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Question 1: Explain in 50-100 words how web analysis and design is an iterative process.

To get intended effect, iterative processes require continuing a cycle of steps. An iterative
procedure should be convergent or move closer to the goal result as the number of iterations
increases. Web analysis is an iterative process since website data is gathered, reported on, and
analyzed. The focus is on creating metrics depending on the company's but also users' goals
and utilizing website data to judge whether or not those goals were achieved, guide strategies,
and improve user experience. Whereas the focus of web design is on a website's look, feel, and
sometimes particularly content. As example, appearance could relate to the typefaces, colors,
and pictures that have been selected. Data organization and classification are referred to as

Question 2: What are two principles of user-centered web analysis and design, those a web
developer should employ to achieve success?
Following main user-centered web analysis and design principles should be followed by web
developers in order to succeed:
Uphold consistency: Users demand a system that is simple to learn and has clear criteria.
Interface components should behave consistently. To interact with the already-existing
components in a computer system, consistency will begin in the design process. To fight
interactivity, one may employ a novel design approach, but it's most important to think
about whether it exacerbates the inconsistency issue. People's perceptions of the plan and
how long it takes users to understand will be impacted by this.

Offer support: A system ought to provide all the help a user needs with the least level of
influence from other resources. In other words, they should be self-explanatory. Every
content on the screen must be suitable for the user's responsibilities. For switches with icon
labels, instructions must be available.
Question 3: Write down three (3) main items a web developer should be aware of, for
implementing an effective user-centered web analysis and design.

Memory uses the ordinary user's memory will tire quickly trying to navigate a badly
designed website. Nothing is worse than making visitors recall what different site
components signify from page to page. Making ensuring that screen components are
consistent and have a function across the whole site is the best method to do this.

Users because they scan instead of reading. When analyzing a web page, visitors look
for some fixed points or anchors that will help them navigate the page's content.
Users don't make the best decisions because they are impatient and need fast
satisfaction. Users like to be in charge and they tend to act intuitively.

Exposure of Feature Due to their method of directing visitors with aesthetically pleasing
1-2-3-done steps, huge buttons with visual effects, etc., modern site designs are
frequently criticized. But these features aren't all that horrible from a design standpoint.
Instead, because they guide users through the site's material in a clear, user-friendly
manner, such instructions are incredibly successful.

Question 4: Explain each of the following programming control structures in your own 40-80

 Sequential Program Control The default method of sequential compiled code is this
because it progressively passes through the code, this control structure is the
simplest to use and understand. This indicates that regardless of whether a
condition is satisfied, the steps are carried out from line 1 of the program to the
 Selection Control Based on the word "selection," these forms of loops—if, if/else,
and for—are used when making judgments and branching between two or more
potential directions. It enables software to test various circumstances using
predetermined criteria.

 Iteration A function or program using looping will execute a specified block of code
until a given condition is fulfilled. This technique is also known as repetition and is
used for looping, for example, repeating a piece of code many times in succession
like "while, do/while, and for."

Question 5: Explain each of the following web authentication methods in your own 50-100

HTTP Basic authentication: The Authorization header used in HTTP requests from client
includes the letters "Basic," "Space," and the base64-encoded string username: passcode.
HTTP Basic authentication is a basic authentication technique included in the HTTP protocol.
Since HTTP Basic authentication uses standard variables in the HTTP header rather than
cookies, session IDs, or login websites, it is the simplest to implement security controls for
online services.

Authorization: By allowing access, the user is permitted to use a certain feature or resource.
Terms like client privilege or access control are frequently used interchangeably. Good
instances of authentication in action are granting specific people administrative access to a
program or allowing them to download a specific file from a server.
Encryption: The encryption method is used to encrypt a message or file so that only specific
persons may read it. Using an encryption technique, data is scrambled or encrypted and is
subsequently unscrambled or decrypted by the recipient using a key. The plaintext is the
name for the message that is contained in an encrypted communication. It is known as
cipher text when it is in its encrypted, unintelligible form.
Cookie: Cookies can be used to create customized websites, identify repeat visitors, or save
your login information on a website. If a website uses cookies, you could be prompted to fill
out a form with personal information such as your name, email address, and interests.
Cookies are used to convey this data to the web browser, which it then stores for later use.

Token: A token, which is a piece of data without any inherent meaning or function, may
become a crucial part of your application's security when used in combination with the
proper tokenization framework. A signed token must accompany each request sent to a
server, and the server must confirm the signature before granting the request. Token-based
authentication works in this way.

Signature: A digital signature created by either a shared symmetric key, like HMAC or a private
asymmetric key, like RSA, forms the basis of a signature authentication approach. The client
must use this signature to confirm their own identity. The system has enough details to be
unaffected by the key type or signature method employed. However, it does technically assume
that clients may provide an HTTP Date header.

One-Time Passwords: Any string containing completely random characters which is used as the
user's access code for just one login or transaction and is often referred to as a one-time PIN. A
dynamic password, especially one created by the user and potentially unsafe or used on several
accounts, is less secure than an OTP. OTPs can be used in addition to or instead of
authenticating login information to provide an extra layer of security.

Question 6: Read the scenario and answer the following questions regarding web
authentication methods:

You are a website developer working on the XYZ airline reservations system. Airline
reservation systems (ARS) are part of the so-called passenger service systems (PSS), which
are applications supporting the direct contact with the passenger. ARS eventually evolved
into the computer reservations system (CRS). A computer reservation system or central
reservation system (CRS) is a computerized system used to store and retrieve information
and conduct transactions related to air travel for all XYZ airline clients.
According to above mentioned scenario answer the following questions:
6.1. Explain how “Encryption”,
“Authentication” and “Authorization” web authentication methods will be used based on the
above scenario. Write your response in 50-100 words for each web authentication methods.
6.1. Give an example in your own 40-80 words where encryption, authentication, and
authorization are used by computers.

6.1: All transactions involving air travel will be handled by the computer reservation system,
sometimes referred to as the central reservation system, which will also store all customer data
for encryption. Because encryption encrypts a communication or file to ensure that only
specific individuals can access it. Data is encrypted or scrambled using an algorithm, and a key is
used to allow the receiver to decode (or unscramble) the data.
By extending its request methods, error codes, and headers, this broad, stateless protocol may
be utilized for a variety of non-hypertext applications, including distributed software control
systems as well as name servers. Systems may well be created without taking into account the
same kind of data being transmitted due to a function of HTTP termed typing and negotiation of
data representation.
Before utilizing the Central Reservation System, users must, of course, complete basic
authentication or a straightforward authentication technique. To utilize the controls for web
resources or to conduct transactions, users must provide a username and password. Users may
undertake transactions concerning air travel for all clients of XYZ airline by requesting access to
a certain resource or function. For instance, users may need to ask a user with administrative
access for authorization to download a certain file from a server.

6.2 When a computer server needs to be sure exactly who is accessing its website or data, it
utilizes authentication.
A computer server uses authorization to assess if a visitor possesses authorization to utilize
a feature or view a document.
Data is encrypted so that it cannot be read by anybody who doesn't have access to the
decryption key.

Question 7: Explain Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in your own 50-100 words.
The HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol is a collection of guidelines allowing
sending data across the internet, comprising texts, pictures, audio, videos, as well as other
digital components. HTTP is used as soon as a user opens an internet browser. This TCP/IP
protocol series, that forms the backbone of the web, is on which the application protocol
HTTP is built. The most recent HTTP version is HTTP/2, which debuted in May 2015. It
succeeds HTTP 1.1 but does not render HTTP 1.1 obsolete.

Question 8: Describe the roles of the server and client in HTTP in your own 50-100 words.
The host runs one or maybe more server applications that make services available to
clients. Instead of providing any of its services, a client asks a server for commodities or
services. By doing this, clients create channels of communication with servers, who then
monitor incoming requests. Many computer networks, particularly emails, internet
publishing, as well as the World Wide Web, employ the client-server design.

Question 9: Give an example and explain the HTTP session state in 50-100 words.
Three steps separate the sessions.
The client establishes a TCP connection (or the appropriate connection if the transport layer
is not TCP).
The client makes a request and then waits for a reply.

The server responds with an explanation, a status code, and the necessary information after
processing the request.
With HTTP/1.1, the connection is not cut off once the third phase is complete, allowing the
client to send more requests. The second and third stages can now be carried out as many
times as required as a consequence.

Question 10: Explain “stateless programming “and its two benefits in 150-200 words.

Stateless programming uses activities which exist unrelated of the current condition of the
computation (activities, processes, operations—whatever programmers choose to call
them). For other sense, all required data by any processes that carried out the activity is
given as output data, as well as all data requested throughout the process itself is provided
as input information. The program must follow Value semantics, refrain with using global or
class variables, manage all input and output in a specific way (for example, by using monads
or by threading an I/O state through any computations that perform I/O), and adhere to
Value semantics (modification of shared/aliased data structures is forbidden, and objects
lack an identity).This implies that all data required for the activity itself is provided as an
input, and all data utilized by any processes that requested the activity is delivered as an

Question 11: Explain object-oriented programming (OOP) and provide three (3) examples.
Instead of organizing programs around functions and logic, its object-oriented programming
(OOP) paradigm underlying programming language centers that on data and objects. An
object is an information field having particular characteristics and functionality. Instead of
concentrating on the logic necessary to govern the entities, it concentrates on the things
that developers wish to handle. Programs that are intricate, broad in reach, and frequently
updated or managed match this development approach well. Examples:

 Encapsulation
 Abstraction
 Inheritance
12. Answer the following questions related to debugging techniques
a. Explain the debugging techniques used in a programming language using
30-60 words.
b. What is debug programming? Answer using 30-60 words

a. Brute Force Method: Despite being the most used debugging method, it is also
the priciest. This strategy involves loading print statements through into
computer to print the intermediate values inside the anticipation that some of
the output will disclose the false assertion.

Retracing your steps: is another typical strategy. This method works by inferring
the source code from the sentence where an error symptom first appears until
the issue is found.

The cause elimination method: involves making a list of potential causes for the
error symptom, testing each one, and then eliminating any remaining

b. The debugging procedure involves finding and correcting coding problems in computer programs. The
terms "bug" and "error" are synonymous in the domains of engineering and information technology.
Finding and fixing a problem's source is the goal of debugging. Ironically, finding and fixing bugs during
testing may not always take as long as writing new code. A critical phase of software development is
debugging. Finding the source of a problem and fixing it is the process of debugging.
13. Answer the following questions regarding web front-end and backend languages,
including hypertext markup language (HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript:
a. What is hypertext markup language (HTML) in simple terms and why is it
used? Answer using 50-100 words.
b. How dynamic hypertext markup language (DHTML) is different from HTML
and JavaScript languages and why is it used? Answer using 50-100 words.
c. What are the three types of cascading style sheets (CSS?)

a. Web browsers primarily employ Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to render

webpages mostly on World Wide Web (HTML). Any person could click a link in hypertext
and be taken towards the new page which the link links to by visiting that page. A Web
page's structure is described in HTML. HTML is composed of a number of distinct parts.
The appearance of the material within the browser is controlled by HTML components.
DHTML is a set of services, while HTML is a markup language. DHTML has the potential
to produce dynamic web pages, whereas HTML is utilized to generate static websites.
Instead of using HTML, DHTML is utilized to generate dynamic panels including
movements. A client-side scripting language includes JavaScript. JavaScript automation
is supported by several browsers. The HTML elements of DHTML may be accessed,
controlled, and modified using JavaScript technology. JavaScript relates to expressions
as instructions that tell the browser what to do.

c. The three types of CSS are:

External CSS: By changing just one file inside an external style sheet, it is possible to
change how a whole website looks.
Internal CSS: An internal style sheet might be used if just one HTML page has a unique
Inline CSS:Use an inline style to apply a unique CSS setting to just one element

14. What guidelines should be followed in order to successfully develop the web Applications?
Answer using 40-80 words.
The guidelines to follow are:
 Review and suggestion of the requirements.
 Design and development.
 Concept of a web application.
 composing content and labeling
 Web programming for applications.
 Testing and launch.
 Applications maintenance

15. What are the software requirements to develop web-based application? Identify four.

The software requirements to develop web-based applications:

 Html or a text editor

 Graphical editor
 FTP client
 Supportive browser

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