A Christmas Carol 2020

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NARRATOR 1 Once a year there is a marvelous night when enchantment and wonder spark and take flight.
ADV Each home fills with joy on this holiday and hearts grow magically warm.
NARRATOR 2 The rooms are all covered with garlands and wreaths, the tables are ready and the chimney’s
ADV stockings beneath. Lights twinkle and glow as bells brightly chime.
NARRATORS The moment has arrived! It’s here!
1-2-3 ADV It’s Christmas time!
NARRATOR 3 A very beautiful story is being brought today and the secrets it holds. Let’s look and we will
ADV see…
It might sound familiar to you…the story is about a greedy miser and ambitious old man
NARRATOR 1 named…EBENEZER SCROOGE and his extraordinary transformation as a result of the
ADV supernatural visit of Jacob Marley’s ghost, his former business partner and three peculiar
Christmas’ spirits .
NARRATOR 2 They will reveal him his own miserable existence, the opportunities he wasted on his youth, his
ADV current cruelties and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change.
NARRATOR 3 Scrooge is faced with his own growing bitterness and meanness life story deciding what his
ADV future might bring: death or redemption.
NARRATOR 2 A day before Christmas Scrooge was on his way to work. He always rather money instead of
ADV anything else, even Christmas …
(Scrooge enters to his office and slams the door)

CRATCHY ADV Good morning Mr. Scrooge, Merry Christmas!

SCROOGE ADV Christmas? What’s that? That’s just to spend money!
Excuse me mister, but I don’t think that’s true. I think that it is to celebrate the born of the
(Nervous and a little
child Jesus, God’s son

Foolishness! (without giving importance) but if you want to spend money on that there is no problem.
(suddenly Scrooge’s nephew, Carol, enters happily with an advent wreath)
Merry Christmas uncle Scrooge! Merry Christmas Cratchy!
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you Carol!
SCROOGE Hi Carol, take that thing out of here; I don’t know why everybody spends their money in such a
fool thing.

CAROL ADV It’s not a “fool thing” uncle Scrooge, anyway, I’m here to invite you to have Christmas dinner
(happy) with us tomorrow
Don’t bother me, I won’t go.
Don’t worry uncle Scrooge, there’s always a reserved place for you in our table.
(Carol come out quickly)

When Carol came out, two charity solicitors knocked at the door
Good afternoon, What can I do for you?
Good afternoon Mr. Scrooge and Merry Christmas
Mr. Scrooge, would you like to donate some coins for poor people? It’s a good cause.
(happy and kind)
Lady, gentleman, you’re right, it’s a good cause to help the poor
That’s right Mr. Scrooge!
SCROOGE ADV But let me tell you something. Would it be a good cause to take your jobs away? Two good and
(sarcastic) generous people! What would you do if the poor are no poor anymore?
No Mr. Scrooge but…
(interrupting and But nothing. I don’t want to take away your jobs because stopping the poor being poor will get
pushing them to the you out of work and I don’t really want you to lose it. (closing the door)
Sir, I’m wondering if could it be possible to stay with my family at home tomorrow?
Fine, but I will only pay you half-day, mmm…How much do you earn?
200 pounds a day Mr. Scrooge.
SCROOGE ADV Perfect! You’re going to work only half-day, so I just have to pay you 100 pounds (serious and
(ambitiously) strict) Is it clear?
Yes Mr. Scrooge. Thank you.
NARRATOR 2 Although Cratchy didn’t agree he was happy because he was going to be with his family at
ADV Christmas.
NARRATOR 3 That night, when Scrooge arrived home, he heard something weird, someone was calling his
ADV name, but at not seeing anyone…he calmed down and he supposed he was tired.
(Jacob Marley enters scaring Scrooge)
(hiding so Scrooge Scrooooooge
can’t see him with a
ghost tone)
(with fear and Who…Who is there?
Scroooooge you’ve been very bad!
(screams and runs Noooo! Get out of here! Leave me alone!
(stumbling with his Scrooge, What? Don’t you recognize me? I’m Jacob Marley, your partner
(frightened with little Jacob? It that you? What happened to you?

J MARLIN ADV That’s it Scrooge, being so stingy and ambitious I ended like this, as a convict carrying this
(ashamed) chains until the eternity.
But my friend, you were such a good person. Humiliating the poor and leaving your wife with
nothing, you took everything to the grave (sarcastically). Well, you preferred to leave all in our
(pretentious tone)
(ashamed) Yes Scrooge, that’s right.
(get angry). Actually that’s not right. Don’t you understand? My punishment for being just like
that in life has been carrying these chains till the end of the times.
That’s the reason I’m here old friend, to make you change and avoid you suffer the same.
Scrooge, listen to me carefully (very serious). Tonight you will be visited by four Christmas’
spirits. They will help you to change. Unless you do it before Christmas, you will be doomed to
carry these chains since the day of your death till the eternity. Do you understand?
SCROOGE ADV Yes Jacob, It’s a promise.
(excited and fear) (Jacob disappears and Scrooge prepares to sleep)
NARRATOR 1 That night Scrooge couldn´t sleep, he was so nervous because he didn’t know what would
ADV happen. He was afraid to be doomed as his friend Jacob to carry painfully those chains.
NARRATOR 2 INT At 11:00 that night, Scrooge heard some strange noises. He was scared. Then he saw a light.
PAST SPIRIT INT Hello, Scrooge
SCROOGE INT Who are you? What do you want from me?
(with fear)
PAST SPIRIT INT Hasn’t anybody told you? Mmm…I thought Jacob had come to tell you about the visit of the
(smiling) Christmas’ Spirits, hadn’t he?
SCROOGE INT Yes but, who are you?
(with fear)
PAST SPIRIT INT Let me introduce myself. I’m the spirit of your past Christmas and we will travel to your past.
Now stand up and hold tight
NARRATOR 3 INT As the Spirit of the Past Christmas said, Scrooge went to one of many Christmas. He used to
have happy days and he also used to be kind with a noble soul.
(Old Scrooge and the ghost are not here. Scrooge’s friends are celebrating)
SCROOGE INT I know this place. It’s my first work!
PAST SPIRIT INT That’s right. When you used to be good and noble
SCROOGE Look! There is Isabella!
PAST SPIRIT INT And, who is she?
SCROOGE INT Shhh, Be quiet and watch.
(inside the house)
ISABELLA INT Scrooge, come on, let’s dance!
YOUNG No Isabella, thank you.
(happy and pulling)
YOUNG Ok Isabella. (both dancing)
OLD SCROOGE Those days. They used to be good
(sighs and with sand
PAST SPIRIT INT If you loved her so much why didn’t you fight for her love?
NARRATOR 1 INT The ghost of the past Christmas took Scrooge to his office to show him the reason of his
lonely life.
(Scrooge’s office. Isabella and young Scrooge get in and he is counting money)
ISABELLA INT Scrooge I need to know if we are having dinner tonight.
YOUNG The only thing I want is to count my money and fix my problems. Get out and stop bothering
ISABELLA INT All right, but please, don’t talk to me again in your life.
(very sad) (suddenly everyone gets out of the stage and the old Scrooge returns to his bedroom)
SCROOGE INT Why did I do that?

NARRATOR 2 INT Scrooge knew that being selfish and rude hadn’t been as good as he thought, but he still has
three more visitors.
(there are noises and Scrooge gets prepared for his next visitor. A candy table appears on
PRESENT SPIRIT Scrooge, I’m your present Christmas ghost
INT (noisy voice)
SCROOGE INT Hello…and all these candies… what are they for?
(getting closer to the
candy table)
PRESENT SPIRIT They belong to all the good people who live in the world, and you are not one of them.
SCROOGE INT I know, but in the real world, people like that do not exist.

PRESENT SPIRIT Of course there are people like that, look.

INT (at Cratchy’s house. The ghost talks to Scrooge behind the stage. Cratchy and his family
NARRATOR 3 INT Cratchy was happy with his family. Tim the youngest kid was really happy because his father
was going to be with them for Christmas.
PRESENT GHOST Look! They are good people, they deserve those candies and more
SCROOGE INT Tell me, what is wrong with Tim?
PRESENT SPIRIT This is probably his last Christmas because Cratchy doesn’t have enough money to pay for his
INT medicines. Oh, poor boy!
TIM INT Dady, Let’s pray to God for Mr. Scrooge to get happiness and to bring him someone to spend
(happy) Christmas with.
WIFE INT (happy) That’s right honey. (serving a little piece of food on a plate).
Let’s pray for Mr. Scrooge
KIDS INT (together) Yes! Let’s do it!
CRATCHY INT That’s right kids, Let’s pray for him.
SCROOGE INT Tell me, what will happen to Tim? Will he get better? Tell me, please.

NARRATOR 1 Scrooge finally understood why Cratchy was always doing everything he asked for. He had too
BAS many problems and he couldn’t do anything else, just follow the rules. But Scrooge had two
ghosts left and he was scared. MUSIC VIC BOOO
FUTURE SPIRIT So Scrooge….What do you want your tombstone to say?
SCROOGE BAS What? What do you mean? Do you know what happened to little Tim?
FUTURE SPIRIT What do you want? To keep hurting people? Scrooge, you don’t deserve to live!
BAS (angry)
SCROOGE BAS Tell me what happened to Tim! I need to know!
FUTURE SPIRIT Well he stopped suffering, but you…(shouting) You will never stop suffering, down there, with
BAS all the selfish people like you. You don’t deserve the chains, you deserve something worse.
You won’t scape from there.
SCROOGE BAS No, please, I will change, I will be a different person, please MUSIC CAMPANAS
(begging) (Scrooge starts crying and praying on his knees)

NARRATOR 2 Scrooge was so busy crying that he didn’t notice the Future Spirit had gone away. Then
BAS Scrooge saw a light. It was so beautiful that he stopped crying and saw an Angel
CHRISTMAS Hi, Scrooge. I’m the Christmas’ Angel. But tell me…What happened to you?
SCROOGE BAS I’m really sad. Too many people have suffered because of me, and the Future Christmas Spirit
said that I don’t deserve to live anymore and the worst thing is that he is right.
CHRISTMAS Don’t worry, sometimes he is a little hard, but my work here isn’t to talk about him, it is to
ANGEL BAS make you apologize and repair the damage you have done.
SCROOGE BAS How can we do that?
CHRISTMAS Do you know the story of Baby Jesus’ born?
SCROOGE BAS Yes, But the truth is… (ashamed) I haven’t believed that story for a long time.
CHRISTMAS ANGEL Trust me, come on.
NARRATOR At this point Scrooge had the fortune to meet the most beloved person in the world, the
3 BAS baby Jesus. Scrooge asked the ghost if everyone could see the baby, and he said…
CHRISTMAS ANGEL No, but if you apologize to him, our little baby will help you to fix in an easy way all your
troubles. So, come on, get a little closer and tell him what you want. MUSIC BABY JESUS Y
SCROOGE BAS (Gets closer to the baby and he kneels down in front of him) oh, my baby! Help me to repair all
the things I’ve done wrong, and make our God have mercy of me.
NARRATOR At that moment, Scrooge came back to his room, more alive than ever. He knew that having
1 BAS that feeling couldn’t mean another thing but…
SCROOGE BAS Christmas if finally here! I have to get dressed.
(happy) (Everybody is performing what the narrator is saying) MUSIC TRINEO GORRO SANTA
NARRATOR 2 That morning Scrooge came out running from his house, he saw the two charity guys from the
BAS day before, he said he was sorry and gave them ten little bags with gold. When he saw his
nephew he hugged him, and said “Merry Christmas, see you tonight, I’ll take the drinks and the
NARRATOR 3 Later he ran to Cratchy’s house and took a lot of presents for them.
SCROOGE BAS Cratchy! You are late for work! Do you know what am I going to do about it?
(pretending madness)
CRATCHY BAS No, please Mr. Scrooge, don’t fire me, I swear I was on my way to work.
SCROOGE BAS Take the day off! And I’ll make you my partner on the business, and you know what? No more
(interrupting) bad Scrooge!, I’m going to be a good man, but tell me, where are your wife and kids?
CRATCHY BAS They are coming Mr. Scrooge.
SCROOGE Perfect, but I will ask you something; could you stop calling me Mr.? Just call me Scrooge.
CRATCHY BAS Ok…Scrooge then. Maria, kids, Scrooge is waiting for you!
SCROOGE BAS I know I’ve been a terrible man with you and your father but I’m going to be the best person I
(ashamed) can, and to prove it I brought presents for everybody.
NARRATOR 1 From that day, Scrooge changed, he learned how to be a good man, and all because of the
BAS people he treated so bad. His life is better now, he knows God is taking care of him, and it can
be the same for you if you want it.
Merry Christmas and have an excellent and very happy new year.

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