Engl 112 Reading and Writing Skills

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Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust – without any selfish motive.

It refers to the feeling of companionship and the exchange of friendly emotions between people or
more people. But true friendship is rarely seen. Growing true friendship depends upon selection of a
friend. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may
grow true friendship. Growing true friendship is very hard and it takes time but once the friendship is
broken it can be very difficult to fix it again. Best test of friendship is adversity. Prosperity begins
friends but adversity tries them. In good days of a man his so-called friends gather around him, treat
him as a beehive. So long he lives in prosperity the friends cling to him like leeches. But when his
bad day starts, no friend can be seen. But a true friend does not leaving his friend in any situation.
He is ready even to die for him. Friendship is seen even among animals. It is very often seen that
among a number of animals a few group always moves together, they have no expressible voice to
exchange views, still they maintain friendship. Human beings are the best creation of God. They
have senses, they have moral feeling. For existence and for leading moral life they need advice and
consultation. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in
whatever relation they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is
no matter which cannot be discussed with a friend.

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming

Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?

The correct answer is: Pre-writing

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

The leaves of the trees waved in the wind

.The correct answer is: Personification

The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.

The correct answer is: Coherence

Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.

The correct answer is: Parallel structure

_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.

The correct answer is: Exposition

The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.

The correct answer is: Consistency

_________ is the formal definition of a term.

The correct answer is: Denotation

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

Laughter is music for the soul.

The correct answer is: Metaphor

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

Her eyes were like fireflies

.The correct answer is: Simile

Which of these statements are supporting details?

I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which cannot
be discussed with a friend.

II. Friendship is seen even among animals.

III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.

The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details

The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.

The correct answer is: Etymology

There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms

The correct answer is: Connotation

Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on what
to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and the search
for the solution?

The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph

The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.

The correct answer is: Freewriting

Which of the following is the best test of friendship?

The correct answer is: Adversity

Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?

The correct answer is: Writing

Why are human beings the best creation of God?

The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!

The correct answer is: Hyperbole

The time and the place where the story takes place.

The correct answer is: Setting

Which of the following sentences is not coherent?

The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the way
grilled hamburgers taste.

The highest point in a story.

The correct answer is: Climax

Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification

I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.

II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel to

III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph to
complete the image of the main idea.

The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.

Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?

The correct answer is: Revising

The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.

The correct answer is: Clustering

The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.

The correct answer is: Plot

A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these parts
of the story?

The correct answer is: Backstory

The intent of dividing items into groups.

The correct answer is: Exclusiveness

Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust – without
any selfish motive.

Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?

The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.

Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?

The correct answer is: Editing

_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.

The correct answer is: Resolution

Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?

Answer: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen

Answer: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.

Read more on Brainly.ph - https://brainly.ph/question/1272454#readmore

Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn aimed
at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its prices.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which is
the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important than
the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True
Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Fourth Quarter Exam (Reading and Writing Skills)
Match the term to its description. Questions:
---The correct answer is: 1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - ---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
[Outlining and Summarizing]
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
and the author's perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing] 3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in ---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
different ways. [Compare and Contrast]
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and
accept. [Claim]
carefully ...
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the
conclusion presented is worth accepting. [Support] 5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to ---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters
understanding the author's point of view. [Asking questions] to be idyllic.
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
presentation of his/her own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the 2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
content of the text in the shortest possible time. [Skimming] ---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. 3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
[Opinion] ---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim] 4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. ---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
[Conclusion] 5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. ---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and
[Introduction] disadvantages ...
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce.
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique.
[Implementation Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve.
[Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it
interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument
or by the needs of the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to
children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models
of environments and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
Long Quiz 5 (Reading and Writing Skills) the child. The OFWs should communicate with their children regularly so as
not to create a distance between them. It could also help the child if the parent
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did not exist. It
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail,
2010", seeks to find out how The Catalyst, the official student publication of the alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach
Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected and treated the news articles the receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter
they have published from 1986 to 2010. of seconds.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend
emphasis on into categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, their love overseas to reach them through communication.
Social, Rebellion, Religious, Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that
within University. The researchers also sorted The Catalyst’s news articles in they would all enjoy for them not to feel alone.
terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and ---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the
tone of the news articles. Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have The History of Philippine Journalism
content analyzed 84 existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and
researchers categorized 586 news articles from the said issues into categories boosts. The history of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited
based on the criteria following the three major variables in content analysis by from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao (2003).
Elena Pernia (2004). In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined Felices” (Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing.
that The Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying
forms of layout in the later years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely distributed in the country
using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red ink. for mass readership.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student ---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
publication usually covered events within the university. Most of the student Questions:
publication’s news stories were straight news. The news articles were mostly 1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as statement of events ---The correct answer is: List of key skills
in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP 2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
through disseminating information that would be of concern to the students and ---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
the university. 3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: ---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: ---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic
instrument in analyzing the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is 5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
a set of keywords to make the coding easier for the coders. The coders would ---The correct answer is: Contact details
determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords provided. Questions:
---The correct answer is: Methods 1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: "The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst philology), the aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse
starting from 1986 up to 2010, with the exception of the special issues released cultural background behind the novel—its characters, plot, described events—
and the issues without dates available in the university archives. There were no this and many other factors make reading the trilogy rather an intellectual than
recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to problems entertaining occupation."
within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the ---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to
archives during the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every understand how that character thinks and feels? If so, how?
issue are also not included in this particular study but would focus on the stories 2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
in the news section and sports section. "And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of
---The correct answer is: Limitations them: the first fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: desolated Moria and Gandalf’s disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world literature of the 20th
were willing to work abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
These people are called OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s
sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake of earning more money. exile; recruiting of the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and
Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”. the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
through the help of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
jobs abroad. ---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have incident more important than the others?
to suffer the loneliness of not having their parent/s with them. 3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing sample book review:
can compare to a parent’s love and affection. "While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would languages: Elven and Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The
not be ensured of their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and used them to create his own unique
condition of their parents because of the distance that makes the young ones plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary references used
worry about them. in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Results ---The correct answer is: Dialogue
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: 4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the sample book review:
immediate proximity which is the university and its branches. Therefore, these "The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by
findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as the student publication to Sauron—an ancient demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main
serve the student body, first and foremost. antagonist of the saga."
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the ---The correct answer is: Plot
abundance of news within the local proximity were given the utmost priority by
the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP demanded immediate 5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the
publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university. sample book review:
---The correct answer is: Conclusion "It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the
first book, it branches into multiple storylines."
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls: ---The correct answer is: Plot
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of
OFWs, since the dollar reserve that we can get from them saved us from Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
economic turmoil. But let us think about the children as well, they may The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical
experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence. figures from analyzing each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and each criterion that will determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news
stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s
issues from the year 1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The
Catalyst presented a substantial amount of news articles with miscellaneous
issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As provided in the
definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are
common stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children
who have parents as overseas workers would be considered well-off in life
because of the money, not to mention, dollars sent to them. But OFWs are
willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families away from
them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their
sacrifices, efforts and contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes
in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their
families’ lives, the Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas
Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to them.
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three
common precursors and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the
library, there is no appreciable cost associated with performing this literature
review. The only costs, which will be minor, are for copying articles, printing
the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can do these tasks for
under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of
Wisconsin at Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock
mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have
included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction,
most of my time will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key
results, and presenting those results to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who
either live in earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when
earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
Short Quiz 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)
Learning Activity 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat
readable. A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: False ---The correct answer is: Review of Literature

Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
Skilled in written and oral communication. ---The correct answer is: Methods
---The correct answer is: Key skills This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: ---The correct answer is: Methods
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015) This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications ---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public the topic.
relations and advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a ---The correct answer is: planning the research
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain: Short Quiz 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
Your resume must include your birthday and gender. The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love
---The correct answer is: False with a teenager? Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although
reality proves it is not necessarily so. I would understand if Edward treated
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a special word for
application letter. adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also,
---The correct answer is: True according to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors. creatures, so in a proper vampire story, exploitation and being devoured would
---The correct answer is: True be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic love? This is stupid.
The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email? negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why
---The correct answer is: name, position would Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: into savage beasts? What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only
Can handle pressure. Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire clans, and other
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Learning Activity 13 (Reading and Writing Skills) Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company. ---The correct answer is: setting
---The correct answer is: False
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: can grab the reader's attention.
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency. ---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to: ---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
Experienced with Moodle.
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
---The correct answer is: body
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
similarities in some but there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
Short Quiz 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details. ---The correct answer is: conflict
---The correct answer is: budget
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
The cover sheet must be in ______ format. ---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a
group of people in the society. Learning Activity 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)
---The correct answer is: Deliverables What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to is described.
bring the project to fruition. ---The correct answer is: theme
---The correct answer is: Resources A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions. It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the
---The correct answer is: motivation “unique one,” a survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil
overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the story, so to say.
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve. What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives ---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format. You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: False ---The correct answer is: True
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
the implementation of the project. ---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
This gives what the end product of the project is. ---The correct answer is: plot
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details Short Quiz 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)
St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts exist,
cosmological: there can be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have immoral ones do not.
created itself, so there must be a first cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. ---The correct answer is: Assertion – fact
322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove anything. He is
Long Quiz 4 (Reading and Writing Skills)
saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God
is an exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
(Russell, 1927). ---The correct answer is: True
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the ---The correct answer is: Intertext
question of the illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on
peace. This traces back to high-minded English snobbery about a king needing
the author's shoes.
able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is more important than
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty. This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is
linked to a number of issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed
evaluations of a student’s knowledge and learning capabilities, particularly due and asserted throughout the text.
to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is preferred to ---The correct answer is: purpose
critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
constructive feelings of care, and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The unforeseen consequences.
Lord of the Rings” can be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a ---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by destroying an important artifact, and
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel, Twilight has nothing
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real
encyclopedia, and movies. world that is extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim ---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other
“God” as a label for the first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the works.
Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-knowing, all-powerful, and all- ---The correct answer is: What a text does
good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be. This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact ---The correct answer is: Intertext
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a
devastating; specifically, according to a study conducted by the University of series of making choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important
Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected to the reduced control of blood- decisions you might face and techniques you might want to use when working
sugar levels. on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is
of health problems. examining.
---The correct answer is: Claim ---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege. Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of
---The correct answer is: Claim entertainment at present.
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
persistent symptoms as shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the
and/or trust in other people, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and criminals and to protect the innocent.
suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can be accompanied ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget
as a learning tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a ---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
schoolgirl and a vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the
movies—it is simply a marketing turn aimed at making the source look like In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus
something more worthwhile than it is. recognizing the fact that everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion ---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
Learning Activity 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their
---The correct answer is: What a text says
potential from the very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time
before finally showing his personality was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable personalities ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be
“event-trigger,” whose main goal is to move the story forward. banned.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim ---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
their education right away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion). ---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours
of progress for all parties involved in the educational process—students,
one night, and then abstained from sleep another night. teachers, and school districts, and to hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential
has undergone this surgery. elections, freely express themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy
---The correct answer is: Claim many other rights and freedoms, all of which are guarded by numerous laws,
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
immoral, something could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
of course, makes perfect sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go
so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally. This is another reason
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
topics, themes and the like. ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
---The correct answer is: Intertext
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information. depression; the exit is acceptance.
---The correct answer is: False ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text. Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being
---The correct answer is: scanning the masters of our lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false
perceptions and throw us off the right path.
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
business to clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and
---The correct answer is: False
planting more trees in order to control or eliminate pollution.
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to ---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
critically analyze it.
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can
---The correct answer is: True
help you acquire work experience and get a job.
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: False
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries,
Short Quiz 9 (Reading and Writing Skills) personal space, sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found
through search engines. What is being described? Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a
---The correct answer is: Hypertext number of unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
Learning Activity 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in
---The correct answer is: Context
fact it is a great investment in one’s future career.
This is also known as "interactive multimedia." ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or ---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
dynamic (something that continually changes). What is being described?
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
size of the Universe, one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is intentions are non-hostile.
being described? ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
---The correct answer is: Context
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger did throughout your whole last year of office work.
system of signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being ---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Short Quiz 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while
analyzing. What is being described? In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
---The correct answer is: Context fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
Learning Activity 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)
This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is Is the stand of the author clear?
being described? ---The correct answer is: Topic and position
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a the given sentence?
single text to form a meaning. What is being described? "Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: Intertext ---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases
displaying the dire consequences of drugs on people.
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can
easily access. What is being described? In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
---The correct answer is: Hypertext fall?
Where was the text published or found?
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Audience
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: according to
---The correct answer is: Context
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single
Short Quiz 8 (Reading and Writing Skills) ---The correct answer is: slanting
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
worth moving to: its prices. fall?
---The correct answer is: Claim of value In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for
the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different
award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are
exclusively used in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon

Learning Activity 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for
the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in
structure, albeit the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations,
researches, and experimentation.
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: True
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: True Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
Select one:
a. Hypertext
b. Context

c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark
Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
Select one:
a. Previewing

b. Contextualizing
c. Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values
d. Questioning to understand and remember
The correct answer is: Contextualizing
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: Contextualizing Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
Select one:
a. Hypertext

b. Intertext
c. Context
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
Select one:
a. author/s
b. audience

c. purpose
d. organization
The correct answer is: purpose
Make comment or override mark

Response history
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1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: purpose Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
Select one:

a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
Select one:
a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of fact

c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:24 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
Select one:
a. Claim of value
b. Claim of fact

c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
Select one:

a. What a text does

b. What a text means
c. What a text says
The correct answer is: What a text does
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: What a text does Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
Select one:
a. Context

b. Intertext
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
Select one:
a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of value

c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
Select one:

a. Hypertext
b. Intertext
c. Context
The correct answer is: Hypertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Hypertext Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
Select one:
a. Claim of policy

b. Claim of value
c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
Select one:
a. Claim of policy

b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:25 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
Select one:
a. reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values
b. questioning to understand and remember
c. contextualizing

d. evaluating an argument
The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: evaluating an argument Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
Select one:
a. What a text means
b. What a text says

c. What a text will do

d. What a text does
The correct answer is: What a text will do
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: What a text will do Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
Select one:
a. What a text says
b. What a text means
c. What a text does
The correct answer is: What a text says
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: What a text says Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of value
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
Select one:
a. Claim of value

b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

Response history

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1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:26 Saved: False Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
Select one:

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:28 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
Select one:

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of value
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:28 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
Select one:
a. Hypertext

b. Intertext
c. Context
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark
Response history

Step Time Action State

1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:28 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

Response history

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1 25/02/17, 10:24 Started Not yet answered

2 25/02/17, 10:28 Saved: False Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
Select one:
a. skimming
b. scanning
c. previewing
The correct answer is: scanning
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3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
Select one:
a. Claim of value

b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
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2 25/02/17, 10:28 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

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3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
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2 25/02/17, 10:29 Saved: False Answer saved

3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: True
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3 25/02/17, 10:29 Attempt finished Correct

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False


Question 1

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.

Select one:

a. Conclusion

b. Introduction

c. Research question or hypotheses


e. Limitations

f. Recommendations

g. Methods

h. Results

i. Review of Literature

j. Discussion
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Results
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1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:05 Saved: Results Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
Select one:

a. Results

b. Conclusion



d. Methods

e. Review of Literature

f. Limitations
g. Introduction

h. Research question or hypotheses

i. Recommendations

j. Discussion
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Limitations
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2 9/03/17, 18:05 Saved: Limitations Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
Select one:

a. Discussion
b. Limitations

c. Recommendations

d. Research question or hypotheses

e. Conclusion

f. Introduction



h. Results

i. Methods

j. Review of Literature
Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Review of Literature

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1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:06 Saved: Review of Literature Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
Select one:

a. Methods

b. Review of Literature

c. Limitations

d. Conclusion



f. Recommendations

g. Introduction

h. Research question or hypotheses

i. Discussion
j. Results
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

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1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:06 Saved: Abstract Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
Select one:

a. Recommendations

b. Review of Literature
c. Discussion

d. Introduction

e. Research question or hypotheses

f. Conclusion

g. Methods



i. Limitations

j. Results
Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Introduction

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Question 6

Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the sample book review below and answer the following questions.
“The Lord of the Rings” is a book trilogy that is in many senses is precious to me. I tried reading the
trilogy several times, but every time I could not force myself to read through at least one book out of
the three—the scales of action taking place in these famous novels by J.R.R. Tolkien seemed to be
overwhelming. I could not remember all the names, locations, and historical events described in this
trilogy, and thus I was not able to catch neither the storyline, nor empathize with the heroes.
However, being already in my 20s, I took up the trilogy once again, giving it one final try—mostly
because of the ado about the screen version of “The Hobbit”—Tolkien’s prequel to the trilogy is just
as famous with readers. When I read it at this point in time, I realized what a rich cultural artifact I
had been missing out on all these years.
“The Lord of the Rings” is not an easy set of books to read. The language Tolkien uses (and he was
a British professor of linguistics and philology), the aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the
incredibly diverse cultural background behind the novel—its characters, plot, described events—this
and many other factors make reading the trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining
occupation. While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages:
Elven and Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in
particular) and used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of
cultural and literary references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous.
The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga. The One Ring granted its
mortal bearers unnaturally prolonged lives, and could make them invisible; however, only Sauron
could use The One at full power. Since without the Ring, Sauron exists as a spirit, he has to use his
minions to seek for it. The success of his quest would mean the end of Middle Earth. Thus, Sauron
is opposed by another demigod—Gandalf (whose unearthly origins are described in another book by
Tolkien—”The Silmarillion”) and the party of adventurers that he gathers. Their quest is to protect the
Ring from Sauron and destroy it; to do this, they have to travel to Sauron’s domain of Mordor, where
the Mount Doom stands. In ancient times, Sauron had smithed The One Ring in its fire, and only in it
can the Ring be destroyed.
It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines. Each of them could easily become the basis for an independent novel,
because all of them are enthralling and self-sufficient. I tried to distinguish between them, seeking for
my most and least favorite storylines, but I failed in this attempt. Much easier for me would be to
enlist at least several of the greatest moments of “The Lord of the Rings,” which I can read through
over and over again with the same awe within me. These moments convey the spirit and the
grandeur of the trilogy the most; those who have read the books or at least saw the films would
possibly agree with me.
And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
I cannot say I disliked anything about “The Lord of the Rings.” It is a comprehensive myth, and a
literary masterpiece; to grasp its full scale, you might need to read it a couple of times—and each
time you would discover new aspects of the plot. “The Lord of the Rings” is a series of books which I
strongly advise to read—it is a must, a cultural legacy that none should ignore.
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation." Answer
Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that character thinks and feels? If so, how?
Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that character thinks and feels? If so,
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West." Answer
What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important than the others?

3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous." Answer

4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga." Answer

5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines." Answer
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1 9/03/17, Started

2 9/03/17, Saved: part 1: ; part 2: ; part 3: ; part 4: ; part 5:


3 9/03/17, Saved: part 1: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that character thinks a
18:12 feels? If so, how?; part 2: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?; part 3: Dialogue; part 4: Plot; part 5: Plot

4 9/03/17, Attempt finished


Question 7

Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the following sample of a resume and answer the following questions:

(1) Social Media Resume Sample

123 Your Address
(2) City, State, Zip Code

(3) Marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in social media management,

content marketing, and branding. Possesses a B.S. in Marketing and expertise in
marketing analytics. Excellent communication skills for outreach and digital copywriting,
ensuring strong brand presence.

Professional Experience


Social Media Manager, September 2013 – Present

 Successfully spearhead campaigns on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter,

and Instagram (4)
 Manage social media planning for execution of marketing strategies and community
 Implement marketing and promotion tactics that led to 34% growth in total social media
shares and 27% increase in website traffic from social media posts
 Monitor online presence of company’s brand and engaged with users, strengthening
customer relationships


Social Media Coordinator, June 2010 – August 2013

 Assisted the marketing team with developing and implementing social media strategies
 Maintained strong social media and brand presence across Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram platforms
 Developed online marketing campaigns, effectively increasing followers by 1,400+ and
driving brand awareness
 Utilized social media analytics tools such as Crimson Hexagon to track consumer
engagement and draw conclusions about user data


Bachelor of Science in Marketing, May 2010

 Graduated Cum Laude

(6) Additional Skills

 Expert in Marketing Analytics and Social Media Management
 Excellent communication skills, for online CRM and outreach
 Google Analytics and Google AdWords
 Strategic Planning, Business Development, Market Research
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?

List of key skills


2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?

Educational qualifications

3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?

Opening statement

4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?

Personal attributes/ career overview

5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?

Contact details

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Response history

Step Time Action

1 9/03/17, Started

2 9/03/17, Saved: part 1: List of key skills; part 2: Educational qualifications; part 3: Opening statement; part
18:08 4: Personal attributes/career overview; part 5: Contact details

3 9/03/17, Attempt finished


Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
Select one:

a. Discussion



c. Research question or hypotheses

d. Review of Literature

e. Methods

f. Recommendations

g. Introduction

h. Results

i. Limitations

j. Conclusion
Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Conclusion

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1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:08 Saved: Conclusion Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
Select one:

a. Results

b. Limitations

c. Introduction

d. Recommendations

e. Conclusion

f. Methods


h. Discussion

i. Research question or hypotheses

j. Review of Literature
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Limitations
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2 9/03/17, 18:08 Saved: Limitations Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10

Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the sample project proposal below and answer the following questions.

A Proposal to Review How Geophysical Precursors

Can Help Predict Earthquakes
Christopher Gray
February 1995 (Retrieved
from: http://writing.engr.psu.edu/workbooks/proposal.samples.html)

Throughout the world, devastating earthquakes occur with little or no advance warning.
Some of these earthquakes kill hundreds of people. If the times, magnitudes, and locations
of these earthquakes could be accurately predicted, many lives could be saved. This
document proposes a review of how monitoring geophysical precursors can help in the short-
term prediction of earthquakes. The proposed review will discuss the physical principles
behind the monitoring of three common precursors and evaluate how accurate each
monitoring is in predicting earthquakes. Included in this proposal are my methods for
gathering information, a schedule for completing the review, and my qualifications.

Justification of Proposed Review

On the morning of April 18, 1906, the population of San Francisco was awakened by violent
shaking and by the roar caused by the writhing and collapsing of buildings [Hodgson, 1964].
The ground appeared to be thrown into waves that twisted railways and broke the pavement
into great cracks. Many buildings collapsed, while others were severely damaged. The
earthquake caused fires in fifty or more points throughout the city. Fire stations were
destroyed, alarms were put out of commission, and water mains were broken. As a result,
the fires quickly spread throughout the city and continued for three days. The fires destroyed
a 5 square-mile section at the heart of the city [Mileti and Fitzpatrick, 1993]. Even more
disastrous was the Kwanto earthquake in Japan that devastated the cities of Yokohama and
Tokyo on September 1, 1923 [Hodgson, 1993]. In Yokohama, over 50 percent of the
buildings were destroyed [Bolt, 1993], and as many as 208 fires broke out and spread
through the city [Hodgson, 1964]. When the disaster was over, 33,000 people were dead
[Bolt, 1993]. In Tokyo, the damage from the earthquake was less, but the resulting fires were
more devastating. The fires lasted three days and destroyed 40 percent of the city [Hodgson,
1964]. After the fire, 68,000 people were dead and 1 million people were homeless [Bolt,
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the Kwanto earthquake were two of the most
famous and devastating earthquakes of this century. These earthquakes struck without
warning and with disastrous results. If earthquakes could be predicted, people would be able
to evacuate from buildings, bridges, and overpasses, where most deaths occur.
Some earthquakes have been successfully predicted. One of the most famous predictions
was the Haicheng Prediction in China. In 1970, Chinese scientists targeted the Liaoning
Province as a site with potential for a large earthquake. These scientists felt that an
earthquake would occur there in 1974 or 1975. On December 20, 1974, an earthquake
warning was issued. Two days later, a magnitude 4.8 earthquake struck the Liaoning
Province; however, further monitoring suggested a larger earthquake was imminent [Mileti
and others, 1981]. On February 4, 1975, the Chinese issued a warning that an earthquake
would strike Haicheng within 24 hours [Bolt, 1993]. The people in Haicheng were evacuated,
and about 5.5 hours later, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake shook the city of Haicheng. If the
people hadn't been evacuated, the death toll could have exceeded 100,000.

Using geophysical precursors, the Chinese have predicted more than ten earthquakes with
magnitudes greater than 5.0 [Meyer, 1977]. For example, the Chinese predicted a pair of
earthquakes of magnitude 6.9 that occurred 97 minutes apart in Yunnan on May 19, 1976
[Bolt, 1993]. Despite these successes, the Chinese failed to predict the earthquake that
struck the city of Tangshan on July 27, 1976; this earthquake killed 250,000 people and
injured 500,000 more [Bolt, 1988]. This earthquake wasn't completely unexpected, but the
Chinese believed it to be a few years away. Other earthquakes have been predicted, but the
predictions didn't have enough precision for warnings to be issued. For example, in 1983, a
young geophysicist predicted that an earthquake of magnitude 8 would strike Mexico City
within four years [Deshpande, 1987]. Two years later, an earthquake of magnitude 8 did
strike Mexico City. Because the prediction was not more precise, no warning was issued and
the earthquake took the population of Mexico City by surprise. Other predictions have turned
out to be false warnings. For example, an earthquake warning was issued in August 1976
near Hong Kong [Bolt, 1988]. During the earthquake alert, people slept outdoors for two
months. No earthquake occurred.

I propose to review the available literature on how geophysical precursors can be used for
short-term predictions of earthquakes. In this review, I will achieve the following three goals:

1. explain three commonly monitored geophysical precursors: ground uplift and tilt,
increases in radon emissions, and changes in the electrical resistivity of rocks;
2. show what happens to each of these precursors during the five stages of an
earthquake; and
3. discuss how each of these precursors is used for short-term earthquake predictions.
Geophysical precursors are changes in the physical state of the earth that are precursory to
earthquakes. In addition to monitoring geophysical precursors, there are other strategies for
predicting earthquakes-in particular, analyzing statistical data on prior earthquakes.
Analyzing statistical data on prior earthquakes, however, is solely a long-term prediction
technique [Bolt, 1993]. For that reason, I will not consider it.
In my review, I will discuss three common geophysical precursors: ground uplift and tilt,
increases in radon emissions, and changes in the electrical resistivity of rocks. Earthquakes
occur in five stages as there is a build up of elastic strain within faults in the earth, followed
by the development of cracks in the rocks, then the influx of water into those cracks. The
fourth stage is the actual rupture of the fault and the release of seismic waves. The fifth
stage is the sudden drop in stress in the fault. In this stage, aftershocks occur.

During these five stages, the geophysical precursors follow distinct patterns. For instance,
the ground uplift and tilt increases during the second stage as the volume of rock increases.
In my review, I will relate how the three geophysical precursors relate to the five stages of an
earthquake and how well this relation can be used to predict the oncoming fault rupture.

Plan of Action
This section presents my plan for obtaining the objectives discussed in the previous section.
Because of the recent earthquakes in California and Japan, there has arisen a strong
interest to predict earthquakes precisely. As a consequence of that strong interest, many
books and journals have been written on earthquakes and earthquake prediction. I have
gathered five books and several articles on the subject. In addition, there are dozens of
books and articles available in the library. These books and articles should provide sufficient
information for me to write my review. The following paragraphs discuss how I will use these
sources in my research.
The first goal of my research is to explain the physical principles behind monitoring
geophysical precursors. For example, why does the electrical resistivity of rocks decrease
before an oncoming earthquake? Or, what does a sudden increase in radon emissions
reveal about the future likelihood of a massive earthquake? The second goal of my research
is to show what happens to each of these precursors during the five stages of an
earthquake. To achieve these two goals, I will rely on three books that give an overview to
earthquake prediction: Earthquakes [Bolt, 1988], Earthquakes and Geological
Discovery [Bolt, 1993], and Earthquakes and Earth Structure [Hodgson, 1964].
A third primary goal of the literature review is to cover the accuracy of monitoring each
precursor. By accuracy, I mean how well does the method work in predicting the time, place,
and size of earthquakes. This discussion will not include many statistics on the predictions of
earthquakes, because at present there just haven't been enough successful predictions to
validate these types of statistics. Instead, I intend to evaluate the potential accuracy of
monitoring each precursor based on the opinions of experts and preliminary data. To achieve
this goal, I will rely on two of my most recent sources: The Great Earthquake
Experiment [Mileti and Fitzpatrick, 1993] and Earthquakes and Geological Discovery [Bolt,
Should I require additional sources other than the ones I have, I will search for them in the
library system at the University of Wisconsin. Should I not be able to find that information, I
will modify the scope of my research accordingly.
Because the primary readers for my proposed literature review are engineering students who
are probably not familiar with the theories behind earthquakes, I will have to provide selected
background information frommy sources. These engineering students already know that
earthquakes are devastating. They also know that if earthquakes could be predicted, people
would be able to prepare for them and lives would be saved. However, they may not know
the different methods of predicting earthquakes. My intent is to inform these students of three
methods of predicting earthquakes.

A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in
earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur. My proposed
literature review will provide this group with an unbiased discussion of three methods for
earthquake prediction. This discussion, drawing much from overview chapters
in Earthquakes, Animals and Man [Deshpande, 1987] and California Quake [Meyer, 1977],
will put into perspective how accurate, or inaccurate, the named methods are and what
hurdles face engineers who try to predict earthquakes.

Management Plan
This section presents my schedule, costs, and qualifications for performing the proposed
research. The proposed research project culminates in a formal report that will be completed
by December 6, 1995. To reach this goal, I will follow the schedule presented in Figure 1.
Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my
time will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting
those results to the audience.

Figure 1. Schedule for completion of literature review. The two triangles represent milestones
for the project, the first being the formal presentation on November 11, 1996, and the second
being the formal report on December 6, 1996.
Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will
be minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I
estimate that I can do these tasks for under $10.
I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics,
geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and
stress-strain relationships. In addition, I have taken field courses on structural geology that
have introduced me to subsurface behaviors. I believe that these courses and my hands-on
experience will aid me in assimilating the proposed literature review. For further information
about my qualifications, see the attached resume (not attached on this web site).

1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal? Answer
To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.

2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10." Answer

3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain
relationships." Answer

4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience." Answer
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur." Answer

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 9/03/17, Started

2 9/03/17, Saved: part 1: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and evaluate
18:09 how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.; part 2: Budget; part 3: Preparation; pa
4: Resources; part 5: Significance

3 9/03/17, Attempt finished


Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.

Select one:

a. Research question or hypotheses

b. Conclusion

c. Results

d. Introduction

e. Review of Literature

f. Discussion

g. Methods

h. Limitations

i. Recommendations


Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Recommendations
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:09 Saved: Recommendations Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 12

Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text

Read the following example of a job application letter and answer the following questions.

John Donaldson

8 Sue Circle

Smithtown, CA 08067




George Gilhooley

XYZ Company

87 Delaware Road

Hatfield, CA 08065

Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

(1) I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I
am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.
(2) The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical
experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key
strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

 I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications

 I strive for continued excellence
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers

(3) With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full lifecycle of a
software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies
as needed.

(4) Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

(5) I can be reached anytime via email at john.donaldson@emailexample.com or my cell phone,


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this
employment opportunity.


Signature (for hard copy letter)

John Donaldson


1. What type of job application letter is given? Answer

2. What position is the person applying for? Answer

3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences? Answer
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills? Answer

John Donaldson
5. What is the name of the applicant? Answer

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started

2 9/03/17, 18:10 Saved: part 1: hardcopy; part 2: programmer; part 3: 3; part 4: 2; part 5: John Donaldson

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished

Question 13

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
Select one:
a. Review of Literature

b. Results

c. Conclusion

d. Recommendations

e. Limitations



g. Research question or hypotheses

h. Methods

i. Introduction

j. Discussion
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Methods
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 9/03/17, 18:05 Started Not yet answered

2 9/03/17, 18:10 Saved: Methods Answer saved

3 9/03/17, 18:12 Attempt finished Correct

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
Select one:

a. Discussion

b. Research question or hypotheses

c. Limitations

d. Recommendations

e. Methods

f. Review of Literature



h. Results

i. Introduction

j. Conclusion
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Results

Question 1
Mark 20.00 out of 20.00

Question text
Match the term to its description.

1. Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim.

2. Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and

attitude and the author's perspective.

3. Done to get an initial understanding of the text.

4. Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same

topic in different ways.

5. An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants

you to accept.
6. This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that

the conclusion presented is worth accepting.

7. Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the

key to understanding the author's point of view.

8. Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support.

9. The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts

and presentation of his/her own beliefs.

10. _______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and

the content of the text in the shortest possible time.

11. Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable


12. An assertion that relies on personal choice.

13. Claims made to rebut a previous claim.

14. The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the

15. The part of a research report that states the significance of the


16. This includes the instrument used in the research.

17. A part of the project proposal that states what the project will

18. The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project

19. This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to

20. This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it


Project SummaryDeliverablesEvaluationImplementation Issues and ChallengesOpinionCompare an

d ContrastCounterclaimAssertionSkimmingContextualizingMotivationMethodsAsking questionsRefle
cting on challenges to beliefs and valuesIntroductionSupportScanningConclusionOutlining and Sum
marizingPreviewingMaking inferencesPreferenceClaim
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Match the term to its description.

1. Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. -
[Outlining and Summarizing]
2. Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and
attitude and the author's perspective. [Contextualizing]
3. Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
4. Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same
topic in different ways. [Compare and Contrast]
5. An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants
you to accept. [Claim]
6. This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that
the conclusion presented is worth accepting. [Support]
7. Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the
key to understanding the author's point of view. [Asking questions]
8. Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
9. The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts
and presentation of his/her own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to
beliefs and values]
10. _______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and
the content of the text in the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
11. Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable
proofs. [Opinion]
12. An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
13. Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
14. The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the
review. [Conclusion]
15. The part of a research report that states the significance of the
research. [Introduction]
16. This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
17. A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce.
18. The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project
unique. [Implementation Issues and Challenges]
19. This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to
achieve. [Project Summary]
20. This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it
interesting. [Motivation]

Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action

1 13/03/17, Started

2 13/03/17, Saved: {Outlining and Summarizing} {Contextualizing} {Previewing} {Compare and

14:21 Contrast} {Claim} {Support} {Asking questions} {Evaluation} {Reflecting on challenges
beliefs and values} {Skimming} {Opinion} {Preference} {Counterclaim} {Conclusion}
{Introduction} {Methods} {Deliverables} {Implementation Issues and Challenges} {Proje
Summary} {Motivation}

3 13/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 2
Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Question text
In which element does the following questions fall?

1. Is the author's claim objective?

2. From what perspective did the author write the text?

3. Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's

argument or by the needs of the audience?

4. Which of the references elicits further discussion?

5. Where is the text found?

6. Does the text mean to persuade?

7. Are the sources credible?

8. Which of the evidence carries the more weight?

9. How is the information arranged in the text?

10. What can you infer from the writer's choice of words?

dienceAudienceAudienceAudienceAudienceAudienceAudienceAudienceAudienceTopic and Positio
nTopic and PositionTopic and PositionTopic and PositionTopic and PositionTopic and PositionTopic
and PositionTopic and PositionTopic and PositionTopic and Position
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
In which element does the following questions fall?

1. Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]

2. From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
3. Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's
argument or by the needs of the audience? [Organization]
4. Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
5. Where is the text found? [Audience]
6. Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
7. Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
8. Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
9. How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
10. What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 13/03/17, Started

2 13/03/17, Saved: {Topic and Position} {Style} {Organization} {Research/Sources} {Audience}

14:21 {Purpose/Context} {Proof/Evidence} {Proof/Evidence} {Organization} {Style}

3 13/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 3
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the following essay and answer the questions below.
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
Companies that develop video games earn billions of dollars and constantly invest into research
aimed to make virtual reality look like reality. Their products become more and more sophisticated,
and they attract a wide audience. However, despite all the joy that video games can bring to children
and teenagers, who are the main target audiences of game developing companies, actively
engaging in video games at such a young age can produce adverse effects.
The harm video games cause can be evaluated by several criteria, and the most obvious among
them is the negative effects they can have on physical health. Though the proponents of video
gaming claim first-person shooters and real-time strategies sharpen reflexes, increase
concentration, and muscle coordination, in reality, teenagers who spend an ample amount of time
playing games experience effects that are not so beneficial.
There is a possibility of the loss of sight. Spending hours on a computer or in front of a TV is one of
the main causes of blurred vision among youth. In addition, sacrificing healthy physical activities in
favor of video gaming may become a risk factor for obesity. Gamers often do not want to interrupt
their playing for meals. They eat right in front of the monitor, and their rations often consist of
products that can be easily cooked or eaten immediately, such as crisps, chocolate bars, crackers,
or other fast foods. All this definitely does not contribute to the proper and healthy development of a
young, growing body.
Mental health can also be affected by engaging in video games at a young age. This suggests
addiction and inappropriate behavior. It is a well-known fact that many gamers (especially fans of
online games) suffer from addiction, which is no less serious than narcomania or alcoholism. For
instance, in August 2005, a report surfaced about the death of a 28-year-old southern Korean gamer
who had spent 50 hours playing a real-time strategy game (BBC). For another significant example,
one needs to look no further than July 2012, when a Taiwanese teenager fatally collapsed after a
40-hour game session (Crawley). Cases like these are quite numerous and happen all around the
world. They make additional arguments to the negative evaluation of video games as an activity
which brings harm to young people.
In its turn, inappropriate behavior can be caused by violence in video games. According to research,
children and teenagers who play violent video games tend to be more aggressive. They confront
their teachers and peers more often and display a decline in academic achievements. Such
psychological deviations also do not implicate video games as a constructive and useful occupation
for young people (Crane).
Individuals who spend excessive hours playing video games may lack the capability to distinguish
between reality from fantasies. Video games often offer simplified and conditional models of
environments, relationships, friendships, and rivalries. Gamers use these models to learn to interact
with the world around them, and they often lack skills that would be developed by real life experience
instead of the simulation (Crane). Therefore, it can be implied that another negative effect caused by
video games is the inability of social adaptation on the part of the gamer.
It can be concluded that video games are a form of entertainment which is not suitable for children
and teenagers. This assessment is based on a number of negative consequences that excessive
video gaming causes. Young people who spend an inexplicable sum of hours playing video games
are observed to be prone to sight loss and obesity. In addition, they tend to be more aggressive than
their peers who do not play video games, and they experience difficulties with social adaptation.
Also, video games can lead to addictions that are no less serious than alcoholism or narcomania, as
evidenced in recent media stories reporting on deaths among inveterate video gamers. This
collection of facts contributes to the negative evaluation of video games as an unwholesome activity
for children and teenagers.
Crawley, Dan. “Taiwanese Gamer Dies after 40-hour Diablo III Session.” VentureBeat. 18 July,
2012. Web log post. 26 December, 2012.
“S Korean Dies after Games Session.” BBC News. BBC, 10 August 2005. Web. 15 October, 2012.
Crane, Wendy. “Aggression Caused by Video Game Play.” Wack News. AARC, 10 September,
2013. Web. 16 October, 2012.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/evaluation/video-

1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay? Answer

Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, who are the main target audiences of game developing companies, actively engaging in video games at such a young age can produce adverse effects.

2. Which of the following information does not support the claim? Answer
Video games use their characters in the games as models for their own life.

3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay? Answer

Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers

4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay? Answer

Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes.

5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay? Answer

Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and people.

Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action

1 13/03/17, Started

2 13/03/17, Saved: part 1: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, who
14:21 are the main target audiences of game developing companies, actively engaging in video
games at such a young age can produce adverse effects.; part 2: Video games use their
characters in the games as models for their own life.; part 3: Video games is not suitable fo
children and teenagers; part 4: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
part 5: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and people.

3 13/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 4
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the following essay and answer the questions below.
Crime and punishment are two categories that are almost always associated with one another. They
have become subjects of numerous scientific research studies and literary works. Numerous
philosophers have reflected on the relationship and proportionality of crime and punishment. These
two categories can be compared as two bowls of the same scale. It is fine when they complement
each other, but if they are skewed, it causes negative consequences. Among all possible
punishments, the death penalty is the most extreme, and likely, the most ineffective and unfair type
of punishment for any crime. However, there are many proponents with opposing viewpoints to this.
To begin with, capital punishment cannot be economically justified. At first glance, it may seem
maintaining a life-term prisoner is more burdensome for taxpayers. However, according to Richard
C. Dieter, the cost of a death penalty may amount to or even surpass the expenditures of handling
less severe punishments for similar cases. Actually, the imposition of capital punishment requires
complicated and numerous trials which can take a great amount of time. During this period, the
defendant remains incarcerated and his maintenance is paid for with taxpayers’ money. Additional
pre-trial time is needed to impose a death sentence with the involvement law experts, attorneys, and
additional trials (Dieter). All of these procedures require additional expenditures, which make a death
trial a costly venture.
The second argument that speaks against the efficiency of the death penalty is its obvious
immorality and contradiction to all norms of humanity and justice. Execution is actually a judicial
murder. Murder definitely goes against the proclaimed values of human life, even if it involves the life
of a murderer. Stated succinctly, the death penalty is meant to show that killing is wrong, by killing a
killer. This act is condoned by people who state the inadmissibility of taking away the life of a living
being. Therefore, the role of the death penalty as a way of reducing violence in any society seems to
be unconvincing.
Though it may be denied, racial and ethnic prejudices still function in modern societies. People are
often guided with stereotypes when making decisions or assessing the behaviors of others, and jury
members sometimes do not make any exceptions. According to the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People, 50 percent of American convicts on death row are African-
Americans. Also, it is stated that in the period of time between 2006 and 2011, 48 percent of
defendants in court cases where a death penalty was sought were African-Americans (NAACP).
Xenophobic manifestations when holding a judicial decision are unfair by default, but they take on a
special meaning when it comes to imposing a death sentence. In other words, if this kind of
punishment is used mainly for a group of people who are different by racial and ethnic origins, it
cannot be called a fair and efficient measure of punishment.
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent. However, mistakes happen and innocent people are sometimes wrongly accused, or
the punishment they receive does not match the extent of their crimes. Here, another manifestation
of the ineffectiveness of the death penalty can easily be seen. When actuated, it cannot be canceled
or changed. When a person is executed, it really does not matter whether the case is reviewed later
and the executed is then found innocent. Of course, this fact significantly reduces the efficiency of
the death penalty, because it appears to be a rigid and disproportionate measure.
In addition, there is no credible evidence that the death penalty is a judicial practice that helps
reduce the number of crimes committed, compared to life imprisonment as a punishment.
Sometimes, a life-term incarceration penalty may be even more of a deterrent for criminals than an
execution, especially if state prison conditions are known to be harsh.
Based on the aforementioned arguments, it is concluded that the death penalty is an unfair and
rather ineffective means of punishment. The death penalty is no less cumbersome for taxpayers
than life imprisonment terms and the death penalty is connected to a number of costly procedures
and additional trials. In addition, the death sentence is immoral. It goes against the proclaimed
values of human life. It is also stated that the death sentence is a measure of punishment more often
imposed on people who are different in racial and ethnic origins. It can be implied that the death
penalty can be viewed as a manifestation of xenophobia. An execution is irreversible and no credible
evidence exists that proves that the death penalty helps reduce the level of violence in society.
Consequently, the death penalty can hardly be called an efficient and fair measure of punishment.
Dieter, Richard C. Top 10 Pros and Cons: Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? 7 February 2007.
Web. 17 August 2012. <http://www.ProCon.org>.
NAACP. Top 10 Pros and Cons: Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? 28 June 2007. Web. 2
September 2012. <http://www.ProCon.org>.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/evaluation/capital-

1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay? Answer
Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.

2. Which of the following information does not support the claim? Answer
Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay? Answer
Death penalty can hardly be called an effective and fair form of punishment.

4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay? Answer

There has been numerous evidence that prove that death penalty reduces criminality.

5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty? Answer
He/ she is against it.

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 13/03/17, Started

2 13/03/17, Saved: part 1: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.; part
14:21 Death penalty can be overturned.; part 3: Death penalty can hardly be called an effective an
fair form of punishment.; part 4: There has been numerous evidence that prove that death
penalty reduces criminality.; part 5: He/she is against it.

3 13/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 5
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the following essay and answer the questions below.
If we analyze modern culture—and by this broad term I mean mostly literature: prose, poems, short
stories, song lyrics, blog posts, and so on—we will see that perhaps the most debated and
frequently raised topic is love. “What is love?” Haddaway questions in his famous song, and I totally
understand his curiosity: despite thousands of years of research, so to say, philosophers, poets,
writers, and many other smart people tried to figure it out, but failed. Only nowadays psychologists
can give us a hint, a semblance of an answer, but still it is mostly a negative definition: “love is not
this, love is not that.” This is important: during the course of centuries, love has been fouled with a
number of misconceptions, many of which remain widespread even now.
What misconceptions am I talking about? Without thinking: love from first sight; eternal love (when
both partners love each other until death tears them apart); love in which none of the partners ever
feels bored or angry with his or her spouse; love so overwhelming that both partners could sacrifice
their lives for each other, and so on. All these extremes come from the major confusion of love and
emotional (or, in some cases, sexual) addiction. Unfortunately, this confusion has persisted for
centuries, and thus was described by numerous talented authors. And perhaps the most famous
among them is William Shakespeare; being a wise and observant man, he described numerous
cases of emotional addiction, many of which are now seen as examples of true love.
How many times have you heard the expression “like Romeo and Juliet?” Usually, this phrase is said
with admiration or approval, when describing a seemingly beautiful relationship. However, not too
many people think over Shakespeare’s tragedy in a critical manner. People mostly remember the
story of love so strong that even the centennial rivalry between families and all kinds of obstacles
could not stop Romeo and Juliet from loving each other, and dying together. For some reason,
passion described by Shakespeare is seen as something valuable, clean, inspiring. But, if we
analyze “Romeo and Juliet” a bit deeper, we will notice a number of problems that can bring these
two down from their pedestals.
To start with, the surrounding in which both lovers grow up is a dysfunctional environment. Juliet is a
thirteen years old virgin, and Romeo’s age is not known, although based on his actions, we can
assume that he is rather young as well. Their families are at war with each other, which implies the
atmosphere of hostility in which the characters were raised; moreover, Juliet is meant to marry a
man who is way older than her. In Shakespeare’s times, many people did not see anything wrong in
marrying teenage girls. It was kind of normal, but this does not change the fact that Juliet did not
want to marry that older man—whom she would meet for the first time see right before the wedding
ceremony, by the way, on a party held by Capulet.
In his turn, in the beginning of the play, Romeo is disconsolate about Rosaline, some former lover of
his. He has no idea that just in a couple of hours he will meet Juliet, and his mind is mostly occupied
with the thoughts about Rosaline. To distract him, his friends decide to bring him to Capulet’s party—
secretly, of course, as Romeo’s family is Capulet’s worst enemy. During the party, Romeo meets
Juliet, and completely, instantly forgets about Rosaline, instead falling in love with Juliet on the
spot. They exchange just a couple of words, then kiss (note that these two have just met), and
Romeo leaves. Juliet is already ready to die for her new love. On the same night, Romeo and Juliet
meet again, confess their feelings to each other, and decide to get married; it needs to be
emphasized once again, that all this occurs within just a couple of hours after their first meeting. It
must also be noted that speeches about graves, deathbeds, dying for love, and so on, are made by
the characters on any occasion, every now and then. Nowadays, this kind of behavior is called
“suicidal tendencies driven by emotional addiction.”
What happens next is well-known. Romeo gets banished from the city for killing Tybalt; when Juliet
hears this, her first question is whether Romeo has killed himself. When learning that he has not,
and that he has been banished instead, Juliet immediately returns to her favorite subject: “I’ll to my
wedding-bed; And death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead!” No second thinking, as if she could not
even think of other possibilities to cope with the loss of a loved person (if this affliction can be called
“love”) rather than committing suicide. The rest you know well: Juliet takes a potion that makes her
appear comatose; Romeo sees her unconscious, thinks she is dead, and poisons himself; then
Juliet, after seeing his breathless body, does the same.
No one actually forced the young couple to do this; no one leaned them towards suicide. Their
decisions came from an unhealthy addiction. It could be caused by various reasons. For example,
Romeo might be lovesick after Rosaline, and put too much of his emotional resources in the
relationship with Juliet; Juliet could develop her suicidal tendencies due to the atmosphere she was
raised in, due to the emotional violence towards her (the fact that her family destined her to marry an
older man whom she did not even know). Also, I think that Shakespeare did not idealize his
characters; on the contrary, I think he intended to show how much harm a dysfunctional relationship
such as Romeo’s and Juliet’s can cause—and if you analyze the tragedy carefully, you will also see
that this relationship indeed was dysfunctional. Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish
between light constructive feelings of care, and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to
unforeseen consequences.
Works Cited

 Shakespeare, William. “Romeo and Juliet: Entire Play.” Romeo and Juliet.
N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. .

- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/reflective/romeo-and-juliet-


1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay? Answer
Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.

2. Which of the following information does not support the claim? Answer
Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet and forgot about Rosaline in the initial meeting.

3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay? Answer

It is important to learn to distinguish love from intense romantic addiction.

4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay? Answer

Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully upon an amicable first meeting.
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay? Answer
William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 13/03/17, Started

2 13/03/17, Saved: part 1: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.; part 2: Romeo has
14:21 immediately set his eyes on Juliet and forgot about Rosaline in the initial meeting.; part 3:
is important to learn to distinguish love from intense romantic addiction.; part 4: Romeo an
Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully upon an amicable first meeting.; part 5:
William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.

3 13/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 6
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

Question text
Read the following essay and answer the questions below.
Standardized tests are a common and popular way to evaluate the academic achievements of
students, teachers, and school districts. They are used in many areas, such as in the army, civil
service, medicine, and so on, but primarily standardized tests are associated with academic
performance. Many arguments in favor of the usage of these tests have been put forward, as well as
a number against, since this method of monitoring and evaluating academic success has both
benefits and drawbacks.
Standardized tests are most widely used in the field of education to assess the academic
performance of students. Two commonly known types of standardized tests in the USA are the SAT
and the ACT. The SAT evaluates skills in vocabulary and mathematics, while the ACT has more to
do with a broader range of knowledge and includes additional subjects, such as science. Among the
other most known tests are the PSAT, National Achievement Tests, and SAT II examinations.
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it. The idea is to detect areas where students usually fail, or fall
behind and promote improvement, not punish them (Strong 24). Besides, tests help remove bias
some teachers may exhibit towards students and make the evaluation process more objective. This
is usually achieved by using special automatic machines that score exams. Also, due to the usage of
these methods, the potential of human error is decreased, or even eliminated.
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254). Critics of standardized testing often
claim it contributes to the rise of academic dishonesty, as the pursuit of knowledge actually becomes
a pursuit of higher test scores. Besides, the emotional state of students may be destabilized due to
test-taking. The environment, fostering constant competition and even rivalry may create excessive
stress and test-anxiety. A person who gets a low test score may become discouraged from pursuing
further academic success. Perhaps one of the most serious drawbacks of using standardized testing
is connected to discrimination. Holding all schools and students to the same national standards may
infringe on the rights of students with disabilities, lower socio-economic statuses, those who learn
English as a second language, students of different nationalities, and so on.
One can see that standardized testing is a universal method of evaluating those skills to which tests
are targeted, which reduces or even excludes bias, partiality, or the potential of human error.
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity. However, this method
is not perfect and involves a number of issues. The most critical among them are the preference
accorded to memorization over critical and analytic thinking; the encouragement of academic
dishonesty; infringing on students’ emotional state, and even some elements of discrimination.
Evaluating both sides of the argument allows for improvements to be made, while still encouraging
students to strive for the highest academic achievement.
Strong, Malena. The Truth About Standardized Tests. New York: Big Tree Publishers, 2004. Print.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/evaluation/standardized-

1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay? Answer

Many arguments in favor of the usage of standardized tests have been put forward, as well as a number against, since this method of monitoring and evaluating academic success has both benefits and drawbacks.

2. Which of the following information does not support the claim? Answer
Tests help see the bias of teachers towards students.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay? Answer
Improvements must be made in the distribution of standardized tests to encourage students to strive for the highest academic achievement.

4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay? Answer

Most of the time, standardized tests encourage critical thinking and higher learning.

5. What is the stand of the author in this argument? Answer

He/ she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages of standardized tests so the position is not clear.
Question 1
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Question text
Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?
Select one:
a. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. When is the issue most apparent?
d. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
Question 2
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Question text
Read the following narrative essay:

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.” (Source:

The writer presented what point of view?

Select one:
a. First person
b. Third person
c. Second person
d. A mix of all the kinds
Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following statements is not true?
Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.
Question 4
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Question text
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. B Writing
b. A Revising
c. D Pre-writing
d. E Editing
e. C Organizing
Question 5
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Question text

The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to
the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a
result of this, there are solutions.

One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially
dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can
register with a site and claim to be an adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and
development, which is a negative impact for the children and for society. Another major problem is
the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about
government and company websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling
into the hands of criminals.

It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. Governments should ensure that
adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing
dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site.
Parents also have a part to play. They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and
restrict their access to certain sites, which can now be done through various computer programs.
Companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much
more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses.

To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed people’s lives,
but not without negative impacts. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and
businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone.

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place.
b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals

d. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

Question 6
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Question text
Read the following example of a definition paragraph:

Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.

He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source:
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
Select one:
a. Comparison
b. Connotation
c. Etymology
d. Denotation
e. Intensive definition
f. Extensive definition
g. Contrast
Question 7
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Flag question

Question text
This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.
Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Revising
c. Editing
d. Organizing
e. Writing
Question 8
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Question text
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
Select one:
a. Conclusion
b. Resolution
c. Climax
d. Falling action
e. Rising action
f. Ending
Question 9
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Question text

The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to
the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a
result of this, there are solutions.

One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially
dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can
register with a site and claim to be an adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and
development, which is a negative impact for the children and for society. Another major problem is
the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about
government and company websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling
into the hands of criminals.

It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. Governments should ensure that
adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing
dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site.
Parents also have a part to play. They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and
restrict their access to certain sites, which can now be done through various computer programs.
Companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much
more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses.

To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed people’s lives,
but not without negative impacts. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and
businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone.

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. The essay does not imply so.
d. Neutral

Question 10
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Question text
Read the following narrative essay:

In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn. (Source:

The writer presented what point of view?

Select one:
a. A mix of all the kinds
b. First person
c. Second person
d. Third person
Question 11
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Question text
This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.
Select one:
a. Writing
b. Pre-writing
c. Organizing
d. Revising
e. Editing
Question 12
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Question text
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
Select one:
a. Editing
b. Writing the final draft
c. Revising
d. Writing
e. Rereading
Question 13
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Flag question

Question text
Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
Select one:
a. B and C
b. C
c. A and B
d. A
e. B
f. A and C
Question 14
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Question text
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
Select one:
a. Brainstorming
b. Freewriting
c. Clustering
d. Looping
Question 15
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Question text
Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Because of
b. However
c. With this in mind
d. Since
e. Despite
Question 16
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Question text
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
Select one:
a. C
b. A
c. E
d. B
e. D
Question 17
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Question text
Read the following example of a definition paragraph:

The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.

What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?

Select one:
a. Contrast
b. Etymology
c. Denotation
d. Connotation
e. Comparison
f. Intensive definition
g. Extensive definition
Question 18
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Question text

The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to
the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a
result of this, there are solutions.

One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially
dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can
register with a site and claim to be an adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and
development, which is a negative impact for the children and for society. Another major problem is
the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about
government and company websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling
into the hands of criminals.

It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. Governments should ensure that
adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing
dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site.
Parents also have a part to play. They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and
restrict their access to certain sites, which can now be done through various computer programs.
Companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much
more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses.

To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed people’s lives,
but not without negative impacts. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and
businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone.

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Question 19
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Question text
Which of the following statements is true?
Select one:
a. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
b. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
Question 20
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Question text
What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee.

Select one:
a. Metaphor
b. Hyperbole
c. Simile
d. Personification
Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Reading and Writing Skills answers
Disclaimer XD: ang mga sumusunod nasagot ay hindi ko pagaari, ito’y compilation lamang ng
mg sagot mula sa FB group na Oral communication and EAPP posted by Elisha Joy
Marquez Julian, ako’y walang kahit ano mang conneksyon sa taong yan, pero nais kong


This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.
The correct answer is: journalists' questions
This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Which of the following statements is not true?
The correct answer is: You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and
explore it along the way.
True or False: Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.
The correct answer is: True

Learning activity 2. reading and writing.

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.
1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in
struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different
purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being
harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna
de Bay has, for centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another
remarkable woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a
sheltered child who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a
child who had never looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she
saw them.” (C) Strangely enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—
loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their
area of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated
guerrilla force looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which
succeeds in rallying people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the
guerrilla lose their ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out.
(D) The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses.
(E) The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Learning Activity 3. Reading and Writing..

Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If
I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters
who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed
Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad
day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago,
when it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to
travel to the western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their
invitation. There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of
surrounding would only be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as
accurately as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution


----There are five transition words used in the following cause and effect paragraph. Write them
in order in the given spaces below:
In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives
in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing
industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which
tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted
many people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the
children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families
to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people
established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and
museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on
the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural communities.
1. for
2. first


---Which of the following statements is not true?�
The correct answer is: Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of
serious problems encountered by its users.
----Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?�
The correct answer is: Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
----- According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author?
(Write the letter of the correct answer)
�a. children can access potentially dangerous sites�
b. news and company websites are hacked
�c. online fraud�
d. websites with unverified authenticity.
The correct answer is: d
----An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:
The correct answer is: pornography sites
----Is the conclusion positive or negative?�
The correct answer is: Neutral�


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind
and link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton
with no flesh."
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open


1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially
in the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for
research and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the
original way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the
learning process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of
teachers in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may
use the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make
their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international
tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and
other governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans
would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes,
when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and
even embrace each other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s
attention to the terrible consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements
to end their disputes and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in
a daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of
education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of
being Brazilian and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the
Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of
pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal
activity decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and
buy national flags. [moreover], the competition brings families and neighbors together and even
rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international
tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally
eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no
one knows definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [
Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only
partially understood and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors
such as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a
result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured
education system and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely
unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as
well as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different
purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being
harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna
de Bay has, for centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies
develop or why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white,
and yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people
in a garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human
action in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly
accused the Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical
climate and the liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are
interpreting it as a manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B
A. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three
dozen plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who
can ever forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and
their humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the
English language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English
Dictionary estimates that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop
an appreciation for great literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts,
Shakespeare reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a
Biblical worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was
Scripture. One researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an
average of about forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive
perspective. The great Biblical themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have
insisted on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.”
Shakespeare provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for
rediscovering the richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting
for discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like
getting paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make
their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international
tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and
other governments were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans
would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes,
when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and
even embrace each other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s
attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements
to end their disputes and live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in
a daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of
education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of
being Brazilian and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the
Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of
pride in their country]. [Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal
activity decreases]. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and
buy national flags. [Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even
rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international
tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the
difficult tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are
persistent. Turkish citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on
becoming a member of the union then? It is probably because of the differences between the
happiness levels of Turkish and EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU,
which revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two
thirds of Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are
satisfied with their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts
about their countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are
happier than the people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU
citizens. This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will
receive a higher salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid
more or has more pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the
country, we cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need
time to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the
conditions again, just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression.
[however], in Europe there is a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that
there is a stable life and a predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness
against our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in
Europe. Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without
any effort, is it not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said
that children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this
statement, to my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is
what all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to
find it and search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving
a hand to someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody
the absolute happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide
to construct our lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles
depend on one’s characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations,
acceptance and independence are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved
in order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic
circumstances and lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to
religious, cultural and moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate.
(C) Therefore, governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner
due to the fact that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A
long quiz 2. reading and writing..
----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?
Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in
the same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on
it is zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same
direction. The converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with
constant velocity along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter
the term “net force,” which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue,
painted, letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers
which are completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you
observe more, the sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left
above the freshly trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the
center of the picture, you see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you
can not help but notice the bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender
face. Her stern look shows how proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her
padded up shoulders. This unique woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister,
Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely
given to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see
its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto
has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same
time, there also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their
destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD
approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel
with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190
yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is
probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will
be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan
at all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an apartment in
Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen
(double the price if you want to live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a
ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in
Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food
in a market, you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no
matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in
Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most
expensive products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying
an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you
must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-
city, dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about
Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it;
in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor,
because you will be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this
position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional
Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not
see amazing skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya
crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and
authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city
already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto.
Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those
looking for the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai.
Tokyo, on the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy
everything. The atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you
have a chance, you should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely
given to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see
its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto
has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same
time, there also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their
destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD
approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel
with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190
yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is
probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will
be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan
at all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an apartment in
Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen
(double the price if you want to live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a
ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in
Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food
in a market, you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no
matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in
Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most
expensive products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying
an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you
must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-
city, dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about
Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it;
in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor,
because you will be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this
position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional
Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not
see amazing skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya
crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and
authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city
already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto.
Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those
looking for the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai.
Tokyo, on the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy
everything. The atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you
have a chance, you should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True
Read the following essay and answer the following questions.
The times when parents were responsible for their children’s academic accomplishments—and
students themselves—seem to have gone. Nowadays, many people believe it is the high school
administration, teachers, and the government that are responsible for students getting good
grades. Before, when you got an F, your parents would blame you; today, they would rather go
to your school and demand your teacher to give you a better grade. Such an approach leads to
irresponsible behavior: students care less about their grades and start skipping classes,
considering them to be boring. And although there is seemingly nothing wrong with skipping a
boring class you think you would not need in future, in fact doing so has a number of negative
impacts on your future.
To start with, parents of a student who skips school lose huge amounts of money (given that it is
not the student who pays for studying). In the United States, free education is a rare privilege;
every single class skipped is worth a certain amount of money. Whether a student studies at high
school, college, or university, it does not matter—the average cost of a skipped class is in the
range between $50 to $100 (IFR). If a student chooses to skip classes regularly, it will cost him
or her or his or her parents a lot of money annually, without getting the result: education and
The likeliness to get lower grades when skipped classes is another consequence. Whereas those
who stay in class obtain at least some knowledge, even if they are not bright, a person who skips
classes is at higher risks of obtaining no knowledge at all. Besides, teachers may have a bias
toward such a student, and will treat him or her unfairly even though this person might be bright
and studied the subject on his or her own. Needless to say, this situation can lead to a failure
during exams or getting expelled from an educational institution (FRI).
According to research, only five absences is usually enough for a student’s academic
performance to drop. Five more absences would most likely lead to a decreased chance to
graduate a particular educational institution: on average, skippers are about 20% less likely to
successfully graduate. If a student studies at high school, he or she has a 25% less chance to enter
any type of higher education institution. They are also 2.5 times more likely to have to live on
welfare compared to their more disciplined peers (Middle Earth).
Skipping classes has yet another not-so-obvious consequence: a student is more likely to become
engaged in activities that neither the American society nor the legislative system would approve.
Skipping classes does not always imply staying at home; more likely, a student would spend
their time outdoors, and chances to get involved in antisocial behavior (substance abuse,
shoplifting, gambling, and so on) increase. No need to say it can cause a person to enter prison
Skipping classes is not so harmless as it might seem. It is a direct waste of money for all those
who have to pay for the education—and such people are the majority. Students who skip classes
are more likely to get lower grades and face a biased attitude from their teachers; moreover, they
have lower chances to successfully graduate, and enroll in a college—of any type. Such students
are also more likely to live on welfare, and get engaged in antisocial behavior. Therefore, this
problem should be treated with all possible attention from teachers, parents, and authorities.
Paragraph order: Logical order =logical
Signal words used (arranged according to its order in the essay):
1. before
3. although
4. in fact
5.to start with
6.Whether.. or
9.even if
10. besides
11.According to
12. yet
14. therefore
Type of paragraph development: Answer:
cause and effect


The most common method of discovering a topic.
The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever
relation they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no
matter which cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may
grow true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide
on what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the
problems and the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and
the way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing
classification paragraphs?
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is
parallel to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the
paragraph to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the
information needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has
happened to the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used
to show these parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them.
Out of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands
of words and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and
entertain the reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may
appear to be running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing
telephones. Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement
are all part of a controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job,
the end result of which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile

Learning Activity 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

Learning Activity 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout
your whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Learning Activity 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form
a meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Learning Activity 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the
very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his
personality was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed
vivid and readable personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some
kind of an “event-trigger,” whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone
this surgery.
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral,
something could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect
sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to
act immorally. This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because,
whereas illegal acts exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact

Learning Activity 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)

What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a
survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic
layer of the story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot

Learning Activity 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)

A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research

Learning Activity 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)

It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Short Quiz 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used
in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon

Short Quiz 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control
or eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire
work experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Short Quiz 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext

Short Quiz 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there
can be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not
prove anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If
God is an exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell,
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the
illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-
minded English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a
society is more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems
obvious, upon reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge
and learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple
memorization is preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings”
can be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil
by destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s
novel, Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous
paragraph. This is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online
encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for
the first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely
connected to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms
can be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion

Short Quiz 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)

A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily
so. I would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There
is a special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also,
according to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper
vampire story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean,
and romantic love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because
aging has negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would
Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts?
What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—
Jacob, Victoria, the vampire clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no
common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the
reader's attention.
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but
there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False

Short Quiz 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)

The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people
in the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the
implementation of the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details

Short Quiz 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes

Long Quiz 4 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of
care, and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and
techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to
protect the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning
tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for
all parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to
hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of
which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and
the like.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

Long Quiz 5 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to
find out how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines selected and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted
The Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence,
Structure and Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of
the news articles.
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles
from the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in
content analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The
Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later
years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and
later on red ink.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding
easier for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the
keywords provided.
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up
to 2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in
the university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990
due to problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the
archives during the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not
included in this particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to
work abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs
or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for
the sake of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help
of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured
of their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of
the distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity
which is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does
its duty as the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within
the local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred
in PUP demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The
OFWs should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between
them. It could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating
devices did not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since
snail mail, the alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the
receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love
overseas to reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all
enjoy for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The
history of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos”
by Malinao (2003).
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices”
(Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot
fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were
widely distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the
trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first
fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of
the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of
Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s
marriage with Arwen and honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular)
and used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and
literary references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it
branches into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from
analyzing each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will
determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical
changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial
amount of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of
articles. As provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories
which continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common
stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have
parents as overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to
mention, dollars sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of
having their families away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government
and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a
group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors
and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that
I can do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics,
and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results
to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in
earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance

Fourth Quarter Exam (Reading and Writing Skills)

Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented
is worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her
own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in
the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation
Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting.
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of
the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers,
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments
and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented
is worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her
own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in
the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation
Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting.
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of
the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers,
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments
and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ..


---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes
the technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants,
became immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition
of 1648, in which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence
Day since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly
picnic. I diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to
collect my friends by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I
sped down my neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor
yet of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and
under the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by
life? Love--he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication
of perfervid imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid
monotonies such as made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer
native capacity of soul? In those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he
knew it, was a stranger to love as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in
comparison with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that
matches human requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a
low quality protein. The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In
general, animal proteins tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality.
The exception is soy protein which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend
from the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is
approximately 2,400 miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to
about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary,
finite and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an
individual’s consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more
self-consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is
faith in God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about
Abraham and his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son
to Him. In this case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an
act of charity and simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot
be logically argued, but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets
them find their own way to God.
(Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the
iron roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare
Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?
Answer: How does the issue relate to other public issues
--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?
The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the
first problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3)
In Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month!
(4) See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you
somewhere between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10.
Thailand is probably the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not
fond of living with a bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private
room. (7) Of course, these prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations
will naturally be more expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can
find extremely cheap accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a
hostel in advance: basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8)
So, if you are a tourist with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of
weeks, Southeast Asia is your choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will
be able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the
United States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture
closely interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas
of Bagan, millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering
this part of Asia. (14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the
region, you will probably not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times,
Southeast Asia has gone through intense political and military turmoils during the recent century.
(16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy
battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago.
(17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid
development now, watching incredible contrasts intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall
in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has
it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs, ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and
fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of land, your immersion in the atmosphere
of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive (Bootsnall.com).
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience
and affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new
country, you do not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this
country can offer, and this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21)
Well, booking transportation in Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions
of the world; every big city is flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no
cost, and even getting to some distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus
is usually the cheapest way to travel around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you
only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on
distance. (24) As for the transportation within big cities, there is only good news for a poor
tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26)
The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1 as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses
are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the drivers, so you can get a price
up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner. (Nomadicmatt.com). (28)
All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you want, get
everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and
unique experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation
prices, affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice
for a budget tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider
going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia.
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

The leaves of the trees waved in the wind

.The correct answer is: Personification

F. Identify the topic sentence.

(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved
in order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic
circumstances and lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to
religious, cultural and moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate.
(C) Therefore, governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner
due to the fact that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the
dire consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-
giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are
exclusively used in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through
search engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the
author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and
asserted throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive
feelings of care, and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world
that is extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of
making choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might
face and techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and
to protect the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a
learning tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the
fact that everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of
progress for all parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and
school districts, and to hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely
express themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and
freedoms, all of which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental
organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics,
themes and the like.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically
analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

This is also known as "interactive multimedia."

---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of
signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing.
What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are
cosmological: there can be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created
itself, so there must be a first cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls
“God.” This, in my view, does not prove anything. He is saying the universe cannot have
come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an exception to the “no uncaused
cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of
the illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces
back to high-minded English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The
idea seems to be that a society is more important than its individuals. But this is, of
course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon reflection, that there can be nothing more
sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a
number of issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a
student’s knowledge and learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to
pass a test, a simple memorization is preferred to critical thinking and higher learning
(Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the
Rings” can be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to
defeat ancient evil by destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.”
However, unlike Tolkien’s novel, Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the
events described in the previous paragraph. This is ridiculous, considering four
published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a
label for the first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins,
2007, p. 101)—all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is
usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating;
specifically, according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep
deprivation is closely connected to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of
health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent
symptoms as shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other
people, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an
unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can be accompanied with various eating disorders
(American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl
and a vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a
marketing turn aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through
search engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of
signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing.
What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in
structure, albeit the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a
great investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the
Universe, one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did
throughout your whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text
to form a meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily
access. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving
to: its prices.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression;
the exit is acceptance.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the
masters of our lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions
and throw us off the right path.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business
to clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees
in order to control or eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you
acquire work experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries,
personal space, sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a
number of unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential
from the very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally
showing his personality was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other
characters possessed vivid and readable personalities from the very beginning, for a
long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,” whose main goal is to move
the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their
education right away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night,
and then abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has
undergone this surgery.
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral,
something could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes
perfect sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that
it is impossible to act immorally. This is another reason morality and legality must
remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,”
a survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is
the basic layer of the story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the
---The correct answer is: planning the research
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a
teenager? Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it
is not necessarily so. I would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted
daughter, at least. But love? There is a special word for adult men having romantic and
sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according to folklore, vampires are sadistic,
vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire story, exploitation and
being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic love?
This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would
Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage
beasts? What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward
acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight
seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the
reader's attention.
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in
some but there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010",
seeks to find out how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic
University of the Philippines selected and treated the news articles they have published
from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis
on into categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion,
Religious, Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The
researchers also sorted The Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following:
Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and Content. Lastly, the researchers
intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news articles.
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content
analyzed 84 existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers
categorized 586 news articles from the said issues into categories based on the criteria
following the three major variables in content analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that
The Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout
in the later years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly
using black ink and later on red ink.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication
usually covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news
stories were straight news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning
the news were written merely as statement of events in the simplest and most objective
way. The researchers concluded that The Catalyst has performed its duty as the official
student publication of PUP through disseminating information that would be of concern
to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in
analyzing the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to
make the coding easier for the coders. The coders would determine the category an
article belongs to through the keywords provided.
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting
from 1986 up to 2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues
without dates available in the university archives. There were no recorded issues of The
Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to problems within the publication while there
were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during the time of the coding. News
roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this particular study but
would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were
willing to work abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people
are called OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives
here in the Philippines for the sake of earning more money. Because of this, they were
referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through
the help of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer
the loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can
compare to a parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be
ensured of their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their
parents because of the distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate
proximity which is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that
The Catalyst does its duty as the student publication to serve the student body, first and
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of
news within the local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board.
Events which occurred in PUP demanded immediate publication to easily spread the
information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since
the dollar reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us
think about the children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their
parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child.
The OFWs should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a
distance between them. It could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable.
Imagine if communicating devices did not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the
parents and the children since snail mail, the alternative communication, would take a
long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message
would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love
overseas to reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they
would all enjoy for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts.
The history of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for
Filipinos” by Malinao (2003).
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices”
(Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s
one-shot fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to
the public, were widely distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology),
the aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background
behind the novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors
make reading the trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how
that character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them:
the first fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and
Gandalf’s disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic
moments in world literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White;
the transformation of King Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents
and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas
Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of
Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and honors to the
hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more
important than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages:
Elven and Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the
Nibelungs“, in particular) and used them to create his own unique plot, world, and
characters. The number of cultural and literary references used in “The Lord of the
Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an
ancient demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book,
it branches into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures
from analyzing each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion
that will determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in
terms of physical changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from
the year 1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented
a substantial amount of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the
total number of articles. As provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there
are miscellaneous stories which continually appear in the news section. In this study,
these news articles are common stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who
have parents as overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the
money, not to mention, dollars sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the
pains and sufferings of having their families away from them because in the end, they
are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts
and contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last
1988 to a group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’
lives, the Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”,
to pay tribute to them.
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common
precursors and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is
no appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs,
which will be minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the
review. I estimate that I can do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin
at Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics,
geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology
and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most
of my time will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and
presenting those results to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in
earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of
people in the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the
project to fruition.
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the
implementation of the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations
and advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your
application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
Reading and Writing Skills (ENGL-112)
Week 1-20
Wag sana maraming reaklamo dyan bibinigyan
kayo ng sagot
2nd attempt perfect kana
Tang ina nyo gago bobo
Wag kang mag reklamo kung hindi lumabas ang
tanong sa oed sa source.

Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)
a. children can access potentially dangerous sites
b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile

So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use th eir characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Created By Kuya Piolo
Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
The most common method of discovering a topic.
The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
Quiz 1,2 Prelims in Reading in Philippine History (GE 6101)

By /sooshitrash

nakadepende score nyo sa tanong :> kasi ung unang try ko nag 29/30 ako sa prelims pero 2nd attempt
ko 30/30 (Stan BTS)

The symbol of the restoration of democracy and the takeover of the Marcos Dictatorship in 1956.

Select one:

a. Melchora Aquino

b. None of the choices

c. Corazon Aquino

d. GabrellaSilang

Magellan died in __________.

Select one:

a. Bohol

b. None of the choices

c. Bagumbayan

d. Mactan

Based on the text you have read what is a travelogue?

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Collections of facts based on history

c. Collection of information from famous person

d. Information visited by or experienced by a traveler

Is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical characteristics;
consistency with the historical characteristics of the time when it was produced: and materials used for

Select one:

a. Primary Sources
b. External Criticism

c. Internal Criticism

d. Secondary Sources

Their outfits were red masks with white triangles and with maroon sash.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Bayani

c. Kawal

d. Katipon

In Corazon Aquino speech she said, "We face a communist insurgency that feeds on economic
deterioration even as we carry a great share of the free world defenses in the______________."

Select one:

a. Philippines

b. Asia

c. None of the choices

d. Pacific

The "Island of thieves" is also called as ____________________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Islas de Filipinas

c. Islas de los Ladrones

d. Filipinas

The Philippine National Anthem "LupangHinirang" was first known as ____________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Macha de Magdalo
c. Marcha Filipina Magdalo

d. Marcha de Filipina

When Magellan died what happened the Santiago?

Select one:

a. Abandoned

b. None of the choices

c. Shipwrecked

d. Burned

First Voyage around the World", "Kartilya ng Katipunan" are examples of _______________.

Select one:

a. Texts

b. Secondary resources

c. Primary resources

d. None of the choices

Magellan died in __________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Mactan

c. Bohol

d. Bagumbayan

When Pres. Corazon Aquino met with________________, they began an important dialogue about
cooperation and the strengthening of friendship between our two countries.

Select one:

a. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos

b. None of the choices

c. Ninoy Aquino
d. President Reagan

The author of Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900-1941).

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Fernando Amorsolo

c. Dr. Barcelona

d. Alfred McCoy

On____________, seven months as a president, Pres. Corazon Aquino went to the United States and
spoke before joining the session of the U.S. Congress.

Select one:

a. September 15, 1986

b. September 18, 1986

c. None of the choices

d. September 21, 1896

It is also known as Editorial Cartoon that contain a commentary that express the artist opinion toward
certain issues.

Select one:

a. Editorial caricature

b. Political Caricature

c. News Cartoon

d. None of the choices

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism

b. None of the choices

c. Criticism
d. External Criticism

Are characterized not by their format but rather by the information they convey and their relationship
to the research question. They include letters, diaries, journals, newspapers, photographs, and other
immediate accounts. The interpretation and evaluation of these sources becomes the basis for research.

Select one:

a. External Criticism

b. Secondary Sources

c. Primary Sources

d. Internal Criticism

In Corazon Aquino speech she said, "We face a communist insurgency that feeds on economic
deterioration even as we carry a great share of the free world defenses in the______________."

Select one:

a. Asia

b. Philippines

c. Pacific

d. None of the choices

A whole nation honored him by that brave and selfless act of giving honor to a nation in shame
recovered its own.

Select one:

a. Rodrigo Duterte

b. None of the choices

c. Ferdinand Marcos

d. Ninoy Aquino

He was a young Italian nobleman who had joined the expedition and a good servant and assistant to
Ferdinand Magellan during the expedition in Seville, Spain.

Select one:

a. Theodore Cachey Jr
b. None of the choices

c. Antonio Pigafetta

d. Antonio Legaspi

He was the Portuguese explorer to circumnavigate the globe. In 1519.

Select one:

a. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

b. None of the choices

c. Ferdinand Magellan

d. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi

What was the password used for the codes of "Katipon"?

Select one:

a. Anak ng Bayan

b. Gomburza

c. None of the choices

d. Rizal

Based on the text you have read what is a travelogue?

Select one:

a. Collections of facts based on history

b. Information visited by or experienced by a traveler

c. Collection of information from famous person

d. None of the choices

Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Select one:

a. External Criticism

b. Secondary Sources
c. Internal Criticism

d. Primary Sources

When Magellan died what happened the Santiago?

Select one:

a. Shipwrecked

b. Burned

c. None of the choices

d. Abandoned

The symbol of the restoration of democracy and the takeover of the Marcos Dictatorship in 1956.

Select one:

a. GabrellaSilang

b. Melchora Aquino

c. None of the choices

d. Corazon Aquino

He was one of the chief officers of Katipunan in 1895 and known as the President Supremo.

Select one:

a. Andres Bonifacio

b. None of the choices

c. Emilio Jacinto

d. Emilio Aguinaldo

Why Magellan named Guam the "Island of thieves"? (DITO PALA AKO NAGKAMALI HINDI KO ALAM

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Magellan stole money from that island

c. The people there stole their boats

d. The people there are thieves

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The __________ already knew that Ninoy was not a
body merely to be imprisoned but a spirit he must break".

Select one:

a. President

b. None of the choices

c. Dictator

d. Government

History came from the Greek word ________ which means to search, look into.

Select one:

a. Historia

b. None of the choices

c. Historic

d. Historian

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The__________ sought to break him by indignities and

Select one:

a. Government

b. Filipino's

c. None of the choices

d. President

The examination of the truthfulness of the evidence, it looks at the content of the source and examines
the circumstance of its production. It looks at the truthfulness and factuality of the evidence by looking
at the author of the source, its context, the agenda behind its creation, the knowledge which informed
it, and its intended purpose among others.

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism
b. External Criticism

c. Secondary Sources

d. Primary Sources

_________ is a brief summary or result based on a factual research and it also deals with the sequence
of important events that is stated in the history.

Select one:

a. History

b. Epic

c. None of the choices

d. Philosophy

During the declaration of independence on June 12 the Act of the Declaration of Independence was
organized, written, and read by _____________.

Select one:

a. Ambrosio Bautista

b. Emilio Aguinaldo

c. None of the choices

d. L.M. Johnson

This symbol in the Philippine flag represents the distinctive symbol of Katipunan Society, which by
means of its compact of blood urged on the masses of the people to insurrection.

Select one:

a. Sun

b. None of the choices

c. Red and blue color

d. White triangle

Their outfits were red masks with white triangles and with maroon sash.

Select one:

a. Katipon
b. Kawal

c. None of the choices

d. Bayani

Those sources produced at same time as the event, period, or subject being studied. These materials are
often located in the Special Collections of a library, rather than in the general collection.

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism

b. Primary Sources

c. Secondary Sources

d. External Criticism

Are historical sources, which studied a certain historical subject.

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism

b. External Criticism

c. Secondary Sources

d. Primary Sources

Wherever Corazon Aquino went in the campaign, slum area or impoverished village. They came to her
with one cry,______________.

Select one:


b. None of the choices



Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Internal Criticism

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

External Criticism

______________ are usually defined as first-hand information or data that is generated by witnesses or
participants in past events.

Select one:

a. Primary sources

b. Resources

c. Secondary resources

d. None of the choices

The following are classified as the Primary resources EXCEPT.

Select one:

a. Census

b. Books

c. None of the choices

d. Artifacts

Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Criticism

c. Internal Criticism

d. External Criticism

________________ which were produced by an author who used primary sources to produce the
material. In other words, this are historical sources, which studied a certain historical subject.

Select one:

a. Secondary resources

b. Primary sources

c. None of the choices

d. Resources

Historian's most important research tools are ___________.

Select one:

a. Investigation result

b. None of the choices

c. Researches

d. Historical resources

History came from the Greek word ________ which means to search, look into.

Select one:

a. Historian

b. Historic

c. None of the choices

d. Historia

The history or story of a society or group of people is rooted from their ________, EXCEPT.

Select one:

a. Folklore and Rituals

b. Legends and Arts

c. Myth and Epic

d. None of the choices

_________ is a brief summary or result based on a factual research and it also deals with the sequence
of important events that is stated in the history.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. History

c. Epic

d. Philosophy
Looks within the data itself to try to determine truth--facts and "reasonable" interpretation. It includes
looking at the apparent or possible motives of the person providing the data.

Select one:

a. Criticism

b. Internal Criticism

c. External Criticism

d. None of the choices

What was the first voyage according to Cachey Jr's The First Voyage around the World?

Select one:

a. Pigafetta's journal

b. None of the choices

c. Magellan's diary

d. stories and riddles

_____________________ became the pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers for freedom.

Select one:

a. Corazon Aquino

b. Ferdinand Marcos

c. Ninoy Aquino

d. None of the choices

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The dictator had called him a__________. Yet, two
million people threw aside their passivity and fear and escorted him to his grave".

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Nobody

c. Spy

d. Traitor
Which of the following is not written in the Katipunan Code of Conduct?

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. To be a good man, a person should be a person of power and words.

c. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.

d. To the honorable man, his word is sacred.

The eight raises of the sun the Philippine flag symbolizes the 8 provinces of:

Select one:

a. Manila, Cavite, Zambales, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna and Batangas

b. Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna and Batangas

c. Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Quezon and Batangas

d. None of the choices

Applies "science to a document." It involves such physical and technical tests as dating of paper a
document is written on, but it also involves a knowledge of when certain things existed or were possible,
e.g. when zip codes were invented.*

Select one:

a. Secondary Sources

b. External Criticism

c. Internal Criticism

d. Primary Sources

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," I held out for participation in the ________ election the
dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I was warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that
I ran the grave risk of legitimizing the foregone results of elections that were clearly going to be

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 1985
c. 1984

d. 1986

The Progresista Party also known as __________ Party.

Select one:

a. Federalista

b. Propaganda

c. None of the choices

d. Progress

The history or story of a society or group of people is rooted from their ________, EXCEPT.

Select one:

a. Myth and Epic

b. Folklore and Rituals

c. None of the choices

d. Legends and Arts

In Corazon Aquino's speech she quoted, "Like_______________, I understand that force may be
necessary before mercy. Like Lincoln, I don't relish it. Yet, I will do whatever it takes to defend the
integrity and freedom of my country".

Select one:

a. Ninoy Aquino

b. None of the choices

c. Abraham Lincoln

d. Archibald Macleish

The Philippine National Anthem "LupangHinirang" was first known as ____________.

Select one:

a. Macha de Magdalo

b. None of the choices

c. Marcha de Filipina

d. Marcha Filipina Magdalo

The names of the 1519 Ferdinand Magellan Ships were the Trinidad, the San Antonio, the Conception,
the Victoria and the Santiago. True or False?

Select one:



________________ which were produced by an author who used primary sources to produce the
material. In other words, this are historical sources, which studied a certain historical subject.

Select one:

a. Primary sources

b. None of the choices

c. Secondary resources

d. Resources

Sometimes called as "higher criticism"

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. External Criticism

c. Criticism

d. Internal Criticism

According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said," Now, we are restoring full ____________ government"

Select one:

a. Constitutional

b. Democratic

c. Dictatorial

d. None of the choices

The original title of Kartilya ng Katipunan was ___________.

Select one:

a. Kartilya

b. None of the choices

c. Manga Aral Nang Katipunan

d. Aral ng KKK

The Philippine declaration was proclaimed on ___________________ at the Cavite el Viejo.

Select one:

a. June 12, 1889

b. None of the choices

c. June 12, 1899

d. June 12, 1898

Cory Aquino ended her speech by thanking the __________ for serving as home to her family and joined
America in building the Philippines as a new home for democracy.

Select one:

a. Ninoy Aquino

b. People of the Philippines

c. None of the choices

d. America

Historian's most important research tools are ___________.

Select one:

a. Researches

b. Historical resources

c. Investigation result

d. None of the choices

He draw an illustration that aimed as a commentary to the workings of Manila Police.

Select one:

a. Alfred McCoy

b. Fernando Amorsolo

c. Philippine Free Press

d. None of the choices

Looks within the data itself to try to determine truth--facts and "reasonable" interpretation. It includes
looking at the apparent or possible motives of the person providing the data.

Select one:

a. Primary Sources

b. External Criticism

c. Internal Criticism

d. Secondary Sources

Is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical characteristics;
consistency with the historical characteristics of the time when it was produced: and materials used for

Select one:

a. External Criticism

b. Secondary Sources

c. Internal Criticism

d. Primary Sources

____________ was the reason why Cory Aquino was designated in presidency that put the Philippines in
the international spotlight for dethroning a dictator through peaceful means.

Select one:

a. EDSA People Power

b. None of the choices

c. Ninoy's Death

d. Martial Law
______________ are usually defined as first-hand information or data that is generated by witnesses or
participants in past events.

Select one:

a. Primary sources

b. Resources

c. Secondary resources

d. None of the choices

Form and appearance and more particularly to question of authorship and textual circumstances such as
time, place and purpose.

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism

b. Secondary Sources

c. Primary Sources

d. External Criticism

Sometimes called as "lower criticism"

Select one:

a. Internal Criticism

b. Secondary Sources

c. External Criticism

d. Primary Sources

Modern art form that turned away from classical art by exaggerating human features and prodding fun
at its subjects.

Select one:

a. Political caricature

b. None of the choices

c. Abstract

d. Visual arts
The author of Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900-1941).

Alfred Mccoy

On ____ seven months as a president, Pres. Corazon Aquino went to the United States and spoke before
joining the session of the U.S. Congress.

September 18, 1986


Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
Select one:

a. Proof/Evidence
b. Organization
c. Research/Sources
d. Style
The correct answer is: Organization
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 14:43 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 14:47 Saved: Proof/Evidence Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 14:51 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
Select one:
a. The written text must be submitted that afternoon and he needed the best way to compose a

b. His stand on the topic is different from what he's written.
c. The teacher did not allow plagiarism for compositions.
d. There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit the use of synonyms
The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit the
use of synonyms
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 24/02/17, Started

2 24/02/17, Saved: The written text must be submitted that afternoon and he needed the best
14:49 way to compose a text

3 24/02/17, Attempt finished

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Statements of Answer may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
The correct answer is: fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 14:43 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 14:50 Saved: fact Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 14:51 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
Select one:
a. Purpose/Context
b. Topic and Position
c. Author/s

d. Audience
The correct answer is: Audience
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 14:43 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 14:51 Saved: Audience Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 14:51 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
Select one:
a. Drawing Conclusions
b. Topic and position

c. Purpose/Context
d. Audience
e. Author/s
The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
Make comment or override mark


Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
Select one:

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of value
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:17 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:18 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:18 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
Select one:
a. Claim of value
b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:17 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:18 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:18 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
Select one:

a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of value
c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
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Response history

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1 24/02/17, 15:17 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 24/02/17, 15:18 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:18 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
Select one:
a. Claim of policy

b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of value
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1 24/02/17, 15:17 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:18 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:18 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
Select one:

a. Claim of value
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of value


Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
Select one:
a. Hypertext

b. Intertext
c. Context
The correct answer is: Intertext
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Response history

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1 24/02/17, 16:07 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 16:08 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 16:09 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
Select one:
a. Intertext
b. Context

c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Hypertext
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Response history

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1 24/02/17, 16:07 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 16:08 Saved: Hypertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 16:09 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
Select one:

a. Context
b. Intertext
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Hypertext
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 16:07 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 24/02/17, 16:08 Saved: Context Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 16:09 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
Select one:
a. Hypertext
b. Context

c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Intertext
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Response history

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1 24/02/17, 16:07 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 16:09 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 16:09 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
Select one:

a. Hypertext
b. Context
c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Context


Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
Select one:

a. Claim
b. Assertion - convention
c. Assertion - fact
d. Assertion - opinion
e. Assertion - preference
f. Counterclaim
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:17 Started Not yet answered

2 27/02/17, 14:24 Saved: Claim Answer saved

3 27/02/17, 14:24 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
Select one:
a. Assertion - convention

b. Assertion - opinion
c. Assertion - preference
d. Assertion - fact
e. Counterclaim
f. Claim
The correct answer is: Claim
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:17 Started Not yet answered

2 27/02/17, 14:24 Saved: Assertion - opinion Answer saved

3 27/02/17, 14:24 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
Select one:
a. Claim

b. Assertion - fact
c. Counterclaim
d. Assertion - convention
e. Assertion - preference
f. Assertion - opinion
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:17 Started Not yet answered

2 27/02/17, 14:24 Saved: Assertion - fact Answer saved

3 27/02/17, 14:24 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
Select one:
a. Assertion - preference

b. Assertion - convention
c. Assertion - opinion
d. Assertion - fact
e. Claim
f. Counterclaim
The correct answer is: Counterclaim
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:17 Started Not yet answered

2 27/02/17, 14:24 Saved: Assertion - convention Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 27/02/17, 14:24 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
Select one:
a. Assertion - fact

b. Claim
c. Assertion - convention
d. Counterclaim
e. Assertion - opinion
f. Assertion - preference
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact


Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
Select one:

a. What is the climax of the story?

b. How did the story progress?
c. What is the conflict of the story?
d. What is the overall theme of the story?
The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:19 Started Not yet answe

2 24/02/17, 17:20 Saved: What is the climax of the story? Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
Select one:
a. theme
b. character
c. dialogue

d. conflict
The correct answer is: theme
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:19 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:20 Saved: conflict Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:19 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:20 Saved: False Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:19 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:20 Saved: True Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
Select one:
a. plot
b. point of view
c. conflict

d. setting
The correct answer is: plot


Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
Select one:
a. Introduction

b. Methods
c. Conclusion
d. Review of Literature
e. Hypotheses
The correct answer is: Methods
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 18:23 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 18:24 Saved: Methods Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 18:28 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
Select one:

a. planning the research

b. choosing a topic
c. making reference cards
d. writing a thesis statement
The correct answer is: planning the research
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 18:23 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 18:24 Saved: planning the research Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 24/02/17, 18:28 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
Select one:
a. Introduction
b. Bibliography

c. Review of Literature
d. Hypotheses
e. Methods
The correct answer is: Review of Literature
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 18:23 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 18:24 Saved: Review of Literature Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 18:28 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
Select one:
a. Methods
b. Introduction
c. Review of Literature

d. Research questions/hypothesis
The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 18:23 Started Not yet answer

2 24/02/17, 18:27 Saved: Methods Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 18:28 Saved: Research questions/hypothesis Answer saved

4 24/02/17, 18:28 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
Select one:
a. Review of Literature
b. Discussion
c. Conclusion

d. Methods
e. Results
The correct answer is: Methods


Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: False
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 12:14 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 12:14 Saved: True Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 12:15 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
Select one:
a. Opening statement
b. Key skills
c. Technical/software skills
d. Contact details
e. Employment history
f. Educational qualifications

g. Reference
h. Personal attributes
The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 12:14 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 12:14 Saved: Reference Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 12:15 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
Select one:

a. Opening statement
b. Personal attributes
c. Key skills
d. Employment history
e. Contact details
f. Reference
g. Educational qualifications
h. Technical/software skills
The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
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Response history
Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 12:14 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 12:15 Saved: Opening statement Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 12:15 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: True
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 12:14 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 12:15 Saved: True Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 12:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: False
Reading and Writing Skills answers
Disclaimer XD: ang mga sumusunod nasagot ay hindi ko pagaari, ito’y
compilation lamang ng mg sagot mula sa FB group na Oral communication
and EAPP posted by Elisha Joy Marquez Julian, ako’y walang kahit ano mang
conneksyon sa taong yan, pero nais kong magpasalamat


This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.
The correct answer is: journalists' questions
This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Which of the following statements is not true?
The correct answer is: You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and
explore it along the way.
True or False: Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.
The correct answer is: True

Learning activity 2. reading and writing.

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.
1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in
struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different
purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being
harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna
de Bay has, for centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another
remarkable woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a
sheltered child who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child
who had never looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw
them.” (C) Strangely enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty,
naivete, and simplicity—actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their
area of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated
guerrilla force looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which
succeeds in rallying people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the
guerrilla lose their ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out.
(D) The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E)
The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Learning Activity 3. Reading and

Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters
who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed
Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad
day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago,
when it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to
travel to the western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted
their invitation. There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of
surrounding would only be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as
accurately as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution


----There are five transition words used in the following cause and effect paragraph. Write them
in order in the given spaces below:
In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives
in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing
industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which
tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted
many people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the
children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families
to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people
established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and
museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on
the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural communities.
1. for
2. first


---Which of the following statements is not true?�
The correct answer is: Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of
serious problems encountered by its users.
----Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?�
The correct answer is: Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
----- According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author?
(Write the letter of the correct answer)
�a. children can access potentially dangerous sites�
b. news and company websites are hacked
�c. online fraud�
d. websites with unverified authenticity.
The correct answer is: d
----An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:
The correct answer is: pornography sites
----Is the conclusion positive or negative?�
The correct answer is: Neutral�


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton
with no flesh."
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open
1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially
in the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for
research and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave
the original way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the
learning process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance
of teachers in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may
use the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make
their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international
tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and
other governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans
would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes,
when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and
even embrace each other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the
world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach
agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being
Brazilian and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian
squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in
their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity
decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy
national flags. [moreover], the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival
gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international
tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally
eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no
one knows definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [
Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only
partially understood and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors
such as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a
result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured
education system and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely
unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well
as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different
purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being
harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna
de Bay has, for centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop
or why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people
in a garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does
not require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human
action in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly
accused the Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical
climate and the liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are
interpreting it as a manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B


A. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three
dozen plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who
can ever forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth ‑ his grief, or her guilt ‑ or Beatrice and Benedick, and
their humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the
English language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary
estimates that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an
appreciation for great literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture.
One researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of
about forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great
Biblical themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have
insisted on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.”
Shakespeare provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for
rediscovering the richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like
getting paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make
their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international
tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and
other governments were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans
would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes,
when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and
even embrace each other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the
world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach
agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being
Brazilian and a low self‑ esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian
squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in
their country]. [Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity
decreases]. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy
national flags. [Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival
gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the
difficult tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are
persistent. Turkish citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on
becoming a member of the union then? It is probably because of the differences between the
happiness levels of Turkish and EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU,
which revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two
thirds of Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are
satisfied with their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts
about their countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are
happier than the people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare,
and stability.
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a
higher salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or
has more pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country,
we cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary
[but] generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people
need time to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the
conditions again, just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression.
[however], in Europe there is a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that
there is a stable life and a predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness
against our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in
Europe. Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without
any effort, is it not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is
what all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find
it and search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a
hand to someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody
the absolute happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide
to construct our lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles
depend on one’s characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance
and independence are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances
and lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural
and moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A
long quiz 2. reading and writing..
----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?
Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in
the same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it
is zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction.
The converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant
velocity along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term
“net force,” which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue,
painted, letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers
which are completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you
observe more, the sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left
above the freshly trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the
center of the picture, you see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features
you can not help but notice the bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this
slender face. Her stern look shows how proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries
on her padded up shoulders. This unique woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister,
Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely
given to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see
its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto
has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same
time, there also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their
destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD
approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel
with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190
yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is
probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will
be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at
all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo,
forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double
the price if you want to live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a
ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in
Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food
in a market, you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no
matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in
Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most
expensive products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying
an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you
must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-
city, dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about
Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in
fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor,
because you will be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this
position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional
Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not
see amazing skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya
crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and
authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city
already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto
is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for
the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on
the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything.
The atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a
chance, you should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery‑ operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely
given to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see
its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto
has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same
time, there also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their
destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD
approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel
with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190
yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is
probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will
be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at
all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo,
forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double
the price if you want to live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a
ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in
Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food
in a market, you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no
matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in
Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most
expensive products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying
an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you
must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-
city, dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about
Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in
fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor,
because you will be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this
position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional
Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not
see amazing skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya
crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and
authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city
already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto
is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for
the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on
the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything.
The atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a
chance, you should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True


Read the following essay and answer the following questions.
The times when parents were responsible for their children’s academic accomplishments—and
students themselves—seem to have gone. Nowadays, many people believe it is the high school
administration, teachers, and the government that are responsible for students getting good
grades. Before, when you got an F, your parents would blame you; today, they would rather go to
your school and demand your teacher to give you a better grade. Such an approach leads to
irresponsible behavior: students care less about their grades and start skipping classes,
considering them to be boring. And although there is seemingly nothing wrong with skipping a
boring class you think you would not need in future, in fact doing so has a number of negative
impacts on your future.
To start with, parents of a student who skips school lose huge amounts of money (given that it is
not the student who pays for studying). In the United States, free education is a rare privilege;
every single class skipped is worth a certain amount of money. Whether a student studies at high
school, college, or university, it does not matter—the average cost of a skipped class is in the
range between $50 to $100 (IFR). If a student chooses to skip classes regularly, it will cost him
or her or his or her parents a lot of money annually, without getting the result: education and
The likeliness to get lower grades when skipped classes is another consequence. Whereas
those who stay in class obtain at least some knowledge, even if they are not bright, a person who
skips classes is at higher risks of obtaining no knowledge at all. Besides, teachers may have a
bias toward such a student, and will treat him or her unfairly even though this person might be
bright and studied the subject on his or her own. Needless to say, this situation can lead to a
failure during exams or getting expelled from an educational institution (FRI).
According to research, only five absences is usually enough for a student’s academic
performance to drop. Five more absences would most likely lead to a decreased chance to
graduate a particular educational institution: on average, skippers are about 20% less likely to
successfully graduate. If a student studies at high school, he or she has a 25% less chance to
enter any type of higher education institution. They are also 2.5 times more likely to have to live
on welfare compared to their more disciplined peers (Middle Earth).
Skipping classes has yet another not-so-obvious consequence: a student is more likely to
become engaged in activities that neither the American society nor the legislative system would
approve. Skipping classes does not always imply staying at home; more likely, a student would
spend their time outdoors, and chances to get involved in antisocial behavior (substance abuse,
shoplifting, gambling, and so on) increase. No need to say it can cause a person to enter prison
Skipping classes is not so harmless as it might seem. It is a direct waste of money for all those
who have to pay for the education—and such people are the majority. Students who skip classes
are more likely to get lower grades and face a biased attitude from their teachers; moreover, they
have lower chances to successfully graduate, and enroll in a college—of any type. Such students
are also more likely to live on welfare, and get engaged in antisocial behavior. Therefore, this
problem should be treated with all possible attention from teachers, parents, and authorities.
Paragraph order: Logical order =logical
Signal words used (arranged according to its order in the essay):
1. before
3. although
4. in fact
5.to start with
6.Whether.. or
9.even if
10. besides
11.According to
12. yet
14. therefore
Type of paragraph development: Answer:
cause and effect


The most common method of discovering a topic.
The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever
relation they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no
matter which cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may
grow true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide
on what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems
and the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and
the way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing
classification paragraphs?
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is
parallel to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the
paragraph to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the
information needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has
happened to the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used
to show these parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them.
Out of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands
of words and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and
entertain the reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may
appear to be running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing
telephones. Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement
are all part of a controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job,
the end result of which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are
these terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile

Learning Activity 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure,
albeit the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

Learning Activity 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the
Universe, one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout
your whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Learning Activity 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form
a meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What
is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Learning Activity 10 (Reading and Writing

Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the
very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality
was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and
readable personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an
“event-trigger,” whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone
this surgery.
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral,
something could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect
sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible
to act immorally. This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because,
whereas illegal acts exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact

Learning Activity 11 (Reading and Writing

What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a
survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic
layer of the story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot

Learning Activity 12 (Reading and Writing

A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research

Learning Activity 13 (Reading and Writing

It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True
Short Quiz 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used
in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon

Short Quiz 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control
or eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire
work experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Short Quiz 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext

Short Quiz 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there
can be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not
prove anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If
God is an exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell,
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the
illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-
minded English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a
society is more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems
obvious, upon reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge
and learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple
memorization is preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings”
can be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil
by destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph.
This is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for
the first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely
connected to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms
can be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
Short Quiz 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily
so. I would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There
is a special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also,
according to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper
vampire story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean,
and romantic love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because
aging has negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would
Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts?
What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—
Jacob, Victoria, the vampire clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no
common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but
there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False

Short Quiz 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)

The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people
in the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation
of the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details

Short Quiz 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes

Long Quiz 4 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and
techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to
protect the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning
tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for
all parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to
hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of
which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and
the like.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

Long Quiz 5 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find
out how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines
selected and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted
The Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence,
Structure and Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone
of the news articles.
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed
84 existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles
from the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in
content analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The
Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later
years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later
on red ink.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely
as statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that
The Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through
disseminating information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in
analyzing the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the
coding easier for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to
through the keywords provided.
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986
up to 2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates
available in the university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year
1989 and 1990 due to problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year
1999 at the archives during the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue
are also not included in this particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section
and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to
work abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs
or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the
sake of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help
of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured
of their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of
the distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity
which is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does
its duty as the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within
the local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in
PUP demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The
OFWs should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between
them. It could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating
devices did not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since
snail mail, the alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the
receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love
overseas to reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all
enjoy for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The
history of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by
Malinao (2003).
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices”
(Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot
fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were
widely distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the
trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first
fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of
the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of
Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage
with Arwen and honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and
literary references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it
branches into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from
analyzing each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will
determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical
changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial
amount of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of
articles. As provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories
which continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common
stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents
as overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention,
dollars sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their
families away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by
every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a
group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors
and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I
can do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics,
geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-
strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my
time will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those
results to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in
earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance

Fourth Quarter Exam (Reading and Writing

Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion
presented is worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her
own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in
the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation
Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of
the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and
teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments
and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion
presented is worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her
own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in
the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation
Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of
the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and
teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments
and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ..
Reading and Writing Skills (ENGL-112)
Week 1-20
Wag sana maraming reaklamo dyan bibinigyan
kayo ng sagot
2nd attempt perfect kana
Tang ina nyo gago bobo
Wag kang mag reklamo kung hindi lumabas ang
tanong sa oed sa source.

Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.

Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.

Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.

This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.

Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often
rough-and-tumble action of many episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the
technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan landscape for giants, became
immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in
which the windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day
since I was five years old, George and Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I
diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went to collect my friends
by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my
neighborhood street on my beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
years ago. He could not understand those months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet
of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was abroad and under
the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love-
-he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid
imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as
made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of soul? In
those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love
as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison
with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein.
The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins
tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein
which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea,
travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues west through numerous provinces. For
thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls extend from
the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400
miles, its thickness ranges from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox.
He defines it as a matter of faith and the only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self.
According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and temporary, finite
and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s
consciousness, one constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-
consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The only way for salvation is faith in
God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and
his son Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this
case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime; it transformed a murder into an act of charity and
simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically argued,
but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to
God. (Source: https://academichelp.net/…/a…/essays/definition/absurd.html…)
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron
roofs and dimming the lanterns at the windows.
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:

Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems
encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a
safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)
a. children can access potentially dangerous sites
b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.

Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language,
watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and
make pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the
rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
- See more at: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/tokyo-vs-

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the
benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first
problems a backpacker needs to solve after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In
Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the money a tourist
would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4)
See for yourself: if you go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere
between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably
the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a
bunch of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these
prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular tourist destinations will naturally be more
expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance:
basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist
with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast Asia is your
choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be
able to find quality street food for low prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United
States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely
interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan,
millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist discovering this part of Asia.
(14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably
not be able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through
intense political and military turmoils during the recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of
the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—this is just a
tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast
Asia had gone through, and witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts
intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place. (18) Besides, if you are seeking
for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs,
ethnicities, religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of
land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this place will be instant, deep, and impressive
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and
affordability of transportation in the region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do
not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what this country can offer, and
this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in
Southeast Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is
flooded with travel agencies offering their services for almost no cost, and even getting to some
distant islands is not a problem (Goatsontheroad.com). (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to travel
around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are
somewhat more costly —$10-15 dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within
big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example, a bust around Bangkok costs
only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1
as well. (27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the
drivers, so you can get a price up to two times lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner.
(Nomadicmatt.com). (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see everything you
want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique
experiences a traveler can get from visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices,
affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one choice for a budget
tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile

So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use th eir characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Created By Kuya Piolo
A Reading and Writing Skills answers
Disclaimer XD: ang mga sumusunod nasagot ay hindi ko pagaari, ito’y
compilation lamang ng mg sagot mula sa FB group na Oral communication and
EAPP posted by Elisha Joy Marquez Julian, ako’y walang kahit ano mang
conneksyon sa taong yan, pero nais kong magpasalamat


This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get
your point across and correct any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.
The correct answer is: journalists' questions
This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Which of the following statements is not true?
The correct answer is: You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and
explore it along the way.
True or False: Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.
The correct answer is: True

Learning activity 2. reading and writing.

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.
1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle
with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to
disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable
woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child
who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a child who had never
looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely
enough, the qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—
actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area
of operations. (B) This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force
looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which succeeds in rallying
people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their
ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor
in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses. (E) The greater the support
the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.
__________, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the
poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Learning Activity 3. Reading and

Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who
had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was
because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was
there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when
it was autumn, and the weather in the mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the
western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I accepted their invitation.
There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only
be of use to me.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately
as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution


----There are five transition words used in the following cause and effect paragraph. Write them in
order in the given spaces below:
In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives in
urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing industrialization of
the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which tended to be located in
cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted many people from rural areas.
Second, there were many schools established to educate the children of the new factory laborers.
The promise of a better education persuaded many families to leave farming communities and move
to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of leisure, entertainment, and
culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and museums. For many people, these facilities made
city life appear more interesting than life on the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural
1. for
2. first


---Which of the following statements is not true?�
The correct answer is: Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of
serious problems encountered by its users.
----Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?�
The correct answer is: Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
----- According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write
the letter of the correct answer)
�a. children can access potentially dangerous sites�
b. news and company websites are hacked
�c. online fraud�
d. websites with unverified authenticity.
The correct answer is: d
----An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:
The correct answer is: pornography sites
----Is the conclusion positive or negative?�
The correct answer is: Neutral�
True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can
keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and
link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact
order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open


1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in
the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research
and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided to leave the original
way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning
process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers
in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use
the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their
country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in
difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other
governments were fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. [from] the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes
and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [for example], Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [moreover], the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft
feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat
honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows
definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have
made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood
and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such
as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of
their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system
and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier
nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more
responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose.
(B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to
water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters
and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for
centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or
why some people have them and others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and
yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a
garden of Eden, where the means of subsistence are found without much labor, and does not
require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick of human action
in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the
Filipinos of “indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the
liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but foreign critics are interpreting it as a
manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B


A. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with
unparalleled literary excellence. The study of Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature].
[Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen
plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them, who can ever
forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their
humorous banter?] It’s not an accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English
language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary estimates
that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great
literature than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare
reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical
worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source was Scripture. One
researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about
forty per play. Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical
themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted
on the importance of reading Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare
provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and for rediscovering the
richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for
discovery. Students of Shakespeare are rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting
paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics
and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country
proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult
times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments
were fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily]. [From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes
from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each
other after an event]. [Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible
consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and
live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a
daily internal civil war. [For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education,
hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most
people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads
with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. [Moreover, the
competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and
celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions
and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult
tasks that have to be achieved in order to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish
citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on becoming a member of the
union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and
EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which
revealed that as a nation we have low levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of
Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens are satisfied with
their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their
countries’ present and future conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the
people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU,
[but] there are some reasons of greater significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens.
This means that a person in EU who does the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher
salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid more or has more
pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below
poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey. These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we
cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive
crises and growths following these, it can be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the
economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the previous
governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but]
generally lead to nothing but corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time
to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time and change the conditions again,
just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is
a system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a
predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against
our discontentment. We hope to find satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe.
Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness without any effort, is it
not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or
offspring after them, so that they become somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that
children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this statement, to
my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what
all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and
search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to
someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute
happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our
lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s
characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence
are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in
order not to confront in the near future big social problems such as bad economic circumstances and
lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to religious, cultural and
moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore,
governments should begin programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact
that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

long quiz 2. reading and writing..

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?
Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the
same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is
zero, and an object in motion remains in motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The
converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with constant velocity
along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,”
which is simply a synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the
cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium. Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted,
letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out bleachers which are
completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the
sport player is wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly
trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a football. In the center of the picture, you
see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice the
bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how
proud she is; nonetheless, all the confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique
woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in
terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given
to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals
with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its
wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the
western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a
dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and Kyoto has
more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there
also exist more subtle differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most
urbanized country in the world (the prices below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately
equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a
three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will
cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room
apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and this is probably a weekly price). Just do
not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on
their own). If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two
persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride
(however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in Kyoto rather than in Tokyo:
8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market,
you are correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you
buy them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread,
tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in
Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much
cheaper: for a one room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or
300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it (Numbeo.com).
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city,
dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan.
Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it; in fact, you
can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will
be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on
the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku,
hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers,
over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared
for temples, tea houses, museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to
Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is
cheaper, especially in terms of renting an apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the
old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, on the
contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The
atmospheres are different, but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you
should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an
explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True


Read the following essay and answer the following questions.
The times when parents were responsible for their children’s academic accomplishments—and
students themselves—seem to have gone. Nowadays, many people believe it is the high school
administration, teachers, and the government that are responsible for students getting good grades.
Before, when you got an F, your parents would blame you; today, they would rather go to your
school and demand your teacher to give you a better grade. Such an approach leads to
irresponsible behavior: students care less about their grades and start skipping classes, considering
them to be boring. And although there is seemingly nothing wrong with skipping a boring class you
think you would not need in future, in fact doing so has a number of negative impacts on your future.
To start with, parents of a student who skips school lose huge amounts of money (given that it is not
the student who pays for studying). In the United States, free education is a rare privilege; every
single class skipped is worth a certain amount of money. Whether a student studies at high school,
college, or university, it does not matter—the average cost of a skipped class is in the range
between $50 to $100 (IFR). If a student chooses to skip classes regularly, it will cost him or her or
his or her parents a lot of money annually, without getting the result: education and knowledge.
The likeliness to get lower grades when skipped classes is another consequence. Whereas those
who stay in class obtain at least some knowledge, even if they are not bright, a person who skips
classes is at higher risks of obtaining no knowledge at all. Besides, teachers may have a bias toward
such a student, and will treat him or her unfairly even though this person might be bright and studied
the subject on his or her own. Needless to say, this situation can lead to a failure during exams or
getting expelled from an educational institution (FRI).
According to research, only five absences is usually enough for a student’s academic performance
to drop. Five more absences would most likely lead to a decreased chance to graduate a particular
educational institution: on average, skippers are about 20% less likely to successfully graduate. If a
student studies at high school, he or she has a 25% less chance to enter any type of higher
education institution. They are also 2.5 times more likely to have to live on welfare compared to their
more disciplined peers (Middle Earth).
Skipping classes has yet another not-so-obvious consequence: a student is more likely to become
engaged in activities that neither the American society nor the legislative system would approve.
Skipping classes does not always imply staying at home; more likely, a student would spend their
time outdoors, and chances to get involved in antisocial behavior (substance abuse, shoplifting,
gambling, and so on) increase. No need to say it can cause a person to enter prison eventually.
Skipping classes is not so harmless as it might seem. It is a direct waste of money for all those who
have to pay for the education—and such people are the majority. Students who skip classes are
more likely to get lower grades and face a biased attitude from their teachers; moreover, they have
lower chances to successfully graduate, and enroll in a college—of any type. Such students are also
more likely to live on welfare, and get engaged in antisocial behavior. Therefore, this problem should
be treated with all possible attention from teachers, parents, and authorities.
Paragraph order: Logical order =logical
Signal words used (arranged according to its order in the essay):
1. before
3. although
4. in fact
5.to start with
6.Whether.. or
9.even if
10. besides
11.According to
12. yet
14. therefore
Type of paragraph development: Answer:
cause and effect


The most common method of discovering a topic.
The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells
backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation
they may stand and here is the need of a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which
cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow
true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on
what to include in that type of essay. Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and
the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the
way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel
to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph
to complete the image of the main idea.
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information
needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to
the characters in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these
parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust –
without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out
of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words
and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform, enlighten, and entertain the
reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be
running about aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones.
Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the general air of excitement are all part of a
controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these
terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile

Learning Activity 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit
the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

Learning Activity 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great
investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe,
one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your
whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Learning Activity 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a
meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Learning Activity 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very
beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally showing his personality was
Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters possessed vivid and readable
personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,”
whose main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right
away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then
abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something
could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is
what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is impossible to act immorally.
This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts
exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact

Learning Activity 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)

What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of
a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the
story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot

Learning Activity 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)

A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research

Learning Activity 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)

It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Short Quiz 7 (Reading and Writing Skills)

In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon

Short Quiz 8 (Reading and Writing Skills)

If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Short Quiz 9 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext

Short Quiz 10 (Reading and Writing Skills)

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion

Short Quiz 11 (Reading and Writing Skills)

A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False

Short Quiz 12 (Reading and Writing Skills)

The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details

Short Quiz 13 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
Long Quiz 4 (Reading and Writing Skills)
Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted
throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care,
and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is
extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making
choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques
you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect
the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—
modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that
everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all
parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold
them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express
themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which
are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

Long Quiz 5 (Reading and Writing Skills)

Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out
how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected
and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into
categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious,
Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also sorted The
Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and
Content. Lastly, the researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84
existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from
the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major variables in content
analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s
style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years.
Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and later on red
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually
covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news stories were straight
news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written merely as
statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The
Catalyst has performed its duty as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating
information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing
the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier
for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to through the keywords
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to
2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues without dates available in the
university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to
problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during
the time of the coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this
particular study but would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work
abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or
Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the Philippines for the sake
of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of
OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the
loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a
parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of
their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the
distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which
is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as
the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the
local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP
demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar
reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the
children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs
should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It
could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if communicating devices did
not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the
alternative communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-
mail, in which the message would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to
reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy
for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history
of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate
Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at
journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public, were widely
distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the
aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background behind the
novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading the trilogy
rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that
character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight
with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s
disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in world
literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King
Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the
undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the
defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and
honors to the hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important
than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and
Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and
used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of cultural and literary
references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient
demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches
into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing
each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the
changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical changes, as well as
in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year
1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount
of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number of articles. As
provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which
continually appear in the news section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within
PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as
overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars
sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and sufferings of having their families
away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and
contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group
of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the
Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and
evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no
appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs, which will be
minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate that I can
do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and
stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time
will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to
the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-
prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance

Fourth Quarter Exam (Reading and Writing

Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...
Match the term to its description.
---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's
perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways.
[Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is
worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the
author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own
beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the
shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues
and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the
audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: These has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ..

Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The name of the newspaper whom Rizal, Del Pilar, Luna and others used to disseminate how the
Spaniards oppressed Filipinos.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. La Solidaridad

c. Diario de Manila

d. Doctrina Christiana

Question 2
Answer saved

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Flag question

Question text
__________ is vault and caretaker of recorded reports, distributions, and authentic antiquities;
recognizes huge chronicled figures, occasions, places; responsible for setting up and discussion of
verifiable creators, landmarks, heraldry and other chronicled curios.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Social Center of the Philippines

c. National Historical Commission

d. National Commission for Culture and the Arts

Question 3
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Flag question

Question text
The only branch of the government which can initiate the impeachment of the president, members of
the Supreme Court, and other constitutionally protected government officials such as the
ombudsman is the __________________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Senate

c. House of Representatives

d. Supreme Court

Question 4
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Flag question

Question text
He was known as the father of the commonwealth.
Select one:

a. Sergio P. Osmena

b. Emilio Aguinaldo

c. Manuel L. Quezon

d. None of the choices

Question 5
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Flag question

Question text
Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this novel to expose evils of Spanish rule in the Philippines.

Select one:

a. El Filibusterismo

b. Noli me Tangere

c. Mi Ultimo Adios

d. None of the choices

Question 6
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Flag question
Question text
One of the most noteworthy of these bargain in the Philippine-American MBA which marked on
__________, just months after the affirmation of Philippine autonomy by the US.

Select one:

a. March 14, 1947

b. None of the choices

c. March 14, 1949

d. March 14, 1944

Question 7
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Flag question

Question text
This method of changing the constitution happens when the amendments of the constitution is
proposed by the people upon a petition of at least 12% of Philippine registered voters.

Select one:

a. Con-con

b. Con-Ass

c. People's Initiative

d. None of the choices

Question 8
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Question text
The Mindanao State University is situated at Lanao's capital, Marawi City. Most pioneers in
Mindanao are in certainty results of the MSU. ______ % of its best teachers are Christians Filipinos

Select one:

a. 80

b. 60

c. None of the choices

d. 40

Question 9
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Question text
Year 1884, the payment of tribute was put to a stop and was replaced by a poll tax collected through
a certificate of identification called the _________ personal.

Select one:

a. Tariff

b. ID

c. None of the choices

d. Cedula
Question 10
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Question text
Aside from war, politics and chemistry he also opened a fencing club in Manila. He promoted fencing
as a sport and a hobby during his time.

Select one:

a. Emilio Aguinaldo

b. None of the choices

c. Antonio Luna

d. Jose P. Rizal

Question 11
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Question text
To complement and further strengthen the 1947 MBA, the Philippines and the US concludes a MDT
on _________.

Select one:

a. August 30, 1951

b. None of the choices

c. September 30, 1951

d. October 30, 1951

Question 12
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Flag question

Question text
She was one of the lesser-known World War II veterans. She was known as the only Asian woman
to have been awarded the Silver Star Wolrd War by the United States.

Select one:

a. Josefa Llanes Escoda

b. Gabriela Silang

c. Magdalena Leones

d. None of the choices

Question 13
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Flag question

Question text
This was a peasant rebellion in Central Luzon that aims to end the militancy to the farmers.

Select one:
a. Sakdal

b. Colorum

c. None of the choices

d. Agrarian Reform

Question 14
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Question text
"Writings that describe occasions, thoughts and feeling utilizing uncommon expressive implies in a
particular frame and has lasting and more extensive intrigue and incentive to others, for example,
verse, stories, books, expositions, account, annals, letters, engravings, and so forth. Dialect is the
medium of articulation utilizing different abstract systems that create inside its artistic, social and
chronicled custom. Writing can likewise be oral like stories, fantasies, enigmas, sayings, serenades,
summons, mantras, enchantment spells, and so forth."

Select one:

a. History

b. Reading

c. None of the choices

d. Literature

Question 15
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Flag question

Question text
The VAT laws was signed in 1986 and put to effect in__________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 1988

c. 1989

d. 1987

Question 16
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Flag question

Question text
This method of changing the constitution happens when the amendments of the constitution is
proposed by the people upon a petition of at least 12% of Philippine registered voters.

Select one:

a. Con-con

b. None of the choices

c. People's Initiative

d. Con-Ass
Question 17
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Flag question

Question text
Income tax rates were increased in 1936, adding a surtax rate on individual net income in excess of
__________ pesos.

Select one:

a. 10,000

b. None of the choices

c. 13,000

d. 18,000

Question 18
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Flag question

Question text
When we are placed under military government until 1901 he became the first civil governor, he was
also the 27th president of the United States and the chosen successor of President Theodore

Select one:

a. William H. Taft
b. None of the choices

c. Manuel L. Quezon

d. Corazon Aquino

Question 19
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Question text
The _________ are gathered in Lanao region. They involve the most vital place in Mindanao
attributable to their entrance to Iligan narrows in the north and Illana cove in the south.

Select one:

a. Mindanao

b. Maguindanao

c. Maranao

d. None of the choices

Question 20
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Question text
_________ is a land rich in writing. Darangan is a case of this. The presence of darangan
authenticates the level of human progress that the Maranao have accomplished at a certain point.
Select one:

a. Iligan

b. None of the choices

c. Marawi

d. Lanao

Question 21
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Flag question

Question text
One of the most noteworthy of these bargain in the Philippine-American MBA which marked on
__________, just months after the affirmation of Philippine autonomy by the US.

Select one:

a. March 14, 1944

b. March 14, 1949

c. March 14, 1947

d. None of the choices

Question 22
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Question text
Melchora Aquino was captured and exiled in _______ for helping the kapituneros.

Select one:

a. Guam

b. Spain

c. Dapitan

d. None of the choices

Question 23
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Flag question

Question text
With the finish of the_______, the global group saw new patterns and dangers to security that
required less military power.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. War in Marawi

c. World War I

d. Cold War

Question 24
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Question text
This type of national dance with a couple of artists bouncing between two bamboo posts held simply
over the ground and struck together.

Select one:

a. Tinikling

b. Sayaw sa Bangko

c. None of the choices

d. Subli

Question 25
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Question text
______ percent of fish and sardines are to a great extent taken from the Sulu Sea.

Select one:

a. 84

b. None of the choices

c. 59

d. 60
Question 26
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Question text
__________ is a tax on salaries, dividends, and profits.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Urbana

c. Cedula

d. Industria

Question 27
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Question text
In this method of changing the constitution happens when the congress needs upon a vote of two
thirds of all its member and will file for a constitutional convention.

Select one:

a. Con-Con

b. Con-Ass
c. Cha-Cha

d. None of the choices

Question 28
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Question text
The clan from Mindanao dwells in the islands of Sulu. They are known as ocean faring individuals,
imaginatively woven, beautiful sails.

Select one:

a. Tumandok

b. Lumad

c. Badjao

d. None of the choices

Question 29
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Question text
He was the president of the constitutional Convention in 1934 and he presided the opening session
where they started the writing of the Philippine Constitution.

Select one:
a. Claro M. Recto

b. Jovito R. Salonga

c. None of the choices

d. Carlos P. Garcia

Question 30
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Flag question

Question text
She was one of the lesser-known World War II veterans. She was known as the only Asian woman
to have been awarded the Silver Star Wolrd War by the United States.

Select one:

a. Gabriela Silang

b. None of the choices

c. Magdalena Leones

d. Josefa Llanes Escoda

Question 31
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Question text
This tribes are known to be rice-cultivators. They contain numerous clans that live in the Cordillera
mountain ranges.

Select one:

a. Mangayan

b. Lumad

c. None of the choices

d. Igorots

Question 32
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Question text
The chosen President of the Commonwealth government.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Elpidio Quirino

c. Manuel L. Quezon

d. Ramon Magsaysay

Question 33
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Question text
__________ storehouse and overseer of all reports and other authentic materials, and attempts their
discussion and reclamation.

Select one:

a. National Achieve

b. National Library

c. National Museum

d. None of the choices

Question 34
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Question text
The place where President Aguinaldo assembled the Revolutionary Congress on September 15,

Select one:

a. Baclaran Church

b. None of the choices

c. Quiapo Church

d. Barsoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan

Question 35
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Question text
He was known as the father of the commonwealth.

Select one:

a. Manuel L. Quezon

b. Emilio Aguinaldo

c. Sergio P. Osmena

d. None of the choices

Question 36
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Question text
He was the first president of the Independent Philippine Republic

Select one:

a. Ferdinand E. Marcos

b. Manuel Roxas

c. Emilio Aguinaldo
d. None of the choices

Question 37
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Question text
These individuals have possessed the region flanking between Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao

Select one:

a. Sultan Qudarat

b. None of the choices

c. Iranun

d. Sarangani

Question 38
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Question text
He is known as the hot tempered general who fought against the United States in the Spanish-
American war.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Gen Emilio Aguinaldo

c. Gen Mariano Alvarez

d. Gen Antonio Luna

Question 39
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Flag question

Question text
The national assembly order its first law, which accommodated the foundation of national resistance
for the Philippines.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. National Defense Act

c. Tydings McDuffie

d. Jones Law Act

Question 40
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Question text
The Filipino revolutionary hero who founded the Kataastaasang Kagalangalangang Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK). He was known as the first one who has a clear vision of what a Filipino
nation should be.

Select one:

a. Andres Bonifacio

b. None of the choices

c. Emilio Aguinaldo

d. Apolinario Mabini

Question 41
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Question text
The whole regions of Lanao Del Sur, especially at the region of the lake are untouchable to outcasts.
The way of life of the general population are in their conventional clothing, the _______ and

Select one:

a. Baro at Saya

b. Malong and Sarong

c. None of the choices

d. Malong And Abaya

Question 42
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Question text
_________ is an Italian expression for country. An ethnic group might be characterized as inborn
gathering which has its own particular dialect, hold in like manner an arrangement of custom unique
in relation to others whom they are in contact.

Select one:

a. Ethnic

b. Values

c. None of the choices

d. Tradition

Question 43
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Question text
Martial Law is also known as the ____________ declared by the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos
that lasted from 1972 to 1985.

Select one:

a. Communism 1081

b. Authoritarianism

c. None of the choices

d. Proclamation 1081

Question 44
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Question text
Since the extension of the Chinese individuals in the Han administration, Chinese individuals have
selected down into Southeast Asia and added to the shocking changes of local Southeast Asian
societies and the Philippine archipelago from the most recent hundred years BC to the present.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Sinicization

c. Islamization

d. Hindu-Buddhist

Question 45
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Question text
The Constitution of the Biak-na-Bato was promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary Government

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. November 1, 1897

c. November 1, 1837

d. November 1, 1891

Question 46
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Question text
_____ % tax on entities with annual sales receipts of less than 5,200,000;6 their original state, price
regulated petroleum products and fertilizers.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 5

c. 10

d. 2

Question 47
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Question text
________ is the whole of both pre-Islamic culture and the philosophical understanding of the
Muslims on the lessons of Islam.

Select one:

a. BBL

b. Arat

c. None of the choices

d. Adat

Question 48
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Question text
Antonio Luna earned a degree in Bachelor of Arts from ___________________.

Select one:

a. Colegio de San Juan de Letran

b. Ateneo Municipal de Manila

c. None of the choices

d. University of Santo Tomas

Question 49
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Question text
1913, the _____________________ was passed, resulting in a reduction in the revenue of the
government as export taxes levied on sugar, tobacco, hemp, and copra were lifted.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Monopoly Act

c. TydingsMcduffie

d. Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act

Question 50
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Question text
The first 1897constitution of the Biak-na-Bato was written in what language?

Select one:

a. Tagalog

b. None of the choices

c. Spanish

d. English
With the finish of the_______, the global group saw new patterns and dangers to security that
required less military power.

Select one:

a. World War I

b. None of the choices

c. Cold War

d. War in Marawi

Question 2
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Question text
He was known as a patriot, physician and man of letters who served as an inspiration to the
Philippine Nationalist movement. His work El filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere are his ways to
promote nonviolent resistance to the Spaniards.

Select one:

a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

b. None of the choices

c. Dr. Jose P. Rizal

d. Andres Bonifacio

Question 3
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Question text
Zamboanga del Sur has gold, silver, lead, ______store.

Select one:

a. Zinc

b. Marble

c. Copper

d. None of the choices

Question 4
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Question text
This is an idea that progressive over many years of open discussion and battle the world over. The
ascent of unconventional developments in the recently made states after World War II stay a
standout amongst the most bothersome issues confronting the world. The goals of ethnic, religious
and racial minorities have been verbalized in the different UN organizations on culture and training
especially UNESCO.

Select one:

a. Filipinization

b. Globalization

c. None of the choices

d. Multi-culturalism and Pluralism

Question 5
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Question text
The VAT laws was signed in 1986 and put to effect in__________.

Select one:

a. 1989

b. None of the choices

c. 1988

d. 1987

Question 6
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Question text
The national assembly order its first law, which accommodated the foundation of national resistance
for the Philippines.

Select one:

a. Tydings McDuffie
b. Jones Law Act

c. National Defense Act

d. None of the choices

Question 7
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Question text
In 1916, the US Congress passed the Philippine Autonomy Act, otherwise called the _________,
giving the Philippines extensive home run and guaranteed freedom after the establishment of a
steady government.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Treaty of Paris

c. Tyding Mcduffie

d. Jones Law

Question 8
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Question text
_________ is an Italian expression for country. An ethnic group might be characterized as inborn
gathering which has its own particular dialect, hold in like manner an arrangement of custom unique
in relation to others whom they are in contact.

Select one:

a. Tradition

b. Values

c. Ethnic

d. None of the choices

Question 9
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Question text
She was called as the Mother of the Revolution. She took care, provided food, and nurses the
wounded Katipuneros in 1896.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Teresa Magbanua

c. Magdalena Leones

d. Melchora Aquino

Question 10
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Question text
La Solidaridad is also published in ________, as a representation and eye opener to his fellow

Select one:

a. Spain

b. Germany

c. None of the choices

d. Belguim

Question 1
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Question text
He was the first president of the Independent Philippine Republic

Select one:

a. Ferdinand E. Marcos

b. Emilio Aguinaldo

c. None of the choices

d. Manuel Roxas

Question 2
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Question text
The chosen President of the Commonwealth government.

Select one:

a. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Manuel L. Quezon

c. None of the choices

d. Elpidio Quirino

Question 3
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Question text
This dance took its name from the rings worn on the lower legs of a Muslim princess. This dance
relates the epic legend of the "Darangan" of the Maranao people of Mindanao.

Select one:

a. Subli

b. Sinkil

c. None of the choices

d. Tinikling

Question 4
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Flag question

Question text
Income tax rates were increased in 1936, adding a surtax rate on individual net income in excess of
__________ pesos.

Select one:

a. 10,000

b. 18,000

c. None of the choices

d. 13,000

Question 5
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Question text
These individuals have possessed the region flanking between Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao

Select one:

a. Sarangani

b. Iranun

c. Sultan Qudarat

d. None of the choices

Question 6
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Question text
In 1896 he became the mayor of Cavite Viejo and was declared as the first president of the

Select one:

a. Juan Luna
b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Emilio Aguinaldo

d. None of the choices

Question 7
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Flag question

Question text
Melchora Aquino was captured and exiled in _______ for helping the kapituneros.

Select one:

a. Guam

b. None of the choices

c. Dapitan

d. Spain

Question 8
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Question text
"Movement of the feet, arms and the entire body musically particularly to music. A few moves and
tunes are performed without melodic backup or a capella. Other than those specified before in the
visual expressions, the components of shape one of a kind to move are: body developments,
motion, and outward appearances, including outfit, organize setting, the sort of backup and social
setting or circumstance or events for exhibitions."

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Dance

c. Hip-hop
d. Music

Question 9
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Question text
He is known as the hot tempered general who fought against the United States in the Spanish-
American war.

Select one:

a. Gen Antonio Luna

b. Gen Mariano Alvarez

c. None of the choices

d. Gen Emilio Aguinaldo

Question 10
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Flag question

Question text
Antonio Luna earned a degree in Bachelor of Arts from ___________________.

Select one:

a. Colegio de San Juan de Letran

b. University of Santo Tomas

c. Ateneo Municipal de Manila

d. None of the choices

Readings in Philippine History (Finals)
May 9 na maling sagot paki edit mga tol.
41/50 82.00

La Liga Filipina was organized on __________.

Select one:

a. July 2, 1892

b. June 19, 1892

c. August 8, 1892

d. None of the choices

The first country of the Philippine Muslims.

Select one:

a. Mindanao and Sulu

b. Davao and Maranao

c. Davao and Saranggani

d. None of the choices

He is known as the hot tempered general who fought against the United States in the Spanish- American

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Gen Mariano Alvarez

c. Gen Emilio Aguinaldo

d. Gen Antonio Luna

The whole regions of Lanao Del Sur, especially at the region of the lake are untouchable to outcasts. The
way of life of the general population are in their conventional clothing, the _______ and the_______.

Select one:
a. Malong And Abaya

b. Malong and Sarong

c. Baro at Saya

d. None of the choices

The name of the newspaper whom Rizal, Del Pilar, Luna and others used to disseminate how the
Spaniards oppressed Filipinos.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Diario de Manila

c. Doctrina Christiana

d. La Solidaridad

This museum features hands-on experience that encourage children to explore while playing.

Select one:

a. Ayala Museum

b. Museong Pambata

c. National Museum

d. None of the choices

Melchora Aquino was captured and exiled in _______ for helping the kapituneros.

Select one:

a. Spain

b. Guam

c. None of the choices

d. Dapitan

Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this novel to expose evils of Spanish rule in the Philippines.

Select one:

a. El Filibusterismo

b. Mi Ultimo Adios

c. None of the choices

d. Noli Me Tangere

The VAT laws was signed in 1986 and put to effect in__________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 1987

c. 1988

d. 1989

This was a peasant rebellion in Central Luzon that aims to end the militancy to the farmers.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Sakdal

c. Colorum

d. Agrarian Reform

She was called as the Mother of the Revolution. She took care, provided food, and nurses the wounded
Katipuneros in 1896.

Select one:

a. Magdalena Leones

b. None of the choices

c. Teresa Magbanua

d. Melchora Aquino

"Movement of the feet, arms and the entire body musically particularly to music. A few moves and
tunes are performed without melodic backup or a capella. Other than those specified before in the
visual expressions, the components of shape one of a kind to move are: body developments, motion,
and outward appearances, including outfit, organize setting, the sort of backup and social setting or
circumstance or events for exhibitions."

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Dance

c. Music

d. Hip-hop
________ is directs the instructing of Philippine culture in the schools and colleges, preparing of

Select one:

a. Education

b. None of the choices

c. Bureau of Education

d. Commission on Higher Education

1913, the _____________________ was passed, resulting in a reduction in the revenue of the
government as export taxes levied on sugar, tobacco, hemp, and copra were lifted.

Select one:

a. Monopoly Act

b. TydingsMcduffie

c. Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act

d. None of the choices

This type of government is strongly supported by President Rodrigo RoaDuterte, where in the concern of
this government is to distribute wealth of the country and should not focus only on the capital. It also
states that the Philippines should share sovereignty and be divided into autonomous regions. This type
of government is called ___________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Federalism

c. Parliamentary

d. Unitary

The whole regions of Lanao Del Sur, especially at the region of the lake are untouchable to outcasts. The
way of life of the general population are in their conventional clothing, the _______ and the_______.

Select one:

a. Malong And Abaya

b. Baro at Saya

c. Malong and Sarong

d. None of the choices

This type of constitution gives the authority to make decisions and sustain or disprove the sentences
rendered by the other courts and to dictate rules for the administration of justice.

Select one:

a. Assembly of Representatives

b. Supreme Council

c. Supreme Council of Grace and Justice

d. None of the choices

This method of changing the constitution happens when the amendments of the constitution is
proposed by the people upon a petition of at least 12% of Philippine registered voters.

Select one:

a. Con-con

b. Con-Ass

c. None of the choices

d. People's Initiative

He is known as the hot tempered general who fought against the United States in the Spanish- American

Select one:

a. Gen Emilio Aguinaldo

b. Gen Mariano Alvarez

c. None of the choices

d. Gen Antonio Luna

The program permits a tenant to enter into a farming business by attaining a farm by a given number of
hectares but it was only limited to Northern Luzon and Mindanao, where colonial diffusion had been
tough for Americans, a problem they innate from the Spaniards. This was called as ________________.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 1903 Homested program

c. 1902 Philippine Bill

d. Agrarian Reform
This dance took its name from the rings worn on the lower legs of a Muslim princess. This dance relates
the epic legend of the "Darangan" of the Maranao people of Mindanao.

Select one:

a. Sinkil

b. Tinikling

c. Subli

d. None of the choices

Since the extension of the Chinese individuals in the Han administration, Chinese individuals have
selected down into Southeast Asia and added to the shocking changes of local Southeast Asian societies
and the Philippine archipelago from the most recent hundred years BC to the present.

Select one:

a. Hindu-Buddhist

b. None of the choices

c. Islamization

d. Sinicization

This improved the government's relocation program and dissemination of agricultural lands to landless
tenants and agrarians during the time of President Quirino.

Select one:



c. None of the choices


______ percent of fish and sardines are to a great extent taken from the Sulu Sea.

Select one:

a. 60

b. 59

c. None of the choices

d. 84

Income tax rates were increased in 1936, adding a surtax rate on individual net income in excess of
__________ pesos.
Select one:

a. 18,000

b. 10,000

c. 13,000

d. None of the choices

These individuals have possessed the region flanking between Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao territory.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Sultan Qudarat

c. Iranun

d. Sarangani

Zamboanga del Sur has gold, silver, lead, ______store.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Copper

c. Marble

d. Zinc

When we are placed under military government until 1901 he became the first civil governor, he was
also the 27th president of the United States and the chosen successor of President Theodore Roosevelt.

Select one:

a. Manuel L. Quezon

b. None of the choices

c. William H. Taft

d. Corazon Aquino

________ is the whole of both pre-Islamic culture and the philosophical understanding of the Muslims
on the lessons of Islam.

Select one:

a. BBL
b. Adat

c. Arat

d. None of the choices

This aims to provide changes and reconstructing the whole system of agriculture.

Select one:

a. Carper


c. None of the choices

d. Agrarian Reform

He was known as the father of the commonwealth.

Select one:

a. Emilio Aguinaldo

b. Manuel L. Quezon

c. Sergio P. Osmena

d. None of the choices

The First Philippine Assembly, was organized on __________________, this assembly was composed of
educated Filipinos from well-known clans such as Osmena and Quezon, they strengthened the issues of
direct independence for the Filipinos and this was stated by sending political missions to the United
States Congress.

Select one:

a. October 23, 1907

b. October 16, 1907

c. October 17, 1907

d. None of the choices

The idea that societies around the globe are ending up increasingly coordinated and share various
commonalties regardless of restricted articulations and signs.

Select one:

a. Americanization

b. Globalization
c. None of the choices

d. Westernization

The ________ individuals have one dialect with numerous variety, for example, the vernacular of the
Jama Mapun, and the Bangingi.

Select one:

a. Dama

b. Sama

c. Adat

d. None of the choices

The Philippine Muslims was at one time a prevailing gathering in the nation. They have _______ year's
political history, so far the longest political experience contrasted with different gatherings in the entire

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. 500

c. 300

d. 200

In this method of changing the constitution happens when the congress needs upon a vote of two thirds
of all its member and will file for a constitutional convention.

Select one:

a. Cha-Cha

b. Con-Con

c. None of the choices

d. Con-Ass

Year 1884, the payment of tribute was put to a stop and was replaced by a poll tax collected through a
certificate of identification called the _________ personal.

Select one:

a. Tariff

b. Cedula

c. ID
d. None of the choices

In 1896 he became the mayor of Cavite Viejo and was declared as the first president of the Philippines.

Select one:

a. Emilio Aguinaldo

b. Juan Luna

c. None of the choices

d. Andres Bonifacio

The chosen President of the Commonwealth government.

Select one:

a. Elpidio Quirino

b. Manuel L. Quezon

c. Ramon Magsaysay

d. None of the choices

__________ is a tax on the annual rental value of an urban real estate.

Select one:

a. Cedula

b. Urbana

c. Industria

d. None of the choices

The Mindanao State University is situated at Lanao's capital, Marawi City. Most pioneers in Mindanao
are in certainty results of the MSU. ______ % of its best teachers are Christians Filipinos

Select one:

a. 60

b. None of the choices

c. 80

d. 40

This method of changing the constitution happens when the amendments of the constitution is
proposed by the people upon a petition of at least 12% of Philippine registered voters.
Select one:

a. People's Initiative

b. None of the choices

c. Con-con

d. Con-Ass

This organ of the constitution was headed by the president and has four department secretaries, this
give the power such as: interior, foreign affairs, treasury, and war.

Select one:

a. Assembly of Representatives

b. None of the choices

c. Supreme Council of Grace and Justice

d. Supreme Council

The place where President Aguinaldo assembled the Revolutionary Congress on September 15, 1898.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Baclaran Church

c. Barsoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan

d. Quiapo Church

"Writings that describe occasions, thoughts and feeling utilizing uncommon expressive implies in a
particular frame and has lasting and more extensive intrigue and incentive to others, for example, verse,
stories, books, expositions, account, annals, letters, engravings, and so forth. Dialect is the medium of
articulation utilizing different abstract systems that create inside its artistic, social and chronicled
custom. Writing can likewise be oral like stories, fantasies, enigmas, sayings, serenades, summons,
mantras, enchantment spells, and so forth."

Select one:

a. History

b. Reading

c. Literature

d. None of the choices

The Constitution of the Biak-na-Bato was promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary Government
Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. November 1, 1891

c. November 1, 1837

d. November 1, 1897

The biggest of the state monopolies was__________, which began in 1781 and halted 1882.

Select one:

a. Tobacco

b. Liquor

c. None of the choices

d. Cockpits

She is known as the Visayan Joan of Arc. She joined the Katipunan's women chapter in Panay. She fought
against Spain, the United States, and Japan.

Select one:

a. Josefa Llanes Escoda

b. Gabriela Silang

c. None of the choices

d. Teresa Magbanua

The only branch of the government which can initiate the impeachment of the president, members of
the Supreme Court, and other constitutionally protected government officials such as the ombudsman is
the __________________.

Select one:

a. House of Representatives

b. None of the choices

c. Senate

d. Supreme Court

Readings in Philippine History (1T 19-20) midterm

QUIZ 3 (10/10)
Article ____ stated, "You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do harm to the aged, lest
you incur the danger of death. All those who infringe this order shall be condemned to death by being
drowned in the river, or in boiling water".

Select one:

a. Article V

b. Article I

c. Article II

d. None of the choices

Dr. Jose P. Rizal wrote this poem when he was eight years old and it is Rizal's one of the most prominent

Select one:

a. Sa Aking Mga Kababata

The Code of Kalantiaw is said to be a mythical authentic code in the acclaimed epic story

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Mayon

c. Magayon

d. Maragtas

Primo viaggiointorno al mondomeans ________.

Select one:
a. First Voyage Around The World

b. Prime Tour In The World

c. None of the choices

d. The First Tour Around The World

Article ____ stated, "These shall be burned: who by their strength or cunning have mocked at and
escaped punishment or who have killed young boys; or try to steal away the women of the elders".

Select one:

a. Article XI

b. None of the choices

c. Article VII

d. Article V

Article ____ stated, "Slavery for a doam (a certain period of time) shall be suffered by those who steal
away the women of the headmen; by him who keep ill-tempered dogs that bite the headmen; by him
who burns the fields of another".

Select one:

a. Article VII

b. Article II

c. None of the choices

d. Arcticle VIII

He is a mythical character who make the main lawful code in the Philippinesand it is said to be "The
Code of Kalantiaw". In the Island of Negros he was the Chief.

Select one:

a. Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw

b. None of the choices

c. Rajah Lakundula Kalantiaw

d. Rajah Datu Kalantiaw

Ceylon was the island of _______.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Leyte

c. Cebu

d. Bohol

In 1913, ____________ book "Las AntiguasLeyendas de la Isla de Negros" recognized the code to
historical fiction.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Jose E. Marco

c. Jose P. Rizal

d. Jose Maria Pavon

Article ____ stated, "All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill black cats during a new
moon; or steal anything from the chiefs or agorangs, however small the object may be.

Select one:

a. Article XIII

b. None of the choices

c. Article XVI
d. Article X

QUIZ 4 (9/10)
The great volume of Rizal's lifework was committed to this end, particularly the influential ones.

Select one:

a. Sa aking mga Kababata and Noli Me Tangere

b. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

c. None of the choices

d. El Filibusterismo and Mi Ultimo Adios

The acronym EDSA stands for _________________________________.

Select one:

a. Epifanio de los Santos

b. Eugini odelos Santos

c. El de ponso Saturos

d. None of the choices

The phrase "El Grito de Rebelion" means ____________.

Select one:

a. The Great Rebellion

b. The Rebellion of freedom

c. Cry of Rebellion

d. None of the choices

Valenzuela's account should be read with caution: He once told a Spanish investigator that the "Cry"
happened in Balintawak on Wednesday ___________

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. August 25, 1896

c. August 26, 1896

d. June 12, 1896

_____________, a Spanish historian who documented the Cavite Mutiny event and his work centered
on how the event was an attempt in overthrowing the Spanish Government in the Philippines.

Select one:

a. Rafael Izquierdo

b. Jose Montero y Vidal

c. Gregoria Zaide

d. None of the choices

On August 26th, a big meeting was held in Balintawak, at the house of __________, then Cabeza of that
barrio of Caloocan.

Select one:

a. Briccio Pantas

b. Apolinario Mabani

c. Apolonio Samson

d. None of the choices

The chief of firing squad who was assigned in Rizal's death row.

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. Senior del Rosario

c. Senior Franciso

d. Senior del Fresno

_____________ is widely accepted as the dawn of the Philippine Nationalism in the nineteenth century,
with Rizal dedicating his second novel, El Filibustersimo, to their memory.

Select one:

a. Martyrdom

b. Freedom

c. None of the choices

d. Truthfulness

The password that Katipunero used.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Rizal's name

c. Apolinario's name

d. Bonifacio's name

The Central ____________ government introduced an educational decree fusing sectarian school run by
the friars into a school called the Philippine Institute.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Spanish(mali ata to)

c. Philippine

d. American


In 1913, ____________ book "Las AntiguasLeyendas de la Isla de Negros"
recognized the code to historical fiction.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Jose Maria Pavon
c. Jose P. Rizal
d. Jose E. Marco
The primary source from Rizal's retraction translated from the document found
by_____________, C.M. on 18 may 1935
Select one:
a. Fr. Vicente Balaguer
b. None of the choices
c. Pio Valenzuela
d. Fr. Manuel Garcia
Primo viaggiointorno al mondomeans ________.
Select one:
a. The First Tour Around The World
b. None of the choices
c. First Voyage Around The World
d. Prime Tour In The World
The Code of Kalantiaw is said to be a mythical authentic code in the acclaimed
epic story of____________.
Select one:
a. Magayon
b. None of the choices
c. Maragtas
d. Mayon
On the ___________, as they sailed in a westerly course from Ladrones, as they
saw land towards the northwest; but owing to many shallow places they did not
approach it.
Select one:
a. March 15, 1521
b. March 16, 1521
c. None of the choices
d. March 21, 1521
Rizal's exile happened on ___________.
Select one:
a. July 7, 1888
b. July 7, 1893
c. July 7, 1892
d. None of the choices
Magellan remained __________ on Mazaua Island.
Select one:
a. 5 days
b. None of the choices
c. 10 days
d. 7 days
The expedition's arrival and celebration of Mass on_________.

Select one:

a. April 9 1520

b. April 5 1522

c. April 8 1521

d. None of the choices

Valenzuela's account should be read with caution: He once told a Spanish

investigator that the "Cry" happened in Balintawak on Wednesday ___________
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. August 26, 1896
c. June 12, 1896
d. August 25, 1896
________ has long been believed as the site of the first mass.
Select one:
a. Trinidad
b. Butuan
c. None of the choices
d. Manila
The phrase "El Grito de Rebelion" means ____________.
Select one:
a. The Rebellion of freedom
b. The Great Rebellion
c. None of the choices
d. Cry of Rebellion
Article ____ stated, "You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do
harm to the aged, lest you incur the danger of death. All those who infringe this
order shall be condemned to death by being drowned in the river, or in boiling
Select one:
a. Article V
b. None of the choices
c. Article I
d. Article II
___________ is a period of competition among European rulers to conquer and
colonize land outside their original territory.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Age of Exploration
c. Exploration of the day
d. Ages of the tour
The Central ____________ government introduced an educational decree fusing
sectarian school run by the friars into a school called the Philippine Institute.
Select one:
a. Spanish
b. American
c. None of the choices
d. Philippine
Article ____ stated, "Slavery for a doam (a certain period of time) shall be
suffered by those who steal away the women of the headmen; by him who keep
ill-tempered dogs that bite the headmen; by him who burns the fields of another".
Select one:
a. Article II
b. Arcticle VIII
c. None of the choices
d. Article VII
How many members of Katipunan went to the first place on August 22, 1896, at
the house and yard of Apolonio Samson.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. 200 members
c. 500 members
d. 400 members
Sailing southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani, they turned
southwest to a small island called _______.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Acquada
c. Mazava
d. Ceylon
_________ was the port with the most trade.
Select one:
a. Ceylon
b. Calagan
c. None of the choices
d. Zubu
Magellan called Cebu ______.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Zaua
c. Zubu
d. Zevo
According to___________, "Encarnacion and Villegas all these places are in
Balintawak, then part of Caloocan, now, in Quezon City. As for the dates,
Bonifacio and his troops may have been moving from one place to another to
avoid being located by the Spanish government, which could explain why there
are several accounts of the Cry".
Select one:
a. Guerrero
b. Aguinaldo
c. Rizal
d. None of the choices
Ceylon was the island of _______.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Bohol
c. Cebu
d. Leyte
_____________, a Spanish historian who documented the Cavite Mutiny event
and his work centered on how the event was an attempt in overthrowing the
Spanish Government in the Philippines.
Select one:
a. Rafael Izquierdo
b. None of the choices
c. Gregoria Zaide
d. Jose Montero y Vidal
_____________ is widely accepted as the dawn of the Philippine Nationalism in
the nineteenth century, with Rizal dedicating his second novel, El Filibustersimo,
to their memory.
Select one:
a. Martyrdom
b. Truthfulness
c. None of the choices
d. Freedom
_________ asked the people to give a pledge that they were to revolt.
Select one:
a. Andres Bonifacio
b. None of the choices
c. Emilo Aguinaldo
d. Apolinario Mabini
Article ____ stated, "These shall be burned: who by their strength or cunning
have mocked at and escaped punishment or who have killed young boys; or try
to steal away the women of the elders".
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Article XI
c. Article V
d. Article VII
Article ____ stated, "Observe and obey; let no one disturb the quiet of the
graves. When passing by the caves and trees where they are, give respect to
them. He who does not observe this shall be killed by ants, or beaten to death
with thorns".
Select one:
a. Article III
b. None of the choices
c. Article IV
d. Article VI
The great volume of Rizal's lifework was committed to this end, particularly the
influential ones.
Select one:
a. Sa aking mga Kababata and Noli Me Tangere
b. None of the choices
c. El Filibusterismo and Mi Ultimo Adios
d. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
Magellan's expedition sighted a high land named ZAMAL Island which was some
______ leagues westward of Ladrones Island.
Select one:
a. 500
b. 300
c. None of the choices
d. 800
Dr. Jose P. Rizal wrote this poem when he was eight years old and it is Rizal's
one of the most prominent works.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Noli Me Tangere
c. El Filibusterismo
d. Sa Aking Mga Kababata
The acronym EDSA stands for _________________________________.
Select one:
a. Epifanio de los Santos
b. None of the choices
c. El de ponso Saturos
d. Eugini odelos Santos
Rizal wrote in his Memoirs of the Revolution that it happened at Pugadlawin on
Select one:
a. August 21, 1896
b. None of the choices
c. August 23, 1896
d. August 25, 1896
The password that Katipunero used.
Select one:
a. Apolinario's name
b. None of the choices
c. Bonifacio's name
d. Rizal's name
Article ____ stated, "All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill
black cats during a new moon; or steal anything from the chiefs or agorangs,
however small the object may be.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Article XIII
c. Article XVI
d. Article X
The First was published in La Voz Espanola and Diario de Manila on the Day of
execution, ________.
Select one:
a. 29 December 1896
b. None of the choices
c. 30 December 1896
d. 18 December 1896
____________ is well-known as a hero of the revolution for his writing that center
on ending colonialism and liberating Filipino minds to contribute to creating the
Filipino nation.
Select one:
a. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Andres Bonifacio
c. None of the choices
d. Jose P. Rizal
It must be considered that in Albo's Version, the location of Mazava fits the
location of the island of Limasawa, at the southern tip of Leyte, _______.
Select one:
a. 8°53'N
b. 10°54'N
c. 9°54'N
d. None of the choices
______________ commissioned a "Himno de Balintawak" to inspire the renewed
struggle after the pact of the Biak-na-Bato failed.
Select one:
a. Teodoro Agoncillo
b. None of the choices
c. Jose P. Rizal
d. Emilio Aguinaldo
Article ____ stated, "These shall be killed: who profane sites where idols are
kept, and sites where are buried the sacred things of their diwatas and headmen.
He who performs his necessities in those places shall be burned".
Select one:
a. Article X
b. None of the choices
c. Article XV
d. Article XVII
Prominent Filipino Historian Teodoro Agoncillo emphasizes the event when
Bonifacio tore the ___________________receipt before the katipuneros who
also did the same.
Select one:
a. Papers
b. None of the choices
c. Documents
d. Cedula or Tax
GOMBURZA stands for _______________.
Select one:
a. Maraino Gonzaga, Jacinto Zaragosa and Jose Buenavista
b. Mariano Gonzales, Jacinto Zapanta and Jose Burgez
c. None of the choices
d. Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora and Jose Burgos
Magellan leave Mazaua, bound for Cebu on Thursday __________.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. April 5
c. April 19
d. April 4
The chief of firing squad who was assigned in Rizal's death row.
Select one:
a. Senior Franciso
b. Senior del Rosario
c. None of the choices
d. Senior del Fresno
Few months after execution _________ from anonymous writer but later on
revealed to be Fr. Vicente Balaguer.
Select one:
a. February 23, 1897
b. February 14, 1897
c. None of the choices
d. February 26, 1897
He is a mythical character who make the main lawful code in the Philippinesand
it is said to be "The Code of Kalantiaw". In the Island of Negros he was the Chief.
Select one:
a. Rajah Lakundula Kalantiaw
b. Rajah Datu Kalantiaw
c. None of the choices
d. Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw
Article ____ stated, "All these shall be beaten for two days: who sing while
traveling by night; kill the Manaul; tear the documents belonging to the headmen;
are malicious liars; or who mock the dead".
Select one:
a. Article XII
b. Article XII
c. None of the choices
d. Article IX
_____________ is riverine settlement.
Select one:
a. Palawan
b. None of the choices
c. Butuan
d. Batanes
Article ____ stated, "You shall obey; he who exchanges for food, let it be always
done in accordance with his word. He who does not comply, shall be beaten for
one hour, he who repeats the offense shall be exposed for one day among ants".
Select one:
a. Article X
b. None of the choices
c. Article VIII
d. Article V
On August 26th, a big meeting was held in Balintawak, at the house of
__________, then Cabeza of that barrio of Caloocan.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Apolonio Samson
c. Apolinario Mabani
d. Briccio Pantas
The assistant of the Plaza, the Assistant ___________, asked Rizal if he wanted
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Senior Joel
c. Senior Alponso
d. Senior Maure
Short Quiz 7

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
Select one:
a. Audience
b. Drawing conclusions
c. Purpose/context

d. Topic and position

e. Author
The correct answer is: Topic and position
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:04 Saved: Topic and position Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
Select one:
a. More people are often lured into using drugs and drug lords haven't been captured.
b. There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire consequences of drugs on

c. The government is eradicating the use of drugs through the establishment of new policies.
d. The number of drug-related cases are increasing every year.
The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire
consequences of drugs on people.
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action

1 24/02/17, Started

2 15/03/17, Saved: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire consequences
08:05 of drugs on people.

3 15/03/17, Attempt finished

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
Select one:
a. Author/s
b. Research/Sources
c. Purpose/Context

d. Audience
The correct answer is: Audience
Make comment or override mark
Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:05 Saved: Audience Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
Select one:
a. think
b. Maybe

c. according to
d. probably
e. believe
The correct answer is: according to
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:06 Saved: according to Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in
a field of study?

The correct answer is: jargon
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:06 Saved: jargons Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.

The correct answer is: slanting
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:06 Saved: slanting Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
Select one:
a. They produced more songs this year than the previous years.
b. They were overjoyed that they held concerts all over the world.

c. They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.

The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action S

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started N

2 15/03/17, 08:06 Saved: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies. A

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished C

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
Select one:

a. Research/Sources
b. Topic and Position
c. Author/s
d. Proof/Evidence
e. Style
The correct answer is: Research/Sources
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:07 Saved: Research/Sources Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:00 Started Not yet answered

2 15/03/17, 08:07 Saved: True Answer saved

3 15/03/17, 08:08 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
Select one:

a. Style
b. Author/s
c. Organization
d. Audience
The correct answer is: Style

Short quiz 8

Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of
unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
Select one:

a. Claim of value
b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:39 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:39 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is
Select one:
a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of fact

c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:39 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Time is gold.
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of value
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:39 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean
technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or
eliminate pollution.
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:40 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
Select one:

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 24/02/17, 15:40 Saved: Claim of fact Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work
experience and get a job.
Select one:
a. Claim of value

b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of fact
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:40 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its
Select one:
a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of value
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:41 Saved: Claim of value Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space,
sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
Select one:

a. Claim of policy
b. Claim of fact
c. Claim of value
The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 15:38 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 15:41 Saved: Claim of policy Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 24/02/17, 15:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 10
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our
lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right
Select one:
a. Claim of fact

b. Claim of value
c. Claim of policy
The correct answer is: Claim of policy

Shortquiz 9

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search
engines. What is being described?
Select one:

a. Hypertext
b. Context
c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Hypertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:14 Saved: Hypertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
Select one:
a. Hypertext
b. Context

c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:14 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something
that continually changes). What is being described?
Select one:
a. Intertext
b. Hypertext

c. Context
The correct answer is: Hypertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:15 Saved: Context Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
Select one:

a. Hypertext
b. Context
c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Hypertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:15 Saved: Hypertext Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying
practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
Select one:

a. Intertext
b. Hypertext
c. Context
The correct answer is: Intertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:16 Saved: Intertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
Select one:
a. Intertext

b. Context
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Context
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:16 Saved: Context Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
Select one:
a. Context

b. Hypertext
c. Intertext
The correct answer is: Hypertext
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:17 Saved: Hypertext Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is
being described?
Select one:

a. Context
b. Intertext
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Context
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:17 Saved: Context Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
Select one:

a. Context
b. Intertext
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Context
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 17:14 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 17:17 Saved: Context Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 17:20 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
Select one:

a. Intertext
b. Context
c. Hypertext
The correct answer is: Context

Shortquiz 10

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
Select one:
a. Counterclaim
b. Assertion - fact

c. Claim
d. Assertion - convention
e. Assertion - preference
f. Assertion - opinion
The correct answer is: Claim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:31 Saved: Claim Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality
of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded
English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be that a society is
more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon
reflection, that there can be nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
Select one:
a. Claim
b. Assertion - convention

c. Counterclaim
d. Assertion - preference
e. Assertion - fact
f. Assertion - opinion
The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:32 Saved: Counterclaim Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the
first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-
knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually considered to be.
Select one:
a. Assertion - opinion
b. Assertion - convention
c. Counterclaim

d. Assertion - fact
e. Assertion - preference
f. Claim
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:32 Saved: Assertion - fact Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can
be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created itself, so there must be a first
cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view, does not prove
anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an
exception to the “no uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
Select one:
a. Assertion - convention
b. Claim
c. Assertion - preference
d. Assertion - fact
e. Assertion - opinion

f. Counterclaim
The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:32 Saved: Counterclaim Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
Select one:
a. Assertion - convention
b. Counterclaim
c. Assertion - opinion
d. Assertion - fact

e. Claim
f. Assertion - preference
The correct answer is: Claim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:33 Saved: Claim Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a
vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn
aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
Select one:
a. Counterclaim
b. Assertion - convention
c. Claim
d. Assertion - fact

e. Assertion - opinion
f. Assertion - preference
The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:33 Saved: Assertion - opinion Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can
be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by
destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike Tolkien’s novel,
Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This
is ridiculous, considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
Select one:
a. Assertion - preference
b. Assertion - fact
c. Assertion - convention

d. Counterclaim
e. Claim
f. Assertion - opinion
The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:33 Saved: Counterclaim Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of
issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and
learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a simple memorization is
preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
Select one:
a. Assertion - opinion
b. Assertion - fact
c. Assertion - convention
d. Assertion - preference
e. Claim

f. Counterclaim
The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:33 Saved: Counterclaim Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically,
according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected
to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
Select one:
a. Assertion - convention
b. Assertion - preference
c. Assertion - opinion

d. Assertion - fact
e. Claim
f. Counterclaim
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:30 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:34 Saved: Assertion - fact Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as
shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares,
insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can
be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
Select one:
a. Counterclaim
b. Assertion - opinion

c. Assertion - fact
d. Claim
e. Assertion - preference
f. Assertion - convention
The correct answer is: Assertion - fact

Shortquiz 11

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
Select one:
a. conclusion
b. title
c. introduction

d. body
The correct answer is: body
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:36 Saved: body Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

Response history
Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there
will always be differences.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
Select one:
a. theme
b. setting
c. plot
d. dialogue
e. point of view
The correct answer is: setting
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:36 Saved: setting Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 24/02/17, 19:37 Saved: False Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:37 Saved: False Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
Select one:
a. title
b. conclusion

c. introduction
d. body
The correct answer is: introduction
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:37 Saved: introduction Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
Select one:
a. explanation of its relationship with other works
b. well-supported evaluation of the work

c. comparison with other relevant works

d. thorough discussion of the theme
e. abstract
The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answ

2 24/02/17, 19:37 Saved: comparison with other relevant works Answer sav

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
Select one:

a. conflict
b. character
c. dialogue
d. plot
The correct answer is: conflict
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 19:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 19:38 Saved: conflict Answer saved

3 26/02/17, 10:15 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager?
Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I
would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love? There is a
special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according
to folklore, vampires are sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire
story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic
love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel
scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird
taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire
clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
Select one:
a. What are some notable scenes in the story that the author would like to highlight?
b. What is the high point of the story?
c. How did the author make the story interesting?

d. What is the weakness of the plot?

The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?

Shortquiz 12

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
Select one:

a. project details
b. motivation
c. project summary
d. conclusion
e. introduction
The correct answer is: project details
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:36 Saved: project details Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
Select one:
a. conclusion
b. project details
c. introduction

d. motivation
e. project summary
The correct answer is: motivation
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:37 Saved: motivation Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to
Select one:

a. Preparation
b. Resources
c. Budget
d. Significance
The correct answer is: Resources
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:37 Saved: Preparation Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:37 Saved: False Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in
the society.
Select one:
a. Architecture and Environment

b. Deliverables
c. Timeline
d. Implementation Issues
The correct answer is: Deliverables
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:39 Saved: Deliverables Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of
the project.
Select one:
a. Deliverables

b. Architecture and environment

c. Timeline
d. Implementation issues and challenges
The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answer

2 24/02/17, 20:39 Saved: Architecture and environment Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The cover sheet must be in Answer format.
The correct answer is: APA
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:39 Saved: APA Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
Select one:
a. preparation
b. project plan
c. budget

d. resources
The correct answer is: budget
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:39 Saved: resources Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
Select one:
a. significance
b. project plan

c. goals and objectives

d. resources
The correct answer is: goals and objectives
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1 24/02/17, 20:36 Started Not yet answered

2 24/02/17, 20:40 Saved: goals and objectives Answer saved

3 24/02/17, 20:41 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This gives what the end product of the project is.
Select one:

a. Deliverables
b. Architecture and environment
c. Implementation issues and challenges
d. Timeline
The correct answer is: Deliverables

Shortquiz 13

Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: False
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Response history

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1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:05 Saved: True Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: True Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
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1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: False Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
Select one:
a. Opening statement
b. Reference
c. Technical/software skills
d. Educational qualifications
e. Contact details
f. Personal attributes

g. Key skills
h. Employment history
The correct answer is: Key skills
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1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: Key skills Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
Select one:
a. Contact details
b. Reference
c. Employment history
d. Key skills
e. Opening statement

f. Educational qualifications
g. Personal attributes
h. Technical/software skills
The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
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1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: Educational qualifications Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
Select one:

a. position, company, name

b. position, name
c. name, position, company
d. name, position
The correct answer is: name, position
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: name, position, company Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:06 Saved: position, company, name Answer saved

4 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Incorrect

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
Select one:
a. Contact details
b. Opening statement
c. Technical/software skills
d. Employment history
e. Reference
f. Key skills

g. Personal attributes
h. Educational qualifications
The correct answer is: Personal attributes
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:07 Saved: Personal attributes Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:07 Saved: True Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and
advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
Select one:
a. Contact details

b. Opening statement
c. Technical/software skills
d. Employment history
e. Personal attributes
f. Key skills
g. Educational qualifications
h. Reference
The correct answer is: Opening statement
Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 2/03/17, 14:02 Started Not yet answered

2 2/03/17, 14:07 Saved: Opening statement Answer saved

3 2/03/17, 14:07 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
Select one:
a. stress the interest for the job
b. specific qualifications fitting the employer's needs

c. how you learned about the position or the company

d. refer to the resume enclosed
The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company

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