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Basic Electrical Power Distribution

The primary function of the electric power distribution system in a building or facility is to receive
power at one or more supply points and to deliver it to lighting, elevators, chillers, motors, and all
other electrical loads.
Major factors considered while designing an electrical distribution system are :
1) Safety

2) Regulatory requirements

3) Least initial cost

4) Maximum reliability

5) Maximum flexibility and expandability

6) Minimum operating cost

7) Minimum maintenance cost

8) Maximum power quality

Fig. 1 - Typical Power System
Basic Electrical Power Distribution
Mainly 3 types of power distribution scheme – 0% redundant, 50 % redundant, and 100%
redundant. A 100% redundant system is the most preferable distribution scheme for industrial plants
which requires high reliability. Two(2) 100% rated systems will work at 50% loading during normal
Secondary-Selective System: A switchgear assembly consisting of two buses connected with a
single bus tie breaker. Each bus has one breaker to receive incoming power. (i.e., power flow into and
between the two busses is controlled with three breakers).

Fig. 2 - Typical Secondary Selective Power Distribution System

Basic Electrical Distribution is developed based on the Electrical Distribution philosophy defined in the
scope( defining power boundary ) or electrical design basis document ( voltage levels to be maintained
depending on power magnitude)
Electrical Distribution System at LV side
Power Demand – The total amount of electrical power that is being consumed at a given time.
It depends on the Load Category and Duty categories.
Load Categories for an Underground Metro Stations are –
1. Normal load shall receive power from two (2) transformers for all stations and comprise of the following in
addition to those listed as essential and critical loads :
a. Normal lighting b. Escalators
c. Power socket outlets d. Station Air conditioning System
e. Station Ventilation System

2. Essential loads shall receive power supply from standby Diesel Generator sets for all stations in case normal
power is not available :
a. Fire Fighting system b. Tunnel Ventilation system
c. Essential Station Air conditioning System d. Essential Station Ventilation system
e. Lifts f. Escalators (Emergency)
g. Pumps in stations and tunnels h. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
i. Emergency small power outlet
3. Very essential (Critical) loads shall receive power supply from UPS with 2 hours operation time, which in turn
shall be fully backed up by DG power. It shall be comprised of the following:
a. Telecommunication system b. Fire detection and Alarm system
c. Signaling system d. AFC System
e. Master clock system f. Public address system
f. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) g. PC work stations in SCR
h. SCADA – E&M, PS & TVE i. Emergency lighting
j. Tunnel and Cross passage lighting k. Tunnel and cross passage emergency evacuation signage lighting
l. Exit and emergency sign m. Platform Screen Door System

Duty Categories are typically three types –

1. Continuous Operating (C)
2. Intermittent Operating (I)
3. Stand By (S)
The total amount of power demand of the project shall be the sum of C, I & S with a suitable demand
Demand factor for C = 1, I = 0.33 – 0.8 & S = 0 – 0.05
Design Margin – 10%-20% & Spare future capacity – 10%-20%
Typical Schematic Diagram for Power Distribution from Sub Station

Fig. 3 - Typical Schematic for Power Distribution System as per CPWD guidelines
SLD – Single Line Diagram
Key SLD or Overall SLD is developed indicating the entire power distribution of the metro station along with the
Substations and locations of each substation and panel. This is the overall power plan.
Area wise SLD will be developed after the Equipment Sizing( defining individual S/S transformer sizing and no. of
feeders necessary to cater that area load)
Key SLD or Overall SLD is developed indicating the following -
1. Power arrangement from Incomer Sources with their ratings
2. Protection & Metering requirements for distribution system
3. Switchboard/ Panels names, Connected Load, Maximum Demand & Location
3. Number of switchgear assemblies (Incomer feeder & Outgoing feeder) in a switchboard and redundancy
4. Power distribution at HT side and LT side
5. HT & LT Voltage levels
6. Bus bar material ( Al or Cu) and Short circuit withstand capacities based on the Design Philosophy document or
Design Basis document
7. Type of protection & starters to be considered for Motor Feeders
8. Emergency Power distribution philosophy
9. Power Factor Compensation requirement
10. Conductor type as Cable or Busduct and their details
11. General information related to the project and the design philosophy like Title of the sheet, No of revisions,
Notes, Legends,& Interlocking Matrix

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