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The Perception of Senior High School in New Learning


France Angela Docog

Unes Osien Masangcay
Jepherson L. Pagaran
Mark Joshua M. Pallen
Emman Raymundo
Carl James Tinio
Rouilyn Gabata
Mercy A. Golipapa
Shirley G. Roamar
Aliah Mae A. Salvadico

Group 2-Plato

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in


This study aims to determine the most convenient, accessible, and preferable
online application for online classes for the students. The researchers compared
facebook and google meet as a form of instruction of which of the two do students
feel comfortable and is student-friendly. To ensure that the findings are accurate
and valid, descriptive research design is being utilized to describe and analyze
the data being gathered. Also, to collect the needed data from the students of
Vicente Malapitan Senior High School, google forms were used to disseminate the
survey questionnaires from the different research respondents.
With the thorough study of this topic, it came to be found out that google meet
is the most preferable and convenient platform used by the students in the conduct
of online classes. With these responses, it also discovered that google meet can
be more interactive than facebook as it has a set of features enabling the student
to talk, participate, and engage with the lesson.

This study may not be possible with no out the support and guidance we
receive from Mrs. Dela Cruz our research teacher who greatly snares her
knowledge to us with patience and diligence in helping us in completing the
necessary works throughout the study.

Also we give thanks to our parents for their unconditional understanding and
for sharing us wisdom that inspires us to push beyond our limit and as well
as giving their financial and moral support.

We give thanks to our friends and classmates that spend their time and
consume a lot of effort to help us study.

We also give thanks to ourselves for continue cooperating until it’s completion
and helping each and everyone of the group encoding and editing of the
final copy.

Most of all, to our Almighty God for giving His endless blessings, knowledge
and strength to make this research.

CHAPTER I: The Problem and its Background

Most of the students from Vicente Malapitan Senior High School are utilizing some
online learning modalities such as google meet and facebook live. For this study
will discuss the comparative analysis of significant using of Fb live and google meet
in online class. In response to mounting concerns about the spread of COVID-19
and calls to contain the CoronaVirus, an increasing number of higher institutions
throughout the world have suspended face-to-face classes. The Corona virus has
exposed new flaws in educational systems all throughout the world. As we face
uncertain futures, it is apparent that society requires flexible and robust educational
systems. This study used a meta-analysis methodology and looked at relevant
literature to capture the essence of lifelong learning in these unique times.
According to the findings, colleges around the world are increasingly embracing
online learning, or E-Learning. Aside from resources, the findings show that staff
preparation, confidence, student accessibility, and motivation all play a role in ICT
integrated learning. Staff members should employ technology and technological
gadgets to boost learning, especially during these unusual occasions, according
to this exploratory article. The findings also suggest that in times of lockdowns and
social isolation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, online and remote learning may
be necessary. It also serves as a solid foundation for future study. As believed, All
participants must have reliable and secure internet connectivity. Real-time learning
provides a more immersive experience than previous forms of distance education.
Answers. Learners can use the internet to acquire material, complete and submit
tasks, and take part in webinars and virtual classes. The researchers believe that
this research will contribute to the teachers, school administrators and students. In
the significant use of Google Meet and Facebook live new learning modalities of
the student.

Research Gap

With the pandemic, Social media applications in new learning modalities are the
tools that teachers and students are using. Its goal is to bring together teachers
and students to study here. According to studies, educators and students gain from
using Google Meet and Facebook Live. Based on the analysis of the researchers
in 2020, did not mention or address what the prospective drawbacks of using
Google Meet and Facebook Live might be. Researchers have not debated or
analyzed whether remote learning is effective, or whether students are well-taught
and have learnt enough.

Research Questions
What is the perception of students about Facebook Live and Google Meet Online?

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusion,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in
familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

The author’s thesis is about The New Normal in Education. The main argument
she’s making is regarding the difficulties that private basic education schools in the
Philippines are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The assumptions
that the author makes is that every private basic education institution must take
measures to reopen their schools. Also, there are many aspects of online learning
including children from private basic education institutions. In addition, teaching all
aspects of basic education Institutions must have a learning continuity plan (LCP)
as well as a health and safety strategy. The implications of re-opening of schools
that private basic education institutions must accomplish. Because there are few
studies on the subject, the existing condition acts as a springboard for further
research. Children are more exposed to face-to-face learning by nature, but due
to circumstances, they must move to e-learning without any bridging programs.
These are the concepts that have been given by the author. First, it outlines the
government’s criteria as well as the obstacles that must be overcome. In
accordance with the orders issued by the schools Furthermore, All private basic
education establishments must comply with all DepEd requirements. If teaching
and learning are pursued for the current school year, the government's standards
must be met. One of its strengths is that it uses literature-based techniques, which
is an excellent tool for analyzing data. Provide a description, summary, and critical
assessment of the available literatures as information sources. It can also be
defined as a method of gathering and storing data in a methodical manner.
Combining and synthesizing prior research. Children are more likely to be exposed
to face-to-face learning by nature, but as the years pass, the number of children
exposed to face-to-face learning declines. As a result of the circumstances, there
will be no time to migrate to e-learning. As the old adage goes, “experience is the
best teacher,” and the author recommends a comprehensive investigation into the
topic. Many aspects of online learning engage pupils at private elementary
schools. One of the insights I realized is that almost all private basic education
institutions are, without a doubt, facing significant challenges. The impact of the
covid-19 epidemic has posed a number of issues. The government's directive on
the cancellation of face-to-face classes until a vaccination is available has had an
effect on enrolment data from the most basic private educational establishments
The number of students enrolled has decreased. As a result of the economic
slump, parents who could afford expensive private school tuition lost their jobs.
During the pandemic, they lost their employment. Furthermore, the abrupt shift in
teaching and learning The school proprietors were burdened and under pressure
as a result of the modality.

Research 8 entitled review of literature " Blended Learning - An Approach in

Philippines Basic Education Curriculum in New Normal." The researcher used
different literature to review an article from 2011-2020 including documents from
Hokkaido University of Education and Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College to
obtain qualified information purified by the method of applying document analysis
done by the two researchers. The results showed that blended learning used long
ago by higher education (HEIs), were experienced by graduate programs and
professional development but in 2007 the Philippines emerged the Blended
learning which is called Center of Blended Learning. Since then it has received
positive responses from both parents and students. In addition, it has been
adapted to some subjects under distance learning. The history shows the benefits
of Blended learning were : a) The use of BL in education helps students engage
positively in all activities b) and helps increased behavior towards learning, and
empowered to become leaders, coaches, and mentors to fellow students. Those
benefits mentioned above create expectations for the instruments of education like
teachers because they are vital in implementing blended learning. Now the DepEd
has proposed various kinds of distance learning specially one of those is blended
learning but there are challenges like lack of facilities, gadgets and connectivity
problems faced by the DepEd. Particularly the education sectors ask for help from
government agencies, private individuals and organizations to support the
proposal. The study made by the two researchers in accordance with blended
learning suggests that to get in touch with the experts to conduct studies in blended
learning in order to help the education system in a new normal. Those suggestions
to better the blended learning are : a) Each school must document all the positive
and negative experiences with bl. b) DepEd consolidates all the collected
undertakings during a pandemic and creates a framework to enhance it.

In light of the rising concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and calls to contain
the CoronaVirus, a growing number of tertiary institutions have shut down in
regards to face-to-face classes globally. The Corona virus has revealed emerging
vulnerabilities in education systems around the world. It is now clear that society
needs flexible and resilient education systems as we face unpredictable futures. A
meta-analysis methodology was adopted for this study and pertinent literature was
visited to capture the essence of continued learning during these unprecedented
times. Findings reveal that universities worldwide are moving more and more
towards online learning or E-Learning. Findings also reveal that apart from
resources, staff readiness, confidence, student accessibility and motivation play
important functions in ICT integrated learning. This exploratory paper proposes
that staff members should use technology and technological gadgets to enhance
learning especially during these exceptional times. Findings also propose online
and remote learning as a necessity in times of lockdowns and social distancing
due to COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides a strong platform for further research.
Despite being geographically remote during teaching, online distance learning
(ODL) uses the teacher as a facilitator, encouraging active participation of learners
through the use of various internet-based tools. The internet is utilized to facilitate
student-teacher and peer-to-peer communication. The ability to teach in a
synchronous fashion is made possible through online learning.

The study was carried out to better understand the effectiveness of using
Facebook’s Group feature in distance learning as an alternative to various learning
management systems, particularly during the COVID-19 epidemic. The 96
Business administration students studying in a polytechnic university branch in the
First District of Camarines Sur, the Philippines, were given a pretest posttest
control group design using a quasi-experimental research methodology. Students’
academic achievement was evaluated using a test created by the researcher.
When compared to traditional classrooms, the utilization of Facebook Groups in
virtual classrooms significantly enhanced students’ academic achievement.

Strong and secure internet access is required for all participants. Real-time
learning is more immersive than other types of distance learning. answers.
Learners can access information online, complete and submit assignments, and
participate in webinars and virtual classrooms. Courses. A learning management
system or comparable technology can be used to accomplish this fast.

Both educators and students benefit from the new interactive method, which uses
the media application Google Meet to create new information and experiences.
Through novel participatory ways, fresh information and experience are gained
Building knowledge and student learning outcomes and skills is one of the tasks
of schools. Students study at home using programs that educators and students
have agreed on. The learning room, which was previously a classroom in a school
setting, has been renamed the Google Meet application room. Google Meet is a
multimedia platform for online learning that is both interactive and alternative. In
indirect learning activities, Google Meet Assist Educators employ the lecture
technique. Students are supposed to benefit from interactive learning in terms of
information acquisition and learning outcomes.
Reading and bringing books closer to pupils is a natural strategy to stimulate the
development of knowledge and learning outcomes while also facilitating the
learning process. When online learning is used to help kids be more creative and
original in order to follow the learning process optimally, parents can assist them
in reading books. Educators encounter issues related to changing learning
planning instruments that are important for controlling a variety of things, including
knowledge building and learning outcomes.

The lecture approach has benefits in terms of educator control over learning, but
it has drawbacks in terms of passive pupils and educators as dominant speakers.
Educators can use the lecture technique to manage classrooms with a large
number of pupils in a single subject. In the delivery of learning information,
question and answer between educators and students as part of the process of
building knowledge and learning outcomes, the lecture style is increasingly
prominent. The process of reading, which is a supporting component for students
in gaining knowledge, is one of the supports in the lecture method.

Distance education, often known as online learning, is a sort of technology-based

education that allows students to attend classes from afar. It’s also a sort of
education that brings together academics and students from all around the world.
They give students several distance-based degrees and master’s programs, yet
maintain their basic face-to-face format. On the one hand, some authors have
noted that online teaching can be synchronous when students and teachers both
log in at the same time and communicate in real time. In asynchronous instruction,
on the other hand, in asynchronous teaching, the teacher and students do not have
to be in the same room at the same time. The class is usually recorded, and
students can watch it at any time.

The pandemic had no effect on this form of instruction, which was already in place
prior to the outbreak. Distance education is distinguished by the presence of an
existing organizational infrastructure that enables the development of educational
objectives for online learning. This style of instruction, i.e., distance education,
should not be confused with emergency remote education. Teachers may be
obliged to quickly adapt their pedagogical activity to a virtual environment in
unusual events that obstruct the normal running of institutions and face-to-face
educational centers. This is referred to as “emergency non-face-to-face teaching”
in this context. From March to June 2020, all teaching methods in Spain were
completely online. The pandemic necessitated emergency remote instruction,
which was frequently improvised in the absence of assured or adequate
infrastructure support.

Due to the lack of infrastructure, the primary source of advice and early assistance
10 / 10 for non-expert distance teachers was centered on offering the technology
tools accessible at each institution, which were deemed acceptable to enable the

CHAPTER III: Method and Procedures


Research Design
In this study, The researchers utilized the descriptive research design method. The
Researchers also use surveys In this study. This method was used to describe,
collect, and Analyze data that the researchers gathered in The Perception of
Senior High School Students on The New Learning Modalities determining the
Descriptive research design can be considered as the structure of research. It is
the "glue" that holds all of the components in a research project together, in short,
it is a plan of the proposed research work.
Sampling and Participants
The researchers used random sampling in determining randomly selected subsets
of a population. In this sampling method, each member of the population has an
exactly equal chance of being selected. The researchers follow a random selection
of individual inhabitants of the students for a year, asking detailed questions about
their physiological health in order to draw conclusions about the researchers using
random sampling in determining randomly selected subsets of a population. In this
sampling method, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of
being selected. The researchers follow a random selection of individual inhabitants
of the students for a year, asking detailed questions about their perspective in new
learning modalities in order to draw conclusions about the whole population of the
students. The sample size is 169 and the population is 897, generate 169 random
numbers between 1 to 897.

The researchers want to select a simple random sample of 169 students of Vicente
Malapitan Senior High School during the school year 2021-2022 as the
respondents of the study.

The researchers employed the use of online survey questionnaires in gathering
data from the respondents. The survey questionnaire was divided into two parts:
Part I consists of multiple choices about FB Live as a new learning modality and
their perspective in whether they agree or not in the statement while Part II also
consists of multiple choices about Google Meet as a new learning modality and
their perspective in whether they agree or not in the statement.

Data Gathering Procedure

Once the researchers have a final decision on what design the research is going
to be. The first step used is to ask permission from the Grade 12 students of
Vicente Malapitan Senior High School, which is the respondents to conduct the
survey. But before answering the prepared questionnaire, the researchers utilize
a Facebook page to serve as a virtual place for the communication purposes with
respondents. This platform is used to know what the study is about and explains
the purpose of the study to all respondents, for them to have a proper knowledge
about the topic before answering. Also, researchers post the link of google form in
their official Facebook page which is the questionnaire, as well as to remind them
on how to answer the survey properly. When all respondents finished to answer
the given survey, the researchers checked, analyzed, and interpreted the survey

Data Analysis
To effectively comprehend data. The following are the methods that the researcher
will use: To the statistical analysis Data is interpreted using the mean and
Mean will be used to determine the assessment of the respondents with regards
to their personal profiles. The Percentage will be employed to determine the
frequency counts and percentage distribution of personal related variables of the

Data Analysis Continued

The chosen statistical tool to analyze the data collected from research instruments
is the mean. From the survey questionnaire results answered by chosen
participants of grade 11 students population of Vicente Malapitan Senior High
School it will be analyzed /expressed by means.
These are the key points to help us do statistics. The sum of a set of numbers
divided by the number of numbers in the set is the arithmetic mean, also known as
the average or simply the mean. Percentages is denoted by the sign percent (%),
which simply means "per hundred".
CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data


Table 1
Respondent as to their Gender
Gender Frequency (1) Percentage (%)
Male 71 42
Female 98 58
Total 169 169

The table 1 presents the frequency and percentage of the respondents according
to their gender. The 71 male out 169 respondents and 98 female out of 169
respondents. In this table most of our respondents is female with 58% while male
is 42%.
Table 2
Respondent as to their Age
Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
17 below 94 56%
18 Above 75 44%
TOTAL 169 169

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage of the respondents

According to their age, There is 94 respondent in 17 years old below, and
75 respondent in 18 years old above.
The given data reveal that most of our respondents are 17 year old and
Above with the 56% out of 169 respondents.

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Effectiveness of
Facebook Livestream as Platform for Video Lesson.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 83 47.42%
Strongly agree 20 11.42%
Disagree 56 32%
Strongly disagree 16 9.14%

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the perception of

Senior High School students on the effectiveness of Facebook livestream as a
juncture for video lesson. Based on the results, majority of the respondents
(47.42%) agreed that this strategy imposes positive effect on the delivery of the
lesson. It is then followed by the respondents which garnered (32%) votes
who disagreed that Facebook livestream can give positive effect. Followed by,
Strongly agree with (11.42%) responses, and the least votes is “Strongly disagree
with (9.14%) responses.
Table 1 shows that utilizing Facebook livestream is effective and beneficial in
video lessons.

Table 1.1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the difficulties of Facebook live
streaming platform in terms of maintaining the focus of the students.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 83 47.42%
Strongly agree 42 24%
Disagree 43 24.57%
Strongly disagree 7 4%

Table 1.1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on the difficulties of
Facebook live stream In maintaining the focus of the students. Based on the
responses gathered, majority of respondents (47.42) agreed that Facebook live
stream have bad effect in maintaining the focus of the students. Followed by,
(24.57) response to Disagree that Facebook live streaming is difficult for students.
Followed by, (24%) response that respondents Strongly agreed. And the least
response is Strongly disagree with (4%) votes.
Table 1.1 shows that Facebook live streaming is difficult in maintaining the
focus of the students.
Table 1.2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the conveniently of Facebook live
streaming in terms of online classes.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 83 47.42%
Strongly agree 42 24%
Disagree 43 24.57%
Strongly disagree 7 4%

Table 1.2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on the conveniently
of Facebook live streaming in terms of online classes of the students. Based on
the results, majority of the respondents (42.52%) Disagreed that Facebook live is
convenient in terms of online classes of student. Followed by, Agreed with
(33.90%) responses. Followed by, strongly agreed with (13.21%) responses. And
the least response is strongly disagreed with (10.34%) that Facebook is
convenient in terms of online classes.
Table 1.2 show that Facebook live streaming is not convenient in terms of
online classes of the students.

Table 1.3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the cost in cellular data of utilizing
Facebook live for video lessons.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 89 50.28%
Strongly agree 46 25.98%
Disagree 34 19.20%
Strongly disagree 8 4.51%
Table 1.3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on the cost expenses
in cellular data on utilizing Facebook live for video lessons. Based on the data
gathered, most of the respondents (50.28%) agreed that Facebook live stream
cost more in cellular data for video lessons. While, (25.98%) strongly agreed.
Followed by, (19.20%) Disagreed responses. And the least disagreed with
(4.51%) votes.
Table 1.3 shows that utilizing Facebook for video lessons cost more in cellular

Table 1.4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the improvement of Facebook live for
video lesson in school performance.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 49 28.99%
Strongly agree 16 9.46%
Disagree 85 50.29%
Strongly disagree 19 11.24%

Table 1.4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on the improvement
of Facebook live in the school performance of students. Based on the results
gathered, majority of the respondents (50.29%) Disagreed that Facebook live
improve the performance of student in school. While, respondents agreed with
(28.99%) votes that Facebook live improved the school performance of students.
Followed by, strongly agreed with (11.24%) responses. And the least responses is
strongly agreed with (9.46%) votes.
Table 1.4 show that Facebook live is not helpful for students in improving
their school performance.
Table 2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Effectiveness of Google Meet as an
Online Learning platform available.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 88 51.16%
Strongly Agree 66 38.37%
Disagree 16 9.30%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.16%

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the effectiveness

of Google Meet as an online learning platform available using the rating scale
method. The table shows that the majority of the respondents (51.16%) Agree that
Google Meet is effective as their online learning platform. It is then followed by
"Strongly Agree" (38.37%) of votes from those who strongly agree that Google
Meet is effective as their mode of learning. "Disagree" received (9.30%) of
responses, and the least popular vote was "Strongly Disagree" with only (1.16%)
of votes.

Table 2.1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution in terms of Google Meet makes it easier
for students to study than Facebook Live.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 81 46.55%
Strongly Agree 54 31.03%
Disagree 34 19.54%
Strongly Disagree 5 2.87%

Table 2.1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of Google
Meet, making it easier for students to study than Facebook Live using the rating
scale method. The tables shows that most of the students (46.55%) voted for
"Agree" that Google Meet is an easier platform to study than Facebook Live. Then
it is followed by "Strongly Agree" with (31.03%) of votes from those who strongly
agree that Google meet is better than Facebook Live in terms of studying.
Followed by, "Disagree" with (19.54%) and 34 votes. The last and the least is
"Strongly Disagree" with (2.87%) and 5 votes only.

Table 2.2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on Students' efficiency in completing
schoolwork would be improved by using Google Meet.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 98 56%
Strongly Agree 47 26.85%
Disagree 23 13.14%
Strongly Disagree 7 4%

The table presents the frequency and percentages distribution on Student's

efficiency in completing school work would be improved by using Google meet.
The highest frequency are on the response on agree with the total frequency of 98
and highest on percentages with 56%. Followed secondly by strongly agree of 47
frequency and 28.85% percentages. Responses to disagree with the frequency of
33 and percentages of 13.24%. The lowest response gathered is on strongly
disagree, with a frequency of 7 and percentages of 4%.

Table 2.2 shows that Students' efficiency in completing schoolwork would be

improved by using Google Meet.
Table 2.3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on Google Meet as a great tool for video
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 96 54.85%
Strongly Agree 48 27.4%
Disagree 26 14.85%
Strongly Disagree 5 2.85%

The table presents the frequency and percentages distribution on Google meet as
a great tool for video Lesson. The highest frequency on the response on agree
with the total frequency of 96 and highest on percentages with 54.85%.
Followed secondly by strongly agree of 48 frequency and 27.4%
percentages. Responses to disagree with the frequency of 26 and percentages of
14.85%. The lowest response gathered among is the response on strongly
disagree, frequency 5 and percentages of 2.85%.

Table 2.3 shows that Google Meet is a great tool for video lessons.

Table 2.4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on Google Meet as a difficult digital
platform to use in terms of maintaining the focus of students and audiences.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Agree 50 28.90%
Strongly Agree 22 12.71%
Disagree 87 50.28%
Strongly Disagree 14 8.09%
The table presents the frequency and percentages distribution on Google meet as
a difficult digital platform to use in terms of maintaining the focus of students
and audiences. The highest frequency are on the response on disagree with the
total frequency of 85 and highest on percentages with 50.28% Followed secondly
by agree of 50 frequency and 28.90% percentages. Responses to strongly agree
with the frequency of 22 and percentages of 12.71% . The lowest response
gathered among is the response on strongly disagree with the14
frequency and percentages of 8.09%.

Table 2.4 shows that Google Meet is not a difficult digital platform to use in terms
of maintaining the focus of students and audiences.
CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion &
Chapter V
This chapter presents the summary of the study which includes findings from the
gathered data, the conclusion drawn from these findings and recommendation.


The following are the findings accumulated from the data gathered through
questionnaires in google form.

164 of respondents were asked 10 questions regarding their perspective in new

learning modalities.

1 Profile of the respondents 1.1 In table 1, seventy-one percent (71%) out of

169 respondents are male while ninety-eight percent (98%) are female. 1.2 the
table 2, ninety-four (94) or ninety four percent (94%) of there respondents of aging
17 below and other seventy-five percent (75%) respondents of aging 18
above.Table 1 Effectiveness of Facebook Livestream as Platform for video
lessons. This table shows that utilizing Facebook Livestream is effective and
beneficial in video lessons with an average vote of 47.42% out of hundred percent.
Table 1.1 Difficulties of Facebook Live streaming platform in terms of maintaining
the focus of the students. This table shows that Facebook live streaming is difficult
in maintaining the focus of the students with an average vote of 47.42% or half of
the respondents' votes. Table 1.2 Conveniently of Facebook live streaming in
terms of online class. This table shows that Facebook Live streaming is not
convenient in terms of online class of the students with an average vote of 47.42%
out of hundred percent. Table 1.3 The Cost in cellular data of utilizing Facebook
Live for video lessons. This table shows that utilizing Facebook for video lessons
cost more in cellular data with an average vote of 50.28%. Table 1.4 Improvement
of Facebook Live for video lessons in school performance. This table shows that
Facebook for video lessons is not helpful for students in improving their school
performance with an average vote of 50.29% out of hundred percent. Table 2
Effectiveness of Google Meet as an online Learning platform available. This table
shows that utilizing Google Meet is beneficial for students in their online class with
an average vote of 51.16% Table 2.1 Google Meet makes it easier for students to
study than Facebook live. This table shows that most of the students agree that
Google Meet helps them to easily understand the lesson with an average vote of
46.55% Table 2.2 shows that Students' efficiency in completing schoolwork would
be improved by using Google Meet with an average vote of 56% out of hundred
percent. Table 2.3 Google Meet as a great tool for video lessons, this table show
that Google meet is better than video lesson from Facebook with an average votes
of 54.85% Table 2.4 shows that Google Meet is not a difficult digital platform to
use in terms of maintaining the focus of students and audiences with an average
votes of 50.28%

During this Covid-19 pandemic where a traditional face-to-face class changed to
online class learning. This research study's purpose was to determine the
perception of students to online learning modalities like google meet and Facebook
upload. This is because the usage of online learning modalities in coping and
bridging education to students becomes new alternative ways to ease covid-19
restrictions effects. Currently, new normal learning brings challenges that students
face like the effectiveness of Google meet and Facebook to live for students to
continue education. Researchers can conclude that participants must have reliable
and secure internet connectivity after all. Real-time learning provides a more
immersive experience than previous forms of distance education. Ideally, when
learning modalities manage useful and ineffective ways, with regards to students'
perceptions of Facebook live and Google meet Online, their preference for it shows
which is less effective and no quality or opposite. Like students of Vicente
Malapitan Senior high school perception on which online learning modalities are
effective to them (performance, learning, financial, experience) stated that google
meet and Facebook live contribute good and bad to them based on their
experience. Students of the now and until then will indeed demand more learning
support that is appropriate for their situation.
Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were
proposed by the respondents: it is recommended that issues encountered by the
students in new learning modalities should be highly addressed, to secure the best
way on how to improve the skill and abilities of the student in new learning
modalities. Some of the high recommendations from the respondents are to use
the Google meet instead of facebook live because it is more convenient and
improves the school performance of all students. Since this study had only focused
on issues encountered by Vicente Malapitan Senior High School students in new
learning modalities, it is also recommended that further study be carried out on the
students from other schools to see whether there are any similarities in the
findings. Furthermore, it is also recommended that future researchers may apply
the findings of the present study for them to make a much
better solution for this study.

Appendix I
Survey Question
The Perspective of Senior High School Students in the New Learning Modalities
Name ____________________________


o Aristotle
o Caktiong
o De Ayala
o Descartes
o Euclid
o Gates
o Gokongwei
o Heidegger
o Henry Sy
o Hilton
o Jobs
o Kant
o Leibniz
o Marriott
o Mars
o Plato
o Pritzer
o Pythagoras
o Other ________

Part I
Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. FB Live is an effective platform for video lesson A

g g g g
Ar Ar Ar Ar
g e
g e
g ge
er er er er
e S
e S
e S
e tr
e tr
e etr
o o o o
2. FB Live is a difficult digital platform in terms of

maintaining the focus of the students or the audience.

3. FB Live is more convenient in terms of online class.

4. FB Live cost a lot in cellular data g g g g
Ar Ar A r Ar
5. Using FB Live will improve my school performance. g g
e eg
e g
Aer A er A
e r Aer
e S g
e g
S Sge
tr r e
tr r e
tr r tr er
o S e
o e
o S
Part II e e e
tr e
n tr
n n
S S S S o
Agree o
g Stronglyo o
g Agree Disagree Stronglyg Disagree
nl tr
nl tr
nl trnl
g y o
y o
gy oyg
Anl A nl nl
A Anl
1. Google Meet is the most efficient online platform g g gy gy
y y g
Agl Al
A l A
A Ar A r
for online learning. gyr g
y gy eyg
e g
e g
2. Students learn on Google Meet than Facebook r
A A r A r Ae rr
er er e r
AD A e e e
e D g
e eA
D DgeA
Live. e
ger e
g r e g
r e
erg i
ei ei
Srei S e r S
e r S
es r
3. Using Google Meet would enhance my D s D s Ds
e e tr
e tr
e e etr
aA e i
Aai Aai aA i
e o
e o go
effectiveness in doing school works. gD g s D
g s
g D
gseg D seg
S S n n S n
rar arri arir rir
4. Google Meet is an effective platform for video gs
tr g
s gstre sg
eg e g
e e e
la Ag e
o l A
ol A orl
lesson. e e r e a
er a
e re a
e e
nS g y
n y ng y g
S g
e SS g
er g
S SgeS
5. Google Meet is a difficult digital platform in terms grtr
tr r A
tr g r A
e g
r A
tr e rgr
A l Ae e
g A gA e
oS e o
S e e
oo l ool
Of maintaining the focus of the students or the o e e e
n y
r e
yn e
ntrg n
e ro S er e eS r
gS g A
gog gA
o gr SgoA g
e tr
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yg o o
yy o
gyn y oyy
n iy ng n
A n l S
AD nil
e nS
D e
Ail DnS A eil
gs g g g
Appendix II
gg yi tr
y i gsye
gil gsye gi
D l o
D l
arl aD o D aD o l
D D s D s lr s lr
y y y y
ea iyi eg
n yii g yneii aygn eii
esD r
g s
sse Dgse
A grs
g g g g
D l
r D e
a l
aD a
l e
gg r ye
g e y e yr
is gsi g
e sgi esgg i
A Ae
r S Ae r S A er r
Tupas and Linas (2020). Blended learning: An Approachsa er in Philippinessa
er Basic a
ee r s a
Curriculum s in
e e
e tr eg tr
e e
New Normal from Universal Journal of Education Research g
ae 8 (11), 5505. aeg g
ea g a
o D orr o Dr eD
o r
e gee ee rg re
ere i e n i n i n e i
S S er eSer eSr
es esg g s g e s
Ali, Wahab. (2020). Google Scholar. Toronto, Canada: Canadian etr
Centere etre
of Science etr
e and Education. e
o l Daol D
oal D a
o l
e e e e
nyi g nyi yng i ygn i
amidst+pandemic&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DhLj6M4SW5xYJ S S S S
gs r Dsgr D g sr Dg sr
tr tr tr tr
a eil
a e
ail eil
o o o o
gsy esy
g s e
yn s e
g y
n n n
D r SD ar a DS r aS
D r
g g g g
e tr
e g g tr
e g tr
l li il li
e syr o
e sr r
e o
y y y
a Snae eS an eS n
gi gg
tr ei eg g
tr etrg
l l l ol

A Abante, R Cruz, D Guevarra, Maria Isabel B Lanada, (2021) A Comparative Analysis on the Challenges
of Online Learning Modality and Modular Learning Modality: A Basis for Training Program.

Borges, S., & Mello-Carpes, P. B. (2015). Undergraduate

Students as promoters of science dissemination: a strategy to

Increase students’ interest in physiology. Advances in

Physiology Education, 39(2), 133-136.

Jimenez, L., Manzanal, A., & Baridon, D. (2019). Reading literacy and metacognition in spanish adult
education centre. European Journal for Research on The Education and Learning of Adults Doi:

Paris C. (2014). Lecture Method: Pros, cons, and teaching alternatives.Udemy.Retrieved

From: /.

Adedoyin, O. B., and Soykan, E. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and
opportunities. Interact. Learn. Environ. Doi: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1813180

Appendix III
Personal Data Sheet
France Angela P. Docog

4921 Dalanghita St. Sanvicente Ferer,

Caloocan City

Mobile Number : 09380764488

Email: docogfranceangela@gmail.con

To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my
learnings, knowledge, and skills.

Summary of Qualifications
Extremely motivated and imaginative person. I simply come up with something
new in terms of drawing. I'm open to new ideas and welcome new experiences.

Educational Background

Primary: Caloocan North Elementary School

Secondary: Camarin High School
Mercy A. Golipapa

3481 San Vicente Ferrer Duhat Street Camarin,

Caloocan, City

Mobile number: 09197644035


Objective: To gain knowledge or to achieve new insights about the research we

conducted and for all respondents and readers of this study.

Summary of Qualifications: I am confident to say that, as a student or a citizen I’m

reliable in my responsibilities or tasks given to me. And that’s one characteristic I
will carry along with; until my last breath.

Educational Background:

Primary: Caloocan North Elementary School (CNES)

Secondary: Camarin High School
Roamar, Shierly G.

Address: Brgy 178, Sitio 4 Purok 5

Vanguard Camarin Caloocan City.

Mobile Number: 09772179702


I am a detailed person so when it comes to giving information I do things very quiet
seriously even if it is so small. When it comes to deadline of works, I passed it
before deadline, as early as possible, or during deadline. I am a person that when
I said I am focused, I am really focused.

Summary of Qualifications
Honestly, for me I am just a normal students that doing my best to always prioritize
my study and maintain a good work atleast for me. I confidently want to say that I
can work well with my classmates. I know how to place my self to better
synchronized to different harmony of other students.

Educational Background
Primary: Caloocan North Elementary School
Secondary: Camarin High School
Rouilyn P. Gabata

1562 Gerald St. Laforteza subd.

Area B, Camarin Caloocan City

Mobile Number : 09637185813


Motivated student who demonstrates strong work
ethics and creativity.

Summary of Qualifications
experience of composing, editing in creative way. capacity multi-task Under

Educational Background

Primary: Camarin Elementary School

Secondary: Camarin High School
Tinio, Carl James Rosadiñio

12444 Adcnai. Sanvicente Ferer, Camarin Caloocan City

Mobile Number: 09128745056

Email: carljamestinio04@gmail.con

I'm a motivated student and have creative ability. I'm also extremely results-
oriented and proactive in addressing and resolving problems. To obtain a
challenging position that will allow me to utilize my skills and experience to make
a difference. And to attain a position where I can provide my accomplishments,
knowledge, leadership abilities and organizational skills.

Summary of Qualifications
I’m Greatly impelled to constantly develop my skills and grow better in my
profession. I am confident in my ability and skills to accomplish the task given to
me. Moreover, I want to share my positive vibes with my workmates.

Educational Background

Primary: Caloocan North Elementary School

Secondary: Cielito Zamora Junior High School
Pallen, Mark Joshua M.

1650 Ilang Ilang st. Area B Camarin, Caloocan city

Mobile No.



My best trait is that I am very understanding and I make time to find the best
solution for a specific problem. Sometimes I do put myself in that shoes to
understand the situation and find the most convenient solution. I am also
hardworking in all the tasks I do and I make sure that I know the instructions well
so that I can avoid mistakes that may lead to making another which can waste

Summary of Qualifications

The leadership that I have is that I can help my workmates find where they can
contribute the most and I am also open and willing to listen to their differents
thoughts, ideas and beliefs. I can finish my task prior the due date because nothing
is more good than accomplishing your tasks early. I also want to have a good
relationship with the people that surround me at work so I can communicate to
them easily.

Educational Background

Primary: Pleasant hills elementary school

Secondary: Mataas na paaralang Neptali Gonzales

Name: Masangcay, Unes Osien M.

Address: 1650 Ilang-ilang St. Area B. Camarin Caloocan City

Mobile Number: 09614500430


I'm just a normal student, but I have a creative ability. I'm also a good listener and
proactive in giving attention and resolving the tasks that have been given to me. I
will use my abilities to build a better future for myself and to solve problems and
find answers that are extremely hard to find. Being a good listener allows me to be
more productive and a valuable member of my group as I organize and analyze
the tasks assigned to me by the leader.

Summary of Qualifications
I'm driven desire to improve my professional abilities and capabilities on a regular
basis. I am confident in my capacity to do the assignment that has been assigned
to me. In addition, I want to be able to communicate effectively with all of the people
with whom I work.

Educational Background

Primary: Camarin Elementary School (Main)

Secondary: Camarin High School

Emman E. Raymundo
10820 Phase 6 Package 2B Camarin, Caloocan City

Mobile No.

I am a curious and helpful student. When I am given a task or responsibility, I will
be inspected for what I perform. I make certain that what I do is correct so that the
end result is positive. Investigative work benefits me since it teaches me how to
come up with the best and most appropriate solution.

Summary of Qualifications
I'm pleased with the progress I've made in terms of skills and knowledge. I am
proud of myself since I am carrying out the tasks that have been assigned to me.

Educational Background

Primary: Caloocan North Elementary School

Secondary: Camarin High School
Pagaran, Jepherson Lodripas

5351 Guyabano Street San Vicente Ferrer Camarin Caloocan City

Mobile Number: 09091726557



I am a creative and imaginative student. I am also one of the students who fights
to prove to others that I can also help, especially when it comes to academic
performance. I can also lead because when I was in junior high school I became
the president of our classroom, throughout the year I was president I did my job or
role. I do the same as a student in the middle of a pandemic, it is difficult to study
especially in the new type of education but I try and devote my time to finish what
I have to do or be asked to do.

Summary of Qualifications:

I am ready to face the problems that will be given to me. I am also ready to listen
to the grievances or suggestions of my colleagues to improve the results of what
we do. I am confident in myself that I can do what I am asked to do.
Educational Background:

Primary: Camarin D. Elementary School

Secondary: Cielito Zamaro Junior High School

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