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Abstract. We construct a sequence of explicit blow-ups and blow-downs on irreducible compact Her-
mitian symmetric spaces X which transforms it into a projective space of the same dimension. Moreover
this resolves a birational map given by Landsberg and Manivel. Centers of the blow-ups for X are
arXiv:2212.03510v1 [math.AG] 7 Dec 2022

constructed by loci of chains of minimal rational curves and centers of the blow-ups for the projective
space are constructed from the variety of minimal rational tangents of X and its higher secant varieties.


1. Introduction 1
Notations 4
Acknowledgement 4
2. Preliminaries in Hermitian symmetric spaces 5
2.1. Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type 5
2.2. Balanced subspaces 6
2.3. Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces 7
3. The Białynicki-Birula decomposition and constructions of the centers 8
3.1. The loci of infinity points of degree k rational curves 8
3.2. Stratifications of the centers 11
3.3. Singularities and smoothing the stratification 15
3.4. The Białynicki-Birula decomposition of irreducible compact Hermtian symmetric spaces 19
4. Proof of the Main theorem 21
4.1. Some lemmas 21
4.2. Stratifications as linear sections of X 22
4.3. Proof of the Main Theorem 23
References 26

1. Introduction

It is known that an irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space is a rational variety, i.e. it is
birational to a projecitive space. The goal of this article is to give explicit birational transformations (blow-
ups and blow-downs) which transform it into a projective space. Moreover the birational transformations
can be uniformly described independent of the classification. In [LM02, Section 2.1], a rational map
ϕ from Pn to PN is written explicitly which gives a birational map between Pn and an n-dimensional

Date: December 8, 2022.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14M17, 14M20 and 32M10.

irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space X. Assume that the rank of X is r, we will find that this
birational map can be factorized into successive blow-ups for r − 1 times and successive blow-downs for
r − 1 times, i.e. Blr−1 X ∼
=ϕ̃ Blr−1 Pn where Blr−1 X → X, Blr−1 Pn → Pn are the corresponding successive
blow-ups on X and Pn respectively, ϕ̃ is a resolution of ϕ.
Centers of the blow-ups of X are constructed from chains of minimal rational curves starting from the
sink of Białynicki-Birula decomposition (see [BB73]) of X with respect to the C∗ -action on X (see details
in Section 3). On the other hand, for the centers of the blow-ups of Pn , we need to introduce a subvariety
in PTo (X) ∼
= Pn−1 ⊂ Pn which is called the variety of minimal rational tangents (VMRT for short) of X
where o is a base point on X. General theory for VMRT on uniruld projective manifolds were developed
by Hwang-Mok in a series of works, see for example [HM99],[Mok08] for some surveys. For our own use
in the case of irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric spaces, we know there is a minimal equivariant
embedding X ֒→ P(Γ(X, O(1))∗ ) where O(1) is the generator of P ic(X). Minimal rational curves are free
rational curves of minimal degree with respect to O(1) which are projective lines through the minimal
equivariant embedding.

Definition 1.1. The VMRT of X denoted by Co1 (X) ⊂ PTo (X) ∼

= Pn−1 is the collection of tangents of
free minimal rational curves in X passing through o.

If we write X = G/P where G is a connected complex simple Lie group and P is a maximal parabolic
subgroup, Co1 (X) is precisely the highest weight orbit of the isotropy action. Let
Cok (X) = Seck−1 (Co1 (X)) := Pa1 a2 ···ak
a1 ,··· ,ak ∈Co1 (X)

be the (k − 1)-th secant variety which is the Zariski closure of union of projective linear subspace spanned
by a1 , a2 , · · · , ak ∈ Co1 (X) (generically isomorphic to Pk−1 ). Then centers of the blow-ups of Pn are just
Co1 (X) and strict transforms of Cok (X)(k ≥ 2).
Now we can write down the rational map given by Landsberg-Manivel [LM02, Section 2.1] in terms of
coordinates. ϕ : Pn 99K PN is given as follows

ϕ([x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ]) = [xr0 , xr−1

0 x1 , · · · , xr−1
0 xn , xr−2
0 I2 (Co1 (X)), · · · x0r−k−1 Ik+1 (Cok (X)), · · · , Ir (Cor−1 (X))]

where Ik+1 (Cok (X)) is the set of generators of the ideal of Cok (X) ⊂ PTo (X) in degree k + 1.
In [LM02] they proved

Theorem 1.2. The Zariski closure of Im(ϕ) is isomorphic to the irreducible compact Hermitian sym-
metric space X.

We can see that the embedding X ⊂ PN induced by the ratinal map is just the minimal equivariant
embedding X ֒→ P(Γ(X, O(1))∗ ). The proof of Landsberg-Manivel is based on local differential geometry.
In this article we give a interpretation of the theorem in terms of loci of chains of minimal rational curves
and prove that

Main Theorem. Let X be an n-dimensional irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space of rank
r ≥ 2. Then X can be transformed into Pn by successive blow-ups for r − 1 times and successive blow-
downs for r − 1 times along smooth centers. More precisely, there exists a sequence of subvarieties
M1 ⊂ M2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Mr−1 ⊂ D in X and a sequence of subvarieties Co1 (X) ⊂ Co2 (X) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Cor−1 (X) ⊂
∼ Pn−1 in Pn such that the following diagram holds, where D is the compactitying divisor with
PTo (X) =

respect to a Harish-Chandra embedding of Cn in X (i.e. D is the complement of the affine cell in X)

and Pn−1 is embedded as an hyperplane in Pn .

Blr−1 Pn · · · Blk Pn · · · Bl1 Pn Pn

ϕ̃ ϕ

Blr−1 X · · · Blk X · · · Bl1 X X

In the diagram Blk Pn and Blk X are the k-th successive blow-ups of Pn and X with the smooth centers
given by τk−1 (Cok (X)) and µk−1 (Mk ) respectively where τk−1 , µk−1 denote the (k − 1)-th successive strict
transforms in corresponding blow-ups.
Moreover, let EkX , EkP be the k-th exceptional divisors in the blow-ups of Pn and X respectively, then
the order of the exceptional divisors can be reversed in the sense that

 (r−k−1)
µr−1 (EkX ) ∼
(k−2) Pn

 = τr−1 (Er−k+1 ), 2 ≤ k ≤ r − 1

 µr−1 (E1X ) ∼ = τr−1 (Pn−1 )

 (r−2)
µr−1 (D) ∼
= τr−1 (E1P )

(r−j−1) (r−j−1) n n
where we use µr−1 (EjX ), τr−1 (EjP ) to denote the strict transforms of EjX , EjP in the last (r−j−1)-
times corresponding successive blow-ups. In other words, we can take successive blow-ups on X for r − 1
times and contract the second to the (r − 1)-th exceptional divisors in order and finally contract the
compactifying divisor we will get the projective space.

We will see that EkX is a Pdk -bundle over µk−1 (Mk ) where dk + 1 is the dimension of the balanced
subspace (see Section 2.2) with rank r − k + 1; EkP is a Pck -bundle over τk−1 (Cok (X)) where ck is the
dimension of Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace with rank = r − k (see Section 2.3).
Let Y be a subvariety in X. The successive strict transform µk−1 can be given by the following
commutative diagram, where the vertical arrows are closed embeddings, σj : Blj X → Blj−1 X is the j-th
blow-up morphism. Then the arrows in the first row are just restrictions of σ1 , · · · , σk . Note that µk−1
does not mean a map, it is used to clarify the notations.

µk−1 (Y ) · · · µj (Y ) · · · µ1 (Y ) Y

σj+1 σ2 σ1
Blk X · · · Blj X · · · Bl1 X X

This can be constructed by easy induction where by definition we know µj+1 (Y ) is the Zariski closure of
−1 (r−k+1) (r−k+1)
σj+1 (µj (Y )\µj (Mj+1 )) in Blj+1 X. Also µr−1 , τk−1 and τr−1 can be given similarly.
Explicit construction of Mk will be given in Section 3. We will find that Mk \Mk−1 are just the stable
manifolds in the Białynicki-Birula decomposition of X with respect to a C∗ -action (see Section 3.4 for
details). Rank two cases in the Main Theorem can be found in [Zak93, Chapter III, Theorem 3.8], see
also [FH18]. We now discuss the hyperquadric case as an example.

Example 1.3. The birational map between the projective space Pn = {[x0 , ..., xn ]} and the hyperquadric
Qn = {[z0 , ..., zn+1 ], z0 zn+1 = i=1 zi2 } ⊂ Pn+1 can be written as follows:
ϕ([x0 , ..., xn ]) = [x20 , x0 x1 , ..., x0 xn , x2i ]

where the indeterminacy is {x0 = 0, i=1 x2i = 0} and the image is {z0 6= 0} ∪ {z0 = z1 = · · · =
zn = 0, zn+1 = 1}. Conversely the inverse rational map can be writte as the projection from the point
[0, ..., 0, 1], i.e.

ψ([z0 , ..., zn+1 ]) = [z0 , ..., zn ]

where the indeterminacy is {[0, ..., 0, 1]} and the image is {x0 6= 0} ∪ {x0 = 0, i=1 x2i = 0}. We have
∼ Blpt Qn where C 1 (Qn ) ∼
BlQn−2 Pn = = Qn−2 ⊂ Pn−1 ⊂ Pn is a hyperquadric and pt means one point. The
Pn Pn
compactifying divisor D = {[0, z1 , · · · , zn+1 ], i=1 zi2 = 0} is a cone over Qn−2 = {[0, z1 , · · · , zn , 0], i=1 zi2 =
0} with vertex [0, ..., 0, 1]. The exceptional divisor E1P is a P1 -bundle over Qn−2 which is exactly
the strict transform of D; On the other hand E1X ∼ = Pn−1 is the strict transform of the hyperplane
Pn−1 = {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn .

Our main idea is to construct stratifications on D and PTo (X) which comes naturally from the rank
of X and the well-known polysphere theorem for irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric spaces.

Theorem 1.4 (The Polysphere Theorem, cf.[Wol72] or [Mok89]). Suppose that (X, g) is a rank r irre-
ducible Hermitian symmetric space of compact type, X = Gc /K = G/P where Gc is the compact real form
of G and K is a maximal compact subgroup of the noncompact real form G0 . Then there exists a totally
geodesic submanifold S in X isometric to a product of r Riemann spheres equipped with Fubini-Study
metric. Moreover K-action on S exhausts X, i.e. X = k∈K kS.

In fact the Main theorem holds true when X is a polysphere and we will see that this case (although it
is not irreducible) actually serves as a model for the problem and the construction for centers is parallel
to a general irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space. The baby case is well-known, where we let
X = P1 × P1 . We know that if we blow-up P2 along two distinct points and contract strict transform of
the line connecting these two points we will get P1 × P1 . In this case we define the minimal rational curves
to be those rational curves of minimal degree with respect to the line bundle O(1, 1) and the VMRT is
defined to be two points in the projectivized tangent space (not as the usual definition).
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give some preliminaries on Hermitian symmetric
spaces. In Section 3 we give the explicit constructions of the stratifications and the interaction with the
Białynicki-Birula decomposition of X. In Section 4 we finish the proof of the main theorem.

Notations. In the article we use the following notations. G(p, q) denotes the Grassmannian of p-
dimensional subspace in a (p + q)-dimensional complex vector spaces; GII (n, n) and GIII (n, n) denote
the orthogonal Grassmannian and Lagrangian Grassmannian respectively; Qn , OP2 , E7 /P7 denote the
hyperquadric, the Cayley plane and the Freudenthal variety respectively.


I would like to thank Baohua Fu for introducing the problem, and also for some helpful discussions and
suggestions. I would also like to thank Hanlong Fang for drawing my attention on the interation of the
construction of centers with the Białynicki-Birula decomposition and Jie Liu for providing the reference
[HK05]. I am also grateful to Yifei Chen and Renjie Lyu for some helpful discussions.

2. Preliminaries in Hermitian symmetric spaces

We briefly introduce the notion of irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type,
balanced subspaces and characteristic symmetric subspaces in this part. For more information we refer
the readers to [Wol72], [Mok02] and [MT92].

2.1. Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type. We know an irreducible bounded symmetric domain
is said to be of tube type if it is holomorphically equivalent to a tube domain over a self dual cone. Then
an irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space is called tube type if it is dual to a bounded symmetric
domain of tube type. For example, a Lagrangian Grassmannian is dual to a Type III bounded symmetric
domain which is biholomorphic to the Siegel upper half plane, so it is of tube type.
Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type can be described in terms of restricted root systems which
will be given precisely in Theorem 2.1. Write X = Gc /K = G/P to be an irreducible compact Hermitian
symmetric space with rank = r, where G is a connected complex simple Lie group, P is a maximal
parabolic subgroup, Gc is a compact real form of G and K is a maximal compact subgroup of the
noncompact real form G0 . By Harish-Chandra decomposition, g = kC + m+ + m− where g = Lie(G), k =
Lie(K), p = Lie(P ) = kC + m− . Let ∆ denote the root system and ∆+
M denote the set of positive
noncompact roots whose root spaces are contained in m+ , other positive roots are called positive compact
roots (similarly, negative noncompact and compact roots can be defined). Let Π = {α1 , · · · , αr } be the
maximal set of strongly orthogonal roots in ∆+
M starting from the highest root we know

Theorem 2.1 (The Restricted Root Theorem, cf. [Moo64]). Let hC be the Cartan subalgebra. Let ρ
P √
denote the restriction of roots from hC to h− = α∈Π −1Hα R, identify the elements in ∆ with their
ρ-image, then either ρ(∆) ∪ {0} = {± 21 αi ± 12 αj : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r} or ρ(∆) ∪ {0} = {± 12 αi ± 12 αj , ± 21 αi : 1 ≤
i, j ≤ r}. Accordingly ρ(∆+ 1 1 + 1 1 1
M ) = { 2 αi + 2 αj : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r} or ρ(∆M ) = { 2 αi + 2 αj , 2 αi : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r}.
Moreover, all αi have the same length and the subgroup of the Weyl group of G preserving the compact
roots and fixing Π as a set induces all signed permutations αi → ±αj of Π.

Moreover, this gives two cases for the restricted compact and noncompact roots,
(1) Tube type, which is corresponding to the first case in the theorem. In that case, nonzero ρ-image
of some subsets of ∆ are given by
• Compact simple roots { 21 (αt+1 − αt ), 1 ≤ t ≤ r − 1}
• Compact positive roots { 12 (αs − αt ), 1 ≤ t < s ≤ r}
• Noncompact positive roots { 21 (αs + αt ), 1 ≤ t ≤ s ≤ r}
(2) Non-tube type, which is corresponding to the second case in the theorem. Then nonzero ρ-image
of some subsets of ∆ are given by
• Compact simple roots { 21 (αt+1 − αt ), 1 ≤ t ≤ r − 1} ∪ {− 21 αr }
• Compact positive roots { 21 (αs − αt ), 1 ≤ t < s ≤ r} ∪ {− 21 αt , 1 ≤ t ≤ r}
• Noncompact positive roots { 21 (αs + αt ), 1 ≤ t ≤ s ≤ r} ∪ { 21 αt , 1 ≤ t ≤ r}
Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type with rank ≥ 2 can be listed as (1) G(n, n) with n ≥ 2; (2)
GII (n, n) with n even and n ≥ 4; (3) GIII (n, n) with n ≥ 2; (4) Qn with n ≥ 3; (5) E7 /P7 . Also they
can be also characterized by generic tangent vectors (i.e. tangent vectors of maximal rank), where rank
of a holomorphic tangent vector is given by the following (see [Mok89, p.234]).

Proposition-Definition 2.2. For a nonzero holomorphic tangent vector v ∈ To (X), there exists some
P r0
k ∈ K such that Adk.v = i=1 ai eαi with a1 ≥ a2 · · · ≥ ar0 > 0 for some 1 ≤ r0 ≤ r. Moreover by

P r0
C -action induced by the Cartan subalgebra hC , there exists some p ∈ P such that Adp.v = i=1 eαi .
Here r0 is called the rank of v.

We explain this proposition using the Grassmannian X = G(p, q). In this case, K = S(U (p) × U (q))
and K C = S(GL(p, C) × GL(q, C)) is the reductive part of P , and To (X) ∼
= m+ can be identified with
the set of p × q matrices. The actions of K and P are elementary transformations on matrices and the
rank of a tangent vector is precisely the rank of the corresponding matrix. The VMRT of X is exactly
the collection of projectivization of rank one tangent vecters at o. Then Hermitian symmetric spaces of
tube type can be characterized by the following proposition (see [Mok02, Proposition 1]).

Proposition 2.3. The set of generic tangent vectors (i.e. tangent vectors of maximal rank) is equal to
the complement of a (degree r) hypersurface in PTo (X) if and only if X is of tube type.

Table 1. VMRTs for irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric spaces

X the VMRT Co1 (X) Embedding in PTo (X)

p−1 q−1
G(p, q) P ×P Segre embedding
G (n, n) G(2, n − 2) Plüker embedding
GIII (n, n) Pn Veronese embedding
n n−2
Q Q O(1)
2 II
OP G (5, 5) O(1)
E7 /P7 OP Severi

2.2. Balanced subspaces. Next we introduce the notion of balanced subspace with rank k. They are
a class of special Hermitian symmetric subspaces. First we introduce the notion of invariantly geodesic
subspace which was discussed in [Tsa93] and can be characterized in terms of Lie triple systems.

Definition 2.4. Fix a canonical Kähler-Einstein metric h on X = G/P . A complex submanifold S ⊂ X

is said to be invariantly geodesic if and only of g(S) is totally geodesic in (X, h) for any g ∈ G.

Full classification of invariantly geodesic subspaces can be found in [Tsa93]. These Hermitian symmetric
subspaces are actually associted to subdiagrams of the marked Dynkin diagram of X (see Definition 2.5)
and vice versa. From [HM13, Proposition 3.7] (see also [BP99]), they are smooth Schubert varieties in X
and vice versa.

Definition 2.5. Let (S, X) be a pair of irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces associated to the marked
Dynkin diagrams (D0 , γ0 ) and (D, γ) respectively, then the pair is called subdiagram type if D0 can be
obtained from a subdiagram of D by identifying γ0 with γ. Then S is said to be associated to a subdiagram
of the marked Dykin diagram of X.

We give an example of a Hermitian symmetric subspace Q8 ⊂ OP2 associated to a subdiagram of E6

here (see Figure 1, where the black node α1 is marked).
Then for our convenience in this article we introduce the following notion.

Figure 1. Marked Dyndin diagram of E6 and the subdiagram associated to Q8

α1 α2 α3 α4 α5


Definition 2.6 (Balanced subspace). We say a complex submanifold S is a balanced subspace if it is an

invariantly geodesic subspace and it is of tube type.

From [Tsa93] we have the full classification for balanced subspaces, see Table 2. From the perspective
of Restricted Root Theorem we can easily observe that

Proposition 2.7. Up to P -action, the tangent space at o of a balanced subspace with rank k can be
identified with
C{eβ , β|h− = (αℓ + αj ), (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ k)}
2.3. Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces. We refer the readers to [Wol72] for this part.
Let gΛ be the derived algebra of
hC + gφ

where the orthogonality is with respect to the metric induced by the killing form where (φ, ψ) =
B(Hφ , Hψ ).

Definition 2.8 (Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces). Let GΛ be the Lie subgroup in G for gΛ
and XΛ be the orbit GΛ .o on X. Then the Hermitian symmetric subspace XΛ is called |Λ|-th characteristic
symmetric subspaces.

Also Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces are invariantly geodesic in X, they are smooth
Schubert varieties and they are associated to subdiagrams of the marked Dynkin diagram of X. We can
observe that

Proposition 2.9. To (XΛ ) can be identified with

1 1
Λ := C{eβ , β|h− = (αℓ + αj ) or αℓ , αℓ , αj ∈ Λ}
2 2
in terms of restricted roots.

Example 2.10. We give the balanced subspaces and Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces of a
Grassmannian G(p, q)(p ≥ q ≥ 2) here. It will be more straightforward if we consider the tangent
 space
 of

X at o (or alternatively the Harish-Chandra coordinate on X). We know To (X) = ∼ m+ = {0 A , A ∈

0 0
M (p, q; C)}. We identify the elements in m+ with p × q matrices. Let Eij be the p × q matrix with unique
nonzero element 1 in i-th row and j-th column. Then (under the choice of Cartan subalgebra and root
systems) the root vectors associated to the maximal set Π of strongly orthogonal roots are Eii (1 ≤ i ≤ q).
The balanced subspace with rank k has tangent space C{Eij , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ k}. Correspondingly if Λ is the set
of roots with root vectors Eii (k + 1 ≤ i ≤ q), then the Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspaces with
rank r − k has tangent space C{Eij , k + 1 ≤ i ≤ p, k + 1 ≤ j ≤ q}.

For the readers’ convenience we list a table for full classification of balanced subspaces and characteristic
symmetric subspaces (see Table 2).

Table 2. Balanced subspaces and characteristic symmetric subspaces

X Balanced subspace with Hermitian characteristic

rank k symmetric subspace with
rank r − k
G(p, q)(p ≥ q ≥ 2) G(k, k) G(q − k, p − k)
G (n, n)(n ≥ 4) G (2k, 2k) GII (n − 2k, n − 2k)
GIII (n, n)(n ≥ 2) GIII (k, k) GIII (r − k, r − k)
Qn (n ≥ 3) P1 , k = 1 P1 , k = 1
OP2 P1 when k = 1, Q8 when P5 , k = 1
E7 /P7 P1 when k = 1, Q10 when Q10 when k = 1, P1 when
k=2 k=2

Finally in this section we give the following proposition on smooth Schubert varieties in X.

Proposition 2.11. Let S ⊂ X be a smooth Schubert variety in X (i.e. (S, X) is of subdiagram type).
Then Cok (S) = Cok (X) ∩ PTo (S) where Cok (S) denotes the (k − 1)-th secant variety of the VMRT of S at o.

Proof. Since S is a linear section of X ֒→ P(Γ(X, O(1))∗ ) and the embedding S ⊂ X preserves minimal
rational curves, we know Co1 (S) = Co1 (X) ∩ PTo (S). Then Cok (S) ⊂ Cok (X) ∩ PTo (S) for any 1 ≤ k ≤ r0 =
rank(S). Write S as S = G′ /P ′ where P ′ can be chosen to be a subgroup of P . We know Cok (S) are all
P ′ -invariant subvarieties in PTo (S). On the other hand Cok (X) ∩ PTo (S) is also P ′ -invariant. Hence the
inclusion is actually an equality. 

3. The Białynicki-Birula decomposition and constructions of the centers

In this section we give the construction for the centers and describle the relation with the Białynicki-
Birula decomposition of irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric spaces.

3.1. The loci of infinity points of degree k rational curves. For further discussion we first give a
lemma which identify the higher secant varieties with the sets of tangent vectors with certain ranks.

Lemma 3.1. Cok (X) = {[v] ∈ PTo (X) ∼

= Pn−1 , rank(v) ≤ k} where the bracket denotes projectivization
of a vector.

Proof. The lemma is straightforward when rank(X) = 2, which includes the case where X is a hyper-
∼ Pn−1 , rank(v) ≤ k}.
quadric or a Cayley plane. From Proposition 2.2 we know C k (X) ⊃ {[v] ∈ PTo (X) =

For the other inclusion, it suffices to show that rank(v + v ′ ) ≤ rank(v) + rank(v ′ ) for v, v ′ ∈ To (X).
This can be checked case by case. In the Grassmannian case X = G(p, q), a tangent vector is identified
with a p-by-q matrix and rank of the tangent vector is exactly the rank of the matrix. In the orthogonal
Grassmannian case X = GII (n, n) a tangent vector is identified with an antisymmetric n-by-n matrix and
rank of the tangent vector is exactly half of the rank of the matrix. In the Lagrangian Grassmannian case
X = GIII (n, n) a tangent vector is identified with a symmetric n-by-n matrix and rank of the tangent

vector is exactly the rank of the matrix. Hence the inequality holds for these three cases by basic linear
algebra. When X = E7 /P7 , C 1 (E7 /P7 ) ∼
o = OP2 , and a tangent vector can be identified with an element
in the following Jordan algebra
 
c1 x y
 
J3 (O) = {
x c2 z
 , c1 , c2 , c3 ∈ C, x, y, z ∈ O}
y z c3

and Co1 (E7 /P7 ) ∼

= OP2 ⊂ PTo (E7 /P7 ) can be identified with the set of rank one matrices in J3 (O).
Inequality for the rank still holds and hence the lemma follows. 

Let W ∼
= Cn ⊂ X be the Harish-Chandra embedding given by the map exp : m+ → exp(m+ ).o where
o is the zero point. Let
Nk ={C\W : C is a rational curve passing through o such that

[To (C)] is of rank k and C ∩ W is an affine line}

i.e. Nk is the collection of infinity points of all such degree k rational curves (which can be written as
exp(tv).o with [v] ∈ Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X)). We will call Nk the k-th infinity locus of X.
The purpose of this section is to compute Nk (1 ≤ k ≤ r) explicitly. We fix the normalization on root
vectors as follows, let Hα denote the dual of α with respect to the killing form. Then hα = <α,α> is the

coroot of α. eα is normalized so that [eα , e−α ] = hα . Let xα = −1(eα + e−α ), yα = −(eα − e−α )
For a minimal rational curve C passing through o with To (C) = Ceα , we have

Lemma 3.2. The action exp( π2 xα ) translates o into the infinity point of C.

Proof." The#sl2 -triple" C{eα#, e−α , hα"} corresponding

# to the minimal rational curve can be identified with
0 1 0 0 1 0
eα = ,e−α = , hα = . Then we can easily compute
0 0 1 0 0 −1
" √ # " √ #
π 0 π −1
0 −1
exp( xα ) = exp( π√−1 )= √ ,
2 2
0 −1 0

which translates (0, 1)T into ( −1, 0)T . Thus exp( π2 xα ) translates o into the infinity point of C. 

Next we compute the action of Ad exp( π2 xα ) on kC .

Lemma 3.3. Ad exp( π2 xα )hβ = hβ − α(hβ )hα . Moreover Ad exp( π2 xα ) transforms the sl2 -triple asso-
ciated to β to the sl2 -triple associated to β or α + β or −α + β, corresponding to the cases when β is
strongly orthogonal to α, or α + β is a root or −α + β is a root respectively.

Proof. We can compute

π π
Ad exp( xα )hβ = exp(ad( xα ))hβ
2 2

X π X∞
√ (−4)k π (−4)k−1
= hβ + −1α(hβ ) ( )2k+1 yα − 2α(hβ ) ( )2k hα
2 (2k + 1)! 2 (2k)!
k=0 k=1
∞ √ ∞ √
1 X (π −1)2k+1 1 X (π −1)2k
= hβ + α(hβ ) yα + α(hβ ) hα
2 (2k + 1)! 2 (2k)!
k=0 k=1
1 √ 1 √
= hβ + α(hβ ) sinh(π −1)yα + α(hβ )(cosh(π −1) − 1))hα
2 2
= hβ − α(hβ )hα

Also since α is a root with long length, maximal α-string attached to β is β, β + α or β − α, β (cf.
[Mok89, Appendix I.3, Proposition 3]), which implies that either α + β or −α + β is not a root. When
β is strongly orthogonal to α, Ad exp( π2 xα )eβ = eβ . When α + β is a root, we have [xα , [xα , eβ ]] =
[e−α , [eα , eβ ]] = [−hα , eβ ] = −β(hα )eβ = eβ . From [Mok89, Appendix I.3, Proposition 3]) we know
[eα , eβ ] = <β+α,β+α>
<β,β> eα+β . Also we know β(hα ) = 2<α,β>
<α,α> = −1, thus [eα , eβ ] = eα+β . Then

π π
Ad exp( xα )eβ = exp(ad( xα ))eβ
2 2
∞ √ ∞ √
X (π −1) 2k+1 X (π −1)2k
= eα+β + eβ + eβ
22k+1 (2k + 1)! 22k (2k)!
k=0 k=1
√ √
π −1 π −1
= sinh( )eα+β + eβ + (cosh( ) − 1)eβ
2 2

= −1eα+β

When −α + β is a root, the computation is similar. 

We can obtain Nk from the Restricted Root Theorem. The complexification of K, denoted by K C , is
a reductive part of P . Then we know the Nk is a K C -orbit and moreover Nk = K C cΓ o where Γ ⊂ Π with
|Γ| = k and cΓ = exp( π2 αi ∈Γ xαi ). As Adc2Γ = id we have Nk = cΓ cΓ−1 K C cΓ o = cΓ (AdcΓ K C ).o. Let
kC = Lie(K C ). To obtain Nk , it suffices to know AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ , this can be done by the Restricted Root
theorem together with Lemma 3.3. We have

Proposition 3.4. AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ = C{eβ , β ∈ Θ} where β ∈ Θ ⊂ ∆+

M if there exists only one root αs ∈ Γ
such that αs − β is a root. In particuler, when X is of tube type, AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ = AdcΠ−Γ kC ∩ m+ which
∼ Nr−s . Also in this case AdcΠ kC ∩ m+ = 0 which implies Nr ∼
implies Ns = = pt.

Proof. For each compact positive root φ, if φ + αi is a positive noncompact root for some αi ∈ Π, then
by Restricted Root theorem either (i) there exists a unique pair αi , αj ∈ Π with j 6= i such that αi + φ
and αj − φ are noncompact positive roots or (ii) there exists one root αi ∈ Π such that φ + αi is a
noncompact positive root and φ is strongly orthogonal to other roots in Π. In case (i), φ + αi − αj is
another compact root and the adjoint action of exp( π2 (xαi + xαj )) transforms the coroot hφ into the
coroot of φ + αi − αj , also the adjoint action of exp( π2 xαt )(t 6= i, j) keeps hφ invariant, by Lemma 3.3.
In case (ii), the adjoint action of exp( π2 xαi ) transforms the coroot hφ into the coroot of φ + αi and the
adjoint action of exp( π2 xαt )(t 6= i) keeps hφ invariant, also by Lemma 3.3. Hence if the root vector eβ is
in AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ , there exists only one αs ∈ Γ such that αs − β is a root.
Moreover when X is of tube type, case (ii) does not exist. For any positive noncompact root β ∈
/ Π,
there exists only two roots αi , αj ∈ Π such that αi − β, αj − β are roots. Also we know eβ ∈ AdcΓ kC ∩ m+
if and only if αi ∈ Γ, αj ∈ Π − Γ or αj ∈ Γ, αi ∈ Π − Γ. Hence AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ = AdcΠ−Γ kC ∩ m+ . 

Proposition 3.5. We conclude the following table giving Nk explicitly.

 by matrices expression using Proposition 3.4. For Type I case

Proof. Type I,II,III cases can beobtained
0 A
(X = G(p, q)), we know m+ ∼ = {  : A ∈ M (p, q, C)}. Then for |Γ| = k, AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ is spanned the
0 0
 
0 a k × (q − k) matrix
subspace of with A in the form of  . For Type II, III cases,
a (p − k) × k matrix 0
the argument is similar under the restriction A = −AT , A = AT respectively. Also, Qn is of tube type

Table 3. The loci of infinity points

X Nk (1 ≤ k ≤ r) ∼
= r X tube type ?
G(p, q)(p ≥ q ≥ 2) G(k, p − k) × G(k, q − k) q when p = q
G (n, n)(n ≥ 4) G(2k, n − 2k) ⌊ n2 ⌋ when n is even
GIII (n, n)(n ≥ 2) G(k, n − k) n yes
Q (n ≥ 3) = Qn−2 , N2 ∼
N1 ∼ = pt 2 yes
OP 2
N1 = G (5, 5), N2 ∼
∼ II
= Q8 2 no
E7 /P7 = OP , N3 ∼
= N2 ∼
N1 ∼ 2
= pt 3 yes

and rank two. Therefore for classical cases Nk can be easily obtained. For E7 /P7 case, N1 is isomorphic
to the VMRT and by symmetry obtained in Proposition 3.4 we know N2 ∼ = N1 is also isomorphic to the
VMRT. For OP2 , it suffices to compute N2 . We adapt the simple roots convention as in Figure 1. All
the positive noncompact roots can be listed according to the coefficients of α1 , ..., α6 in order, which are

(100000), (110000), (111000), (111001), (111100), (111101), (111110), (112101)

(111111), (122101), (112111), (122111), (112211), (122211), (123211), (123212)

There is a Q8 which is of sub-diagram type with positive noncompact roots

(100000), (110000), (111000), (111001), (111100), (111101), (112101), (122101)

Roots whose corresponding root vectors in AdcΓ kC ∩ m+ are given by

(111110), (111111), (112111), (122111), (112211), (122211), (123211), (123212)

We know N2 is also isomorphic to Q8 , by the adjoint action of eα2 +α3 +α4 +α5 on the Q8 associated to the

3.2. Stratifications of the centers. By Lemma 3.1 we know Cor−1 (X) ( PTo (X) ∼ = Pn−1 and Cor (X) =
PTo (X) ∼
= Pn−1 . Recall that D is the compactifying divisor which is the complement of the affine cell W
in X. We inductively define M1 := Nr ,
Mk := {mrcs passing Mk−1 }

where mrc means minimal rational curves for short. For simplicity we call Mk the k-th locus of chains
of minimal rational curves starting from M1 . We first observe that

Lemma 3.6. Mr = D.

Proof. This can be quickly deduced from the polysphere theorem. Since K-action on a polysphere
exhausts X and K-action keeps o invariant, we know for a point y ∈ D, there exists an r-sphere (P1 )r
passing o such that y ∈ D ∩ (P1 )r = 1≤i≤r,{∞} is in the i−th factor P1 × · · · {∞} · · · × P1 . In the polysphere
we write o = (0, ..., 0), y = (y1 , ..., yn ) where there is at least one yj = ∞. y can be connected to Nr
by minimal rational curves inside D, thus y ∈ Mr . Hence D ⊂ Mr . The other direction is trivial by
definition, so Mr = D. 

Moreover we have the following proposition on the stratifications Co1 (X) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Cor−1 (X) ⊂ PTo (X) ∼
Pn−1 and M1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Mr−1 ⊂ D respectively.

Proposition 3.7. (1) Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) is a fiber bundle over Nk with dr−k+1 -dimensional fibers,
where dr−k+1 + 1 is equal to dimension of the balanced subspace with rank k. The fiber bundle
can be written as

θk : Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) = K C /Jk → Nk = K C /Qk

where Qk , Jk are the isotropy subgroups of the action of K C on Nk and Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) re-
spectively. Moreover we have a K C -equivariant embedding Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) ֒→ Pk where Pk is
the projectivization of the Qk -homogeneous bundle over Nk , K C ×Qk Cdr−k+1 +1 . Let Wko be a
balanced subspace with rank k passing through o and Cok−1 (Wko ) is the (k − 2)-th secant variety
for the VMRT of Wko , then each fiber of θk is isomprphic to PTo (Wko )\Cok−1 (Wko ), which is the
complement of some degree k hypersurface in a projective space Pdr−k+1 .
(2) Nr−k+1 ⊂ Mk and Mk \Mk−1 ∼ = K C ×Qr−k+1 Ccr−k+1 is a Qr−k+1 -homogeneous bundle over
Nr−k+1 with rank cr−k+1 . It can be written as

κk : Mk \Mk−1 → Nr−k+1

where each fiber is Harish-Chandra embedding of Ccr−k+1 into a characteristric symmetric sub-
space of rank k − 1 and the zero point is in Nr−k+1 .

Proof. (1) This is actually a corollary of Proposition 3.8, we use it in advance. If we fix an infinity
point z ∈ Nk = K C /Qk , θk−1 (z) is the collection of projectivization of rank k tangent vectors at the
origin toward to z, i.e. for any [v] ∈ θk−1 (z), the limit of the corresponding affine line {exp(tv).o, t ∈
C} is z. From Proposition 3.8 this coincidences with the set of projectivization of rank k tangent
vectors at the origin of the balanced subspace with rank k passing z. From Proposition 2.3, the
latter is the complement of some degree k hypersurface in the corresponding projective space.
Also from Proposition 3.4 we know tangent space of the balanced subspace can be identified with
a Qk -representation and this gives Pk and hence the embedding Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) ֒→ Pk .
(2) To write down a maximal polysphere we choose a maximal set of strongly orthogonal roots
Π ⊂ ∆+
M starting from the highest root α1 . Let αj be the highest element strongly orthog-
onal to {α1 , · · · , αj−1 }. Then Π = {α1 , · · · , αr } and the polysphere can be written as P =
{ 1≤i≤r exp(ti eαi ).o} ⊂ X where ti ∈ C ∪ {∞} (when ti = ∞, it means the corresponding factor
is given by exp( π2 xαi )). We know P ∩ Mk \Mk−1 = #{i,ti =∞}=r−k+1 (t1 , · · · , tn ). Let yr−k+1
be the point in P ∩ Nr−k+1 given by t1 = · · · = tr−k+1 = ∞, ti = 0(i ≥ r − k + 2). Alternatively
we may write
yr−k+1 = cΠr−k+1 .o

where Πr−k+1 = {α1 , · · · , αr−k+1 }. We then consider the K C -action on the reference point
yr−k+1 with isotropy group Qr−k+1 and compute the action of Qr−k+1 on the affine space in
P ∩ Mk \Mk−1 containing yr−k+1 given by
Yr−k+1 = {cΠr−k+1 exp(ti eαi ).o, ti ∈ C} ∼
= Ck−1

Let ∆C be the set of compact roots, i.e. the corresponding root spaces are contained in kC . From
Lemma 3.3 and the discussion in Proposition 3.4 we have

Lie(Qr−k+1 ) = hC ⊕ C{eφ , φ ∈ ∆C , bφ = 0 or 2} ⊕ C{eφ , φ ∈ ∆−

C , bφ = 1}

where bφ is the number of roots in Πr−k+1 not strongly orthogonal to φ. In terms of restricted
root, the roots with root vectors in Lie(Qr−k+1 ) are corresponding to restricted roots of the form
• φ ∈ ∆C , bφ = 0 : φ|h− = 12 (αℓ − αj )(r − k + 2 ≤ ℓ, j ≤ r) or φ|h− = ± 21 αℓ (r − k + 2 ≤ ℓ ≤ r)
(if exist) or φ|h− = 0 (if exist).
• φ ∈ ∆C , bφ = 2 : φ|h− = 21 (αℓ − αj )(1 ≤ ℓ, j ≤ r − k + 1).
• φ ∈ ∆− 1 1
C , bφ = 1 : φ|h− = 2 (αℓ −αj )(1 ≤ ℓ < r−k+2 ≤ j ≤ r) or φ|h− = 2 αℓ (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ r−k+1)
(if exist).
Moreover denoting the reductive part of Lie(Qr−k+1 ) by R(Lie(Qr−k+1 )) we have

R(Lie(Qr−k+1 )) = hC ⊕ C{eφ , φ ∈ ∆C , bφ = 0 or 2} ⊃ k1 ⊕ k2

where k1 , k2 are reductive parts for the parabolic subalgebras associated to the balanced subspace
with rank r − k + 1, and the Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace of rank k − 1.
From Lemma 3.3 we know AdcΠr−k+1 stabilizes hC and then the action from exp(hC ) keeps
Yr−k+1 invariant. A root φ in ∆C with bφ = 0 satisfies AdcΠr−k+1 eφ = eφ . For a root φ in ∆C
with bφ = 2, up to nonzero constant multiplication we know AdcΠr−k+1 eφ is equal to eφ+αj −αℓ
and hence the action exp(eφ ) given by such eφ keeps Yr−k+1 invariant. For a root φ ∈ ∆−
C with
φ|h− = 12 (αℓ − αj )(1 ≤ ℓ < r − k + 2 ≤ j ≤ r) or φ|h− = 21 αℓ (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ r − k + 1), we know
exp(eφ )cΠr−k+1 exp(ti eαi ).o = cΠr−k+1 exp(eφ−αℓ ) exp(ti eαi ).o
r−k+2≤i≤r r−k+2≤i≤r
= cΠr−k+1 exp(eadeφ−αℓ ti eαi ).o
 
= cΠr−k+1  exp(ti eαi ) exp(tj eαj + t′ eφ+αj −αℓ + t′′ e−αℓ ).o

(t′ = t′′ = 0 if φ|h− = αℓ )
= cΠr−k+1 exp(ti eαi ).o (as [eαj , t′ eφ−αℓ +αj + t′′ e−αℓ ] = 0)

Thus the action exp(eφ ) given by such eφ keeps Yr−k+1 invariant. In conclusion we can obtain
that nontrivial action just comes from root vectors with roots φ ∈ ∆C with bφ = 0 and hence

Qr−k+1 .Yr−k+1 ⊂ {cΠr−k+1 exp(v).o, v ∈ m+

r−k+1 } (†)

where m+ 1
r−k+1 = C{eβ , β|h− = 2 (αℓ + αj ) or
2 αℓ (r − k + 2 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ r)} is precisely tangent
space of the Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace. Also we know the s R(Lie(Qr−k+1 )) ⊃
k1 ⊕ k2 , therefore the other inclusion in (†) holds. Thus

Qr−k+1 .Yr−k+1 = {cΠr−k+1 exp(v).o, v ∈ m+

r−k+1 }

By K C -action on the polysphere passing o, we know Mk \Mk−1 can be exhausted and Mk \Mk−1 =
K C ×Qr−k+1 Ccr−k+1 is a Qr−k+1 homogeneous bundle over Nr−k+1 with rank cr−k+1 . Also from
the discussion we can see each fiber is Harish-Chandra embedding of Ccr−k+1 into a Hermitian
characteristric symmetric subspace of rank (k − 1) and the zero point is in Nr−k+1 .


On the other hand, we construct the following subvarieties which serves as the loci of chains of minimal
rational curves. Let V0 = {o}. Let
Vk = {mrcs passing Vk−1 }.

We know Vk−1 ⊂ Vk . General properties on geometry of loci of chains of mininal rational curves were
discussed in [HK05]. Note that in our construction for Mk , we start from the subvariety Nr while in the
construction for Vk , we start from the base point o. The latter is precisely the same as the construction
in [HK05].
As in Proposition 3.7(2) we have

Proposition 3.8. Nk ⊂ Vk and Vk \Vk−1 ∼

= K C ×Qk Cdr−k+1 +1 is a Qk -homogeneous bundle over Nk
with rank dr−k+1 + 1. It can be written as

νk : Vk \Vk−1 → Nk

where each fiber is Harish-Chandra embedding of Cdr−k+1 +1 into a balanced subspace with rank k and
the zero point is in Nk . Therefore Vk is the variety swept by all balanced subspaces with rank k passing
through o.

Proof. The proof is parallel to the proof of Proposition 3.7(2). We still write the maximal polysphere as
P = { 1≤i≤r exp(ti eαi ).o} ⊂ X where ti ∈ C ∪ {∞} (when ti = ∞, it means the corresponding factor is
given by exp( π2 xαi )). We know P ∩ Vk \Vk−1 = #{i,ti =0}=r−k (t1 , · · · , tn ). Let zk be the point in P ∩ Nk
given by t1 = · · · = tk = ∞, ti = 0(i ≥ k + 1). Alternatively we may write

zk = cΠk .o

where Πk = {α1 , · · · , αk }. We then consider the K C -action on the reference point zk with isotropy group
Qk and compute the action of Qk on the affine space in P ∩ Vk \Vk−1 containing zk given by
Zk = {cΠk exp(ti eαi ).o, ti ∈ C} ∼
= Ck

Recall that ∆C is the set of compact roots. Also we have

Lie(Qk ) = hC ⊕ C{eφ , φ ∈ ∆C , bφ = 0 or 2} ⊕ C{eφ , φ ∈ ∆−

C , bφ = 1}

where bφ is the number of roots in Πk not strongly orthogonal to φ. Using similar argument as in the
proof of Proposition 3.7(2) we know nontrivial action just comes from root vectors with roots φ ∈ ∆C
with bφ = 2 and also
Qk .Zk = {cΠk exp(v).o, v ∈ u+

where u+ 1
k = C{eβ , β|h− = 2 (αℓ + αj ), (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ k)} is precisely tangent space of the balanced subspace
at o.
By K C -action on the polysphere passing o, we know Vk \Vk−1 can be exhausted and Vk \Vk−1 =
K C ×Qk Cdr−k+1 +1 is a Qk homogeneous bundle over Nk with rank dr−k+1 + 1. Also we can see each fiber
is Harish-Chandra embedding of Cdr−k+1 +1 into a balanced subspace with rank k and the zero point is
in Nk . 

Corollary 3.9. For any point x ∈ Mk \Mk−1 , there is a balanced subspace with rank r − k + 1 passing
x which is transversal to Mk at x.

Proof. We first consider a point x ∈ Nr−k+1 ⊂ Mk . This is straightforward from the proof of Proposition
3.4, Proposition 3.7(2) and Proposition 3.8. More precisely, without loss of generality we may assume
that x = cΠr−k+1 .o where Πr−k+1 = {α1 , · · · , αr−k+1 }. From Proposition 3.7(2) and Proposition 3.8
we know there is a Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace of rank k − 1 and a balanced subspace
x x
of rank r − k + 1 passing x, which are denoted by Zk−1 , Wr−k+1 respectively. If suffices to show that
x x
Tx (Zk−1 ) + Tx (Wr−k+1 ) + Tx (Nr−k+1 ) = Tx (X). While we have

 x
) = m+ 1 1

 To (cΠr−k+1 Zk−1 r−k+1 = C{eβ , β|h− = 2 (αℓ + αj ) or 2 αℓ (r − k + 2 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ r)}

To (cΠr−k+1 Wr−k+1 ) = u+ 1
r−k+1 = C{eβ , β|h− = 2 (αℓ + αj ), (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ r − k + 1)}

To (cΠ
Nr−k+1 ) = AdcΠr−k+1 kC ∩ m+ = C{eβ , β|h− = 12 (αℓ + αj ) or 12 αℓ (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ r − k + 1 < j ≤ r)}
where the last equality is from Proposition 3.4. Now applying the Restricted Root Theorem we have
To (X) = To (cΠr−k+1 Zk−1 x
) + To (cΠr−k+1 Wr−k+1 ) + To (cΠr−k+1 Nr−k+1 ) identifying To (X) with m+ . Then
x x
we go back to x the tangent space equality Tx (Zk−1 ) + Tx (Wr−k+1 ) + Tx (Nr−k+1 ) = Tx (X) still holds.
k κ (x)
Now for any x ∈ Mk \Mk−1 , we know for κk (x) ∈ Nr−k+1 there is such a balanced subspace Wr−k+1 .
Also we know x can be translated from κk (x) by a group action g ∈ Aut(Zk−1 ), then the balanced
k κ (x)
subspace g.Wr−k+1 will be the desired one. 

Remark 3.10. From Proposition 3.8 we can see that Nk parametrizes all balanced subspaces with rank k
passing o and this gives an explanation for the Tits fibartion associated to the pair of subdiagram type in
this special case. For example, for the balanced subspace Q8 ⊂ OP2 , adapting the convention in Figure 1
we know in Tits fibration the parameter space of such Q8 passing o is given by deleting the marked node
α1 and marking the node adjacent to the subdiagram, which is α5 . This is precisely N2 ∼= Q8 .

Remark 3.11. There may exist more perspectives for the stratification constructed on X. We give one
more example here. We know the compactifying divisor D ⊂ X is actually a section s of the ample
generator of P ic(X) which vanishes to order r at some point. Let Vj (s) be the set of points at which the
vanishing order of s is at least j, which is precisely the multiplicity subspaces defined in [Nad91]. We can
see that Vj (s) = Mr−j+1 .

3.3. Singularities and smoothing the stratification. For the stratification, we describe the singular
loci for the subvarieties.

Proposition 3.12. (1) The singular locus of Cok (X) is Sing(Cok (X)) = Cok−1 (X)(2 ≤ k ≤ r − 1);
(2) The singular locus of Mk is Sing(Mk ) = Mk−1 (2 ≤ k ≤ r).

Proof. (1) We know Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) is a Zariski open dense smooth P -orbit, so Sing(Cok (X)) ⊂
Cok−1 (X). Also from Zak [Zak93, Lemma 1.9 a)], we have Co1 (X) ⊂ Sing(Co2 (X)) since Co1 (X)
is nondegenerate in PTo (X). Hence Co1 (X) = Sing(Co2(X)) and we are done with cases where
rank(X) ≤ 3. One way to obtain the inclusion Sing(Cok (X)) ⊂ Cok−1 (X) in general is to consider
case by case and do the checking on radical ideals (for exampel in Grassmannian case given by
the minors). We give a uniform proof using projective geometry here. In fact we can show that
T̂α (Cok (X)) = Pn−1 for α ∈ Cok−1 (X) where T̂α (Cok (X)) denotes the embedded projective tangent
space. This can be done by induction. We can see Sing(Co2 (X)) = Co1 (X) and T̂α (Co2 (X)) = Pn−1
for α ∈ Co1 (X) from [Zak93, Lemma 1.9 a)] as Co1 (X) is nondegenerate. Now suppose that
T̂α (Cok0 (X)) = Pn−1 for α ∈ Cok0 −1 (X) and Sing(Cok0 (X)) = Cok0 −1 (X). For β ∈ Cok0 (X) =

S(Cok0 −1 (X), Co1 (X)), choose α ∈ Cok0 −1 (X), γ ∈ Co1 (X) (γ 6= α) such that β ∈< α, γ >. Then
T̂β (Cok0 +1 (X)) ⊃ span < T̂α (Cok0 (X)), T̂γ (Co1 (X)) > and thus T̂β (Cok0 +1 (X)) = Pn−1 .
(2) From Proposition 3.7 we know Sing(Mk ) ⊂ Mk−1 . To obtain the other inclusion we claim that
dim Tx (Mk ) = dim(X) = n if x ∈ Mk−1 . By simple induction it suffices to consider the case
when x ∈ Mk−1 \Mk−2 . By Proposition 3.7 we may further assume that x ∈ Nr−k+2 . From the
construction of the stratification there exists a family of lines passing x and Nr−k+1 contained
in Mk . This is a cone over a subvariety N ⊂ Nr−k+1 . From Corollary 3.9 we know there is a
balanced subspace with rank r − k + 2 passing x which is transversal to Mk−1 at x, and we use
x Wr−k+2 x ∼ C 1 (W x
Wr−k+2 to denote it. Then we know N = Nr−k+1 := Nr−k+1 ∩ Wr−k+2 = x r−k+2 ) where
Cx1 (Wr−k+2
x x
) is the VMRT of Wr−k+2 . As the affinization of Cx1 (Wr−k+2 ) spans Tx (Wr−k+2 ) and
Wr−k+2 is transversal to Mk−1 at x we have dim Tx (Mk ) = dim Mk−1 + dim Wr−k+2 = n.
Hence Sing(Mk ) = Mk−1 .

Now the geometric picture is clear. Mk is the union of a family of Hermtian characteristic symmetric
subspaces in X parametrized by Nr−k+1 , where those affine cells are disjoint in Mk \Mk−1 and their
compactifying divisors intersect inside Mk−1 . For example when X = Qn , D = M2 is a cone over
∼ Qn−2 (see Example 1.3) with vertex in M1 ∼
N1 = = {pt}. In this case a Hermitian characterisc symmetric
subspace of rank one is just a minimal rational curve in Qn and we can see that M2 is a family of P1 ’s
where the affine cells (∼
= C) are disjoint in M2 \M1 and their compactifying divisors (∼
= {pt}) intersects
as the vertex.
Next we will prove that the successive blow-ups actually smooth the stratifications. First we recall the
Blow-up Closure Lemma.

Lemma 3.13 (Blow-up Closure Lemma). Suppose that Y ֒→ X is a closed subscheme corresponding to
a finite type quasicoherent sheaf of ideals and Z ֒→ X is a closed subscheme. If we blow up X along Y ,
then the strict transform of Z is canonically isomorphic to BlZ∩Y Z.

Also we recall the following lemma, see for example [HIO88, Chapter III, Corollary 1.4.5].

Lemma 3.14. Suppose that Y ֒→ X is a closed subscheme corresponding to a finite type quasicoherent
sheaf of ideals. If we blow up X along Y , the exceptional divisor is the projectivized normal cone of Y in

For simplicity we will use N orCone(A, B) to denote the projectivized normal cone of A ⊂ B and
N orCone(A, B)x to denote the fiber at x ∈ A where A, B are projective varieties. One can find the formal
definition of normal cone and projectivized normal cone in [HIO88, pp.571-572] in terms of commutative
algebra. When A is a point x ∈ B, the projectivized normal cone is called the projectivized tangent cone
of B at x, which is denoted by T anCone(B, x). We given a geometric description of N orCone(A, B)x
here when x is in the smooth locus of A: the projectivized normal cone at x is the projectivization of the
union of tangents to holomorphic arcs γ : ∆ → B centered about x modulo Tx (A). If we embed B into
Pn , then N orCone(A, B)x is a subvariety in P(NA|Pn ,x ).
We can prove the following proposition.

Proposition 3.15. Let X n be a singular projective variety with Y m ⊂ Z := Sing(X n) where Y m

is a smooth variety. Let N orCone(Y, X) → Y be the projectivized normal cone of Y ⊂ X. Let π :

BlY X → X be the blow-up of X along Y and Z e is the strict transform of Z. Then Sing(BlY X) ⊂ Z e∪
y∈Y Sing(N orCone(Y, X)y ) if we identify the exceptional divisor with N orCone(Y, X). In particular,
if for each y ∈ Y , Sing(N orCone(Y, X)y ) = N orCone(Y, Z)y , then Sing(BlY X) = Z.e

Proof. It suffices to consider it locally. As Y m is smooth, by choosing suitable coordinate we may

assume that X n is a defined by the polynomials (f1 , · · · , fe ) in CN = {(x1 , · · · , xm , y1 , · · · , yd )} and
Y m = {(x1 , · · · , xm , 0, · · · , 0)}. We can write down π : BlY CN → CN and then the strict transform of
e → X in coordinates. First of all, we know

BlY CN = {(x1 , · · · , xm , y1 , · · · , yd ) × [w1 , · · · , wd ] : yi wj = yj wi } ⊂ CN × Pd−1

For fs (1 ≤ s ≤ e), we can write it as

fs = fs,ks + fs,ks +1 + · · ·

where fs,ks is a polynomial in (x1 , · · · , xm , y1 , · · · , yd ) whose order in (y1 , · · · , yd ) is ks . Then in {w1 = 1}

coordinate, we have yj = y1 wj and π −1 (X) is given by the following polynomials (1 ≤ s ≤ e)

fs′ = y1ks fs,ks (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) + y1ks +1 fs,ks +1 (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) + · · ·

e is given by the following polynomials (1 ≤ s ≤ e)

and then X

fes = fs,ks (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) + y1 fs,ks +1 (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) + · · ·

and the exceptional divisor of blowing up X along Y is

E = {fs,ks (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) = 0(1 ≤ s ≤ e)}.

We know the exceptional divisor E is identified with N orCone(Y, X). If we consider the fiber of
N orCone(Y, X) on y = (x01 , · · · , x0m ) ∈ Y , it is given by

N orCone(Y, X)y = {fs,ks (x01 , · · · , x0m , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) = 0(1 ≤ s ≤ e)} ⊂ Cd−1

On the smooth locus of N orCone(Y, X)y , we know {d(w2 ,··· ,wd ) fs,ks (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd )}1≤s≤e is
of rank N − n. On the other hand we know

df˜s |{y1 =0} = dfs,ks (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd ) + fs,ks +1 (x1 , · · · , xm , 1, w2 , · · · , wd )dy1

Then we can see {dfes }1≤s≤e over sm(N orCone(Y, X)y ) is of rank N − n as well. Thus Sing(BlY X) ⊂
Z y∈Y Sing(N orCone(Y, X)y ). 

Next we consider the fiber of the projectivized normal cone N orCone(Mj , Mk ), N orCone(Coj (X)), Cok (X)
over the smooth locus of Mj , Coj (X) respectively. We have

Proposition 3.16. (1) Let y ∈ sm(Mj ) = Mj \Mj−1 be a smooth point in Mj . Then N orCone(Mj , X)y
can be identified with the projectivized tangent space of a balanced subspace Wr−j+1 of rank r−j+1
passing y and N orCone(Mj , Mk )y ∼ = C k−j+1 (W
y). Moreover we have

(N orCone(Mj , Mk )y ⊂ N orCone(Mj , X)y ) ∼ y y

= (Cyk−j+1 (Wr−j+1 ) ⊂ PTy (Wr−j+1 ))

where the isomorphism means that the embedding is the same.


(2) Let v ∈ sm(Coj (X)) = Coj (X)\Coj−1 (X) be a smooth point in Coj (X). Then N orCone(Coj (X), PTo (X))v
can be identified with the projectivized tangent space of a Hermitian characteristic symmetric sub-
space Z o passing o of rank r − j and N orCone(C j (X), C k (X)v ∼
r−j o o = C k−j (Z o ). Moreover we
o r−j


(N orCone(Coj (X), Cok (X)v ⊂ N orCone(Coj (X), PTo (X))v ) ∼

= (Cok−j (Zr−j
o o
) ⊂ PTo (Zr−j ))

where the isomorphism means that the embedding is the same.

Before the proof we introduce the following construction. Let Vs be the s-th locus of chains of
y Wr−j+1
minimal rational curves in Wr−j+1 starting from y, i.e. we inductively define V0 = {y} and
Wr−j+1 [ y
Vs = {mrcs in Wr−j+1 passing Vs−1 }.

From [HK05, Section 6.2], we have

Wr−j+1 y y y
Lemma 3.17. T anCone(Vs , y) = Cys (Wr−j+1 ) ⊂ PTy (Wr−j+1 )(1 ≤ s ≤ r−j+1) where Cy1 (Wr−j+1 )
y y y
is the VMRT of Wr−j+1 at y and Cys (Wr−j+1 ) is the (s − 1)-th secant variety of Cy1 (Wr−j+1 ).

Proof of Proposition 3.16. (1) This follows immediately from Lemma 3.17. As for each y ∈ Mj \Mj−1 .
By Corollary 3.9 there is a balanced subspace Wr−j+1 of rank r−j +1 passing y which is transver-
sal to Mj \Mj−1 at y.
(2) From Proposition-Definition 2.2 without loss of generality we may assume that v = [eα1 + · · · +
eαj ] ∈ PTo (X) where α1 , · · · , αj ∈ Π and the bracket means projectivization. Then from Propo-
sition 3.7(1) and the Restricted Root Theorem we know the embedded projective tangent space
fv (Coj (X)\Coj−1 (X)) where
T̂v (Coj (X)\Coj−1 (X)) = PT

fv (Coj (X)\Coj−1 (X)) = C{eβ , β|h− = 1 (αℓ + αs ) or 1 αℓ (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ j, 1 ≤ s ≤ r)}

2 2
fv (Coj (X)\Coj−1 (X)) can be identified with
Then the quotient To (X)/T
1 1
C{eβ , β|h− = (αℓ + αs ) or αℓ (j < ℓ ≤ s ≤ r)}
2 2
which is the tangent space of a Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace Zr−j passing o.
Hence N orCone(Co (X), PTo(X)) =∼ PTo (Z ). Also we know for v ∈ To (Z ), [eα + · · · +
o ′ o
r−j r−j 1

eαk + v ′ ] ∈ Cok (X) if and only if [v ′ ] ∈ Cok−j (Zr−j

o o
) ⊂ PTo (Zr−j ). Then the conclusion follows
easily from the geometric description of projectivized normal cones.

Then we obtain the smoothness of the centers.

Proposition 3.18. (1) The successive strict transform µk−1 (Mk ) is a desingularization of Mk .
(2) The successive strict transform τk−1 (Cok (X)) is a desingularization of Cok (X).

Proof. (1) By Proposition 3.16(1) we know Sing(N orCone(M1 , Mk )y ) = N orCone(M1 , Mk−1 )y

for y ∈ M1 . Since M1 is smooth, from Proposition 3.15 we obtain that µ1 (M2 ) is smooth and
Sing(µ1 (Mk )) = µ1 (Mk−1 )). Also we know for y ∈ M2 \M1 ,

(N orCone(µ1 (M2 ), µ1 (Mk ))y , N orCone(µ1 (M2 ), µ1 (X))y ) ∼ y y

= (Cyk−1 (Wr−1 ) ⊂ PTy (Wr−1 ))(♯).

To continue using Proposition 3.15 in the next blow-up, it remains to show that (♯) also holds
over the points in the boundary of µ1 (M2 ) (i.e. µ1 (M2 )\(M2 \M1 )). For y ∈ Nr−1 , we claim
that N orCone(µ1 (M2 ), µ1 (Mk )) → µ1 (M2 ) is a trivial family over κ2−1 (y), i.e.

N orCone(µ1 (M2 ), µ1 (Mk ))|κ−1 (y) = κ−1 k−1
2 (y) × Cy (Wr−1 ).

To prove the claim, from the proof of Corollary 3.9 we know the family of balanced subspaces
{Wr−1 }x∈κ−1 (y) is translated by the group action of Aut(Z1y ) on Wr−1
. Also we know for g ∈

Aut(Z1y ), the adjoint action Adg acts on Ty (Wr−1

) trivially (since from the proof of Corollary 3.9,
if we write y = cΠr−1 .o, roots corresponding to the root spaces in To (cΠr−1 Z1y )) and To (cΠr−1 Wr−1 )
are strongly orthogonal to each other). Therefore the claim holds. Now by the smoothness of
µ1 (M2 ) we know (♯) holds over the points in the boundary. The rest can be done by easy
(2) The second statement follows from a similar argument as in (1) using Proposition 3.15 and 3.16(2).

3.4. The Białynicki-Birula decomposition of irreducible compact Hermtian symmetric spaces.

In this section we give the relation between the stratification M1 ⊂ M2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Mr and the Białynicki-
Birula decomposition of X. We first recall the Białynicki-Birula decomposition theorem (over C) as

Theorem 3.19 ([BB73], Theorem 4.1, 4.2, 4.3). Let X be a complete smooth complex manifold with an
∗ ∗ Sr ∗
algebraic C∗ -action. Let X C be the set of fixed points under the C∗ -action and X C = i=0 (X C )i be the

decomposition of X C into connected components. Then there exists a unique locally closed C∗ -invariant
decomposition of X,
r r
X= Xi+ resp.X = Xi−
i=0 i=0

and morphisms γi+ : Xi+ → (X C )i (resp. γi− : Xi− → (X C )i ), 0 ≤ i ≤ r, such that the following holds.
∗ ∗

(1) Xi+ (resp. Xi− ) are smooth C∗ -invariant complex submanifolds of X. (X C )i is a closed complex

submanifold of Xi+ (resp. Xi− ). Xi+ ∩ Xi− = (X C )i .

(2) γi+ (resp. γi− ) is a C∗ -fibration over (X C )i (i.e. each fiber is a C∗ -module) such that γi+ |(X C∗ )i

(resp. γi− |(X C∗ )i ) is the identity.

(3) Let Tx (X)+ , Tx (X)0 , Tx (X)− be the weight spaces of the isotropy action on the tangent space

Tx (X) with positive, zero, negative weights respectively. Then for any x ∈ (X C )i , the tangent
space Tx (Xi+ ) = Tx (X)0 ⊕ Tx (X)+ (resp. Tx (Xi− ) = Tx (X)0 ⊕ Tx (X)− ) and dimension of the
fibration given by γi+ (resp. (γi− )) equals dim Tx (X)+ (resp. dim Tx (X)− ).

We call Xi+ (resp. Xi− ) a stable (resp. unstable) manifold of X with respect to the C∗ -action.

We know there is a natural C∗ -action induced by the one-dimensional center of kC . Let c be the central
element satisfying that [c, v] = v for any v ∈ m+ . Let W ∼
= Cn ⊂ X be the Harish-Chandra embedding
given by the map exp : m+ → exp(m+ ).o where o is the base point. Let ωt = exp(tc) be the C∗ -action.
We can see that o is fixed by ωt and W is invariant under ωt . Moreover we have

Lemma 3.20. The points in Nk are fixed by ωt .


Proof. Recall that

Nk ={C\W : C is a rational curve passing through o such that

[To (C)] is of rank k and C ∩ W is an affine line}

We know C ∩ W = {exp(sv).o, s ∈ C} for some c with [v] ∈ Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X). Also ωt exp(sv).o =
exp(et sv).o and hence ωs keeps C ∩ W invaraint. Thus the infinity point of C is fixed by ωt . 

We then give the action of ωt on the affines cells of the characteristic Hermitian symmetric subspaces
contained in Mk \Mk−1 (see Proposition 3.7). We can prove that

Lemma 3.21. Each fiber of κk : Mk \Mk−1 → Nr−k+1 is invariant under ωt . Moreover the action is
precisely the dilation with rate et fixing the zero point in Nr−k+1 .

Proof. As in Proposition 3.7 we can write a fiber of κk as {cΠr−k+1 exp(v).o, v ∈ m+

r−k+1 }. As in Lemma
3.3 we can compute
π π
Ad exp( xα )c = exp(ad( xα ))c
2 2
∞ √ ∞ √
1 X (π −1)2k+1 1 X (π −1)2k
=c+ yα + hα
2 (2k + 1)! 2 (2k)!
k=0 k=1
1 √ 1 √
=c+ sinh(π −1)yα + (cosh(π −1) − 1)hα
2 2
= c − hα

Since all roots with root spaces in m+

r−k+1 are strongly orthogonal to Πr−k+1 , we know [hα , v] = 0 for
any α ∈ Πr−k+1 , v ∈ m+
r−k+1 and hence

ωt cΠr−k+1 exp(v).o = exp(tc)cΠr−k+1 exp(v).o

= cΠr−k+1 (AdcΠr−k+1 exp(tc)) exp(v).o

= cΠr−k+1 exp(t(c − hα )) exp(v).o

= cΠr−k+1 exp(Ad exp(tc)v).o = cΠr−k+1 exp(et v).o

Thus the Lemma follows. 

Also we can compute the C∗ -action ωt on the fibers of νk : Vk \Vk−1 .

Lemma 3.22. Each fiber of νk : Vk \Vk−1 → Nk is invariant under ωt . Moreover the action is precisely
the dilation with rate e−t fixing the zero point in Nk .

Proof. As in Proposition 3.8 we can write a fiber of νk as {cΠk exp(v).o, v ∈ u+

k }. As in Lemma 3.21 we
ωt cΠk exp(v).o = exp(tc)cΠk exp(v).o

= cΠk (AdcΠk exp(tc)) exp(v).o

= cΠk exp(t(c − hα )) exp(v).o
Since u+
k = C{eβ , β|h− =
2 (αℓ + αj ), (1 ≤ ℓ ≤ j ≤ k)}, we know [ α∈Πk hα , v] = 2v for any v ∈ u+
Then ωt cΠk exp(v).o = cΠk exp(e−t v).o and the Lemma follows. 

Then we can write down the Białynicki-Birula decomposition explicitly for the irreducible compact
Hermtian symmetric space. We have

Proposition 3.23. The following setting gives the Białynicki-Birula decomposition for the irreducible

compact Hermtian symmetric space X, using the notations in Theorem 3.19. Let (X C )0 = {o}. Let
(X C )i = Ni (1 ≤ i ≤ r). Let X0+ = W = X\D be the affine cell of X. Let Xr+ = M1 , Xi+ =

Mr−i+1 \Mr−i (1 ≤ i ≤ r − 1). Let X0− = {o}. Let Xi− = Vi \Vi−1 (1 ≤ i ≤ r).

Proof. All conditions can be checked directly from Propositions 3.7(2), 3.8 and Lemmas 3.20, 3.21,

Nr and {o} are called the sink and source of the C∗ -action. Sometimes we also call them the extremal
fixed point components of the action. Recall that in Proposition 3.4 we know when X is of tube type,
Ni ∼= Nr−i+1 and Nr is a point. For simplicity we will call Ni the i-th fixed component in the Białynicki-
Birula decomposition.

4. Proof of the Main theorem

4.1. Some lemmas. We first give some lemmas.

Lemma 4.1. For 1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1, the ideal of Cok (X) ⊂ PTo (X) is generated by degree k + 1 polynomials.

Proof. This can be easily checked case by case. When X = G(p, q), we know Cok (G(p, q)) = {[A] ∈
P(Cp ⊗ Cq ), A ∈ M (p, q, C), rank(A) ≤ k}. The defining equations are given by all (k + 1) × (k + 1)
minors of the matrix. When X = GII (p, p)(p ≥ 4), we know Cok (GII (p, p)) = {[A] ∈ P( Cp ), A ∈
M (p, p, C) is anti-symmetric, rank(A) ≤ 2k}. The defining equations are given by pfaffians of (2k +
2) × (2k + 2) anti-symmetric principal submatrices. When X = GIII (p, p)(p ≥ 3), Cok (X) = {[A] ∈
P(Sym2 Cp ), A ∈ M (p, p, C) is symmetric, rank(A) ≤ k}. The defining equations are given by deter-
minants of (k + 1) × (k + 1) anti-symmetric principal submatrices. For Qn and OP2 , their VMRTs are
Qn−2 ⊂ Pn−1 and GII (5, 5) ⊂ P15 , both of which are defined by quadratic polynomials. For E7 /P7 , its
VMRT is the Cayley plane OP2 ⊂ P26 and the secant is a cubic hypersurface. 

Therefore ϕ : Pn 99K PN can be written as

ϕ([x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ]) = [xr0 , xr−1

0 x1 , · · · , xr−1
0 xn , xr−2
0 I(Co1 (X)), · · · , x0r−k−1 I(Cok (X)), · · · , I(Cor−1 (X))]

Lemma 4.2. The rational map

ϕk : [x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ] ∈ Pn → [0, · · · , I(Cok−1 (X)), · · · , 0] ∈ PN

satisfies that ϕk (Cok (X)) = Nk under the identification Cok (X) ⊂ PTo (X) ∼
= Pn−1 = {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn .
Moreover the map on Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X) is exactly the map θk given in Proposition 3.7.

Proof. By the Theorem of Landsberg-Manivel (Theorem 1.2) we know the Zariski closure of the image of
ϕ is isomorphic to X, for simplicity we also denote the closure by X. It is easy to observe that ϕ maps the
affine cell {x0 6= 0} to the affine cell of X. Fix a rank k tangent vk = [0, x1 , · · · , xn ] ∈ Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X).
We take the affine line {[1, tx1 , · · · , txn ], t ∈ C} then its image under ϕ is

ϕ([1, tx1 , · · · , txn ]) = {[1, tx, F1 (tx), · · · , Fk−1 (tx), 0, · · · , 0], t ∈ C}


where Fi denotes the vector-valued function given by the set of generators of the ideal I(Coi (X)) and
x = (x1 , · · · xn ). Let t → ∞. Note that Fi (tx) = ti+1 F(x), we have
[1, tx, F1 (tx), · · · , Fk−1 (tx), 0, · · · , 0] =

[1, tx, t2 F1 (x), · · · , tk Fk−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0] → [0, · · · , Fk−1 (x), · · · , 0]

Then by definition this is precisely a infinity point in Nk . 

Let Pk = span < Nk > be the linear subspace contained in PN . Note that if f ∈ I(Cok−1 (X)) is a
generator, it can not be identically vanishing on Cok (X) by the degree restriction in Lemma 4.1. Then we
know dim(Pk ) + 1 equals to the number of generators in I(Cok−1 (X)) and moreover Pk can be identified
with projectivization of a K C -module.

Lemma 4.3. When X is of tube type with rank at least 3, ϕr−1 |x0 =0 is a birational map onto Pr−1 .

Proof. We can check case by case. When X = G(m, m), we know Cor−2 (G(m, m)) = {[A] ∈ P(Cm ⊗
Cm ), A ∈ M (m, m, C), rank(A) ≤ r − 2}. The defining equations are given by all (r − 1) × (r − 1)
minors of the matrix. Then we know dim(Pr−1 ) = n − 1 = m2 − 1 and the rational map ϕr−1 |{x0 =0} is
to take the inverse of (the projectivization) of m × m matrices if we identify {x0 = 0} = Pn−1 with the
projectivized tangent space of X at o. Similarly we know in the orthogonal Grassmannian GII (m, m)
(m is even) and Lagrangian Grassmannian GIII (m, m) case the rational map ϕr−1 |{x0 =0} is to take the
inverse of (the projectivization) of m × m anti-symmetric and symmetric matrices respectively. When X
is E7 /P7 , also by a similar argument we know the rational map ϕr−1 |{x0 =0} is to take the inverse of (the
projectivization) of 3 × 3 matrices in the Jordan algebra J3 (O). 

4.2. Stratifications as linear sections of X. For later discussion, we fix some notations here. Let
PIj = span < Pr , · · · , Pr−j+1 > for 1 ≤ j ≤ r and PIr+1 = PN . For simplicity we use P0 to denote tha
point set {[1, 0, · · · , 0]} ⊂ PN . Then let PJj = span < P0 , P1 , · · · , Pj > for 0 ≤ j ≤ r. Then we describe
the stratifications M1 ⊂ M2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Mr−1 ⊂ Mr = D and V1 ⊂ V2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Vr−1 as follows.

Lemma 4.4. Mk = PIk ∩ X(1 ≤ k ≤ r) is a linear section of X. In particular, D = Mr is a hyperplane

section of X.

Proof. We first prove Mk ⊂ PIk ∩X by induction. M1 ⊂ PI1 ∩X is clear. Now suppose that Mj ⊂ PIj ∩X.
From Proposition 3.7(2) we know Nr−j ⊂ Mj+1 and Mj+1 \Mj is a homogeneous bundle over Nr−j
whose fiber is the affine cell of a Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace of rank j. Fix a point
x ∈ Nr−j and denote the corresponding Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace by Zjx . The zero
point in the Harish-Chandra coordinate of Zjx is x. Let Vs j be the s-th locus of chains of minimal
rational curves in Zjx starting from x, i.e. we inductively define V0 j = {x} and
Zx [ Zx
Vs j = {mrcs in Zjx passing Vs−1
Let DZj be the compactifying divisor of Zjx and it is contained in Mj ⊂ PIj ∩X by inductive assumption.
Zx Zx
Also we know any minimal rational curve in Zjx passing Vs−1
is a line in PN connecting Vs−1
x Zx
DZj . Then by simple induction on s we know Vs j ⊂ span < x, Mj >⊂ PIj+1 and moreover in the
same induction we can obtain that the affine cell is disjoint from PIj . By varying x ∈ Nr−j we know
Mj+1 ⊂ PIj+1 ∩ X. Therefore Mk ⊂ PIk ∩ X for all 1 ≤ k ≤ r. Also from the proof we can see that for
any point y ∈ Mℓ+1 \Mℓ (ℓ ≥ k), it can be projected to a point in Nr−ℓ (namely, the zero point of the

corresponding affine cell given by Harish-Chandra embedding) from PIℓ . Then y ∈

/ PIk ∩ X and hence
Mk = PIk ∩ X for all 1 ≤ k ≤ r. 

Similarly we can prove that

Lemma 4.5. Vk = PJk ∩ X(0 ≤ k ≤ r − 1) is a linear section of X.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 4.4. We first prove Vk ⊂ PJk ∩ X by induction.
We know V0 = {o} = {[1, 0 · · · , 0]}. Now suppose that Vj ⊂ PJj ∩ X. From Proposition 3.8 we know
Nj+1 ⊂ Vj+1 and Vj+1 \Vj is a homogeneous bundle over Nj+1 whose fiber is the affine cell of a balanced
subspace of rank j + 1. Fix a point x ∈ Nj+1 and denote the corresponding balanced subspace by Wj+1 .
x Wj+1
The zero point of Wj+1 in Harish-Chandra coordinate is x. Let Vs be the s-th locus of chains of
x Wj+1
minimal rational curves in Wj+1 starting from x, i.e. we inductively define V0 = {x} and
Wj+1 [ Wx
Vs = x
{mrcs in Wj+1 j+1
passing Vs−1 }.
Let DWj+1 the compactitying divisor of Wj+1
with respect to this affine cell (as a fiber in the homogeneous
bundle Vj+1 \Vj → Nj+1 ). We know it is contained in Vj ⊂ PJj ∩ X by inductive assumption. Also
x Wx Wx
we know any minimal rational curve in Wj+1 j+1
passing Vs−1 is a line in PN connecting Vs−1
x Wj+1
DWj+1 . Then by simple induction on s we know Vs ⊂ span < x, Vj >⊂ PJj+1 and moreover in the
same induction we can obtain that the affine cell is disjoint from PJj . By varying x ∈ Nr−j we know
Vj+1 ⊂ PJj+1 ∩ X. Therefore Vk ⊂ PJk ∩ X for all 0 ≤ k ≤ r − 1. Also from the proof we can see that
for any point y ∈ Vℓ+1 \Vℓ (ℓ ≥ k), it can be projected to a point in Nℓ+1 (namely, the zero point of the
corresponding affine cell given by Harish-Chandra embedding) from PJℓ . Then y ∈
/ PJk ∩ X and hence
Vk = PJk ∩ X for all 0 ≤ k ≤ r − 1. 

Remark 4.6. Using the notations in Lemma 4.2 we describe the C∗ -orbit in X whose closure passes
o = [1, 0, · · · , 0] ∈ PN as follows. For a fixed rank k tangent vk = [0, x1 , · · · , xn ] ∈ Cok (X)\Cok−1 (X), the
corresponding C∗ -orbit is given by

{[1, tx, t2 F1 (x), · · · , tk Fk−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0], t ∈ C\{0}}

whose closure is a rational curve of degree k in PN . If we consider the C∗ -action on PN given by

t.[z, z0 , z1 · · · , zr−1 ] = [z, tz0 · · · , tr zr−1 ] where [zk−1 ] ∈ Ppk −1 we can see the embedding of X in PN is
C∗ -equivariant with respect to the actions on X and PN .
It is easy to write down the Białynicki-Birula decomposition for the C∗ -action on PN . We can see the

N + N +
fixed point components are (PN )C N
i = Pi (0 ≤ i ≤ r) and (P )0 = P \PIr , (P )i = PIr−i+1 \PIr−i (1 ≤ i ≤
N − N −
r − 1), (PN )+
r = Pr ; (P )0 = P0 , (P )i = PJi \PJi−1 (1 ≤ i ≤ r). This explains Lemma 4.4 and Lemma


4.3. Proof of the Main Theorem. Let Bl′k X denote the k-th successive blow-up of X along (strict
∼ PTo X be the exceptional divisor in
transforms) of V0 = {o} ⊂ V1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Vk−1 (1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1). Let T1 =
the first blow-up and Tk be the strict transform of T1 in the next successive blow-ups. Let Bl′k PN denote
the k-th successive blow-up of X along (strict transforms) of PJ0 ⊂ PJ1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ PJk−1 . From Lemma
4.5 we know Bl′k X can be naturally embedded into Bl′k PN . Then we have Tk ⊂ Bl′k X ⊂ Bl′k PN . Let
p′k : PN 99K PIr−k+1 be the projection map. We know the k-th successive blow-up on PN resolves p′k . The
lifted morphism is denoted by p˜′ : Bl′ PN → PI
k k = span < Pr , · · · , Pk >. Let ιk : Bl′ PN → Bl′ PN
r−k+1 k 1

be the (successive) blow-up morphism and the lifted rational map induced by the first blow-up is denoted
by p′k,1 : Bl′1 PN 99K PIr−k+1 . Using commutative diagram we have
Bl′k PN Bl′1 PN PN

We prove the following proposition.

Proposition 4.7. When X is of tube type with rank at least 3, p′r−1,1 |T1 is birational onto Pr−1 .

Proof. We know Bl′k PN is a subvariety in Gk := PN × PIr × · · · × PIr−k+1 and p˜′k is the restriction of the
projection from Gk to PI . In order to give the restriction of p˜′ on Tk ⊂ Bl′ X ⊂ Bl′ PN , we consider
r−k+1 k k k

the strict transform of the following curve where x = (x1 , · · · , xn )

Cj := {[1, tx, t2 F1 (x), · · · , tj Fj−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0], t ∈ C}.

Let Cjk be the strict transform of Cj in Bl′k X (k ≤ j). Note that through the embedding Bl′k X ⊂ Bl′k PN ,
Cjk can be identified with the strict transform of Cj in the blow-ups on PN . We know in G1 = PN × PIr ,
we have

Cj1 \o = {[1, tx, t2 F1 (x), · · · , tj Fj−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0] × [tx, t2 F1 (x), · · · , tj Fj−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0], t ∈ C\{0}}

Letting t → 0 we can obtain that

Cj1 ∩ T1 = {[1, 0, · · · , 0] × [x, 0, · · · , 0]}

Similarly we have

Cjk ∩ Tk = {[1, 0, · · · , 0] × [x, 0, · · · , 0] × [F1 (x), 0, · · · , 0] × · · · × [Fk−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0]}

Then p˜′k (Cjk ∩ Tk ) = {[Fk−1 (x), 0, · · · , 0]} ⊂ Pk ⊂ PIr−k+1 . In particular when k = r − 1, p˜′k (Tk ) = Pr−1
by Lemma 4.3. 

Now we can prove

Proposition 4.8. The successive blow-ups on X resolves the rational map ψ and gives a morphism
ψ ′ : Blr−1 X → Pn . In other words, we have the following commutative diagram.

Blr−1 X X
ψ′ ψ

Moreover the morphism ψ ′ maps the divisor µr−1 (EjX ) ⊂ Blr−1 X to Cor−j+1 (X) ⊂ {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn for
1 ≤ j ≤ r − 1 and it maps the divisor µr−1 (D) to Co1 (X) ⊂ {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn .

Proof. We can see that the inverse of ϕ, denoted by ψ, is exactly restriction of the projection of PN from
PIr−1 to PJ1 . Then from Lemma 4.4 indeterminacy of ψ is exactly Mr−1 . Let Blj PN (1 ≤ j ≤ r−1) be the
successive blow-up along (strict transforms of) PI1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ PIj . From Lemma 4.4 we know Blj X can be
naturally embedded in Blj PN (Warning: Blj X is not equal to the successive strict transforms of X in the
blow-ups on PN ). Moverover, let p be the projection of PN from PIr−1 . Then the blow-ups on PN resolve

p and hence ψ. We denote the the morphism Blr−1 PN → PJ1 by p̃ and the morphism Blr−1 X → PJ1 by
ψ̃. We know after (r − 1)-times successive blow-ups, total transform of the compactifying divisor D is
[ (r−j−1)
µr−1 (EjX ) ∪ µr−1 (D)

where we recall that µr−1 (EjX ) is the strict transform of the j-th exceptional divisor in the next
(r − j − 1)-times blow-ups and µr−1 (D) is the strict transform of D in the (r − 1)-times blow-ups. Fix a
point x ∈ Nr−j+1 , from Proposition 3.8 we know it is corresponding to a balanced subspace Wr−j+1 of
rank r − j + 1. When we do the j-th blow-up, we know the j-th exceptional divisor EjX is a Pdj -bundle
over µj−1 (Mj ) as the latter is smooth from Proposition 3.18. Also we know the strict transform of
x x
Wr−j+1 Wr−j+1
Vs is Blx Vs and moreover
x x
Wr−j+1 Wr−j+1
Blx Vs ∩ EjX = T anCone(Vs , x) = Cxs (Wr−j+1

In particular when s = r − j + 1,

Blx Wr−j+1 ∩ EjX = PTx (Wr−j+1

Thus the fiber in EjX over x, denoted by Ej,x

X x
is identified with PTx (Wr−j+1 ).
When we do the blow-up along µj−1 (Mj ), we use ψ̃j to denote the morphsim Blj X → PJr−j which is
just restriction of the natural morphism p̃j : Blj PN → PJr−j resolving the projection pj : PN 99K PJr−j .
Let Px = span < Wr−j+1
>⊂ PN . We know Wr−j+1
= Px ∩ X and Wr−j+1
⊂ Px is also the
x Wr−j+1 x
minimal equivariant embedding of Wr−j+1 . Recall that Nk = Nk ∩ Wr−j+1 is the k-th locus of
infinity points (or the k-th fixed point component in the Białynicki-Birula decomposition of Wr−j+1 ).
Then we let Pxk = span < Nk >= Px ∩ Pk . Now from Proposition 4.7 we know the image of
(r−j−1) (r−j−1)
µr−1 X
(Ej,x ) = µr−1 x
(PTx (Wr−j+1 )) under the morphism ψ̃r−1 (= ψ ′ ) : Blr−1 X → PJ1 is Px1 ⊂ P1 .
(Note that here in Wr−j+1 we choose the affine cell such that x is the ’zero point’ instead of o, so by
Proposition 4.7 the image is Px1 instead of Pxr−j .) When we vary x ∈ Nr−j+1 = K C /Qr−j+1 , we obtain a
family of balanced subspaces {Wr−j+1 }x∈Nr−j+1 of rank r − j + 1 passing o and they are transitive by the
action of K C . Also we know everything including Pxk is transformed by the action of K C . In particular for
Px ∼
1 = PTo (W x ), we know the K C -action on P1 is the same as the isotropy action of K C on PTo (X).

Then by Proposition 3.7(1), we have

[ (r−j−1)
ψ ′ (µr−1 ( X
Ej,x )) = ψ̃r−1 (µr−1 ( X
Ej,x x
)) = K C .PTo (Wr−j+1 )
x∈Nr−j+1 x∈Nr−j+1

= Cor−j+1 (X) ⊂ {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn

We then consider all fibers in Ej → µj−1 (Mj ). We claim that for y ∈ Mj \Mj−1 ,

(r−j−1) (r−j−1)
ψ ′ (µr−1 X
(Ej,y )) = ψ ′ (µr−1 X
(Ej,κ j (y)

where κj : Mj \Mj−1 → Nr−j+1 is the fibration given in Proposition 3.7(2). From Proposition 3.7(2),
j κ (y)
we know y is in the affine cell of a Hermitian characteristic symmetric subspace Zj−1 with zero point
κj (y) ∈ Nr−j+1 and rank j − 1. Then there is a balanced subspace Wr−j+1 passing y which is translated
κ (y) κ (y)
by a group action g ∈ Aut(Zj−1 j
) ⊂ G on Wr−j+1 . Since g acts trivially on PJr−j and Pκj (y) = span <
κ (y) y
Wr−j+1 >= κj (y)+PJr−j ∩Pκj (y) , we have Py = span < Wr−j+1 >= g.Pκj (y) = g.κj (y)+PJr−j ∩Pκj (y) =

y + PJr−j ∩ Pκj (y) . Moreover we know the image of strict transforms of Ej,y
= PTy (Wr−j+1 ) and
κ (y)
Ej,κ j (y)
= PTκj (y) (Wr−j+1 ) under the morphism ψ ′ are the same. In conculsion we have
[ (r−j−1)
ψ ′ (µr−1 ( X
Ej,x )) = ψ ′ (µr−1 ( X
Ej,x )) = Cor−j+1 (X) ⊂ {x0 = 0} ⊂ Pn .
x∈Mj \Mj−1 x∈Nr−j+1

Since µj−1 (Mj ) is the closure of Mj \Mj−1 , we finish the proof of the proposition. 

Now we are ready to finish the proof of the Main Theorem.

Proof. From Proposition 4.8 and the universal property of blow-up we know there is a surjective morphism
ψ 1 such that the following commutative diagram holds

Blr−1 X X
ψ′ ψ

Bl1 Pn Pn
Then we can see that by the morphism ψ 1 , the divisor τr−1 (EkX ) ⊂ Blr−1 X is mapped to µ1 (Cor−k+1 (X))
for 1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1 and the divisor µr−1 (D) is mapped to E1P . If we continue using the universal property
of blow-ups, we obtain the following commutative diagram

Blr−1 X X
ψ′ ψ
ψ r−1 ψk ψ2
Blr−1 Pn · · · Blk Pn · · · Bl2 Pn Bl1 Pn Pn

where all ψ k (1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1) are surjective morphisms. Write ψ̃ = ϕr−1 . Then by the morphism ψ̃, the
(r−k−1) (k−2) n (r−2)
divisor µr−1 (EkX ) ⊂ Blr−1 X is mapped to τr−1 (Er−k+1
) for 2 ≤ k ≤ r, the divisor µr−1 (E1X ) ⊂
(r−2) n
Blr−1 X is mapped to τr−1 (Pn−1 ) and the divisor µr−1 (D) is mapped to τr−1 (E1P ). Note that in
the blow-ups all centers are smooth, we know Blr−1 Pn and Blr−1 X are smooth. Since ψ̃ is birational
morphism between two smooth varieties with the same Picard number, ϕ̃ must be an isomorphism and
then the Main Theorem holds. 

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Morningside Center of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, The Chinese Academy
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