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Negative Expressions

Nama Kelompok
1. Muhammad Rafi Hilmi (221010501396)
2. Nadhifa Putra Ardana (221010501405)
3. Rahma Eysha Putri (221010501458)
4. Risky Hajjah Fatimah (221010501417)
5. Mega Alfarizah (221010501401)
6. Syakila Nazwa (221010501377)

Prodi Manajemen
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis

Universitas Pamulang
Negative Expressions
In most cases a negative meaning is given to a verb by adding
the negative verbal particle NOT. In some cases, not is replaced
by never.
Negative structures
"Not" (sometimes shortened to n't) normally follows the
principal auxiliary or modal verb in a verbal structure. In the
few cases where there is no auxiuliary or modal (present simple
or past simple affirmative tenses), it follows a reconstituted
auxiliary, do or did. The choice between not and n't is a matter
of style. Not is generally preferred in written English, n't in
spoken English
 He lives in London / He does not live in London
 I can see you / I cannot see you / I can't see you
 I like those photos / I don't like any of those photos
 The man lost all his money / The man did not lose all his money
 I should eat (some) more chocolate / I shouldn't eat (any) more

Double Negative Expressions
Double negatives are the presence of two negative words at once
in a sentence. The use of two negative words in the same
sentence can negate each negative word. As a result, the
sentence becomes a positive sentence. To make it easier for you
to understand, you can use a mathematical formula, where
negative plus negative is positive.

However, such a concept does not apply in English because it

can confuse. However, in informal use, it is still understandable.
In everyday conversation, there are still many films and songs
with double negatives. Whereas in formal situations, the use of
double negatives is not allowed


Incorrect : My brother is not doing nothing (Saudara laki-lakiku

sedang tidak melakukan bukan apa-apa)
Negative words : not, nothing

Positive form : My brother is doing something (Saudara laki-

lakiku sedang melakukan sesuatu)
Correct : My brother is doing nothing (Saudara laki-lakiku
sedang tidak melakukan apa-apa)

Correct : My brother is not doing anything (Saudara laki-lakiku

sedang tidak melakukan apa-apa)

Incorrect : You are not going nowhere (Kamu tidak sedang pergi
tidak ke mana-mana)
Negative words : not, nowhere
Almost Negative Expressions
There are several “almost negative” expressions in English —
words like rarely or seldom. These words have meanings of
“almost not,” “almost none,” or “rarely.” They don't mean
“completely not.” For example, if someone says: I barely
finished the test in time. There's hardly any food left.

Almost no food left.
We only have a little time.
infrequently just almost never He rarely drives to work.
I've only been there once.
Comparative Negative Expressions

Expresses. a comparison of difference based on judgment

or a standard of measurement: He is faster than I am. He is
faster than me. ...
takes form as, then, like, of, from, or to in a paired
expression with an adjective phrase or adverb phrase
followed by a prepositional phrase. (He walks as fast as I

his apple is better than that one (is). (good - better)
This is a better apple than that one (is).
This apple is more beautiful than that one (is).
This is a less tasty apple than one (is).
He drives faster than she does.
He drives faster than her.

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