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always prefer to use

em tag insted of i

strong tag instead of b

read for both

avoid styling using HTML

Always use CSS

read enctype in form attributes

CSS: Cascading Style sheet.

Inline CSS :
Background color in body <body style="Background-color: Blue;"> to find Beautiful colors and

Internal CSS:
Style tag in head



background-color: #D8FFF1;


border style:

The border-style property may be specified using one, two, three, or four values.

When one value is specified, it applies the same style to all four sides.

When two values are specified, the first style applies to the top and bottom, the second to the left
and right.
When three values are specified, the first style applies to the top, the second to the left and right,
the third to the bottom.

When four values are specified, the styles apply to the top, right, bottom, and left in that order

External CSS:
Create a separate CSS page and link it to the HTML File.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="C:\Users\Rashi\Desktop\Web Developement\CSS\styles.css">

CSS Syntax
Selector{property: value;}

Selector: h1 , p , body, who

Property: bg color, text color, position What

Value: (blue, red). How

Classes and Ids

Id: we cannot assign same id to different tags (to identify a single element)


Class: any class can have same name (for groups all going to behave same)


Pseudo class:

Favicons (favorite Icon)

Was an icon that show up in your browser which u have marked favorite.

Div tag: a content division element

allows us to divide a content in separate so we can structure each div separetly.

Read the Box Model

CSS Display Property
: Take whole width of the screen and that’s why they lock out other elements.

Ex: P, body, h, hr, list


Inline Display Element

SPAN tag
Span element is known as Inline display element.

It doesn’t take the whole width of screen. Just the space which is required.

Hello World

Another ex: Img, anchor tag.

Inline Block:

{Display: inline-block;}


Display: None;

It removes the element from the website as it didn’t exist.

Default Rules for How thing get rendered on the screen based on HTML Code.
1. Content is everything.
2. Order comes from HTML Code.
3. Children Sits on Parents. <div><h1>A <span>Prog</span>ramer</h1></div>
Position elements on Screen
1. Static All HTML elements are static in position by default. HTML without CSS and changing
any Position
2. Relativeallows us to position the element we select relevant to position when it is static.
Position: relative;
Left:30px; // Coordinates (Top,Botton,Left,Right)
i. When you move an element that has a relevant position, it doesn’t affect
the position of anything on the screen.
ii. When we change the coordinates property, we are taking the left where the
image used to be and we are giving it 30px margin from the left of our
current img.
3. Absoluteit changes according to the instructions irrevelant to static default.
4. Fixed
So when we scroll the page the fixed position will be fixed on the page.

Em in CSS
That is the M is the width of capital letter M.

2em == MM size.


 Ignore all the parent size, it will be the same we set.
 Always try to use rem when sizing in CSS.


width: 25%;

float: left;

So the text xan be at right in the img.

We also can use clear:left property to set the <p>text infront of image to be at the bottom.

Clear is like anti-float.

Only use float when it is really really necessary. Only use for wrapping text around an element.

Don’t use it for positioning only use relative, margin and padding for positioning.

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