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Unit 3 (Timeline)

Topic: Materials and matters

3.6 Menerapkan konsep perpindahan kalor dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
4.6 Melaporkan hasil pengamatan tentang perpindahan kalor

No Kegiatan Tanggal Sesi Aspek yang dinilai Check list

1 29  EU and EQ Properties of matter
November UoI
 Summative explanation
2 1  Review about vocabularies
 Scavenger hunt
 Asynchronous:
 things related with HEAT
(Find 5 thungs)
 Draw it in an A4 paper
 Upload on TEAMS.
 What is heat energy
 Transfer of heat
2  Source of heat
 Function of heat energy
 3 ways of heat transfer
 Conduction
6  Convection
 Radiation
 Summative explanation

7  Experiment

8  Due date

Meeting 1:
 EU, EQ
 Vocabularies about HEAT (Conduction, Convection, Radiation)
 things related with HEAT (draw 5 thungs)
 Summative Explanation
Meeting 2:
 Vocabularies review
 Heat transfer examples in daily life.
 Source of Heat
Meeting 3&4
 Transfer of heat
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation
 Worksheet
 Print out Summative worksheet.
Meeting 5
 Summative
Meeting 6:
 Summative

Unit 3: Information Report

No Kegiatan Sesi Sesi Aspek yang dinilai Check list
1 Sesi 1 English 
Sesi 2 English
Sesi 3 English 
Sesi 4 English 
November Sesi 5 
Sesi 6 English 
Sesi 7 English
Sesi 8 English 
2 Sesi 9 English 
Sesi 10 English 

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