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Identifying and analyzing the gaps in every department based on resources,and then the HR will

create a hiring list and the department head/HR will send the Job opening request through HR ONE.
By clicking the "Request " tab-> New Request->Job openings. Fill the required fiels in the form and
give submit. Now the approval notifications send to CEO for approval

Once the CEO is approved the job opening, the notifications will goes to the HR/recruiter. And now
the HR will create or ensure the JD for the current openings . Once the JD is prepared , the HR will
post all the current openings to all the Job portals,Social media along with JD

Now need to assisign the recruiter for the raised job to assigning the recruiter go to HR DESK,
INSIGHTS assign choose internal or external recruiter option enter the recruiter name, now the
assigned recuiter will received a notification and now the position is assigned
Assigning a task for creating a post in click up for the given job opening list to MARKETING
DEPARTMENT .Once the post is created ,this will be proof read by HR and it is approved by the
department head and it will be shared in all social media chanels by digital media executive
Now, post all the job opening list in linkdin, carrer portal, glassdoor and other job websites by the HR
Assistant. and Collect all the resumes we received from various sources and it will be upload it on
Google drive -> Recruit ment-> Resume folder. And at the same time fill the Applicant Tracker Click
up form , this form can be placed in all job portals or we can add candidate details manually in click
up Hiring
After Trackerthe
Uploading and now we can
Candidate seeinthe
details candidate
Clickup details
hiring in Clickup
tracker, Hiring
Now the Tracker.
resumes are in Sourcing
field, Once the resumes Screened, Change the status to Resume Screening, After screening these
resumes, if the candidate resume is fit, Change thefit for Enquiry Call, After the Enquiry calls, if the
candidate is fit, then Change the status to Fit for Preliminary. Now the HR will add the selected
candidates to HR one app.

After adding the candidate in HRONE Interview catogory HR will initiate the preliminary round 1 (IQ)
by click the three dots near the name of the candidate select the interview options and schedule the
interview. Click save and schedule the interview by adding the interview name , details, meeting link ,
time and recruiter name click send icon, the message will send to the concern candidate via mail (no
reply mail). On the scheduled day HR will conduct the preliminary round 1 interview and add the
result in the feedback session by click the + symbol near the name .

Now,the candidates who get sortlisted from preliminary round 1 will face the preliminary round 2
(MBTI) by click the three dots near the name of the candidate select the interview options and
schedule the interview. Click save and schedule the interview by adding the interview name , details,
meeting link , time and recruiter name click send icon, the message will send to the concern
candidate via mail (no reply mail). On the scheduled day HR will conduct the preliminary round 2
interview and add the result in the feedback session by click the + symbol near the name .

The candidate who get shortlisted from the preliminary round will face the technical round , HR will
schedule the interview by click the save and Schedule option and add the interview details, time,
interview link and in this step HR will add the Recruiter as TECHNICAL PERSON , HR EXECUTIVE
and send the mail(no reply mail), As per the schedule the interview will be there and the interview
details will be added near the candidate name in HRONE by click the + symbol .

Then,the candidate who get shortlisted from this technical round will face the HR face to face round,
HR will save and schedule the final interview HR INTERVIEW by adding all the details and recruiter
details as MD, HR, time, meeting link and send mail to that candidate (no reply ) mail. After
completing the interview HR will add the feedback near the candidate name by click the + symbol.
HRONE SYSTEM will automatically create Overall feedback sheet to MANAGER(CEO) to enter the
overall feedback like 5 smilies options will be there (STRONG NO HIRE, NO HIRE, HOLD, HIRE,
STRONG HIRE) , CEO can fgive the feedback about the recruitment in the tag (the notification will
be shown in insights) Thus HR Department come to know the Selected/Rejected candidates details.

Once HR receives the Selected candidate list , HR will send the offer confirmation letter to the
candidate by click send offer options and adding the relevent details about salary and joining date
and CEO signature by CLICK OFFER -> GENERATE OFFER LETTER ->adding the details
probation period and all required field and send the offer letter (no reply mail), In that mail HR will
mention IF one employee receiving the offer letter(no reply mail) , the candidate should acknowledge
the letter by replying to mail id.

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