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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

ACTIVITY 3 – Asynchronous Activity


Directions: Answer the following questions cogently but honesty. Write your answer in the space

1. How would you describe your self?

- I would describe myself to be a critical thinker, I think of everything, every possible situation, solution,
plans before I say or do something(which at times makes things a bit more complicated than it originally
is/was). I would also describe myself to be a pessimist more often than an pessimist.

2. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual?

- The influences of the family in the development of one's self depends on what kind of family they has,
either their family is good or bad. If the family is good and has a close bond where each member has a
good relationship with each other, this influences you to be good too, to have a good interaction with
other people having patience and knowing how to understand other people depending on the morals
that your family had teach you and had shown you. 

3. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self.” What made you think you were truly
who you are during this time of your life?

- I believe that I am or act like my true self most of the time, although I can say with genuine truth that I
hate myself, I can’t seem to change up my act. Myself will stay to be itself no matter how much change I
try to imply into myself/life. Yes, I admit that I don’t hate some parts of myself but I guess I’ll just have to
try and better my way of thinking.

4. Following the questions above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not living your
“true self”? Why did you live a life like that? What did you do about it?
-As I stated I don’t really know a time where I don’t act like myself. Although I do want to better myself
more, I can say that I need to do more work to do so. In the chances I don’t act like myself I guess it
depends on the situation I am in.
5. What social pressures help shape your self? Would you have wanted otherwise?

- Upbringing, culture, society and a speck of chance, all conspire to create the individual. None of us are
predicted, we are all work in progress and remain so until we die.The social pressures or influences that
helped form me are precisely the same as those that helped form you. There is no escape from them,
not least because in the moment they are shaping us we have no idea they are doing so. This is why if
you want to move on you must first look back

6. What aspects of your self do you think may be changed or would you like to change?

- My way of thinking, I can confidently say that 70% of my problems stems from the way how I think of
myself, others, other situations, and even how I act/speak/live. If I can change my way of thinking, my
life would be a little bit easier.

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