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2019 (A) RolfNo; INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12 CLASS) PHYSICS PAPER (NEWSCHEME) ——_ GROUP-1 ‘TIME ALLOWED: 2.40 Hours ‘SUBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 68 NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book; 4 given in the question paper. SECTION-I Attempt any eight parts, 8x2=16 o cy Gi) ow w (wi) (wit) (vi) ) oy (i) (xii) CG) a Gio) Ww) o wi) wid) iti) ) 3) (xi) (xit) ww) o Suppose that you follow an electric field line due to a postive point charge. Do electric field and the potential increase or decrease?” 1s it true that Guass’s law states thatthe total number of lines of forces crossing any closed surface in the outward direction is proportional to the net positive charge enclosed within surface? ‘What are the factors upon which the electric flux depend? Differentiate between electrical potential difference and electric potential ata point. How can a current loop be used to determine the presence of a magnetic field in a given region of space? Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen? ‘What is galvanometer? On which principle it works? What is Magnetic Flux Density? Also write its unit. How would you position a fat lop of wire in a changing magnetic field so that there is no emf induced in the loop? A suspended magnet is Oscillating ieely in a horizontal plane. ‘The Oscillations are strongly ‘damped when a metal plate is placed under the magnet. Explain why does this occur? What is Transformer? What isits working principle? ‘What is back emf effeet in motors? Attempt any eight parts, 8x2=16 ‘Why does the resistance of conductor rise with temperature? Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a S00W, 220V light bulb than in a 100W, 220V bulb? State Kirchhoff’'s first rale and write its mathematical formula, How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source? How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an inductor —(b) a capacitor Define impedance and write the impedance expression for R ~L series circuits Differentiate between Ductile and Brite substances. How would you obtain n-type and p-type material from pure Silicon? Define Modulus of elasticity. Show that the units of Modulus elasticity and stess are the same Write two characteristics of Op-amplificr. How does the motion of an electron in a. n-type substance differ from the motion of holes ina p-type substance? ‘What isthe effect forward and reverse biasing of diode on the width of depletion region? Attempt any six parts, 6x2=12 A particle of mass 5.0 mg moves with speed of 8.0ms™. Calculate de Broglie wavelength, ‘Why don’t we observe a Compton effect with visible light? Which has the lower energy quanta? Radiowaves or X-rays. Define Spectroscopy. What are the advantages of Laser over ordinary light? PTO @) (vi) Write the names of four basic forces of nature, (vii) What information is revealed by the length and shape of the tracks of an incident particle in Wilson Cloud Chamber? (viii) What do you understand by “background radiation”? Give two sources ofthis radiation, (ix) Ifa mucleus has a half-life of (one) year, does this mean that it will be completely decayed after 2 years? SECTION-I NOTE:- Attempt any three questions. 3x 8=24 5a) Define Electric Potential. Derive the relation of electric potential at a point due to point charge. $ () A platinum wire has resistance of 10 ohm at 0°C and 20 ohm at 273°C. Find the value of temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum 3 (a) Define Solenoid. Derive an expression for the energy stored per unit volume inside the solenoid, 5 (©) Appower line 10.0m high carries a current 200A. Find the magnetic field of the wire atthe ground. 2 7a) What are Electromagnetic Waves? Discuss principle of generation, transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves. 5 (b) The current flowing into the base of a transistor is 100 4. Find its collector current J. semi caret 2, andthe mio "fifth ala of cae gin is 0. 3 8a) Whatis meant by Strain Energy? How can it be determined from the force-extension graph? 5 (©) Whatis the maximum wavelength ofthe two photons produced when a positron annihilates an electron? The rest mass energy of each is 0.51 MeV” 3 9.(@) What are building blocks of matter? Explain. 5 (b) — Whatis the energy in eV” of quanta of wavelength of 4 = $00”m. 3 19-2019(A)-24000 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019 (A) Roll No, iar aE 47 1 INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) umber: PHYSICS PAPER-Il (NEWSCHEME) — GROUP-I ‘TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE, MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting oF filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Quo. (1) The study of electric charges at rest under the action of electric forces is known as: (A) Electromagnetism (B) Electrostatics. (C) Magnetic Induction _—_(D) Electric field (2) Apparticte carrying a charge of 2e falls trough a potential difference of 37° ‘The energy acquired by itis: (A) 96x10 (8) 96x10 16x10 (0) 96x10"74 G) _Kirchhoff's 2% rule is a manifestation of law of conservation of: (A) Energy (B) Charge (©) Mass (D) Momentum (4) Formula for magnetic field duc to solenoid is given by A) Hol (B) onl © Hot ©) Hont (5) The value of permeability of fee space "1." is: (A) 40 «107 WAY (B) 4x «107 WAM! (C) Ae x10 WHAM (D) 4 x 107 HE Am (©) The Lenz's Law is also a statement of: (A) Law of Conservation of Momentum (B) Law of Conservation of Charge (C) Law of Conservation of Energy (D) Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction (1) Electric current produces magnetic field was discovered by: (A) Faraday (8) Maxwell (©) Oersted (D) Lenz (8) Theimpedance of R -L series circuit is: Wanl@ext weal rah @a-R+ x, Oe-R (9) The capacitance required to construct a resonance circuit of frequency 1000KFf2 with an inductor of Smif is: (A) 5.09 pF (B) 5.09 uF (©) 5.09mF (D) 50.9 pF (10) Substances which undergo plastic deformation until they break are called: (A) Brittle Substances (B)Non-magnetic Substances (C) Magnetic Substances (D) Ductile Substances (11) The size of base of transistor is of the order of: (A) 107m (B) 105m (Cc) 104 m (D) 10> m (12) Actwo inputs NAND gst with inputs A and B hasan output "0" if: aso (B)B is | (C)Both A and B are O (D)Both A and B xed (13) Compton wavelength is: wy @* ot ots (14) The energy required for pair production is: (A) 051 Mey (B) 102Mey (© 2.04.Mev (D) 3.06 Mey (15) The relation for Balmer Serie i writen ax eft Pred ott wy tile pe) Ores (16) 1 remis equal to: (A) 0.15y B) oo1sy (© 108 (D) 1005y (17) Subatomic particles are divided into: (A) Six groups (B) Five groups (C) Four groups (D) Three groups 19(Obj(WE)-2019(A)-24000 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019 (A) Roll No. 4473 | INTERMEDIATE PART-II 12" CLASS) Number: PHYSICS PAPER-Il (NEWSCHEME) — GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes ;CTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, Cand D. The choice which you {think is correct, fill that bubble infront ofthat question number. Use marker or pen to ill the bubbles. Cutting o filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many ‘questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank, No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled, Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNot (1). "The relation for Balmer Series is written as: 1 AW 1 fat 1 ozo tile) Oy wlse-ge) OF AH(g 2) Lremis equal to: (A) 0.18 (B) o015y (©) 105v (D) 1008 (3) Subatomic particles are divided into (A) Six groups (B) Five groups (C) Four groups (D) Three groups (@) The study of electric charges at rest under the action of electric forces is known as: (A) Electromagnetism (B) Electrostaties (C) Magnetic Induction (D) Blectrc field (8) Apparicle carrying a charge of 2¢ falls through a potential difference of 37 ‘The energy acquired by itis: (A) 96x 108 (B) 96x10" (C) 1.6 «10-197 (0) 96 «10-74 (6) Kirchhoff’s 2" rule is @ manifestation of law of conservation of: (A) Energy (B) Charge (©) Mass (D) Momentum (7) Formula for magnetic field due to solenoid is given by: (A) Hol (8) Hon © HS! (D) fio né (8) The value of permeability of free space ‘1, is: (A) 42 107 WA (B) 4x x 107 HbA Im! (C) 4x10 WhAM™! (D) 4x x 107 6 Am (9) The Lenz's Law is also a statement of: (A) Law of Conservation of Momentum (B) Law of Conservation of Charge (©) Law of Conservation of Energy (D) Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction (40) Electric current produces magnetic field was discovered by: (A) Faraday (B) Maxwell (©) Oersted (D) Lenz (11) The impedance of R- L series cireuitis: 2-4 xP @2=R sxe (z= fe+ xX, We=R (12) ‘The capacitance required to construct a resonance circuit of frequency L000KH2 with an inductor of SmH is (A) 5.09 pF (B) 5.09 uF (©) 509m (D) 50.9 pF (13) Substances which undergo plastic deformation until they break arc called: (A) Brittle Substances (B) Non-magnetic Substances (C) Magnetic Substances (D) Ductile Substances (14) The size of base of transistor is of the order of; (A) 10-6 m (B) 105m (©) 104m (D) 10% m (15) Atwo inputs NAND gate with inputs 4 and B has an output 'O' if (Ais 0 (B)B is O (C)Both A and B are 0 (D)Both A and B are 1 (16) Compton wavelengths: w w A © os (17) The energy requited for pair production is (a) 051Mev (B)LODMev (©) 2.08. Mev (D) 3.06 Mev 19(Objy( PE YE)-2019(A)-24000 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019 (A) Roll No. INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) Numbers 4475 # J PHYSICS PAPER-I (NEW SCHEME) _ GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes. OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, Cand D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fil che bubbles. Cutting oF filling two oF more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many ‘questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No ereit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNol (1) Electric current produces magnetic feld was discovered by: (A) Faraday (B) Maxwell (C) Oersted (D) Lenz (2) The impedance of R=L series cei i Weal xt @eze\Psxk @z-ko x, Oak (3) The capacitance required to construct a resonance circuit of frequency 1000KH2 with fan inductor of SmH is: (A) 5.09 pF (B) 5.09 uF (©) 5.09mF (D) 509 pF (4) Substances which undergo plastic deformation until they break are called: (A) Brittle Substances (B) Non-magnetic Substances (C) Magnetic Substances (D) Ductile Substances (5) The size of base of transistor is of the order of: (A) 10% m (105m ©) 104m (0) 107 m (© Atwo inputs NAND gate with inputs A and 2 bas an output "0" (a) Ais 0 (B) 8 is O (C)Both A and B are O (D) Both A and B are (1) Compton wavelengths: w — we ot m4 mo moe md. (8) The energy required for pair production is: (A) 0.51 Mey (B) 102. MeV (©) 204Mer () 3.06 Mev (9) The relation for Balmer Series is written as L Loa 1 wrt aul 4 5) ®@> (10) 1 rem is equal to: (A) 0.187 (B) 0.018 (© 1wsy (D) 1005v (11) Subatomic particles are divided into (A) Six groups (B) Five groups (C) Four groups (D) Three groups (12) The study of electric charges at rest under the action of electri forces is known as: (A) Electromagnetism (B)Electrostatics (C) Magnetic Induction _(D) Eleetric field (13) A particle carrying a charge of 2¢ falls through a potential difference of 3 “The energy acquired by itis: (A) 9.6108 (B) 96x10 (C)16 x10 (D) 96x 10°77 (14) Kirchhoff’s 2" rule is a manifestation of law of conservation of: (A) Energy (B) Charge (©) Mass () Momentum (15) Formula for magnetic field due to solenoid is given by (A) Hol (8) Ho nt © Ho St ©) pnt (16) The value of permeability of free space ‘yy is: (A) 40107 Wb At (B) 42 x 107 WAM! (©) 42x10 Wo Am! (D) 4x x 107 Wo Am! (17) The Lenz’s Law is also a statement of (A) Law of Conservation of Momentum (B) Law of Conservation of Charge (©) Law of Conservation of Energy (D) Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction 19(0b)) Bx Le Ve)-2019(A)-24000 (MULTAN) 2019 (A) Roll No. 4477 | INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) Number: PHYSICS PAPER-II (NEWSCHEME) _ GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice which you ink is correct, il that bubble infront of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two oF more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNoul (1) The value of permeability of free space "1, is: (A) 4x «1077 6 AI! (B) 4x 107 WHA Im! (©) dex 107 WAM! (D) 4x x 107 WAM (2) The Lenz's Law is also a statement of: (A) Law of Conservation of Momentum (B) Law of Conservation of Charge (C) Law of Conservation of Energy (D) Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction (3) Electric current produces magnetic field was discovered by: (A) Faraday (B) Maxwell (©) Oersted (D) Lenz Oh, “alga tt A aia i Mactan wasaee (9) Teeparoe jue neon areeneson it of ier Ob va an inductor of Sm is: (A) 5.09 pF (B) 5.09 uF (C) 5.09 mF (D) $0.9 pF (©) Subaane whe ud pat efron ul hy break ll: (A) Dt Soto Fe ees sabato 1 ball anes (0) Thesioc on of wane of eee (D) Z=R (A) 10° me (B) 107m (C) 104m (D) 10> m (8) Atwo inputs NAND gate with inputs 4 and B has an output 'O' if: (A) dis 0 (B) Bis O- (C)Both A and B are 0 (D)Both A and B set (©) Compton wavelength is h : \c wy ww 4 oh m4 (10) The energy required for pair production is: (A) 051 Mer (B) L.02Mey (© 2.04Mev (D) 3.06 Mev (11) The relation for Balmer Series is written as: = m§-8) oben 1 ) oO; (12) 1 remis equal to (a) oasy (B) o01sy (©) 105v (D) 100sy (13) Subatomic particles are divided into: (A) Six groups (B) Five groups, (C) Four groups (D) Three groups: (14) The study of electric charges at rest under the action of electric forces is known as (A) Electromagnetism (B) Electrostatics (C) Magnetic Induction _(D) Electric field (15) A particle carrying a charge of 2e falls through a potential difference of 3 ‘The energy acquired by itis (a) 96108 (B) 946x105 ©) 16 «10°F () 9.6x10"74 (16) Kirchhof?’s 2“ rule is a manifestation of law of conservation of: (A) Energy. (B) Charge (©) Mass (D) Momentum (17) Formula for magnetic field due to solenoid is given by. A) tot (B) Ha mt (©) we SI () uo nt 19(0b) (Be Be Pe Ye}-2019(4)-24000 (MULTAN) 2019 (A) Roll No: INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) PHYSICS PAPER-II_ (NEW SCHEME) GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 2.40 Hours SUBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 68 NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book, @ «i Gil) @w) o wi wi) iti) @ 9 i) (xii) 3. o w Git) ww) “ wi) wit) iti) (x) ow) (xi) xii) @ a) ii) as given the question paper. SECTION-I Attempt any eight parts. 8x 2=16 \Weite the names of main pars of xerography and draw its diagram. Define electric lux and write its formula, Also give its SI unit, Suppose that you follow an electric feld line due to a positive point charge. Do electric field and the potential increase or decrease? Is E necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon if balloon is spherical? ‘Assume that charge is distributed uniformly over the surface. A solenoid 15 em long has 300 turns of wire. A current of 5.04 flows through it, What is the magnitude of magnetic field inside the solenoid? Differentiate between sensitive and dead beat galvanometer. Also define sensitivity of galvanometer, ‘Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity ‘Why is there no work done by the magnetic force that acts on the charge?” ‘A loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its plane parallel to the pole faces. What happens if'a direct current is put through the coil? What happens if ‘an altemating current is used instead? Write any two methods in which the current is induced in coil Why the motor is overloaded? Give the reason. ‘When an electric motor, such as an electric dil, is being used, does it also act as a generator? If 0 what is the consequence of this? ‘Can a D.C. motor be tured into a D.C generator? What changes are required to be done? Attempt any eight parts. 8x 2=16 Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential ‘What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohm's law? Write four sources of Current. ‘What is meant by A.M and FM.? How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a $0 Hz source? What do you mean by root mean square value of voltage and write its formula? Distinguish between soft and hard magnetic materials with examples. Which is more elastic, steel or rubber? Why? Differentiate between ductile and britle substances. ‘What isthe net charge on a n-type or a p-type substance? ‘What isthe effect of forward and reverse biasing of a diode on the width ofthe depletion region? What is Potential Barrier? What is the value of potential barier of Silicon and Germanium? Attempt any six parts. 6x2=12 ‘A beam of red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the same energy. ‘Which beam contains the greater number of photons? ‘We do not notice the de Broglie wavelength for a pitched cricket ball? Explain why? ‘What are the measurements on which two observers in relative motion will always agree upon? PTO ww) o ) wi) iti) x) NOTE: - Sa) 0) 64a) w 7.4) ) 8a) ) 9.0) ) @) Can X— rays be reflected, refracted, difftacted and polarized just like any other waves? Explain. Explain why laser acti ccan not oceur without population inversion between atomic levels? ‘What do you understand by “background radiation”? State two sources of this radiation. How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer? fsomeone accidentally swallows an 2 —source and af ~source which would be the more dangerous to him’? Why? Define absorbed dose(D) and write its SI unit SECTIO! Attempt any three questions. 3x 8=24 ‘What is Potentiometer? How itis used as potential divider and to measure an emf of a cell? 14242 ‘A capacitor has a capacitance of 2.5 x 10°8F. In the charging process, electrons are removed from one plate and placed on the other one. When the potential difference between the plates is 450’, how many electrons have been transferred? (@=16x10-PC) + Desctbe the method to dessin the 9, ofan elect. 5 A square coil of side has 200 turns and rotates in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0057 ithe petkemtis 12Y Whats the angular veoetyofthecil? 3 Esplin the RLC parle resonance cei, Deen the value of sont equeney and write down is properties. 14242 Calculate the gin of non-inverting amplifier shown in fi 3 JoKn + — Ov * ‘Whats energy band theory? How behaviours of electrical conductors, insulators and semi-conductor ean be explained on the basis of energy band theory. 5 A bar 1.0 min length and located along x-axis moves witha speed of 0.75 e with respect @ stationary observer. What isthe length of bar as measured bythe stationary observer. 3 State Botr's model of Hydrogen atom, Derive relation for quantized rai 5 A sheet of lead 5.0 mm thick reduces the intensity of a beam of —rays by a factor 0.4 Find half value thickness of lead sheet which will reduce the intensity to half of its initial value. 3 20-2019(A)-10000. (MULTAN) [Paper Goae 2019 (A) 1 Rall No. | INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) Numbers 4472 ‘ » PHYSICS PAPER-Il (NEWSCHEME) _ GROUP-II TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct fill that bubble in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. (Cutting or filing two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many ‘questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNot (1) The electric potentat at mid point in an electie dipole is: osy (ov ory ©) 15Vv 2) Negative of potential gradient is equal to: (A) Magnetcintensity (2) Electric fx (©) Blectientensity (D) Magnetic fax 8) Dri velocity of electors is of the onder of (A) 10? ns! (B) 107 ms" (C10? ms (D) 10° ms“! (4) The Stunt of magnetic induction is (A) Weber (8) Gauss (©) Tesla Nm (5) Across (+) represen the dirstion of magnetic eld (A) Out of page (B) Tangent to page (©) Parallel to page (D) In to the page (6) Theonly difference beween the consiniston of AC and D.C generator is (4) Cabon Brushes (B) Commutator (ceil (O) Magnetic fed (7) Inthe phase A.C supply, the cols are incined at an angle of (a) 0° (B) 90° (©) 130° (D) 120° (8) The Sunitot VEC is (A) Second (B) Ampere (C) Hertz (D) Farad (9) Inextinsie semiconductors, doping is of the order of (A) 1 atom to 104 (B) | atom to 10° (©)1 atom to 106 (D) L atom to 10° (10) The operation of complementation s performed by (A) AND Gate (@) OR Gue (XORGae (DY NOT Gate (11) Inop-amp,the input resistance i ofthe order of (A) Severl Mega Ohms (B) Several Kilo Ohms (C)Few Ohms (D) Hundred Ohms (12) Tretior * taste dimen ot tay time.” (B) Mass. (©) Length (D) Energy (13) The value of Stefen’s constant "o" is given by: (A) 5.67 x 10 Wim? > (8) 5.67 x10 Wm? K+ (C) 5.67 « 108 Wm? kK? (D) 5.67 « 10° W2m?K > (14) The pica nuclei have diameter less han (A) 104m B10 m (€) 107m (0) 108m (15) The particles which donot experience strong musa fore are ale: (A) Haons (6) Baryons (©)Lepions ——_(D) Mesons (16) ine ~131isused forthe treatment of (A) Thyroid glands: (B) Bones (C) Lungs: (D) Eyes (17) The tem SF has the same unis as: (ayrine @) Cure (©) Blecromotive free (D) Magni ux 20(ObjW)-2019(A)-10000 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019(A) 4 Roll No. INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12 CLASS) amber 4474 i PHYSICS PAPER-II (NEWSCHEME) — GROUP-II TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes. OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 ‘Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D, The choice which you ‘think is correct, fll hat bubble infront of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Catting or filling (wo or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many ‘questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNot (1) Inthree phase A.C supply, the coils ae inclined at an angle of; (A) 0” (B) 0” © 130% (@) 120° (2) The Sl unit of JZC is: (A) Seoond (B) Ampere (C) Hertz (D) Farad G)__ Inextrinsic semiconductors doping is ofthe order of: (A) Latomto 104 (B) 1 atom to 108 (C) 1 atom to 106 (D) 1 atom to 10° ) _Theopertion of complementation is performed by: (A) AND Gate (8) OR Gate (C)XORGae ——_(D) NOT Gate (9) Imop-amp, the input resistance is ofthe onder of (A) Several Mega Ohms (B) Several Kilo Ohms. (C) Few Ohms (D) Hundred Ohms (©) Te factor as the dimensions of (A) Time : (B) Mass (C) Length (D) Energy (7) The value of Stefen’s constant "o" is given by: (A) 5.67« 107° Wm 2K? (B) 5.67 x 10° Wm? K (C) 5.67 x 108 Wm? K? (D) 5.67 x 10° W 2m? (©) Thetypical nuclei have diameter les than (A) 10-4 (B) 1072 m (C) 101m @) 108m (9) Thepanicles which do not experience strong nuclear free are called (A) Hedrons (®) Baryons (©) Leptons (©) Mesons (10) Iodine ~ 151i used forthe treatment of: (A) Thyroid glands (8) Bones (©) Langs ©) Eyes (1) Theterm ae ‘has the same units as: (ayTime (8) Current (©) Blectromotive force (D) Magnetic ux (12) Theelectic potential at mid point in an electric dipole is wosv @)0v uv @)15v (13) Negative of poteatal gradient is equal o: (A)Magnetc intensity (B) Electric fx (©) Bevti intensity (D) Magnetic x (14) Drift velocity of eletrons is ofthe order of: (A) 10 kms“ (B) 107 ms“! (©) 10° ms (D) 10% ms! (15) The Sl unit of magnetic induction i (A) Weber (@) Gauss (©) Testa (Nm (16) A ross (x) represents the direction of magnetic eld: (A) Out of page (B)Tangentto page ——_—_(C) Parallel topaye (D) Into the page (17) ‘The only diference between the construction of A.C and D.C generators (A) Carbon Brushes (©) Commutator cet (D) Magnetic fet 20(0bj PE)-2019(A)-10000 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019 (A) Roll No. INTERMEDIATE PART-UI (12" CLASS) Number. 4476 5 " PHYSICS PAPER-II (NEWSCHEME) — GROUP-II TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes. OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number, Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles, Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit will he awarded in ‘case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNod (1) The SI unit of magnetic induction is: (A) Weber (B) Gauss (©) Tesla (O)Nm 2) Across () represents the direction of magnetic field (A) Out of page (B) Tangent to page (C) Parallel to page (D) In to the page 3) The only difference between the construction of A.C and D.C generator is; (A) Carbon Brushes (B) Commutator (©) Coit (D) Magnetic field (4) Inthree phase A.C supply, the coils are inclined at an angle of: (a 0° (B) 90” (©) 130" (py 120° (8) The Sl unit of ZC is: (A) Second (B) Ampere (©) Herz (0) Farad (6) Inextrinsic semiconductors, doping is ofthe order of: (A) 1 atom to 104 (B) 1 stom to 10° (©) Latom to 10% —(D) 1 atom to 10° (1) The operation of complementation is performed by: (A) AND Gate (B) OR Gare (C)XORGate ——_(D) NOT Gate (8) Inop-amp, the input resistance is ofthe order of (A) Several Mega Ohms (B) Several Kilo Ohms (C)FewOhms ——_(D) Hundred Ohms 9) The ctor haste dimensions of: Time (B) Mass (C) Length, (D) Energy (10) The value of Stefen’s constant "or is given by: (A) 5.67 «10-8 Wr? (B) 5671082 (©) 5.67108 Wim2K? (DY 8.67 «10° m2? (11) The typical nuclei have diameter less than: (&) 10-4 m (B10 m (©) 107m (0) 10m (12) The particles which do not experience strong nuclear force are called (A) Hadrons (B) Baryons (C) Leptons: (D) Mesons (13) Iodine ~ 131 is used for the treatment of (A) Thyroid glands (B) Bones (C) Lungs (D) Eyes (14) Theserm 2 has the same units as (AyTime (B) Current (C)Electromotive foree (D) Magnetic flux (15) The electric potential at mid point in an electric dipole is ayosy (ov iv () 15v (16) Negative of potential gradient is equal t: (A) Magnetic intensity __(B) Bleetrie fux (C) Electric intensity (D) Magnetic flux (17) Drift velocity of electrons is ofthe order of (A) 108 kms“! (B) 107 ms (©) 10? ms! (0) 10% ms“! 20(0bj)( BEY L).2019(A)-10000 (MULTAN) 1 Code 2019 (A) 9 ROI INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12 CLASS) Numbers 4478 see AS tee PHYSICS PAPER-II_ (NEW SCHEME) GROUP-IL TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE, MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question a A, B, Cand D. The choice which you think is correct, fil that bubble infront ofthat question numer. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Catting oF filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No ered wil be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled, Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNot (1) ‘The partite which do nt experience strong nuclear force ae calle (A) Hadrons (B) Baryons (©) Leptons (©) Mesons @) Iodine ~131 is used for the reatment of (A) Thyroid glands (8) Bones (©) Langs (D) Eyes ©) Thetem 4 has he same units as: (atime (8) Current (C) Blectromotive force (D) Magnetic fx (4) The lectrc potential at mid point in an elect dipole is (ayosy ov iv () 15V (5) Negative of potential gradient is equal to: (A) Magnetic intensity (B) Electr fux (©) Electric intensity (D) Magnetic flux (6) Diitt velocity of electrons i ofthe order of: (4) 10° ms (8) 107 ms“! (© 10st ©) 105 ms The Stunit of magnet induction is: (A) Weber (8) Gauss (© Testa (Nm (8) Accross (x) represents the direction of magneti field (A) Out of page (B) Tangent 0 page (©) Paraltet to page (D) Into the page (®) The only difference between the construction of A.C and D.C generators: (A) Carbon Brushes (8) Commutator (Coit (D) Magnetic fetd (10) Inthree phase A.C supply, the coils are inclined at an angle of 0° (B) 90? (130? (©) 120° (11) The St unit of JZC is: (A) Second (B) Ampere (Hen (©) Farad (12) _Ineextrinsc semiconductors, doping is ofthe order of (A) | atom'o 10* (8) 1 atom to 108 (©) 1 atom to 10° (D) L atom to 10° (13) The operation of complementation i performed by: (A) AND Gate (8) OR Gate (C)XORGawe (DY NOT Gate (14) Inop-amp, the input resistance is ofthe order of: (A) Several Mega Ohms (B) Several Kilo Ohms (C) Few Ohms —_(D) Hunéred Ohms (15) The actor "has the dimensions of (A) Time @) Mass (©) Length (0) Bneray (16). The value of Stefen’s constant "a" is givenby: (A) 5.67 10°82 (8) 5.67 «10-8 Wm 2K-* (©) 5.67% 108Wm2K? —(D) 5.67 «10-8 WI m2? (17) The typical nuctet have diameter less than: (B) 107 my (©)10%m (0) 107m 20(Obj WE We Le Yx}-2019(A)-10000 (MULTAN) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION.MULTAN OBJECTIVE KEY FOR INTERMEDIATE ANNUAL EXAMINATION,2019 Name of Subject: DhuySaes <7 susson Alysia Grove: tt, (croup: 2nd . | Pape ode| Paper Coe] Paper Code] Paper Coue| [| a. [raper cote Pape Code] Paper Code | Paper cose noe WHT) [4473 [ales [4497 | |noe] Gyre [H47% | 4K [Ure 1[ 8B A ce A 1| B@ [Dp c & 2[ 8 ailate z[e Ta TD Ta 3] A D dD c 3| 8 ic Ble «| BT BT DTA «Te Tp [pols S| AL SB] ata Hip A IA [pes s{[ eT al plop ell ret She ec | 8 7] ¢ Bl ¢ Ta 7] D 8 D < eA th B19 ela A lA DB a) c A Cc alive. c c B wl D c g g wl D Als D ni ALA DIA ul A ce A A wi D A B g nle g os S al c di eB D wl RB & A D wl RQ A A B “lA B c A sl[ A [D 8 B ble c B c we] B ] A A «lA D < [8 47} 3D B Cc 8B wie B B A ® 8 9 8 x SBF versions 5 fatal gg ir. PUP GE. ASL Furic Bit hot Lt i ‘Ricne dab e NEL es Prepared & Checked By: 1: 14-05-2014 Sit Name Designation] Institution Mobile No 1 | Shabby $4576 | ise Dep | Cre. Guid hve abl 2 [ALi Hurain Gillen|Awe. prop. [Govt Emarbom 2 |Ablal Cphans teh fh Oil, Ga? A ts Calle Ah BOE Vc 4 5 is [Bache Pad | A-P od ca lege in Re-Checked By -¢ of Wie JAP APE nL lnarKey Bray 1 | Zan Toga [ae |G Pe Gregelg-c Bande’ 2 s L 2019 (A) Roll No: ‘TERMEDIATE PART-II (12 CLASS) PHYSICS PAPER-II (OLDSCHEME) —_GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 3.10 Hours SUBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 83 NOTE: - Write same question number and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTION-1 2 Attempt any Eight parts. 8x2=16 (Define Capacitor and Capacitance. Also define Farad. Gi) Show that: Ohm x Farad = Second ii) How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged? (iv) _Deseribe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed between plates with similar and equal charge. (¥) Define Magnetic fx and flux density. (vi) Whatis pivoted type galvanometer? Explain briefly. (vii) How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes ofa chemical element? (vill) Why the voltmeter should have a very high resistance? (ix) State Faraday’s Law and Len2’s Law. (8) Define mutual induction and self induction. (xi) When an electric motor such as an electri drill, is being used, does it also act as a generator? Iso what are the consequences ofthis? (xii) Can an electric motor be used to drive an electric generator with the output from the generator being used to operate the motor. 3 Attempt any Eight parts. 8x2 (i) How many electrons pass through a wire in 30 seconds if 30 ma current is passing through it? Gi) Determine why the terminal potential difference ofa battery decreases whea the current drawn from itis increased? 16 Gil) Why does the resistance of s conductor rise with temperature? (iv) How the reception ofa particular radio station is selected on your radio set? () Ina R-L cireuit, will the current lag or lead the voltage? Illustrate your answer by a vector diagram, (vi) When 104” are applied to an A.C. cieuit, the current flowing in itis 100md.. Find its impedance. (vii) Distinguish between para and ferromagnetic, Write their example. (vii) What do you mean by remanenee or rtantivity? (ix) Write four uses of super conductors. (%) Why a photo diode is operated in reverse biased state? (xi) What is meant by forward biasing and reverse biasing? (xii) Define and draw the symbols of PNP and NPN transistor, 4 Attempt any Six parts. 6 2=12 ("Which has lower energy quanta, Radiowaves or X-rays? Gi) Define stopping potential and threshold frequency. (ii) Show that a material object cannot attain speed of light by using theory of relativity. (iy) How can the spectrum of Hydrogen contain so many lines when Hydrogen contains one electron?” (¥) Write any two postulates of Bohr’s model of the Hydrogen atom. (vi) A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why? (vil) What makes a fusion reaction difficult to achieve? (vii) Define Black body and Black body radiations. (ix) Define) Curie ii) Absorbed dose Pro Q@) ‘SECTION-H (Essay Type) NOTE: - Attempt any three questions. Bx3=04 5a) Define power dissipation. Derive different equations used for calculating the power dissipation in resistors. +4 (b) Two opposite point charges, each of magnitude q are separated by a distance 2d. ‘What isthe electric potential ata point p mid-way between them? 3 64a) State and explain Ampere'scircuital law and apply this law to calculate the magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid. 3 (©) The back emf'in a motor is 120V when the motor is turning at 1680 rev per minute. ‘What isthe back emf when the motor turns 3360 rev per minute? 3 74a) Write note on transistor as an amplifier. $ (b) —_Analternating source of emf 12/” and frequency SO: is applied to a capacitor of capacitance 3,uF in series with a resistor of resistance 1k . Calculate the phase angle. 3 8a) State and explain uncertainty principle and write its different forms. 5 (b) A. LOm long Copper wire is subjected to stretching force and its length is increased by 20Cm CCaleulate the tensile strain and percent elongation which the wire under goes. 3 9a) Define laser and explain the process of production of laser. +4 (b) How much energy is absorbed by a man of mass 80kg who receives a lethal whole body equivalent dose of 400 rem in the form of low energy neutrons for Which RBE factoris 1023 SE RACTICAL) 10. (a) Give answers to any Four. 4x2=8 (Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low? Explain, Gi). What is the unit of potential difference? Define it (Gil) How is an ammeter and a voltmeter connected in @ circuit? Gv) State Ohm’s law. Write its mathematical form, (8) What is photo electric effect? (vi) Write the truth table of AND-gate with symbol, (vil) What is Work function? (viii) What is a Capacitor? Define Farad. (b) Write down the brief procedure to find the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method, 3 OR Write down the procedure to verify the truth table for OR-gate and NOT-gate, (©) Answer the questions given below on the basis of the following graph. 4 Graph-A (i) What do you infer from graph? (ii) Find the slope between R Resistance) and 1 (Temperature). OR Graph-B_ (@) Find the slope of graph at point 'p’ (ii) What do you infer from the graph? GrapheA 19-201%A}-[0 (MULTAN) Paper Code 2019 (A) Roll No. Number: 847] | INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12 CLASS) PHYSICS PAPER-II (OLDSCHEME) — GROUP-I TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE MAXIMUM MARKS: 17 Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A,B, C und D. The choice which you think is correct, fil that cirele in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No eredit will be awarded in ease BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.1 () "The lectrostatc force as compared to the gravitational force is (A)Verystong —(B) Very weak (C) Zero (©) Equal @) Ifthe potential difference across the two plates of parallel plate capacitor is doubled then the energy stored in the eapacitor will be: (A) 2 times (B)4 times (©) 16 times (D) Remain same G) The graphical representation of Ohm's law is: (A) Straight line (B) Parabola (©Hyperbola (D) Ellipse (4) _Inorder to increase the range of voltmeter, the series resistance is: (A) Increased (B) Decreased (C)Keptconstant (D) Sometimes increased and sometimes decreased (5) Ohmmeter is used to measure: (A) Current (B)Resistance _—_(C) Potential difference (D) Power, (6) The direction of induced current is such that it opposes the cause which induces it. This isthe statement of: (A) Faraday’s aw (B) Ampere’s law (C) Lenz's law (D) Gauss's law (7) The SI unit of mutual inductance is: (ay Vott (B) Ampere (Testa (D) Henry (8) ‘The phase angle between the yoltage and current in A.C circuit through resistors: yo (B) 90° (©1808 (D) 60” (9) Ina pure inductance coil, the power dissipated is: (A)Zero—(B) Infinite (C) Maximum (D) Sometimes maximum and sometimes minimum, (10) When a stress changes the shape of body, i is called: (A) Shear stress (B) Tensile stress (C)Compressional stress (D) Volumetric stress (11) InPAype substances majority charge carriers are: (A) Electrons () Protons (€) Positrons (D) Holes (12) A diode characteristic curve isa graph between: (A) Current and resistance (B) Voltage and time (C) Voltage and current (D) Current and time (13) Compton shift is maximum at an angle: (ay 0” (B) 45° 90” (0) 180° (14) Pair produetion can take place by using (A) X-rays (B)Alpharays ——_(C)Betarays, ©) 7-nays (15) The potential required to lift an electron from ground state to excited state is called: (A) Ionization potential (B) Excitation potential (C) Critical potential (D) Absolute potential (16) The isotope }H contains: (A) One neutron (B) Two neutron (C) No neutron (D) Three neutron (17) When a nucleus emits alpha particle, its charge number decreases by a2 @3 ©s 6 19(0biK}-2019(4)-/2O (MULTAN) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION.MULTAN ‘OBJECTIVE KEY FOR ITERMEDEAT ANNUAL EXAMINATION,2019! Name of Subject: Physics ‘Session: ‘anos | Paper oae | Paper Code | Paper code | Paper Code 847) 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A e B 6 cf 7 DB 8 A oA ‘0 A it D 2 c 8 D 14 D 6 B 6 c 7 A 18 1 2 serdtagdetnsilie ne able FL Set thu L£ Syllabus 27 2 < ae ep Lictbt AT Version, -< WF versions Aust Weggarh fa. eMywlipe cp SpRe Likeyd Aap PUPIL Se be SEA. FeLi Rubies Li hotly it IPL aE sine Sakey Gu Sol ale Vober Ses Prepared & Checked By: Dated: 0S «20/9 # Name Designation Institution Mobile No_| Signature 3 1 | Shama seit [Assocntetd: Govt Cunt Le [ese173bead 2 — 2 [sf ikaw Homan | py? Govt. MMA LW Belor32hado PY) ge 3 | ca leer dlat A hor F-tolheg lof Secoruel wyo}-Thoetpr e a 5 Re-Checked By sD UM g SE AE Lota Key Far + ec driool A 1 lane Jobne AP |G.€ bRenewer bsngnee} ZQA 2 620190 dire LY 3

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