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It’s TEPS Actual Test 실전


Part I Questions 1-25

Choose the best answer for the blank.

1. A : Your hands are going to freeze if you don’t wear .

B : I guess you’re right. I’d better go back upstairs and get them.
(a) mittens
(b) boots
(c) scarves
(d) capes

2. A : Why don’t we have something to drink? I’m thirsty.

B : Me too. Let me check the to see what we have.
(a) closet
(b) fridge
(c) wardrobe
(d) drawer

3. A : Where did you put Jack’s book?

B : I don’t know. To think of it, I didn’t actually borrow it.
(a) Bring
(b) Come
(c) Go
(d) Take

4. A : Due to the power last night, I had to start from scratch.

B : I am sorry to hear that.
(a) trance
(b) fail
(c) outage
(d) shortage

5. A : Thanks for me home.

B : No problem. Good night.
(a) running
(b) driving
(c) riding
(d) serving

6. A : I can see any road signs in this thick fog.

B : Yeah, we should’ve stayed home in this kind of weather.
(a) well
(b) clearly
(c) absolutely
(d) hardly

7. A : They’re going to sue us for of contract.

B : What are you talking about? There’s an opt-out clause in the contract.
(a) break-up
(b) brokerage
(c) breach
(d) boast

8. A : I’ve been driving too long. Could you take the ?

B : Sure. You could use a break. Let me take over.
(a) bar
(b) wheel
(c) honk
(d) fender

9. A : I noticed nobody talks to Sally these days. Why’s that?

B : Well, she kind of gets on everyone’s .
(a) shoulders
(b) minds
(c) ears
(d) nerves

10. A : Will $50 be enough?

B : Another 20 will .
(a) do
(b) fix
(c) cover
(d) go

11. A : Have you heard anything from Mary Smith?

B : No, I haven’t heard from her for .
(a) times
(b) ages
(c) moments
(d) space

12. A : It took seven hours to paint the whole fence around the swimming pool.
B : Oh, what a !
(a) time
(b) length
(c) job
(d) size

13. A : Why does Mrs. Grady live alone at the house on Smith Street?
B : She’s a . Her husband passed away in 1986.
(a) spinster
(b) divorcee
(c) dowager
(d) window

14. A : I heard there was an assassination attempt today.

B : Fortunately, the president was wearing a vest.
(a) bodyguard
(b) foolhardy
(c) life-support
(d) bulletproof

15. A : Have you decided which car to buy?

B : No, I’m still with figures.
(a) tossing
(b) peering
(c) juggling
(d) smothering

16. A : Did you decide to stick with the new insurance policy?
B : No. I think I need to around for another one.
(a) shop
(b) beat
(c) haggle
(d) rally
17. A : You got straight A’s on your card!
B : Well, I put in what effort I had like you told me to.
(a) test
(b) class
(c) course
(d) report

18. A : How’s your new accountant?

B : Well, she certainly does things by the .
(a) computer
(b) accounts
(c) book
(d) notebook

19. A : Are you going to the mall with the girls?

B : No, I got better things to do than to them.
(a) come up with
(b) hang out with
(c) run out of
(d) go back on

20. A : So how was the job interview?

B : It didn’t as planned, I am afraid.
(a) work off
(b) take up
(c) turn out
(d) give off

21. A : Did you see how many mourners came to respect to the movie star?
B : Yeah, that says something about his popularity while he was alive.
(a) pay
(b) have
(c) make
(d) carry

22. A : I regret having missed Professor Parker’s special lecture.

B : You shouldn’t. It was and he didn’t say anything new.
(a) pedestrian
(b) impromptu
(c) improvident
(d) poignant

23. A : Could you a twenty-dollar bill for me?

B : Let me check.
(a) chip
(b) crack
(c) break
(d) cash

24. A : It’s almost midnight. Why don’t we leave these dishes until tomorrow?
B : Good idea. I’m .
(a) full
(b) tiring
(c) done
(d) beat

25. A : Do you think they’ll be able to live a normal life after such a tragedy?
B : No. I imagine they’ll live in fear.
(a) temporary
(b) rational
(c) consistent
(d) perpetual

Part I Questions 26-50

Choose the best answer for the blank.

26. Please keep in mind that you are solely for keeping track of library due dates.
(a) responsible
(b) traceable
(c) qualified
(d) reminded

27. In general, schools in America close for the Christmas holiday on December 24 and on
January 3.
(a) fall
(b) resume
(c) celebrate
(d) commence
28. This unique matchmaking service will help you discover the kind of you are looking
(a) field
(b) chemistry
(c) relationship
(d) correlation

29. Until recently, this convincing theory about human minds had surprisingly not found much
Among professional psychiatrists.
(a) acceptance
(b) understanding
(c) admission
(d) excellence

30. The World Cup soccer games will be internationally via television satellites.
(a) aired
(b) illustrated
(c) advertised
(d) announced

31. I wish I had the nerve to tell the woman she would look much better if she didn’t such a
dark lip liner.
(a) spread
(b) brush
(c) wear
(d) put

32. He consulted his , because he could not find the word he was looking for.
(a) timetable
(b) bible
(c) thesaurus
(d) atlas

33. As well as managing his law firm, Gregory liked to devote his time to causes such as
care of the elderly.
(a) phonetic
(b) pharmaceutical
(c) phenomenal
(d) philanthropic
34. Your children should get back to and learn how to do tasks without the help of
(a) home
(b) the start
(c) basics
(d) one

35. This is the same way nature creates the colors seen in bird feathers, fish , opals and
even the color seen on an oil slick an water.
(a) skins
(b) scales
(c) shells
(d) crusts

36. They thought about their marriage, but prudently decided to think it over with time.
(a) enhancing
(b) revealing
(c) nullifying
(d) indulging

37. Why do many people to beliefs that are harmful to themselves as members of
devalued groups?
(a) acquiesce
(b) replenish
(c) coerce
(d) acquit

38. Unlike the decimal system, only two digits-0, 1-suffice to represent a number in the
(a) double
(b) secondary
(c) binary
(d) split

39. Further restrictions would do nothing but tarnish the of the nations’ trade
(a) priority
(b) velocity
(c) propensity
(d) reciprocity

40. Reverend Henry Bateman is by his loving wife and two sons.
(a) parted
(b) persisted
(c) survived
(d) lasted

41. She could not reality from illusion.

(a) make up
(b) make out
(c) take out
(d) take up

42. The sea breeze was so we stayed on the beach.

(a) agreeable
(b) considerable
(c) sensible
(d) reliable

43. The girls felt that the shopkeeper was kind of and decided not to buy anything at the
(a) resolute
(b) magnanimous
(c) revered
(d) stand-offish

44. More measures need to be taken to weed out the corruption among government
(a) mediocre
(b) drastic
(c) pathetic
(d) preliminary
45. Somebody has already checked out the latest of that magazine.
(a) edition
(b) publication
(c) issue
(d) printing

46. It’s interesting that all the writers are looking for some motive rather than just
accepting the obvious.
(a) aimless
(b) neglected
(c) digressed
(d) ulterior

47. The lawyers all the red tape required in getting the job completed quickly.
(a) untangled
(b) attested
(c) deposited
(d) replaced

48. The tune of the talk show became famous among TV viewers.
(a) beginning
(b) melody
(c) character
(d) signature

49. The message of the advertisement seemed to have an effect on the shoppers.
(a) jovial
(b) ludicrous
(c) overview
(d) subliminal

50. John is having a hard time getting over the of his wife’s death.
(a) condolences
(b) incompatibility
(c) bereavement
(d) instigation

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