Love My Mommy Arabic Short Story

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‫أُحِبٌّ أُمّي‬
“UϦibbu Ummee”
I Love My Mommy
Arabic Short Story with English Transcription and Translation

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Watch the lesson on YouTube:
...‫ُأحِبٌّ أُمّي‬

.‫ألَنَّها تَ ْقرَأُ ِليَ ال ِقصَصَ قَبْلَ أنْ أَنام‬

“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li-annahaa taqraa’u liya al-qişaşa qabla an anaam.”
I love my mommy…
Because she reads to me stories before I sleep.
...‫أُحِبٌّ أُمّي‬
.‫ب حَلْوى‬
َ َ‫ف َأصْنَ ُع قال‬
َ ْ‫ألَنَّها تُعَلِّمُين كَي‬
“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li-annahaa tu’allimunee kayfa aşna’u qaalaba Ϧalwa.”
I love my mommy…
Because she teaches me how to bake a cake.
...‫أُحِبٌّ أُمّي‬
.‫ألَنَّها تَأْخُذُني مَعَها إِىل السُّوق‬
“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li-annahaa ta’khuzunee ma’ahaa ila as-souq.”
I love my mommy…
Because she takes me with her to the shops.
...‫ُأحِبٌّ أُمّي‬
.‫ألَنَّها ُتسَرِّحُ لي شَعْري‬
“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li-annahaa tusarriϦu lee sha’ree.”
I love my mommy…
Because she brushes my hair.
...‫ُأحِبٌّ أُمّي‬

.‫ألَنَّها تَأْخُذُني إِىل احلَديقَ ِة ألَلْعَب‬

“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li annaha ta’khuzunee ila alhadeeqati li-al’ab.”
I love my mommy…
Because she takes me to the park to play.
...‫أُحِبٌّ أُمّي‬

.‫ألَنَّها تَعْتَين بي عِنْدَما أَ ْمرَض‬

“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li-annaha ta’tanee bee ‘indamaa amraď.”
I love my mommy…
Because she takes care of me when I get sick.
...‫أُحِبٌّ أُمّي‬
...‫ألَنَّها أُمّي‬
“UϦibbu Ummee…
Li annaha Ummee…”
I love my mommy…
Because she’s my mommy.

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