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Muyot, Aliyah Grace B.


BSBA 1A-BPO 11/17/2022

Exercise 1

Decide if the verb in brackets should be in the present simple or the present continuous.

1. He lives (live) with his parents at the moment.

2. Some areas of Italy are becoming (become) drier.

3. She works (work) as a lab technician.

4. She is planning(plan) to study for a degree.

5. I have (have got) two sisters.

6. In her job, she answers (answer) the phone.

7. People are living (live) longer and longer.

8. This month they are working (work) on a new project.

Exercise 2

Story 1

It was a hot day, so I decided to prepare salad for lunch. Outside, the children were
playing in the garden. Suddenly I heard a loud noise, followed by a scream. I ran
outside to see what was happening.

Story 2

On my first day at work, I was a bit nervous. I got up early, had a shower, and drank
some coffee. I was too nervous to eat.

I thought I was looking very smart. I was wearing a suit and my best shoes. I walked to
the bus stop and waited for the bus. While I was waiting, I noticed that people were
looking at me in a strange way. I tried to ignore them, and when my bus arrived, I got
on and found a seat. 30 minutes later, I arrived at my office. Just as I got off the bus, I
looked down and realized that I was wearing shoes of different colors.

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

1. When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange sight.


was seeing

have seen

2. Every morning she wakes up early and gets ready for work.

is waking


has woken

3. If I knew what he wanted, I would not permit this.

will not permit

would not permit

would not have permitted

4. I haven't heard anything from her in a long time.

didn't hear

haven't heard

am not hearing

5. The headmaster wants to talk to you.



is wanting

6. Jane lives with her parents.

is living


has lived

7. We are visiting Greece next month.


will visit

would visit

are visiting
8. The moon revolves around the earth.

is revolving

has revolved


9. She has written a novel.



has written

10. All students have handed in their work.


have handed


11. I have been teaching English for twelve years.

am teaching

have been teaching

will be teaching

12. The students are rehearsing their dialogues.


are rehearsing

Either could be used here

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