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ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTRUCTIONAL ENVIRONMENT ing the first week of student 1c Asses the Instructional Environment is completed dur : vrng The pup dates with contextual information teaching. The purpose of this assessment is to provide the teacher candi for plang and implementing effective instruction. The information shared will only be used purposes. student names are not required to complete the form, The objective ito gather informa seat ndivigual lamer inthe classroom, ther diverse learning needs, the classroom organiza00 possible interruptions/disrupions tothe leaming environment, and available educational resources. cher candidates ae to compet the assessment form and naraive statement and discuss the implications for instruction withthe university supervisor during the first vist Teacher Candidate same Vayon Borgen Veen —=EC=_E- OO Scheel Divisow/Distriet__—_—_—_—<_<$_<$_$_$___$_____— Subject. Grade Semester______——— __Date General Information. PreW\~ And _| Grade Level(s) 4-§ Ages = Number. Student Information. 310 Total Typically Present 5 3% Male yys Female Total Race. qh Hispanic Ue ‘Asian 3A Yo | African American Wk ‘Native American WIA Hawaiian/Pacific Islander YI | white 1% ‘Two or more races “Ll 54, _| Total English Language Learners (ELL) [A$ | ELL Receiving Services L_s5 + | ELL Not Receiving Services \5 % | Leamers with $04 Plans Leamers Involved in Child Study Process Leamers Involved in Eligibility Process { lus U2) | Leamers Identified as Eligible for Special Education Services Leamers with Learning Disabilities 0% Leamers with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities vi Leamers with Autism Spectrum Disorder 29 \S Learners with Other Health Impairments \ Leamers with Physical Disabilities SL Learners with Speech and Language Disabilities Ww Leamers with other disabilities (please identify) Grelopmerwal_ Alay | Total Learners in Pull-out or Supplementary Programs ‘Specify Programs in your narrative statement TSUDIECSE ‘Leamers who are unusually demanding of time or energy not identified in other categories (eg, disruptive, withdrawn, dependent, ete.) zl Leamers with excessive absences and/or tardiness Levels of Diversity by Category L___ Rating (Rating L=Low, M=Medium, H=high) _ LMH ‘Ages. LMH Languages L MH Development Levels LMH Cultures __ Check one. Teaching Interruptions Few Interruptions: ‘Some Interruptions (describe in narrative) uM “Many Interruptions (describe in narrative) Check one | Room Organization. Well Organized Ve ‘Adequately Organized Poorly Organized ‘Check One. ‘Resources: Equipment and Supplies — ‘Well Equipped and Supplied Adequately Equipped and Supplied Poorly Equipped and Supplied Time. Time On Task G-Z hours __| Time spent each day on instruction under {min | Time spent each day on transactions "Time spent each day on "non-academic activities” (Free time, waiting, trying to Lhour star class or redirect inappropriate behavior, et.) NARRATIVE Describe your instructional environment and learners. In the description, review the composition of your learners and their learning needs. Also, discuss the “average” number of disruptions in your class per day and the type of disruptions. How will these disruptions and how well your leaming environment is equipped and supplied impact how you will plan and deliver your instruction? This information should be reviewed with your university supervisor as your first classroom journal assignment. 30

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