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Electrical Power and Machines


Year / Level Fourth Year

Programmable logic control

Course Code EPM 462

Student Name Ahmad Hassan Mohamed

Types of Sensors That can be Connected to

the PLC
Research Title Equipments can be connected to the Input
and Output of PLC

Supervised By Dr / Hatem

Section 15
Sensors are devices that either measures a physical quantity or detects it.
In PLC automation, a sensor must be a transducer who can convert a physical
quantity into an electrical quantity.
It is important to know that there is no “one-fits-all” sensor that exists in this
world. As engineers, we have to solve PLC automation problems using the correct
sets of devices and it starts with how you can monitor the physical conditions in
your system.

Two types of sensors: Analog and Discrete

Analog sensors are devices that output a continuous voltage linear to the
experienced change in the environment.
They are most extensively used in Temperature Sensing, Distance Sensing,
Luminance Sensing, Pressure Sensing, and basically in PLC applications where
an exact, certain unit of measure is involved.
In PLC automation, the typically used analog inputs vary from 0-20mA, 4-20mA,
or 0-10V. Hence, the sensing may also become current sensing or voltage sensing.
However, even though the sensor is Analog, the PLC is still a Digital Device.
This is why an A/D converter is used.
To briefly discuss, the analog values are sampled periodically by the PLC. This
usually happens a hundred to a thousand times per second (Fact: Voice analog
signals AT THE MINIMUM are sampled at 8000 samples per second in order to
be the LEAST intelligible).

These samples are then converted into bit representations (how many bits is
dependent on the design of the PLC). This is called quantization. To easily
visualize it, check the table below: it shows a bit equivalent for the -3.5V to +3.5V

Because the PLC has a CPU, it will then perform digital signal processing in order
to process the data and convert it to an equivalent result in the output module.

Discrete sensors, on the other hand, outputs a HIGH or a LOW voltage only.
This is derived from the Binary number system where the only possible digits are
0 and 1 which can represent LOW and HIGH, respectively.
HIGH signals, even though they are represented as 1 even in some PLCs, are not
represented by 1 Volt. PLCs usually run on 24 Volts DC.
What this means is that PLCs will read HIGH at the input side only when the
voltage is at 24 Volts DC.
These discrete sensors have internal switching circuits that classify them as either
a sinking (NPN) or a sourcing device (PNP). Basically, PNP provides +24 V as
input, and NPN provides -24V as input. Hence, the input modules must also be
classified as sourcing or sinking.

Examples of Sensors
Proximity Sensor
Proximity Sensors, in PLC automation, are usually used in detecting the presence
or absence of objects made of varying materials. They do so WITHOUT making

contact. Sometimes they are called “proximity switches” because the output is
binary, HIGH or LOW—just like a switch.

Inductive Proximity Sensor

The inductive proximity sensor consists of a ferrous metallic core wound with a
When the end of the metallic core is placed near another ferrous metal object, the
effective inductance of the coil changes. This change is monitored by another
circuit in the sensor which then activates the switching component.
In PLC automation, the inductive proximity sensor is most commonly seen in
metal fabrication processes.

Capacitive Proximity Sensor

The capacitive proximity sensor has the ability to detect both metallic and
nonmetallic objects. Essentially, two plates of the capacitor are separated by some
distance. The distance between the two plates dictates its capacitance, or its ability
to store energy for a specific voltage drop.
To exploit this characteristic, the capacitive proximity sensor has only one of the
plates, and the other plate parallel to it would be the object being sensed.
Because objects have different dielectric constants, the object is detected by a
CHANGE in capacitance.
Take note that a lot of objects have dielectric properties, which makes them
eligible for detection in PLC automation using the capacitive proximity sensor.

Reed Switch
The reed switch consists of two ferromagnetic material sealed in glass or plastic.
The two materials do not initially touch each other, but when a magnetic field
from either a permanent magnet or an induced one (from a current-carrying coil)
is placed near the reed switch, the switch closes and makes electrical continuity.

For PLC automation, this can be perfectly used for notification/alarm systems
where doors are involved: for example, when a room only allows authorized
personnel to enter, opening the door will light up a bulb in the security guard
office to indicate that there is someone opening that door.

Photoelectric Sensors
Photoelectric sensors use a light emitting diode as an emitter, and usually
phototransistors or photodiodes at the receiver side. Basically, when the light
(usually infrared) from the emitter’s LED hits the receiver, the sensor changes
state from LOW to HIGH.
These sensors may be used in creative ways in PLC automation because
photoelectric sensors have different modes of operation.

Modes of Operation of Photoelectric Sensors

Through Beam
The photoelectric sensor operates as a through beam type when the emitter and
the detector is placed such that the light is fully incident to the detector. “The
detector sees the emitter in front of it”.

In PLC automation systems, only an object that can block the path of light
between the emitter and the detector may be detected by the photoelectric sensor.
Usually, these objects are placed in consecutively and are moved by a conveyor
so that the total number of items may be counted.

The photoelectric sensor operates as a reflective type when it requires that the
object reflects the emitted light onto the detector.
In PLC automation systems, the reflective type is most commonly used in
detecting the liquid level of containers and tell whether they contain the desired

Ultrasonic Sensors
Ultrasonic Sensors uses sound waves and their reflection in order to detect the
presence of an object. Obviously, objects that absorb sound are incapable of being
detected by ultrasonic sensors.
You may think that this sensor may annoy the people around it because of the
emitted sound. That would not be possible, and I’ll explain why.
The term “Ultrasonic” means that the frequency being used is higher than what
humans are capable of hearing.
Basically, ultrasonic sensors have high enough frequency to even be deciphered
by humans.
Audible sound frequencies only range from 20Hz to 20 kHz, and this range can
only be reduced naturally due to aging.
This is why some really old people may not be able to hear sinusoidal tones at 18
kHz but a younger one can.

Displacement/Position Sensors
A displacement sensor measures the distance between a specified reference point
and the location of the target object. Usually, these are used in fabrication to attain
higher precision levels. Hence, these sensors are undoubtedly analog, because
they give off a range of values.

Linear and Rotary Potentiometers

These use the principle of Ohm’s Law to provide information about the
displacement of the target. In PLC control systems, when objects move from one
point to another in a straight line, Linear potentiometers are used.
Linear potentiometers have three terminals: one connected to the source, one to
ground, and one connected to the input of the PLC—let’s call it Output Pin.
Depending on the contact point of the Output Pin to the potentiometer, the
effective resistance changes.

When the contact point reaches the topmost level, the output voltage becomes the
same as the source voltage. When the contact point is at the middle, the output
voltage becomes half of that of the source.
Depending on how precise the PLC can read the voltage, every little change in
resistance which is represented by a percentage of the voltage source, may also
represent a change in distance.
The same concept applies to a rotary potentiometer, except it measures angular
distance. This means that the movement is circular as opposed to straight.
In PLC automation, the potentiometers are used when a DC voltage is used to
represent the change in distance.

Linear Variable Differential Transformer

These types of transformers are controlled by the displacement of a ferrous core
between the 2 secondary and primary windings of a transformer.
When the core is centered, the voltages of the two secondary windings become
Intuitively, when the core moves up or down the windings, the difference between
the voltages of the two secondary windings can become more positive or more
negative. Similar to the potentiometer, these changes in output voltages can
represent a change in distance.
In PLC automation, the linear variable differential transformer is used when a
constant AC voltage is used to represent the change in distance.

Capacitive Displacement Sensors

Capacitive displacement sensors share similar principles to the capacitive
proximity sensor.
Essentially, when the parallel plates of the capacitor are placed completely
aligned with each other, the effective Area of the capacitor is at its maximum.
Now, when you move one side without changing the distance between the plates,
e.g. move the other plate downward or upward, the effective area of the capacitor
This changes the capacitance of the sensor and hence can change the maximum
voltage that can be stored in the capacitor.

The capacitive displacement sensor, though, should have its output signal
reconditioned first before it becomes usable for PLC automation.

Common PLC Input Devices

In most PLC applications, there are a number of components that you will usually
To name a few, there are push buttons, selector switch, and limit switches.
Push buttons

Push buttons are the ones that you will usually see as START or STOP buttons
in a PLC control system. It operates by either MAKING contact (Make) or by
BREAKING contact (Break). Hence, pushbuttons are divided into two
categories: Normally open or Normally closed.
Normally open (NO)
Normally open push buttons, when connected to the circuit, normally make an
OPEN circuit.
In this scenario, the current can NOT flow
through the switch, as there is no electrical
Pushing the button will make its metal
contacts touch with each other, closing the
connection between the two connected
terminals and hence allowing the current to

Normally closed (NC)

Normally closed push buttons, when connected to the circuit, SHORTS the
connected terminals. In this scenario, current can already flow through the switch.
This means that if you connect a normally closed push button to a circuit, the
circuit will turn on immediately because there is electrical continuity already.
This means pushing the button will make its metal contacts touch with each other,
closing the connection between the two connected terminals.

Break before make
These types of switches have BOTH the normally open and the normally closed
in one construction.
One side of the switch is normally closed and one side is normally open, so when
a button is pressed, one contact will be in the OFF position and one will be ON.
Simply put, the other one BREAKS contact while the other one MAKES, hence
the name.

Selector Switch
Selector switches are still manually operated switches, however instead of being
normally open or closed, there are more than two contacts to select from.
The usual example is found in electric fans, where you can select a number that
then dictates the speed of the fan’s motor.
This process actually selects a varying load for the motor in order to control its

Limit Switches

Limit switches, as the name implies, change state when a predetermined limit is
reached. These are actually useful in automation because you can set a limit
(using the limit switch) where a specific process stops.
There are also different types of limit switches which allow us to choose the
physical quantity to limit in our control system design.
Temperature Limit Switch

Also called Thermostat, the temperature limit switch is used to detect temperature
changes in your system.
They can also be Normally Open and Normally Closed, depending on what type
is used.
This dictates the actual Industrial application that it can be used in—whether it
be an overheating prevention, or even just maintaining a certain temperature of

Pressure Limit Switch

Pressure switches are most commonly used in containers where the pressure of
liquids or gases is crucial.
They change their state whenever a liquid or gas in a tank reaches a high enough
pressure. Again, they can either be Normally Open or Normally Closed switches.
When the pressure inside a tank increases to a high amount, the difference
between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure inside will make the fluid

(liquid or gas) inside “try to escape”. Using pressure limit switches allow us to
prevent that scenario.
Level Limit Switch

Level switches more commonly called Level Sensors, are used to control the
height of a liquid inside a container, usually a tank.
They are most commonly used in conjunction with inlet and outlet valves in a
liquid level control system, or in a heating and mixing application.

Common PLC Output Devices

Digital PLC Outputs
Digital PLC outputs are control circuits that use only binary data (1 and 0) to give
the PLC CPU control over field output devices. A digital PLC output is thus a
processed binary control output from the PLC to the field devices. Digital PLC
outputs are typically used to provide an ON or OFF (OPEN or CLOSED) control
scheme to any device or system being controlled by the connected PLC.

Types of Digital PLC Outputs

Digital PLC outputs are classified into three categories namely:
Relay PLC Outputs: The relay outputs from PLCs are used to operate both DC
(Direct Current) and AC (Alternating Current) field output devices. They provide
low resistance control of up to 2A (Amperes).

Transistor PLC Outputs: Transistor outputs are voltage-dependent and they can
only operate DC loads. PLC control systems providing transistor outputs are
mainly used in low-power DC circuitry such as within microprocessors and in
applications that require faster switching operations like controlling lights.
TRIAC PLC Outputs: TRIAC is a term that means Triode for Alternating
Current (AC). TRIACs are silicon-based, solid-state electronic switches that are
activated by a small amount of control voltage from a PLC for example. Their
working principle is similar to that of MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Field Effect Transistor) transistors. TRIAC PLC outputs are ideal for controlling
low-power AC loads such as motor starters, lighting systems, and contactors.

Examples of Digital Field Output Devices in PLCs

Digital PLC outputs can be used to control the following field output devices:
A) Indicator Lights
The simplest example of a digital output device that can be controlled by a PLC
is the light bulb. As a digital output from the PLC can turn ON the light bulb or
turn it OFF. Similarly, indicators such as Green/Red pilot lights are controlled by
PLCs using the same principle as the light bulb control. For example, a digital
PLC output can turn ON the Red pilot light to indicate that the machine/system
being controlled is not functioning.
B) Alarms
Alarms in PLC-controlled systems provide notifications of higher urgency. For
example, a horn, a blinking red light, or a buzzer could indicate the occurrence of
a hazardous condition in the PLC controlled system. Buzzers are creatively
utilized in PLC control systems by varying their ON duration or ON/OFF
intervals. A buzzer is simply an electronic device that produces a single frequency
sound when powered by a voltage source. They are more appropriate for use as
alarms compared to indicators, because nobody wants a buzzer sounding 24hrs a
C) Actuators
These are devices that convert an electrical or control signal into linear or rotary
mechanical motion. Simply put, an actuator translates the digital output signal
from a PLC into practical movement operations. Actuators are usually connected
to high-power AC or DC voltage sources, but they do have coils that allow small
DC voltage to control their switching.

D) Solenoid Valves
A solenoid valve is simply an electromechanical valve that is electrically
controlled. The two most common types of solenoid valves are Direct Acting and
Pilot Operated. Usually, these valves are used to control the flow directions of
fluids in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. A typical solenoid valve includes a
solenoid, which is an electrical coil having a movable ferromagnetic plunger
(core) in its center.
In its resting position, the plunger normally closes off an orifice. If DC control
voltage is applied to the solenoid from a PLC, it closes the solenoid switch–that
connects the solenoid to another power source–allowing electric current to pass
through the coil. This creates a strong magnetic field that pulls the plunger
upwards into the valve’s frame, thereby opening the orifice. When the DC control
voltage is removed from the solenoid circuit, the plunger resumes its original
position by use of spring force. This is the basic principle used to OPEN and
CLOSE PLC controlled solenoid valves.

Examples of Analog PLC Outputs

An analog PLC output is a time-varying or continuous signal from the PLC CPU
to the field output devices. Basically, PLCs provide two types of analog output
signals-current and voltage. Hence, an analog PLC output can either be a current
or voltage signal. In most PLC systems, the analog output modules supply either
voltage or current signals to field output devices in standard ranges of ±5
V(Volts), ±10 V, 0…5V, 0…10 V, 0…20 mA(milliamperes), or 4…20 mA,
Analog PLC outputs are mainly used to control or operate field devices in
industrial environments. For example, you can provide a speed reference signal
to a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) using an analog PLC output. Also, in case
you’re using a PLC control system to measure the pressure of a piping system,
you can readily use an analog pressure meter as a field output device to display
the pressure readings.
In addition, the implementation of analog PLC outputs can also be seen in the
operation of water level meters, temperature gauges, and control of various other
equipment/machinery. For instance, a 4…20 mA analog PLC output can be used
to operate a temperature gauge from −20℉ (−28.89℃) to 200℉ (−93.33℃).
Similarly, a 0…5V DC analog PLC output can be used to control the power

output of an electric generator from let’s say 0…2000kW (Kilo-Watts). As you
can see, there are many field devices that make use of analog PLC outputs


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