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· Welcome to the 9th session!!!

· 1. I have great memories of an exhibition I saw once at Bristol Museum
featuring works by the street artist Banksy. In this exhibition, the artist was
allowed to use the permanent exhibits of the museum as well as showing
his own work. As a result, some of the pieces made me laugh. I remember a
huge stone statue of a lion in the entrance hall sitting above the hat and
jacket of what you were supposed to think was its owner. The lion looked
so pleased with itself you could just imagine how much it would have
enjoyed that meal!
· Memory (Collocations): happy memory / pleasant memory / positive
memory / vague memory / childhood memory / early memory
· Feature (Verb):
· 1. To inclue a particular person or thing as a special feature.
· This movie features Jim Carry as a progessor.
· 2. To have an important part in STH.
· Olive and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.
· WorkS (Noun): Books / Music / Art (A book, a piece of muic or even a
· The collected works of Davinci.
· Works of literature.
· Exhibit (Noun): an objecr or a work of art put in a public place for example
in a museum so that people can see it.
· The museum contains some interesting exhibits on Spanish culture.
· Sth + can / could / is likely to + make + SB + Simple verb
· Swimming can make me feel relaxed.
· Teaching cannot bore me at all.
· Pessimism (Noun)/ Pessimistic (Adjective) / Pessimit (Noun).
· I don't believe in pessimism.
· My brother is a pessimistic teacher.
· She is a pessimist. I hate her.

Picture / photo / Image Description

· The verb tense used to describe an image is “Present Continuous”

The photo may have been taken years and years ago, but you are looking at the
picture now and you are asked to describe the picture now; therefore, you should
use present continuous to describe different features of the picture.
Remember: things are happening in the picture.
· • The girl is sitting on a chair and she is reading a book.
· • The boy is looking at his watch and he is smiling.

Try to look at the image as carefully as possible and try to make out any of the
· • Similarities
· • Contrasts
· • Sizes
· • Contrasting Feelings / Emotions
· • Background features
· • Clothes
· • Appearance
· We start describing by using one the following phrases:
· • In this picture I can see …
· • This picture shows …
· • This is a picture of …
· • This picture depicts …
· • This picture illustrates …
· • This picture is a fine example of ….
· • This picture is a great illustration of …
· • The image displays …
· • In the foreground of the photo I can see …
· • I can see … in the background.
· When you are 100% sure about the features of the picture:
· • There is a …. / there is an …
· • There are some …
· • There are many …
· • There are a lot of …
· • There are lots of …
· • There are quite a few …
· • The girl in the picture …
· • The boy in the picture …
· • The other girl is ….
· • The other boy is …
· When you are not sure, you will have to speculate:
· • I think …
· • I guess …
· • It seems to me that …
· • The girl / boy seems to be …
· • The girl / boy seems …
· • The girl / boy looks …
· • I am not sure, but I think …
· • The girl might / may / could be …
· • The girl / boy is probably …
· • Probably …
· • The girl / boy is possibly …
· • Maybe …
· • Perhaps …
· • It is possible that …
· • It is probable that …
· Try to add information by using one the followings:
· • Moreover,
· • In addition,
· • What’s more,
· • Furthermore,
· • and …
· • also …
· • as well (as this) …
· • … too
· • Plus …
· • Besides …
· • Additionally

Explaining possible reasons:

· • Probably due to …
· • Probably due to the fact that …
· • Possibly due to …
· • Possibly due to the fact that …
· • Probably because …
· • Possibly because …
· • Probably because of the fact that …

Contrasting ideas:
· • But
· • However,
· • Although / even though / though
· • Despite / despite the fact that
· • In spite of …
· • In spite of the fact that …
· • Nevertheless, …
· • Nonetheless ...
· • While …
· • Whereas …
· • Unlikely …

· • Both … and … are
· • The girl and the boy both are …
· • The girl looks like a …
· • The boy is similarly ...
· • Similarly, ….
· • Equally …
· • Likewise, …
· • By the same token …
· • The girl and the mother look alike.
· • Considering ….
· • Regarding …
· • With regard to …
· I can see a child who is smiling on the left side. Likewise, there is a girl who
is smiling on the right side.
· Magic Wand (Noun)

Outing (Noun): a trip that you go on for pleasure or education, usually with
a group of people lasting no more than one day.
· We went on an outing to Londong.
· A family outing.

Blunt (Adjective): Very direct, saying exactly what you think without trying
to be polite.
· She has a reputation for blunt speaking.
· Preferences

1. Prefer
· Prefer + Noun / ing + to + noun / ing
· I prefer biology to math.
· I prefer studying biology to studying math.

2. Would prefer + to + rather than + to / NO to

· I would prefer to have the lesson on Wednesdays rather than (to)
have it on Fridays.

3. Would rather + Bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive.

· I would rather go on a trip with my friends than my family.

· 1) Workbook (Review Unit 7) (Page 82 & 83)

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