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4) Ivete Sangallo has many friends, but her life is her family.

She is completely in love with her big


' family and she loves to talk about them. Let's see her family members and their professions: (0.8
points - 0.1 each)

lvcte: Well, first my parents: my

fVYl o,h

G-fl,- i~ Maria

Sangallo. She is 68 years old and she is

~1 .J1~ ...


, .~~

. Her

profession is very important. My

FA '1H &-"12-- V

is Carlos Sangallo. He is 70. He does not work because of his aqe,: but his profession is very


too. He is a

RQI j (Ai O f


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5 I ~ '\l;' Q.. '1s

Mon ica



. I think her job is very difficult. He is a very young

to me!


Hisjob is fantastic! Ilove my farny. They are very irnportant

111. Reading

(2.0 points):


Read the text and answer the questions:

John Travolta's Life

One of the highly successful actors in Hollywood, John Travolta~';.: is famous for t:lisdancing and singing skills as well. Some of his movies . >ii are: Saturday Night Fever, Greese, ~U/~ Fiction, Look Who's Talking, Face Ladder 49, etc. John Travolta IS definitely one ofthe most respected ectorsjs . in Hollywood, Along with his acting ability,he is also a certified pilot . .1.}".. . . and owns personal planes. H is Iife is an interesting mix of h ighs and.' lows. John Travolta's full name is John Joseph Travolta.He was born on February 18, 1954 in Englewood, New Jersey. His father is a semi-professional football player named Salvatore Travolta and is from Italy.Helen Cecilia is his mother and is an actress and singer who acted and directed before becoming a high school English and drama teacher. She was from an Irish American


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