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Electrical Power and Machines


Year / Level Fourth Year

Electrical installations and specifications

Course Code EPM 482

Student Name Ahmad Hassan Mohamed

Research Title Green Hydrogen

Supervised By Dr. Mohamed Gamal

Section 15
Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element on the planet; it is present in 75
% of matter. However, we never find it alone, but in the company of other
chemical elements such as oxygen forming water or carbon forming organic

Humanity has long used it as a raw material in the chemical industry or metallurgy
and as a fuel, but because it cannot be taken directly from nature in its pure state,
it needs to “manufacture” it. And it is the very method that we use to obtain
hydrogen that determines whether that hydrogen is a clean, sustainable fuel or

When we talk about green hydrogen, we mean hydrogen that has been obtained
without generating pollutant emissions, i.e. sustainable hydrogen. A fuel that is
already being presented as the key energy vector for achieving global
decarbonisation and fulfilling the commitments made for 2050 in the fight against
climate change.

Below we will explain why green hydrogen is so important to reduce greenhouse

gases, how it is produced and what barriers it will have to overcome to become
the fuel of the future.

Green Hydrogen ..................................................................................................................................... 1

What is Green Hydrogen? ..................................................................................................................... 1
Why Green Hdrogen? ............................................................................................................................ 1
Types Of Hydrogen ................................................................................................................................ 1
Electrolyser Manufacturing .................................................................................................................. 2
Nine Of The Largest Green Hydrogen Projects 2022 ........................................................................... 3
Benefits of using Green Hydrogen as Fuel ........................................................................................... 6
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 7
References ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Green Hydrogen
The role of green hydrogen in the energy transition is quickly rising up the
agenda, with governments and energy companies across the world starting to
evaluate the potential advantages of developing the technology to reduce carbon
emissions across utilities, transport and industrial sectors.

What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced by using clean electricity
produced from renewable energy technologies to electrolyse water
(H20) and separate the hydrogen atom from oxygen.

Why Green Hdrogen?

Hydrogen is used in oil refining, ammonia and methanol production and steel
manufacturing. According to Wood Mackenzie, global demand for hydrogen is
70 million tonnes annually. According to the International Renewable Energy
Agency (Irena), more than 95 per cent of hydrogen today is produced from
hydrocarbons such as natural gas and coal and is therefore a significant source of
carbon dioxide emissions (Co2).
The electrolysers used for green hydrogen production can operate at full capacity
in seconds, and, therefore, can be paired with renewable energy assets. This
provides a solution to the intermittency problem of renewable energy, and can
allow the provision of green electricity at any time of day or night.
Green hydrogen can also be stored for long periods and used for industrial
applications and used to power fuel cells for modes of transport such as ships
which traditionally produce high volumes of CO2.
Many view the greatest potential for green hydrogen in the aviation, long-haul
sea and road transport where there are few alternatives to enable decarbonization.

Types Of Hydrogen

Grey v blue v green hydrogen
 Currently, hydrogen is mainly produced from natural gas, which generates
significant carbon emissions. This is known as 'grey hydrogen'.
 Blue hydrogen' is a cleaner way of producing hydrogen, where carbon
emissions from the hydrogen production process are captured, stored or
 'Green hydrogen' is produced by renewable energy resources without
creating carbon emissions at all.

Electrolyser Manufacturing
Green hydrogen is achieved through a process of electrolysis powered by
renewable energies such as wind or solar. Electrolysis involves using an electrical
current to break down the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen by
 The EU has placed Green Hydrogen at the heart of its future energy
strategy. The EU has set a 6GW electrolyser target by 2024 in its EU
hydrogen strategy. The EU has set a target of producing 1 million tonnes
of renewable hydrogen by 2024.

 The EU target for electrolyser capacity by 2030 is 40GW.

 The EU has estimated that €430bn total investment is required in its green
hydrogen sector by 2030 to reach these targets.

 In January 2021, Germany’s Linde announced it was planning to build and

operate the world’s largest proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser
plant for green hydrogen production.

 The electrolyser plant will be built at Linde’s Leuna chemical complex in
Germany. The 24MW electrolyser will produce green hydrogen for
Linde’s industrial customers through Linde’s existing pipe network.

 Linde will also sell liquefied green hydrogen to refuelling stations and
other industrial customers in the region.

 The largest electrolyser in operation today is a 10MW facility in Japan.

 The electrolyser will be built by ITM Linde Electrolysis, a joint venture

between Linde and ITM Power. The green hydrogen plant is scheduled to
begin production in the second half of 2022.

 In January 2021, Siemens Energy and Siemens Gamesa announced they

were planning to invest in a programme to develop an industrial-scale
system capable of garnering green hydrogen from offshore wind turbines.

 The firms are targeting investment of EUR120m over the next five years
to assist development of a solution that integrates an electrolyser into an
offshore wind turbine to directly produce green hydrogen.

 The companies are planning to have developed a full-scale offshore

demonstration of the technology by 2025/26.

 Siemens Gamesa will invest EUR80m in the project, with Siemens Energy
providing EUR40m in the venture. The project will involve the adaptation
of Siemens Gamesa’s SG14-222DD offshore wind turbine to integrate an
electrolysis system into the turbine’s operations.

Nine Of The Largest Green Hydrogen Projects 2022

The global green hydrogen pipeline alone exceeds 250GW , 200 times the
power produced in 2020. Clearly , there is a huge potential for this carbon fuel .
And the future for green H2 looks even bigger .

Currently the biggest PEM ( Proton Exchange Membrane ) electrolyser plant is
Air Liquide's 20MW facility in Canada . By the end of this decade ( often
dubbed as the decade of Hydrogen ) , there will be plants a hundred times this
capacity . We have rounded up some of the biggest gigawatt - scale green
hydrogen projects worldover that you should take note of .
HyDeal Ambition ( 67GW )
Located across Western Europe - from Spain , eastern France to Germany -
HyDeal Ambition would be roping 95GW of solar power to drive its 67GW of
electrolysers . Around 30 energy players would make this possible . This
includes gas wholesalers such as Snam , Enagas and OGE ; electrolyser creator
McPhy among others . It could help to convey green hydrogen across Europe at
€ 1.50 / kg before 2030 , hoping to have 3.6 million tons of H2 yield annually .
Stipulated completion date : 2030
Reckaz ( 30GW )
The arid steppes of western and central Kazakhstan is a paradise for solar and
wind . German - based Svevind Energy will join hands with KazakhInvest
company to capture these renewable energies to produce clean hydrogen .
Almost 45GW of wind and sun based utilisation could yield 3,000,000 tons of
green hydrogen each year . Stipulated completion date : 2028
Western Green Energy Hub ( 28GW ) .
The South east and western Australia will be seeing a lot of green H2 focused
development . Around 50GW of wind and sun energy will be garnered for the
28 GW of electrolysers . A consortium including InterContinental Energy and
CWP Global are investing across this terrain to sell homegrown green H2 to
business sectors in and around . Up to 3.5 million tons or 20 million tons of
green alkali is expected from this plant . The estimated cost of this plant is about
$ 70bn . Recently it got a permit from the Western Australia Government for
possibility studies. Stipulated completion date : 2028
Aman ( 16-20GW )
Mauritania is the first African country in this list that is all set to develop its
northern regions for green H2 plant . It will be capturing 30GW of wind and
sunlight based energy to fuel the H2 plant's electrolysers . Owned by CWP
Global , it will decarbonise smelling salts compost . As of June 2021 , the
Mauritanian government was in talks with CWP global . Stipulated completion
date : Not Stated

Green Energy Oman ( 14GW )
The facility will be operated by a consortium of companies including
InterContinental Energy , Omani oil and company OQ , and Kuwaiti state -
claimed tech organisation EnerTech . Almost 25GW of wind and sun energy
along with hydro will drive the 14GW of electrolysers . This project could finish
by 2038 , with about 33 % of it ready to go in 2028. Though the total cost of the
project isn't clear , even a fraction of the project ( 33 % ) is estimated to cost $
10bn . Stipulated completion date : 2038
Asian Renewable Energy Hub ( 14GW )
Nestled in Pilbara , Western Australia is another opportunity for Australia's green
Hydrogen story . By garnering 16GW of coastal breeze and 10GW of sun based
power to drive 14GW of electrolysers , the Asian Renewable Energy hub could
yield 1.75 million tons each year ( which would deliver 9.9 million tons of green
alkali ) . Engineered by InterContinental Energy , CWP Energy Asia , Vestas and
Macquarie , the primary aim is to produce green H2 and green smelling salts for
the Asian market . It could run up to $ 36bn in construction cost . Stipulated
completion date : 2027-28
NortH2 ( no less than 10GW )
Situated in northern Netherlands and powered by Offshore wind energy , NortH2
hopes to produce 1,000,000 tons each year . Owned and operated by Shell ,
Equinor , RWE , Gasunie , Groningen Seaports , NortH2 plans to assist with
driving weighty industry in the Netherlands and Germany . Currently the
feasibility studies are underway . Stipulated completion date : 2040 ( 1GW by
2027 , 4GW by 2030 ) .

AquaVentus ( 10GW )
This green H2 plant in Heligoland , would run on Offshore wind energy . Owned
by a consortium of 47 organisations , including RWE , Vattenfall , Shell , E.ON
, Siemens Energy , Siemens Gamesa , Vestas , Northland Power , Gasunie and
Parkwind , this is perhaps the largest exclusively German planned plant that
would work closely with an European hydrogen organisation . They aim to
produce 1,000,000 tons of H2 annually . Stipulated completion date : 2035 (
30MW by 2025 , 5GW by 2030 )
Egypt ( unnamed ) 100MW

The unnamed facility in Egypt is touted to be the largest in the world . In fact , it
will be five times the current largest . Being developed by Norwegian renewable
energy producer Scatec , Abu Dhabi Fertiglobe ( Fertiliser producer ) , the
Sovereign Fund of Egypt and Cairo based Orascom ( engineering and
construction contractor ) it is racing for completion this to be in line with the
opening of Egypt's COP27 summit . Backed by the renewable energy grid , the
consortium aims to build 100MW of electrolysers .

Benefits of using Green Hydrogen as Fuel

Green hydrogen will be one of the protagonists in the upcoming energy
transition that global economies are obligated to lead to achieve carbon
neutrality and combat climate change.
To this end, it will be of vital importance to eliminate emissions in those uses
that are currently difficult to electrify, which is where green hydrogen claims its
potential due to all of its inherent benefits:

 It is a clean energy: The only waste it generates is water.

 It is a renewable energy: It uses natural resources that are not exhausted.
 It is storable: Green hydrogen can be compressed and stored in ad hoc
tanks for a long time.

 It is transportable: Because it is a very light element, compressed
hydrogen tanks allow easier handling than lithium batteries because they
are lighter, which facilitates transport as a result.

The time is right to tap into hydrogen’s potential to play a key role in a
clean, secure and affordable energy future. At the request of the
government of Japan under its G20 presidency, the International Energy
Agency (IEA) has produced this landmark report to analyse the current state
of play for hydrogen and to offer guidance on its future development. The
report finds that clean hydrogen is currently enjoying unprecedented political
and business momentum, with the number of policies and projects around the
world expanding rapidly. It concludes that now is the time to scale up
technologies and bring down costs to allow hydrogen to become widely used.
The pragmatic and actionable recommendations to governments and industry
that are provided will make it possible to take full advantage of this increasing
Hydrogen can help tackle various critical energy challenges. It offers ways
to decarbonise a range of sectors – including long-haul transport, chemicals,

and iron and steel – where it is proving difficult to meaningfully reduce
emissions. It can also help improve air quality and strengthen energy security.
Despite very ambitious international climate goals, global energy-related CO2
emissions reached an all time high in 2018. Outdoor air pollution also remains
a pressing problem, with around 3 million people dying prematurely each year.
Hydrogen is versatile. Technologies already available today enable hydrogen
to produce, store, move and use energy in different ways. A wide variety of
fuels are able to produce hydrogen, including renewables, nuclear, natural gas,
coal and oil. It can be transported as a gas by pipelines or in liquid form by
ships, much like liquefied natural gas (LNG). It can be transformed into
electricity and methane to power homes and feed industry, and into fuels for
cars, trucks, ships and planes.
Hydrogen can enable renewables to provide an even greater contribution.
It has the potential to help with variable output from renewables, like solar
photovoltaics (PV) and wind, whose availability is not always well matched
with demand. Hydrogen is one of the leading options for storing energy from
renewables and looks promising to be a lowest-cost option for storing
electricity over days, weeks or even months. Hydrogen and hydrogen-based
fuels can transport energy from renewables over long distances – from regions
with abundant solar and wind resources, such as Australia or Latin America,
to energy-hungry cities thousands of kilometres away.
There have been false starts for hydrogen in the past; this time could be
different. The recent successes of solar PV, wind, batteries and electric
vehicles have shown that policy and technology innovation have the power to
build global clean energy industries. With a global energy sector in flux, the
versatility of hydrogen is attracting stronger interest from a diverse group of
governments and companies. Support is coming from governments that both
import and export energy as well as renewable electricity suppliers, industrial
gas producers, electricity and gas utilities, automakers, oil and gas companies,
major engineering firms, and cities. Investments in hydrogen can help foster
new technological and industrial development in economies around the world,
creating skilled jobs.
Hydrogen can be used much more widely. Today, hydrogen is used mostly
in oil refining and for the production of fertilisers. For it to make a significant
contribution to clean energy transitions, it also needs to be adopted in sectors
where it is almost completely absent at the moment, such as transport,
buildings and power generation.

However, clean, widespread use of hydrogen in global energy transitions
faces several challenges:
o Producing hydrogen from low-carbon energy is costly at the
moment. IEA analysis finds that the cost of producing hydrogen from
renewable electricity could fall 30% by 2030 as a result of declining
costs of renewables and the scaling up of hydrogen production. Fuel
cells, refuelling equipment and electrolysers (which produce hydrogen
from electricity and water) can all benefit from mass manufacturing.
o The development of hydrogen infrastructure is slow and holding
back widespread adoption. Hydrogen prices for consumers are highly
dependent on how many refuelling stations there are, how often they
are used and how much hydrogen is delivered per day. Tackling this is
likely to require planning and coordination that brings together national
and local governments, industry and investors.
o Hydrogen is almost entirely supplied from natural gas and coal
today. Hydrogen is already with us at industrial scale all around the
world, but its production is responsible for annual CO2 emissions
equivalent to those of Indonesia and the United Kingdom combined.
Harnessing this existing scale on the way to a clean energy future
requires both the capture of CO2 from hydrogen production from fossil
fuels and greater supplies of hydrogen from clean electricity.
o Regulations currently limit the development of a clean hydrogen
industry. Government and industry must work together to ensure
existing regulations are not an unnecessary barrier to investment. Trade
will benefit from common international standards for the safety of
transporting and storing large volumes of hydrogen and for tracing the
environmental impacts of different hydrogen supplies.
The IEA has identified four near-term opportunities to boost hydrogen
on the path towards its clean, widespread use. Focusing on these real-world
springboards could help hydrogen achieve the necessary scale to bring down
costs and reduce risks for governments and the private sector. While each
opportunity has a distinct purpose, all four also mutually reinforce one

1. Make industrial ports the nerve centres for scaling up the use of
clean hydrogen. Today, much of the refining and chemicals production
that uses hydrogen based on fossil fuels is already concentrated in
coastal industrial zones around the world, such as the North Sea in

Europe, the Gulf Coast in North America and southeastern China.
Encouraging these plants to shift to cleaner hydrogen production would
drive down overall costs. These large sources of hydrogen supply can
also fuel ships and trucks serving the ports and power other nearby
industrial facilities like steel plants.
2. Build on existing infrastructure, such as millions of kilometres of
natural gas pipelines. Introducing clean hydrogen to replace just 5%
of the volume of countries’ natural gas supplies would significantly
boost demand for hydrogen and drive down costs.
3. Expand hydrogen in transport through fleets, freight and
corridors. Powering high-mileage cars, trucks and buses to carry
passengers and goods along popular routes can make fuel-cell vehicles
more competitive.
4. Launch the hydrogen trade’s first international shipping routes.
Lessons from the successful growth of the global LNG market can be
leveraged. International hydrogen trade needs to start soon if it is to
make an impact on the global energy system.
International co‑operation is vital to accelerate the growth of versatile,
clean hydrogen around the world. If governments work to scale up
hydrogen in a co‑ordinated way, it can help to spur investments in factories
and infrastructure that will bring down costs and enable the sharing of
knowledge and best practices. Trade in hydrogen will benefit from common
international standards. As the global energy organisation that covers all fuels
and all technologies, the IEA will continue to provide rigorous analysis and
policy advice to support international co‑operation and to conduct effective
tracking of progress in the years ahead.

As a roadmap for the future, we are offering seven key recommendations to

help governments, companies and others to seize this chance to enable clean
hydrogen to fulfil its long-term potential.

 https://energy-utilities.com/green-
 https://www.iea.org/reports/the-future-of-hydrogen
 https://www.woodmac.com/our-
 https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/nine-of-the-largest-green-
 https://www.acciona.com/green-


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