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Names: ___________________________________________ Date submitted: _________

Section code: _______________ Score:__________

Activity No. 3.3


Marketing is the next crucial stage that potential entrepreneurs have to be concerned
with. This is the point to which physical products are converted to monetary form. Remember
that marketing is more than just selling, disposing or transferring of products to end consumers.
Rather, it includes the various steps of identifying the right market for the product, the right place
and time to sell and the right form of the product to meet customer satisfaction. The end goal is
satisfaction of the target market while making profit.
The marketing plan does not only analyses the target market. It also includes
assessment of the capabilities of the enterprise, its competitors and the whole industry itself.
Output of market research and SWOT analysis is useful in this aspect.
This activity will allow students to identify their right market and come-up with an
appropriate marketing strategy for their enterprise. Further, students will apply their knowledge
of the 4Ps in marketing.
On the other hand, the Business plan also presents in detail how the enterprise will be
organized as to its human resource. This refers to identifying the key people of the enterprise,
their qualifications, responsibilities and compensation. The Organizational chart shows the
hierarchy of command in the enterprise. This is significant in establishing authority and
accountability among employees and offices.
This activity focuses on crafting the marketing and organizational plan section of the
Business Plan.

At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:
1. create a SWOT analysis for the enterprise.
2. discuss target market in terms of geographic, demographic, economic and psychographic
3. formulate promotional message and execution style.
4. estimate potential annual sales.
5. formulate organizational chart of the enterprise.

1. This is an activity that will be submitted in the next laboratory meeting.

2. The first step in the Market Plan is to analyze the internal and external environment of the
enterprise. This can be done using the tool called SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The Strengths looks at the different
aspects within the enterprise that are considered as ingredients for success or its strong
points. This could be the qualification or expertise of the owners or the uniqueness of the
product/services offered. Weaknesses refers to the internal aspects of the enterprise that
are not yet improved or exemplary relative to the competitors.

On the other hand, Opportunities and Threats refers to the external environment of the
enterprise. Opportunities can be found in the existing supply and demand in the market,
import-export data, government support programs and assistance, etc. Threats are the
possible risks the enterprise will face. Threats may include marketing strategy of
competitors, sources of raw materials, weather condition, and geographical location. Consult
experts or research in coming up with a SWOT Analysis using the template in Table 3.2.1.
The goal is to make sure that the strengths and opportunities outweighs the weaknesses
and threats.

3. The next step is to clearly identify the target market. Indicate and discuss the specifics of
your target market in Activity Question 2. Geographic refers to the details on where you can
find your market. Demographic refers to the specific market segment as to age, gender, civil
status, etc. Economic refers to the income level or the ability of your market to pay.
Psychographic refers to the preferences and tastes of your market and the needs and wants
that your product addresses. It answers the question why will your market buys?

4. Once you have identified your market, the next step is to let the market know about your
enterprise. Brainstorm on the promotional strategy you will use by identifying your
promotional message and execution style. Another method is to plot potential marketing
channels for your product.

5. The last step is to attach a price on your product. This refers to your pricing strategy. Recall
the pricing strategies you learn in the Marketing course and provide an estimate of your
volume of production. Multiply your price with estimated units for sale and frequency of
selling to get the estimate annual sale. Provide details of this in Activity Question 4.

6. Organizational Chart. In this portion, creatively present the organizational chart of the
enterprise. You can make use of available templates in Microsoft Word. Indicate the
position occupied, qualification and responsibilities of each key person in Table 3.3.2.

Grading criteria
This activity will be graded by the following criteria and points:

Criteria Point allotment Actual points earned

SWOT analysis table 20
Supporting data on SWOT analysis 5
Clear target market 15
Realistic promotional strategy 10
Clear marketing channel 5
Realistic sale estimation 10
Organizational Chart 5
Completing Table 3.3.2 10
Class participation (extra points) 5
Total 80 points
Activity Questions

1. SWOT Analysis. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise
and the existing and future opportunities and threats around it? Fill-in the SWOT Analysis
template below and provide supporting data (reports, studies, statistics).
Table 3.3.1. The SWOT Analysis



Supporting statistics in tabular and graphical formats or list of references from journals and
published reports. Use separate sheet if necessary.

2. Fill-in the questions below to specifically identify your market. Provide further explanation or
discussion if possible.

a. Who is your market? Describe the demographic and economic characteristics of the

b. Where is your market? Discuss the coverage and scope of your market in terms of
geographical location.

c. Why will your market buy? Enumerate and discuss the reasons why people will buy your

3. Indicate and discuss below the promotional message and execution style your enterprise
will use as marketing strategy. Provide possible marketing channels of the product.

a. The Message

b. The Execution Style


c. The Marketing Channel

4. Provide a computation of your annual estimated sale.

a. Pricing strategy: ______________________________________________________

b. Price per unit and unit used: _____________________________________________
c. Estimated volume per production cycle: ____________________________________
d. Estimated frequency of production in a year: ________________________________
e. Estimated annual sale: _________________________________________________
5. Organizational Chart. How will the enterprise be organized in terms of its human resource?
Who are the key people in the enterprise? What is the hierarchy of command or authority
among these key people? Organize the hierarchy of command in an organizational chart.

The Organizational Structure of the Enterprise

What are the qualifications and responsibilities of key persons in the enterprise? How much will
be their monthly payment?

Table 3.3.5 Position, qualification and responsibilities of key persons in the enterprise.
Position Qualification Responsibilities Monthly salary

Use extra sheets if necessary

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