Science Fiction Aliens

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VP LOG phove guidetook allt PUTA We PREFACE: if you want to see an irrational bully fall apart, put him in the same room with a man of calm self-confidence. If you want to see a woman of high moral standards at her best, give her a roommate who is jealous, evil and plotting. If you want to uncover a man’s soul, bring him face to face with someone he admires or despises. Fiction writers have known and used these tricks for centuries, They know there is no better way fo underscore, examine or challenge a character's motives and values than to bring him smack up against another character of stark contrast or unique similarity. When astronomers looked into the heavens and the concept of space travel evolved, the doors of imagination were flung open for writers. Not only did settings and props become unlimited in their design, but the perfect fiction foil was born: the alien from another world. He can be friendly or hostile—brilliant or beastly. He can bring out our hidden fears or our highest dreams. He can show us how small we are or let us see our own greatness. He can be created from scratch and custormtailored to the writers’ thematic needs. He can be molded fo any purpose — possessing precisely those physical and mental characteristics required to dramatize the author's statement on human nature. He can emphasize differences or likenesses between himself and his human. contacts. As a fiction tool—a device to make concrete abstract themes of psycho- logy or philosophy—an alien from another world is hard to beat, Of course, the alien can be a cheap rubber monster, and the theme a simple case of “what Man is capable of in the face of fear.” But if the writing is really good, the alien can broaden our minds, force us to accept something totally differ- ent, bring out our deepest doubts and longings and show us about ourselves, our capacities, our problems and our potentials. And this marvelous literary device is the exclusive property of the science fiction world! While helping us in our present lives to appreciate and enjoy the differences among the peoples of our planet and to see and better understand our own minds and values, the aliens of science fiction movies and TV are also preparing us for the mind-boggling experience of actual future contact, Perhaps it will be due to some of the creations shown in this book that we will be ready for our first real alien meeting and will face it with less fear and more intellect. That is our hope and our dedication. KOO ‘77 ate A STARING photo guidebook Compiled and written by Ed Naha Editors: Jon-Michael Reed, Howard Zimmerman Art Director: Howard Cruse Contributors: Wade Williams, Jeff Silifant, Scot Holton, Bob Skotak, Rita Eisenstein Att Staff: Laura O’Brien, Ted Enik Produced under the supervision of the staff of STARLOG magazine with special contributions by Kerry O'Quinn and Norman Jacobs (publishers) and David Hutchison (product manager). ‘On The Front Cover Clockwise from upper lef: the Metalunan mutant from This Island Earth; Stor Wars’ Wookie-in-residence, Chewbacca; Klaatu, the bringer of peace in The Day The Earth Stood St; the jt aliens 10 make an appearance in Star Trek's pilot episode, "The Cage;”” Space: 1939's alien of 8 thousand faces, Maya, with | wo of her altor-eg0s and the glass encased Martian ruler from the 10's lassie Invader From Mars. (On The Back Cover Rare alien scenes of Star Wars’ classic cantina sequence; an intergalactic watering hole for creatures of al shapes and sizes. STARLOG Magazine Quinn Studios, Inc. Norman Jacobs/Kerry O’Quinn 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 Ente contents of Scinos Fiction Allnsiscopyrighted®. 1877 by O'Quinn ‘Sioa, ne. Reprinting oroproguetion Is partorn whole, without witen permission oft pushers, tet forse. INDEX: MOTION PICTURES Abbot! and Costello Go To Mars 3 ‘elit 8 Algal * 8 Alphaviiio’ 8 Andromeda Strain, The 8 ‘Angty Red Planet 8 Apri, 2000 9 ‘Aranas infemales ne ‘Astoundling Sne-Monster, The 9 Aslronomer's Dream, The ... 9 ‘Aiom Man Vs. Superman « 9 ‘Atomic Rulers Of The World & ‘Atomic Submarine 10 ‘Attack Of The Fifly Fool Woman 10 ‘Attack Ot The Monsters 140 Barbarella: 40. Baltic In Quler Spice “ Ballo Of The Worlds... “4 Beast With A Million Eyes, The M4 Beware The Biod : " Blood! Beast From Guter Space 2 Brain From Planet Arcus, the: 12 Buck Rogers 12 Capiain Video ..- £ 12 Gat Women Of the Woon 2 Close Encounters OF The Third kind 2 Cosmic Man, The... 3 Cosmic Monsters, The 13 Groming Eye. The 13 Graming Hond, The 13 Creeping Unknown, The: 14 Daloks-invasion Earth 2150 A.D. 15 Dark Siar 15 Bay Of The Tifids 18 Bay Mars Invacied Earth, The 15 Day The Earth Stood stil, The 15 Destination Inner Space 16 Destroy All Monsters 7 Desiroy AllPlonets 7 Devil Gir From Mars a Die, Monster Die! 7 Dr. Who And The Daleks a Farth Dies Screaming, The... 7 Earth Vs. The Aying Saucers 8 Enemy From space 48. Escape to Witch Mountain 8 Eye Creatures. The 48 Evil 8icin From Outer Space, the 8 Fantastic Planet .....s..0.01 18 Full-Color Photo Section . 19.34 Fire Maidens From Outer Space 238 Fist Man Into Space 35 Fist Men in The Moon 35 First Spaceship On Venus 135 Five Million Miles To Earth 35 Flame Barrier, The 36. Flash Gordon 36 Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe 36 Flash Gordon's Tip To Mars 37 Flesh Goraon 37 Fight To Mars 38 Fiving Disc Men From Mars 38 Fotidcen Planet 38 Frankensioin Meets The Soace Monster 38 From Mars To Munich 39 Giant Claw, The +39 Ghidkah, The Three Headed Monster 39. Godziic Tai Glagan 39. Godzilla Vs, Megaion 36 Green slime, The, “a 39 Gulliver's Travels Beyond The Moon ao Have Rocket Will rave} é 40 Hercules Against The Mcon Men = 40 Horror Of The Blooc Monsters é 40 Human Duplicators, The i 40 | Married & Monster From Quer Space Bor 40, Immediate Disasier 44 Incredible Invasion, The : a Invaders From Mars... 2. a Invasion a Invasion Gf The Animal People 4 Invasion Of The Body Snatchers eae Invasion Gf The Body Stealers fete! Invasion Of The Neptune Men 42 Invasion Of The Saucer Men... 42 Invasion Of The Siar Creatures... 43 Invisible Invaders, The ss... 43 li;Came From Outer Spaoe 11 4a Conquered The World 4a W The Terror From Beyond Space 44 Invisible Ray, The ... : os Journey to The Far Side Of The Sun’ |: pee) Journey To The 7th Planet - 45 sJust imagine .....- : 26 illers From Space 26 King Dinosaur... : 6 Kronos sa 46 Loserblast | nee a? Uegaron Los Maretanos ‘i nae Litie Prince, The .. en car Love War, the . a Man From Planet %¢ The... a Man In The Moon : ree a Man In Outer Space A a7 ‘Man Who Fell To Earth, The 48 Mars Needs Women 48 Message From Mars, A 48 Meleor Monster a: Missile To The Moon, eae Mission Mars e vee AB Mission Stardust : pene 48 Monolith Monsters, The i a Monster Zero, a Moon Man... : 4 Moon Pilot : 49. Moonstruck ‘ a9. Mr. Krone ay Mutiny In Outer Soace 50. Mysterians, The ce 50. Mysterious island <2... 2 50. Night Slaves 50. Not Of This Earth 50. Night Of The Big Heat 50 Night Of The Blood Beast 90 People, The u 50 Phantom Planet, The 1150 Bhantom From Space 2.11.01. eco Pinocchio In Outer Space 54 Plonet Of storms : 54 Plonel Ot The Variates 82 Flonets Against Us eer} Plan Nine From Quier Space |” 52 Purple Monster Strives, The... pero Queen Of Blood 82 ‘Queen Of Outer Space oe sou Radar Men From The Moon 53 Robinson Crusoe On Mars 1. sciscoce Fe a8. Red Planet Mars eee 53 Rockelship XM... : : 53. Rocky Horror Picture Show. The: 5a Rocky Jones: Space Ranger Sa Sania Claus’ Busy Day 54 Santa Claus Conquers the Marfians «| na Shitey Thompson Vs. The Aliens Sky SAID ss Space Children, The Space Mosier X7 Space Monster Shar Wors ‘Starship Invasions ‘Superman’ Superman. Superman And the Micke Men’ Target Eorth! Teenagers From Outer Space: Tanomauts, The Trey Came From Beyond Soace Thing. The This isiand Earth 3Sto0gesin Oro, Te Thunderbirds Are Go. Trip To Mars, A ena Trip To the Moon, & eee 42 To The Moon 20 Million Miles To Earth 27m Day 2001: A Space Odyssey Twonky, The ..... oe Upeahy Sanger The os UFO. UFO Incident, The | Valley Of The Dragons Visit To a Small Planet Village Of The Damned Voyage Into Space Voyage Te The End Of The Universe. Voyage To The Planet Of Prehistoric Women Voyage To A Prehistoric Planet War Of the Planets. War Of The Satelites War Of The Worlds. Warning From Space” When The Man In The Moon Seeks A Wife Wild, Wild Planet Wizard Of Mars 2 X From Outer Space, The ‘Yoo-Monster From Space Zombies of he Stratosphere: TELEVISION SHOWS Buck Rogers 64 Coplain Video 64 Fantastic Journey 64 Flash Gorcon 164 Invaders, the 5 nd kelchak—The Night Staller” 165 Lond Ot The Giants $5 Lost In Space 6 Full-Color Photo Section i 66-82 My Fayorile Martian 83 ‘Outer Limits, The 83 Rocky Jones, Space Ranger 85 Rod Brown Of The Rocket Rangers 85 Space: 1999 ? : 85 Statiost, The £ 88 Siar Maidens. es a8, StarTrek 85 Superman 88 Time Tunnel, The 2 Tom Corbett, Space Cadet aan 93 Twilight Zone, The... aa 93 UFO. A 94 Voyage To The Bottom Ot The Sea ines Kid Vie 7 INTRODUCTION The alien. The stranger from the stars. Mysterious. Heroic. Dangerous. Space beings have been popular in literature for centuries. But it’s only recently that visitors from beyond have actually set foot on Earth, Earlier in SF history, Man encountered aliens ONLY ‘on OTHER planets. In 1532, Italian poet Ariosto published his epic Orlando: Furioso wherein Orlando encountered a race of men living on the Moon’s surface. From that point onward, authors dreamed of flying fo the Moon and meeting various races regularly. For hundreds of years, it was Man who. was the invader, the interloper. By the 20th century, however, authors like H.G, Wells and M.P. Shiel envisioned the Earth being invaded by outer space: citizens ranging from tentacled Martians to deadly clouds of intergalactic gas. It was only natural that as this concept of space creatures spread in literature, it would be picked up by the infant motion picture industry. The first examples of outer space life forms to flicker across the silver screen were a pretty tame lot. When Georges Melies embarked on his turn-of-the- century Trip To The Moon, the first alien he met was the roly-poly Man In The Moon himself. After landing his rocket in the Man's eye, explorer Georges went on to encounter an angry race of insect Moonmen. For the first time in screen history, Man fought off an alien army . . using only his fists. Melies’ trip spawned a host of SF movie adventures, many starring the rotund Man in The Moon. A few years later, the Man became the FIRST legitimate alien invader in When The Man In The Moon Seeks A Wife (1908) wherein a human, white-suited Moonman lands on Earth looking for love, A Message From Mars (1913) featured a similarly humanoid alien from the red planet, on Earth to perform a good deed. The alien invasion had begun, although outwardly it seemed routine. Everyone from OUT THERE looked just like everyone BACK HERE, They just dressed funny. But the 1930's brought the talking motion picture serial and along with the westerns and the cliff-hangers came the science-fiction potboilers, most notably Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. In both of these adventure series, the main alien menaces (be they from Mars, Mongo or Saturn) were human in appearance. In their employ, however, were nasty Hawkmen, Sharkmen, Dogmen, Zugs, Claymen, dragons and a horde of papier- maché space animals. It was a small step forward for the cause of diversified aliens in motion pictures. The 40's saw citizens of space revert back fo their disappointingly human forms, sans monster henchmen (monster henchmen being too expensive for most of the cheaper SF serials of this decade). The alien was now a zoot-suited gangster. He talked out of the side of his mouth, srnoked cigars and he had gunmolls from the Moon at his side, He was as much related to Broderick Crawford as he was to Mr. Spock. But there was change in the air. SF literature was being taken more seriously. It reflected the scientific trends of the times: the A-Bomb, doomsday, UFO's, the exploration of space. As the 50’s began, Hollywood found itself with a major rival: television. TV was wooing people out of the theaters and back into the living room, where thousands of families could be entertained for free. Hollywood had to come up with something new and exciting to win back their lost audience. The alien invader was born. From the depths of movie theaters came the benign, curious aliens as seen in The Day The Earth Stood Still, Immediate Disaster, This Island Earth and The Man From Planet X. They were joined by the evil warmongering alien breeds who wreaked havoc in The War Of The Worlds, The Thing and Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Aliens were the stars in big-budgeted productions (It Came From Outer Space) and grade “2” extravaganzas (Robot Monster). The floodgates opened and creatures of every size and shape appeared: sophisticated humans, giant chickens, big busted Moongirls in leotards, floating eyes, Metalunan mutants, walking rocks, vegetable men, cucumber creatures, space vampires, space zombies and space robots. Crowds flocked to the theaters to see each new visitor from beyond. The 50's melded into the 60's anda more sophisticated invader gradually evolved: intelligent life forms, super computers, virulent virus armies, telepathic toddlers, strange space clouds, triffids and androids. Star Trek gave aliens a new credibility with the appearance of Mr. Spock, and 2004 gave a mystical quality to the unseen life forces outside of Earth's domain. The 70's brought more of the same, but with the arrival of Star Wars the concept of alien took on a new outlook. EVERYone in that film is an alien .. . the heroes and the villians. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind united humanity with the beyond on an intellectual level, and thus, the alien film has core full circle. In the beginning, Man went seeking strange life forms on other planets. Later, these creatures paid the Earth back with interest, launching exploratory missions of their own, Today, the human race is portrayed on the screen as being just as alien as a Wookie. All life forms become equal. Side by side they live, they fight, they feel. To paraphrase swamp-dwelling Earth philosopher Walt Kelly: “We have met the aliens and they is us.” What you hold in your hands is a Who's Who of space beings. A guidebook to the most famous and infamous aliens ever to contact the: human race via motion pictures and television, From the Man In The Moon to brave Ben Kenobi, the Jedi Knight. From Technicolored 3-D dangers to black and white television terrors. The Thing from another world. The Venusian Ymir. Mr. Spock. Maya. People of the Earth. Do not be alarmed. Sit back. Prepare to meet. . THE ALIENS, Ed Naha Motion Pictures ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GOTO MARS Universal International (1963), B&W, 77 “Two accident-prone buddies, Orville and Lester (Lou Costello and Bud Abbott), accidental take off in a rocketship. It eras. lands on the female planet, Venus, where the humans encounter a race of man-hating but beautiful Amazons. The women (afew dozen entries from that year's Miss Universe pageant! are ruled by Queen Alura (Mari Blanchard}. Bud and Lou wow them with some strong smooching. The boys blast off for Earth with a few oftheir Venusian paramaurs in hot pursuit Producer: Howard Christe, Director: Charles Lamont, Screenplay: John Grantand .D. Beauchamp, from a story by Beauchamp and Christio. Musical Diractor: Joseph Gerschenson. Special Effects: David Horsetey. ‘Supporting players: Robert Paige, Martha Hyer, Jack Krischen, Joe Kirk, Horace Metahon. AELITA, 8 ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS AELITA ‘Mozharabpom (U.S.8.R., 1924), Amkino (1828), B&W, 45 min. “The story ofthe Russian revolution is projected into his propaganda SF adventure. ‘Cosmonaut Los (Nikola Tserectol lands on Mars with his co-pilot Busev (Igo line). Los fallin love with Martian quaen Alita (Yulia Solntseva), while Busey takes pty on the ‘dovir trodden working class of Mars. Busov leads them in a revolution. Director: Yakov Protazanov. Screenplay: Fyodor Otzep and Aloxo) Falko, ‘Supporting players: Valentina Kuinzhi, ‘Yuri Zavadsky, ALGOL (Germany, 1920), Silent feature, BBW. Mephisto [Emil Jannings), ahostle chap from the distant star Algal, atves on Earth with a death mechino that will ensure him world domination. Untortunataly, the ‘machine also destroys most of his family. Mephisto destroys the machine. Tho ‘machine responds in kind, and Mephisto is ‘Blown sky-high Director: Hans Werkemeister. Screenplay: Hans Brenert, ‘Supporting players: John Gottowst, Hathe Haack, Emst Hoffman, ALPHAVILLE ‘Also known as: TARZAN VS. IBM. Pathe Contemporary/Chaumaine-Film (7965), B&W, 100 min. Futuristic detective Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine} leaves Earth (Tho Outerworlds) ‘ona secret mission to Alphaville. The |» humanoid inhabitants of the planet are B)5 dominsted by an omnisient computer, ‘Alpha 60. Individualism is frowned upon, and > the chizens are hapoy but placid. Lemmy’s ‘mission feo kill the soiontist, Professor von Braun (Howard Vernon), who invented Alpha 60, before he.can destroy the universe, Producer: Andre Michaelin. Director Scrosnplay: Jean-Luc Godard. Music: Paul Misaki. ‘Supporting players: Akim Tamiroff as Henry Dickson, Laalo Szabo as The Engines, sJean-Andre Fischi as Prof. Eckel, Jean-Louis Comal as Prof. Jeckel, Anna Karina 28 Natasha ‘THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN Universal (1871), Panavision and Technicolor, 131 min. When an American satelite falls to Earth rear the town af Piedmont, New Mexico, an allen micro-organism returns withit, The space virus spreads and, soon, the entire ‘bwmis dead—with the exception of wo citizens: an old man and an infant. Four of the country's top scientists —Dr. Jeremy ‘Stone (Arthur Hil, Dr. Mark Hall James (Olson), Or. Ruth Leavit (Pauls Kelly) and Dr. Charles Dutton (David Wayne) —are putin charge of Project Wildfire at an underground, {government installation in Nevada in ofc to ‘combat the space vinis before itcan ‘overwhelm Earth, The scientists lear that the space bug causes a particulary painful death by clotting the bload of its victims. Under guarded conditions, the scientists culture the virus (the Andromeda Strain) land attompt to find @ counter-agent. ironically, the best that Earth science can do isnot enough. The alon virus would have decimated the Earth iit had not mutated into ‘cifferent substance. Producer Director: Robert Wico. Screenplay: Nelson Gidding, Based upon tha novel by Michael Crichton. Musie: Gil Mell Special Effects: Doug Trumbull and James Shour. Supporting players: Kermit Murdock, Poter Hobbs, Richard O'Brien, ANGRY RED PLANET American-International (1959), Eastmancolor, 94 min. A fantasy advonture wherein an intrepid group of astronauts, including Col. Tom ANGRY RED PLANET ‘©'Bannion (Gerald Moh), Dr. rs Ryan (Nora Hayden), Sgt. Sam Jacobs (ack Kruschen} and the Professor (Loe Tremaynel, land on the red planet and are plunged into battles for survival. The foureoma encounter a strearn of strange Martian denizene. Among the more spectacular clizens that attempt to thwart the astronautsisa titanic bat-spider. (The monster woe, in actualy, a marionette, ‘although is brief appearane in the fm proves effective.) A horde of man-eating Martian plants siso menace the landing party. ‘The troupe is attacked by a skyscraper sized alien blob 8 thinking-ce! uni, that threatens toangult the spaceship before take-off, Producers: Sidney Pink and Norman Maurer (the later would later helm the Three ‘Stooges SF features), Director: Ib Meichior Seroanplay: Melchior and Pink, from a story by Pink. Music: Paul Dunlap, Spacial Effects: Herman Townsley ‘APRIL 1, 2000 Wein: Fl (1953), BEW. 170 min. Seldom-soon Austrian fm about a group ofaliens that attempt 1 invade Vienna Director: Wolfgang Libenainer. reenplay: Rudolf Brunngraber and Emet Marboe. Cast: Curt Jurgens, Pater Gerhard, Elizabeth Stembergor, Waltraut Hass, ARANAS INFERNALES (The Helish Spiders) Columbia (1966), B&W. ‘low-budget Mexican film never shown in tho tates. Alans land south ofthe border in a fying saucer and attempt to take over Earth vith theaid of asmallarmy of very large spiders. Out to save the day for Earth the mysterious Mexican hero, The Blue Demon, Producer: Luis Ervique Vergara. Director Ferderico Curl. Screenplay: Adolfo Torres Portilo, Cast Blanquita Sanchez, Ms Cervantes, Jessica Munguia 12 Blona a / ‘THE ASTOUNDING SHE-MONSTER ‘Also known as: THE MYSTERIOUS INVADER, Amerioan-intornations! (Hollywood International) (1958). BEW. 60 min. ‘A strange, meteor-space vehicle crash lands ina forest area on Earth, Local Inhabitants ae kled for no logical reason, “The culprit tums aut to bea sultry alien female, clad in skin-tight sequins. As well as Rising the bload pressure of her vitims, she does them in viaa strange, glowing force that permeates her body. The She-Monster (Shiiey Kilpatrick) stalks her victims cunningly, butthe forces of good Ved by Robert Clarke) eventually win Producer-Director: lon Acherot Sereenplay: Frank Hall. Musie: Guenther Kever. ‘Supporting players: Kenne Duncan, Mariyn Hervey, Jeanne Tatum. ANGRY RED PLANET ‘THE ASTRONOMER’S DREAM ‘Also known as: THE MAN IN THE MOON and LA LUNE A UN METRE. Franco, 1886), Silent short, Hand. colored, Pathecolor. Georges Meliss’ siory of a scientist who fall astoop andi visited by the Man In The ‘Moon, who decides to sneak in through an ‘open window. ATOM MAN VS. SUPERMAN Columbia (7860), A 75-episode serial, 30 reels. B&W. 480 min. ‘Superman's second “live appearance in ‘ims saw the comic-book star stop an attack on Earth by the forces of Lex Luthor ILyle Talbot. By the final chapter, Luthor and his fleet of destructive fying-secer werships are scuttled by Krypton's finest citizen, Producer: Sam Katzman. Director Spencer Bennett. Screenplay: George Piympton, Joseph Poland and David Mathews, Musical Director: Mischa’ Bokaleinikot, Kine Alyn as Superman. Supporting players: Tommy Boyd as. Jimi Olson, Porre Watkin as Perry Wit, Noel Neil as Lois Lane. ATOMIC RULERS OF THE WORLD Originally released in 1957 by Shintoho films as SUPER GIANT 3 & KOTETSU NO KYOJIN-KAISEIJIN NO MAYJO and KOTETSU NO KYOJIN CHIKYU METZUBO SUNZEN, ‘Mantey (1964), Tohocolor. 83min. This is a severely editod version of two of the Japanese Super Giant fms trom the ‘iftes. Young children are befriended by 8 ‘ving super-hero, Super Giant (also known a8 Starman). Together they fend off an alien attack, Flying saucers from the planet Canis land on Earth. Capia, hidden from Earth by ‘the moon, is populated by povrerhungry fish ‘people. With the ability to assume human shape, they plan toinfltrate the Earth's population and then "turn off” the planet's {gravitational pull. The whole slaw of fishes ‘rom beyond ae dispatched with aletha gas. Directors: Teruo Ishi, Akita Miteuwa and Koreyoshi Akasaks, Screenplay: lehira Miyegawa, Cast: Minako Yamade, Ken Hayashi, Reiko ‘Seto, Ken Utsui as Super Giant. ATOMIC SUBMARINE ATOMIC SUBMARINE Allied Artists (195), B&W, 72min. ‘A mysterious ship from outer space settles ‘on the ocean floar. The American atomic fleet finds itself at the meroy of the alien craft. A group of stalwart scientists/navy ‘men, including Reet (Arthur Franz) and Wendover (Dick Foran), are dispatched to Investigate the vessol. They discover the saucers a living organism. They venture inside and encounter the ship's pilot, large Cyclops from space. The heraes destroy the saucer with their warhead might. Producer: Alex Gordon. Director: Spencer Bennett. Screenplay: O.H. Hampton, from ‘an idea by Jack Rabin and Irving Block. ‘Music: Alexander Lazio. Special Effects: Rabin, Block and Louis DeWitt. ‘Supporting playars: To Conway, Joi Lansing, Sid Melton. Narrated by Pat Michae’s. ATTACK OF THE FIFTY FOOT WOMAN Allied Artists (1958), B&W, 66 min. ‘A classic of screen schlock. An alien giant (abald, humen sor. with an exceedingly hairy chest) lands his spaceship on planet Earth and cavorts around the great American desert, An attractive socialite (Alison Hayes) is driving along the highway when the giant ‘appears, Fascinated by pretty young things, he gives her a quick once-over, unwittingly altering her genetic structure. Shortly ‘therester, the waman begins to grow and ‘grow and grow. Her new-found size leads to ‘ental instability. After she leamns that her husband Harry is cheatin’ she goes off in search. She finds him ina local saloon where he's Keepin’ time with afloozy. Enter the fifty foot woman’shand. The floozy hides under a table. The hand grabs Harry, pulls him through the door, then knocks the calling ‘onto the table, End of floozy. End of Harty. Ad, after the arrival of the focal militia, end of fifty foot woman. Producer: Bernard Woolner. Director: Nathan Hertz. Screenplay: Mark Hanna, ‘Music: Ronald Stein ‘Supporting players: Wiliam Hudson, Yvette Vickers, Roy Gordon. ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS ‘ATV version of GAMERA VS. GUIRON (Daiei, 1968) American-International (1969), Color. ‘Two alien woren, who have an appetite for human brains, send a spaceship to Earth, 10 ‘The unmanned crafts controlled by the women from theie planet-home on the far Side ofthe sun. Seeking scrumptious specimens, they kidnap two Japanese boys. Loyal flying turtle Gamora sats off in pursuit He lands on the planet and attacks the alien women, who, however, come up with a monster of their own, banana-headed Guiron. G and G battle. Gamera wins and, after dispatching the aliens, rescues the boys. Producer: Hidemasa Nagata. Director Noriaki Yuasa, Screenplay: Furni Takahashi ‘Supporting players: Noburhiro Najima, Ei Funakoshi, Miyuki Akiyama, BARBARELLA Paramount (1968), Color, 98 min. Jean Claude Forest's cartoon heroine of the future comes to screen life when the President of Earth sends swashbuckling Barbarella (Jane Fonda) toa forbidden planetary zone in search of a mad scientist ‘and his death ray. Crash-landing on an ico: ‘encased planet, she is attacked by ordinary: looking children who grab and drag her into their wrecked spaceship. She is then assaulted by killer mechanical dois. Sho escapes and journeys tothe city of Sogo, where evil isa way of lfe. She meets the bind angel, Pygar (John Philip Law), and together they are captured by the Black Queen (Anita Pallemberg). Pygar is about to be crucified by tha legions of the Queen ‘when Barbarella escapes and arrives on the scene, ray gun (empty, unfortunately) in hand. Barbarella is again captured, tortured and than placed onto the “excessive machine,” an earthy device tha kills victims with kindness. Sexy Barbarella burns ‘utits fuses, howaver. She discovers an Underground miltary movement and, eventually, the professor and his ray. Producer: Dino DeLeurentis. Director: Roger Vadim. Screenplay: Terry Southern. Costumes: Jacques Fontray. Music and Iyrics: Bob Crewe and Charles Fox. Special Effects: Augie Lohman. ‘Supporting players: Milo O'Shea, David Hemmings, Ugo Tognazzi BARBARELLA, BATTLE BEYOND THE SUN Filmgraup (1863). Color. 75 min. Airy confused SF drama, intered with aps of footage trom the Soviet fm, Nebo Zowset. In this Americanized version, the Aussions and the Americans race to reach Mara. The Americar land fist, but find thet ney don’t have enough fuel to make a return rip. As they fend off a few hastily tossed-in Martian monsters, the Russians come to the rescue and it the Ar ericans off the planet. Executive Producar: Roger Corman, Producer-Director: Thomas Colchart. Seraenplay: Nicholas Colbert and Edwin Palmer. Supporting players: Edd Perry, Arla Powel, Andy Stewart, Bruce Hunter Nebo Zowot: Dovshenko (1959), Calor, 90 min, Dieetor: Alexandr Kozyr and M, Karinkov. Screenplay: A. Sazanov and J Pomieszeykov. Cast: A. S2worin, Ivan Pereveraey, L. Lobanov. BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE Columbia (1960), Eastmancolor, 99 min., Toho (1959), Tohoscope, 93 min. ‘Analien race, operating from the Moon, implants transistor devices in the breins of ‘wo Japanese astronauts. They become slaves ofthe unseen aliens and nearly ring destruction to their space explorer peer ‘group. Dr. Katsumniya (Ryo Ikebe! and Etsuko {yoko Anza) devise @ way to detest the ations. An all-out battle ensues. Part ofthe Ezrth s destroyed, 2s well asthe Moon's Sea of Trancuily Producer: Tomoyuki Tanaka. Director Inoshiro Honda (who helmed many of the giginal Godeie vs, everything fms) creonplay: Shinichi Sekizawa, from a story by Jotaro Okami. Special Etfecs: El Teuburaya (until his death, ene leading specialeffects technician in Japan and responsible for mostof the Japanese giant manster fils). ‘Supporting players: Minoru Takada, Harold Conway. BATTLE OF THE WORLDS Topaz (1963), Color, 84 min. 'An Americsnized version of the 1969 Italian firm Pianeta deol Uominy. valiant ian (Claude Rains) loadsa fight to stop runaway planet (controlled by an alien ‘super-computer from colliding with Earth, Director: Anthony Dawson, Screenplay Vassily Petrov. Supporting players: Maya Brent, Bill tr, Umberto Orsi ‘THE BEAST WITH A MILLION EYES ARC. (1958), BEW, 78 min. A fascinating concept in this early Roger Corman production: a bodiess force enters the form ofan alien who lands in a rural area With tlepathic abilities, ii able 10 dominate the brains ofall creatures of teser intellect ‘than man, Rather than launch an out-and-out Invasion of earth, it enlists the ai of the animal community before progressing to a lumbering, nat-wt farmnand, Local residents re attacked by flocks of kamikaze birds, battered to death by harmless cows and assaulted by pet dogs. The creatures eventually discovered by local famity and destrayed (but not before the audience is allowed a beef glimpse af its horrible face) ‘As the family leaves the scene where the ‘dead beas ies, a small rabbit hops ominously ‘across the scene. Is the beast dend after ai? Producer: Roger Corman. Director: David Kramarsky. Screenplay: Tom Fier. Music: John Bickford. Special Effects: Paul Blaise. Cast: Paul Birch as Alan Kelly, Loma ‘Thayer as Carol Kelly, Dona Cole as Sandy Keliy, Chester Conklin as Old Man Webber, Leonard Tarver as Him. BEWARE THE BLOB Also known as: THE SON OF BLOB Harris (1872), Technicolor, 88min. The Blob from outer space is resurrected inthis colorul potboter, but this time his adventures are played strictly forlaughs. A piaoe of the original Blob is dethawved and, ‘once again, begins to grow. A hanpy-go: lucky guy [Goafrey Cambridge isthe frst to ‘encounter the thing by accidentally drinking par of it. Tho Blob shows is thanks forthe trip by consuming him ftom within, Proving the old adage “Tike father, ike son," the new Blob promptly goos on a rampage of torror devouring half the town beforeitis ‘ventually dispatched Producer: Anthony Haris. Diractor: Larry Hagman. Screenplay: Harris and Jack Woods, from story by Richard Clair and JH, Harris. Musie: Mort Garson, Special Effects: Tim Barr Cast: Carol Lynley, Robert Walker, Shelley Berman, ‘THE BLOB Paramount (1958), DeLuxe Color, 85min. Coated during the fad-oritod fies, this ‘SF production united key elements of tho ten “hot-rod" movies and the standard “monster on the loo8a” motion pictures. A lob of strange, spaca protoplasm is brought teEarth ona meteor. Tiny at fist, itmakes its ‘wey through 2 wooded area, absorbing slow: moving humans and growing with each kil Asitewells to alophantine size, 2 group of hotrodding teens, spearieaded by Steve and Judy |Steve McQuaen and Aneta Corseaut try to convince the local police of tho danger of tha situation. The police, however, diemis the story a8 teenage prank. After rampaging @ supermarket, the Blob moves into packed movie theater. ‘The Blod can't be stopped by police bullets. ‘The armed forces ace called in The titanic amoeba is stunned with slectricity. While “unconscious,” the Blab ie loaded onto aarge troop transport plane and dropped into tne Antarctic. Everyone hopes that it wil freeze into a solid mass, thus ‘ceasing 1 be a threat to humanity. Producer: Jack H. Haris, Directors win S. Yeaworth J. Screenplay: Theptore Simonson and Kate Philips. Muse: Ralph Carmichael. Special Effects: Barton Sloane, Supporting players: Earl Rowe, Olin Howlin i ie i UGK ROGERS BLOOD BEAST FROM OUTER SPACE ‘Also known as: THE NIGHT CALLER and THE NIGHT CALLER FROM OUTER SPACE. NTA-Harris (1968), B&W, 84 min. Original version: New Art-Armitage (Englond. 1365) A disfigured, llpowertul being from one ‘of Jupiter's moons comes to Earth to Kidnap beautiful Eathaiis who wil ropionish his mutantladen race with heathy babies. Landing in London, ne places ads in Bikini Gi magazine for potential models. They arrive eagerly ata rentod office where the ‘iien (Robert Crewsdan) promptly raps them, A trio of investigative scientists/police ficial, ed by Professor Morley (Maurice Denham), Jack Costain ohn Saxon} and ‘Ann Barlow (Patricia Haines), track down the ‘jon culprit. Ann poses 2s @ model, but the ‘ion sees through her schemeand butchers her The palee close in. The humanoid paceman reveals his scarred face and his mmission, then Blasts off for home. Prodicer: Ronala Liles. Diroctor: John Gilling. Sereenplay: Jim O'Conaolly. Music: John Gregory. ‘THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS Howco International (1958). B&W, 71 ‘A erg, ying super-brain from outer space finds that, on Earth a brain must have ‘body in order to conduct an invasion propely. Using super-tlepathic powers, It fensnares «hapless human (John Ager, {uring him into an astro-zombie wth unique powe's. The evil brain, called Gor, has.afun time untilsival "good brain, Vol, takes over the body of the hurnan’s cog. The scene's. set fora brainy battle betwixt proverbial good ‘and nastiness, Producer: Jscaues Marquette. Director Nathan Herts. Sereenplay: Fay Suitfur, Music: Walter Greene. ‘Supporting players: Joyee Meadows, Robert Fuller, Ken Terll 12 BUCK ROGERS ‘Also known, In feature form, as: PLANET OUTLAWS (1953) and DESTINATION SATURN (1965). Universal (1929), B&W, A T2-episode serial, reels, 384 min. Buck Rogers (Buster Crabbe) and friend Buddy (Jackie Moran) ewake from ‘suspended animation to find themeslves in the 25th cantury. Helping Dr. Huer(C. "Montague Shaw) and Wima Deoring (Constance Moore) in thelr fight against Earth tyrant Kiler Kane (Anthony Ward), ‘Bick jaumeys to Saturn to ons the aid of the humanoid Saturnians. One of Kane's ‘men, Lasea (Henry Brandon, arrives on ‘Saturn and encourages the primitive Zugs to rebel against the stately monarchy. Hels ‘caught in the act by Buck, who subdues the ‘Zuge and wins the suppert of the Soturnian council. ‘Associate Producer: Barney Sarecky. Directors: Ford Beebe and Saul Goodkind. ‘Screenplay: Norman S, Halland Fay Tramoe. ‘Supporting players: Henry Brendon, Jack Mulhall, Wheeler Oakman, Kenne Duncan. CAPTAIN VIDEO Columbia (1951), A 15-0pisode serial, 30 reels, tinted, 486 min. ‘dl Holdren was space saviour Captain ‘Video ahholdover from the popular TV sores). Video and his rocket rangers opectedly save the Earth from tne foreas of ‘Vultura of Atoma who is determined to ‘obiiterate the planet with robots, ray guns anda lot of SF harcware. Producer: Sem Katzman. Directors: ‘Spencer Bennett and Wallaca A, Grssell ‘Screenplay: Royal Cole, Sherman Lowe and ‘Joseph Poland, Music: Mischa Bakaleinikoft. ‘Special Effects: Jack Erickson, ‘Supporting players: Larry Stewart, Gene Roth, Wiliam Fawcett. Holdren returned as the valiant Captain a {year later in is final screen fing, THE LOST PLANET (Columbia, 1953), another 15- ‘episode opus. Video again outwits gangsters, from space in their attempt to take over Earth. Producer: Katzman, Director: Bannet Screenplay: George Plympton and Arthur Hoerl, Musie: Bakaleinikett. Spocia Effects: Erckson ‘Supporting players: Vivian Mason, Forest ‘Taylor, Gene Roth, Tee Thorpe. (CAT WOMEN OF THE MOON Astor (1954), B&W, 3D 64 min. ‘A atch of slightly stiff astronauts (led by @ ‘confused Sonny Tuts) land on tho darkside ‘oftho Moon, They come across a lost civization of bautiful wornan, clad tights The gals have telepathic prowess but don't resemble oats. The space beauties have quite ‘nice matiarchy and rally don't know how tohandle the male astronauts. Should they beet captive? The estronauts prove their Worth by Kesing tho Moonwomen ‘and defending them ageinsta large spider Producers: Jack Rabin and AlZimbolist (whe also handled the Special Effects), Director: Arthur Hilton. Screenplay: Roy Hamilton. Music: Elmer Bemstein “Supporting players: Maria Windsor, Victor \ S ea ‘Alen artwork tom GLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE ‘THIRD KIND Columbia (1877), Color “A power repairman, Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss ries desperately to convince family, fronds and government oficial that he has witnessed unidentified fying objects ear his home in Muncie, Iniana. His wife Ronnie (Teri Garr) can'tbelieveher husband's tale. Neary turns to another eyewitness, lian Guiler [Melina Dillon). ‘They discover government coverup and set off on a search tofind out the facts about tha UFOs. “They encounter @ French expert on ‘extraordinary phenomena, Claude Lacombe (Francols Trufiaut), and are introduced 1a his intemational "silence group,” = scientific ‘team dadiosted to solving the mystery of Unidentified flying objects andlesrning a ‘method of communication. The UFOs begin ‘reappear around the world, offering subtle {ues 98108 means of cornmunication. In the final scene, the mathership lands on Earth ands number of sighters, scientists and international government officials take partin physica” contact with the ‘en visitors through sight ané sound ‘sensory apparatus, Producers: Julia Philips and Michoe! Philips. Drector-Screenplay: Steven ‘Spielberg. Music: John Willams. Director of Photography: Vimos Zsigmand, Makou ‘Supervisor: Bob Wasimarcland. Special Effects: Douglas Trumball, Viual Effects Goncopts: Steve Spielberg. UFO Photography: Dave Stewart. Chief Modo! Maker: Grogory Jein. Animator: Harry Moroau. ‘Supporting Players: George Diconzo as (Major Benchlay, Bob Balaban as Davie Laughiin, Lance Hendiriksen as Robert, ‘Warren Kemmerting as Wit Bil, Cary Guffey as Barry Gul, THE COSMIC MAN Allied Artists (1958), BEW, 72 min. Veteran harror-fim star John Carradine vas the mysterious Gosmie Man. Landing ing 1ound spaceship, the stranger from ‘pace comes to Earth with a message of brotherly lave, He is met with host, however, and resorts to skulking around in black garb and wearing dark glasses to -onceat his “negative” human image (i.e black skin; white shadow), He also can tum invisible at wil. Sciantist Karl Sorenson (Bruce Benneti) and Angela Green iKathy Grant) know the truth about the mysterious stranger, who restores a crippled child to healt Producor: Robort A. Torry. Director Herbert Green. Screenplay: Arthur Pierce, Music: Paul Savell and Bert Shefter. Special Efocts: Charlos Duncan, ‘Supporting payors: Paul Langton, Lyn Osborn: ‘THE COSMIC MONSTERS ‘Also known as: THE STRANGE. WORLD OF PLANET X and THE CRAWLING TERROR. DCA (1958), B&W, 75 min. A scientist who isnot playing with full deck takes his bizarte experiments tothe point of no return and rips hole in the Earth’sionosphere. Hishole transcends space and dimensionality and gots loose a horde of invaders from an alin raaim, The invaders are nasty, gigantic insects. An alien ‘rom the same home:planetfolows the creatures to Earth and dispatches them, back through the hole. Producer: George Maynard. Director: Gilbert Gunn. Screenplay: Paul Ryder and Joe Ambor. Musle: Robert Sharpes Cast: Fortest Tucker, Gaby Andra, lec Mango, Hugh Latimer, Martin Benson as the alien: ‘THE CRAWLING EYE ‘Also known as THE TROLLENBERG ‘TERROR and THE CREATURE FROM ANOTHER WORLD. ‘DCA (7988), BBW. 85 min. “Americans Alan Brooks (Forrest Tucker) and Philip Truscott (Laurence Payne) vacation in the tiny Swiss tonn of Trollanberg where a local professor, Crevett (Warren Mitchel), points out strange ‘ould. It doesn’tbelong on the mountainside, he explains. Shoriy thereafter, s sories of ‘murders are committed. Mountaln-cimoers by the dozen are found littered on the nearby slopes with thelr heads tipped off ‘Anne Pilgrim (Janet Munro), wh is blessed with ESP, discovers thatthe inysterious clouds connected with the rmurcers. Sheis in contact with an alion Ife {force that is housed within the cloud. The {force plans to take over the Earth! The loud {descends upon the village. Most of the residents escape, buta few heroes stay to fight the menses from the stars, The fore wants Pilgrim out ofthe wayin order to ond. ‘thei accidental contact with tha human race, Brooks and Truscott vow to protect her ‘Monsters emerge from the cloud gigantic Cyclops-like things, with iong, snake ike tentaces, Producers: Robert S. Baker and Monty ‘Borman. Diractor: Quentin Lawrence. ‘Screenplay: Jimmy Sangster. Musie: Stanley Block. Special Effects: Les Bowie, ‘THE CRAWLING HAND Hanson (1963), BEW, 89 min. ‘An astronaut returns to Earth with hishand severed. The hand is taken over by an unseen alien life-orce. It creeps and crawis around the Earth, murdering people left and ight The kilings continue unt the hand is, swallowed by aroving cat. The hands played by area/hhuman hand as well 2s 2 tawdry mechanical mode! Producer: Joseph F. Robertson. Director Herbert Strock. Screenplay: Willam Edelson nd Strock. Cast: Kent Taylor, Peter Breck, Rod Lauren, Richard Arlen, Alan Hae, Alison Hayes. ‘Top of page: THE COSMIC MONSTER, above YE, lft: THE COSWIC MAN, 13 ‘THE CREEPING UNKNOWN United Artists (1958), Hammer (England, 1955), B&W, 78 rin The fist of (which included this fim, Enemy Fram Space ‘and Five Mion Mies to Earth), this British 3h ‘roductionis one of th rorfims &| offered, Based upon the British TV play Quatermass Experiment (this f’s ttle 32, fungus-lke jh spreads ata rapid rato on dy, eventually thing in Westminster Catho: makes an appearance during alive T broadcast itis t film ltorally launched Hammer Films inte SF-horror- Producer: Anthony Hinds. Director: Val Guost, Special Effects: Los Bowie. Supporting players: Margia Dean, J ‘Warner, Lone! Jeffries, Harold Lang, Solow THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIOS DALEKS—INVASION EARTH 2180 A.D. Amicus (1967), Cofor, 84 min. tn this sequel to Br. Who and the Daleks, the power-mad Daleks plan tosubjugate Earth with lethal mind control. The Daleks, tllen Belngs encased in invareed eone-ehaped ‘otal hausings, don’t figure on the intorvantion of inventor Dr. Who (Peter Cushing). Who, togothor with his fiends Tom |Bemard Gribens) and Louies (Jit on}, beat the Daleks at their own game ond sends them hurting tower the Earth's Producers: Miton Subotaky and Mix Rosenberg. Diector: Gordon Flemyng, Screenplay: Subotsky, Music: Bil MeGuti, DARK STAR ‘with electronic music by Barry Gray. Make- Lp: Bunty Philips. Spacial fects: Ted Samusls, DARK STAR Bryanston (1975), Metrocotor, &3 min. ‘Aboard the scoutship Dark Sta isits crew Dolite (Brian Narelle),Talby (Anceijah Paheich), Boiler (Cari Kuniholml, Pinback [Dan O'Bannon) and Powel oe Sanders) ‘Their job: a protracted mission to destroy “unstable” suns that ste about to "sur. nova.” The flm spotlights the rlationshin bbotwen the crow and thor resident lion, a large beach ball eroature with claws. It escapes from its hatch ands eventually sdivon back by a broom-wielding crowmombor. This film orginally was 2 1972 46-minute fim, done at the Universay ot Southorn California, Executive Producer: Jack H. Harts. Director: John Carpenter. Screenplay Carpenter and On O'Bannon, Music: Carpenter. Spaceship Design: Ron Cobb. Title Paintings: Jim Danforth. Special Effects: Bob Greenberg and John Wash, DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS Alliod Artists (1963), Cofor, Stmin. The late John Wyndham was considered ‘ono of England's foremost selonae fiction ‘writers of his day, penning Midwich Cuckoos Wilage of vie Damned), Chocky and Day of ‘he Trifids. In tis spectacularly filmed version of the trtifying eriffid tal, the special effects nearly stoal he show. ‘Aftora meteor shower, the entre world population goes blind, except fora few fortunate citizens who rissed the celostal show. Hot on thalheals ofthe lish meteors are hordes of alien plant spores thatland on Earth. They grow into gigantic, mobile plants, capable of pseudapodia, The plants Stak their sightless rey, then sting them to ‘death with theiepaisoncus tentacies. The plantsintend to inherit the Earth and, todo Socffectvely, must weed out the humans. Hero Bill Masen (Howard Keall, whose yes were bandaged during the meteor shower, decides to fight back. Susan (Janina Fayel and Cheistine Brant (Nicole Maurey!, who also retained their sight, jin Masen. Ona ighthouse outpost two other sighted survivors, marine biologist Tom Boodwin and his wife Karen (Keiran Moore and Janette Scott], battle the pants using seawater. ‘Thay discover that salt evaporatos the plants ‘Mason makes the same discovery. He also loners tha he fis are attracted to sound, which ishhow thoy hunt sown their victims Mason climbs aboard aloud speaker tuck “The PA system blast a recording across the countryside and the titfids follow the sound Meson leads the tiffds toa seaside elf. The ‘muck plunges into the 2e3 and the trifids follow like lemmings. Producer: George Piteher. Dtector: Steve ‘Sokely. Music: Rod Goodwin, th adeltional music by Johnny Douglas. Special Effocts: Wally Voovers. ‘Supporting player: Mervyn Johns, THE DAY MARS INVADED EARTH 2th Contury Fox (1969), BBW, 70 min. The Martians inthis fl attempted to subjugate the Earth ala Invasion of the Body Snatchers. David and Claes Fielding [Kent Taylor and Marie Windsor) are on a holiday . ‘when thay begin seaing doubles oftheir ‘fiends anfamily. Ast turns out, the ‘doubles" are Martians who are kiling off Earth folks and taking their pace. Producet-Director: Maury Dexter. Screenplay: Harry Spaulding. Makaup: Harry Foss. Music: Richard LaSalo, ‘Supporting payors: Willams Mims, Betty Beall, Gog Shank. ‘THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL 20th Contury-Fox (1961), BEW, 82 min. Klaatu, a humanoid visitor from outer space, ands in Washington, D.C. Descending from his saucer, Kiaatu (Michael Rennie) clutches a small ifthe has brought for the President of the United States. He is sot before ha can mak hisintontions coor. Hospitalized, Klatu asks foran audience ‘withthe Present. He is efused. He escapes ‘rom the hospital, and, suming a pseudonym, lesens of Earth lie froma. woman and her son (Patricia Nefl and Billy Gray. He implores distinguished Professor Barnhart (Sam Jaffe) ta help himin his intergalactic quest for werld peace. He ‘wishes to meet with a delegation of the ‘world's most brillant scientific minds Meanwhile, in an effort to show the Earth that he is nonviolent but strong, the alien neutralizes eectrcal power and the world stands stil fora half hour. Barnhart gathers the scientists at tho saucer site, but, before the meeting can take lace, Klaatu is shot and killed by mii, Kaatu's tweive-foot robot Gort using his disintegrating ray, rescves his master's body ‘and restores temporary life. Klaatu ‘announeas that heis an emissary from an ‘organization of planets that have come to the realization that war fs both non-essential anc ‘counter-preductive to rational existence, His ‘federation has watched Earth stumblo into the atomic ea, and he cautions about the use ‘of atomic power for weaponry — weaponry ‘hat could ane day contaminate the heavens. Klaatu leaves behind a promise, The robots wal be Earth's watchers — robots like Gort, programmed to destray the entire planet it the Earth governments do not abandon their primitive ways: Producer: Julian Blaustein. Director: Rober Wise. Screenplay: Edmund H. North, based on Harry Bates’ story, “Farewell To The Master.” Music: Bemard Herrmann Special Effects: Fred Sersen, ‘Supporting players: Hugh Marlowe, James ‘Seay, Drew Pearson, Francis Bavier. DESTINATION INNER SPACE ‘Magna (1968), Color, 83 min. Large amphibian creatures from outer space (led by Ron Surkein a uber suit) and ‘on Earth, or rather below Earth, and prepare {or an invasion tobe launched from beneath the acean waves, Scientists including Scott Brady and Sheree North) pilot their sub down to the ocean foor to investigate. The chiet ‘lon tres to break in and leads the sub's crew ‘ona game of eat and mouse —or fish as the case may be, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL 4 : i Lyon, Sereenplay: Arthur C. Perce. Music: Paul Dunlap. Makeup: Bob Dawn. Special Effects: Roger George. ‘Supporting players: Gary Merl, Roy Barcroft, Mike Road DESTROY ALL MONSTERS American: Intarnatfonal (1969), Toho ‘(Wapan. 1968), Tohoscope and Eastmancotor, 88 mln. ‘An invasion from the planet Kilaakis aimed ‘at Japan, An army of red tying saucers ‘tack, The load saucor bursts into flame and hovers over various cities. The Kilaaks' claim itlsa monster from thelr world. The aliens take over the dormant Japanese monster squad (Godalla, Varan, Mothrs, Manda, fete). The take-over is short-lived, however, fn the Japanese monsters turn on the ‘liens Producer: Tomoyuki Tanaka. Director: \noshiro Honda. Scroonplay: Karoury Mebuchl and Honda. Music: Akira ilukube. ‘Spoclal Effects: Eii Tsuburaya and Sadamasa Cast: Andrew Hughs, Akira Kubo, Jun Tazaki, Kyoko Al DESTROY ALL PLANETS American-International (1968), Cofor. min. ‘Once again, a group of aliens zeroin on Japan. Manning 2 spaceship that resembles a fleet of basketballs, the aions possess deadly rays, teleportation devices and the ablity to ‘control men's (and monster's) minds. After Iidnapping two boys, they concentrate on Gamera, the lovable thousand foot turtle. “Thoy temporarily turn Gamera against the Ezrth. Gamera shakes off the telepathic ‘suggestion, however, and turns on the fens, The invaders join forces in aking of “ody meld” and form a gigantic, star shaped monster. Gamera rescues the boys after making mincemeat of tho spaceship. ‘This is an Amarican version of Diels, Gamera tai Vras. Producer: Hidemas Nagata, Director: Noriaki Yusa. Screenplay: Furi Takahashi ‘Spocial Effects: Kazafum Fuji and Yuz0 Kaneko, Cast: Kajiro Hongo, Toru Tekatsuks, Peter williams, DEVIL GIRLS FROM MARS Danzinger (1955), B&W. 76 min. ‘A woman from Mars clad in short space suit, an interstellar shower cap and cape, ‘attempts to snatch Earthmen for breeding purposes. She hopes to talk them into it, but Tal ele fas, she has hor towering robot hulk along with hor forthe ride roduoere: Edward J. and Harry Danzinger, Director: David MacDonald, ‘Screenplay: John C. Mather and James Eastwood. Music: Edwin Astley. Special Effects: Jack Whitehead. Cast: Patricia Latfen, Hazel Court, Hugh McDermott, Peter Reynolds, Acrienne Com, Sophie Stewart DIE, MONSTER, DIE! American-tnternational (1985), Color, ‘min. ‘fair adaptation of H.P. Lovecrat’s 7he Colour Out OF Space, Die, Monster, D's ‘star isa strange meteor from space. The meteor lands on the property of old Nahum Wily (Boris Kariott). Tho glowing stone causes bizare mutations in the local plant. ‘Nahum bolioves the powerful space rack to boa supemstural gt from hs late, beloved father. Stephen Reinhart (Nick Adem) sin love with Nahurn's daughter, Susan (Susan Former), and urges her to leave, especially after her mather dies because of the meteor’s poisonous affects The chambermeid mutates into a honible monster. Sheis disposed of, and Nahum sees the error of his ways. Grabbing an axe, he attacks the meteor, splitting iin two, The colour outof space,“ escapes and invades Nahum’ body, transforming him into a lowing, rociclke thing. Nahum goes mad nd tiesto kill his daughter, but collapses and evaporatesinto thin sia putrid space vapor. Producer: Pat Groon, Director: Daniel Haller Screenplay: Jerry Sohl. Musi: Don Banks. Makeup: Jimmy Evans. ‘Supporting Players: Terence de Marney, Patrick Magee DR. WHO AND THE DALEKS: Amicus (England, 1965), Continental (1966), Color, 83 min. Based on the long-unning Briish TV series, Dr Who, this flim brought Peter z re - Cushing to the role fr the fist time the city. The Daleks plan to explode @ DESTROY ALL MONSTERS The Daleks aro aliens who've been ‘neutron bomb in ordar to increase the level af reduced to gelatinous masses of brain power radiation on the planet. The Daleks won't be ‘due to lingering post-atomie war fallout. In affected because of their armored suits, but ‘order to escape the radiation of their planet, _the Thels willbe destroyed, lan tricks one of thay encase themselves in cone-shaped robot the Daleks into destroying the complicated shells—shels that possess ray power that panel that controls the bomb. The can stun and kil ‘Countdowns halted and the energize city Enter kindly Or. Who, the inventor of the comes grinding toa hat. Without their Tardis (ime and Relative Dimensions in power, the Daleks are helpiess against the Spacel, which resembles a British phone ‘Thols whe storm the city. Who and his THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING booth. While Who explains his invention ra __comalas return home In Who's Tardis 20th Contury Fox (1964), B&W, 62 min, his grandaughters Barbara (Jennie Linden) booth. Economical SF tiller that places an alien tnd Susan (Roberta Tovey), clumsy fend Producer: Miton Subotsky and Max invasion within the confines of a remote len Roy Castle) stumbles and rigs onto one ‘Rosenborg. Director: Gordon Flemyng, village. Jeff Nolan (Willard Parkor) and tier ofthe machine's gadgetladen walls, Who Screenplay: Subotsky, from the TY showby Peggy (Vieginia Field) witness alen robots ‘and company arohurled into the Dslok time Terry Nation. Makeup Ji Carpenter. trample through the vilage on akiling sree, petiod but are not affected by the planet's Electronic music: Bary Gray, with additional The robots then bring the dead back to Ife Feciation scoreby Malcolm Lockyer. Special fects: and attempt to form an army of “unying’” ‘The Daloks rely on a sunply ofife-giving Ted Samuole, soins ‘hugsin order to ward off the cumulative Supporting players: Michael Cols, affect ofthe radiation, Once they are Geattay Toone DIE, MONSTER, DIE! ‘ugged, they do what thay do best: roam the cityscape, hunting and destraying the peace-loving Thala, a tribe of humans, Who figures out that the Daleks" armor gets its mobile power from the metal floor of DESTINATION INNER SPACE 7 | i ed ie Cor Producers: Robert Liopert and Jack Parsons. Director: Terence Fisher ‘Screenplay: Henry Cross, based on a story by Harry Spslding. Music: Eizaboth Lutyons. Makeup: Harald Fetcher. ‘Supporting players: Dennis Price, Thorley Walters. EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS, Columbia (1956), B&W, 83 min. ‘AUS. Skyhook missile control centers Visited by fying saucers. Befora thoy can land, soldiers at the base open fre, but they ‘are promptiy disintegrated by alien rays. ‘Skyhook official Or. Russell Marvin (Hugh Marlowe! is contacted by one of the Jnvadets. The metal-oncased aliens (inside the robot-lke shells ars leathery, wizened ‘roatures) ae residents of a dying planet who ‘wish ta move to Earth Marvin consults with his co-workers (Donald Curtis and Joan Taylor) and General Henley [Moers Ankrum). War against the saucers follows. The Earth is savagely attacked by the fest of UFOs. It appears that the world is doomed. One of the creatures. from space dies, however, When he is. ‘examined, the scientists conclude that the aliens ae sensitive to high-frequency sound ‘which is used to destroy them. By the film's finale, the saucers are dropping like flies from host of shri woapans. Producer: Charles Schnear. Directo: Fred ‘Sears, Screenplay: George Worthing Yates ‘and Raymond Marcus, froma story by Curt Siodmak. Musical Director: Mischa Bakaleiikoff, Special Effects: Fay Harryhausen. 18 ‘Above: EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS, shove right: ENEMY FROM SPACE, let EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS. ENEMY FROM SPACE United Artists (1967), B&W, 85 min “There are no alions tobe seeniin this film, but Dr. Quatermass [Brian Doniewy), tagathor with Marsh (Bryan Forbes), Uncovers plotto control the word by amorphous beings from beyond. The aliens have the ability to enter human bodies and ‘control thoir minds. The invaders use factory workersin an experiment to see they can, Survive.on Earth, But are stymiod by Quatermass. Producer: Anthony Hinds. Director: Val Guest. Screenplay: Guest and Nigel Knesle, Music: James Benard. Special Effects: Bill Warrington, Hanry Harris and Frank George Supporting lovers: Michael Finer, Perey orbort ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN Buena Vista 1976), Technicolor, 97 min. “Two children lke Eisenmann and Kim Richards), orphans from outer space, have rhomemory of ther argin. The boy can move things at vil, wile playing his harmonica. ‘The git can foresee the future. They are pureed by a power-mad capitalist Ray Niland, wha intends to use the children’s talents 19 increase his wealth. Aided bye middle-aged samaritan (Eddie Albert), the Children fee the capitalist by levitating their fends camper-traller. They are rescued by their true family, who arivecon Earth in a Aying saucer. Producer: Jerome Courtland. Director John Hough. Screenplay: Robert Malcolm Young, based on the novel by Alexander key. ‘THE EVE CREATURES American. Internationa! (1968), Color. 0 min. ‘A soldom-seen potboler loosely based on the vintage teen SF fim Invasion Of The ‘Saucer Men, Alow-budget effort, it features. host of multi-eyed aliens, who, shtr king alocal resident, attempt to frame ‘group of teenagers forthe crime. raducer- Director: Lary Buchanan. Cast: John Ashley, Cynthia Hull, Chet Davia ‘THE EVIL BRAIN FROM OUTER SPACE ‘Manley (1964), Color, 86 min. ‘A.o-aditing ofa few more Japan Giant fims-—Uchu Kain Shutsugen {Shintoho, 1988), Akuma no Kehin (Shintoho, 1959) and Dokugo Okuku (Shintoho, 1969). Super Giant (Ken Utsul) fights off lions with his super strength. The film features an all-out war between the ‘ordinary looking invaders and the hero, as ‘well asa duel o the death with an insect Dicector: Teno Ishi. Screenplay Ichiro Miyagawa, Supporting playors: Rolko Seto, Chisako Tawara Super FANTASTIC PLANET New World (1973). Matracolor. 72 min. ‘An innovative, animated look at SF alien adventure, On the planet Yoam, gigantic. androids, the Draags, keep tiny hurmanold ‘Oms as pets. The Draags consider Oms to be dumb animals and, indood, a few of them ‘are, One Om, however, Ter, learns Draag, knowledge from his teenage owner, Twa ‘Terr azeapos captivity and joins a settlement ‘of wild Ors. Ha paticipatesin a revolutionary movement. Mast ofthe ral (Oms are killed by the Draags, but Tert eseapes tothe Oraag’s planat of Moditation. The Draags come tothe starting conclusion thatthe Oms are intelligent creaturas. A smal, sister planets designed forthe tiny (Omsand given a parallel arbt with Ygam. ‘The new planet is named for its Om founder. Itisealled Tera. Producers: §. Damianiand A. Valo Ccavaglione. Director: Rene Laloux. Sereenpisy Roland Topor, based on the hovel Os &n Serie by Stotan Wul. Artwork ‘Topor, Music: Alain Gorageur. Shotin the animation studios af Ji Trnka and Kratky Film in Prague. Voices: Syivie Lenoir, Jean Topart, Jennifer Drake, Paul Vila, Max Ami, Yves Barsaca, Jean Velmont: “The MAN froin PLAWET Xv, cant aca ais miu sry Weiner ond Produced by Aubrey Winberg and Jack Pllexfon = Relecsed nro United Antios ee AN rp ee eee a IMysterans. The Mysterans, seen here within vie confines of theirheedquartrs, launched a two-pronged attack onthe planet withthe aid ofthe giganto robots, The Earth drove them off spectre ofa giant Martian (below) hove 9. Rony [James Donald) attempts tosh slectric image by swinging 2 gigantic crane into in Five Mition Miles To Earth, In tis fil, in Above: Flesh Gordon's muttering don the planet Porno, he gigantic moon caitis driven off by a blast ing Selerito's weapon In The Moon, Based us race ofinsectmen dwel Below: Beneath the Mi heroine Kate (Mrtha Hyer en- ‘counters an ant rien one of the countless underground ‘caverns used! moto ation, arimated by master craftsman Ray H ater terrorizing the austen siy-like substance brought order to survive, tinundated and absorbed human Beware The Blob, a fore played for laughs. Right: The f The World, Adedby a fost bot bat tings, tho ‘Above: Fantastic Planet's hero, Ter, is cradled by his Draeg ‘ower Tia. Terr eventually leads a revolution of the Oms. Below: On the planet Ygam, two tiny Ome fight 3 duel tothe 1umains were the slaves of the giant Draags. FIRE MAIDENS FROM OUTER SPACE FIRE MAIDENS FROM OUTER SPACE Topaz (1956), Criterion (England, 1955), BaW, 80min. ‘An astronaut [Anthony Dexter lands on he thirteenth moon of Jupiter where he finds lost civilization, This female enclave isa jrect descendant ofthe lost continent at rth, tlants. The ony hitch Inthe lovely alions’fesrvlo isa not-so frien creature vuho runs around butchering chizens Producer: Goorge Fowler, Director Screenplay: Cy Roth, Music: Borodin, Make: ip: Roy Ashton, Supporting players: Susan Shaw, Paul enter, Harry Fowler. FIRST MANINTO SPACE MGM (1958), BEW, 77 min. Commander C.€, Prescott Marshal Thompson} is alarmed when an astronaut oturns to Eerth covered with some sort of ace ooz0. The astronaut loses his humanity becomes.a bioad-drinking space oul —a creature who must have a constant supply of human blood in order to survive Tis Francesca (Marla Landis) soreams every 1 the space-manster makes an pppearance, Producers: John Croydon and Charles F, Vetter, Director: Robert Day. Screenplay ‘ohn C. Cooper and Lanes Hargreaves, from story by W. Ordung, Music: Buxton Or,