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\.Soil pH: The soil pH determination gives the idea of acidity or alkalinity of the soil. The ideal pH range for availability of nutrients is 6.5-7.5. A pH less than 4 indicates the presence of free acids generally from association of sulphides. A pH bellow 5.5 suggests the likely occurrence of exchangeable Alkalinity and a pH from 7.8 to 8.2 indicates presence of CaCO3. Estimation of Soil pH: 1. Take 5 grams of soil with the help of 5 gm spatula in to Plastic conical flask with cap. Add a pinch of activated carbon with the help of plastic red spoon to it. Add 10 ml of deionized water with the help of 10 ml measuring cylinder. Replace the cap and mix the contents for 5 minutes. Filter the suspension in to a 10 ml test tube with the help of a plastic funnel and filter paper. Collect 2 ml of filtrate into 10 mI test tube. Add 3 to 4 drops of pH Reagent and shake thoroughly. 8 Compare the color of the suspension with pii color chart and note down tne soil pH OPRON no The ratings of Soil pH are as under Soil pt Rating 9 = Harmful to ail crops. 8.9 : Harmfu! ic most of the crops. 68 - Good for ai! crops 6-5 2 Harmfui to most of the crops <5 - Harmful to all crops anic Carbon: Organic carbon place major role in deciding biological activity as well 4s fertility of the soil. Organic carbon content of soil in India is relatively lower aad manure support becomes mandatory. Soil organic carbon content up to 1 “ 2.0% increases soil porosity that suppose to growth of the soil ‘nicroorganisms. This increases availability of different nutrients to the plant, resulting in better crop yield. Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon: : Take 1gm of soil with the help of 1. gm spatula into plastic conical flask with cap. Add 10 ml of Organic carbon Reagent A with the help of 10 ml measuring cylinder to it. Add 10 ml of Organic carbon Reagent B with the help of 10 ml Measuring cylinder to it. Replace the cap and mix gently for 2 min and allow it to stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Filter through a given plastic furne! and filter paper. (Note: If soil contains more clay particle which can be seen by sticky nature of soil and the dull spies of filtrate then again filter the sclution with the help of given syringe ilter) 6. Compare the color of clean filtrate with the given color chart. ~ The organic carbon content of your soil is the assigned value of most matching color cn the standard chert. Ratings of Soil on the basis of Organic carbon x 1, <0.5% Low 2. 0.5%-1.0% Medium 3. >1.6% _ High ( Sufficient) WM. Soil Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N): \ More than 90% of soil Nitrogen exists in complex combination in the organic matter (humus) fraction. It becomes available to crops after breakdown to simple forms followed by mineralization This type of transformation is mostly biological in nature. Therefore methods involving in determination of mineral form Nitrogen i.e. NHa-N and NOo-N, Eptination of Soil Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N}: 1. Take 1 gm of soil with the help of 1 gm spatula into plastic conical flask with cap. 2. Add a pinch of Nitrate Reagent powder with the heip of plastic red spoon to the same samp’e flask. 3. Using 10 mi graduated cylinder measure 10 ml of deionized water and transfer it to the sample flask. 4, Repeat steps 1-3 for each soil sample under going extraction. 5.Cap and shake each flask vigorously for 2 minutes. 6. Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the flask into 10 ml test tube. 7. Add the content of Nitrate A tablet to sampte test tube. 8. Add the content of Nitrate B tablet to sampte test tu & 8. Replace the rubber cork and shake the test tube vigorously,until the tablets dissolved completely for 2 minutes. 10. After shaking, wait for 6 minutes reaction period complete. 11. Place the test tube on Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) color chart and compare with the chart 12. Record the Nitrate-Nitrogen in Kg/hec. Note: Soil extract quantity & time factor is very important color matching must be done immediately after 8 minutes from the time of mixing. Delay in time will lead to wrong result. \ IV. Soil Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N): DOH 204! foie Nessler's reagent, which is an alkaline solution of Mercury (II) lodide in Potassium Iodide, is used for the determination of Ammonium ions. In this method, Nessler's reagent is added to a solution of ammonium salt when a reaction occurs between the liberated ammonia and the reagent. The orange — brown product formed Fas tc be compared with color chart and Ammor } Nitrogen ( NH4-N ) is determined. fistimation of Soil Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N): 4. Take 1 gm of soil with the help of 1 gm spatula into plastic conical ‘iask with cap. 2. Using 25 ml graduated cylinder measure 15 ml of Nitrogen Ammonia | extractant and transfers it to the same sample flask. 3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each soil sample under going extraction. 4, Cap and shake each: flask vigorously for 2 minutes. 5. Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the flask into 10 ml test tube. 6. Add 4 drops of Ammonia Reagent 1 and replace the rubber cork and shake the test tube gently 7. Open the rubber cork and add 4 drops of Ammonia Reagent 2. Replace the rubber cork and shake the test tube vigorously for one minute 8. Place the test tube on Ammonical-Nitrogen color chart and compare with the chart and express the result as NH4-N Kg/hec. py. Available Phosphorous (P205) : Phosphorous in soil occurs as orthophosphate in several forms and combinations and only a small fraction of the total amount present may be available to plants which is of direct relevance in assessing the P fertility !evet For determining plant available P a Secs. i lution (0.5 jal 5 are commonly used. Sodium bi carbonate Soh rant ey eae used for neutral-alkaline soils, while the Me! soils. Available Phosphorous as P20s procedure : C fF Phosphorous Reagent C Preparation : 1. Take 1 full Plastic red spoon of Phosphorous Reagent A into 125 ml bottle. : inde 2. Add 50 mI of deionized water with the help of 25 ml measuring cylin | (2times), replace the cap and shake until it dissolves. ; ‘ j 3. Add 50 drops of Phosphorous Reagent B and add 47.5 ml deionized water an | shake vigorously. plastic Note: Reagent C does not keep for more than 24 hours at room temperature. Propared daily as required. Shsor neutral-alkaline soils Sodium bicarbonate extraction Procedure for soil he he IS goceerns: (CE ae peaaeat 1) Take 2 gm of Soil with the help of 2. gm spatula into pla cap 2) Add a pinch of activated carbon with the help of piastic red spoon to it. 3) Using 25 ml graduated cylinder measure 20 ml of Sodium bicarbonate oxtractan’ and transfer to the same sample flack. 4) Repeat steps 1-2 for each soil sample undergoing extraction. Note: To prevent confusion when working with several samples, label each sample flask with soil number. 4) Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the bottle into another flask. Rical flask with co! Sample analysis procedure : 1) Using the 19 mi measuring cylinder take 5 ml of the filtered sample extract in to conical f.ask. 2) Add 1 drop of p-nitro phenol and acidified with 5 N Sulphuric acid as crop wise with intermittent shaking till yellow color disappears. 3) Transfer the above solution (Step-2) into 10 mI test tube and then add 5 ml of Phosphorous Reagent C. 4) Roplace the cork and shake vigorously for 1 min. 5) Attor waiting for 5 min, place the test tube on Phosphorous color chart and compare with the chart. 6) Rocord the Phosphorous as P20s value in Kg/hec. 10 boftow 6 PY en / Fy Cw Cd) Mehlich extraction Procedure for soil Phosphorous Magnesium: ¢ jdm J pherous / 1) Take 2 gm of Soil with the help of 2 gm spatula into plastic conical flask with cap. 2) Add a pinch of activated carbon with the help of plastic red spoon to it 3) Using 25 ml graduated cylinder measure 20 ml of Mehlich extractant and transfer to the same sample flask. 4) Repeat steps 1-2 for each soil sample undergoing extraction. Note: To prevent confusion when working with several samples, iabel each sample flask with soil number. 5) Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the bottle into another flask. Use the filtered extract for Phosphorous, Calcium and Magnesium analysis nalysis procedure ; 1, Take 5 ml sample into 10 mi test tube and then add 5 ml of Phosphorous Reagent C. 2. Replace the cork and shake vigorously for 1 min. 3, After waiting for 5 min, place the test tube on Phosphorous color chart and compare with the chart 4, Record the Phosphorous as P20s value in Kg/hec 6 Hee estemet ioe Estimation of Calcium + Magnesium 1. Using the 3 ml dropper take 1 ml of the filtered sample extract in to 125 ml conical flask. Add 25 ml deionized water to the same conical flask. . Add 23 drops of Ca+Mg Buffer to the same conical flask. Open the EBT indicator tablet and add the conical flask. . Swirl to mix, The color will change to wine red if Ca + Mg is present. Add EDTA Standard solution drop wise while swirling to mix after each drop. Continue adding and counting the drops until the color changes to blue. 7. The Ca + Mg meq/100g is equal to the number of drops of EDTA standard solution used in step(6) X 5 factor. Paacn Ca + Mg méqi100g = No. of drops X 5 Z mM egecivaler! "1 Vi. Estimation of Calcium: Using the 3 mI dropper take 1 ml of the filtered sample extract in to 125 mi conical flank 2, Add 28 ml deionized water to the same conical flask. 3, Add 12 drops of Calcium Buffer to the same conical flask 4, Add one plantic red spoon of Calcium indicator powder to the same conical flank 5. Swirl to mix, The color will change to pink if Calcium is present. 6. Add EDTA standard solution drop wise while swirling to mix after each drop. Continue adding and counting the drops until the color changes to purple. The Calcium in meq/100g is equal to the total number of drops of EDTA atandarod solution used in step(6) X 5: Calcium meq/100g = No. of drops X 5 Vil. Egtimation of Magnesium : Magnesium in meq/t00g = Ca + Mg meq/100g - Ca meq/t00g, Vil Estimation of Available Potassium as K20 : iF 1. Take 2 9m of Soil with the help of 2 gm spatula into plastic conical flask with cap. 2. Using 25 ml graduated cylinder measure 20 ml of Potassium extractant and transfer to the same sample flask 3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each soil sample undergoing extraction, Note: To prevent confusion when working with several samples, label each sample flask with soil number. 4. Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the bottle into another flask. 5. Use the filtered extract for Potassium analysis. Sample analysis procedure : 1. Using the 3 ml dropper take 3 ml of the filtered sample extract in to 25 mi graduated Measuring cylinder. 2, Make up to 21 ml mark with deionized water. 3, Add 3 mI of Potassium Reagent 4 and firmly close the cylinder with finger and invert to mix. 4, Add 10 drops of Potassium Reagent 2 and invert to mix. 12 5. Add 2 plastic red spoons of Potassium Reagent 3 and firmly close the cylinder with finger and shake vigorously for 1 min. 6. Allow the solution to stand for § min but no longer than 10 min. A white turbidity will develop, 7. While looking straight down into the eylinder slowly insert the Potassium dip stick vertically into the solution until the black dot is no longer visible from above the cylinder, 8. Hold the dip stick in that position and see the scale on the dip stick. Look across the surface of the sample to the seale on the dip stick, 9. Record the number in mm on the dip stick scale where the surface of the sample meets the dip stick scale. 10. Repeat steps 7-9 two more times recording the value each time. Take the average of the 3 readings 11. Refer to the Potassium conversion table mention below to determine the level of Potassium in soil 12. When analysis is complete rinse the lab ware with deionized water. Potassium conversion table: Dip stick | Potassium as K | Potassium as | | Reading in mm In Kgihec_} Kgihec_| Result | > (ccearerae | < 150 Rowe | 125-250 150-300 Medium >a High] 4: zs 3 4. 5. imation of Available Sulphur Take 5 gm of Soil with the help of 5 gm spatula into plastic conical flask with cap. Using 10 ml graduated cylinder measure 10 mi of Sulphur extractant and transfer to the same sampie flask. Repeat steps 1-2 for each soil sample undergoing extraction. Note: To prevent corifusion when working with several samples, label each sample flask with soil number, Using a plastic funnel and filter paper, filter the content of the bottle into another flask, Use the filtered extract for Sulphur analysis, If the filtrate is turbidity (not Clare) then filter again by using plastic funnel and filter paper. 13 oe BIS Value PARAMETER Guidelines for mg/L allowable limit PH 6.5-8.5 otal Hardness as CaCo3 mg/l 600 mg/l otal Alkalinity as CaCos mg/l 600 mg/l Chloride as Cl mg/l 1000 mg/l +A Fluoride as F mg/l 4.5 mg/ _’| Residual Free Chlorine mg/l 1.0 mg/l Magnesium Mg mg/l A| Iron as Fe mg/l M4.0mgh © 0°34, 2) 4 Nitrate asNO3 mg/l | 45mgll A Turbidity Yontu (5 NTY) Odor Nil Color Colorless Calcium as ca mg/l 200 100 Report: The Water is POTABLE / NON POTABL NAME AND SIGNATURE: 24

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