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Correlation Doesn’t Mean Cause

Elly Whitaker
Name: ___________________________
Directions: Graph the following linear inequalities.

1. Identify the following scatter plots as having a positive correlation,

negative correlation, or no correlation. Explain your reasoning.
a. Scatter Plot 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There is no correleation becuase there is no defining slope.

Continue on the following page.

b. Scatter Plot 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There is a negative slope because the Y lowers as the X increases causing a downward slope.

c. Scatter Plot 3





10 20 30 40 50 60

There is no correlation because there is no defining slope.

Continue on the following page.

d. Scatter Plot 4






0 5 10 15 20 25

There is a positive slope because because both the X and Y axis increase creating an uprising slope.

2. The following are correlation coefficients for independent and dependent

variables. Based on the coefficients, analyze the data and describe the
correlation between the independent and dependent variables.

This correlation is strong and positive.

b. -0.45

This correlation is weak and negative.


This correlation is strong and positive.

d. -0.99

This correlation is strong and negative.

Continue on the following page.

3. Use the following table to answer questions (a – c).

x 1 2 3 4 7 8 10
y 1 3 6 2 9 6 7

a. Graph the points above as a scatter plot.

b. Calculate the correlation coefficient.

c. Based on your calculation in part (b) describe the correlation between the
x and y. Explain your reasoning.

Continue on the following page.

4. Use the following table to answer questions (a – c).

x 1 2 3 4 7 8 10
y 9 7 6 1 -2 -5 -8

a. Graph the points above as a scatter plot.

b. Calculate the correlation coefficient.

c. Based on your calculation in part (b) describe the correlation between the
x and y. Explain your reasoning.

Continue on the following page.

5. The data below are the heights of mothers (x values) and their corresponding
daughters (y values).

x y
63 59
67 65
64 65
60 61
65 65
67 67
59 61
60 63
58 60
72 71
63 62

a. Calculate the correlation coefficient of the data.

0.274. 0.274 rounded is 0.30

b. Based on the correlation coefficient, is there a correlation between the

heights of daughters and mothers? Explain your answer.

This correlation is a weak possitive because when one variable increases, the other variable tends to
increase as well, but in a weak or unreliable manner.

Continue on the following page.

6. A person’s lean body mass measures how much non-fat mass a person has.
This includes bones, muscles and organs. A person’s metabolic rate is how
much energy a body burns while at rest. Below are the body mass and
metabolic rates for 12 people.
body mass metabolic
(in kg) rate (cal/day)
36.1 0995
54.6 1425
48.5 1396
42.0 1418
50.6 1502
42.0 1256
40.3 1189
33.1 0913
42.4 1124
34.5 1052
51.1 1347
41.2 1204
a. Create a scatter plot for the body masses and metabolic rates.

Continue on the following page.

b. Calculate the correlation coefficient.

0.876. 0.876 rounded is 0.90.

c. Use the scatter plot and the correlation coefficient to explain if there is a
correlation between body mass and metabolic rate.

It looks like there is a strong positive correlation.

d. Will a person’s body mass go up if their metabolic rate goes up? Explain
your answer.

Yes because there is a strong correlation between the body mass and metabolic rate. The higher the
metabolic rate was the higher the the body mass got. Both X and Y axises rise in a similar fashion.

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