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Chapter 3 -Crowdsourcing 9.

Folksonomy - A form of History of Crowdsourcing

crowdsourcing also known as
Crowdsourcing • Technology commentator Jeff
collaborative tagging, social
Howe came up with the term in an
“The act of taking tasks traditionally classification, social indexing or
article in Wired Magazine in 2006.
performed by an employee or social tagging.
contractor, and outsourcing it to a • The concept dates back to 1700s
10. Ideation - A process during
group of people or community (the early editions of the Oxford English
which new ideas are created.
crowd), in the form of an ‘open Dictionary were crowdsourced when
call’.” - Wikipedia 11. Intellectual property (IP) - Legal thousands of volunteers submitted
property rights over intangible entries on slips of paper that were
In its simplest terms, crowdsourcing
creations of the mind, both artistic compiled into a dictionary
is a “distributed problem-solving and
and commercial.
production model” one which often • Another early example of
relies on an active community in 12. New agency model - The crowdsourcing is the Longitude
order to be successful. incorporation and use of Prize, an open contest run by the
crowdsourcing platforms to source British government in 1714. The aim
Examples of Crowdsourcing
marketing and communications was to find a simple and practical
Wikipedia solutions. method for the precise
determination of a ship’s longitude,
Key Terms and Concepts 13. Open Call - When a request is
something that had up to that point,
made for anyone to submit solutions
1. Amateur - A person without stumped experts.
to a problem.
formal training or professional Other Examples of
credentials in a specific field. 14. Open Source - In the context of
Crowdsourcing this is when a Crowdsourcing
2. Brief - A document giving essential cooperative activity is initiated and
information concerning the problem 1. Waze
voluntarily undertaken by members
that needs solving. of the public, not by a client or 2. McDonalds Burger Builder
3. Creative - A term used in the crowdsourcer.
3. My Starbucks idea
advertising industry to describe 15. Outsourcing - Work is conducted
people who produce creative outside of an organization by a 4. Lego
products. specific defined individual or group 5. Samsung
4. Collaboration - An online of people.
6. Lays
community working together on a 16. Spec work - Fully executed
single project. creative work requested by 7. Pebble
5. Collective intelligence - A shared crowdsourcing platforms that is not 8. Greenpeace
intelligence from the collaboration paid for upfront, and is only paid for
of many individuals. when the work is chosen or 9. Airbnb
6. Community - A social network of The “Rise of the Amateur”
individuals who interact through a 17. User-generated - Various kinds
specific medium. of media content, publicly available,
that are produced by end users.
7. Crowd - A large undefined group
of people made up of many online 18. Wiki - A simple website that can
individuals. be edited in real time by a number
of users.
8. Crowdsourcing - Taking a job
traditionally performed by a 19. Wisdom of the crowd - The
professional and distributing it to an collective knowledge, opinion or
undefined, generally large group of skills of a group of individuals rather
people in the form of an open call. than a single expert used to solve a
When it comes to crowdsourcing, business ideas or product concepts,
amateurs are competing with and often funding as well.
professionals in fields ranging from Crowdsourcing can also connect
computer programming to the those who have business ideas with
sciences. These people are hobbyists those who can provide funding to
and enthusiasts who may not have get them off the ground.
the relevant professional
3. Communications ideas -
qualifications, but can possess talent
Crowdsourcing in a communication
and passion in any given field. This
sense is used primarily within the
devotion to a particular subject is
advertising and marketing industry.
ultimately what drives the
It involves the crowdsourcing of
crowdsourcing vehicle.
ideas for the communication of a
Kinds of Crowdsourcing brand message, advertising message
or value proposition. This could
1. Invention - Crowdsourcing is used
include the crowdsourcing of logo
to source ideas, often for new or
designs, televisions advertisement
existing product development. This
scripts or new marketing concepts in
means the community is tasked with
any shape or form.
creating ideas from scratch while
also improving on and ranking ideas. How Crowdsourcing Campaign is
2. Creation - New content is created,
owned and maintained by a 1. Centrally controlled - This is where
community on an already existing the process is centrally controlled by
platform. The crowd can also a guiding force that channels ideas
contribute finished work or just an and formalizes the entire process.
idea, allowing other members to
2. Community controlled - This
flesh out concepts.
works in an entirely opposite way.
3. Organization - Through this Here the community controls the
method crowdsourcing is used to process and the ultimate outcome.
create new content by organizing
already existing content. The
community is charged with ranking
information in terms of relevance
and popularity.

4. Prediction - Prediction aims to

predict trends by asking the
community to submit ideas and vote
for them.

How it Works in Business

1. Product development - The

crowd’s knowledge is used to
improve an existing product or
suggest new products.

2. Initiatives and new business –

Crowdsourcing is used to generate

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