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Before I start what is a theology? The study of religion is known as theology. It explores the human
experience of faith and how it is expressed differently by different people and cultures. Studying
theology entails confronting difficult concerns concerning religion's meaning. It also necessitates the
ability to compare and contrast other religions in a fair and informed manner.

What is my expectation in this subject? My expectation in this subject are Biblical studies, historical or
comparative studies, systematic theology, ethics, and spirituality are all prominent disciplines in
theology. Familiarity with a wide range of religious traditions and experiences. An awareness of how
faith, religious morality and justice are intertwined.

What are your learnings on Theology based on your previous Theology subject? I learned so many things
like how important the religion and Theology and religious studies are concerned with ideas, texts,
beliefs, and activities. They provide insight into humanity's past and present, as well as the development
of vital abilities such as critical thinking and analytical writing. I learned also the Liturgy and Sacraments
a Liturgy is Liturgy (leitourgia) is a Greek composite term that originally meant a public obligation, or a
citizen's service to the state. Its components are leitos (from leos = laos, people), which means public,
and ergo (used in future erxo, etc.), which means to do. We get leitourgos, which means "a man who
performs a public duty," or "a public servant," and is often used as a synonym for the Roman licto on the
other hand A Sacraments are the most important liturgical practices in the Church. A sacrament is a
"efficacious symbol," which is to say, a "effective" or "potent" sign that causes what it points to stop; it
does not cause it. A sacrament like Baptism, on the other hand, genuinely brings about the rebirth that
the baptismal waters represent. Because Baptism is a "effective" sign, it genuinely wipes away sin and
ushers us into God's family spiritually. The Sacrament of baptism.Baptism, according to St. Gregory of
Nazianus, is "God's most lovely and marvelous gift." The word Baptism comes from the Greek word
baptizein, which means "to plunge" or "to immerse."A new Catholic enters into Christ's death and then
rises to a new life of grace, as symbolized by this symbolic plunging and rising from the sea. I
remembered the Baptism Overcomes Sin and Death. Baptism is the rite that brings us new life and
initiates us into the Church, Christ's Body. Baptism provides us with the grace to live in a wicked world
while also acknowledging our own sins. According to the Catholic Church's Catechism, "Holy Baptism is
the foundation of the entire Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door that leads to the
other sacraments" (1213).Sin is defeated through Baptism. Both original and personal sins are forgiven
via baptism. Baptism is an indication that a community of baptized people can bring the Lord's presence
to the world in this way.

I have learned so many things in theology subject and I hope I acquire more knowledge and information
in this subject.

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