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Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor

by Utsource123

Hii friend,

Today I am going to make Voltage detector circuit using BC547 transistor.This circuit is very sensitive and it is
good project to detect voltage.

Let's get started,

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 1

Step 1: Take All Parts As Shown Below

Components required -

(1.) Transistor - BC547 x3

(2.) Buzzer x1

(3.) Copper wire x1

(4.) LED - 3V x1

(5.) Battery - 9V x1

(6.) Battery clipper x1

(7.) Resistor - 220 ohm x1

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 2

Step 2: Solder Two Transistors Like This

BC547 -

pin-1 is collector , pin-2 is base and pin-3 is emmiter -

solder collector pin of one transistor to another and

base pin of 2nd transistor to emmiter pin of 1st transistor as solder in picture.

Step 3: Next Connect All Three Transistors As Picture

Next solder all three transistors as solder in the picture.

Solder collector pin of 3rd transistor to collector pin of transistor 1 and 2

and solder base pin of 3rd transistor to emmiter pin of transistor-2 as solder in picture.

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 3

Step 4: Next Solder LED and Resistor

Solder -ve pin of LED to common collector of all transistors -

Now connect 220 ohm resistor to +ve pin of LED as connected in picture 2

Step 5: Next Connect Resistor

Next solder +ve pin of buzzer to resistor as solder in picture.

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 4

Step 6: Connect -ve Pin of Buzzer

Next connect -ve pin of buzzer to collector pin of all transistors as shown in picture.

Step 7: Connect Battery Clipper Wire

Next connect battery clipper wire to the circuit as solder in picture.

Solder +ve wire of battery clipper to +ve of buzzer and

-ve wire of battery clipper to emmiter of 3rd transistor.

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 5

Step 8: Next Solder Copper Wire to Circuit

Next solder copper wire to base pin of 1st transistor as shown in picture.

Now Voltage detector circuit is ready , let's check it.

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 6

Step 9: How to Use It

Since circuit is completed. NOTE 2 - If your circuit is not working then please
change transistors.
Connect battery to battery clipper and check AC
line.This circuit will detect phase wire and neutral Above picture -
Above pictures shows when I put this circuit near
Buzzer will give sound and LED will glow when current flowing phase wire then Buzzer is activated
copper wire of this circuit will be in the near of and give sound and LED is starting glow.
passing current phase wire.
and when I put it near to neural wire then It's circuit is
We can easily detect phase wire and neutral wire of not activated.
household wiring.
If you want to make more electronic projects like this
NOTE 1 : We don't have to touch circuit / copper wire then don't forget to follow utsource.
of circuit to the surface as you can see in the
picture.Because this circuit is very sensitive. Thank you

Voltage Detector Using BC547 Transistor: Page 7

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