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Reflection Task
Name: Angela D. Solis
Subject Offering Number: 00240
Class Schedule: MWF (3:00 - 4:00)
Mode of Learning: Modular

General Instructions: On the space below, paste a magazine or newspaper

section clip that depicts an issue or problem in contemporary science and
technology. Then, answer the questions below. Adhere to K.I.S.S. or known as
‘Keep It Short & Simple’ style of answering. Two to three sentences will suffice.
Please don’t forget proper citations as well, plagiarism checker is automatically
set for every submission.

Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., & Nieva, A. D. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. C & E Publishing, Inc.
1. What is the main issue or problem depicted in the photograph?

 The main issue or problem depicted in the picture is the online challenges
that higher education is facing. There are so many challenges that higher
education is facing when it comes to online learning.

2. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of humans

 It has a negative or bad impact on human well-being today. Because

many people don’t have enough tools to use in online learning, learning
today is very hard. With that, many people are struggling and still
fighting/facing the challenges in online learning especially those in higher

3. Why is it important for people to study and learn about Science, Technology, and
Society as an academic field, especially in addressing the issue or problem
depicted in the photograph?

 It is important to study Science, technology, and Society as an academic

field because we can pay attention to the problems in our society, it helps
us to think critically in every situation we are facing when it comes to
science and technology. The importance of science, technology, and
society to the issue depicted in the photograph is helping us to overcome
our challenges, identify the problems, and help to continue our study with
the use of technology even if there are hindrances.   


Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., & Nieva, A. D. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. C & E Publishing, Inc.

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