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(HS-047) Hazard & Operability (HAZOP) Study & its Management

Hazard & Operability (HAZOP) Study
and its Management
Program 0escrIptIon

Hazard and DperabIlIty StudIes (HAZDP) Is a rIsk assessment technIques used to
demonstrate complIance wIth health, safety and envIronmental standards and legIslatIon.

Although HAZDP technIques have tradItIonally been applIed to the process and oIl/gas
IndustrIes, they can be equally applIed to other IndustrIes, actIvItIes and tasks. deally
HAZDP technIques should be applIed at the project development stage as part of the
project HSE plan, but can also be applIed for exIstIng systems/processes as well as for
process modIfIcatIons.

HAZDP provIde some measure of assurance through a structured and systematIc
examInatIon of the desIgn and operabIlIty of a system that the process desIgn wIll be safe.
HAZDP Is a hIghly structured technIque, whIch can consume consIderable resources to
achIeve an effectIve study. Therefore, the role of the Team Leader Is crucIal In dIrectIng
resources where they are most needed so that the study duratIon Is targeted for
effIcIency. ThIs semInar also provIdes an InsIght Into the framework for HAZDP In the
context of HSE |anagement System, whIch wIll enrIch the effectIveness of the studIes and
produce a creatIve and InnovatIve envIronment.


t Is aImed at provIdIng teachIng and workshop shop experIence to provIde attendees wIth
the skIlls requIred by team members.

t also provIdes attendees wIth the and InsIght to the role of team leader and what he or
she wIll be expectIng from the team.

ThIs semInar Is desIgned to provIde the partIcIpants wIth the necessary skIlls and
framework to guIde the HAZDP team members through the InItIal stages of the analysIs to
the productIon of a HAZDP report and actIon plan.

Attendees revIse the basIcs of HAZDP and the response requIred for HAZDP to be
effectIve. DrganIsatIon, leadershIp and management IncludIng postactIon procedures are

Key DbjectIves IncIude:
To provIde a framework for HAZDP wIthIn rIsk assessment and HSE |anagement
To Increase famIlIarIty wIth HAZDP protocol, logIc, structure and methodology.
To descrIbe the role and structure of the HAZDP Team and procedures.
To Introduce the role, responsIbIlItIes and conduct of HAZDP Team Leader.
To apprecIate the applIcatIon of HAZDP methodology In other areas of Interest,
e.g. human relIabIlIty and human HAZDP .
To apprecIate the consequences of flammable/toxIc releases, fIre and explosIon
dIspersIon modelIng

(HS-047) Hazard & Operability (HAZOP) Study & its Management
Program DutIIne

The PIace of HAZDP In PIsk hanagementlAssessment.
An DvervIew of HAZDP
A summary of the HAZDP technIque
What Is a HAZDP:
Why Is HAZDP used:
How Is HAZDP applIed:
HAZDP study leader's check lIst
When Is HAZDP used:
The PIace of HAZDP In PIsk hanagementlAssessment
Ceneral IntroductIon, HAZ0, HAZDP and HAZAN
Hazard studIes on capItal projects
AppIIcatIon of the HAZDP TechnIque.
Stages of HAZDP Study
nItIal meetIng
Terms of Feference
Scope of the revIew
HAZDP Team composItIon and roles
Ceneral conduct of the revIew
Feport preparatIon
|echanIsm for fellowup and revIew
The TechnIque of Hazard and DperabIIIty Study
The purpose of the HAZDP technIque
Some wIder ImplIcatIons and needs for the HAZDP method
The HAZDP procedure
ApplIcatIon of the method
|eanIng of guIde words used to derIve process devIatIons
ApplIcatIon to dIfferent process modes
ApplIcatIon of less common guIde words
HAZDP Study PeportIng
FeportIng In full or by exceptIon:
FeportIng manually or by computer:
The hethod 0emonstrated
ApplIcatIon to a contInuous system.
ApplIcatIon to operatIng procedures
The PsychoIogy of PerceptIon
Ceneral IntroductIon
The perceptIon of process hazards
The perceptIon of process related problems.
AppIIcatIon of the HAZDP TechnIque to atch Processes.
InformatIon PequIred to Carry Dut a HAZDP Study
Process key documentatIon
nstrumentatIon notatIon
0ocumentatIon Cenerated 0urIng a HAZDP Study
ActIon sheets
|eetIng reports
The fInal report

(HS-047) Hazard & Operability (HAZOP) Study & its Management
The management of HAZDP studIes
HAZDP documentatIon
|aIn plannIng features of a study; tImetablIng
PlannIng a complex HAZDP study
dentIfIcatIon of nodes or dIvIsIon of a drawIng Into sectIons
EstImatIng the tIme requIred for a study
The HAZDP study team envIronment
Post HAZDP Study actIvItIes IncludIng report preparatIon
Control of modIfIcatIons
The hanagement of A HAZDP Study Team
Small group decIsIon makIng
The Influence of tIme
Features of a team; copIng wIth the varIety of personalItIes.
CuIdance notes for team leaders; leadershIp technIques
ControllIng dIscussIon
0uestIonIng technIques
LIstenIng technIques
The responsIbIlItIes of team members.
EnsurIng understandable actIons are generated
|ajor consIderatIons when leadIng a HAZDP study.
AssessIng productIvIty; Team effectIveness
CeneraI poInts about carryIng out a HAZDP study.
Common mIstakes made by team leaders
PotentIal problem areas wIth HAZDP studIes
0ualIty control of HAZDP studIes.
Non-Process AppIIcatIons of the HAZDP TechnIque
Computer control systems
hechanIcaI l human Interface systems
ElectrIcal dIstrIbutIon systems
ElectronIc control systems
Human factors and organIsatIons
AddItIonaI UsefuI InformatIon
Features of a HAZDP Study
Some potentIal causes of devIatIons and topIcs for consIderatIon In a HAZDP study.
A procedure for safety assessment of modIfIcatIons
A typIcal HAZDP study request form.
TypIcal check lIst for determInIng the need for a HAZDP Study

This course is primarily intended for personnel with HAZOP Study experience and a basic
knowledge of loss prevention and safe working practice. It is also aimed at all personnel involved
in the process of risk assessment drawn from every level of process operations, production,
design, maintenance and health & Safety.

Who Should Attend
This is a highly intensive program which includes a significant workshop content
providing opportunity for obtaining leadership experience under tutorial guidance.
For any further information please contact us at:
P.O. Box 3808, Al-Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 (3) 865-6992 Ext 23, Fax: +966 (3) 865-6922, Mobile : 0508008731
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