Lab Activities - Grade 9

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/ ~ AB A .

I , .J Factorisation of Polynomials
CJ Objective
To interpret ge-u1"etrical~r tlte fa ctors of a quadrtitic expressio11 of the type x2 + b.~ + . .
gn.d s, srr,ps
. an " papers1·,ps. r-=.-= . c:, lls.1,-
.(J Pre-activity Knowledge I, _._-

t. Area of rectangle 1. White chart paper

2. Square grid
2. Area of square 3. Fevicol
3. Ability to split the middle term of a quadratic polynomial. 4. Geometry box
5. A pair of scissors
D Procedure / 6. Paper slips
Case I - To factorise J-~ + Sx + 6 : , ( Strips
J . Take a square1iia oT dimension }0 x l 0. It represents x 2 as shown in
fig. (i)

Fig. (i)

2. Add 3 strips of dimension xx I as shown in fig. (ii)

·t 1,: -· ~'-~ .~. \~~i

' . i ..., 'At•':. ' .' 'i' .,,'~J. t: . : ~.
·.~~:.-J,.,.1'il~,... , . • \·, ..~_•,, .·1~,-'

Fig. (ii)

J.ab Mamutl in Mathemati,-.

3. Now add 2 strips of dimension 2 xx as shown in figure (iii)

Fig. (iii)

4. Now, again add 6 strips of dimension 1 x 1 to complete rectangle ABCD as shown in fig. (iv)

X 2 \ ,/) r /
C _J
D t0
, ~

Q_ , r f

r~ +t \ C

1{ \ ,,,-... - ,-.

') I
1 .) r l

~ u,)


Students will observe that
Area of rectangle ABCD = x2 + 3x + 2x + 6
⇒ = (x + 3) (x + 2)
= x2 + 3x + 2x + 6
x2 + 5x + 6 = (x 1 3) (x 1 2)

I.ab Mrm1uil in Mo1hm1ati_f--,,

I. IJ : aTo
ei,~eTake (nctorfze
square grid of + x - 6 10 x 10. JI represents x2 as shown in fig. (v).

. X
Fig. (v)

2. Now. Add 3 strips of dimension xx I as shown in fig. (vi)

Fig. (vi)

3. Now, Remove 2 strips of dimension ix 2 as shown in fig. (vii)

x- 2

if F+ ,I ~ I I I r +J

A Fig. ( vii) B

1Lab Mtmuai in Mathematic.,ut/S,,Q~

4. Remove 6 strips of dimension I x I to complete a rectangle ABCD as shown in fig. (viii)


, ;. • ~ T l r • j , 1 • ,;
• l •

Fig. (viii)

tJ Observatio n
Students will observe that the area of rectangle ABCD is :
x 2 + 3x - 2x - 6
(x + 3) (x - 2) = x 2 + 3x - 2x - 6
x 2 + x - 6 = (x + 3) (x - 2)

:CJ Result
Through this activity we learnt the geometrical meaning of the process of factorisation of a quadratic expression.

Q. 1. Define a zero polynomial.

Ans. The constant O is called the zero polynomial.

Q. 2. Factorise : 2x2 + Sx + 2.
Am. 2x2 + 5x + 2 = 2x2 + 4x + x + 2
= 2x (x + 2) + (x + 2)
= (x + 2)(2x + I)
() . 3. Find two numbers whose sum is zero and product is -4.
Ans. - 2 and 2
Q. 4. How many linear factors can be in a c1trndratic polynomial ?
An~. Two.
Q. 5. Find two numbers whose sum is 3 and product in - 28.
Ans. - 4 and 7.

I.fib Mt1m111i i11 Mathon,m- •

Quadrants and Co-ordinates

0 Objective
To obta;n 11,e mirr,>r imag e of o g fr en g eom etrical .fi.f!u re with .resp ect to the
.x - ax·
0 Pre-activity Kno w ledge n~--- . IS Q"" t~
Plotting the points on the graph paper.
~ i1(~ ·,
...., Distance of image fonned in the mirror is same as the distance of
object from the mirror.
l. Graph
· Scale
CJ Procedure 3. Geo""'
...,etry ho
(l) l\1irror lmagt- of figure w.r.t. y - ax is 4. Sketch x
.l • Trace a parallelogram shaped pattern block as shown in figure ( i)
...::"L_. J>ens
Label its vertices as ABCD. ~

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It . , ~!
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1 ·1· j

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-+4 --+- 4 --4,-~4"-h4-++-~AJ


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1. . !

~[~, 1r,,, .. •'. I· ,.f:l. fJ.b __

l f •
H+i-'f- . t-r ti=,;~·
- -.......
., . ·-'.
: ~. -
~ IT
... . . .··-··--
' -· • 1:· ' l [.;"-;:. r -
. and 2 umts
2. Here A is 2 unit above the x - axis . away 1rom
c. th e y - axis
. to its
. n"ght . Pl ota point A' , 2 unit away

from they - axis to its left and 2 units above the x - axis
:. Co-ordinates of A, are (2, 2) and
Co-ordinates of A' are (- 2, 2)
q_\:i~ 3 . Bis 2 unit above the x - axis and IO unit away from the y-axis to its right. Plot a point B', IO unit away from
• I

they - axis to its left and 1 unit above the x - axis .

:. Co-ordinates of Bare ( l 0, 2) and
Co-ordinates of B' are (- 10, 2)
4. C is 6 above x-axis and 12 units away from the y-axis to its right. Plot a point' C', 12 unit away from the
y - axis to its left and 6 units above the x-axis,-
_.. Co-ordinates of C are ( 12, 6)

~ Co-ordinates of C' are (- 12, 6)

5. Dis 6 units above x - axis and 4 units away from the y-axis to its right. Plot a point D', 4 units away from the
y - axis to its left and 6 units above the x - axis.
:. Co-ordinates of D are (4, 6)
Co-ordinates of D' are (-4, 6)
6. Join A' B', B' C', C' D' are D' A' to get parallelogram A' B' C' D' as mirror image ofparallelogramABCD.
□ Observation
Students will observe that the mirror image of a figure is obtained with respect to y-axis the y-axis the
y- coordinates remains the same and x-coordinates changes, its sign from +veto - ve or-veto+ ve.

II. Mirror image of figure w.r.t. x - axis

I. Plot a point P, 2 unit away from the y-axis to its right and 2 units below the x-axis .
:. Co-ordinates of point Pare (2 , - 2)
2. Plot a point Q, l O units away from the y-axis to its right and 2 unit below the x-axis.
:. Co-ordinates of point Q are (10, - 2)
3. Plot a point R, 12 units away from they - axis to its right and 6 units below the x-axis.
.·. Co-ordinates of point Rare (12 , - 6)
4. Plot a point S, 4 units away from the y - axis to its right and 6 units below the x-axis.
:. Co-ordinates of point Sare (4, -6)
5. Join PQ, QR, RS and SP to get parallelogram PQRS .

0 Observation
Students will observe that the mirror image of a figure is obtained with respect to x - axis, the x-coordinates
remain the same and y-coordinates changes its sign from - to + or +ve to - ve.
Repeat the above activity for the following geometrical shapes :

.ah Mamuti in M11thrm,1t~ w , j

·. : ,;~]T:f Bm


0 Result
Mirror image of a figure is obtained by changing sign of co-ordiantes of vertices of figure.

Q. I. What is co-ordiantes of a point at origin ?
.A.ns (0, 0)
(). 2. Write the coordinates of any point on x-axis ?
An\. (x, 0)
Q. J. What is the miror image at point (2, 6) w.r.t. x-axis ?
A 11 ,\ . (2 , -{))
(} 4. What are coordinate axes ? l eare i
Aut . . 'O' in a pan
Two mutually perpendicular fixed straight lines intersecting at a pomt
co-ordiante axes.
Q What l, coordinate geometry ? ,bra
It is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of geometry by means of a1g

Lab Mam11tl in Mathemr,:-.n 11

let~ I
LA~ A1~ TllV [TY ~14
II. CongruentTriang1~

0 Objective
To explore criteria f or con.r(m en q ,~ftria111:les 11si11x a set of trht11Kular
......-- +'i!..-1

cut outs. J. Coloured glazed paper

0 Pre-activity Knowledge 2. White chart paper
Knowledge of pair of triangles to be congruent. 3. Geometry box
4. Fevicol
0 Procedure Case I
1. Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a triangle PQR on it as shown
in fig. (i)

Fig. (i)
2. Trace it on tracing paper
3. Take other colour glazed paper and cut out another triangle LMN with the help of traced triangle such that
PQ = LM, QR = MN and PR = LN as shown in fig. (ii)

Fig. (ii)
4. Put the ~PQR and ~LMN and see whether the two triangles exactly cover each otht;r.

JO Case II
1. Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a triangle PQR as shown in fig . (iii)

() Fl~. (iii) R
Lab Manut1f in M11them,11,l.lint I &
it oncoloured
tracing paper. e he}
J2.. Take
glazed paper and cut out another triangle LMN with th
jPQR = !!,MN , QR = MN and l,!'RQ !!,NM p oflrac,d
L \ I

M Fig. (i v)

Put the APQR an ALMN and see whether the two triangles exactly cover each oth er.

"·Case Ill
1. Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a triangle PQR as shown in fig. (S)

Q Fig. (v)

l. Trace it on tracing paper.

3. Take other coloured glazed paper and cut it out another triangle LMN with the help of traced ·~..
that PQ = LM, jPQR =/LMN and QR= MN. -.~

Fig. (vz)
4. Put the .1PQR an .1LMN and see whether the two triangles exactly covers each other.
0 Case IV
J. Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a triangle PQR as shown in figure (vii) .

Q Fig. ( vii) R
Trace it on tracing paper. ,..J uiJ'I
. Take other coloured gh1zcd paper and cut out another Ll LMN with
. . the help of trace
.. I
/PQR =/LMN = 90", f>Q ~ LM and PR ~ LN ) ·

1.,,/J Ma nuat 111 M,1themat/14 Ut,.,a.

l~ ~\J. I
~l) h
1 L

M Fig. ( viii) N

4. Put triangle PQR an llLMN and see whether the two triangles exactly cover each other.
p Observation
Students will observe that in each case, LiPQR exactly superimposes LiLMN. This comfirm the criteria of
ongruency as follows :
In case-I, LiPQR is congruent to LiLMN (SSS congruence)
In case-II, !lPQR is congruent to LiLMN (ASA congruence)
In case-Ill, ~PQR is congruent to ~LMN (SAS congruence)
In case-IV, !lPQR is congruent to llLMN (RHS congruence)
I. The four criteria for the congruence of any pair of triangle are verified.
lngle s~ 2 • There is no AAA congruence criteria for the triangles.
3 There is no ASS congruence criteria for the triangles.

Q. 1. Define congruent triangles .
Ans . Two triangles are said to be congruent if one of them can be superimposes on the other triangle so, as to
cover it exactly.
Q. 2. Write different criterian of congruency. '
Ans. Different criterian of congruency are SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS .
Q. 3. Are all congruent triangles similar ?
An\. Yes.
Q. 4. Is there any SSA congruency criteria for the triangles '?

An\. No.
Q. ~- Can equiangular triangles be always congruent ?
An~. No.

such th

Iab Manual in Mathm1,11/l/itdlt;l. ,Jc

~~ lt

• The quadrilateral formed by the joining of mid points of a quadrilateral

To show that the quadrilateral formed by joiniflK tl,e micl poiuts of tile
es of a quadrilateral is a parallelogram. ~TERIAL REQUIRED .._.·. =
1-W "l'I"' ..... ...!i...!Siii
, Pre-activity Knowledge 1. Coloured glazed paper
(fi~ 2. Trace paper
ti 1. Concept of finding mid points of the line segments.
3. A pair of sci ssors
2. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, if both pairs of opposite sides are 4 . Sketch pen s
equal in it. 5. Ruler
6. Geometry box
l. Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a quadrilateral ABCD . Cut
of the quadrilateral ABCD as shown in fig . (i)

: po'

Fig. (i)

2. Find mid points of sides AB , BC, CD and DA by paper folding method; Name them PQRS respectively.
3. Join PQ , QR, RS and SP. Also join QS as shown in fi g. (ii)

I? ;}\Q

A p B
Fi~. (ii)

4. Make a replica of quadril ateral P()R S by using tracing paper sec fig . (iii)

/,ab Manual in M,1thmu1tics~

fig. (iil)

'• P Fig. (i ii)

a son 'd K.nowl
'Stde p
,. p\ace triangle t, PQS an /!, RSQ in such a way that such PS f l.l Know\
shoWtl in fig. (ir) ~R SI e QR . Q Know
Join I

Q, S Fig. (iv)

Cl Observation
Students will observe that the triangle /::,. PQS exactly covers tri angle RSQ. Also PQ= RS
:J Result
PQRS is a parallelogram as opposite pairs are parallel and equal. ' ~ov.

Q. I. Which parallelogram is formed when diagonals of a parallelogram are perpellliall
other ?
,\n"> . Rhombus.
fJ. 2· Is every rectangle a parallelogram ?
·\n~. Yes.
..I P\J
()_ 3.
,\II\ ,
What is quadrilateral formed by joining the mid points of sides of a square ?·
0 . 4.
,\ II \ Name the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid points of sides of rbombllS,
Rectangle. • el
C) .c;
Name the uuadril· t • . I . • . • al and par
. elograrn.
l'arall , a era rn Which one pair of opposite sides are equ all •

• I.ab Mflnua/ in Mathematic, . __

.--._... ............. =--

• Property of diagonals of a Parallelogram

To .\·how tlt at 1ht) 1Ji11,:,m11/ of II pm·,,1/,./ouram 1/fr/1/,1, It 111 10 11110
JflrtU!III trla11,:/e,r,,,
Pre .. actlvlty Knowled~r- -~-~--.

Coloured paper
1. Knowledge of construction of parallelogram.
~, A pair of scissors
2. Knowledge of properties of sides and angles of parallelogram .
J. Knowledge of congruent triangles . Geometry box

Procedure 4. Sketch pens

t . Take a coloured glazed paper and draw a parallelogram by paper

folding method.
2 Join points P and R to get diagonal 'PR' .
r - - = - - - - - -- - "'7R

p Q
Fig. (i)
J Now cut the parallelogram PQRS along the diagonal PR into two triangles ~ PQR and~ RSP
s R

p"""--- - - - - - - - -Q
Fig. (ii)
4 Place the triangle ~ PQR on ~ RSP in such a way that such PQ falls on side RS , side QR falls on side SP.

R, P

Fi~. (iii)

I', R
71 0 Observation
Students will observe that the ~ PQR exactly covers ~ RSP. Also PQ = RS , QR = SP and PR "" PR
□ Result
~ PQR ~ ~ RSP by SSS
Q. l. Do the diagonals of parallelogram bisect each other ?
An s. Yes.
Q. 2. Name the types of parallelogram having all sides equal.
Ans. Rhombus or square
Q. 3. Are the triangles formed on both sides of a diagonal of parallelogram equal in Area?
Ans. Yes .
Q. 4. Name the quadrilateral whose diagonals are not equal ?
Ans. Rhombus and parallelogram both.
Q. S. Are the congruent triangle equal in area ?
Ans. Yes .

L11b Manual in M11thm1 111 --W

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