Sagot Yan Week 1

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WEEK 1 ( )



Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Understands the definition of communication and media.
• Distinguish the basic type and elements of communication.
• Understand how communication affected by the social media.
• Distinguish and explain the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology
• Analyze how to become a media and information literate individual.
• Distinguish and familiarize the characteristics of how to be a responsible user of social media.
• The students will have confidence to introduce their self thru video presentation and thru an essay.

Motivation: Picture Analysis

Show the class a picture of different areas in communication:

Guide Questions: Write your answer at ½ crosswise.

a. What type of communication are the pictures presented?
The first picture is a non-verbal communication because they used a body language where we

Can see their facial expressions, gestures, physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to
communicate nonverbally, often done instinctively rather than consciously.

Second it shows a paper and a pen and someone is written on it, the type communication used is written
communication. Because, written communication involves any type of interaction that makes
use of the written word while the third and last picture shows the individual or group of people
that they used a computer, laptop, social media platforms, emails to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, emotions and thoughts. That is a Mass communication.

b. Do you have any idea why communication is fast and easy to access now a days?
I think the reason why communication is fast and easy to access now a days is because of technology.
Communication is instant now. It is how technology has affected communication in the modern
world. Innovations in technology have removed so many barriers in communication that it has now become
easier for people to connect than ever before. By taking advantage of the available technology, we can improve
Not only can you share
our communication skills and build stronger relationships with different people.
information quickly and reduce the impact of language differences and distance, but you can
save time and money using technology to communicate and reach as wide an audience as
you need. At the same time, it helps to understand some potential pitfalls that technology
and communication have brought so that you can communicate most effectively.


Poster Analysis: Write your answer at ½ crosswise.

1. In your own opinion, what is the meaning of the message of the poster?

The poster tells us to observe netiquette, which is a portmanteau of the words

"net" and "etiquette" and as it name suggests, it is proper decorum(etiquette) on
the net(Internet). From the word netiquette we should be polite and act
appropriately when interacting and engaging to people online. Keep calm when
having an argument to someone in any social media sites and never provoke
someone if you dont want to mislead something.

2. Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?

Yes, In this Digital Era, as internet usage increases exponentially across the globe, online
communities must provide guidelines and enforce upon its users the correct digital etiquettes. As
the ones that is using social media, it is our responsibility to exercise good manners in the online
environment just as we do in the real world. Enforcing such good behaviour will help to
minimize the negative effects on ourselves and avoid disrespecting others
online.Good netiquette contributes to a good digital reputation. Good netiquette
can make you much less of an ignorant netizen and to minimize the negative
effects on others through online.It is best to keep criticism and comments on the
constructive side. Nowadsys, internet is very toxic. Not everything you see was
true. Theres a lot of fake news going around. We should think before we click to
ensure a peace and truth delivery in the internet.


What is Communication?
• The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings,
etc. to someone else.
• The exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding.

What are the two basic types of communications?

Non-Verbal Communication Verbal Communication

Signs Oral
Symbols Written
Body Language
Facial Expression

Why communication is a process?

Communication is a process because it involves three (3) principal entities: the sender of the
communication, the message or content of communication, and the receiver of the message.
Without any of these three, there is no communication.
What are the important elements of communication?
• Sender - where the message came from.
• Encoding - compose your sentence as you communicate.
• Transmitting – the actual act of sending the message.
• Channels – technologies are the lines that enable the act of sending or transmitting.
• Decoding – the process by which the receiver translates the sources thoughts and ideas so they can
have meaning.
• Receiver – the one who gets the message. The receiver can be an individual or an organization.
• Feedback – the response generated by the message that was sent to the receiver.
• Noise Interference – something that interferes in the transmittal process.

Type of Noise that can Interfere with Communication

1. Environmental Noise
2. Physiological – Impairment Noise
3. Semantic Noise
4. Syntactical Noise
5. Organizational Noise
6. Cultural Noise
7. Psychological Noise

How can we achieve an effective communication with other

people? 1. Creating the Right Environment  Choose the right
• Facilitate an open, intimate conversation.
• Remove distractions.

2. Organizing your Communications

• Organize and clarify ideas in your mind.
• Be crystal clear.
• Stay on topic.
• Thank your listener/s.

3. Communicating with Speech  Set the

listener at ease.
• Be articulate reflect.
• Enunciate clearly.
• Be attentive when listening and ensure that your facial expressions reflect your interest.
• Be vocal interesting.

4. Communicating with Body Language 

Recognize people.
• Be clear and unambiguous with your body language, too.
• Communicate eye-to-eye.
• Use breathing and pauses to your advantage.
• Consider how your gestures come across.
• Keep a check on your other body signals.

5. Communicating Effectively When in

Conflict  Place yourself on even
• Listen to the other party.
• Speak in a calm, level voice.
• Let them know you have heard their point and understand their side.
• Don’t try finish the argument at all costs.
• Don’t try to get the last word in.
• Use “I” messages.

What is Media?
Media refers to all electronic or digital means and print or artistic visuals used to transmit messages.

What is Literacy?
Literacy is the ability to encode and decode symbols and to synthesize and analyze messages.

What is Media Literacy?

• Media Literacy is the ability to Access, Analyze, Evaluate, Create and Act using all forms of
• Media Literacy empowers people to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communications
and active citizens.

How did media affect our communication?

Social media is a vital tool for daily interaction. It creates opportunity for people to interact with each
other in a way that is both helpful and essential to socially motivate people. The rapid fire quick
communication style that captivates the millennials and other generation has shifted our
conversations from “face-to-face” instances to “through-the-screen ones.

What is Information Literacy?

The ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and
communicate information in its various formats.

Elements of Information Literacy

1. Information Needs – What information do you need?
2. Sources of Information – Where will you get them?
3. Access to the Information – How will you access them?
4. Evaluate information – How will you check the quality of information?
5. Organize information – How will you organize and store them?
6. Communicate information – How will you create and communicate them?

Terminologies to consider while gathering information:

1. Plagiarism – Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the
2. Common Knowledge – are facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be widely
Rodrigo Duterte is the current President of the Republic of the Philippines.
3. Interpretation – are ideas or opinions that can only be a fact when a source or a reference is available.
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever to have played the game.
4. Quotation – using someone’s words directly. Example:
According to John Smith in the New York Times, “37% of all children under the age of 10 live below
the poverty line”.
5. Paraphrase – using someone’s ideas, but rephrasing them in your own words.

Why do we need to be media and information literate individual?

• Enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well
as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right. 
Improved quality of life.
• Greater political participation.
• Better economic opportunities.
• Improved learning environments.  More cohesive social units.

The Importance of Information Literacy

Information literacy is important for today’s learners, it promotes problem solving approaches and thinking
skills – asking questions and seeking answers, finding information, forming opinions, evaluating sources and
making decisions fostering successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible
citizens. Skills of 21st Century Literate Person

1. To be creative
2. To inquire
3. To make complex decisions
4. To embrace diversity
5. To write effectively
6. To think critically
7. To solve problems
8. To use technology as a tool
9. To interpret messages
10. To develop new ideas
11. To recognize learning as a lifelong process

What is Technology Literacy?

The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and
create information.

What is Media, and Information Technology?

MIL refers to the essential competencies (knowledge, skill, and attitude) that allow citizens to engage
with media and other information providers effectively and develop critical thinking and life-long
learning skills for socializing and becoming active citizens.

How to be responsible using social media?

Before YOU


T- is it TRUE?
H- is it HONORING I-
N- is it NECESSARY? Don’t believe everything you read on the
K- is it KIND? internet just because there’s a picture with a
quote next to it.
Abraham Lincoln

Quiz #1:
Write your answer at ½ crosswise yellow pad paper and you will pass it when the teacher collects the finish
activities. You may also upload of your essay or encode it in LMS at

Create a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences of the media literacy, information
literacy and technology literacy.

Gayahin mo yan isa lang gawin mo dyan ka kumiha ng sagot sa dalawa pag samahin mo na lang.
Ganyang Venn diagram gawin mo sa papel
Information Technology
Media Literacy
Literacy Literacy

Activity #1:
Video Self Introduction
The students will make a short video presentation about their self. Each student will be given 1 to 3 minutes
to make a video clip and pass their video clip via Gmail or messenger and thru LMS.
Via Gmail:
Via Messenger: Særa Aquino

1. Using the smartphone video yourself to introduce.

2. Smile when you speak.
3. Speak with confidence.
4. Give your name first.
5. Share why you are taking the class. Offer personable details (like hobbies or interests you have).
6. What is your background? (Family & school)
7. What are your short and long term goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
8. What has been memorable for you so far?
9. What do you do during quarantine?
10. Shooting location is strictly within the premises of the school.
11. File name example: SARAH GRACE AQUINO_CTN HE12

Criteria Rating
Deliberation 40%
Body Language 30%
Posture 20%
Confidence 10%

Self Introduction

Direction: Write your answer at 1 whole yellow pad paper and you will pass it when the teacher collects the
finish activities.
The students will make an essay to introduce their self. The students will introduce their self based on their
personal info, hobbies, etc.
Guide questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your background? (Family & school)
3. What are your short and long term goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
4. Why you taking this class?
5. What do you do during quarantine?
To access LMS (Learning Management System) :

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