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Directions: 1. Select at least 1 standard of compliance from the Core Areas and another 1 from the Support Areas.
2. Read the standard of compliance. Mark with an X the items in the Look-For that need to be complied with. If all Look-
Fors are observable or present in your school as indicated by the Evidence for Compliance Examples, there is no need to
mark the Look-Fors.
3. Next, assess your school using the rating scale given below. If you rate your school 3 or 4 for a particular standard, you
do not need to include in the SSIP. In such a case, move on to another standard and assess your school. For the standards
where your school rating is 2 or below, you may proceed to include in the SSIP for your school.
4. In the first column of the SSIP, write the recommendation containing the entire standard or parts of the standard that
need to be complied with. A blank SSIP template is provided below.
5. Complete the SSIP for the items you placed in the first column. Descriptions for each column are stated in the given
plan for your guidance. Your SSIP needs to show at least 1 standard from a Core Area and another 1 from a Support Area.
6. Review your work with the rubric given at the end. Be ready to share your work during the group workshop.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Rating Description
4 Evidence of compliance with standard and enhancements is presented
3 Evidence of compliance with standard is presented
2 Partial evidence of compliance with standard is presented
No evidence of compliance with standard is presented but plan of
1 action
in line with compliance is presented
0 No evidence of compliance with standard nor plan of action is
NA Not Applicable



CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT AND - Are curriculum maps - Information or curriculum - Minutes of Meetings
INSTRUCTION: reviewed, revised and updated development notes on system with concerned tertiary
8. The school implements on a regular periodically? of consultation with either institution or technical
basis with relevant tertiary institutions, -Does the school review, revise college, vocational-tech center or community/
technical centers or community/industry and update the curriculum maps center, or specialized industry partners
partners a system of consultation, review disciplines partners for
in consultation with a higher - Subject competency-
and updating of the subjects’ content and
education unit or an external articulation of SHS content based vertical learning
design of performance task applications.*
institution or partners and - Results of curriculum review progression guides or
conduct consultation meetings with tertiary institution, maps
with them regarding the vocational-tech - Minutes of curriculum
content, teaching, and center or specialized meetings on articulation
application of subjects? disciplines of student skills across
- Citation of latest versions of grade levels
DepEd Curriculum Guide and
CHED College Readiness
competencies in the
curriculum maps of the
different subjects
WORK IMMERSION AND -Are students able to present -Schedules of students’ public-Manual or Handbook of
CULMINATING ACTIVITY: their culminating activity in a presentations of their Culminating Activities in
22. The school provides opportunities for public or professional gathering culminating activity output different tracks
students to present their culminating or setting? -Copies of comments by -LP or modules on
activity in public or professional -Is there a panel of reactors reactors regarding quality of Culminating Activities
gatherings or settings (e.g., forum, from the school, community or students’ culminating activity-Curriculum Maps on
conference, gallery, trade fair, industry industry that gives feedback to Culminating Activities
expo). In turn, students receive feedback -Pictures and other
students during their
from practitioners or industry publications/materials of
professionals regarding the quality and presentation? public presentations of
value of their work.* students’ outputs in
Culminating Activity
-Student Handbook
guidelines on
culminating activity
-System of tracking and
monitoring students’
performance in
culminating activities
-Reactors’ comments
INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP: - Are data on student - Data on student - Subject Reports on
8. The school establishes a system for achievement and performance achievement of program Student Performance of
gathering and reporting data and collects in college/university admissions standards and competencies Program Standards and
evidences on students’ progress and exams or vocational/technical - Data on student performance Competencies
achievement of subject standards and certifications collected in college/university - Data on student
performance in college/university regularly? admissions exams or achievement of program
admissions exams or vocational/ technical - Is there regular vocational/technical standards and
certifications.* dissemination of data on student certifications competencies
performance to key - System of gathering, - Data on student
administrators to guide reporting and disseminating
performance in college/
decision-making? data on student achievement
university admissions
to various administratorsexams or vocational/
technical certifications
- System of or procedures
for Curriculum
Development and
- Minutes of meeting of
Academic Council or
Subject Coordinators’
Council or subject
department meetings
-Results of standards-
based achievement tests
FACULTY: -Does the assessment of faculty -Classroom Observation Form - Supervisory
Faculty performance appraisal: performance examine -Percentage of Classroom Plan/Clinical Supervision
5.3 assesses the teachers’ performance classroom teaching and delivery Teaching Performance in Plan
in classroom teaching and the delivery of the standards and Annual Faculty Performance -Classroom Observation
of the K12 program*
competencies of the K12 Evaluation form Form
program subjects? -Records of Classroom
-Minutes of meeting of
department coordinators
with faculty
-Annual Faculty
Performance Evaluation
form in Faculty Manual
-Administrators’’ Manual
-Salary Scale
ADMINISTRATION AND - Are there school structures Collaboration and - School Calendar of
GOVERNANCE: and opportunities for consultation with stakeholders Activities
1. A system that provides structures and consultation and collaboration towards: - Minutes of General
opportunities for consultation and with internal and external - decision-making Assemblies and Council
collaboration with internal and external stakeholders to inform decision- - community involvement in meetings, Ad Hoc and
stakeholders and the wider community making? school programs and Standing Committee
towards informed decision-making, - Are there school structures activities meetings
significant community support and and opportunities for - attainment of PVMGO - List of Standing and Ad
attainment of the PVMGO* consultation and Hoc Committees and
collaboration with internal and their Membership
external stakeholders to - Minutes of Consultation
engender community support meetings with
for school programs and stakeholders
activities? - Minutes of Planning
- Are there school structures and Evaluation meetings
and opportunities for with stakeholders
consultation and collaboration
with internal and external
stakeholders towards attainment

F. ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND - Are medical and dental - Annual medical check up - Schedule of medical
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT check-ups conducted - Annual Dental check-ups and dental check-ups
SERVICES annually? - Student Health records
5. Health
5.1. Annual medical and dental check-
G. PHYSICAL PLANT AND -Is the number of equipment, - Adequacy of equipment, - Updated inventory List
INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT tools and materials needed tools and materials for of equipment, tools and
FACILITIES by the maximum classroom/ the needs of the population materials
III. Instructional Facilities and Equipment
population size? - Class Size per
2.Adequate number of equipment, tools
Laboratory Subject
and materials with due consideration for
maximum class size and total population - Number of
requirements* Equipment/Tools of
Required Items in the
Curriculum Guide
I. BUDGET AND FINANCE - Does the BOT-approved - SSIP Budget allocations in - Annual Budget
2. An annual budget approved by the annual budget include the Annual Budget - Budget performance
Board of Trustees that is: allocations for SSIP reports
2.3 reflective and supportive of the initiatives and activities?
Standards - based School
Improvement Plan*
J. INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING AND - Are the contents of the SSIP - Dissemination of the - Minutes of the General
DEVELOPMENT disseminated to the school contents of the SSIP to the Assembly meetings
5. A system for communicating the community? school community - Minutes of the Year-
content and over-all effectiveness - Are the monitoring and - Dissemination of the SSIP End
impact results of the Standards-based evaluation results of the monitoring and evaluation School Assembly
School Improvement Planning SSIP disseminated to the results to the school - Minutes of the
School community? community Semestral-
End School Assembly
- Attendance list during
Year- End/ Semestral –
End School Assemblies


Improvement Smart Goals Output Action Steps Time Period Monitoring Person In Budget And
Plan Item System Charge Budget
Area is stated. Goals are written End result of the Action steps Dates of A system of Key point Amount is stated
Standard of as specific, various actions show a detailed expected reviewing and persons along with the
Compliance item measurable, steps is clearly and logical accomplishment evaluating the responsible for source from the
is stated attainable, described in line process of of the output are accomplishment the school budget.
containing parts realistic and time with the desired achieving the stated and of the different accomplishment Amount is
that need to be bound. improvement SMART Goals achievable. action steps and of the SMART sufficient to
implemented or plan area. and achieving the Goals are clearly achieve the
improved. accomplishing output is identified and output.
the output. described in stated. The
detail. person has
experience to
achieve the

2 `1 0
SMART GOALS Goals are written as Goals are partially No goals are stated.
specific, measurable, written as specific,
attainable, realistic and measurable, attainable,
time bound. realistic and time bound.
OUTPUT End result of the various End result of the various No outputs and date of
actions steps is clearly actions steps is expected
described in line with inconsistent with the accomplishment are
the desired improvement desired improvement stated.
plan area. plan area.
ACTION STEPS Action steps show a Action steps are vague No action steps are
detailed and logical and do not show a described.
process of achieving the particular sequence for
SMART Goals and achieving the SMART
accomplishing the Goal and accomplishing
output. the output.
TIME PERIOD Dates of expected Dates of expected No dates of expected
accomplishment of the accomplishment of the accomplishment are
output are stated and output are stated but stated.
achievable. challenging to meet.
MONITORING A system of reviewing A system of reviewing No system of monitoring
SYSTEM and evaluating the and evaluating the is given.
accomplishment of the accomplishment of the
different action steps and different action steps and
achieving the output is achieving the output is
described in detail. inconsistent in several
PERSON IN CHARGE Key point persons Key point persons No person in charge is
responsible for the responsible for the identified.
accomplishment of the accomplishment of the
SMART Goals are SMART Goals are
clearly identified and vaguely identified and
stated. The person has stated. The person lacks
sufficient experience to relevant experience to
achieve the goals. achieve the goals.
BUDGET AND Amount is stated along Amount is stated along No budget and budget
BUDGET SOURCE with the source from the with the source from the source are stated.
school budget. Amount school budget. Amount
is sufficient to achieve is not sufficient to
the output. achieve the output.
ALIGNMENT All above parts are Some of the above parts No alignment exists in
aligned with each other. are not aligned with each all the above parts

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