cheques payable to "HERA") “= Credit. Card: Number: Name on card: Expiry Date: Signature: ‘The quoted prices are for items available ex stock and have been discounted for HERA members. All prices include GST at 12.5%. Please Note: Single copies only are supplied for "No Charge” items. REF [TEM unit price [ary [rorat PRICE 1_|HERA Report R4-49: NZ Structural Steelwork Design Guides Vol 2 '$ 43.00 (24-49 is partially superseded, see explanatory item on pages 6 108 of SDC Bulletin No 30, March 1997) 2 |HERA Report R4-80: NZ Structural Stoeiwork Design Guides Vol 1 $ 195.00 3 |Paper: Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking No Charge| +1 [204 |HERA Report R4-91::Notes-Prepared:-fora: Seminar ontheDesign-ni.|-.. $43,00-|~ vee = of Stee! Bulldings:foriFire Emergency:Conditionse 5:0 | 5 _|HERA Report R4-58: Manual of Standard Connection Details, 2nd ed $43.00 |_ 6 |SCI Publication 090: Good Practice in Compasite Floor Construction On Loan | |_7 |Report: Fatigue Tests of Riveted Bridge Girders On Loan| = Update on UK Structural Steel Supply Standards (single page) No Charge| aaa] HERA Ordinary Members ONLY - Deduct 10% discount] TOTAL} Subtotal a Post to: HERA Information Centre, P.O. Box 76-134, Manukau City; or Fax to: 0-9-262 2856

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