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3.1. General
In the previous chapter, the highway geometric design’s theories are described.
This study is aimed to calculate the geometric design of highway. Mahlaing-Thaungtha
road is chosen as the studied area. The studied area is surveyed for the required data of
the highway geometric design. The horizontal curves are measured by using Rankine’s
method and vertical curves are measured by using Rise and Fall method. In this chapter,
design calculations for the highway geometric are presented. The design calculation has
been manually done. The characteristics of the highway should be considered in
selecting the geometric design standards.

3.2. Location of the Selected Highway

The selected highway for this study is the section of Mahlaing-Taungtha, which
is a portion of Meiktila to Myingyan road. It is the portion from mile post 30/0 to 31/0.
The selected highway is one-mile long and as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Location Map of the Selected Area


3.3. Design Speed

Design speed is defined as a selected speed to determine the various geometric
features of the roadway. Design speed depends on the functional classification of the
highway, the topography of the area in which the highway is located, and the land use
of the adjacent area. For highway design, topography is generally classified into three
groups: level, rolling, and mountainous terrain.
Level terrain is relatively flat. Horizontal and vertical sight distances are
generally long or can be achieved without much construction difficulty or major
Rolling terrain has also natural slopes that often rise above and fall below the
highway grade with occasional steep slopes that restrict the normal vertical and
horizontal alignments.
Mountainous terrain has sudden changes in ground elevation in both the
longitudinal and transverse directions, thereby requiring frequent hillside excavations
to achieve acceptable horizontal and vertical alignments.
The design speed selected should be consistent with the speed that motorists
will expect to drive. For example, a low design speed should not be selected for a rural
collector road solely because the road is located in an area of flat topography, since
motorists will tend to drive at higher speeds. The average trip length on the highway is
another factor that should be considered in selecting the design speed.
In general, highways with longer average trips should be designed for higher
speeds. Design speeds range from 20 mi/h to 70 mi/h, with intermediates values of 5
mi/h increments. In general, however, freeways are designed for 60 to 70 mi/h, whereas
design speeds for other arterial roads range from 30 mi/h to 60 mi/h. Design speeds of
40 mi/h and above are used for collector roads.

3.4. Maximum and Minimum Super-elevation

Many rural collector highways have curvilinear alignments. A super-elevation
rate compatible with the design speed should be used. The higher super-elevation rate
for highways in common use is 10 percent, although 12 percent is used in some cases.
Super-elevation rates above 8 percent are only used in areas without snow and ice.
Generally, 8 percent is recognized as a reasonable maximum value for super-elevation
rate. The minimum super-elevation is 4 percent for drainage purpose, especially for
large radius of the horizontal curve.

3.5. Calculation of Horizontal Alignment Design

The length of the section of Mahlaing-Thaungtha road is one mile long from
30/0 to 31/0. The studied area is surveyed for obtaining the required data of highway
geometric design. Two horizontal curves are found on the selected highway. One curve
from chainage 1588+17, existing between mile post 30/0 and 30/1. The central angle
42 degree and tangent length 96.5 feet are obtained at chainage 1588+17.
Another curve from chainage 1605+63, existing between mile post 30/3 and
30/4. At chainage 1605+63, the central angle 76 degree and tangent length 119.5 feet
are obtained. The geometric design of these two horizontal curves are calculated as
At Chainage 1588+17
Central Angle, Δ  42°
Tangent length, T = 96.5ft
T  Rtan
96.5 = Rtan
tan 24.65
R = 251.39ft
Therefore, radius of circular curve, R = 251.39 ft
Degree of a curve, D
D = 22.79°
Design speed, V = 50 mph, Take f = 0.14 (from Table 2.3)
To obtain pavement super-elevation

ef 

50 2
e  0.14 
15  251.39
e = 0.52 > emax = 0.08
Therefore, take e = 0.08.

Length of circular curve, L  RΔ
L =  251.39  42
Length of circular curve, L = 184.28 ft
L = 184.28ft < horizontal sight distance = 425 ft (from Table 2.4)
Take length of circular curve, L = 425 ft
At Chainage 1605+63
Central Angle, Δ  76°
Tangent length, T = 119.5 ft
T  Rtan
119.5 = Rtan
tan 38
R = 152.95 ft
Therefore, radius of circular curve, R = 152.95 ft
Degree of a curve, D
D = 37.46°
Design speed, V = 40 mph
Take f = 0.15 (from Table 2.3)
To obtain pavement super-elevation

ef 

e  0.15 
15 152.95
e = 0.55 > emax = 0.08
Therefore, take e = 0.08.
Length of circular curve, L  RΔ
= 152.95 76
L = 202.88 ft

L = 202.88ft < horizontal sight distance = 305 ft (from Table 2.4)

Take L = 305 ft
Table 3.1. Summary of Horizontal Curves

Radius Design Length

Central Super- Tangent of
of Speed, Friction,
Chainage Angle, elevation, Length, Circular
Curve, V f
Δ e T (ft) Curve,
R (ft) (mph)
L (ft)

1588+17 42° 251.39 50 0.14 0.08 96.5 425

1605+63 76° 152.95 40 0.15 0.08 119.5 305

3.6. Calculation of Vertical Alignment Design

In this study, four vertical curves are located on the selected highway. These
vertical curves are three crest curves and one sag curve. The first curve from chainage
1595+36, existing between mile post 30/1 and 30/2. The level grade 0% and negative
grade 3.98% are obtained at chainage 1595+36. The second curve from chainage
1610+92, existing between mile post 30/4 and 30/5. At chainage 1610+92, the level
grade 0 % and negative grade 2.78% are obtained.
The third curve from chainage 1622+42, existing between mile post 30/5 and
30/6. The level grade 0% and positive grade 2.17% are obtained at chainage 1622+42.
The last curve from chainage 1633+92, existing between mile post 30/7 and 31/0. At
chainage 1633+92, the level grade 0% and negative grade 1.85% are obtained. The
geometric design of these four vertical curves are calculated as follows;
At Chainage 1595+36
G1 = 0%
G2 =  3.98%
Different in grade (%), A = G2  G1
A =  3.98  0 =  3.98%
A level stretch meets a negative grade.
Therefore, this curve is crest curve.
Design speed, V = 45 mph
Stopping sight distance = 360 ft (from Table 2.1)
Case 1: Where sight distance is less than length of vertical curve,

A  SSD 2
Lm =

3.98 3602
Lm =
Lm = 60.06 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Case 2: Where sight distance is greater than length of vertical curve,
Lm = 2 × SSD 
Lm = 2 × 360 
Lm = 177.79 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Therefore, length of crest curve, L = 360 ft
At Chainage 1610+92
G1 = 0%
G2 =  2.78%
Different in grade (%), A = G2  G1 =  2.78  0 =  2.78%
A level stretch meets a negative grade.
Therefore, this curve is crest curve.
Design speed, V = 45 mph
Stopping sight distance = 360ft (from Table 2.1)
Case 1: Where sight distance is less than length of vertical curve,

A  SSD 2
Lm =

2.78  3602
Lm =
Lm = 60.06 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Case 2: Where sight distance is greater than length of vertical curve,
Lm = 2 × SSD 
Lm = 2 × 360 
Lm =  56.26 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Therefore, length of crest curve, L = 360 ft
At Chainage 1622+42
G1 = 0%

G2 = +2.17%
Different in grade (%), A = G2  G1 = 2.17  0 = +2.17%
A level stretch meets a positive grade.
Therefore, this curve is sag curve.
Design speed, V = 45 mph
Stopping sight distance = 360 ft (from Table 2.1)
Case 1: Where sight distance is less than length of vertical curve,

A  SSD 2
Lm =
400  3.5  SSD

2.17  3602
Lm =
400  3.5  360
Lm = 169.42 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Case 2: Where sight distance is greater than length of vertical curve,
400  3.5  SSD
Lm = 2 × SSD 
400  3.5  360
Lm = 2 × 360 
Lm =  44.98 ft < SSD = 360 ft
Therefore, length of crest curve, L = 360 ft
At Chainage 1633+92
G1 = 0%
G2 =  1.85%
Different in grade (%), A = G2  G1
A =  1.85  0 =  1.85%
A level stretch meets a negative grade.
Therefore, this curve is crest curve.
Design speed, V = 40 mph
Stopping sight distance = 305 ft (from Table 2.1)
Case 1: Where sight distance is less than length of vertical curve,

A  SSD 2
Lm =

1.85  3052
Lm =
Lm = 43.11 ft < SSD = 305 ft

Case 2: Where sight distance is greater than length of vertical curve,

Lm = 2 × SSD 
Lm = 2 × 305 
Lm =  556.49 ft < SSD = 305 ft
Therefore, length of crest curve, L = 305 ft
Table 3.2. Summary of Vertical Curves

A Design Stopping Length of Curve (ft)

Chainage (G2 – G1) speed (V) sight Crest Sag Curve
(%) (mph) distance (ft) Curve (ft) (ft)

1595+36  3.98 45 360 360

1610+92  2.78 45 360 360

1622+42 +2.17 45 360 360

1633+92  1.85 40 305 305

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