Action Research Sample

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Principal II
Camarines Norte Senior High School
Daet, Camarines Norte

II. Context and Rationale

The Department of Education made history, amidst Pandemic the

education must continue. The supposed to be opening of classes on August 24,

2020 was deferred to October 5, 2020 in consideration to all schools to become

full ready in the implementation of the new learning modality which is the distance

learning. This new landscape of education brought to us school leaders a

courage to brave the challenging role to act on the demands of this new normal

situation in school processes and management.

This school year 2020-2021 will implement the distance learning through

modular distance learning, online distance learning, radio-based instruction, and

TV based instruction. These learning modalities require a lot of activities to be

done before its implementation such as Learning Resources, Learning

Management, Teacher Capacity, Household and Community Capacity, and

Schools Operations. These aspects are the non-negotiable area of concerns in

the implementation of Distance Learning Modalities.

In view of this, the Camarines Norte Senior High School which offers

academic track focusing on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

shall implement the Modular Distance Learning and Online Distance Learning.

These learning modalities were chosen based on the results of the Decision Tree

with respect to the data from the Learners Enrolment Survey Form (LESF).

Based on the record of enrolment, there are 211 out of 349 enrollees will undergo

distance modular learning, 138 preferred online distance learning.

Hence, one of the considerations in the implementation of these distance

learning modalities is the household and community capacity. In this learning

modality the learners need the supervision and guidance of their parents,

siblings, and other members of the community and to act as learning facilitators.

Paragraph 12 of the Memorandum 2020-00162 re: Suggested Strategies in

Implementing Distance Learning Delivery Modalities for SY 2020-2021,

recommends that a learning facilitator or a household partner like parents,

guardian, siblings, or other community members considered as a responsible

adult should be available to guide and support the learning process of the child at

home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning tasks.

Thus, parents/guardians, siblings or any member of the household need to

be assessed their reading skills as part of the implementation plan in the

Distance Learning Modality. This is to ensure that learning facilitator who will

assist and guide the learners has the capability in understanding the content of

learning resources given to the learner. Thus, the proponent wishes to develop a

reading material to be used in determining the reading skills of the parents or

other member of the household so that it can be assured that there is someone

who is capable to guide and supervise the learning activities of the learners

through the self -learning materials. The reading skills of the parents or any

member of the family is very important to determine so that each learner who will

be undergoing modular instruction has the learning support in terms of their

academic performances at home.

III. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop a reading material to be used in the

assessment of reading skills of parents or other members of the family of the

learners who will act as learning facilitator for their child who will undergo

Modular instruction during the implementation of distance learning modality

for School Year 2020-2021. Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What reading material may be developed to be used in assessing

the reading skills of the parents or other members of the family?

2. What are the reading skills of parents or other members of the

family in the used of developed reading materials?



The researcher will develop reading material to be used in the

assessment of reading skills of parents or other members of the household

who will act as learning facilitator in the implementation of Modular Distance

Learning modality for School Year 2020-2021. The proposed reading material

is a form of primer of the implementation of modular distance learning which

provides relevant information about the learning modality. This is also one

way of communicating to the parents on what, why and how should the

modular distance learning will be implemented to continue the education of

the children in this time of pandemic. The information that they will be going to

get from the primer will give them appreciation and deeper understanding to

the learning modality so that the parents and school can work together

towards the successful implementation of distance learning for school year


Also, this is one of the interventions that the school should implement

in determining the capacity and capability of the parents or any member of the

family as a requirement in the implementation of modular distance learning.

The proposed reading material will undergo evaluation of the Education

program supervisor in charge for reading material and also with the help of

English teacher for developing questions. The reading assessment will be

conducted in an interview manner which will not use a paper and pencil test to

avoid the feeling of discrimination or any form of embarrassment.

V. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

After the validation the proponent will administer the reading

assessment to all parents of learners under modular distance learning. This

study will use a total enumeration method in the selection of respondents

through a focus group discussion and interview activity to be participated by at

most 20 parents per session to observe proper physical distancing. The

interview will be facilitated by the proponent with assigned documenters and

process observers. An interview will be conducted to elicit the information

needed in to assess the reading skills of the parents.

The participants of this study are the 211 parents or any members of

the family of the learners who have chosen Modular Distance Learning and

signify intention to act as learning facilitator for their child’s learning activities

at home. The source of information will be taken from the responses of the

respondents during the interview and learners survey form used during


b. Data Gathering Methods

The data will be gathered through the administration of the developed

reading material in an interview manner and small group discussions. The

respondents will be given reading material, then the proponent will give five-

item questions based on the content of the reading materials that focuses on

the literal, inferential and critical questions. In this manner, the proponent,

documenter and process observers will observe and document the behavior

and gestures of the respondents on how they respond to the questions.

c. Data Analysis Plan

Document analysis framework will be used as data analysis plan. The

sources of documents are the data from interview, Learners Enrollment

Survey Form and the minutes of the conduct of interview.

VI. Action Research Work Plan and Timeline

Activities Time Frame Persons Involved Success Indicator

1. Preparation of August 17-18, Proponent Copy of Proposal
Research 2020 Research Teacher
Proposal Teachers
2. Submission of August 19, 2020 Research Transmittal slip
Proposal to the Coordinator/EPS Tracking Number
SDO for approval English Copy of Approved
3. Revision (if any) August 24, 2020 Copy of Revised
of the proposal Proponent Proposal
after reviewing by Research

the Planning and Coordinator
Research Section CID Chief
4. Resubmission of August 25, 2020
Proponent Approved Proposal
Implementation Phase
1. Validation of September 15- Proponent Validated Reading
developed 16, 2020 Teachers (not Materials
Reading identified as
Materials respondents)

2. Identifying September 15- Proponent List of

respondents 16, 2019 Teacher Respondents
(based from

3. Administration of September 21- Proponent Scores in Reading

Reading 25, 2020 Respondents Test
Assessment Notes of interview
(data gathering)

Tabulated, and
4. Tabulation, October 1-3, interpreted data
Analysis and 2020 Proponent
Interpretation of

5. Writing of October 5-20, Proponent Discussion and

Discussion of 2020 reflection notes
Results and
October 21-25, Proponent Copy of Action
6. Developing
2020 Plan
Action Plan
Post Implementation
1. Submission of October 27-30, Proponent Copy of
Accomplishment 2020 Accomplishment
Report Report
2. Revision (if any)November 3-4, Proponent Transmittal Slip
2020 Research Revised AR
3. Submission November 5, Coordinator Final Copy of AR
and Acceptance 2020 Proponent
of the Final

VII. Cost Estimates

Estimated Cost/Amount of Expenses Estimated Amount

Pre-Implementation Phase
1. Preparation of Research Proposal Printing of Action 20.00
2. Submission of Action Research Research Proposal
Proposal Transportation
3. Revision (if any)
Reprinting of Proposal 20.00
Implementation Phase
1. Validation of Developed Reading Printing of Reading 1,000.00
Materials Materials

2. Administration of Developed copies of primer

Reading Materials (data

3. Tabulation, Analysis and

Interpretation of Data

4. Writing of Discussion of Results

and Reflection

5. Developing Action Plan

Post Implementation Phase

1. Submission of Accomplishment Printing of AR 60.00


2. Revision (if any) Printing 60.00

3. Submission and Acceptance of

the Final Report

Total Estimated Cost P1,180.00

VIII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

The results of this study will be used as basis for planning in the

implementation of Distance Modular Learning along of activities and projects. The

findings also will be used school head and teachers in making necessary adjustment

to the learning activities of the learners which is on their circumstances. Also, the

results and findings will be shared to the Schools Division Office for their technical

support and further planning for this DLM implementation.

IX. References - Memorandum 2020-00162

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:

Public Schools District Supervisor

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent

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