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Learning Area Grade Level

TLE- Shielded Metal Arc Welding 11
Quarter Third Date

I. LESSON TITLE Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Overhead Position (4F) Code: TLE_IAAW11FW-IIIa-IVj-
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 1.3. Observe weld capping/ final pass not exceeding allowable tolerances
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) specified by welding codes/ standards.
1.3.7 cracks
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Weld defects , causes and remedies
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction In this lesson, you will discover the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing
Panimula Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Overhead Position (4F). You will also observe
different welding defect specifically crack defect.
Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or
thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing
them to cool, causing fusion. Welding is distinct from lower temperature
metal-joining techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt
the base metal.
You will be required to practice overhead welding for the whole semester
until you meet the required expectation of quality of work and tolerable
welding output is met

Image retrieved from:


In order for you to perform shielded metal arc welding is by using welding
machine and welding electrode

In order for you to become a good welder , you need to practice self
discipline and in best attitude on your welding habit practice , aim to improve
and gain techniques until you are competent in doing welding job in all
position and will pass the assessment of TESDA. overhead position is the most
difficult position in welding , that is the reason why you are given enough time
to practice to become a competent welder on this position.

Watch the video how to do overhead welding:

Image retrieved from:

Overhead welding is widely done in construction using steel trusses for

building with Multi floor. Floor, repair and renovation of houses and facilities.
Welding is done above operators head, a verry skilled worker is required for
this kind of welding joint.
Welding is widely use in household, business and in industry. Some interested
to learn welding job avail welding machine for personal use to fabricate and
design a product to make use of scrap metal at home.
B. Development Whether the result of poor parts fit-up, rapid cooling or a variety of possible
Pagpapaunlad contaminants—from the atmosphere, base material or filler metal—weld
cracking carries with it significant consequences for any welding operation.
Not only does this defect adversely affect the integrity of the finished
weldment, but it also requires significant time and money to rectify. In a best-
case scenario, a welding operator must remove the weld crack by carbon
arc gouging (or other means) and repair the weld, while in other instances
the welded part must be completely rejected and scrapped.

Fortunately, weld cracking doesn’t have to be a complete enigma—or a

total drain on a company’s productivity or profit. Understanding the basic
types of weld cracks and their causes can go far toward preventing them in
the first place.

You can search for the link for more information:

Activity 1
Answer the following question. You can search for the link provided for more
information regarding weld cranking. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper
1. What is weld cracking?
2. What causes welds to crack?
3. How to fix cracks in welding?
C. Engagement Activity 2
Direction: From the given figure, determine the kind of welding cracking.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper









D. Assimilation Activity 4
Paglalapat Direction: The picture is a collaborative customized fabrication project of
Grade 12 automotive and SMAW grade12 students. Tis is a dual power tri-
bike wherein the driver operate and pedal the front wheel and the passenger
assist pedal of the rear wheel.
List down the materials you think is use to fabricate this project. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper

TRI BIKE- dual power manual pedal bike. Can accommodate 3 ( 10-17 years
old), 6 kids( 5-9 years old). Good for exercise and riding

V. ASSESSMENT Activity 5
(Learning Activity Sheets for Direction: the picture is another collaborative project of automotive servicing
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks
grade12 and SMAW grade 12. From your point of view, write your assessment
3 and 6) using the prompts below
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
1. How do you feel about this project ? how it affect you as a welder?
2. Do you think you can fabricate a project that will show your
skills in welding? And what do you think may be you can make?
3. What do you think the possible welding position in doing this project?

VI. REFLECTION ● The learner communicates the explanation of their personal

assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
● The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Robert P. Zamora Jr. Checked by: Marilou M. Magpantay
TLE-IA-SM 11-w7 Loida S. Narvaez

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