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September 1, 2020

EENV102-1 - B52 Assignment # 1

1. Based on the outcomes of the method between conservation and preservation, which
do you prefer as a future engineer? Choose only one answer.
I prefer the method of Preservation. In preservation, we are trying to keep
natural resources from being extracted and being exploited in the present and for the
future. This is because, mankind has been excessively utilizing natural resources for
their development plans, such as commercial industries (e.g. factories, transportation,
construction, etc) and have caused some severely damaged amount of lands just to
extract the resources they needed. The goal of preservation, is to keep safe the lands
that’s been abused, by allowing the usage of resources to maintain their present shape.
This is by not allowing having human interaction in these lands. As the goal of
preservation, is that every creature or thing has its right to live. For example, allowing a
tree to grow on its own. By doing preservation, we are also saving up for the future. Not
just by saving the natural resources, but by its own state as well, the state where lands
are green, and the waters are clear. This is so we don’t do more damaged than it is.

2. Elaborate or discuss your considerations and basis why did you choose one over the
Conservation’s goal is to bring mankind have a closer relationship with
and at the same time extracting resources at a sustainable rate. As there is only limited
amount of resources, we have to save some resources for the future, especially that
there are resources that can and can’t be replenish over time. Conservation also needs
human aid, this means that some resources are needed to be watch over by some
human. As mentioned earlier, some resources can and can’t be replenish over time,
some of this resources however are needed to be controlled like what type of tree is it?
Where should it grow? So in the future there’ll be enough resources to be used. Also, we
can’t say that extracting resources will be at a sustainable rate, because if there is
demand, there’ll be a need of extracting resources to satisfy those demands. Unlike in
Preservation, we let nature take its own time. We are saving the land for every living
and non-living thing on Earth. As a future Civil Engineer, I think one task of the job is to
create a sustainable environment for both humans and the environment. I hate to admit
it, but Engineers do need to have materials to get their job done, and it is mainly found
in nature. That’s why to get the message across, of having a sustainable and
environment friendly environment is to let people know to not disturb the environment
more than enough. We have to let nature take its course, because even though we are
doing conservation, there is a limit on how the Earth can do it, we are saving resources
for the future, yes, but we are not saving the environment, the Earth. We are only saving
a proportion of it, so people can benefit from it. The environment, after all doesn’t only
belongs to mankind, but to every creature and thing as well.

Conservation vs Preservation: What's the Difference and Does it Matter? (2020,
February 03). Retrieved August 27, 2020, from

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