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it HUL h


Development and Editing 4: SEARCH AND DESTROY 22
- Simon Forrest 5: HOLD AND SECURE 24
Additional Material - Richard Halliwell
and Matt Forbeck NECROMUNDA 29
Cover Art - David Gallagher
2: NO WAY OUT 34
Production - Mark Watts 3: KILLING GROUND 36
Thanks to the following for invaluable help and 4: INTERROGATION 38
assistance in playtesting these campaigns and new 5: DIVIDE & CONQUER 40
rules: Jason Cripps, Chris Fo, Jonathon Gudgion, Chris 6: POISON! 43
Guilders, Barry Middleton, Tony Redmond, Ronnie
Stanton and Simon Taylor.
Games Workshop Ltd Games Workshop Inc 1: DOCKING BAY 48
Chewton Street 343 1-C Benson Avenue 2: STRIKE FORCE 50
Hilltop, Eastwood Baltimore
Notts NG16 3HY MD 21227-1072 3: COUNTER-ATTACK 52


ISBN: 1 872372 50 3
© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1991. All rights
Citadel Miniatures and the Citadel Castle, Warhammer,
White Dwarf and the White Dwarf figure are registered SPACE MARINES IN POWER ARMOUR 76
trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. Games Workshop, DENZARK’S HAMMER 78
Space Hulk, Deathwing, Genestealer and Space Marine
are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. NEW WEAPONS 80
All artwork in all Games Workshop products and the
images contained therein have been produced either in- NEW RULES 85
house or as work for hire. The exclusive copyright on
the artwork and the images it depicts is the property of REFERENCE TABLES 86
Games Workshop Ltd.


5 T1

The missions we/vi1 previously published i n Space Hulk, As well us rede igiiJig the Space Marine fitrcex, feel free tn
Diralkwu ig rmd GcrncsrtJileT were all stand-alone gurney. You replay lhe missions with difTerem < tone stealer forces. If your
didn’t have rn pjay ihi-n in any particular order, anti success opponent has come up with some particularly cunning uc tics,
or failure in one game didn't affect yintr chmx-es in Hie next fry adding roira meaning and reinforcement Blips - one extra
Blip ,i mm will provide him with areal challenge,
h this book, most uf die missions ;re grouped together .run
campaigns. A campaign is a linked series nl missions where On lhe other hand, if your opponent’s having a hii ot inmihle
ilic outcome id each mission nffecDG yoitroveral chances of with die mission, you can reduce rite number of Blips io give
success. In sunte cases yon just have io win a certain number hilll h x.-Lter charwe. Dropping, say. one Blip every other li;m
gf games to K.hii'vp overall victory In others, the forces you will help to give the -Spare Marines .'in rxira edge.
gel in tlie later missions chimp,e according io how well you did
j1 the start of the campaign.
Campaigns put even inure pressure on lhe Space M a n n e As well .is rhe four campaigns, this hook contains a varir.y oi
player. A had mistake in one mission car. forfeit the wlmle new r i l e s and single missions. The rules for Traian Spate
campirign And. it y o u ' r e not careful ribgut keeping y e u i Marines and Space Marines in power armour origimdly
models alive you mighl find yourself g«mig into the final appeared tn Wnile Dwarf, We’ve revised diem here in the
nrsfiion with almost no forcesl Every Spruce M.irinr.’s life is light of games we’ve played since they were published so it’s
precious and it’s often not enough simply in win ihr rrisston - worth reieaduig liter) even if you've used them before.
you've gut to make it through whh maxi of your force inlacL
I or example. Term ma lor s widi grenade harnesses used to be
able to throw blind grenades nt no pointe cusL Wc found dial
PLAYING THE CAMPAIGNS this slowed games down toe much and picvented a let of
Of course. ever though a campaign is 4 or 6 missions king, sbocring, xn we've given this action a cost o f 2 APs, Now
you’ve got to be far more careful aboul laying down blind or
you don't have rn play tfe whole thing from end to end It's
you won't have enough APs ;o complete your mission.
t erra inly possible tn organise an epic session of Space Hulk
ih.-u lasts a who.c day and gives yuu th ■ t hanc? ii i f i r an There's Si'.ir s m e l t missions in the new rules sccunrts. Two of
entire campaign. On Ute other hand, you’re far more l.kcly tn these follow on from the original six miss ions in Hie Space
play the cumpaig:i uvei several days nr weeks. 'ITiis if line — Hulk game. Thco.licr two provide one mission fut Space
just remember to k-rop a noir of who won which missions and, Marines in power armour and Tiaitoi Space Muuies.
if necessary. which models survived.
Like most Space Hulk gomes, tlieseccimpfiigris are designed in HOARD SECTIONS AND COUNTERS
be fairly hard on ihr Space Murines. II you I nd that you’ve
kisl a vital mission whit h prevents you from continuing, you At the hack of this book you’ll find three sheets of lliin i nr.I.
can iiiwyys play it again with your opponent's agreement. You'll probably want to glue thece to thicker card before
cutting oul the counters and board sections.. Tlw ciud from u
Once you've finished a campaign. swap sides and play i inr cereal packet is fine for the counters. For the- board sections
other way round. Keep tn mind any par. icul inly successful we'd use something alighlly thicker (or h couple of layers of
tactics your opponent used - but remember, your opponent thin card) to gel them about the same lliicknesi as the board
will be or. die look out fur Llierii from Space Hulk itself.
There arc two n e w hoard sections that arc used a s lifts in
SEPARATE MISSIONS several a l the missions Feci free tn mcorparatc these Ixmrd
sections mio any missions you design fo: year self. You don’t
You'll get the most tun cut of playing the unrripiijgiis its a
nave to use them us lifts - they t iui simply be dcud i.tid rooms,
series of linked missions but you c u t also play them ns
perhaps cuniaining un objective sought by one or other side
separate one-off games. After you’ve played lhe campaicn,
rep ay die missions you found the most challenging io try mu ' l h e other two sheets include a variety of amino counters and
different tactics, The campwgH> all give guidelines on playing sechnn etl'ecT mirlcerx. Ammo counters arc used to keep track
the missions separately, of how many shots or grenades yau’vc got left. Each time you
l ire a shot nr throw a grenade, hand twer n counter to the ether
Onre ynu'vp. got the hang of a particular mission, it’s h good
player. II you’ve got reloads. Hike the right number of reload
idea io pl.iy it using ditlercn: forces. If there’s a particular
counters, W h e n you lake a rclouil action, hand u reload
f-irc.c. you want to try out, you can simply agree widt h models
counter to the other player and he’ll s w a p it for all that
you’re using with your opponent. Or you can use Die bidding
weapon's ammo counters.
systr.m tr*wn Ikadiwtng to choose sides and forces - if you've
won tne mission with lhe listed force, see how few Space Section effect markers are used just like I lamcr effect markers.
Mannes you need to get through Lay ih=m on the hoard t o s h o w which section has been
attacked ar.d then remove them when div effect r-'i r.
A third wav to pick a new force is to use the list of S p a t e
Murine points values lor the fortes in each mission - this is In T h ? remaining enurnm include a number ot bulkheads -
the section ot new rules for Traitor Spuce Marines. It’s quite these should be foklnd in two and pined hack m hack, and dicn
simple tn pick a force up to Line listed vnlae and play with thai placed in a base lhe same as a door.


„-X r ;
A ■ .fc.
The starship landed on the btcak planet, its rockets and s c o u r the rocks into strange tuitured shapes. T h e
dying as it impacted on the broken, twisted surface. atmosphere cunlauw only gases deadly In lhe human sy.iiern.
The huge plume of diLsl slowly settled to reveal the During die motulis-long night, many of these gases cool io
liquid iii id lhe conlftrtod rocky statues rise cm of a turgid
it aft’s battered exterior pitted by meteorites, one of
poisonous sea
its engine; completely torn away. No tights flickered
inside, no generators hummed, no hatches opened. T h e garrison is rotated from time lo time, staying at lhe
outpost for months, sumtlimes even years, depending on the
The ship seemed dead... Chapter's other duties. When the alien suusliip landed on the
Thrmjphnui the Impcrmm, there are w i a l l outposts of Sparr. planet, lhe outpost was under lhe command. o f Captain
Marines. They panel Lhcir area of Imperial space and are Lazarus. Stationed with liim were sU squads o f Space Marines
ready la respond rapidly to defend planets against alien armed with some of die chapters ancient honour snir* of
cunqixst ui aid oilier Imperial forces io quell rebellions. Tcrmirialor armour. Ttieir garrison duties were almost over -
(he rd ief contingent was due any day.
These outposts can lake many forms. Some are concealed
within die hollowed out shells nl asteroids. Some arc si nr du pa The outpost scanned ihc stanch i p for signs oJ life or of die
or space siaiinns in orbit around a sun or one of ils planets. energy flews thar might indicate survivors. There was
Others may be fortresses on inhabited planets, usually sited hr nothing. The craft was completely d e a d . No num could
Irom the populated lands in vast mountain ranges, o r on survive the planet's atmosphere unprotected by j power suit
distant volcanic islands, or within ll.e arc lie wastes of polar without heal, the blood would quickly freeze - the scouring
regions. To the local pwple. die Space Marines may seem winds would strip the flush from a m a n ' s bones. All life
semi-mystical godlike beings, formidable and hidden from lhe aboard, it seemed, had died long ago, tlie c tippled starship
common eye by the mists of ru incut and legend. l.uwling it self before its autemaiic systems shut down fjievri
bo-cme was sent io investigate the derelict ship. There, were m
In the system of Perdus Magnus, there is an outpost held by many preparations for their departure us soon as lhe relief
the Blood Angels chapter of Space Mannes. It is buried garrison arrived.
beneath die surface of a small harsh planer ouiermost from the
'stiu. Above the base, icy galas whip up fine glass-like stmd Two days later tire Genesioalers anxcketL

r’ 4r1



I11 this campaign, although there are no psychic Genestealer THE LAST STAND
Hybrids, there are armed Hybrids in the assault force so the FULL CAMPAIGN MAP
Genesteder player uses die expanded Blip set throughout

Tin: forces uud deployment for die later missions depend on 1 BREAK IN 3: THE
I h e outon me of the car Her m i ssi cm n. As dr e 5p ace M at in e CHAPEL
player yon mnsL keep as many of your Space Marines alive as
possible otherwise you'll find yourself with coo few troops 10
win the last mission. A s the Gcncslcalcr player you must
a; tempt to slop the Space Marines frurn securing entry areas Io
give yourself more options for HluiL-kirig in the find mission. I " ■
Il's worth looking at the luat couple of missions before you
stent playing the campaign so that you know what's at stake. I '1

Once you've played each mission, make sure you record the
results of die game. You’ll need to refer to these for missions
duee nd four: The Chapel and The Last Stand.

Playing The Missions Separately

If you don’t wranl lo play lhe missions as a campaign, or
you’ve already played ihe campaign and want to play some of
the missions again on their own, then you’ll have to alter ihe
Space Marine starting forces and Genestealer deploy menus for
■[he Chapel and 'I he Last Stand.

I he C h a p e l : use the listed Space Marine forces plus one

Space Marine with lightning claws Kid one Space Murine •i

with storm bolter and power glove lo represent the forces

remaining from mission one. 4 : THE
1 he Last Stand: start with the listed Space Marine forces. For STAND
reinforcements, you gel Squad Magnus from The GcnoiaLui
less one Space Marine will: storm IkiIlci and power glove, und
Squad Septimus f r o m The Chapel, less belli the Space
Marines with storm bolter and power glove. The Gcncmcalcrx
can use the two marked entry areas plus entry area 1 - they
can’l use entry areas 2 and T. «««
The above are just a suggestion - try the missions out using
different force*. Or you can ignore the listed forces and use
the bidding system from Deathwing 10 decide the Space
Marino Harting forces.

Playing The Campaign As One Game

We've included a map o f lhe entire complex. If you've gm
access to several not* of Space Hulk and its expansions, you
could lay out the whole ihrng at crnce and play an epic game
using the entire board)

We won’t give any proper rules for doing this, but here's some
guidelines - feel free to experiment with these and have some
tun with different set-ups. You may find you have to conic up
with some special rules to cover a few odd situations - if you
can't agree on u special rule, roll a dice (o see wlio's right.

We’ve lound it's hesi to play really big games with several
players or. each side. Set up all the Space Marines at Lie atari
as indicated in the separate missions - ignore all references Lu
minfnrcemenis. The Genes lea lers move first and can use all
lhe entry areas except ihe Three numbered areas from mission
four (treat the entry area al the top of mission two as being a
hole in ihe roof like in mission one}.

The relief garrison arrives any when after turn 1 5 on the roll of
a 6 at the siart of the Space Marine players' lum - after this
there arc no mure Gene stealer reinforcements but play lhe
game out until in a* or other side has no forces left, Whoever
ends lhe game with some of their troops alive wins!


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The Space Marines were expecting nothing, They were FORCES

preparing to leave the outpost and were Scattered throughout
the mid erground complex. When the outer defences were Space Marines
breached without warning, there was only just lime lor them
in put nn iheir Terminator annum, A s the Genus to a tors broke
through mlo the base proper, the mlifjuial ainw sphere was 1 Space M aibie w it]1 ass auk cannon and po wcr glove.
sucked out and iho planet's own toxic atmosphere seeped m. 1 Space Marine with lightning claws.
The first Genest eaters appeared in one of the main access 2 Space Marines with storm bolters and power gloves.
corridors right next to die Space Marine living quarters. They (lienes tellers
entered the base via service and jjiaiitletiunce tunnels from the The GenesteaJtj player begins with 5 Blips and receives I
surface and broke, in through the roof of (he access curridur.
Blip per turn as leiufurcvincnls.
It wasn’t clear to Captain Lazarus if this was a feint attack or T h e Ge nestfi.tier player uses the expanded Blip s e t . The
the rr.ain thrust of the. Genexiralcr assault. He couldn't ilnuice lettered Blips represent the following Hybrids;
commnimg more Space Marines tn this area until he knew tlie
full extent of Lie enemy strength. The single squad cut off in A S o n psyker with bolter
lire living quarters would have to try to close the Gene stealer B Non -psyker with bol t p is to I
break-in o n their o w n , They were trapped and fighting for (1 Non psyker with Ias gun
their Ilves. D Nnn-psyker wuh laspistol
E Nun-psykcr with plasma gun
E Non -psyker with heavy bolter
OBJECTIVES G Non-psykcr with iMcarrnnn
Tltc Space Marine player is trying to block rhe Gene Meklers’ II Non psyker with uutwannun
entry into the access corridor. The Gcncstcaler player is trying I Non-psyktr with missile launcher
in take control of the living quarters section of the complex. J Non-psykcr with conversion beamer


Door Space Marine Deployment Area

Genestealer Entry Area Space Marine Sergeant Deployment Area



Space Marines The Space Marine player can secure the entry area by getting
The Space Marine player sets up in Lhe i narked rooms. a Space Marine within one square of square G.
Tlir Sergeant must stmt in the centre of the 100m marked with
an S on any facing. VICTORY
Thc other Space Marines start one to each room marked with The Space Marine player wins by securing the Gencaieale?
an M, placed in llie centre on any facing - ihe Space Marine entry area. The Gcnestealer player wins by killing all live
player chooses which model goes in wlrich mom. Space. Marines before the entry point is secured

The Grmestcalcrs enter play on die square marked with a G . CAMPAIGN KU LES
They are coming through a hole in the roof li costs 1 AP to
The Space Marine player should record which models, il any,
jump through the liolo to square G . They do not have lo link survive ihe mission. The GcnestjcalcT player should record
The Gen estealers move first. whether the entry arcu is still open.

The second wave of the Genest eater ass dull c a m e ar the Squad Julius
opposite end of the outpost. The CienestCHlers were trying Id 1 Sergeant with storm bolter and power glove.
isolate and rfcsrroy the base’s main generator. This rime they 1 Space .Marine with thunder hammer and slunn shield
not only entered an access corridor but came tlirough several 3 Space Marines with storm bolters and power gloves.
points on ihe percnulct. The Space Marines at this end of the
outpost were cul off mid siirroundcd. Genestcalers
Bm ibis time, Lncy were better prepared for the Gencslcalcr The Genes tealcr player starts with 5 Blips and gels 2 Blips
assault, 'llic vital few minutes between the iwo waves had reinforcements fur llie first W turns - after that he gets no
given them lime to set up their position and activate some of more- reinforcements.
the base's own de fences - lasers positioned in the corridnit T h e Geneslcalei player uses the expanded Blip s e t . The
that fire a high energy pulse whenever something crosses lettered Blips repreaent the following Hybrids:
beneath them.
A Non-p&ykcr with bolter
If the controls to the main generator were destroyed, the
B Non-psykcr with bolt pistol
outposi's power would shin down. Doors would he locked in
position, the lutofire lasers would s t o p working and the C Nuri’psyker with lasgun
oulposi’s distress treucon would no longer have the power to D Non -psy kcr w ith 1uspistnl
send a warning signal to ihe ship bringing the relief garrison. E Non-psykei with plasma gun
b NunqKiyker with heavy boiler
Captain Lazarus didn't know how close Die reinforcements
were had they already heard the distress signal or would they G Non psyker with juscannon
arrive too late? If the main generator fell to the invaders, llir H Non-psykcr wilh antncannon
Space Marines’ chances looked poor. 1 Non-psyknr with missile launcher
J Nnn-p&ykcr with conversion beamer

"Ihe Space Murine player must slop the Gcmestcalcrs fiuui DEPLOYMENT
destroying 11ie generator controls - he must also wipe out the Space Marines
attacking Genest ruder force. Tito GenesteaJer player lias a The Spare Marine player Rist places all the rubble and crair
limited force to lake out Lhc gcncrfllor controls and if possible counters anywhere on the board. He then places the four
kill all die Space Mannes. a ulofire counters (sec Special Rules). T h e control panel is
placed un square C - this room is ihe main ecu era Un room,

FORCES finally the Space Marine player places his models anywhere
Space Marine on the board, on any facing and sei on over watch if he wants.
The Space Marion player has 2 squads and 4 uitcfirc weapons
(sec Special Rules). The Genestealer player places one siartinx Blip ut each of the
Squad Magnus five entry areas. The reinforcements can come on at any entry
1 Sergeant wiih storm bultei and power glove. area Remember to use the. rules for mandatory lurking if n
1 Space Marine with heavy (lamer and power glove. Space Marine is placed near an entry area.
3 Space Mannes with storm bolters and power glnve.s. The Genestcakrs move first.

the last stand

Genestealer Entry Area


Neither the Jiundcr hammer nor the 11amor ran self-destruct. in
Autofire Weapons die main generator room. The flamer cannot be fired into ur
The four aura fire -weapons are laser guns which can be out of the room.
attached io ihc ceiling and will fire automatically on any
life farm passing directly ben path them. Control Panel
The control is destroyed by a Genesteder reaching one of the
The Space Marine player van place Lhc four counters on rhe three squares adjacent to it and spending 1 AP to a Huck it, A
board in any corridor sections (not rooms, junctions ot turns). roll of 5 or better on any of iho Genestealer's fluec uhack dice
Any model passing over the counter is tired on by ihr laser. wrecks the control panel.
Roll a single dice, A Gcncslcaicr ar a Space Marine is killed A l this point, all the doors will be locked into their current
on a roll of 6 - a Genes teal er Hybrid is killed on a mil nf 4. position for the rest of the campaign if they'ie closed they
If the cnrftrol panel is destroyed, all the lasers stop firing and rnusl be attacked to gee Be sure to make a note of tins fur
me counters arc removed . The 1 jst Stand [The Chape] takes place at the same time as
thk mission and the doors open and close as normal).
An unconverted Blip cannot be moved over an uulofirc
counter - it must nap nr convert before moving, A Blip
cannot be converted so ih at a model is placed on tin.-, counter. VICTORY
The Spurc Marine player wins by killing all the Geneslealers
will tout the control panel being destroyed. The Genestealer
player wins if die control panel is destroyed and all ihc Space
Marines are killed - he may claim partial victory if the control
panel is destroyed even though some Space Marines survive.

.*1 'I lie Space. Marine player should record which models. if any,
survive the. mission. The Genest? al er player sliauld record
whether the control panel was destroyed and whether all the
Space Murines were killed.


While the main genet utm was under attack, the chapel was FORCES
also stormed. Genestealers broke in at four points o n die
perimeter accessed by tunnels from the surface. Captain Space Marines
Lazarus hud pulled his Space Marines ou I of this tuea when The Space Marine player receives Squad Paulus and Squad
Qic generator was assaulted, but realised he would have to Sep Li in us as detailed hclow plus any survivors of Squad
hold Ulis flank if they were to stand any chance. Augustus from Hreak-ln.

He ordered two squads to return to ihc chapel and purge it of Squad Paulus
the alien defilement TTiis was not only a tactical decision, 1 Sergeant with storm bolter mid power sword.
although holding diis flank wn vital. It would be a shurtieful 1 Space Marine with heavy flamer.
dishonour to allow the Genestealcrs to destroy the- precious 1 Space Marine with storm holier and chain list.
chapter relics that were scored in the chapel. Here were held
2 Space Marines with storm bakers and p>wer gloves.
memento mori of some of die chapter *s lieroes and nf the great
victories fought by garrisons from this outpost.
Squad Septimus
If the Space Marines were to survive, then the chapter relics I Sergeant with siurrti bolter and power glove.
would survive with them and their honour would be upheld 1 Space Marine with as snail caiman ( I reload) and power
Their prayers were tn the Emperor and their diwaghls were of glove.
die Blood Angel ’s hemes as they advanced Lu retake the flank. 1 Space Marine with lightning claws,
2 Space Murines with storm bolters and power gloves.

OBJECTIVES Gencstcakrs
The Geneslealer player starts the g a m e with 4 Blips and
The Space Marine player is allcmpting to purge the chapel and receives 2 Blips per nirn as reinforcements.
secure all the Genesteal er entry areas. Tire Genestealer player
must stop this, from happening. Tlte Genestealer player uses the expanded Blip set


Ganastaaler Entry Araa


- A

r "

Tie lei lered Blips represent [he following Hybrids: Space Marine Reinforcements
I J the Space Marin* player had any models left from Squad
A \nn pfiyker with bolter Augustus at the end of Rreak-In ihcy are called to join the
B Noil psyker with bolt pis ml arrack. They arrive ar Space Marine deployment area al the
C Non-psyker with litgun beginning of the Space. Marine player's third lun.
D Non-psyker with luspislol
If the Space Marine with the assault l-uiuidil survived, he is
E Non puyker with plasma gun fully loaded and has a reload. However, as lite cannon has
F Nwi-psyk-ci with heavy bolter already fired it counts as being overheated and may explode
G Nnn-psyker wilh las cannon from the beginning of die mission.
H Non psyker with autocarnwn Securing Areas.
1 N un-psyker wi J i iti i>sil e lumtel ler The Space Marine player is trying to secure the fkinesiealer
J Nnn-psyker with conversion beamer entry uicas. Once two entry areas have been secured, the
Oenestealer player receives jus I ore reinforce men I 11lip per
The Gencstealer player may choose to use ambush counters. him.

Space M a r i n e s The Spue* Marine player wins by securing all entry areas and
The Space Marine player deploys nil lus models in the marked killing all ihc Gsne.siealers in play.
He gets a partial viclfljy if the entry arcus me secured but all
The Spuce Marines move first. the Space Marines art killed.
Genesteaters The Genes ijcakr player wins if all the Spate Marines are
'the Genes teal cr player places a starting Blip al cadi of die 4
killed and at least one entry area is still upon,
entry areas. The reinfer cements cun cwuc on ul any entiy area.


If the G e n e sic al er destroy cd the control panel in The The Space Marine player should record which models, if any,
Generator, all lhe doers arc locked closed and must be survive. The Gene dealer player should record whether any
attacked lu pass tliiuuidi. enuy areas arc still open.

The uulpust’s communication ii had been cut early in the OBJECTIVES

ussaiilt by Gennstcalm on the surface. Nov' they cunkl wily
The Space Marin? player is aitempting to hold control ol us
trojismil within the base. Hui they were able ki receive fiiinl
signals from outside. Although liie messages were t o o many of tire rooms in the central core as possible.
distorted by static for decoding, it was obvious that the relief The Genestealcr player is a Hemp ling to take over the base
garrison had arrived and was a[templing io communicate with before the relief garrison arrives.
ihe oinposL
Had lhe distress signal been received? Did (he rninfnrccments FORCES
know that the base was under attack by Genestealers or were Space Marines
lhey about Io walk into a trap? Captain I -a/anis had co believe The Space Manne player gels the models listed below plus
diac his Brodier Marines knew they were in danger. The only any survivors from the previous three missions ( Special
liope was to hold nut until the reinforcements arrived. If tlwy Rules),
gnl through.
Squad Lazarus
Captain Lazarus ordered his men to retreat io the outpost's Captain Lazaros wilh storm bolter, power sword and jmiwci
central core. So far this area was safe. But before the Space glove with grenade launcher.
Marines could regroup, the Genestealers launched Lhcir final
I Sergeant with stonn baiter arid power glove.
assault and broke ih rough into the core. Il wouldn't be long
before iheir weight of numbers told against the few surviving I Space Marine with heavy 1lamer and power glove.
Space Marines. I Space Manne with thunder hammer mid storm shield.
I Space Murine with storm boiler and power fisc
Ii was a race agamsl time. Could the Space Marines hold out I Space Marine with storm holier and power glow.
until the relief garrison arrived fium the surface?
Gent stealers
The Gencslcalcr player starts wiih 111 Blips and gets 2 Blips
rcinforcemenls for 1 2 turns - after that he gets no mere.
T h ? Firncfiiealer player uses I he expanded Blip set. Tit?
■filtered Blips represent die following Hybrids:
A Non-psykcr with boiler
B Non psykerr with holt ptsiol
C Non psyker with lasguti
D Non psyker with lispislol
E Non-psykcr with plusnui gun
F Non psy ker wiih hna vy bol ler
G Non -psylcer with Iascannon
11 Non-psykcr with autocBjinori
I Nun-psyker with missile launcher
J Non psyker with conversion beamer

Space Marines
The Space Marine player places one Sp<we Marine anywhere
in each o f lhe marked rooms on any facing and set on
over watch if lie wants
The Geneslealers enter play ai either of ihe two marked areas,
They m a y also b? able in enter From the three numbered
access corridors according tn ihe fallowing conditions:
Entry urea 1 - Genestealers can r.nicr here it ihe entry area in
Break-In was uul secured
Entry a r e s 2 Genestealers can enter here if all the Space
Marine ill The Generator were killed.

I Entry urun 3 - Genestealem can enter here it any ol the entry

i* areas in Tlie Chapel remained open.
The G t nesteahers move firsL


Genestealer Entry Area

Space Marine Deployment Area

Possible Genest asler Entry Area or

Space Marine Reinforcement Entry Area



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SPECIAL RULES Tile Gene-Stealer player finer removes up to three doors, 'i hen
thp Space Marin r* player removes up tn three doors. All the
Game Turns osher doors are locked closed arid must be utLHckud tu puss
Keep track of the umi: turns, Thu tut ul giune lasts for 15 turns through.
but there an; scvcial inipcttmil events during tin* game:
Turn 4 - any surviving Spucc Murines ftum earlier missions
arrive at the core (see Space Marine Ruhifuicviiiciits). VICTORY
I'um 1 3 - the relief Rani sun arrives mid no intnc Gencslealet There are five possible outcomes Io the game - mid tu Lhe
reinforcements enter the complex. campaign as a whole:
I'urn 1 4 - rhe Geneslcalcr player wins if ull the S y m e Total Spare Murine Victory - the Space Marines kill all the
Marines in the complex arc th-ad. Genestealers before rum 15, Any sir ay survivors a n inc
I'urn 15 - The first reinforcements from the relief ginrison surface will he easily mopped up.
start entering Llic complex and die game ends.
Partial Space Murine Victory - ihere ate -.rill GenrMealoin
Space M a r i n e K ein lore emen is in the yuuiples at lhe slart nF turn I 5 hut there are Space
If the Space Marine player had any survivors at the end of The Marines in at least three roams A s the reintorreements pour
Generator or The Chapel, these troops arrive al the central into the base, lhe last ram lining Geriesiealerx are caught
care at Lite skirl of the Space Marine pfoyui's ddid I urn. beiwnnn the iu.r> Space Marine forces and des hayed.
Flamers are fully loaded As Mini I rannon are liiHy loarkd and Draw - thoro nre still Spavx: Marines alive at the start of turn
Lave one i eload they are overheated and may r.xplode From 1 5 bin they occupy less Ilian llncc rooms.
ilia start o f lhe game
Purrial (lenesleuler Victory - the Gcncsiealcrs have laxen
Survivors from The GciiutuUh vuuie un ul entry uieu '2. over the whole complex by the start ol Lum 15 and there arc no
Survivoni farm U m Chapel come un ul entry aieu 3. surviving Space Marines I'his gives the Genes tea [ers i.ic
chance tn throw their lull weight against Lhe reinforcements.
If rhe control panel was destroyed in The Gcnerulur, the Total Cenesteuler Victory ibc Genesrealers have tniahy
players may remove some o f the doom from Lliv complex to wiped eul die Spare Marines hy lhe -u.irt or out 12. They’ll be
represent those that .■uc locked open. ready io ambush ihc reiniiiTcemem garrison when tl arrives.
31T* ■(?
B■I- I I

I ■ 1
• . ..

The mill me of ilie huge dcreficl spaceship Loomed through llie Spare Marine Victory
dense mist. I t had crash-landed a few days ugu - the If ihe Spuce Marines win a game, the t i m e steal er player's
automated re-entry systems saved die ship from destruction, choice o f Hybrids is reduced for all ttie remaining games. The
but U hud bciicd itself deep into die soft ear th of Septimus V Gr.ncvi cater player should Lake all the Idler cd Blips and place
them face down. The Space Marine player picks one of the
A: the air lock it, squads of Space Marines wailed for the
Hlips without seeing what letter it is - this Blip isn’t available
command to enicr the ship. Many were dressed in lumuur suits
for use hy the Gene stealer playcr fur Ute remainder of the
of Terminator armour, some with the protective psychic hoods
that marked them as Librarians. T h e Librnrimts wete
concentrating hard, focusing then thoughts on the psychic This means that if the Space Marine player keeps winning,
cmaiutlknu from within die .si dp, trying to locate their source. after iwo games the Geneatealer player is down to eight
The signals were weak but there was a sense o f lension, of leitercd 111ips, after three games he's down io seven and so on.
power temporarily h<dd in check.
Genesteakr Victory
The Space Marine cunnnmidei was loth to send his Rrnrher If the Genes teal er player wins a game, the number of Space
Minings into sue h an u lire.1 rain situation hni ihe faint markings Marines in reduced for the nc si mission only (not fur the real
on ihn side of the spaceship dared from the Dark Age of of the campaign). Because the S p a c e Marina forces are
Technology - the chance nt recovering the lost knowledge different fur each game, die Deploy mem section of ihe set up
rhai might have survived the millennia was worth the risk instruct kins lulls you wliich Space Marine is unavailable foi
Wuh a final weapons check, and an invocation to ihe Emperor, dmt game if the Space Marines losi ihe last game.
the nr lacks were breached and the first squads sent inside.
For particularly skilful or experienced players, you can agree
to increase the penalties for losing u game lo t w o Spiroe
PLAYING THE CAMPAIGN Marines or two Blips removed after each loss.
If you want, you can play the miss i ons that make up this If you design your own threes for playing the campaign using
campaign u one -off games in any order. However, it's more rhe bidding tyrne m, you'll have tn came to an agreement on
fun tu play them as a curnpaign. If you me playing them os a the penalties the Space Mannes suffer lor losing games. A:- a
cdinpaign. j sv die following rules for ln?w the ouTrnmc of guideline, deduct troops lo tin: suim: value as Lie ours we've
each game affects ihe next. listed in die Campaign Funes sei lion of each mission.

The repoTti from Sepnmus V had indicated low levels of OBJECTIVES

psychic activity in the hulk. First c a n lac I con finned I he
tcjmit m but. beyond this, dime was no sign of life aboard the The Space Mur me player is attempting to get his forces cl m
spuie hulk A handful of squads were sent into the hulk to ofilic ambush area, TliftGeiiestealei playei Is simply trying to
Seoul it these squ.ids inc I luted Termi nators and Librarians kill as ninny Spume Murines as possible
assigned to ir.vrsti gate ihe deepest and most dangerous levels
of the hulk |o search out the source of I he. psychic activity.
The squads advanced slowly, checking each area and
declining it clear - the hulk was apparently deserted, Spnce Murines
abandoned long agu to tile ravages of deep space, Al the end
Squad Matthias
of llieir first sweep, Squad Matthias approached tire control I Sergeant with storm halter and power glove.
centre al ihe heart of the space hulk, A few screens flickered
dimly with lite dying energies of die hulk’s power plant but I Crwiicirr (level ?) wiih storm holier :md force a s c .
die tuniiul centre was otherwise quiet, I Space Marme with assault cannon [ I reload) and power
Suddenly Ihe scanners went wild. Thnre wnrr. blips
everywhere! T h e r e was m o v c m r n i an all sides as the I Space Manne with lightning claws.
Gcnfisicaleri poured in. ’Ihey were caught m an ambush! I Space Marine with $tuttn h.’lcvi and power glove.




A Ganasloalar
Entry Area

Gena stealer
Entry Area

Space Marine
u Deployment

The Gcncslcaicr player begins with 4 Blips
mid receives 1 Blip p e r turn ua
rein fur cements. The Geneslcalcr player
uses the expanded Blip set and may also
chanse to use ambush counters. The
lettered Blips represent the following
A Level 1 psyker unarmed
H Level 1 psyker unarmed
C I «evel 1 psyker unarmed
D Level 1 psyker unarmed
E Non psyker with bolter
F Non psyker with boll pistol
G Non -psyker with lasgim
II Non -psyker with a ulocannon
I Non-psykcr with missile
J Non-psykcr with chainsward

11nth players use psychic cards,
Space Marines
The Space Marine player places the squad anywhere on the The Space Marine player can secure entry arcus,
two marked sections, on any facing and on ovcrwatch if he

The Gencstealer starting farces enter as 1 Blip at each of the The Space Marine player wins by getting at least three Space
four primary entry areas. Reinforcements can come on at any Marines off the board at the marke<l exit point.
entry area, primary or secondary. r
l h e Genestealer player wins by stopping any Space Marines
The GenesteakTS move find. from reaching the exit point. Anything else is a draw.


The Gcneslealcrs had hit h u d . T h e y ' d c a ugh l rhn Space FORCES

Marines iu prepared ambushes and cut Them off. The Space
Mari i les had been expecting some psychic activity hut hadn't Space Marines
been prepared for ihc high proportion of Hybrids facing them. Squad Octavius
Many of Lhc squads had been wiped out - chose dial survived I Sergeant wilk storm baiter and power sword.
largely owed their lives io the presence of Lhc Librarians, I Space Manne with thunder hammer and storm shield
The survivors were cm aft and scattered around lhc hulk. I Space Marine with storm boiler rmd power glove.
They knew' that a second Assault wauld be launched by die Squad Nicodemus
main body of Space Marines bul it would be some lime before I Lexicanian (level 1) wiih Mom halier and [birr axe.
they were relieved. They were ordered to link up ready To
1 Space Marine with slur in bolter and power glove.
strike in force once Lhc second wave of Space Marines
attacked. Squad Antemius
1 EpisLolmy (level J ) with floral holier and force axe.
To regroup, lhc remaining squads had h:i fight Their way
through heavily -defended corridors. Ri:i unless they could 1 Space Marine with heavy flumei und power glove
join together. I hey faced certain death - for caunLlesK I Space Manne with slorm belter and power glove.
Genestealers would overcome them by sheer weight of
Campaign Forces
II the Space M a n n e s lost Lhc lasl game, Squad An I units
doesn't have the Space Marine with aluim bolter and power
Tlie Space Marine pl ay nr is crying in link up Squads Octavius
Geti estealers
"Ihe < Jen estealer player gels no Harting forces bul receives 2
and Nicodemus wnh Squad Antar.ius and move them all out
blips per turn. These arc taken from die expanded Blip set, not
of rhe danger rrrea I"he Genestcaler player Li Hying lo wipe
including ambush counters. The lettered Blips lepjesenl the
out as many Space Marines is possible.
following Hybrids:
A Level J psyker ui named
B Level 1 psyker nnarnnr.d
C Level 2 psyker unarmed
D Level 2 psyker unarmed
in * E Level 1 psyker with hoher
F Level 1 psyker with ItApiscnl
0 Non- psyker with plasma pi si nl
H Nun-paykct with uutociuinon
I Nfln-psykcr with missile launcher
J Non-psykcr with conversion be miter

Space Marines
Ew.1t Liiil .'itai Li on the ielev.ini marked section.
Tire Space Marines move first.
Genes lealcrs may enlin at any of lhe marked entry' nreax

Hath players use psychic cards.

Crates and Rubble

'ITie players rake it in Lums (Space Marine player firs l) to pku ■
all the c r a t e and rubble counters in rhe 1 widr corridor
sections. These cjuinot be placed where they would block
muvErtienl tulally there must a l w a y s he a clear route
§ through.




j g


O Door

A Geneslealer Entry Area

Space Marine Deployment Area

The Space Marine player wins by Kdliri.g al least one Space
Marine from each squad, including at least one of the
Librarians, off the board al die marked exit point.
The Gcr.cstcakr player wins by killing all the Space Marines.
Anything else is a draw.


Finally Jiu uider Io lai meh the secund wuva wa rivctl Ftcmll Campaign Furces
ihc ouiut me ns of the hulk, squuds wmild punch Ihcii way It the Space Mm inns lost the last game, Sqn.*d Irinins doesn't
through, destroying the Gene stealers and smashing their have the Spwce .Marine with slonii bullet and power glove.
defensive cordon !o reach the Space Marines remaining
The Gcncstealer player starts with 2 Filips and receives
At the some Time, the surviving Space Marines in the ship another 2 Blips per turn a_s Temforraiients («e Special Rules)
would launch a cnuntgrallavk to break out - the Genesle alert These ciui te taken tram the ttpAnried Blip set, with ambus!
would be can flu from both sides and their resistance muted counters if desired 'Ihe lettered Blips represent the Following
Hui prcciujs time had been Inst in line initial ncouiing und
regrouping manoeuvres - lhe Gene stealers were getting A Level 2 psyker unarmed
stronger by the minute us more a l them cuine ant nF B Level 2 psyker unarmed
lutiern.ii ion from ihcii lung travel through space. And many of
C Level 2 psy k er w i Lh 1usgu n
ihe newly -awakened Stealers were powerful Hybrid psyken.
To stand u chance against the Stealers, (he Space Mannes InnJ D 1c vel 2 psykci with power sword
Id eon unit their own strong (Kiykers In ihc battle. E Level 3 psyker with bah pis lol
I1' Level 3 psyker with plasma gun
OBJECTIVES (J Nun-psyker with heavy bolter
U Nuri-psyker with aulocannoii
The Space Marine playet is attempting Id gel Squad fiiderm
[die reinForcemcnuij through la Squad Lucius' deployment 1 Non -psyker with missile launcher
area (B) by moving Lhc survivors of Squad Lucius back to J Nan-psykej with conversion beamer
help. The Geneslcalci player is particularly trying to kill the
Captain and the two Librarians.
FORCES Space Marines
Each uni i deploys in tlieir respective area rr.urked on the map.
Space Marine*
Squad Gidmin Genestealers
] Cap Lilin with storm bolter, power sword and power glove Genette a Lcrs may enter ar any of the marked entry arras.
with gienade launcher.
The liencstrukrsniove first.
1 Chief Lilnnuian (level 4} with slurm boiler and force a sc.
I Space Manne with ass.iuli cannon f l reload) and power
1 Space Marine with heavy flamer und power glove.
1 Space Murine with worm boiler and chain fisL Bmh players use psychic cards.

Squad Lucius Securing Entry Areas

l Sergeant widt storm bolter and power glove The Space Marine player may secure entry areas. If a' I the
entry areas on une side of ihc hoard m e secured, the
I CndiEter (level 2) with siorm holier and force axe.
Genestcaler player goes in ta I rrinfurucuieni Blip per rum.
I Space Manne widi storm bolter and power gluve.
Ambush Counters
If Lhe Genes lealer player uses an ambush counter and it is
rcvcalwl ils ii GencsiiaJor, the GejK-slealer is not a PurcdTuin
as norm ul but an unarmed level 3 Hybrid psyker which hes
tdcpwled into the area. Obviously, the Gr.nesicaicr player hus
to choose wherhrr to draw ontbush connicrH m an uilempl to
get a psyker nr keep drawing Blips.

The game ends when all die Space Maiines .re either dcaci oi
in Squad Lucius' drplnymcnl urea (B)
The Space Marine player wins by gelling die Capuiin, the
Chief Librarian iind al least two nihrrs to Squad Lucius'
deploy me nt area. The Gencsieakr player wrins by killing the
Capln in and both Ltbrmians .Anyth:ng else in a -haw



Geneslealer Entry Area


During ihc fierce ti.ish.Ling. o l the break-out action, s o m e Genesteakrs

squads found cryogenic tanks showing signs of recent use. It ’Ihe Genestealer player turn with 2 Blips and gels 1 Blip per
Lveiuiit ck-dj ks die Space Marine contmaiulur that there were turn as reinlorecmcnis. These arc taken from die expanded
many Genestealers. probably including Hybrid psyker s, still Blip sol bul unUuli w u liters cannot be used. The Lettered
in hibernation, I f ihe Spar? Marines could locate mid destroy Blips represent Ike following Hybrids;
ihtwe Hybrids before They awoke, their task in cl eating die
hulk would become. much easier A Level 2 psyker with bolter
B Level 2 psyker with ch Bins ware
Squads were ordered to search fur ciyugunic tanks as they
moved duougli die hulk. To give their com in under 4 better C Level 2 psyker with laspistol
idea nf tha enemy they were facing, the Space Marines were D Level 3 psykcrwilh plasma pistol
ordered 10 report on die contents of any cryogenic tanks tlwy E Level 3 psyker with auweannan
round tJncc a lank's copter ts had been investigated, it was to
F Level 3 psyker with missile launcher
be destroyed. Squad Gabriel >*■ lull strength and in a
relatively clear area a t the hulk, was one of thin sc ordered in G Non-psykcr wuh lascannc-n
concentrate on searching for and destroying a cryogenic tank. H Non-psykvr with uuLucmman
I Nun-psyker with missile launcher
OBJECTIVES J Nun psyker with conversion beuuun
The Space Marine player is trying to locale mi occupied
cryogenic tank in one nf ihc four rnrcni The Genesiealer DEPLOYMENT
player is trying m stop the Space Marines from finding and
destroying the Link, Space Marines
The. squad si arts in ihc marked area
The Space Mnrines move first.
Space Marines The. Geries tellers can coiue on at any o f the marked entry
Squad Gabriel areas.
1 Sergeant with alarm ba leer and power sword.
1 Chief Librarian (level d) with .storm boiler and force nsr
• S p a m Marine with as 5an11 cannon ( 1 reload) mid power SPECIAL RULES
slave — see Special Rules. B Dili players use psychic curds.
1 Space Marine with lightning claws.
The Space Marine van secuie entry arcus,
I Space Muri tn: with storm bultcr and power glove,
Finding the Cryogenic Tank
Campaign Forces The first lime u Space Marine gets direct LOS into a roam that
II the Space Marines lost the last game, they don't have the might con lain ihc tank (as shown un the map}, the S p i c e
Space Murine with skrnn bolter and power glove.
Marine player rolls u dice. If the number rolled is a fi, that
room contains die cryogenic Lank. H noi. then that room «
empty. If tlircc of die four twins have turned up empty, the
lout th room uuiantaticully has the link in it, Once the Lank has
liven located . die Generic alcr player places lite counter from
De.nthwing in the room in ar.y position.
Completing the Mission
XJ-- Ohri' thft tank has hwm found, the Space Murine player uiust
check it oil! anti destroy iL First a Spate Marine must m l tv 1
square directly touching ihc uuik and then spend a further 2
Al’s or Cl’s to report to the commander on ihc crmi.-ii* nf ibn
tank. Then the Lank mum he destroyed. Once ihc report har
been made, any Space M a n n e may drvirny the Tank For
ranged weapons and psychic a tucks. cnlinr ihr Lank aq bring
as tough as a Purestrain Genestealer. For cluse ssiailh, ihe
snacking Space Marine mi we score jl 7 or more [o !c;h;.y ii
For example; a slomi bolter destroys die tank on a lull of ft cm
either dice; a Space Marine With a thunder hammer r.oiild
destroy it a n a roll al 5 or 6 (widi die +2 bonus giving result*
J'O!, 1* fl J/fCrtf

of 7 or 8); a Lightning Arc psychic attack would give six

i hiuivcb. each needing 11 3 ur more to suovced.


i _____
J ___,

O Door

A Genestealer Enlry Area

Space Marine Deployment Area

Passible Cryogenics Area

Assault Cannon VICTORY

The Space Manne with the assault cannon in this mission has
The Space Marine player wins by' making a full report on the
already reloaded die weapon previously in live assault un tlie
cryogenic tank mid (lien destroying it. The Genestealei player
space hulk so there is u chance of malfunction right from die
wins if no Space Marines reach the lank. If a Space Marine
stall of (he game.
reaches the lank but fails lo report, or reports bur lhe tank is
The Space Murine still lias a reload for this mission. not desimyech the game is a draw.


As the Space Marine commander analysed ihe rtiporB From OBJECTIVES

hib .squads, ii became clear that Lhc crashed hulk contained a
The Space Marine player is at I erupting iu s e c u r e J 11 Ihe
high prupoiUun uF Hybrids - and many of (hose cncounxrrd
Genes teal er entry areas.
were psykers. Al die some time, die mysterious source of
psychic energy deep within the s h i p was growing ever T h e Ge nr player is trying to kill os mmiy S p a c e
Mror.ger AH the evidence pointed to the presence of a Marines a t possible to slop ih is happening.
Genestealer Pairiareh, iho most powerful of Genestealea
psykers, whose presence would threaten the survival of lire
Space Mannes assaulting I hr hulk.
It was obvious ihat, as yel, the Patriarch was still pin Li d l y Space Marines
dormant from his long voyage through space. But die stilting? 1 Captain with storm holier, power sword and power glove
oi his power were becoming stronger K the .Space. Marines witli grenade launcher.
couldn't locale and destroy him before he regained his full 1 Chief Librarian (l-evel 4 ) wiih siorrn bolter and force tine
power, dieii mission was surely doomed. They had to strike
1 Episinlary (level 1} with storm bolter arid feme inc
hard and fast before die Patriarch uwokc and took control of
his brood hut it was a don gc roiis race against time - die Space I Space Marine with heavy limner and power glove,
Marines first had to locale ihe finrmanr Patriarch I Spucv Marine with th under hammer and storm shield
I allowing the guidance of' their Librarians, tliey dosed in on 1 Space Manne with storm hnlter and chain fisl.
the core of cold fury that wemed to hum at the heart of the 2 Space Marines with storm bolters and power ijloves
ship. If they could secure several key arras, they would win
Campaign Forces
Jk chance io launch a fast and deadly strike lo destroy live Il ihe. Space .Marines lost die Jas! game, dwy don’t have the
Pamarch before they were overrun
Space Marine with storm bolter mid chub] fist. In addition, the
Epistolary is repluced by nCodicicr (level 2 psyker).
Gcncsl ciders
The Gen? stealer pluyci doesn’t get imy starling forces but
receives 2 Blips per rum as reinforcements (unless directed
otherwise by the Special Rules on securing areas)
The lettered Blips represent the following Hybrids
A Level 3 psyker with bolt pistol
U Level 3 psyker with power sword
C Level 3 psyker with lasgun
D Level 4 psyker with plasma gun
E Level 4 psyker with bolter and chainsword
F Ijjvei 4 psyker with heavy Fuller
G Non psyker with heavy plasma gun
II Non psyker with autocam mn
I Non psyker with missile 1a u tidier
J Non-psyker with conversion hranier

Space Marines
The Space Marines stmt in the iiuuked room,
The Space Marines move First
One Blip per turri must arrive al ihe special entry >ireu (see
Special R ules) hui ihr. other RJ ip can arrive at any of die other
entry areas.

Bull i players use psydtic cuidb.



A. Genesteatar Entry Area

+ Special Gene stealer Enlry Area

Space Marine Deployment Area

Securing Areas VICTORY

The Space Manne player is attempting la secure all die
Genestcalcr entry areas as per the Death wing rules. The The game ends at tire end phase of turn 15. If all the entry
areas have been secured, the Space Marine player wins.
special entry area is a ladder earning up from a service tunnel
running under the ruurn. If all the Spacfi Marines arc dead and at least one entry area is
still open, rhe Gcncstealer player wins.
If the special entry area is secured, the Genestcalcr player is
reduced io I reinforcement Blip per turn. Any other result is a draw.


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G E M iSTI C A I . i ■ K JN V A S LON

As scuads secured their areas and Tcported i nem clear, the A Level 3 psyker wilh aulocaniHm
Painarch’s location was narrowed down to one small pari of B Level 3 psyker with missile launcher
the hulk. The nearest Space Marines were dispatched tn C Level 3 psyker with conversion beamer
destroy die Piitrlinch before i t h a d fully recovered from
D Level 4 pfiykerwith heavy holier
hibernation, There was no time to assemble a full utiack force
ih? S p a r e Marines at hand would have to n d fast and E L*vr.| 4 peyker with plasma pistol mJ power sward.
decisively tri remove the threat F Level 4 psyker wilh heavy boiler
With the Pali Lurch destroyed, I he remaining Gene stealers G L x v r | 4 jwykrrwith heavy plasma un
*uuld be dtsoricnutlcd and without guidance - it would be a H Non-psykrr with ttutocannim
lui.g, luud fighl to kill them all, but in Lhc end the outcome was I Non-psyker with missile launcher
certain. If the PuLriwch survived, the Spice Marines in the .1 Non psykei with conversion beamer
hulk, weie ulmosl certainly doomed - those outside would
have tn stand off and destroy tin* hulk by bombardment, luaing
any valuable information thorn k origin that might luive been DEPLOYMENT
re covered from the data barks inside.
Space Marines
While die other Space Mannes were ordered to break out of One unit starts in nach of rhe llu?? imuked deployment ureas,
iheh positions to cause a diversion, a liircc -pranged attack was
launched, led by Captain Ruplwcl with die support uf two ”1he Space M a r i n e s m o v e flrs.t-
Chief librarians lo overcome the ever strengthening psychic Genesteakr
defences o f lhe Genes tellers. The success of this whole The 3 starting Blips are placed in lite luurri marked Guards.
operation now depended upon the ucliuns of iliesc few Spice One reinforcement Blip must come on at a priiiimy entry uca,
Marines fighting for their own and tlieii brothers1 lives. When 2 Blips are allowed, the second uric rims I curnc on at a
secondary entry area. A Patriarch model is placed in the
marked room in either of the rear corners.
The Space Marine player is trying Io kill the Patriot i h before II
awakes and the GonafUealcr player is trying To wipe out the SPECIAL RULES
attackers before they reach the Patriarch’s room. Psychic Cards
Rnlh players use psychic cards Foi die first two turns, I lie
Genes tealer player has a hand of 4 cards. For turns 3 to 9 . Ike
FORCES Genestealer player has 5 cards as the Patriarch begins to wake.
Space Marines Ram turn 10 onwards, the Cencsicaler player has 6 cards as
The Space Murine player splits the following force into three the Patriarch is fully awake.
unit of three. The Chief Librarians must be in different units.
1 Captain with storm bnhrr, power sword and power glove The 3 Blips in the room marked Guards must stay in that
with grenade launcher. room. They are the last l i n e of defence They may be
2 Chief Libruiimis (level 4} wilh storm bolters, force axes. converted at any time and may file or make psychic attacks
a m nt The room, hut cannot leave the Toom They are placed by
I Space Manne with assault cannon ( 1 reload) and power the Genextealcr player wilh any facing required and in
gjave. overwatrh it possible and ifrlcsired.
I Space Marine with heavy flamer and poww glove.
1 Space Marine with lightning claws. Ambush Counters
If the Gene stealer player uses an ambtish counter and ii is
1 Space Mm inc with thunder hammer and storm shield.
revealed as ■ Gcncstcalcr, the Gcncsrealer is not a Purcsirain
1 Sp.-tec Marine with storm boiler and chain fist. os normal but lui untamed level 4 Hybrid psyker which has
1 Space Marine Wilh storm holler and power glove. teleported inlotlic uieu. Obviously. the Genes fealcr player has
to choose whether to draw ambush counters in mi attampt to
Campaign Forces gci a psyker or keep dr swing normal Blips.
It the Space Marines lost the last game, they don’t have rhe
Space Marine with thunder hammer and storm shield. I n Th? Patriarch
addition, one o f the Chief Libroriims is replaced by an The room marked P an the map contains die Patriarch. Until
Episinlary (live] 3 psyker}. Lum I<1 ilic Patriarch is partially durmanl and cannot fight or
make pychic attacks. After that the P amarch is fully awake.
Th? Geneste&ler player stmts with 3 Blips, Rcinfixxcmenla are Once awake, die Painarch has ft Al’s like other I hire strain
1 Blip per trim for rhe first two turns and 2 Blips per turn from Cx.-jieileuleis but rubs 4 dice in close hshuIL, each wnh a +3
■hen on. These arc taken from ih? expanded Blip deck and bonus,. ’A']telliei it’s pm linljy duiiiianl or fully awake, the roll
ambush trim tors may hr used an detailed in the Special Rules. to kill the Patrimch is the s a m e as ihuL for a Purcstraln
The leucred Blips represent the following Hybrids- Genes tea ler.



Primary Genestealer Entry Area

Secondary Genastealer Entry Area

Space Marine Deployment Area


Crates and Rubble VICTORY

The players Lake it in turns (Space Marine player first) to place 1
The game end ; when either die Patriarch has been killed or all
all the crate and rubble counters i n the 3 wide corridor
of the Space Marine* have been killed. If the Patriarch is
killed before h is fully awake (ic before turn 10), the Space
These cannot be placed where they would black movement Marine player wins. If die Space Marines fail to even enter the
totally by filling the whole width of a corridor - there must Patriarch’s ruuni, the Geneslealer player wins. Anything else,
always be a clear route through. is a draw.


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S ,-s. :

Necromunda i t a world rtf mines, factories, refineries and Lord Hclmawr asked for assistance from the Space Manne
processing plants. I Tie planet is a vasi powerhouse of industry, contingent I hat main tamed u prnmmcnt imj the planet.
mating thousands upon thousands of different items for use From their fortress monastery high oti the side of tile Palatine
throughout nearby planetary systems. Nothing which ciui Spite, a task force oflmperial Fist Terminal ons ’munched ilirir
contribute lo the planet’s output has been left untouched, assault. If the Genest ea lei infection was lo break out of the
Mountains have been reduced to rubble for the orc they rebellious spire, ii could mean the necessary extenniiiatlon of
contain. Oceans have been turned into little mure dnui tin)Uganda. even millions ofNecrrmn indans,
chemical sludge ponds. The once fertile plains have
disappeared under huge urban developments of gteal Im using
uid factory blocks, forming new ranges of man made CAMPAIGN KLLES
mountains every bit as lull us the lung -since flattened natural The campaign i* split into two sections. Commander Dank of
land features. These huge Eoweiing urban complexes arc ihr. Imperial Fixu rearranges his troop!; into specialist squads
known as ci.iy hives, ot dimply hives, and their individual tor each ol the tasks ahead. The fast four missions involve the
peaks or towers are called city spires or spires. first wave of troops, sent in tu slup Ihe spread of the
Gene stealer invasion. If the infestation can be limited to just
As generation after generation adds to the building and part of ih? Na influx spire anti ihe Genestr.aler base found, the
rebuilding of the hives, new layers of habitation are created spire can he saved. Otherwise ihe only answer is destruction
and dm hives continue lo grow upwards. These lowering hives of ihr spire possibly ever, die. whole hive! 1Tic Space Manne
darninalc the wasteland around them like clusters of player picks lour forces from one body of troops and then
impossibly gigantic termite hills. Beneath die hives and plays the four missions with the units assembled.
ex tending around them under die wasteland itself lies a
honeycomb of ancient disused factories and a labyrinth Al ihe end of the four mission*, Ihe Space M arinc player
funned ftcin die sewers iiinl service tunnels of an earlier age. divides the second wave into two forces. One to stop
roinfurccinculi, die oilier to wipe out tlte Stealer Patriarch.
The spires and their undcrcilica seethe with humanity, fruni
the noble families who live al the lop of the spires above Lite First Wave
perpetual smug layers, to die fugitives, outlaws and mutants Before starting the first mission, the Space Marine player
who scrape u n m i existence fur beneath tlie planet's surface. divides die following force into 7 squads of 5 Space Marines
.Among the countless billions who populate Neemmunda are each. He cmi split die force any way he wtutls as long as each
those who have been fominaie enough to break free of the squad has either a Sergeant or lire Captain in command,
planet, a: least temporarily, and work as crew on die great 1 Captain with storm bolter. power swurd and powei glove
starships dial trade between the local systems and curry with grenade launcher.
Neemmunda's tithe tu Ihe Imperium.
4 Sergeants with slurm bolters and power gloves.
Il may have been one of these spuccfiucts whu first brought 2 Sergeants with storm bolters and power swords.
the infection to lite planet. Returning dazed us die sole 4 Space Marines with assault cannon (I reload each} and
survivor on u salvaged ship or picked up from a floating power gloves.
wreck, such an individual would suott disappear into lite vast
3 Space Marines with heavy fl tuners and power gloves.
sea of humanity dial Tills the hives. And no-vne would notice
that anything was wrong until his child was bum. 3 Space Marines with lightning claws,
2 Space Murines with thunder hammers and stuiin shields
Even dam, mutants ire common enough, hunted by the forces
2 Space. Marines wiih storm bolters and chain fists.
of the Governor, Lord Helmawr, and hidden by terrified
parents who fear that the taint of heresy arid mutation might 7 Space Mai mes with storm bolters and power glove*.
bring their awn execution. The man and his family would find 1 Chief Librarian (level 4} with slunii bolter and force axe
refuge amongst div mutant gangs and vermin of the undercity. 3 Epistoiarics (level 3) with storm bailers and force axes.
And chare the infection would spread, unchecked and 2 Codkners (level 2) with storm bolters and farce axes.
unrecognised until it was mo late.
1 Lr.xicanian (level 1 ) with 'inm bolter and force axe.
When bloody revolt!I ion. broke out in tlv Nautilus, our of the
small spires of ihe Acropolis Hive., troops from ihe. planetary' The first four mixtions ore played using the squads from tins
wave. At the end of each mission, record whether n was a
defence force weie swiftly dispatched to suppress th? rebels.
Rumours that mutants and psykars were involved brought the victory, partial victory or defeat.
witch-hunting Venalors onto die scene Second Wav#
At ihr end of the fourth mission, Inlcrrognliim, the first wave
Even these hardened warriors, accustomed lo fighting the
nf Space Mannes should have the Gencslcalcrs bottled up in
obscene mutants of the underuitics, were not prepared foi
one area and should have discovered the location of the
what met them. Many of the rebels had throe ur four turns and
Genextealers' main base. This allows the second wove lo deal
strange elongated heads, their skin tinted u bruiacd blue-purple
with ihe remaining Gene st£tiers in an attack on their base.
culuur And alongside these mutants fought terrifying four -
mined beasts that tore men in two and knew no fear. The However, if the Space Marines laikd m one or more of the
Necromundan forces quickly withdraw' having already previous missions or only had a partial victory in three or four,
suffered fearsome losses. the campaign has already been lust, Genot&ders have btuken


out of the spire and have infected other areas of the Acroplois Total Genestealer Victory
Hive. You can still play the remaining missions, of course, but The Genestealers win at least three of First Blood, No Way
the Space Marine player can’t win a total overall victory. Out, Killing Ground and Divide & Conquer, plus win Poison!
Before starting the fifth mission, Divide & Conquer, the Space Not only have the Geneslealcrs broken out in considerable
numbers, their Patriarch and Magi have survived - the brood
Marine player splits the following force into four squads.
Again each squad is of five models and must contain either a will be able to move on to a new hidden location and begin
Sergeant or the Captain - other than that, it can contain any plotting rebellion once more.
mix of models. Draw
Any other result is a draw.
1 Captain with storm bolter, power sword and power glove
with grenade launcher. (Note that the outcome of Interrogation isn’t covered in most
1 Sergeant with storm bolter and power glove. of die above victory conditions - this is because die result of
2 Sergeants with storm bolters and power swords. this mission directly affects the players’ chances in Divide &
2 Space Marines with assault cannon (1 reload each) and Conquer and Poison!)
power gloves.
2 Space Marines with heavy flamers and power gloves.
2 Space Marines with lightning claws.
2 Space Marines with thunder hammers and storm shields. Although these missions are designed to be played as a
2 Space Marines with storm bolters and chain fists. campaign, you can easily adapt them to be played
individually. The forces, deployment and special rules remain
2 Space Marines with storm bolters and power gloves. as given in each mission briefing. The only thing you’ll need
2 Chief Librarians (level 4) with storm bolters and force to work out is the composition of the Space Marine squads.
axes. There are several ways to do this.
2 Epistolaries (level 3) with storm bolters and force axes.
You can use the bidding system from Dealhwing to decide
who’s going to play which side - then the Space Marine
CAMPAIGN VICTORY player simply buys the squads from the points he bid.
There are five results for overall victory in the campaign. Or you can use the points listed for each mission in the Force
Points Table found elsewhere in this book (see the Traitor
Total Space Marine Victory Force List) and buy the squads using the total given.
The Space Marine player wins all six missions. This means
the Space Marines have isolated the Geneslealcrs in the For either of these two methods, decide how many squads you
Naullius spire and killed the Patriarch. have based on the models you choose. If you play with more
than a couple of squads you may have to adapt the deployment
Partial Space Marine Victory rules for certain missions - agree on this with your opponent.
The Space Marine player wins at least two of First Blood, No
Way Out Killing Ground and Divide & Conquer and gains a The third way to work out what Space Marines you have is to
partial victory in the other two, plus wins Poison! This means roll on the table below. You get the number of squads given in
that die Space Marines have allowed some Gcnestealers to the mission briefing (ie 1 squad for First Blood and 2 squads
escape, but few enough to stand a good chance of locating and for the other five missions) - just use the table to work out
eliminating them, especially as they’ve killed the Patriarch what Space Marines are in each squad. Roll once under each
and Magi. column to give you a total of 5 Space Marines in each squad -
note that there’s a different 4th column for the 2nd wave.
Partial Genestealer Victory
The Genestealers win at least two of First Blood, No Way Out, For example, you might roll 1, 3, 2 and 6. This would give you
Killing Ground and Divide & Conquer. Enough Geneslealcrs a squad containing a Captain, a Space Marine with an assault
have escaped to avoid the searching Space Marine and cannon, a Space Marine with lightning claws, a Lexicanian
Necromundan forces - there’s a good chance they can (level 1 psyker) and the standard Space Marine with storm
establish a new base elsewhere in the Acropolis. bolter and power glove that’s included in every squad.

4th model 4th model

D6 Roll 1st model 2nd model 3rd laacadel (1st wave) * (2nd wave) *

1 Captain with storm bolter Space Marine, with assault Space Marine with Chief Librarian (4lh level) with Chief Librarian (4th level) with
power sword and power glove cannon ( 1 reload) lightning claws storm bolter and frerre axe with storm bolter and force axe
with grenade launcher

2 Sergeant with storm bolter Space Marine with assault Space Manne with Epistolary (3rd level) with Chief Librarian (4th l e v e l ) with
and power sword cannon ( I reload) lightning claws storm bolter and force axe witfl storm bolter and force axe

3 Sergeant with storm bolter Space Marine with assault Space Manne with thunder Epistolary (3rd level) with Chief Librarian (4th level) with
and power sword cannon (no reload) hanunci anil storm shield storm bolter and force axe with storm bolter and force axe

4 Sergeant with storm bolter Space Marine with Space Marine with thunder Codicier (2nd level) with Epistolary (3rd level) with
and power glove heavy flamer hammer and storm shield with storm bolter and force axe with storm bolter and force axe

5 Sergeant with storm bolter Space Marine with Space Manne with storm Codicier (2nd level) with Epistolary (3rd level) with
and power glove heavy flamer bolter and chamfisl with storm bolter and force axe with storm boiler and force axe

6 Sergeant with storm bolter Space Marine with Space Marine with storm lexicanian (1st level) with Epistolary (3rd level) with
and power glove heavy flamer bolter and chainfist storm bolter and force axe with storm bolter and force axe

Sth model: in addition to the above, each squad contains 1 Space Marine with storm bolter and power glove to make a complete squad of 5 models.
• Roll an the 1st wave column fat First Blood, No Way Out, Killing Ground, Interrogation and the 2nd wave column for Divide Conquer and Poison!


The. first objective o f the Space Marine.1: is id isolate Lhe FORCES

Nautilus spirt and ensure that the Genetti: alcrs can' I escape
Sp:ree Marine*
out into die main part uf die Acropolis Hive. From the reports The. Space Marine player may choose any one squad from his
of the NciTvmuTidHn forces, die Spine Murines worked out first wave.
dial most of tire Pu restrain and psychic Hybrid Genes toalcrx
were confined to a smaR area in the upper part ol ihc Nautilus Gcnettculers
spire, presumably defending their Patriarch lhe Genestealer player has I (J Blips in play at the start of the
game hut doesn't get any reinforcements I see Special Rulcsl.
$ quads uf S p a t e Marines in power armour, supported by
Nevirnliiu nJ jji Ltcmps, were ordered to move through the lower lhc GcTiCMCAler player uses the expanded Blip sei. l h e
putts uf the spire and eradicate the rebels there. These were lettered Blips represent the following Hybrids:
iriuslly Huiiiuii brood brothers, fanatical supporters of the
Genes to uler rebel I ion but not themselves polluted hy the A U named 4 th 1r.v r I psykr.r
mu Hiring in feed ion B 4111 level psyker with lasgun
C 4’Ji level psyket with cl tains word
In lhe upper part.1; or" Lhc spire, a smaller force of 'I etminaiDF
D 4’Ji level psyker with autocannon
squads wax concentrated I 'heir task was to exterminate the
Pures train and Hybrid Gcncttcab.TS uud kill die Patriarch - E Nun psyker with bolter
without a leader. 11ie re volution would soon cLc Dill. The first F Nun-psyker with bolt pistol
task wui Lu seal uff lire upper levels to prevent the G Ncn-psykcr with luspistol
Genestoiders breaking out into ih? Acroplois and to slop .my H Non-phykcr with plasma pistol
pulcatlid reinforcements. I Non-psvkcr with mis w la launcher
One squad was deluded to destroy die lifts dial formed u vital I Non psyker wiih comvertion heather
link wid: tile main body of the spire.

OBJECTIVES Space Marines
Tire Space Marine player is trying lo kill all lhe Gcncrtcalcrs Tito Space Murine player brings each model ui at a different
entry area. The entry areas ar? set by lhe Spar? Marine player
guarding the I Its and destroy lhe ifls. The Gcncstcaler player
w trying to keep this possible escape route open. nt lhe start of lire mission as explained in lhe .Special Rules.
I he Space Murines move first.
All Hi Blips are placed on the board before the game begins
(ic before inc Space Manne player picks lus entry ureas).

Belli players use psycliic cards.
Space Marine Entry Areas
During Lhc first lum, a I tor liw Gene Henle: player ha> placed
his Blips, each Space Marine blasts his way into this level o f
die spiie will high explosives
II lakes 1 AP to blow a hole in lhe roof, which is then cnlered
the sama as a pitfall, The po virion nt The entrance point is
marked using a pitfall shallow counter.
If a Blip is in line of sighi from the pitfall, il is cm varied
before the. Space. Marine jumps down l h e Space Marines do
not have to enter lhe complex immediately - if'x a target
in line of sight, they may fire on it instead.
Tile Genestealers me there to guard die lifts so they cannot
climb uul of Hit I wiles.

The lifts iue new board sections - you’ll find llje floorplans ui
die caid section at the back of this book Once lhe door to a lift
has been opened or daslroyed, lhc lit: can ba destroyed by a
Space Marine on the same roll as needed destroy a door.



If an area effect weapon is used against a GeneMcalcr in a lift. A lift liolds four Gene stealers - it the Blip is for any more than
Also roll in see if the lift is destroyed, using Jk same roll as four, i he extra Genesteulers arc lost.
needed in destroy a door. If the duct Lu a lift is destroyed, the
life still works uniil ihr lift ilself is destroyed, Reinforcements have 2 Al’s less than usual in their first lutn to
represent die Lime coming up in the lift. 'ITie first Genestealer
11a Jinx is used against lhe lift, the lift stops working but docs out of the lift must also use I A P to open the door if ii hasn’t
nol count as being destroyed, Jf 3 Blast is used against a lift been destroyed - lerucinbcr lhe door will always be dnsnd al
door, lhe lift is automatically destroyed. A Vertex destroys the the start of the tunt.
lift and is then removed from the. hoard ,
I f any Gcncstcalcrs remain in the lift at lhe start o f u
Lift Downs Oenvslealcr turn the Genescealer player d o e s n ' t g e l a
Whenever a lilt door is. opened (rather than destroyed), the reinforcement Blip for that lift in that ntm. 'ITir Blip is lost and
duel sluys open until the endphase of that player's turn - it can't be saved up far a later Lum.
then cluses automatically.

G e ncslca It r Reinforcements VICTORY

If either uf die lifts is still working by the ninth Gene stealer If the Space Marine- player destroys both lifts and all the
turn, the GenesteaLer player gets unc reinforcement Blip per Genesteatars , rhe mission is a Spuuc Marine victory. If the lifts
turn per working lift, arc destroyed but no Space Marine survive the musfon, it is a
The Blip starts in the lift and is converted immediately it's partial Space Marine victory.
placed on rhe hoard. Jr cannot lurk under any circumslanccs. If either lift is left intact, lhe mission is a Genes Leal cr victory'.


Simultaneous widi the iirsl assault, ■ pair of squads were IriucxlcalcTS

ilor.S an wide access corridor litut led into die Aciupclis Hive For the first 12 Hums, the Gene stealer player gels one Bhppcr
proper. This corridor funned u key pin I of Lite tail I i.i k that w . k mm for each entry area open (sm Special Rules).
urigitudly used to supply the Nautilus spire- It tell into disuse
The Genestealer player uses the expanded l l h p m i . T h e
lung ugu when the spire was largely abandoned and rhe rails,
lettered Blips represent the. fallowing Hybrids
iiiethariisnis and carriages have long since been scavenged
and turned to m.-rr productive uses by die spire’s elms. A Unarmed 4 th level jx.ykrr
As die TcutiiiiuLm squads advanced, Lite Genesleakrs were B 4th level psyker with ljull piste I mid chain sword
breaking through from above in lui attempt to gain control nF C dih level psyker with lasgun and power sward
die old railhead. If they could occupy the access runnel and D 4Ut level psyker with missile launcher
keep a ionle open to the Acropolis, they could flee if the ha ide E 4th level psyker with uulocannun
Went uguuisl them. F Non- ps yk er wi th ha Irer
Once in ihe. vast Acropolis Hive, hunting them would be fl Non psyker with plasma ftm
impossible. H Nun psyker with lascanonn
I Non-psykei wiilt (.unversiori bearaet
OBJECTIVES J Nar.-psykcr with lasgun ivid power sword

The Space Muriiio player is uyutg Lu hold off the Genest? alere
fur 15 tuni.H. The Oeti estealer player is trying to kill all the DEPLOYMENT
Space Marines witliiu die same Line limit
Space Marines
The Space Maruies itaxt in the markivl corridor
FORCES The Space Marina: move firs I.
Space Marines Gencslcalcrs
The Space Murine player chooses tiny 2 remaining squads One lllip enters at each oi die entry areas created - sec the
from the fust wave. Special Rules.



SPECIAL RULES Secu ring F.ntry Areim

Tike Space Marine player can secure entry areas but the Space
Rrtlh players use pnyrhic cards. Marine model must be standing on the square containing iTin
piil'all shadow counter.
Genestealer Entry Points
At die stare of the first Gcncstcalcr cam. 2 pitfall shadow
counters are placed hy die Genes teal er player to show pitfalls VICTORY
from die roof - these arc die first two Gcncsxalcr entry areas.
Tlie mission ends after turn 15.
Al tin: stall of Ute fourth Genestealer turn, a third pi l fall
hliaduw counter is placed, then a fourth counter at Lie start of If all the Gene stealers have been killed and 4 or more Space
d;e tijshlil CiTJWSkaler Iuujj. Marines arc alive, it is a Space Marine victory.

These counrtrs can he placed anywhere i n die complex, If any Genestealers remain alive but 4 or more Space Marines
except hi the wide corridor sections. arc. alive, the mission is a partial Space Marine victory'.
Gene stealers do not need in lurk for one turn unless a Space If less than 4 S p a c e Marines survive, the mission is a
Marine is standing on a square adjacent to the shadow wjnter- Gcmcitealer victory -


Willi the cjujet TcuwumiiiUiiice tv<d rhn roporix from the first FORCES
two Uss hli]l gioups, ii became clear that the main body ol Uic
Gcncaieaier forces hail been contained and isolated. There wit Space Marines
now only one place they could bleu! urn - through a main Use two of Ute last four remaining squadx from the first wave.
access corridor that led to u vwn army of sub corridors and
service turincJs, The Genestealer player Likes the expanded Blip s e t ami
11 the Space M urines could push the Gene-smalcrs hack beyond discards 12 of ihe Blips without looking al ilium.
ihis crrrridnr, the first purl of tlieii task would be complete and Five o f Oil* remaining Blips (chosen ar random) arc the
ihay could concentrate un exterminating the surviving Gencstealer starting force. The other Blips come o n us
Genesteilcrx. rcinfoivcments at 2 Blips per lum.
Two squads were sent lo mu r rapidly duuugh the iighrly- These are all Ihe Blips the Gene,steal er player gets. As each
defended areas of the spire and strike at die key corridor Their Blip is converted, n i* discarded. After 1 0 lurr.-s. the
mission whs lu kill tine Genestealars massing at this point arxi Genestenkr player will run out of rcinforcenier.ts - dcr/t
secure die corridor from further incursions, Facing them was a shuffle the Blips and work through them again
strung Gejiesl ealer Force, already in position lo thwart ihcir
attack. IT,r‘ lenered Blips represent Die fu'.luwiug Hybrids:
A Unarmed 4th level psyker
OBJECTIVES B 401 k-vel psyker with holt pi xml
The Space Marine player is h y i n g to e-liminale all the C 4tli level psyker with taspistdl
Gene stealers while stopping any Ge ne stealers gelling past D 4th level psyker with plasma gun
I Tic Gimestcalrr player is trying lu gel Gene stealers off ihe. t.rr
li 4th level psyker with cvjiversiun teiiner
fiida of ihe board or kill all die Spnce Marines The. mission
er tlx alter 12 rums. F Nompsyker with bolter
G Non psyker with heavy holler
11 \ nn-pxyker w ith a u loc amiui i
I Non-p yker with missile launcher
I Non psyker with power sword

Space Murines
One Spfl.ce Marine squad xiam on each of the in inked wn idur
T h e Space Morines move first
Genesl toilers
The Gerieilealer starting force ix placed ax I Blip in each of
tltr- five rooms Rcintorcementx come on al the marked enky

Bolt players use psychic cards

The < Hinextealerx must gd past lhe Spucu Mar intis mid i.Ho the
rest o f the complex. Therefore, ihe Gcnestealcis are charging
forwards almost heedless of the enemy. They only link if a
Space Marine is wnhir. 2 squares of wi unlry uica.

Escaping Genestealers
5 [ f a Genes ted cr gets off Ju.’ board ut one uf the Spann Marine
entry arcis, it is safe.
It c u i ' l later return to tlir game.



............................... 1

1 1 1
1 1



Gansslealer Entry Area

Spacfl Marine Deployment Area

VICTORY If there are CcneslcalcTS on the Space Marine side of the

complex (above the tinned line), or if there are no Space
The mission finds sfter Genestealer him 1 2 If ih«r? are no
Muz ines left alive, die mission is a Geiwstealer vicloiy.
Genesrealers left alive, [he mission is a Space Marine victory.
If there arc Genestealers in the. main corridor hut not on the. If two or more Genasiaalers get off tha hoard before the 12
Space Marine side of the complex (above the doled line), the Lunts are over, die Space Murine player immediately loro —
miflijiioii is a partial Space Marine victory. the game is a Gcncskulm victory.


The uinal assault force of the Space Marine first wave wm> Gencsieulers
ordered to discover where the- Pai ri arch and the main The Gcncstealers may enter ui any of ihc marked entry areas.
Gcnentealer defences wen.- located within the Nautilus spire.
Once their location was found, the Space Murines* fund strike
could be fiin - they didn't warn to waste v al j able Lime or lives SPECIAL RULES
searching du ucgli rha winding tunnels of die spire, prey in
inubush by Gmcfiiealers. Both players use psychic cards.

To pinpoint die Genes lealers. the Space Marines hud to The Space Marine- player n a y secure entry areas.
irucrrogalc the computers that ran the f e w remaining Reaching the Control Panel
automatic services i:i this part of the spire. They were When the first Space Murine teaches lhe control panel, 1 A P
convinced that the Genes leal ere had been re siden'. lung may he spent switching un die Aiiiofirie weaponry,
enough fur their location to show through die use of arce$«
tunnels, energy points and sd forth. If they were wrong, it It then takes a intel ol 25 A Pi to get nil the informal kirn needed
could mean sending the Space Mannes uu 11 wild goose chase from the computet.
nr worse, into a trap. Moke u note of each A P spent by a Space Marine io gather
Reaching die computers was going to be difficult Extracting information Although the APs ctm be spent by different
the iiifujmfltion while holding off die Gciicstenlers in ibis area Space Marines in different turns, only one Space Marine can
would be nr ar impossible. Bin it was the only way to finish, gather data in any given turn.
the rebellion swiftly and save dw rest of lhe Acropolis Irom If die room is Affected by Warp Time, each AP spent counts as
Infection and certain death. half an AP
[Xestrvying Lhc Control Fan cl
OBJECTIVES As soon as I hr llriu AP is spent on gathering information, the
Genestealers become aware of die Space Marines" intentions
The Space Murine player is trying in secure mfoririutiuri from and start trying in destroy the control panel from i his point,
the computers, Tie Genestcsalcr player is trying to stop tills by lite Cwncs teal ers ' rem force men ts g o up to Blips per turn.
killing llie Spine Marines nr rtextroying the cuntiDl panel
The eon hoi panel can be destroyed on the same roil as in
destroy a door.
FORCES II a Jinx is cost onto the section containing the control p u r l ,
all previous APs spent on p other tng in fonu alien are lost and
Space Marines
Use lice last two squaris from the first wave. the process must begin again once the Jinx has been cleared -
no APs can be spent on gathering iiifunnalinr while the room
GeneM eaters is affected by a Jinx.
The Genes fouler player starts with 2 Blips and gels 2 Blips
reinforce menu per turn. When the. Space Marines reuch the Au to fl re Weapons
cpnlicl pm tel. the rein forer.m etits increase to 3 Blips per rum. Al the beginning of the game, Lhc Space Marine player places
llw four autofire counters, on the board in my corridor sections
The Gemccteaier player uses the expanded Blip set. The (nut looms, junctions nr turns}. These counters represent
lettered Blips represent the following Hybrids; automatic lasguns fixed into the ceiling which fire on any
A Unarmed 4th level psyker life form passing directly below Llteiu.
B 4th level psyker with lasgun Al the sliul of the mission, the slug fire weapons iut> not yei
C 4th level psyker wiJi pir-uiift gm activated they can be turned on bl Lhc uoutiul panel for I AP.
D 4 1h level psyker w i'J i i nissile law tcher Once activated. any model passing overdw eouilct is fired nn
E 4 th level psyker with mtlocunnon by the Inset. Roll a single dice. A Genes leal er or Space Marine
is killed on a 6 a Gcnestealer Hy brid is killed or; a 4,
I’ Mcn-psykcr with bolici
It the control panel is destroyed, all the lasers stop firing und
G N nn-ps yker with 1us pistol
the counters arc removed
11 h nn-ps yker with heavy bolter
An unconverted Blip cannvi be moved over an an tn fire
1 bon psyker with heavy pliL-ina gun counter - it musi stop ils move or convert befom moving. A
J Nc.m-psykw wiih conversion beamer R lip cunnut be converted so that a model is placed nn the
Autufire weapons urc set into the ceiling and cannol be
DEPLOYMENT destroyed - not even by u Vortex,
Space Marines A Flux in the section temporarily stops ihcm working (they
The Space Marine force sorts in die in inked corridor section.
si ill operate normally if die control panel is Jir.xedJ - iliey
The Space Marines move first. work again unce die Jinx is gone.


VICTORY If less than 15 APs are spent on gathering information before

all the Space Marines are killed or the control panel is
If the Space Marine player spends 25 APs on gathering
information, the mission is a Space Manne victory. destroyed, lire mission is a Gcncslcalcr victory.
If ar least 15 APs are spent un gathering information, the Make sure you record this result as it affects the forces
mission is a partial Space Mai Lie victory. available for Divide & Conquer and Poison!


The intatrogoTinn of the compulcrs was successful, Combined FORCES

with iscormaissancc reports mid bio scanning ol the spire, ilk*
Space Marines had discovered there were only t w o main Space Marines
cone cn trillions of Cif.ncsteaJcrs left. One was gaihered to Use two of die squads From die second wave
defend their Patriarch. The other giuup had been sent into (he If the Guneslealers won the fourth niihsimt. Intrnogaiinn, the
lower levels in an n tempi In break through tn the Acropolis. Spice M urines didn’t get the vital cumputar m Formation they
Thtiiks tn the earlier isolation manoeuvres, this second group needed and limy have to spiv, Ihuir forces i o scout more of the
of Oenesi talers had failed in their task. They were now spire. Each squad loses a Space Murine ihe Space Marine
returning io the I’airiarch. Wilhia die narrow confines of dtc player chooses which 2 models inen't available to him for ibis
spire's tunnels, the Space Marines knew that they couldn't game.
fiux- inch a large force and win. The only hope was te catch GentsLealci's
die two groups separately before tliey joined. The Genfcstealer player starts with ? Blips and gets 2 Blips per
Two Fresh squads front die second wave were detailed to turn as reinforcements.
guard The access corridors from the lower levels and slop the If ihc“ Gene stealers won Litermgaiinn. or it wits only u partial
Gcnesiealcrs breaking through to regroup. Ten Imperial Fists Space Marine vic lory, the Genestcalcr pjuyci starts with -1
formed aline ihut no Crenesiealcr would cioss. Blips to represent the extra time die* Gene stealers have to
prepare themselves while the Space Marines search the
Nau Li us spue.
The Gcncstcilei player uses rhe expanded Blip set.
Tlw Space Manne playci is uyiug To hold oft ihc Gene stealer
reinforcements while the Gcnesleale-r player is trying Lu break The leuerad Blips represent lhe tallowing Hybrids;
through i h t cordon and get some Gents tealcrs off lite marked
A 3rd level psyker with holier
Corridor section. The gmnr fasts for 1.5 Dims.
II 3rd level psyker with lascannon
C 3rd level psyker with plasma gun
1J 3rd level psyker with missile launcher
E 3rd level psyker with conversion beamer
F Non psyker wiih boiler and chains word
G Non psvker with lasgun
H Non-psykcr with autucannon
I Non psyker with heavy plasma gun
J Non psyker with heavy bullet

Space Marines
The Space Marine player places his models anew here an the
board on any facing and set on overwarch if he wanLs.
The Genesteater forces can come on at any of Ihc marked
entry areas.
l he Gencstculers mow first.

Both players use psychic. cards.

Crakes and Hubble

Before the game begins, the Space Marine player can place all
ihc. crate and rubble counters anywhere on the board,

Helbra die gamy begins, lhe Space Marine player may decide
Lu opvn [but not destroy) up to 6 daws.


p I


■: I:
q L

■•j 5-
£ I
:■ ?L

tar 1
J :T


L -■rf

_ . ,. t. .
'■-■■ """ "


O Door

A Genastealer Entry Area

/\ Genestealer Exit Area

'I’hemis'kion ends after him 15,
If nn Genes tellers get off lh<? board at tlieii marked exit arcus,
the. mission is a Space Marine victory.
If between 1 and 5 Genestealers get off die board, die missiun
is a partial Space Marine victory,
If A nr more Genestealeis get off tire board, die mission is it
Genattealer victory.



With many o f rhe GcricMcalfrs n o n cut off from theit E 4 ih level psyker wiLh bak pis ml
Patriarch, die Space Marines had only one objective rhe F 4 ih level psyker with bolter
death af the brood's Leader. Bur the Patriarch and a number of G Non -psyker wiih plasma pistol
Mugi had scaled them selves into a nigh-impenetrable fortified
II Non psyker with plastnu gun
position at Hie Lop of the spire - they had obviously been
prepared for such an uvcniuulily. The Space Marines knew I Nun-psykcr with umocannun
they would win but the losses could be terrible. J Non-psyker with missile launcher
'llr. answer was Lu die spire plans lliul I uni been retrieved fioin
the computer hanks. A healing and all duct tan die whole
height of the spire and could be accessed from i cany levels,
'['no narrow for the Gan alecs oi Spai e Morines tu cuter, it Space Marines
could still be used tn deliver a deadly poison to ihe Tnc Space Marines start ar. the marked corridor sections
Genes Letters' scaled fortress. If Interrogation was a Spmee M a n n e victory, the S p a c e
The earlier missions tn t u p the Geneste-iders Imd paid off! The Marines move first
Space Marines had twn canisters of a deadly nerve agent thui Geiit'steairrji
had been specially developed by Imperial xenobiologists • it The Genes teal ms uim enter al any of the marked entry area*.
was known Id affect e v e n the hardy metabolisms of
GciicsLcaluTS. If just one canister of this nerve agent could he If Interrogation was a Genes teller victory, die Genes lcalcrs
ujlrmJuued into Jic healing duct, h would rise up and Hood the move finer.
Geuestealera' fortified position The Space Marines could kill
tiie Patriarch and hi> remaining forces without having to lake SPECIAL RULES
losses. Only the Genes icalcrs between them and the air duct
stood in tiie way of loLul victory, Bath players use psychic cards. The Space Manne player may
secure entry u eas ,
If an amh.ith in uscwl and turns out Io be u Gcueslcalcr. 1L
The Space Marine player is trying to gel u. lens; one of the represents a Genes tealer Magus (unarmed 4th |<*vp| Hybrid
canisters to the air shaft The GeneslEutei player is trying to psyker)! The Genes icaler player's psychic card hand gons np
stop the Space Marines. lo 5 cards - il returns to 4 if Lnc Mae us is killed
l h e Genesiealcr player c a n ' t use any mure ambush Blips
FORCES while a Magus is m play. The Gcnesiealer player is limited lu
Space Marines u maximum of 2 Magi for the whnle game (ihmiph nni m the
Use the rernainrnR two squads from the second wave, plus two ■mine tirnc. of course).
Space Marines a rm rd with .storm bolters and power gloves lu
C a iTying a Canister
carry the canisters (see Special R .ilos) The canisters uf injcju biological agent arc very heavy so the
If die Genestealers won Interrogation rhe Space Marines S p a c e Mwirics currying them cannot move more than 4
didn't gut the vital com purer information and they have to squares pei l u n - CP.s can't be used Lu move then] further. A
sput thetr forces to scout more of rhe spire. Each squad loses I Space Mur inc viuiyiug u canister cannot use his weapons, hut
Space Marine - rhe. Space Marine player chooses which 2 die canister cun be put down far 1 AP in order to Fire. Picking
models aren't available to him for this game up a canister costs 2 APs.
Gun th Lta lers If a Space Marine carrying a cuuistei is attacked in close
lhe Genesteater player starts with 2 Blips and gets 2 Blips per combat, he can't defend himself and is auiomatically killed If
I urn as reinforcements. a Space Marine carrying a canister is killed, or if he pure ir
If die Gcitcjkiders won Interrogation, or it was only a partial down hi id moves off, ano th er Space Manne can pick up the
Sput-r Murine victory, lire Gcncsixalcr player siaris with 4 canister tills costs 2 A P s A Space Murine armed w u h
Blips lu represent lhc extra umc ihc Gcncstealers have to lightning d a w s cannot pick j p u canister. Tin.* canisters cannot
hti destroyed cKcept by a Vortex
prepare themselves while die Space Marines search the spire.
If Divide ,fc Conquer was a Gencslealei victory, die Murk the Space Manne carrying a cani.titsr, nr the jiusiiionuf it
Genes teal er player cels i reinforcement Blips fiom turn 5. dropped canislEr, with one. o f the canterer counters

The Genes teal er player uses rhe expanded Blip set and One a Space Marine carrying a canister rtarhes the air shaft, it
ambush counters (see Special Rules). T h e lettered Blips lakes I A P io arrn the canister ar.d 1 AP io drop ir in the shift
represent the following 1 lyhrids* Gtnutitealurband Canisters
If u Space Marine puls down or is forced io drop a canisicr, a
A 4tb level psyker with chamsword
GeriBstealer may be able to pick il up. Puics train GencsiciiLcrs
B 4 th level psyker with power sword
ignore "he canisters, but h Hybrid Gcnestcalcx may pick up a
C 4th. level psyker with laspistol carister because of thru Genesteulei parentage, Hybrids arc
D 4lh level psyker with lasgun much stronger than nomisl Hu mans.



Space Marine Deployment Area

Gene stealer Entry Area Air Shaft

Il coals 2 APs for a Hybrid to pick up a canister and 1 AP to VICTORY

put i t down. As with Space Mannes, a Hybrid carrying a
canister cannot fire, nor can a psychic Hybrid concentrate If an untied cuiusUt is placed in die air shaft the mission is a
enough U> use ils psychic powers. Space Marine victory — the poisun w ill spiuad Lhiouglujut die
upper parts of the spire and kill die Genestealers.
Hybrids cannot lake the canisters off board, though they may
move them a.s far away from the .Space Marines as they want. Any o t h e r result i s a Cicneslealor victory.


. *
* «

1 ’; W
I $ :.
S *®* * Mj
The Dcvlan system lie* towank ihc south eastern unit of the CAMPAIGN RULES
galaxy, The system contains six inhabited planets, all rich in
valuable ijieii that feed huge industrial complexes Exports Unlike ihn olher campaigns in the book, this is a completely
from Devlin ate seat o u t across the galaxy on great star linked series of games with Uh: results of each mission directly
Freighters in return. lidm* pour in to swell the cotters nt the affecting i h e n e x t . In one mission, for example, even the
noble tn a •■nates. models’ starting positions are carried over from die previous
mission. The missions are. nm written to be played separately
Dev fan'* rich cummer ce attracts many raiders and w at bands «u though we’ve included some notes at tlie end c n how you
hoping Lu profit from piracy and plunder, Al the edge of (lie can du this if you want.
system there arc a series of space stations lo wain of invaders.
Each of these ScLimcl space stations is powerfully aimed mid The Space Marine force comprises just 6 squads for Lie entire
together they form a web nf death KiiTTnunding and protecting campaign.
the system Squad Amadeus
Without warning. Sentinel V went silent, only one garbled I Sergeant with s l a m bolter and power sword
fearful message revealing il was under miauk before I Cndtcicr (level 2) with norm boiler and force are.
communication was lost. Fear gripped die system, Tine noble 1 Space Marine with .c.$ mill c.unnm (3 reloads) and power
fun i dies had heard of the great darkness descending on the glove.
galaxy - lite vast, murderous Tyranid Hive I led Krakem thm 1 Space Marine with storm bolter and chain fist.
was overwhelming whole star systems, their populatinns
1 Spine Marine with storm bolter and power glove
murdered, consumed or imprisoned by the Tyranids. Wai this
die firs! strike by I he Hive Fleet against Lhc Dev I an system, Squad Hadrian
harbinger of worse to come? l Sergeant with corm holier and power glove,
1 Epistolary (level 3) with stern bolter and power
The noble families gathered in the Great Furuni un Dcv’an fll.
Among them, as an Imperial representative, wax Captain 1 Space Marrnc with heavy flamer f l reload) and power glove.
Jacobus of lhe Space Wolves, commander o f the Space I Space Marine with lightning dj*s.
Marine contingent stationed in the; system I Space M uii ne with s t u m bolter and power glove.
There was great uproar verging on panic as voices were raised Squad Jacobus
ir. tear and a n g e r . Many s p o k e uf the certain d e a t h that Capuiin Jacobus with storm holier, power sword ujilI power
a waned them if this was a Tyranid utlix-k. Others counselled glove with grenade launcher
culm: ihcy should investigate helnrr leaping to conclusions - 1 Chief Librarian (level 4) with storm bolter onJ force axe.
perhaps; it was only E’dar pirates or marauding Oiks passing 1 Space Marino with heavy flamer ( i reload) und power glove
llitcjgh the system.
1 Space Mui me with assault cannon (3 reloads) and power
Eventually a decision was reached: Captain Jacohus would glove
lead an auaulr nn Sentinel V - if tins was a forerunner of the 1 Space Marine with storm bolter and power glove
Tyranid fleet, the Adminislmlum m u s t know as soon ax
possible. At the same time. tJw nobles would prepare to llee Squad Fabius
the system, taking Lhcir wealth aboaid the huge star freighters 1 Sergeant with storm belter and power glove.
ready to head towards the safety of the galactic core. The ] Cud icier (level 2] with storm holier and feure axe.
dangers a I a deep space journey paled into insignificance 1 Space Marine with assault cannon (3 reloads! and power
when sd against the threat nf lhe Hive Fleet. glove,
I Space Marine with lightning clows.
Captain Jacobus had only u small contingent: six squads of
Space Wolves Terininuiors would be boarding the Sentinel V I Space Marine with thunder hummer and storm shield.
space station tn assess lite sihiiiliun and capture or eliminate Squad Erasmus
the invaders. I Sergeant with siorm holier and power glove.
Tin approach lo the station was fraught with tension — if the 1 Epistolary (level 3) with storm bolter mid force axe.
invaders were able lo control the SenlLruaTs defence systems, 1 Space Mm inc with Itiinvy flamer (1 reload) and power glove
die Space Murine craft could he destroyed before it readied its 1 Space Marine with storm holier and chain fist
tiugL-t. As Lite craft approached the docking bay. tlieie was no 1 Space Marine with storm boiler mid power glove.
sign of response: no weapon ■; swivelled low aid tile Space
Murines, no tc Hide power surges showed defence lasers being Squad Sebustien
readied fur firing. Either the invaders were unable to umittul I Sergeant wiih storm bolter and power sword.
the weapon systems, or they wanted i n allow tile Space I Thief Librarian (level 4) with siurm boiler and force axe.
Marines to dock. I Space Mm inc with assault cannon (3 retoadx) and powrer
The first Terminator squads were sent in cm shuttles to glove,
establish a bridgehead - now they’d learn wind enemy they 1 Spine Min inc wiih thunder hart nt er ami storm shield
faced. 1 Space Marine with suvrm holier and power glove,




0-c _ _
~r t n~r

T i t l-n
IIH [|

SETTING UP THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN of squads at the docking bay and then bring the others on one
at a time as the game progresses.
If you and your friends have got enough Space Hulk board Begin with Genestealers entering on Level Two, adding Lhe
sections between you, you can try setting up the whole Level Three entry areas when the Space Marines reach lhe lift.
campaign as a single huge game. We won’t give proper rules The only entry areas the Space Marines can secure are the
for this but here’s a few ideas. three pitfalls on Level Two. You could limit the Genestealer
Try playing with each Space Marine squad commanded by a to a maximum number of Blips for the whole games and let
different player. Stagger their entry, so you start with a couple the player decide when they come on (maximum 2 per turn).


V- '■

. ."r '
Twa squads eiileied the Sentinel s dockuig bay. Situated on OBJECTIVES
Level Two of the space station. Their orders were lo clear rlie
way for rhe rent nF rhe Torre anil set up a hridirchrad. Once Tlie Space Marine player ifiuit completely clear the euea of
they had gained a tooLhold, Captain Jacutus himself would Genes te fliers Tire Gene steal ar player must try to stop i h r
bring in die third squad. Il this inisskm was not u success. die Space Marines.
whole opcmduTi was duuinud,
As Qn/ I Jridirig sh utiles uppuached die ducking bay there was FORCES
no sign al lesisLuirce. The lighLs were all dimmed, running a n
eineigcncy power only, casting a bloud red glow over die Space Marines
area. Warning beacons pulsed at the edges o f the bays and The Space Marine player stalls with Squad Amadeus and
shadows of die Ilhj i nmchinciy leapt and shuddered in I heir Squad Hadrian and receives Squad Jacobus as rcinforccntcnls
intermittent light. Lung stared lines of laser fire, scarred the on turn 5 .
deck but there was no sign of bodies, ealherof the invaders or
ill r Sen I i n el's crew . The Gcncstcalcr player starts with 10 Blips in play. From
The two squads disembarked and moved into position.. As turns 4 lu 9 he gets 1 Slipper turn as reinforcements.
they approached the entry corridors lo lhe station, I heir The Genep tetri er player uses rhe* expanded Blip set. T h e
sc aimers stalled to corrie la life; telltale blips showed the lettered Blips represent lhe fallowing Hybrids
enemy ahead. Sciguaml Amadeus icputlcd lu CppLihi Jacobus
- it was safe to bring in die second landing shuttle but there A Unarmed 4ih level ptyker
were enemy fences just beyond the docking bay. "Die Space B 4lh level psykdT with lispistol
Marines readied their weapons and advanced.
C 4th level psyker with chainsword
D 41h Jewel psyker with bolter
E 4th le vel psykn wiili autocaitflon
F Nun -psyker with iusguii
G Nun-psyker with plasma pistol
H Nou-psyker with missile launcher
I Nun- psyker u> i d t conver sion be an lei
J Non psyker wilb hnavy holler

Spare Marines
Squads Amadeus uml Hudiiun start un the trunked euliy
corridors with one squad an each cuiridw -
On luni 5. Squad Jacobus may enter at cither of tliu marked
entry corridon.
The Space Marines move first
Grne si talers
The starting force is placed as 2 Blips iu each of the fjvr*
rooms. The reinforcements may r.oinc on ar my o f ihr. m.vknd
entry poims.

Both players use psychic cards. The Space Mannes cannot
actually play any cards until die Chief Librarian urrm’s in lhe
fifth turn.

Re fore lhe game, lhe Gene steal er player may place all ihe
crate crnimers in din J -square wide corridor that forms the
Cargo Bay. Craics can't be placed in a square next lo □ door
mid they dtfi't be set up Id block lire corridor completely,


i 3
■■ ' I
>; i

r- t-*?
k• ■- : ___:
... ------: ;

l S ;

I is
i Ji

O D°°r | _ _| Space Marine Deployment Area

Geno stealer Entry Area .Aj Space Marine Entry Area

ENDING THE MISSION Iflcss than five Space Marines survive, it is unlikely Uiail die
campaign will be concluded successfully by the Space
The mission ends when all the Gcnolculeis are dead, Marines. If no Space Marines survive, the campaign has
already been lost.
The Space Marine player then recur ds all die surviving Space
Marines from each squad. Survivors of Squad Jacobus arc In cither case, the Sparc Marine player should start this
used in Strike Force - survivors of Squads Amadeus and mission again or swap sides and see if your opponent can do
Hadrian re appear irrThe Patriarch. any better!


'ITic docking bay was c’.evrvd in a ferocious firefight as rhe OBJECTIVES

three squads pushed iheh wuy farther into (he Sentinel space
station. Naw the Space Marines knew wlml enemy they were Tlw Space Marine player must wenrs all three entry ureas and
up agonist; Gcncsccalers including a strong force of Hybrid da-u gel all remaining models down in rhe lift io Level 'Duee.
psykers. The infornuiUan was relayed back by Captain
TIlc G cur six ider player must try to slop rhe Space Mm ines.
Jacobus lo his command vessel for transmission lo the
Adminifitianjni It was us Uic num of Dev Ian feared - ihcsr.
UeneMralrrs were ulmest certain.y the forerunners of rhe
'l ytAnid Hive Fleet FORCES
This added urgency Lu die unnJulabon of die (Jcnestealer . No Space Marines
psychic signals hud been picked up by the A.uropaths in the The Space Murine player slarts with Lite survivor!; of Squad
Devi an system - it was probable no message had been sent to Jacobus and all of Squud Fabius.
die Hive Fleet From Lliu mpLurtd space station. T h e ever
Squad Erasmus iu lives as reinforcements at the st an of rum 4
advancing Tyranid Fleet would still Iw a icrr.ble threat hui
jKthaps the Space Marines could buy (lie system’s population Genes k u k r s
sonic more time. The Gcnesnsater player gets no starting forces and fids 2 Blip*;
per turn as reinforcemnnis
L-xl by Cap Lain Jacobus and the. turvivars of his sqjwJL, two
fresh sounds advanced further mtn ilie space st a Lon. Their aim As Lhe Space Marines secure lhe pitfalls, the Gcne.slealem
wai to clew Level Two of tie Geneva ltrs breaking in from reinforcements are redur-rd .see Special Rules.
i he observation platform on Level One, and to set u p an
advance force uu Level Three. Il wit from Level Three tliut The Genestealer player uses tire expanded Blip set. T h e
he strongest psychic activity was emanating and here Captain leuered Blips represent the fallowing Hybrids:
Jacobus expected lo find Lhc main body of ihr Genestealer A I Inarmed 4ih level psyker
fi -1th level psyker with bull pistol
The squads advanced warily - they knew the Gcnesteakis
C 4Li level puyker with power sword
were above them and feared u break through tn the rear. Their
seamers showed the enemy moving ml around them: in front, D 4th level psyker with lusguu
boo vc and below. Once false move, one b<*d decision, and die E 4 th I c v c I psy ker wi th m ■ssi le I au nc her
wliule Space Marine force could he surrounded mid dcsiroyed.
F Non psyker will] bolter
G Non-psyker w;ih plasma gun
H Nan -psyker with auuicarmi'in
I Non psyker with con version beamer
J Non-psyker with hscannun

Space Marines
l hie squad suns on each of dw marked entry corridors.
At the start of turn 4. Squud Eni-inus cumes on ml Lie marked
entry area.
The Space Marines move first.
On level 2, the GcncsTcytlejs enter tluoUgh lhc pilfallx marked
as entry areas - see Spacial Rules
( hi level 3, the Genesteokis come on al the marked enuy area.

Both phiyeis use psychic cards. If die Chief I .ibrarian survived
in Squad Jacobus. the Space Marine player can play psychic
cards from the start of die gume. otherwise he has to wail far
the arrival of Squad Erasmus's Episrohuy in Hirn 4.



i ;



Eniry Areas I
PHfa Ils In Ceiling: --------- S:
_ ______::
Gene stealer £
Entry Areas Try nJ ■ " '.m A >•.rCJ
Space Marine
Deployment Area

Space Marine
Entry Point



Pitfalls At the start of each Space Marine turn, the Space Marine
(hi Level Two, 'Ju.' G eno toair is ore entering through pitaJLs player can slate which floor tho lift is on The. hit can be on u
frnrri Level One. Mark die position of these entry areas with different flixn each turn or can ha kept on the same floor far
pitfall shadows, Wlule the Gene stealers are receiving 2 Blips several turns.
pct Lum, die 2 Blips must enter through different holes,
If the lift door luis been opened, il jnilnrr.atically closes during
When tWD of Un; pitfalls have been secured, the Clericsicalcr the o f iuni A modal carmen civil its mm on the door
reinforce mejils go down to 1 Blip per turn through the square (if if does, it’s crushed in death as the door cluses!).
leuuining pitfall.
The Ci one stealers never enter or move the lifts.
Gene-stealer* are never forced to lurk when cniviitig through
the pitfalls, even if a Space. Miuine is standing within s i s Space Marines in the Lift
I’he lift holds up to 4 Space Minutes. When the I ill moves, the
Space Marines are simply placed on ihc 1 1i section of the
I'he Space Marines cannot gu up through the pitfall*;. other level bi die mix position wiih the w m t facing and sull
on uvcrwjucli if il had already been san
Securing the Pitfalls
A Space Marine model must Ik- slunding adjacent to a pitfall
square tn secure the pitfall. ENDING THE MISSION
Once all three pitfalls have been seemed, du.- reinforcements I’he mission ends when the lust j-urviving Space Marine
nn Level Twa stop. There are no Gcnustealer reinforcements reaches Level Three. The Space Marine player cuds thm mm
on their nest Urn. On die following turn (ie the second turn and the game steps, The Level Two map rail then be. broken
lifter die lust pitfall was secured), the Gencstcilcr player u p Lu expand Level Three. CounteT- Attack follows on
urceives 1 Blip reinforcement nn Level Three. iuunediaiely from ihc end ofSirike Farce.
Flu the rasi of the mission. the (Jer.EStcakr player gels 1 Elip Of course, if you don’t want ia gu straight a n u» i.’je next
every other turn on Level Three. mission, you can make a note of the curienl position and
taring of ad the surviving Spwe Miuiues. Genesteulers, B ips
Lifts and any area effects so dint you J’IhjI again later.
Bo r h sides want to keep the lift working, so neither side is
allowed wj attack a lift, its occupants. o r the lift door In 11’ all the Space Marines die dining this mission, the campaign
addition, neither side will use urea effect weapons or area has lietin lost’ Either replay this mission ur try again from the
effect psychic attacks a n the lift or on -lie section next to it. start by replaying Docking. Buy.

After a hard, rhe Space Marines gamed access ki Level Amid this debris, the Space Marines pressed on, die skittering
Three. The breakthroughs from Level One had beet sealed sound of Genestealcr claws echoing duwii die tuiuieb us die
and the Gcncstcalers left in die observation platforms isolated coitnter-auaek was Launched.
from the main farce. Captain Jacobus w a s sure he could
maintain Lie defences on die secund level and mop up any
survivors or. Level One when the station hud been teiaptjjed OBJECTIVES
Ancad uf him, however, was still the main Gonnsreiler force The Space Marine, player must hold off the Genestealcr
and it was now counter- attacking i n strength Then* was. also coLiLvi-iill ju k. The Gcneslcalrr player is trying to kill as
iui ever-increasing level o f psychic activity. The Space jinuiy space Marines as possible.
Marines knew they had tn move fast if they were to suweed in
their mission. but at the same time it was vital to hold the
ground they’d already taken.
Captain Jacobus. decided to commit the last fresh squid to lite
hatilr., They had to break through and overwhelm Ihc enemy’s
Spiire Marines
Tne Space Marine player starts with all the surviving Space
counter-attack while the G e n e stealers were still in some
Marines from Strike Farce - t c the survivors o f Squads
ditirray from the rapid Space Marine advance: Hesitation now
Jacobi s. Fabius and Lrasmus. Squad Sebastian cnlcrs play itt
would he fatal. two groups on tiirivi 3 and 5.
Wiiho-jl win ting to regroup, thr Space Mann ex continued their
advance through the battle-scarred corridors of I xvel Three. It T n c G e n e sic tiler player s t a r t s with all the Blips and
was obvious thut the station’s crew luld mounted their main Gcncsteakrs left in piny al the end of Strike Force. He gets 2
defence here — blood stained the w a l h and abandoned Bli|.Bi fx‘i tutu us reinforcements tor turns I i n Ilk
weapons lisy broken in corners, crushed b y powerful
Ge.’iesiealei claws. Doors were ripped o u t and instruments T h e Geiiesteak'i player uses the expanded Blip set and
smashed . ambush counters.


Door Genestealer Entry Areas

PasBibln location for door Space Marine Deployment Area

(depending on result ol Strike Force) (tor non-campalgn games only)



The I eiuj-red Blips represent ihr following I lyhrirts: The GenefiteuJer$ move First
A I Inarmed 4th level psyker
E 4ih level psyker with laipistol SPECIAL ROLES
C 4ih level psyker with hnlwr
llmh players use psychic cards. If ihe Space Murine player has
[1 4lh level psyker with plasma pistol
no surviving psyker*, al ihe filar t of the game. hr cannot play
E 4lh level psyker wilh conversioii beamer any psychic cards until the Chief Librarian from Squad
F Non*psykcr with, lasgun Scbasticn enters play.
G Snn-puyker with hah pistol md power sword
11 Non psykiir wiih autwymnon Sujne of the douis shown on lire map may have been opened
I Nuii-psykci wilh missile launcher Oi destroyed during Strike Futce. They slam Id be in die s m e
J Ncu-psykcr with heavy plasma aim position (or removed if destroyed) as at the end uf Strike

DEPLOYMENT Ambush Counters

If an ambush counter is revealed to be a Genesteula, it is an
Space Marines unarmed Magus. (4th level psyker) Al the start of the next
TluciLuvivuis ftuni Strike Fur w remain in their positions from mm, ihe waler player’s psychic card hand increases to 5
die end of die mission - if you aren't ciniimuir.g the game cards. Il ihe Magus is killed, the Genestealer player's hand is
directly from Str ike Force. refer io your notes for their starling reduced to 4 psychic cards at ihc start of the ncu nim. There
pOa;iri nns can only be o n e Magus in play at once - il another one is
revealed, it is replaced by a normal unarmed 4 ih level puyker.
Three modal fi from Squad Sebflstiea start in Un* lift on ;urn 3
The oihcr iwn models start in tho. lift two turns after the first
group leave the lire{ie normally uim 5). None that ihc li li door
closes during each endphase a.? before so the Space Marinas ir
the lift must spend 1 A? id open the door before leaving. I’hc mission ends with ihe death of all ihr Geneslealexs.
Record which Space Marines survive as they arc used in The
Genestealers I'ainarch.
The slarting Blips and models remain in their positions from
Lie end of Strike Force. The reinforcements may enter at any I t all the S p a c e Marines were killed i n m i s s i o n , iho
of due maiked entry areas. campaign is lostl

The counter attack had been repulsed.. The Genu slc ulcris luid OBJECTIVES
pulled back, waiting foi lite final assault. The Space Murine
Librarians had detected a powerful psychic force — they now The S p a c e Marine playei must totally wipe out all the
knew for certain they faced a Genesiraler Patriarch. remaining Genesteaieis. par lieu louly attempting to kill die
Geneslealer Patriarch
Caplaji Jacobas gathered all his Space Marines together. He
couldn't afford lo leave anyone to guard the upper level - The Gencste ler player must defeat die Space Mai likes und
they’d just have to lake their chances and hope they weren't save the Patriarch,
caught from behind by Genextealers lurking nn I evrl Ona
This was the final challenge - a final push to annihilate ihc
surviving Gcnpslcalcrs and their Patriarch. FORCES
As they advanced, their scanners were ablaze wiih signs ofihc Space Marines
enemy ahead. The pay chic power arid sheer magnetism of ihe The Space Murine player uses all Lie surviving Space Marines
ancient and powerful Patriarch was almost tangible. The - ic those from Counter-Attack, phis the survivors of Squads
Space Marine Librarians could see ihe immense psychic Amadeus arid Hadrian from Diodring Bay
forces held in readiness as sparks and oreama nt pure colour,
leaping from Ihc walls and running through the space station's 'J 'he Genestealer player has n toutl force. of 24 Blips, plus
corridors. Their own power reached forward, fisis of energy ambush RTipfiand a Patriarch. The ambush Blips and Palriaich
ready to crush the enemy. are covered in die Special Rules.
There was a brief, tense moment of 2alm ax each side ganged ’[’here are n o Getiestealer reinforcements all o f the
die measure of i ji opponents. Then ihc thunder of bolter fire
Genests alcr forces siari the game in play.
filled die corridors mid searing blasts of lightning ripped
through doors and bodies. The end had begun. The GcncsxaJcrs player uses ihc expanded ft lip set



Space Marine
Deployment Area

The lettered Blips represent the following Hybrids: DEPLOYMENT

A Unarmed 4th level psyker Space Marines
The survivors from Counter-Attack (ie the survivors of
B 4ih level psyker with la gim
Squads Jawbus, Fabius, Erasmus and Sebastien) start on entry
C Ji h level psyker wiJt boll pis Lu I w id chainsword area A. Survivals from Squad Amadeus Stan on entry area B.
D 4th level psyker with plasma gun Survivors from Squad Hadrian start on entry area C.
E 4th level psyker with heavy bolter Tltv Spurt Morines move first,
F Non-psyker with laspisiol and power sword
G Non-psyker with lascaimoit I he Patriarch starts in the marked room on any facing the
H Non-psyker with missile launcher Genes Icaler player wants
1 Non-psyker with pnnverskwi beamer The Blips and ambush Blip can be placed anywhere uu the
J Non-psyker with amocarmon board except within Line of sight of a Space Marine,


If all ihc Space Marines are dead and the Patriarch and all the
Cicncstcalcr psy leers have been killed, the campaign ts a draw,
liven if some I’urestram Gencsl eaters survive, they ullcr lilde
fnrr.ii in i he Devian system as they c a n ' t pilot the shuttles

other Humans arc sent io Sentinel V lu investigate...

E If you want Louse any of the missions front tins curipaign as u
sund-atane game, consult the following guidelines. Unless
otherwise nmed, forces and deployment remain die same as
jiiven in the standard miss kin briefings
Balli pluyeis use psychic cards. The Geroesiealer player starts DOCKING BAY
with a hand of 6 psychic cards because of the presence of the
Patriarch. It the Space Marine player h a s no surviving G etiesteal er Forces
Librarians he can't use his psychic cards. I net case die Genestealar reinforcnniEnls tn ? Blips; per rum.
The Patriarch Victory
The PuLriurch is 4 4Ui level psykei It h is 6 APs like other The Space Manne player wins it there are more than 5 Space
pLCu lruin Gcuole alcrs but culls 4 dice in close assault, each Marines still alive at the end o! the game. The Gencstcalcr
with a • 3 iKjrius Treat it as a Puisstrain for all tolls in kill it. player wins if ail the Space Marines arc killed. Any tiling else
is a draw.
II the Patriarch is killed, all Gcneslealri psykeis e xcept Magi
arc reduced Lu 2nd level due to die psychic shuck - this means
psychic curds now cost tliuui 3 APs, or 2 APs if playing n STRIKE FORCE
trump card. Magi arc more powerful mid resilienl they
remain us 4th level psykejs even if tlieir Patriarch is killed. Space Marine Forces
Lse the whole of Squad Jacobus plus all uf Squad Fabius.
TJieGimesleulc! player \ 1i;dhJ is reduced to 4 psychic cards at
tlie stait of next [urn {or 5 cards if there is a Magus in play). Victory
The Space Manne player wins by Imving mure llun 6 Spate
Ambush Elips Marines u n Level Three at l h e e n d o f the mission, The
When .i Gene stealer is revealed by an ambush Blip, it is n:i Genestealer player wins if less ihan 't Space Marines art alive
unarmed Magus i'4ih level psyker). at lhe r.nrf nf the mission Anything else is a draw,


This linul mission, and diwcfuTV the whole campaign. ends
Space Marine Forces and Deployment
when either all lhe Gcnvsicalcis of alt die Space Marines ate Thu Space Marine player starts wiih Squad Erasmus instead of
dead. There arc four possible corx'lusions; die survivors of Strike Force. 'I Tic squad marts tin the marked
Space Marine Victory entry area. Squad Sebastien enters on rums 3 and h as usual.
It all the Genestealers arc killed, die Space Marine player lias
GetiesLcalcr Forces
won the campaign. The Space Marines have prevented the The. Genes teal rr player si arts wilh 5 Jikps.
Generic alcra invading Dev Jan and sending any message of
cuiiqutti to the Tyranid Hive Fleet KraJcen. They’ve bought Victory
soma ilmr. for the peoples of IJcvlan before darkness descends. The Space Marine player wins if 5 or more Space Murines
survive die mission, The GcuesLcakT pinyin wins iftlicre urc 2
Total Gcncsicakr Victory or less Space Marines alive .it lhe end of rhf game Anything
It all the Space Marines arc dead and the Painarch is still else is 3 draw
alive, lhe Gcncslcalcr player has won die campaign. The
GeriesLcalcrs retain their bridgehead on the edge of lhe Devlaji
system and can begin to infilnalc and impregnate lhe THE PATRIARCH
populace. With ihe Patriarch mill alive, they'll have lhe
psychic power to send a signal to the Hive Fleet when their Space Marine Forces and Deploymcnl
inlhcrion has spread tmd the. time Is right fnr invasion. The Space Marine player starts with Squad Scbuslicjiun entry
area A and Squad Hadrian plus an ex Ira Codieicr (level 2
Par Lial Geuexleuler Victory psyker} split equally between entry areas B and C.
If all the Space M e u ioes and the Genes teal er Patriarch are dead
Hur at least o n e Genestealer psyker remains alive, the Victory
GenastEilcr player wins a partial victory. The Gene steal e r The Space Marine player wins if all Lhe Gcnesleulrrs me
spearhead into the Dev Lan system has been subsiantiully killed. TJw Gencstealof player wins if the PuLr i inch survives
weakened, buL Uilic's still a gieat duiigei and all the Space Marines am ki'lcd. Anything else is a draw.

ySiX ; ---

These Hiles al low you to play ganies o f Space Hulk with Many of i he Traitor Marines pin up with war bunds led by
Space Marines on both sides. On one ride ore Space Marinas Chaos Renegades. Raiding bands of Chaos Renegade are one
loyal to the Emperor, on die udiet die Traitor Marines who o f the most serious threats to the Imperium. Hie random and
turned to Chaos under die leadership of Warmaster Horus seemingly purposeless nature of their destructive raids makes
during the Imperium's darkest hour; die Homs Heresy. it very hard to defend against such ruthless warriors.
A: the end of the Heresy, die Trailer Legions were banished tn Thin section contains rules on playing with Space Marines in
the Eye of Terror, an area of the galtuy saturated with warp Terminator armour or power annum on both sides. There's
energy. The worlds at the core o f die Eye of Terror are mind also a Traitor Space Marine force list tv use with the bidding
over by’ Daemon Prinses and Gie-uler Daemons on behalf of system and notes on adapting die Mission Generator scenarios
the Chaos Powers mid arc l ailed tire Daemon Worlds. from Dcalhwing to use Traitor Space Marines inntesd of
Genes tcalcrs. Plus a new mission and a new set of Mission
Many of the Spate Marines o f the Legions that turned from Gcncraloi scenarios specifically for Traitor Space Marines
the Emperor to Horus have survived die ten diousand years
that can either be run separately or as a campaign.
since the Heresy, niulaicd terribly by their long contact with
Some, like T/eentch's Thousand Sons and die Plague Markies THE TIMER
of Nnrglc.’s Death Guard, h a v e settled on plaijcu. The
Both Imperial and Traitor players have lime limits or. their
ITjOiisand Sons established themselves on a world now known
turns. Tlie time limits in games that te.irjre Space Marines on
as Lhe Planet of the Sorcerers, under die rule of their Prirrarrh
bud i sides ar? longer than in traditional Spate Hulk ganics
Magnus the R e d , where many o f them study magic and
because Human o p p o n e n t s are slightly slower than
become mighty Wkar d -Champions of Tr watch. lhe Death Genestealers, giving commanders cstra seconds of reaction
Guard rule a Plague Planet under their Prim arch Monanon.
From here the Plague Fleets carry followers of Nurgle to
iiJuduted planets where their destructive raids arc invariably A player’s time limit is based on how many models he has
followed by an outbreak of a no less destructive contagion. remaining on the board at the end of his enemy's Lum, and
lio* many Captains and Sergeants arc leading tlicm. Use die
S o m e d£ the Traitor chapters never settled nn a planet, i able below to calculate the time limit. The 30 second penalty
wandering h u m one battle to the nexn 'lhe Space Marines of for a squad that has lost its Sergeant applies regardless of how
die focirtei Word Bearers, Night Ixirds and Alpha Legion
many Space Marines arc left in that squad - it obviously
travel through the warp in this way and arc scattered
doesn't apply to squads dial didn't have a Sergeant in the first
throughout ihc Eye of Terror and beyond. The *arp tides
place leg those led by a Captain).
carry iheir spacecraft from one world Io another. sometimes
bringing them together in one place, more of Um dividing and SPACE MARINE VS SPACE MARINE 1 I MEH TABLE
scauering them. They a we no specific allegiance to any Chaos
Power and may sometimes find themselves righting old allies Space Marines in Piny Time Allowed
nr even each other. 5 or less 2.00
6J0 t<jo
11-15 4.00
1 6 or more 5 ,00
Each Captain present +030
Each Sergeant killed -0.3D
The minimum lime alto wed is 1 3 0 regardless of rhe number
of Space Marines and Sergeants.
Interrupting Flay
The enemy player can interrupt a player's turn whenever he
wants io fire from overwatch, spend command points, dis pule
line of sight and so forth. This is explained in greater detail in
the actions below. The important thing is that when a player’s
turn is interrupted, he has the option of immediately taking Lhe
clock from his opponent and stopping Lhe limvr. The moment
tiie interruption ix over, he restarts Lhc clock and quickly lull ids
it back.
Tn p’ay games with Space Mannes on bodi sides, we've found
it best io use a stopwatch of sume sort. You need tn he able in
set a variable lime limit and slop and restart the clock during
play. Most digital timers can do this, a s can many clocks and

I’ho nilnn far aver wrttch remain virtually imchangod, although
hath lidus can now place lheir models in in this firrng mode.
Remember, a made! can only take an overwatch shot
immediately after the target model has taken an action in the
firing model's line of sight and fire arc.
Strictly speaking, you should stop the clack whenever an
enemy model fires from overwatch. However, if the players
arc willing to co-operate and Lake their dice rolls quickly.
Litre's no need io do this.
Models can never tire from nverwaieh in their own rum. If,
durin e your turn, yon spend CPs for a shoe from a Space
Marine you've already placed in twerwatch, the over watch is
Inst and the marker should be removed.
An important clarification to the Space. Hulk overwatch rules
is that overwalch does not actually take effect until the
beginning of the enemy player’s turn.
For example, the Imperial player places one of his models into
ever waldi. The Traitor player then uses some of his CPs to
move one nF his Space Marines inln the Imperial m ridel' v line
of sight and Eire arc. The Imperial model dnci not gel an
nverwatch shot at the Traitor because it's still his turn. I le has
the a p u o n of spending his own CPs to fire at the enemy
model, hut if he does so he loses his uverwatch.
Move and Fire
Some weapons are allowed move and fire actions, as indicated

on the Weapon Summary Table Move and fire actions allow a
Space Marine to move from behind a comer and fire at an
enemy in nverwatth hel'nre the enemy gets in fire hack. If ihe
_ enemy model is killed by die move and tire shot, it doesn't get
Io shoot - it's dead before it can make an overwuxh response.

Moving onto lhe hoard costs 1 AP. Space Marines d o n ' t have
COMMAND POINTS tn rrnve inin play if they don't want to. They can lurk off-
board for as long as they wish, just Like Genestealers. Space
Bulh players are given 1-6 wmtttund points, and Uic presence Marines, however, are never forced to lurk.
of a CupLuin adds - 2 lo lliv svurc, us usual, This will, of
cuific, require an estru set uf cum maud chits, If you don't Enemy models aren’t allowed to stand on a square next lo an
have luio'Jki set. you cun achieve the same effect by tolling u entry urea. When off-board Space Marines move into play,
dice. An up-ended cup ut uuidbumd screen can be used to they are allowed a move, and fire action.
cunccul lite command point score from Lite other player.
All the rules lor using command points against Gcncstcafcrs
in Space Hulk apply to baltics between Imperial and Traitor TURN SEQUENCE
Space Marines* as well. The only difference is that a player The game proceeds in allernale turrn, jusl like in a standard
who icleirupls his opponent's turn to spend CPs must stop the Space Hulk game. Now, however, rhe two rums are identical.
clock the moment he does so. Flip a com lo see which player begins the game. The turn
This means that a player dithering about how to spend his sequence is:
command lAtints will essentially be giving his opponent more 1 Command Phase
linrc to plun his avlivns fur die rest of Hie Lum. Quick decisions See Space I In Ik.
in tills situulici'j are vital if you are tu mnirilaui the pressure
upon yuur Opponent. Wj(h both hides Lx:lug uriued, you 'll find 2 Sp;t<T Marint* Actum Phaw
dial cunmiand points are often must useful being spent un As in Space Hulk. Once you've finished with your move
blocking line of sig] it or moving uut of the way of enemy rue. or lime has run ouL, start Lhe cndphasc.
From this point on, yon art giving your opponent Time to
plan Ids move, so try to complete lb? nest twn phases as
SPACE MARINE ENTRY AREAS quickly 3 r- von can.
Space Mai ii ec entry areas arc siinilsi to Gene steal ei entry 3 Eitdpha&e
ureas - places where Space Marines i aji move into play. Remove, any enemy section effect markers. T h r w will
have been placed in the enemy's last Him.
Space Marines using apartic-ulK entry area should be lined up
off li.c Itourd next to J ml entry area, ir. die end in they are going 4 Tinting Phase
lo move UltO play. The Space Marine player Can l<eflk dp and Quickly calculate the time Emit for yemr opponent's rum.
rearrange his squads in wliid lever way he sees fit Set and start the timrr,


Thu Traitor Terminator Fnrct Lisi allows you lo play almost FORCE POINTS TABLE
all uf the previously published Space Hulk Temiinalor v s
Mission Points Value
Gvnesiealer missions as Imperial vs Traitor games instead
Tie exception tn this is ihe solo mission. Cloud Runner's 1 41<i From Space H u l k
Stand. Suicide Mission 10
Before determining who controls the Imperial Space Marines Decoy
and who controls the Traitors, decide which mission will be Defend
From rXeathwiog
which side he plays. Alami Call
The Imperial player uses the force listed fur the mission The The.Ship’s Log
Traitor player purchases a force of equal points value to the Sock and Retrieve
Imperial player’s. The new force is used instead of the Regroup
CienesLcakr force listed in the mission, not in addition to ill CAT Hunt
The strength of the 1is led Imperial force is determined by The Unknown 1 Jfe Form
calculating how may points it would cost to design the force. From This Bonk
For example, rhe standard squad bom the Suicide Mission in Pitfall
Space Hulk is composed of 3 Space Murines with, storm holler De laying Action
arid power glove (1 point each), 1 Space Marine with heavy Denmark's Hammer
Hamer (5 points) and 1 Sergeant with storm bolter and power Contract Revoked *
glove (2 points), tor a total of 10 points. For convenience,
we've summarised the points values for all the published The luist Land
missions in the Force Points Table. Break-In
The Generator
The Chapel
Tie Last Stand
GenesLealer Invasion
Hammer and Anvil
Search arid Destroy
’ .. *: Hold and Secure
Hie I mai Conflict
Necrornunda * •
Missions 1-4 - 7 squads to a total of: 224
First Blood 32
No Way Out 64
Killing Ground 64
:hH" Inrenogarion M
Missions 5-6 4 squads to a total of: 150
Divide Conquer 75
Poison! 75
Sentinel V
Docking Bay 113
Strike Force 112
Counter Attack 75
l'he Patriarch 93
* Cootrict Revoked if. of cci.irRi’., jlrrurly dm iisd 45. u: Imperial
VI TmiUn- mjKii ;m but w ‘ v t included its point* v&lv>? LU "nnr jni.
WUl'.totry pliyirtg II wijti till: mini 1ur.T&_

*♦ Ths uvdivLduil rniminn hgu™.< a r c an a v e n g e of the total

4Mv' "v iMfrt

jmounL ui be- spruau belated the - if yrm'-r phyin|E tins

45 1 c npaifrt. Ljpon rhe '.nilividiiht I ijijita u : J calculate your
lOUld lljtr tn ihr ;n'.n I value, ludwi 45 if.(fic4tccl in tic inltodurtizwi

K ' XT


Imperial Space Marines are deployed norm ally. Trailers enter
GENERATOR SCENARIOS play at any of the Genesteder entry mcas in the sunic way as
Thews rules outline how io use rhe Death wing Mission Genestealers - except they come on the board us models
Generator in design yniir own Imperial vs Traitor games, Roll rather than lllrpt
on the- Scenario Table to determine which scenario from
Death wing you’]I play. The number of Traitor models that enter each turn is shown on
Lhc Force TaNc under Traitor Reinforcements.
SCENARIO TABLE If the special rules for a scenario specify a different rate of
116 Mission reinforcement, follow the special rules.
1 Recon
2 Establishing a Perimeter Special Rules
All special rules apply with the following exceptions:
3 raintelCT Defence
4 Breakout Space Marines can lurk off-board, just like Genesiealcrs, hm
5 Search and Destroy ate never forced to do so.
<> Roll Again The Traitor player can only use un ambush counter if he has
not yc.i deployed all his Space Murines. When doing so, he
Flip a coin to decide who will play which sitlc. Then roll on must place one of his models to one side. It cannot be
die Force Table. Each player designs a force from his own deployed until after the counter has been converted.
fuiw list costing Lhc number of points rolled.
When lhe ambush result counter is drawn, if it is a
FORCE TABLE Gcncslcaler, the reserved model is deployed instead. If not,
Traitor ihc model is now free to he deployed as usual at an entry are*
D6 Total Points Reinforcements in a subsequent turn.
1-2 ?n
Ohjevtivrs and Victory Condition s
3-4 25 2 In any mis st ion in which lhc Imperial player is trying to
5-6 30 3 destroy a number of Genes loafers, he gains victory by wiping
out the Traitor force.
If playing llic campaign, each player should design a complete
force costing up Lu 125 points and then play through the Otherwise, objective and victory conditions apply us elated in
sc:irtuui<js unc al a time, skipping Raid and Breakout. the mission briefings.


3. Group your Space Marines into squads consisting of a

number of models corresponding to I heir Legion's
associated number, as given on the Traitor Legion Tabic.
For example. if a pluyeis' force is pail of t« Khurne
Legion, the Traitor player must group lus Space Marines
into squads of 8, placing the remainder into a single
squad of their own. If he had 14 Space Marines, for
instance, he would form a squad of H and a squad of 6.
4. The following restrictions apply m designing yaur
a) one Sergeant nr Caplain must he included in each
b ) a force may only have one Captain
c) a squad may only have one Librarian.
d ) a squad cannot contain more than half the Space
Marines with assault cannon or heavy flamers hi the
force (unless there's only one, of cour se).
5. Check that the total value of the. points you've spent
doesn't exceed rhe maximum allowed. If ti docs,
redesign your farce until you can affartl to pay for it.
The Timer
In Imperial vs Traitor games, use the. Space Marine vs Space
Marine Timer Table to deta.rmrnc hnw much time each player
has to complete his move, Neither player can pay points to
increase the length of his turn as he could if he were battling
Genestealers in a traditional Space Hulk game.
Space Marines in Play Time Allowed
5 or less 2.00
6-10 3.(X)
11-15 400
16 or more 5.00
Each Captain present +0.30
USING THE TRAITOR FORCE LIST Each Sergeant killed -II.30
1. Roll on the Traitor Legion Table to determine which The minimum lime allowed is 1.30 regardless of the number
Traitor Space Marine chapter the Traitor force is part of. of Space Marines and Sergeants.
This will determine the number of Space Marines in each
Number It's straightforward to fight Traitor Space Mannes vs
DIO Traitor Legion Chaos Power in Squad Gencstealer using the standard Space Hulk missions. Simply
1 Alpha Ixgion none 5 replace the Imperial force with HU equivalent Traitor force -
2 Black Legion nunc 5 consult die Force Points Table fui tlie value of the force.
3 Death Guard Nnrgte 7 WIrhi fighting Genestealers, add +4 points to the total you’ve
4 Emperor's Children Slaar.csh 6 gat to spend as you’ve got in buy lhe. time ya 11 get for each
5 lion Warriors none. 5 turn.
6 Night Lords Rhome 8 You can spend up to 4 points on rhe timer. The amount of line
7 Thousand Soils Tzeenlch 5> you receive depends on how many points you spend and how
X Wfm[hearers KharrTie K many Captains or Sergeants you've got in your force.
10 Roll again - —
Number of
Nine Ihal: I yni.’vB ilradj py. rinanrmf™ mjlulIs n l'niilnrSpai:H
Captains and Points Spent
M*i iiicd iMuilcd fjJ 1 dpCvifnj clliptQ, feel foe jj simply uhtuC
*«■: mi her ih*r. roll on the uble.
Sergeants 0 12 3 4
1 030 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30
2, Select your Space Marines from those listed. Equip each 2 1 .00 1.30 2.(X> 2311 3.110
Space Marble with any weapon upgrades or reloads from
rhe Options section of the appropriate bon. Rules for the 3 130 2.00 130 3 00 3.30
new weapons (autcKannnn. conversion beamer, missile 4 2.00 230 3.00 330 4.00
Jajncher and grenades) are given elsewhere in this book As usual, the time allowed lor the ium is reduced by 3 0
- their roils to kill/destmy ate. given on the Weapons seconds for each Sergeant or Captain that is killed during the
Summary Table. game, to a minimum of 30 seconds.









I Nil ii using 11le Dealtiwing 'ulus for I. ixari.jns rfrthfir than rhe hit
Genastealar asychc rul&s, a Traitor Utraria'lt costs 4 points al
1st level ffi paych c mastery. - 3 points par iwvul up to a maidmiin
nl lew I.)


Since the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, the vanquished BOARDING ACTION
forces of Chaos known at- the Traitor Legions Imve managed
to survive the wrath of the Eniperm by taking refuge deep After lite defender's ship has bren sufficiently damaged, the
wilhin the Eye of Terror. Upon occasion, these formidable attacker launches boarding mrpedos into die crippled vessel.
foes of foe Imperium leave the relative safety of the l!ye, In order to successfully eradicare his opponent’s forces and
making deep stabs into Imperial territory, foraging for the capture. their craft, the attacking player munt first establish an
means to satisfy their thirst for conquest and revenge. indisputable fool hold upon the enemy ship.
The Adeptus Asiatics is aware of the threat the Traitor It is during the boarding action, however, that the al Lacker is
Ixgions pose and several Imperial ships diligently patrol the most vulnerable. If his advance force is destroyed, the
reaches of space surrounding the refuge of these most deadly defender may be able to launch a counter -offensive.
of enemies. Nothing inspires more righteous anger in die Although it would often by more prudent lo simply blast a
Imperial Space Malines than the; Traitors who long ago sided defeated enemy ship to atoms. the potential rewards of
with Horus, capturing mi opponent's craft are usually' worth the
After iui initial ship Io ship fight, if the enemy craft is still considerable risks - there may be weapons that can be
intact, the victors often send their Terminators to board it. salvaged or ancient technofogy to be recovered.
This involves a fair ammine of risk, however, as the invaders
art usually met by their opposite numbers and the attackers Objective
The attacker must secure the defender’s entry areas, thus
may soon become the defenders.
establishing a fonthold an the enemy ship. If line defending
Space Marines are wiped out to a man, the game is over - the
attacker is easily able to secure the defender’s entry urca once
STARTING PLAY he is unopposed.
The following scenarios are designed to be used with the
Drathwing Mission Generator to simulate the situation Special Rules
drncrihrri above. To play any one of diem, follow the slcp-by- Roth players can secure entry' areas. The defender can use
step procedure described below. If you want to play nil the ambush counters.
scenarios as a campaign, also sec die rules in the following
section of foe look. The attacker wins by securing die defender's entry areas. The
1. Flip a coin. The winner cliuoscs which side lie. controls. defender wins by destroying die attacker’s forces before they
Tlw loser chooses wlietlier he’s foe attacker or defender acvurnplish their I ask.
2. Generate the board layout and set up the board as
outlined in Dea th wing.
3. Roll on the Scenario Table to determine which scenario
to play. (If you’ve already played some of tire scenarios, After boarding, the Terminator force’s next objective is to
feel free to restrict your choice to new ones.) make sure the enemy ship can’t get away. To this end, die
4. Each player designs a force costing 20 points. attackers often attempt to disable the ship’s engines so dial il
cannot hope to proceed under its own power. After (he craft
5. Each player chnows up to two entry areas - similar to has been cleansed of the enemy presence, it will be lowed
Gwieslealpr entry arras - via which his models can enter back to the a Hacker’s fortress.
play. The defender chooses first.
6. Play the game using the guidelines fur special rules, Objective
The attacker must disable the ship’s engines. The easiest way
objectives and victory' conditions given in line Traitor
is to destroy one of foe vital control panels - represented by
Terrain ului Force List section.
the cryogenic tanks mi gentile 10.
Special Rules
THE SCENARIOS Belli players can secure entry areas. The defender can use
In each of the scenarios listed below, the doors are equipped ambush counters.
with security locks and can only he opened by the defenders. The defender must sei up geotile 1 0 if it has not already been
The attackers can attack and destroy the Honrs as usual. placed.
SCENARIO TABLE The ship's engine control panel can be destroyed beyond
1)6 Mission repair in the same way as a door, If this happens, Hip the
1 Boarding Action cryogenic tanks counter over. A destroyed control panel docs
2 Destroy the Engines not become rubble, it still blocks movement and IX)S.
3. Take Uw: Bridge Victory
4 Capture the Arsenal The attacker must destroy the ship’s engine control panel to
5 Self-Destruction win. The defender wins hy eradicating the attackers before
6 Abandon Ship they achieve their objective.


TAKE THE BRIDGE Special Rules-

Belli players can secure entry ureas. The defender can use
Th* bridge is I he spacecraft ’n brain, the centre frrtm which the ambush co toilers.
del finder cn orriinaicF, his fih ip ' i de fence. Attacking squads arc
often diiipaiched to capture or disable i t thus hampering the The defender must set up geolite ID if it has not been placed.
defemkr’s cRjuris lo mclivato his forces cfRxr Lively, Tlift cryogenic tanks counter on geo tile. 10 is nut used in this
misninn. Insicad. place, rhe ship’s log counter on the centre
Objective square of the dead end room. All rules for the log from The
Tlie ultackei is trying to Luke die bridge and establish control
Ship's Log in Deadtwing apply.
over lhe command centre represented by ihe cryogenic tanks
nn gentile 11), The self- des inict mechanism is located within the lectern
upon which the ship’s log rests. The book must first be
Special Rules removed before the device can be activated. This is so that, if
ftolh players can secure entry arras, The de frndfir can use die ship is lo be destroyed, the log can easily be rescued. It
ambush counters, costs 2 APs lo remove the ship’s log and a further 4 APs tn
TF»c de render must set up gculilc 10 if il has not been placed. uxtivate the relf-dcslrucl medianism.
If he wants, the defender may deploy up in 7 Space Marines in After die device is triggered, the countdown to self-
the empty sqiLires on gentile ID. The remamder of his forces destrucliun dues nut become irreversible for 1 0 Lums., Up
come on Lu the board normally, until dint point, tlie device may be shut off ul u coni of 4 APs,

Victory Victory
TJ to ulLackuj ri tusl destroy the defender ’ s forces mid occ upy 'fbe defender wins if he manages To irreversibly set off lhe
gentile ID. The defender wins by tradkaling the attackers. ship’s self-destruct mechanisms. The attacker wins if h e
manages to prevent Ihis from happening cither by kilting all
die defenders before the mechanism is set or by turning it off
within 10 turns of it being svl,
Another method nf hamstringing an enemy force, is to destroy
or capture their arsenal If an attacker does this, the defender is ABANDON SHIP
limited to the ammunition his Space Marines are carrying. Immediately the sclf-dcslrucl mechanism is triggered, the
Soon assault cannon and heavy flamer reloads become spent all acker’s ship disengages itself from the defender's ship in an
and the defence crumbles under the relentless onslanghr. effort lo pul enough space between them before the explosion
Objective occurs. More than likely, il will do lids. Any Space Marines
The ait Acker is arutnpiing to capture rhe arsenal - represented left mi board the doomed ship, liuwevn, me on Uwir own,
by gcotilc 7 . 7 a do this he must kill all of his opponents. Al each of I he two entry areas fanhesl away from I he self-
destruct mechanism are a bank oflifehoatx. Any Space Marine
Special Rules who manages to exit the board al either of these two points
Built players can secure entry areas. The defender can use
williin 2D Lums will be able to txiard a boat and jettison it from
ambush counters.
Uuc ship in lime to survive die explosion.
The defender must sei up geotile 7 if tl has not been placed. Any Space Marine still on Imurd after 2D turns dies in the
If he wants, the defender can deploy any of his Space Marines ship’s fiery blast.
in rhe empty squares on gentile 7 The remainder of his forces
come onto the hoard normally.
Both players are trying to gel more Space Marines off the ship
Any target effect shot that docs no I hit a Space Marine in than their opponent.
geclile 7 or any sector effect shot besides a blind grenade fired Special Rules
in or into geo die 7 sets off the ammo on a roll of 2 or more. Both players can secure entry areas. ’lhe defender can use
The resulting explosion automatically destroys everything on ambush counters.
gcolilc 7. Within 12 squares of the gcotilc, doors arc removed
automatically and Terminators are killed on a 3 or more - all The defender must set up gcotilc 10 if il has not already been
models within 12 squares have to be roll rd for. placed. The exit areas lo the lifeboats are the two entry arcus
farthest away from I he arrow on geotile 10, If two ci inure
Victory entry areas are equally distant from the arrow, randomly
7 he attacker gains a complete victory by eradicating the del ermine which ones lo use.
tiefender's forces. He gains a partial victory if the arsenal is
The ait acker's entry areas are the two ncaresi ihc arrow on
destroyed but his force is defeated. ITic defender wins if ail of
gentile ID. If two or more entry areas are equally far away. the
Lie attackers die without the arsenal being destroyed.
defender chooses which areas the corridors will be attached tn.
If he wants, the defender can deploy up to 1 2 models in Die
SELF-DESTRUCTION empty spaces on geotile. 10. Any other of his farces may only
be brought unto die board v ia the two entry areas closest to tlie
When tilings look hopeless for the defenders, they have one elbow on die guolile the utluL-kui has nut already chosen as lus
option left: to activate die ship’s self-destruct mechanism. own. If two eligible entry areas are equally close to lhe arrow,
Tliougli they will likely be killed in the resultant blast, their the attacker decides which ones can be used by tl to defender.
foes wift di* with lhem.
Objective After 20 Unit, add up the pornls value nf the Space Marine*;
’I he defender is trying to activate the self-destruct mechanism who escaped tor each side, 1lie player who managed to ger the
cm geolile 10 and escape with the ship's lag. greatest points total of S|mcc Marines uff the board wins,.


Tills campaign link*-. together all of the preceding scenarios to THE SCENARIOS
simulai? a complete hoarding action from the initial invasion
of the defender’s ship to the final resolution. The campaign always begins with Boarding Action as
described below. A Tier one player has successfully boarded
rhe other’s ship, the attacker decides which scenario is to be
THE FORCES played next throughout the campaign (exceptions to lhi5 arc
outlined below). He must choose from Destroy lhe Engines,
Each player designs a master force roster costing up io 150
Take the Bridge, Capture the Arsenal or Search and Destroy
points in total, A player’s raster represents the forces al his
(from IJeaihwing).
disposal tor the campaign.
If at any lime Uie engines, bridge or arsenal are all either
Before u scenario, each player selects a number of his squads
destroyed or under die control of the attacker, the auackcr may
to lake pail in the mission. The value o f the fielded force
only choose to pi ay Search and Destroy nniil either one side of
cannot exceed 40 paints. A squad may not be selected if any
the other is broken, thus end trig the game .
of its members took part in the last scenario played. The
cxccpiion io (his rule is Abandon Ship (see below). Replaying Missions
After each scenario, each player updates his master force If the at lacker wins Destroy the Engines, Take the Bridge or
raster, noting any casualties his forces have suffered. Unless Cap tore Die Arsenal without the largei being destroyed, the
otherwise, stated, ammunition is automatically replenished at defender can later replay any of these missions in an attempt
rhe end of each scenario (if you're using the Dcalhwing to regain control.
Librarian rules, psi paints arc also automatically replenished). Al any point between games, the defender can override die
Between scenarios, the player is allowed to break up and ai [acker's choice of the next scenario and choose to replay iuiy
rcalloLale his squads as he likes. No Traitor squad can have eligible scenario (ie one the defender lost in which the target
mure Space Marines in it than its Rower’s associated number remains undestrayed).
(ie. 8 for Khorn?, 6 for Slaanesh, 7 for Nurgle and 9 for He can also choose at any l i m e to play Self Destruction
Tzeentch). Similarly, no Imperial squad can have more than 5 instead of the attacker’s selected scenario. If Self- Destruction
Space Marines in it. A squad can never be composed o f more is success fully completed by the defender, play moves directly
than half heavy weapons (ic autocannon, ns>uult cannon, Abandon Ship, after which lhe campaign is over.
conversion beamers, heavy flamers and missile launchers).
If the attacker loses Destroy the Engines. Take the Bridge or
Breaking the Enemy Force Capture the Arsenal, he can also choose replay il provided the
Because a squad can’t take, part in two missions in a row, .it’s target wasn’t destroyed. If the target is destroyed. die. scenario
possible to de Tea i the enemy without killing all his Space cannot be replayed.
Board Layout for Replays
A force is broken if the player has no models allowed tn play
Any time a scenario is replayed, the same board layout is used.
either because they’ve all been killed or because they all took Scenarios ria not have to be replayed immediately - other
part in the last scenario. Once oner or other side is broken, the games can be played in the interim. However, il is up to the
campaign ends.
loser o f lhe mission to record the board layout before it’s
broken up so that it can be reconstructed Inter if he wishes to
attempt the scenario again. This is easily done by mapping the
placement and oricnlalion of the geu tiles originally used to
generate die board.
If the defender chooses to replay a seen aria, each side deploys
where the other normally would. This is because lhe attacker
is now in control o f the. area and lhe defender is lhe one trying
to capture it Otherwise the scenario is played as wrilton.
If the an acker chooses to replay a scenario, deployment is lhe
same as usual - lhe attacker is still trying to capture Utt; Ungel.

The following additional rules apply to each scenario when
played as part of the campaign.
Boarding Action
This scenario must be played until the attacker manages m
win. Between repeated games of this scenario, any secured
entry ureui become unsecured by |bc defender's forces.

V' fe £

. '■ . S
:■. . - 1

•>< ■:■ : ■

k X . •;*, '■£

The allackcr can choose Iaj replay die scemuiu with the same hasn't been turned off 1 0 turns after it’s triggered (ie the
board layout or can choose to launch his assault on a rfi FTr-rcmT cnunlrinwn has become irreversible) proceed in Abandon Ship
of the enemy ship If he decides to attack a different area, leaving the board layout intact and the models in place. Also
design a new board using, the gpoiiles as usual, If the. attacker keep track nt which model has the ship's log.
loses more than once, he can choose any of the previous
Al tins point, both players bring the rest of their forces onio
layouts (provided he has recorded them) o r design a new
die board in an effort to get them olT lhe ship ns quickly as
layout for each game.
possible, Each player queues the remainder of his Space
After the- attacker successfully completes the scenario he may Marines up behind his entry areas/corridors in lhe order in
thun cliocse the next scenario as described above. which they enter play. Note that points ore awarded for
Destroy the Engines escaping with lhe ship's log.
The attacker does not have, to destroy the engines. Preferably
lie’ll keep control of them until rhe end of the campaign.
Take the Bridge
If the command centre, (represented by the cryogenic tanks TIk' campaign is o ei if either player’s force is broken uj the
counxrj is destroyed or captured by the attacker, the defender ship is destroyed.
gels a -1 CP penally for the remainder of die campaign. After the campaign is ended, total up each player's ocure from
However, if the centre remains intact, the defender may the tabic below and dcicrminc who won. The player wilh lhe
remove the penalty by retaking the bridge. The curnmund highest grand total is the vic Lor.
centre can be attacked and destroyed in the same way as a
door. A destroyed concn and centre should be flipped over - it CAMPAIGN SCORE TAIII.K
slid blocks movement and line of sigliL AccuviipHsliments Points Awarded
IVir each scenario won 10
Capture the Arsenal
Again, the amcker will preferably be able lo gain and retain Ending the game in central of an
control of the arsenal until the end of the campaign. However, undamaged:
if the arsenal is destroyed or controlled by lire attacker, the bridge 10
defender’s aniiiiu is not replenislwd between scenarios. This engine room 10
means Uiul weapons with u limited arnuunt of ammo, such a.s arsenal 10
iBSHult uiuutoji mid heavy fljmers, will eventually run oiu. IIteak mg the opponent’s force 10
Stif- Desir Lie linn a n d Abandon Ship Escaping wilh die sliip's log 10
Play these scenarios consecutively, laying a m ihc hoard as Each surviving Space Marine equal In his
desciibed in Abandon Ship. If lhe self dcsruci mechanism initial points cost

CoriLrucL Rcwked is srl in a tep-socrct Inquisition Libruiiiirn IMPERIAL FORCES

situated in a small self-sufficient spiv/c stutiun hidden well
wjihin an asteroid belt circling a remote unpopulated slai. Its The. honour guard consists of 4 squads of Teiiriiriukus. each
ariCiwi library contains Mint oF the Inquisition ' s rv.nvi squad chosen from rm:* of the four greatest and mnsl
valuable and dangerous volumes on the workings of Chans. renowned Space Marine chapters: ihe llfood Angels, thr.
The in forma non they contain is s n powerful that only trno Ultramarines, the DarkAngels and the Space Wolves.
copy of each volume exists. Only Squad Arnaul is in play at die .stmt of the game. The
Over the millennia, the. hand written volumes have been remaining squads enter play as outlined below in DepluynicjiL,
regularly replaced hy new copies meticulously drawn by the Squad Amael of the Bfoud Angels
Ljhrarium's scribes. Decades ago one such scribe. Brother I Sergeant with siunn bolter and power glove.
Jacques, Turned toward the seductive power of Chaos and
4 Space Marines with storm bolters and power gloves.
began to study the ancient works for their own sake I le was
soon discovered by his superiors hut managed to avoid Squad Benedict of lire Uh ram urines
capture by hastily making 3 pact with a Daemon of Nurglc. the ] Sergeant with ctonn bolter and power glove
G i e u l Unclean One, Mugg< tqjurg k Pukcslimv.
1 Space Marines with assault cannon and powej- glove.
Jacques pledged the Daemon his soul tn exchange for escape 1 Spare Mar mew wilh storm hollers and power gloves.
and sohsequcr.L power. A written copy of die contract itself
was hidden away in the Libranum, encoded deep within one Squad Hexekiah of the Dark Angel's Death win
of thc lliwaands of books. Jacques' plan worked. Once away, 1 Sergeant wuh storm bolter and power glove.
he find into die Eye uf Terror and the eager arms o f his I Space Marines with lightning claws.
overlord, joining the ranks of *J»e Death Guard Ttnitor Legion
of Nutgle. 1 Space Murine with thunder hummer and storm shield.
2 Space Murines wuh storm bolters and power gloves.
The game begins with Jacques' return to the Lihrarium where
liis fall from honour began. Pukes lime, by' way of a sinister Shju d Dante uf ihr Spare Wolves
joke, has given the cX’Scribc an opportunity lo win back the 1 Captain wilh storm bailer, power sword, and power glove
light to his soul. All lie has to du is recover die l**uk within with grenade launcher.
which the original contract lies, destroy the Librarium’s oilier 1 Space Marine with assault cannon mid power glove.
volumes and escape the outpost alive. To aid Jacques in his
mission, l hr Grcsi I In r lean One has provided him wilh two 1 Space Marine with heavy flamer and power glove.
Sqtiadit of Trail nr Terminators 2 Space Marines wiih storm bolters and powei gloves.
Wilh such u powerful force al his disposal. Jacques is All lhe Imperial S p a r c Marines except the C a p t a i n are
expecting lo encounter little oi no resistance. Afim nil. the few equipped wuh grenade harnesses firing blind grenades.
aged scribes dial were residing there when h e left could
provide no mulch fur fifteen Death Guard Terminators. Bui
unknown in the Traitor, lhe Inquisition hud consulted die TRAITOR FORCES
Imperial Tarot and predicted that he would return.
Die entire Traitor force begins Jie game in play.
A special honour guurd cotiipuscd of tlw best Terminators
from each of futu different Space Murine chapters has been The Traitor farce comprises 15 Death Guard I'erminaters
posted al the station. Pukeslime., of course-, knew diis when he including Brother Jacques.
challenged the ex scribe lo free himself from his obligation Brother Jacques
Brulhcr Jacques didn’t discover the Imperial Space Mannes' 1 Space Murine with siurm bulier and power gluve
presence until be and hi# Terminators arrived al the Libran'XTi- Squad I’estilato
He now faces a desperate buttle iiguinsl some of die finest 1 Captain with storm bolter, power sword, and power glove
will dors of the Imperium. And if he fails. Ilf forfeits all, wilh grenade launcher.
2 Space Marines with assault cannon and power gloves.
1 Space Marine with heavy flamer and power glove.
I spate M itrincs wilh slnrm bolters and pQWer gloves.
Pte terms of Jacques' deal with Pukcsluiic arc very specific.
To revoke his contract, lie must find die con tract, burn die Squad Bubonieus
libimy und UierL escape. To kicute the book. cunlaining the 1 Serge an l wilh storm bolter and power glove.
cmtreari, Jacques himself must search lhe Librarium Once I Space Marine wuh assault cannon and power glove.
he's found the brink, the I ,i Branum's 01her volumes must be
1 Space Murine with heavy I lam er and power glove.
thoroughly burned. Of course, this means nothing to him
unless he manages to get away. 4 Space* Marines with storm bolter# and power gloves.
The Imperial are trying to stop Brother Jacques by All the Traitor Space Marines are equipped with gienudc
killing him md saving lhe LihraJllim. harnesses firing blind grenades.




imperial Space Marine

Entry Area

Trahor Space Marine

Deployment Area


Jacques* Escape
T o win, Jacques must escape ihc Librarians alive having
recovered tlw contract and burnt the other books. Jacques can
escape by leaving ihe board via any one of the four corridors
UuLiugli which his farces Entered piny.
The gmne ends immediately Jacques leaves the board ns ihe
fate of the o t h e r Traitor Space Marines is immaterial to
Ptikesli me' s chai len ire I

Finding the Contract

To search tor the. volume containing die encoded contract,
Jacques must be in a square next lo any of ihc walls in the
Librarium. although. he need nut be facing the wall. Searching
costs 4 APs. Jacques may search th** room as many times each
turn as he hkes provided die Traitor player has enough APs or
CTs to pay for each atlempt.
Each time Jacques scurdiw die room, the Traitor player roils a
dice. The score required to find the book is a 6 or mure. On
each attempt after the first, the player adds +1 lo his dice roll
this means that the sixth attempt will automatically be a
success even if the Traitor player rolls u I
Once Jacques has found ihc book, lie stuffs it into a durable
fireproof bag slung around his si to aider . This aclion crisis him
no APs and carrying the bug - wilh ur without ihc hook- has
no effect upon his movement, ihuoting or close assault. Ihc
bag cannot he dropped, damaged or lakeu from Jacques in any

The Lihrariuit)
Any heavy flamer shooting inLu. out of or through the
Librarium section automatically ignites a fire. The same thing
happens if & plasma grenade from a C a p t a i n ' s grenade
launcher is fired into die room.
Should this happen. place a spare flamer marker in the ruutn.
DEPLOYMENT This fire blazes for die rest of ihe game. I l blocks line of sight
but is i iu where near hot enough to harm the Terminators The,
Squad Amud is deployed anywhere in the Concourse wi’Ji room can still be moved through nunnally aftei the standard
effects of the igniting weapon wear off.
any facing die Imperial player wishes. These models rimy start
Lie game on overwaich ar no pom is cosi if the player wishes. T i e Imperial player is not allowed k> lurch tie Librarium and
The three remaining Imperial squads arrive later in the game so Liimiul take a shni which would res dll in Hi is happening. If
via ihe Imperial entry areas - s e e tlic Special Rules. he accidentally attempts to do so, the Space Murine given the*
crdii Im fire refuses to shr-ot and die APs are wasted.
Tire Traitor player seis irp all his forces o n the four miuked Setting fire to Lire Librarium i s part of Jacquc’s victory
Trailoi eniry corridors. I Le can break up his squads and conditions. However, if the Traitor placer accidentally lurultes
m range them in any order he warns. the Librarium before, recovering the contract, die game ends
immediately wiih an Imperial victory.
Once Jacques h a s the book, tire T r a i t o r s need l o set ihe
S PLCI A L RULES Librarium ablaze as outlirred above. If ihe Traitor player has
no suitably armed models, ur if those models have rur. out of
Imperial Reinforcements anima, he autunuaicully loses the game.
Tiere are a tolal of 6 Imperial entry areas arranged in clusters
on three sides of the map, numbered 1 , 2 mid 3. TIk- Imperial Doors
player assigns o n e squad to each cluster before the game The doors have security locks and only ihe Imperial Space
starts. The models from that squad can enter via cither of the Marines can open or close tliviiL (at die usual com of 1 AP).
entry areas in ih i r chisier hm can't enter via any oil kt clusters. Trailer Space .Marines have io shout ihe doors down if they
won! in pass ih rough them.
Before, rhe beginning o f the garnc. determine when the
Imperial reinforcements arrive, Tin* Traitor player rolls a dice
for each of the three squads mid refers lo the table. below:
Squad Enters Hay
Score on hiipcriul Turn 11 Jacques fulfils all three conditions of hikeslune's challenge
1-2 5 - recovering Ills hidden ronirari, burning die Librarium and
34 ft escaping - lire Traitor player wins.
Any other res&lt is an Imperial victory.
■a 1
J"> J
K' WjL■ ■ 4j-•
X -$ & *wr j
Pitl nil lakes place aflcr mission six in the basic Space Hulk OBJECTIVES
game. Tlv,* Space Mari ncs huve jiucues-H fully deployed the
Lua ins into the GeursGcjilers' cryogenics system, wiping uul The Space Marines arc near a disposal chute, de signed to vcn r.
garbage into the reaches i?f space. If they can get to the chute
roughly 30,000 of rhe mnnMern. All rhar rcrruiinv i< the
mopping up nF the 6 ,( XKr Jturvivnrs. and dive into it, they will be able to blast tinuiigli tin?. chute's
doors and exit the. hulk. Once outside., I hey can make ttair wuy
T1k- juji ii liujLh uf Ute Blood Angels Teriiiinukirs. fourteen men to the assault lorpedos, entering via external aiilixks.
in nJL were carrying, uul u sweep uf the landing areas where
die re t uf the Blood Angels (those who were equipped with The Genes Laders arc attempting to destroy the Space Marines
standard power armour instead of Terminator suits) were due before they escape.
to arrive, when th? Genestealere launched a count era Hack.
Fiji Fully weak compared to the massive Asunlls of the earlier
actons, wtth only 200 Genes tcalcrs taking part it still came
near Li? overwhelming the battered Space Marines. Space Murines
Sergeant Maninus with storm bolter and power glove.
Though the attack was beaten off at heavy c o m l o the
Gcncstcalcrs and only two fatalities among the Space I Space Marine with heavy flamer and power glove.
Marines, six men were cut ofT from the landing area. Forming 3 Space Miuines with slur in bciltei and power glove,
tut ad hoc squad under the command of Sergeant Mar I in us. Genestealers
they uied to fight thdi way back to their comrades but were The Genes leal er player starts with a tn tai of I Ji Gent: stealers
repulsed, losing one Space Milt inc in the* talik*. The squad fur Ihc fin I 10 turns - see Lhe Special Rulet for how Jicsc arc
wus forced ti? retreat inti? the bowels of die massive ship. chosen. They come on as a starling force of 2 Blips plus 2
Not wishing tn risk hirther loss of Space Marine life alter the Blips reinforcements per turn for the first 1 0 Lums.
banlc v a s won. Sergeant Minintu decided to Keek an (Jn rhe eleventh and subsequent n m t the GcticfKc.i1 er player
alternative safer route to his comrades. H e requested gets 3 Blips per turn ss reintotcemcfils.
assisturicc from tin.* coin rri urid crew ,
'ITie Genesteal er player uses lhe basic Blip set,
Aboard the command vessel. Lieutenant 'I arkenson studied
llie tiu-tical m a p s o f that area o f the hulk, integrating the
known and projected strength uf the e n e m y . Flu quickly DEPLOYMENT
concluded limit any attempt to return Io Lite singing men was
rloomed Ip failure, even if rJ ipporlod hy a sallying forlh from Spurr Murines
the remaining .Space Marines. Fie wav reluctantly .ihouf to The Space Mm hies deploy uri the shaded corridor tin the
suggest that the cut-off Space Marines attack and sell their upper level.
lives dearly when another thought occurred u> him. Tire Space Murines move find.
They wexeSwuce Mmuie after all. Gencsleakrs
During turns I to 10, the Gcueslcnlei ’a Blips nuiy be placed tin
any of the entry areas on the lower level.
From turn 11 onwards. Gcncstcalcr reinforcements may he
placed nt any of Lire entry areas on the upper level — Blips may
JtO lungci enter mi lhe lower level.

Pitfalls and I -adders
You’ll n e e d fo use the pitfall and ladder c o u n t e r s from
Lkulkwing. Suri out lite pitfall and ladder enunjers, separating
llie shadow counters mid placing tlicm tu our side.
Turn the pitfall and ladder counters face down and shuffle
them. Each player in lurn. starting with the Space Marine
player, places one counter, without looking at it. anywhere in
the shaded area a n the upper level No more titan one counter
Can hr. placed in a single mom rv corridor section
After the counters have been placed, turn them face up to see
whether they me pitfalls or ladders Tlien place i u j apprupciule
shadow counter o n the lower level, directly beneath the
pitfalls and ladders. Remember that shadow cniinren; have nn
effect on play - they merely indicate the lower level squares
the pi ifalb and ladders open on to.

N i : w MISSIONS, weapons and rules


:c E
s |

c ;• |
SS r t

O Door £ G&nesiealer Entry Area - l u m 11+

O Disposal Chute Space Marine Deployment Area

A Genestealer Entry Area - turns 1*10 Pitfall and Ladder Placemen! Area

Genestealer Forces At the start of the 11 th turn, mix together all the Blips that
The Geneslealcr player starts with 18 Gcncsle ulens between aren't in play, including any ilml have already been converted
the Space Marines and the safely of spate. Before the start of and any that haven’t been played yel (if they've been kept
the game., h e chooses any number o f Blips totalling; IK hack fur some reuson). From now on, the (ienestcalcr player
Genes tellers. For example, he could cl muse 6 representing 1 gets 3 Blips each turn diosen at random from this selection.
Gene&iealer and 4 representing 3 Genes leal er s, or perhaps 4
representing 1 Genescealcr, 4 representing 2 Genesiealers and Disposal Chute
Any Space Murine that steps into the disposal clmce is
2 representing 3 < jenestcaJcrs and sc on. Once h e ' s chosen the
immediately removed from pi ay - he has dropped into space
Blips, they are all mixed together and then drawn out at
and escaped from the ship,
random as usual - the player dwsn’l get to choose what order
the Blips come on in.
As tlie Genestealcr player gets 2 starting Blips plus 2 Blips per VICTORY
turn for the first 111 turns, he won’t have enough Blips for all
10 turns (even if he took 18 Blips each uf 1 Genesiealer). Tlie Space Marine player wins if he gels two ui mute Space
Or.ce the Blips run out, lie gels no more reinforcements until Marines into die disposal chute.
the 11 th turn. If he wanLs, he can opt to take only one or even The Genes teal er player wins if he kills <iH tlie Space Marines.
no Blips fur one or mure turns to spread the forces oul over a
longer period. If only one Space Manne escapes, the game is a draw.

After the cunLaminulfon o f Hie Gcnc»teiikts' cryogenics OBJECTIVES

chambers, the sum 'ring Genes icalris launched a last wave
udack against Lhe Bluixl Angels* perimeter. Several o f the The Space Marines arc Httemplmg to fight their way lliruugli
Blood Angels' command units took to the field to bolster the to lite oxygen chamber o n Hie other side of die map. The
pcrirncler. bailing off the attack with same difficulty. Genes Lealers arc trying to stop them by killing ull die Space
The lllnod Angels’ commander feared that further Space
Marine losses might torce them to abandon the hulk
altopeihcr. He reluctantly decided to s e t u p a permanent FORCES
defensive perimeter - force fields mines arid the like - until
reinforcements arrived and Lw ought due Chapter's strength u p Space Marines
to die point where they could once more go on the attack. Captain Greguriiui with Storm bolter, power sword, a n d power
glove with grenade launcher.
Techmuruies begun to deploy the explosives and field
I Space Murine with heavy flamer and power glove
generators as quickly as possible. but it soon became obvious
that the Genes te fliers were aware of the Space M a r m e t ' 1 Space Marine with assault etsrinun mid p»wut glove.
weakness and were marring in huge numbers to attack. 1 .Space Morine with hfihtntng claws.
1 Space Marine with storm bolter and chain 11XL
To buy sunn; lime, an Ultramarine command unit, temporarily
assigned us observers to the Blood Angels task force, were Genestealers
ordered Lu launch a raid deep into Genestealer territory' The One Blip starting force.
dcluils and objectives were left up to the Ultra marines
themselves - all (he Bleed Angels required was that they Genestealer reinforcements increase as the mission progresses
and the Genestenlers become aware o f ibc Space M a n n e
delay the Genesleak-rs' al luck.
Recognising that he didn’t have the strength io mount a
spoiling attack against the Gcmistealcrs. Ultramarine Captain The number uf Blips received as leinfoiceinenl depends on
the Geuestealei rum as follows:
Gregorian decided le draw uff some of the massing
Genestvaler by the simple method of offering them an easier Turn Re in for cements
larger himself and a small group of Ultramarines making an 1-3 1
aiiatk behind enemy lines.
4-6 2
Gregorian realised lhai the Genesttalerv were intelligent 7* 3
enough to recognise, whai he was up tn. ITiey had been caught
ckiI before by demy missions and had proven themselves fully The Genes Loder piny er should make sure he. keeps track of his
capable of learning from their mistakes. Therefore it was turns.
necessary in c o m e u p with a target for the raid that the The Genes tealer player uses the ba.ric Blip set. He may choose
Gcncslr.alcrs couldn’t possibly ignore. tn uxe ambush counters.
Early jwims o f die vessel hud located various pockets of
oxygai. hold in by force fields, scattered about the vessel.
Chough the Gcncstcaicrs could exist for quite some lime
without breathing - most of the hulk was in vacuum - die Lusk Space Marines
force's xenobujlegists insisted that no matter huw efficient The Space Marines set upon die marked cunidor section.
lheir bodily functions. the Genestealers had tn breathe sonic The Splice Marines move first
time. But, as destroying the cryogenics was of such paramount
importance, until now the oxygen chambers had been ignored, Gtnesleakrs
leaving the Gencstcalers with a source of clean air. Blips may be placed at Any of die Genes tea Ier entry areas
marked on the map,
Most of die oxygen chambers in flic hulk were clustered in the
centre of the vessel, near llie defunct cryogenic chambers. The
aiea of the Space Marine perimeter was relatively lightly SPECIAL RULES
provided with oxygen chambers: there was only one within
2000 yards. Gregorian Imped dtul if he destroyed the nearby The Space Marines can secure entry areas.
oxygen chamber. tire Genestealers would have to waste rime
reluming to die fuidier chambers to breathe, leaving them less
Lime between journeys to fight - and possibly forcing them tn VICTORY
retreat tn masse nearer to the precious gas.
Tlic Space Marine player wins by galling two or mart Space
'Ilus was mere speculation. The Genes leideis might be able to Marines off the board at the marked exit point.
exist fur days — or weeks - widiuut oxygen, and might ignore
He gains a par dal victory if he only gels one Space Marine oft
Qie aluu-k ultogetlus. Therefore Gregorian decided to employ
die bouid.
(he .smallest number of Space Marines possible nn the raid,
leaving the- bulk of his m m bokicring the defensive lines. The GcncslcaJcr player wins by killing id I lite Space Marines.


Door Space Marine Deployment Ares

Bulkhead Space Marine Exit Area

Geneslealer Entry Area


The S p a c e Marines in most Space Hulk games wear

Terminator armmir.This. is the natural choice when fighting in POWER ARMOUR AP COSTS TABLE
the enclosed spaces of a starship and affords a great deal of Action AP Cost
protection against the devastating Genesteidei attacks.
Move forwards 1 square 1
However, in many situations, Terminator armour cannot be Move backwards 1 square 2
used. Each chapter has only a limited number of Tcrminaiur Turn 90’ Free"
suits. each treated wiih the reverence due to an ancient chapter
Turn 180' 1*
relic. Oenestealers may he encountered by Space Marine
farces that tlon’t have access to any of the chapter's honour Fire holier 1
suite, or when there are only a few Terminator suits available Move forwards 1 square and tire bolter 1
and most of the Space Mannes must face the Gcncstealers in Move bock winds! square and fine boiler 2
their standard issue power armour. Set ovcrwalch 2
Sometimes, power armour may even be chosen instead of Fire flamer 2
Terminator armour, especially if die combat is to take place Fire missile launcher 2
where space is severely restricted and aboard the most
Throw' grenade 2
laby i irrtliu te of hu I ks. Power armour allows a Space Marine a
much greater degree nf freedom of movement and, although Cluse us&ault 1
its proicrticm isn’t as good, this added manoeuvrability may Open or close a dour 1
sometimes bo vital. Sri Terminus 2
Reload flamer ■1
WEAPONS * an y m ihiR raw. i ihts SpjL« Ma nrie ian’t i rryitig 1 be-* v;, wexpert and
lhe action w taken in iAe Space Maiine mtn Otherwise 1. W cnas
Although deadly in the extreme, storm bolters are weighty 1 AP and « I Kir turn ravtlx " A Ps.
weapons that use a lot o f ammunition - this makes them
unsuitable for Space Marines equipped with power armour.
Tliese Space Marines are equipped as standard with single-
barrelled bolters which use the s a m e mas s-rcac Live boll CLOSE COMBAT
ammunition as storm bolters but arc lighter and slower- firing. Although power armour allows more freedom of movement, it
To supplement these slightly less-powerful weapons, the doesn’t give the same protection as Terminator armour,
squads may also include Space Marines armed with flamers putting Us wearers al a considerable disadvantage in close
(not the heavy flamers used by Terminators) and missile combat. A Space Marine in power armour also doesn’t have
launchers. In addition, the whole squad may be armed with a the mechanic ally -assisted crushing strength of a Terminator
variety of grenades, including armour-piercing crack powti glove.
grenades, anti- personnel frag grenades and line of sight Space Marines m power armour roll one dice in cluse combat
blocking blind grenades. hut they subtract -2 from the acute.
These weapons and grenade types arc covered in the section This simulates the fact while the Space Marine hasn't got
on New Weapons elsewhere m this book, a hope of killing the GcneKtealer with his fists he may just be
able to gel a shot in with a holier or bolt pistol.
MOVEMENT Sergeants are IxrUei cluse oombat fighters than normal Space
Murines mid therefore o n l y subtract 1 f r o m their close
Space Marines i n power armour have 4 APs to spend o n
combat rolls.
movement and shooting, like Terminators. The costs for lheir
actions arc listed in (lie Power Armour AP Costs Table, Space Marines with flamers and missile launchers, o n the
As you’ll notice, the main difference from die A P ousts to utlicr hand, are hindered by their cumbersome weapons and
Terminators is chat Spate Marines in power iraour pay less bubtract -3 from their close combat rolls.
for turning. I f the Space Marine isn’t carrying a heavy
weapon, he can make a 90' turn fur free, FORCE LIST
Note, of course, that two 90’ toms in a n>w is actually a 1HO“ The force list opposite allows you tu field power-armoured
turn and costs the Space Marine I AP. However, if the two Space Marines when using the bidding system.
turns are separated by some oilier action, such as shooting,
IF you're using power-armoured Space Marines, wc’vc found
moving or opening a divrr, the turns are both frac.
it’s easier to pick all your forces from Ihis lislrallwr than mix
Space Marines armed with missile launchers have io pay 1 Al' diem with Terminators. It’s more challenging lo play with
to I urn 90’ and 2 APs io mm 1 NO’ as missile launchers are both types and you should fed free to mix them if you wail.
large and cumbersome weapons, classed as heavy weapons.
Note that the. forces section in each mission briefing specifics
The standard flamers carried by Space Marines in power if Space Marines in power armour arc used - if this i s n ' t
armour arc nut heavy weapons and the usual A P exists apply. specified, the Space Marines arc wearing Terminator armour.












1. Both players must agree that this system will he used before rhe game begins.
2. Both players secretly write down the number of poinLs diey would spend on tlie Space Marine force, up to a maximum of 40
paints. The player who has made the lowest bid is the Space Marine player. If both players bid the same amount, each must
make a new bid.
3. The Space Marina player uses the number of pomes he bid to choose his force, using it instead of du: normal forve for lhal
4. Tlie. Space Murine player may select any number of squads and may include any allowed weapon upgrades or reloads.
5. The total value of the Space Murine fume rnusl nut exceed die amount of the Space Marine player's bid (although it can he
less limn diut amount if he wants!).
6. The Space Marne force is now deployed. The Gencslcalcr player begin* with tlie forces and deployment as listed in die


Emcka; n nieiiiuin-jjized plunel m ihe Own system contain in g. Squad Nathaniel

an uma/.ingly-rich asteroid bait A p h n e i ihat has been 1 Sergeant with boiler aid plasma grenade*.
contaminated with a heavy Genenicalcr presence. 1 Space Maine with flamer ( 1 reload).
When the Genesicalcrs look over the system, the Imperial 1 Space Morine with missile launcher: frag and crack missiles.
Guardsmen garrisoned chore were overcome within hours. 1 Space Marines with bolters.
They did however raise the ulonii.
Squad Tbadcteus
The first Imperial forces to ruacli the planet were twenty 1 Sergeant with holier and K melta- bombs.
Lcgiancs A l&rlcs of the LTlti amarines, summoned by ihc 1 Space Maine with Barrier (1 reload)
ri imals form the last uncTunLariuuuled base 1 Space Marine with miwle launcher: frag and crack missiles.
Space Marine Commander I Jen /ark studied die deienders' 7 Space Marines with bolters.
PuTal battle reports. Ry hi* side stood I'nedrich ChanaL senior
Adept us Meeh an ions and commander of the base. The Gcneslealers
holographic display showed tin overview of iltc O w b system. The Geneaiealer player begins die game with 2 signing Blips.
He gets 2 Kbps reinforcements each turn. The Qciicsteatei
The liajjc £us giant al Ute centre glowed with a faint light, a player uses the basic Blip scL He cun ure ambush vuuuLeiii if
stark contrast rn the hundreds o f bright red pinpricks that he chooses.
lotted the rest of the display. Each o f the dots represented a
mine or refinery in Genestealer hands. Alone among them was
a single green speck - ihc base where they were now standing DEPLOYMENT
With so few men al his command, Deuzaik. was at a loss as In Space Marines
what he could do, He looked closely a t the holographic Che full squad in each of die marked rooms.
display for the dozcnUi lime, hoping for some inspiration. The Spare Marines move first.
'Tlris vessel?" Denzark pointed in die scarlet line edging its (■eneslcalcrs
way into geostationary nrhn high above Hnreka's surface. Blips may come on at any or the marked entry areas.
’"]’hat’s the tug, sir. Il isn’t a ship as such. Simply a fciiuii
engine and crew quarters aPached to the ore which Ims been SPECIAL RULES
welded into mw massive block. ft's over 700 yards wide and ?.
miles long mid contains thousimds of millions of ions." Space Marine Timer
Because Commander Dcnzark is personally controlling the
Interesting. Whai do you imagine ii would do to chat?" operation from the base, ihe Space Marine player starts with 3
I 'nr a moment Chanal was confused, Then realisaliun dawned minutes and JO seconds each mm. As usual, the loss of a
- IJenzark was pointing to ihc warm grey orb ihal represented Sergeant reduce* the ume by 341seconds.
the planel. He meant, what would it du to Eureka! JiJIisitnin the Crew Quarters
Commander Dcnzaik immediately launched an nndaci n u t The target nxnu represents the tug's bridge Jeiusomng the
attack on die lug. By capturing the mg. he could redirect the crew module is an action that can be performed by' a Space
massive chunk of ore io impact onio Eureka's surface with the Mur uh.- anywhere in the room. ITie action costs 4 APs.
force o f a hundred thousand fusion bombs. The resulting Once the quarters have been jettisoned, ihc Genes leal rm* stop
destabilisation of the planet’* orbit, the atmospheric poll J lion, gelling reinforcements as their remaining force* ore cut off.
and rhe rapid onset of ihe greenhouse effect would destroy ihc I he Generate alcr player must finish the game with whatever
Gene dealer population totally. forces me on thebomd. If there aren't any left at thin poim, ihe
However, die tug had itself been captured by Grnrstr.aler'i game cuds with u.Space Marine victory.
They liiid captured the main control areas of the lug and were Damaging the Tug's Controls
mussed in the separate module containing the crew quarters. After die crew module has been jettisoned, Lhc Generic a ler
player can only win by causing drastic damage to the tug’s
controls to prevrm the Space Marines from redirecting it
OBJECTIVES against the plants. This can he done by reaching the bridge
The target room represents the t u g ' s bridge. The Space and attacking ihe wall opposite the door in close combat. The
Marines are trying tn reach the bridge to jettison Lite crew altar king Gr.naste.aler mils as though it were allocking a door,
quartern (not .shown on the map), thrice these have gone, the requiring u 6 in destroy ihc omtrols and win ihc game,
Spnce Marines simply have in hold the bridge and mop up any I'he Gencsteajcr player can't uttuck the cuuliuls muil the crew
last Gene stealers. The Gencstealcrs arc trying to defeat the quarters have been jettisoned - until die. puiul there's still a
Space Maunu to save Lhcir forces on Ihc planet below, chance o f winning by defeating ihe S p a c e Marines ami
retaining control of the big
FORCES The Space Marine player can't fire a flamer into div I nidge
Space Murines mom — doing so would damage the lug cuntruls su he couldn't
Two tactical squads o f Space Marines in power armour, j e: dura die crew quarters or redirect the tug to impact on die
planet and would au lorn itic ally lose him die game.




Grcnaiks and Missile Launchers VICTORY

If this is I he Space Marine player's first game using Space The Space Marine player wins by jcliisunitig the crew quarters
Marines in power armour equipped with grenades and missile and having al least one Space Marine alive mice all the
launchers, he may find ir difficult to adapt his tactics from Genes lealcrs on the bumd are dead - he cun now prugrurn the
those used when playing Tcrrmnaiurs. In this cite, you can lug tu crash into the planet.
agree to reduce the Genes tcalcr’s reinforcements uu 1 Blip per
The Genestealer player wins by killing all the Space Marines
turn to make the game a little inure balanced.
before they can jettison the crew quarters. ‘ITie Genestealer
□nee he’s got the hang of the new rules, play the mission player wins a partial victory by destroying the tug’s controls
again with 2 Blips per turn rcinfoiccrncnls for u real cltalienge. after the crew quarters have been jettisoned.

These rules cover the weapons used by Space Marines in FLAMER

power armcntr and Traitor Terminators. S o m e of these
weapons have already been covered in Genestealer - tire rules The ordinary flamer carried by S p a t e Marines in power
are repealed here for convenience. annaur is a small, light weapon, k is fired using either one or
both hands and works in much the same way as ihr heavy
The mils needed to kill a model or destroy a feature for all flurnvr carried by Terminators.
ilvese weapons and grenade types are given on tlie Weapons
Summary Table elsewhere in the book. Almost all the rules for heavy flamers apply: the flamer Iujjs 6
shots, a range of 12 squares, each hit affects an entire board
section and blocks line of sight. Use the heavy flamer markers
BOLTER you’ve already got from Space Hulk tor these weapons.
Bullers hiv die standard issue Space Marine weapon. They fire The main difference is that the basic flamer is a less powerful
bolts or shells with explosive or armour-picrcmg tips. Bolters weapon and its rolls to kill are reduced. Flamer hits against
work in a similar manner to die larger storm bolters used by' Genes Icalers, for example, only kill on a roll of 4 nr more
Terminators but only mil one dice instead of two. rather than on a lull e f 2 ur inorv fur heavy flamers.
They are capable of sustained Un; but their maximum bonus is Space Mannes armed with flamers usually carry one reload
lower they get +1 Io hit for the first shot, and +2 for all for their weapons. Reloading ctwis -1 APs The Space Marine
subsequent sliols against div some target, Fur example, against gels a new stack of flamer markers taking his total back up to
Genestealers and Hybrids, Uiv rolls needed to kill am: 6. If any markers were remaining from the previous load, they
arc lost - the flamer has a maximum of fi shots per load.
Sustained Tire Geneslealer Hybrid
First sliot 6 4 Ftamer Hits on Space Mannes
You’ll notice that on the new Weapons Summary Table,
Second shot 5 3 figures are given for flamers and heavy flamers killing Spiici:
ihird and subsequent shots 4 2 Marines and Terminators. ’This is because in Space Marine vs
Overwatch Space Marine games, these weapons will inevitably hr turned
Bolters in ovcrwatch roll one dice per shot. They have a much on the enemy Space Murines. The rules for fighting Space
lower rate of fire than storm bolters mi they don’i jam in Marines vs Space Marines are covered elsewhere in this book.
overwatch. Tlie only way die fiirr can lose ovcrwatch durrne The rules for surviving flamer hits arc the same for Space
the enemy turn is if he is attacked in close combat, or moves Marines as foi G e n e s l c u k r s , That is to say that a S p a c e
or hints by spending command points. Marine who survives u flamer hit can. move freely around that
board section ut leave it and move to an unaffected board
section. As usual. Space Marines outside die affected section
can’t move info it.
Note thal a Space Marine cannot fire a flamer or heavy flamer
into a section that com rams another model from his own side.
N o Space. Marine would deliberately sacrifice the life of a
brother Marine by flaming him. ITiis applies to games against
Gencslealcrs as well as to games against other Space Marines

Tlte aulucaitnon is a large -calibre g u n which fires high-
velocity mass-reactive explosive ammunition. This gives the
weapon a hefty recoil and the fircr must brace himself firmly
to take tlie shuck.
Within the confines of a space bulk ihc autocartnon lias an
unlimited range hui is particularly effective at closer ranges
where it can lay down an impenetrable hail of fire making use
of us large am muni lion supply.
Because of the massive recoil a model firing an autocantton
must be halted. Move and fire actions are not possible. Il costs
1 AP in fire an a ntocarliion.

Sustained fire bonuses apply Lu, This means that it
is possible in have an automatic hit. For example, against a
FerminaUiT at close range, the fourth shut will need a I or
bcucr to kill - this merms the Terminator is hit automatically.


Tire conversion beam projector, also known as the beamer,
works by converting maitcr into pure energy. The beam builds
up slowly, increasing in intensity as it extends further from the
projector. At rhe beam's focus point the rn utter -energy
conversion becomes s o powerful that it causes a violent AMTOCANHON
Thin makes beamers arc incredibly effective against
massively-armoured targets such h s Terminators. They
instantly credivute luige static objects like bulkheads and
The rirer must remain stationary otherwise the energy field
becomes unfocused and lhe cfftxls arc negligible. Firers often
wear boots adapted with special I'luwn to provide a stable
firing position.
Because of the required stability, it costs 2 APs to fire u
conversion beam projector and the fircr cannot per form u
move and fire action. Sustained fire bonuses do not apply as CONVERSION BEAMER
it's impossible tu iiiuintuin an accurate beam focus over
several shuts. The beamer's range and ammunition arc

These arc bulky shoulder -mounted weapons that fire small
missiles anticd with powerful warheads. Typically a missile
lauticliui is loaded with a combination of arm our -piercing
crude missiles and area effect plasma missiles, either of which
can be selected before firing Crack missiles ane armed with a
double charged hollow-case warhead designed to rupture
armour. Plasma missiles detonate in a split-secund burst of
flesh-hoding super-heated plasma. CHAOS MISSILE LAUNCHER
li c o n s 2 APs to tire a missile launcher. Because of the
weapon’s hulk, move and fire actiuns arc impossible.
All missile launchers arc equipped with an unlimited supply LINE OF SIGHT & AREA EFFECTS
The presence of an area effect marker on a botud section eg
a flamer or grenade marker means that line of sight in or
Llil'tcrenr types of missile can be tued by lliu same model in
through that section is blocked, making ii impassible far
lhe same inrn. As each missile is a separate: shot, missile
models on either side of lhe section to shoot each other.
launchers receive no sustained fire bonus.
b’s nor, however, completely blocked. Line uf sight can be
Crack Missiles traced in the edges of the af fected section so that they can still
Crack missiles u e used against single targets - just make the be fired on by other area effect weapons [because they only
appropriate roll to kill nr destroy the. target. need to be able to target one square uf the section). When a
I'Lisma Miwiilet second area effect weapon is fired into an affected seciinn, the
Plasma missiles affect all the models and features an an enure rolls needed to kill me die same as normal. F'or example, a
board section, much in the same way as a flamer hit - as llic flamer is fired into a section and several models survive, then
effects are nearly rnsranraneejus, plasma missile explosions a fiag grenade is thrown inin the section - the rolls io kill fur
block neither movemem nor line of sight and no marker die frag grenade arc exactly the same as if Lhe flamer murker
remains: on di* affected board section. wasn’t there.
As line of sight cun be traced to the edge of a section, it means
Uwl models standing al the rdgt can both tire out and be fired
at - provided, of course, there aren’t any other blocking
squares between firer and target (including any other edge
Within an affected section, line of sight isn't completely
blocked No matter how many section effect markers there me
on a section, adjacent models can still shout at each other and
deliver close assault attacks.
Section effects last until the marker is removed at lhe end of
the next enemy lum. Because uf this, it's important to
remember which markers were placed by which side sn shey
can be removed al die correct time.


One of the advantages of power armour over Tcrniiimtui GRENADE HARNESSES

armour is that it is less rotriclivc and enables die Space
Marines to easily throw grenades without the need of a Space Mannes in Term in nor suits arc too encumbered by
gr ci aide luirness. their armour to throw grenades. Instead they can oc equipped
with a grenade harness that cun be used to fire a grenade in
JTiese rules cover five types of grenade, each with a different front of Lhc Terminator. These grenade harnesses aie typically
effect: crack. frag, plasma arid blind grenades mid melia- armed with an unlimilcd supply of blind grenades,
A blind grrnadi1. thrown by a grenade harness has the same
area of effect and large ting as one thrown by a Space Manne
AREAS OF EFFECT in power armour ie ii afTecis every model and feature in an
adjacent section provided at least one square is within the
Some, grenades affect only a single model or feature and arc
called target effect grenades. Others aficctall the models and tirer’s line of sight and fire arc.
features on a whole board section, like a flamer. and are culled It costs a Terminator 2 Al's to lire a blind grenade from a
welkin effect grenades. grenade harness. This action can’t be combined with mu'-ing.
Target Effect Grenades Ifyou’re using the bidding system ami force, lists, Terminaiors
Target effect grenades hit only one square. The Space Marine can he equipped wnb grenade harnesses and an unlimited
throwing the grenade- must he able io trace a cicar line of sight supply of blind grenades at a cost of I point per model.
to die target.
As blind grenades me only used for blocking line of sight,
Sec Lii in Effect Grenades there’s nu point in using them unless you're fighting armed
A section effect grenade affects every model or feature in the opponents. In missions against Purestrain Genestealers they
targeted section, just like a flamer. only hinder the Terminators chanting. TTtey're much more
useful against armed Genestealer Hybrids and other Space
Marines. Even so, beware of blocking your own line or sight
THROWING GRENADES too much otherwise you’ll never be able Io shoot anything I
A grenade cun be thrown by n stationary Space Marine in
power armour for a cost o f 2 AP.s. A Space Marine can'i throw
a grenade and move as pan of the same action. 'I he fire arc of CRACK GRENADES
a grenade is the same as for any other weapon. Crack is a target effect grenade li is a sticky shaped charge
that is used against armoured targets.
Target Effect Grenades
Target effect grenades have a maximum rang? of 3 squares Against a stalk.’ Urgcl like a dour the grenade is so powerful
and a minimum range of 2 squares. that a kill is more or less assured. Against a sniullei moving
target (here is u chance that the grenade won't hit properly
The Space Marine can’t throw the grenade al nri adjacent
square because he'd be too close to the blank making it far less effective.
Crack grenades do not block line af sight or movement - there
Section Effect Grenades
is no need to place a marker on the board.
Th? Tnngr. of a taction effect grenade is measured by board
sections, not squares. A Space Manne can throw the grenade Space Marines with crack grenade-; have an unlimilcd <upply.
into any adjacent board section -provided he has line of sight Io
at least one square tn Lhc section.
T h e S p a c e Marine can’t throw the grenade into a board
section more than one section away, nor can he drop it inlo the Fing grenades are small high explosive section effect
board section he’s standing on. grenades. They have an mi-personnel effect and won't harm,
ducts ui otlier features while having a chance of killing KClrtie
This rule gives .section ?ffrci grcnaiics a variable range. From
ui ull of lhe living creatures in the sec.iinn.
one end of a long corridor, the grenade could have a range of 5
sqmirfiis, for ns ample, - or it could he just one square if the Once a frag grenade has been tjiiowii, u frag, nwker should be
Space Marine is right next to ihe target section. If you’re placed on Lhc target board section to show that line o f sight
playing the Genestealers you have to keep an cyr on this - it’s through that section is blocked. This is due to the smoke iuid
easy to get caught out when you think your models are satel debris filling the section in the aftermath of lhc explosion, A
trag marker only blocks line of sight - it has nu effect on
Grenades Lalling Through Pitfalls movement
A iarget effect grenade* th Hl is tlirvwn unLu u pitfall square fulls
through on a td]| of 1-2, eillits exploding on the level below As usual for a Nocked recLkm, line of sight can be drawn to
or, if there isn’t a lower level, exploding harmlessly in the the outside edge* (provided it doesn't cross any other blocked
ship’s uinaids. squares) so other section effects or additional frag grenades
can be thrown inlu the suction, The frag nuukei is removed at
Scution effect gcenudcs are assumed not to fall through
lhc end of the next enemy turn.
pitfalls, even if tin: only square in the section that the thrower
can target is a pitfall square Space Mannes wnh frag grenades have an unmnilcd supply.


Mdta-bumbs are target effect greinarles that supcrhcai the men
utkI ntull down anything in contact with it. Mei la- bombs ore
devastating weapons, giving an automatic kill against tai gets
such tu. Gpnesiealcm and doors.
MelLd-bt-uiibs are larger than other grenades mid ammuuitton
is restricted i n S grenades. They arc genet ally in shorter
supply than the other grenade types and am only carried by

When a melm-bnmb is thrown, the Space Maiine player

selects the Larger square and removes. anything tn it- A pitfall
marker is then placed face down i n die square. The marker
represents a mass of hot gases and molten metals and
temple tely blocks line o f sight and movement through that
At the start o f Ute Space Marines' nest lum, the pitfall marker
is turned over tu represent the intense heat melting a hole
through the space hulk's floor. A Space Marine moving onio a
pitfall marker rolls a dice - if die dice scores a I die Space
Marine falls ihmugh.
If this is the upper level of a multi-level game, die Space E r f E C 7 MARKER 1 1- f ECT MARKER
Marine falls through io the lower level as usual, otherwise he
drops into an area nF malum metal and live power cables and
GenEslcalers arc nut in danger of falling through the pitfalls
and can move across die markers without rolling.
Me hu bombs cannot he targeted inlo a square dial already
vurtUiins u pilfaO
They are often more effective when used against targets to the
As the Space Marine player, you have to he. careful where you
side o r rear where a blocked passage doesn’t affect the
use mclta-bunibs. If you use too many in front of you, you crci
progress of your Space Marines.
end up blacking yum lines of advance. 'n»e bombs will imly
keep the Genes teal er s at hay for a limited amount ul" lime?

Plasma grenades arc section effect grenades that explodes with
a burst of super-healed plasma. The. damnation is over m a
Hash, so plasma gicriudes d o not block line of sight or
Like midis -hombs. plasma grenades are nut as common as
frag and crack grenades and are usually restricted to
Sergeant*. Unlike mcllu-bombs. a Singe ant equipped with
plasma grenades has an unlimited supply.
A blind grenade releases a burst of wide -spectrum
inlcrfcreTiLc that blocks vision and a uio- systems. Il is a section
effect wi-apun and completely blocks line of sight through Die
affected section.
Models on die edge of the ser.iion can fire out and can be
targeted from outside the section, as usual. Blind grenades
don’t block movement.
When a blind grenade is fired, place n blind grenade marker
oildu? targeted section to show that line uf sight is blocked.
Remove lire marker al the start of the Space Marine's neat
Blind grenades arc morn effective when lighting uppunenls
sib that use ranged weapons. They arc rarely used wlien fighting
Linajmed Purcsirarn GeresLcaJcrs as they cun only hinder die
Space Marines.


These diagrams should help clarify the rules for line of sight and section effects, and for throwing seclion effect grenades.



i> l i e Space Marine i s weanng power armour and i s st med wi;h
Frag g-eracfeE These are section effect grenades sc trie Specs-
Marine can throw Bibti kilo ar', ac ace n . sector.
Diagram 1: he throw? the rirji grenade rtc tie corridor sector
neir to the juration sacrion he's stunting an The grenada k Ils
the Geneiteater.
LINE DF SIGHT AND SECTION EFFECT ATTACKS Diagram 3 : although ne's got clear line of sight la the
The Space Marine has a heavy 1 amor w-iicb he lires into the Cenealeale- an die right- hanc junction, he can't throw a grenade
section tn Iron: of him. Rails to k l l are made far each - this junctor isn't naxl id his section Ths Space Marine takes a
Genesteatef - tie o r e in ihe bottom leh comer rolls a 1 and step forward and then uses his fina A h ard • C F to tb-ow a frag
survives. gronado onto the Gonostca era' junction sector. Although Bid
Genestsaters a'e anly ’ square doser, th a jurcrion Is now the
The Space Mar na player decides that he ar t chance havng next section and sc car se targeted by the Space Marine's
the Gorosbeaor mow f orwand and attack the Space Manner so grenade.
he Ikes a second flame' shot. Although the first llarwr ma-ker is
stilt there indicating that lino o f t through tiro sect. on i s
b coked, the Space Mar ne can scili draw a line of sight to me
rsares r &c go square .
The second 'tamer attack nas exactly the same rolls to xti as the
first - this time 'ha Gorasieala' doesnl roil a 1 and is killed.


Diagram 3: II the corridor h a d been mace us of twe Board

sector 5, say a 2-scuare piece a r d a 3-sc jhfe piece, the Space
LINE OF SIGHT AND SECTION EFFECT ATTACKS Marine col dntt have Tade these attacks Because Iho range □'
the hag g r enade is basec on board sections not scuares.
A Miasma psych c section effect has been cast onto the le't
saefior. This raTonly alooce all psychki activity in □' th'auqh the he would need Io step fnrwa-rf 1 square onto The 2
wetipr, it blocks line ol sight through Jne sect on, square corridor section. The Genes feeler's S-squara cb'ridor
section p. r a w the next section ar d hn onn throw the lir$| liag
This means that Space Merna 1 can’t see eittior Gfineslea er *
df Genestealor 2, Ejven mijugh botn the Speca Marine and
Genesnesiw 2 are on edge squares they can't sex* each other Diagram 1; To attack lhe Gennstealors on the juncton he would
the inierwnihQ ecgo souare tracks tw line o l sight have "n step 'award anomer 2 squa'&s uml he was on ths 3
square ud u id or seeban This w e a r s I'ltd the who a operation
Space Marine 1 can see fienas’eatiTr H oenause it's o r an
costs an ettra 2 APe eo the Space Marine would have to scene
ed.ace.1t square. This Teana he col d um and shoot or ck>?e
al 4 of nis own A l1 p j s 3 CPs.
assault t.
Target Efiscl Grsneda»t If the Space Marine h ad been using
Space Marina ? can't see Genoa teaiors 1 or 3 but can sec
target effocl crack g r onadee rather th a r aeclion eflad 'rag
Ge nos tea ar 2 - the Genests aler Is on an edge square ol the
grenades, he would have had io step forward 3 scjhtes oeiofE
aNacted sector w there's no blocking squares between it and
□eing ab e to attach, t+ifl frst Genastosler and another square '□
the Space Marine.
attocx the second Gene steelier. This is oecause the meixiTiUT
Genetleal6 r 2 Can aSo see rxjt of the sector - if it was a Hybrid r
,argo ol a ta rget effect grenacfl e 3 squares and is unaffected by
a-mM with a weapon it oouM shoe at Space Marine 2, t b i number o ' bo ard sectiora.

1NCVV 1V1X o o i w i i o ,


Since Genestealer came out we’ve played a lot of games using These changes make some minor adjustments and cover the
the psychic rules and we now feel that the Lightning Arc ambiguity in the original rules about where you could and
attack is slightly too powerful. couldn’t move an Assailed model.
To reduce the power of the attack, we’re changing the 1) You can’t move an Assailed model through obstructions
targeting rules as follows: such as closed doors, bulkheads, crates or other models -
ie through anything that would normally block
1 ) Each attack must be directed at a different target. These movement. You can move the model round comers, onto
targets can be anywhere within 12 squares of the caster section effects that don’t block movement and over
and the usual rules for blind targeting apply (see 2 below rubble, pitfalls, ladders etc.
for an exception).
2) The player casting the Assail can now choose to place an
2) The caster doesn’t have to decide in advance which six
Assailed model prone.
'.argets he’s going to attack provided each target is only
attacked once. A prone model has no line of sight and cannot move,
shoot or close assault until it gets up. If a prone model is
3) ou can’t target through an intervening model (although
attacked in close combat, subtract -1 from its dice - if it
■< ou may be able to trace a route around it) - to attack a wins or ties it gets up and faces its attacker.
arget behind the model, the model must first be
destroyed. The AP costs for a prone model to get up are as follows:
4) a model, door or feature survives the attack, nothing Space Marine in Terminator armour 2
xyond can be attacked unless the caster can trace a route Space Marine in power armour 1
r j.t doesn’t pass through the surviving model. Purestrain Genestealer 0
5) a psyker saves himself using an Aura, the Lightning Genestealer Hybrid 0
|A*c is dispelled and can’t make any more attacks.
3) A Space Marine that is Assailed cannot spend CPs as a
response to the psychic attack - he’s too disorientated
and shaken to be able to respond. This means he cannot
immediately spend CPs to turn or stand up.
This restriction only applies to the Assail itself - the
Space Marine can spend CPs as usual if another action is
later taken in his line of sight.
◄Gi ◄G2«G3

Most of the new weapons introduced i n this book and
Genestealer can be used to destroy crates. To attack a crate,
simply use the same roll needed to destroy a door.
Hga-e Marine is this diagram is a Librarian. He’s going to If a crate is destroyed by any weapon other than a conversion
b» j-ming Arc and attack the six Genestealers around him.
beamer, replace the crate marker with a rubble marker or turn
|*4 evised Lightning Arc rules, he can only make one it over to represent rubble. If a conversion beamer is used, the
ft r each Genestealer although he gets to choose what
ji - a «s the attacks in. crate is vaporised and no rubble is left in its place.
■fcwm to attack Genestealer 1 directly in front of him. If the Psychic attacks may also destroy crates. Vortex and Blast both
survives, he can still attack his next target, automatically vaporise crates and leave no rubble. Lightning
4 " 2. even though his line of sight is blocked. This is
■k* Soace Marine Librarian can trace another route to
Arc destroys a crate on a 4 and Hellfire destroys a crate on a 3
br ra: goes around Genestealer 1. - in both cases, the crate is replaced with rubble.
2 also survives, the Space Marine Librarian can’t
■gsrwreaer 3 - there’s no route to the target that doesn't
■as rrough a wall or through an intervening surviving
■ '~e-oer that although normal blind targeting attacks RUBBLE
Ke srget over intervening models, Lightning Arc is an
te ~<e Space Marine must kill Genestealer 2 to attack The rubble deflection rules apply to the new weapons just like
they do to storm bolters (ie a roll of 5 or 6 saves).
: 4 5 and 6 can all be attacked regardless of If a conversion beamer is being used, a save indicates that the
I- * any of them survive. Again, the Space Marine
r we an alternative route to Genestealer 6 even if shot misses its intended target and vaporises the rubble
■ s. -«"ves and blocks the direct path. instead, removing the rubble marker. Blast and Vortex
psychic attacks also automatically remove rubble markers.

Area Space Marine In
of Dice Pure- Terminator Power Bulk- Over- Sustain Move and Fire
Weapon Range Effect (D6) Blip strain Hybrid Armour Armour Door head watch Ammo Fire Fire Forward Back Reload
Storm Bolter UL/12 Target 2 6 6 4 6 5 6 — Yes UL Yes 1 1 2 —
Heavy Flamer 12 Section 1 2 2 Auto 2 2 — — No 6 No 2 — - 4
Sell Destruct — Section 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto — — — — 1 —
Assault Cannon
Burst ULT2 Target 3 5 5 3 5 4 5 6 Yes 10 Yes *1 1 2 4
Full Auto UL Fire Arc 3 3 3 Auto 3 2 3 — No 10* No 2 — — 4
Malfunction - Section 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto 5 — - - — — — -
Thunder Hammer
Self Destruct — Section 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto • — — 1 — — —
Range 1-12 12 Target 1 3 3 Auto 4 2 2 - No UL Yes 1 — — -
Range 13+ UL Target 1 3 3 Auto 5 3 3 e No UL Yes 1 — — —
Conversion Beamer UL Target 1 4 4 5 2 4 Auto Auto No UL No 2 — —
Missile Launcher
Crack Missile UL Target 1 2 2 Auto 3 2 Auto 5 No UL No 2 — *• —
Plasma Missile UL Section 1 4 4 2 6 4 6 — No UL No 2 -
Bolter UL/12 Target 1 6 6 4 5 6 — — Yes UL Yes 1 1 2 —
Bolt Pistol 12 Target 1 6 6 4 6 5 — Yes UL — - — — —
Heavy Bolter UL/12 Target 2 6 6 4 6 5 6 — Yes UL IW c. — —
Lasgun UL/12 Target 1 6 6 4 6 5 — — Yes UL — — — — —
Laspistol 12 Target 1 6 6 4 6 5 — — Yes UL No 2 — — 4
Las -Cannon UL Target 1 2 2 Auto 2 2 Auto 2 No UL — — — — —
Plasma Gun UL Target 1 4 4 2 5 3 5 — No 10* — —
Plasma Pistol 12 Target 1 5 5 2 6 4 5 — - — — - - - -
Heavy Plasma Gun
Rapid UL Target 1 4 4 2 4 Auto Auto — - — — 1 — — —
Maximal UL Section 1 2 2 Auto 6 4 5 •• — — — — — — —
Nemesis Weapon UL Target 2 6 6 2 b 3 0 - NO 1U IW c — —
in Close Assault 1 Target 1 2 6 4 5 — — - — — — - -
Crack 2-3 Target 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto — — — — 1 — -
Frag A Section — 5 2 6 4 5 • - - - - - — -
Malta 2-3 Target 2 6 6 2 b 3 b — NO w c. — ■— -V
Plasma A Section 1 2 6 4 5 — — — — — —
Plasma ( G L ) 8 Section 2 6 6 4 6 5 6 — Yes UL hiu c — -
Blind A Section 1 6 6 4 6 5 — - Yes UL — — — — —
Blind (GH) 8 Section 1 6 6 4 6 5 — — Yes UL No 2 — — 4
Flamer 12 Section 1 2 2 Auto 2 2 Auto 2 No UL - - - — -

Grenades : Plasma (GL) - From Captains Grenade Launcher. Blind (GH) - From Terminator Grenade Harness. All other Grenades thrown.
Range : UL - Unlimited. 2nd number is Overwatch range. A - Adjacent section. 2-3 - Minimum and Maximum range.
Ammo : 10* - remember that Full Auto uses 5 bursts of ammo. Special - See the rules for that weapon.


Area Space Marina In Remains
of Un- Dice Pu re- Terminator Power Bulk- on
Psychic Card Effect Targeting Range stoppable (06) Blip strain Hybrid Armour Armour Door* head Section

Aura Self — — Yes — - — — — — — — -

Control Model Free 12 No — — — — — — — - —
Miasma Section LOS 12 No — — - **• — — — — Yes
Scan Section Free 12 Yes — — - — — — — — No
Smite Section LOS 12 No - Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto — — No
Assail Model Blind 12 No — — — — — — — - -
Hellfire Section LOS 12 No 1 2 2 Auto 3 2 — - Yes
Lightning Arc Model* Blind 12 No 1 — 3 2 4 3 4 — -
Vortex Section LOS 8 No — Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Yes*
Blast Feature LOS UL Yes - (Auto) (Auto) (Auto) (Auto) (Auto) Auto Auto — i

Jinx Section Blind 12 No — — - — — — - - Yes

Switch Door Free 12 Yes — — — — - — — - —
Teleport Self Free 8 Yes — — — — — — — — —
Burst of Speed Self - - Yes — — - — - - — — -
Prescience Self — — Yes — — — — — — — -
Stasis Section LOS 6 No — — - — — — - Yas
Warp Time Section LOS 12 No — — - - - - — — Yes
Door: open doors have slid back into their cavities Lightning Arc: Model* » the Lightning Arc delivers Vortex; Yes' » the Vortex marker stays on the Siad : (Auto) = the Blasted feature kills
within me wans of the space hulk and are never 8 hits on up to 6 different models - roti 1 dice for hoard but may move - roll m m e section effects automatically - the Blast itself cannot affect a
destroyed. each hit. endphase of each turn. model



PSIONIC - YELLOW: Control, Miasma.
Scan ano Smite SELF: only affects casting psyker Cards with a force icon tn the bottom right corner It a psyker has LOS to a section containing an
can be used to dispel psychic attacks. They can effect marker, he can try to disperse it during me
MODEL: affects a single model. Blips are converted onfy be played by the psyker who is the target of section effect endphase. To do this, he plays a card
POWER - RED: Blast, Jinx, Switch and
II hit - converted Hybrids can immediately play with a force Icon matching the symbol and soil of
Teleport the attack (whether model or section). A card i s
psychic cards in defence only effective against cards of the same suit a s mo original attack card. The other pl ayor can try to
KINESIS - GREEN: Assail, Henfire. DOOR (Switch): only affects doors, shown by its force icon (ie the force icon matches stop him by playing reinforcing cards as with normal
Lightning Arc and Vortex the symbol In me top left corner of the attacking force battles - to oo so, he only needs a psyker m
FEATURE (Blast): affects features such ns closed card). A force card automatically dispels an attack play, nol necessarily with LOS to the section.
TEMPORAL - BLUE: Burn! of Speed, doors and crates. Blast has no affect on models,
but they can be damaged by the Blasted feature. If the other player also has a card w>tn the same
Prescience, Siasfe and Warp Timo force icon, he can use it to reinforce his attack - the AURA CARDS
SECTION: affects all models. Blips and features in original card now lakes effect Both players can An Aura nullifies one kill from a psychic or nor.,
UNSTOPPABLE: Force cards can't dispel a single section. Biips are not converted so Hybrid continue to play cards to dispel and reinforce psychic attack - if must be played immediately alter
an attack from this card. psykers can't play psychic cards In defence. II me attacks until one runs out of cards with m e correct the lull It doesn't stop any other effects of the attack
attack remains on me section, place correct psychic force icon if me defender played the las! card, the (ie other models i n a section are affected normally).
CLOSE ASSAULT BONUS: Add bonus effect marker. Sections can't be targeted if onfy attack is dispelled: if lhe easier played the last card, Auras act as force cards against cards of their own
(+1 » *6) to dose assault roll visible square on section contains a dosed door. the attack has full effect suit (ia force icon and suit symbol are the same).
I ■ --



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® e f o e s

I Copyright e 1991 Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved.







This book includes four complete campaigns - linked series of four Io six missions where I he
outcome of each mission affects your overall chances of success:
• The Last Stand - a spaceship lands near a small Space Marine outpost. There seems to he no life
ahoard. Then without warning (>eqestealers are pouring into the outpost from ever) side.
• Genestealer Invasion - the Space Marines Of.DoMthwiny hoard a derelict space hulk dating back
to the Dark Age of Technology and battle against a Geneslealer Patriarch and his brood.
• Necromunda - a Genestealer cult has taken control of part of the Acropolis Hive. If it cannot be
surrounded and destroyed, millions of lives could be lost,
• Sentinel V - the Sentinel V ftpace station has gone silent. Space Marine Terminators of the
Space Wolves chapter are sent to investigate.
You can also play all I he campaign missions as one-off games - plus we’ve included four
bonus stand-alone missions.
The rules cover Space Marines in power armour, new weapons and grenades - crack, frag,
plasma, blind and melt a - and Traitor Terminators, with new mission generator scenarios
and mission generator campaign for fighting Imperial vs Traitor Space Marine battles.

A copy of Geneslealer Is
required to play All the
campaigns within thin


uaderrjrKs ol Bare* WoAinop Lmlad joace

Durwng, Gsnwl.iw anti Gaines Wo-tobcp ut
nJdenanc ol Games Woeunae L mad Al ngta resenmu

UJJJ ISBN 1 872372 SO 3 Chewton Street
Hilltop, Eastwood. Balinge**"1*' IN THE U.K.
© Copyriqh! Games Workshop Ltd ,1991 Nottingham NG 1 6 3HY MD 2 1 2 2 7 - 1 0 7 2

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