Quotation Slip Asuransi Harta Benda - Hotel

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Quotation Slip

Asuransi Harta Benda

(Property All Risks Insurance dan Asuransi Gempa Bumi)

Type of Insurance / Jenis  Property All Risks Insurance as per Munich Re Wording
Asuransi  Asuransi Gempa Bumi as per Polis Standard Asuransi Gempa Bumi
Indonesia (optional)

The Insured / Owner of the building and other interest insured

Occupation / Okupasi Hotels, motels, inn and the like :
 29411 – certified below 3 star classification
 29412 – certified as 3 star and above

Construction / Konstruksi Kelas 1

Risk location / Letak Anywhere in Republic of Indonesia

Coverage / Risiko yang All risk of physical loss of or damage to the Insured’s Property from any cause
dijamin except as thereafter excluded in the policy

Interest Insured / Obyek Building & installation

Pertanggungan Contents
Equipment / Machinery

Sum Insured / Nilai Min IDR 2,500,000,000.00 sd IDR 400,000,000,000.00 (base on reinstatement value)
Deductible  Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft impact and smoke (flexas) : nil
 Riot strike malicious damage and civil commotion : 10% of claim minimum IDR
5,000,000.00 a.o.a
 Typhoon storm flood and water damage (TSFWD) : 10% of claim minimum IDR
2,500,000.00 a.o.a
 Others : IDR 1,000,000.00 a.o.a

Clauses / Klausula  All others contents clause (IDR 10,000,000 per item)
 Alteration and repair cost
 Appraisement clause (5%)
 Architect, surveyors, consultant engineer fees expenses clause (5% of sum
 Average Relief Clause (85%)
 Awning, Blinds, Signs or Other Outdoor Fixtures or fitting of Every Description
Clause limit IDR 25,000,000.00
 Banker’s clause (if any)
 Capital Addition Clause (10% of the sum insured)
 Civil authorities clause
 Computer Record Clause limit IDR 10,000,000.00
 Cost of Re-erection Clause limit IDR 20,000,000.00
 Designation Clause (Description of property insured)
 Electrical Short Circuit Clause
 Electrical data recognition clause (EDRC-A)
 Employees Personal Effects Clause (IDR 5,000,000.00 per item and in aggregate)
 Fire Brigades charges clause (limit IDR 100,000,000.00)
 Fire Extinguishing clause (Limit IDR 100,000,000.00)
 Flood, Windstorm, Tempest and water damage (4.3)
 General Interest Clause
 Impact by own vehicle clause
 Internal Removal Clause
 IT Hazard Clarification clause
 Landslide and Subsidence Clause
 Leased Property Clause
 Loss Notification Clause (30 days)
 Minor Alteration and repairs clause
 Misdescription clause
 Non Invalidation clause
 Notice of cancellation clause ( 30 days, expect RSMDCC : 3 days, EQVET : 5 days)
 Outbuilding clause
 Payment of Premium Warranty Clause (30 days)
 Payment on account clause (20%)
 Premises clause
 Public Authorities clause
 Reinstatement value clause
 Removal of Debris Clause (10% of SI)
 Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage plus Civil Commotion (CC) Endorsement
 Services clause
 Sprinkler leakage clause limit 10% of Sum Insured, deductible IDR 2.500.000,-
 Temporary removal clause
 Tenants improvements clause
 Vehicle Load Clause
 Workmen clause
 Dispute Clause
 Electronic Data Recognition Clause “A”
 Subject to APAR available and satisfied
 Subject to 24 hours security guards
Rate / Tarif Premi Property All Risks :

Flexas TSFWD RSMDCC Others Total

29411 0.08860% 0.05000% 0.00001% 0.00001% 0.13862%

29412 0.04830% 0.05000% 0.00001% 0.00001% 0.09832%

Asuransi Gempa Bumi Indonesia:

Rate sesuai OJK

Plus biaya polis dan administrasi IDR 62,000.00 per polis.

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