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The Storms of my Life

I stopped reading my upcoming cases when my roommate called me to eat our

dinner. We were eating silently when I heard the sound of the rain. My eyes drifted to
the window as rain keeps pouring hard. Storm is coming, huh. It was like this too,
before, just that I was eating happily with my family.
Mom and dad teasing my younger brother for having a crush and me, laughing at
their craziness. It never crossed in my young mind that such a horrible thing would
happen to our family.
I never knew what death feels like, not until what I saw what they did to my
family. 5 men in black killed my family before my naked eyes. And I died with them.
For the past ten years, I dedicated my lifeless life to law. I studied non-stop, I
experienced not eating the whole day, I had sleepless night. Every night of those years,
never once the nightmare of that night left. But I didn’t complain...I couldn’t. Because it
was what kept me going. It was my lifeline. It was the reason why I’m here, in court,
defending people who deserves justice.
Funny, how I could give justice to other people, but I couldn’t even give justice to
my family. It has been years already, but I’m still here, halfway. Not moving. Just in
between. I'm tired but I’m not tired enough to stop.
Months passed by like a blink of an eye. I’ve been staring at my family’s case for
hours now. I can’t focus reading. My mind’s somewhere else. Thinking about what I
found out three days ago.
De Silva. It couldn’t be, right? They couldn’t be the ones who I’ve been looking
for years, right? Right. Ever since that night, they were with me. Throughout those
years, they never left me. They treated me like I’m part of their family. So why am I
doubting them? They couldn’t be. There are different people who have the same
surname, after all. I discarded my doubts and just resumed reading. Planning to
investigate more.
What did I ever do to them? What did my family do to them? That they resorted
such a horrible thing? Why? Why did they do it? Why did they kill my loving family? Why
did they take them away from me? Just why?!
I can’t sleep. My mind keeps going back to what just happened hours ago. That
was it? That was the reason why they killed my family? Yes, they were hurt, I get it. I
understand their pain, but was it intentional? No! Every doctors and nurses were busy at
that time because there was a shoot out. My father who’s a surgeon can’t help them! He
couldn’t help her, not because he couldn’t help her labor, but because he was badly
needed as a surgeon! Everyone that time needed to have surgery. So why can’t they
understand that? Why did they have to kill him? And my mother, my poor nurse mother
who was also busy at that time, but still helped her deliver her baby. She helped her,
she left those people who was severely injured just to help her. She did her best helping
her deliver safely the baby but was it her fault that the baby died in her womb before it
could even got out? No. It was never their fault. They knew it wasn’t their fault but they
still killed them. They even killed my brother who was innocent. They were hurt, yes, but
they can’t deny that they’re just pure evil.
After clearing my mind from everything, I filed a case against them. I will win this
case. This is what I’ve been waiting for my whole lifeless life. I want them locked up in
It didn’t take long enough to win the case. I did everything. Pulled every strings I
collected years ago when I was still in law school. I’m curious as to why they didn’t
threaten me or anything during this case. I'm also curious why they didn’t even deny the
charges I filed against them. I guess conscience finally hit them, huh?
I stood up as tears of joy flow down my cheeks when the judge smashed the
grovel and stated that they are found guilty and that they will have a lifetime
imprisonment. Mom, dad, baby brother, finally, the justice has served.
I saw how the people who once treated me like a family cry their heart out. I
wasn’t moved by it. I don’t care if they cry a river. They deserved it.
I looked at them straight in the eye. I wanted to yell at them. I wanted to inflict
physical pain but I stopped myself. They don’t deserve to feel even an inch of my skin.
And besides, I wouldn’t even dare lay a finger on them. De Silvas, you have come to an
After everything that has happened, I finally have the courage to visit my family’s
graveyard. After 10 years of fighting, I'm finally here. Telling them things about what has
happened to me for the past years. Telling them how much I love them. And more
importantly, telling them that after 10 years of living lifelessly and incompletely, I am
now full of life and complete.
From this day forward, I will fill those incomplete years with full of life and love.
My family might not be with me, literally, but they are here in my heart, guiding, loving,
and protecting me throughout the storms of my life.

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