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3-0. 104-1 < + Haleallleanes anc Haloasenes rg an aliphatic on 3 Pathe uplaurent Aromatic hyduocasbor by halogen “atom he foumstwin of halcallcanes and halooienes® x | Holoorrnes — of H atom 1 > yeculls & oP > Voloalleau ay en CN Classittcatvons : 1Based ‘on! the _rusnnba_of halogen ate pa et Then may be classitied as : mono, di ,tri.-*- , 1a 3 compounds Aapending on Whether they contain thos stauctuat. ? hol ogen otome i0 CHy- Om mono holealleanc é none halo rene i ‘ ¥ x " ¥ . ees) Auhaloalkane ay x Aihole ane x x 4 ‘ jigs + . Hy - CH - CH, tu Ile 7 a, Dee re triholoortne «x x * + \ peasy 122 and 3 bale alkanes 4 ne ° 4 cu EH,” ae re ices , x = «0 cr, CH, — Bo cr, cH -tH; 4° v haloalleans ; «halogen sa ation, 1nd Coreely athached © Fake sHncoukan: ns s ~ lava? Ralealleans. ,. aleg ators. +o 3° haloalleane - thalogen arto, 4995 Aweetly athadacal te VE Sony dycelty attached to me > a Halogen ators, dereet attadud to a0" spo Iuybrtetsea “oe moxt ro hiqguiaiced ©): x ee sr, J Cr, = CH CHa O nS \ . ’ ‘ x 2 , ; spenglic halide’? ee pikes Beer tuxt fo 4 ‘eer nung Bto wa Ce e dorbond'C sp Avrectly alached 169° -Brommoqwopant | 4 *Broyif beta bh ‘aloyt halide, anc! detived by- + The Memoria! nakntes OF s Narmny the alley group followed by the acca as Kan hallide. \nyethe,)., \UPAC system alleys holioles cu” open ale substi eA hydeccarkon s di oht me. sin AQPAE name . ~~” Cotmnmenundnn 1 CH - on —¢ny > 2-Chlowpropant, so poryt cx : : chiomde 4 Hs, ' 5 Br cn onc ib chlor “truth propane leobytyé - : ch onde ‘ $y a i ae ental Ahead A Tcl By : , Beery Sew faa : os eae" - ol romobengens muta at bromo - sae ‘ et me : benjene a] OI \, 3, uy Na oe : ne) ; , om sa or PHaleyn atoms dae woke leew ele negative. Bex bond alealleye halide 18 polaniged. Thentfove —s fhe catkon atom bears % partrad positive chage | —s wohsat 0, - the halogen ator beats partial negatwe ne hs wee dousn ce qeur the sile ob dhe halogens actore ines Preah te C-K bond » silans also were. ore i to cr : ‘ x ‘ L Method of aepouattuin, ae “Yaloalleane : DeProm alesesles by habogen on Fe tiso eg, Rao tHCA, ae R-cL 4H,0 ap alesho| «can be Arplace wotth a haheyn acid ‘ad - +The acto of Poomd 1° aleohols witb 7 aaqpiwe fhe pretne oF catalyrl zn. ev ny drongl Group of alesho| an he Napa byt chahoyo 14 erry prosphows habioli " apa Bihari tien R04 44 id oe ReN n-Ce tHe tvotes me fon ARCA, — Rte twice + POCR..” « Note Pad The ‘oda oF _reacctiuiby Geiolicae> vot | ncchanye: mT S allege x \s pepaud by Akyt pedide ; ae alcohol worth “a halogen y 3) by divert halogenetis | OF: habalkanes: ss CH CHC + Her cH cH wy. _— Pe tacky, igh _—s _—s + direct eae at ae a vadiatiaa BS age, UV Nght - yo 4 was) b 7 additin, of =x." alkene —s CH=cn, tHer HOt Sty OHy2tH, tA re moment , oe CH, -cH,-CH—eH, 2 2? Re ane 2? tat ' 5 3 meee, +t Mey +n GkR — CH men ox Conagir)s ca . 5 , Cah tt ot CHy-CH ere ‘2 Aecowdias f Hasleownilov', < | 2 3 negative ca Xs ee aed to carbon contamiry : ator, ae let poieeryeog (ote — ve i (CN, oH, trie C — CH, Cry Three sacl CH, sony -cn, son ae ae? Homer, © o's fy 14 e ey ’ ' the mactwn ‘oF! <] allege bromiak with ML wou ig “lenbuon a, Seer , 3+ ay acetone This veactuin * Fienleels tet ac TITLE C EE TT AR a gs Pe ya chi ag det ee yey y 1G : Raby Nal “amacetone R-r + Nay Physical Propetions of Haloalleane: 3 The Wwe wembus €H,-F LCHsCA , Ch, By Cres ‘ar Cae-F Ore gues ‘at “0dr” tempuratuse. a bothag post than -prewnt _ otlans- | eH, Lew,-ck j CMy-cH, L cH, CH ed a Cur Z Utgat > cH, -By > CH, —Tf : 43 a or Among asomett:> hate alleane rthy aeenroary covet eee . . ‘ . eT: ok bojliag potint® . 1°>2%3 ne : ws oie — CHa CH CnC x > CH aCHe ren DiC 6 -Cy eo J % 1 _— 1¢ rai px 3 — J Density: : p — ; a Tera ct < Roby 4 R-T eet i water . — Ror and RCA BAL Leghter thar : e “a ws Meee RT Ow hoon than 4 ated — oe eo rsh 3 cx: i ve al ’ a , ‘ by ies ‘ tolfia 5 The BAX bend’ ts» polar vnsoluble 3 inf wate, Sep thay | eay sbond .wolth, waty, th oaganle + They ayy ‘dlissoWes| Chemeal ties: Substitute actin + : “ D Nucl ehibahion sead tuo! a Nucleophle : dy ane negatively chowyed nucleus long By Now ¢ cw ete 3 speciu. bq: Chee, RX dNG —? e-Nu tx” peck thu 3 R-Ma t C47 i cA , \ ; * Bas Gat {Nd ees peo v Nu - in whih & auidlecphok replace >The reac Lion aA mole Uf alread 4 wistingy rurcleophele b called Pudeoph le subs tilt 1h acactioo. + om lA nucleoprke substtatwr yeactiom * ob haloaller : ee habide tov C halogen) departs As. 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